How much promotion on instagram

How to Boost Instagram Posts and Reels

What is Instagram promotion (a.k.a. Instagram boost)?

How to promote an Instagram post

How to promote an Instagram post or Reel in Hootsuite

What types of Instagram posts can you boost?

Instagram post promotion cost

Benefits of promoting an Instagram post

5 tips for Instagram post promotion

Do you have a great Instagram post or Reel you want more people to see? Are you looking to boost engagement on your existing posts? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then it might be time to promote your posts and Reels. Instagram promotion (a.k.a. Instagram boosting) is a great way to get your content in front of more people and rake in those precious likes, comments, and shares.

In this post, we’ll give you some tips on how to promote Instagram posts for maximum reach and impact. Plus, some top-secret industry tips you won’t get anywhere else.

Let’s get started!

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

What is Instagram promotion (a.k.a. Instagram boost)?

Instagram promotion is the act of paying to have your post seen by more people. When you promote or “boost” a post on Instagram, it will appear in the feeds of users who don’t follow you. Promoted posts can also appear in the Stories or the Explore tab.

Instagram boosts and promoted posts are a type of Instagram advertising. You’ll have the ability to target your audience by interest, location, and more.

The benefit of promoting your post is that you can reach a larger audience and get more engagement on your posts, which can lead to more followers.

Promoted Instagram posts also give you insights into how well your content is performing and who is seeing it, beyond just your regular audience.

How to promote an Instagram post

To promote or boost an Instagram post, you’ll need to have an active Instagram Professional account. Once you have that setup, follow these steps. (And also watch our video, below!)

1. Go to your Instagram Feed and click the post you want to boost. Then, click Boost. Keep in mind, Instagram recommends only boosting posts with images smaller than 8 MB to ensure the best quality.

Not sure which posts to boost? We recommend boosting posts that are already performing well. You might also want to check out our guide to Instagram ad design to find out which types of visuals perform best as ads.

2. Next, fill in details about your ad like the Goal, Audience, Budget, and Duration. The goal is the results you hope to see from this ad while the audience is who you want to reach with your message. The budget is how much you’re willing to spend on this ad per day. The duration is how long you want your ad to run.

3. Once you finish these steps, click Next. If you haven’t already connected your Instagram account to a Facebook Page, you’ll be prompted to do that now. Choose an existing account or click Skip to move on.

4. Complete your boosted post by clicking Boost post under Review.

From there, your ad will be submitted to Instagram for review and begin running once it’s approved!

Want to see the exact process for boosting an Instagram post? Just watch the video below:

Did you know you can also create Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns directly through Hootsuite? Follow this guide to learn more.

How to promote an Instagram post or Reel in Hootsuite

If you already use Hootsuite to manage your Instagram ads, you’re in luck! You can boost Instagram feed posts and Reels directly from your Hootsuite dashboard.

To boost an Instagram feed post, follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Go to Advertise, and then select Instagram Boost.
  2. Select Find a post to Boost to see a list of your organic Instagram posts.
  3. Choose the post you want to promote, and select Boost next to it.
  4. In the Boost settings window, select the ad account you want Meta to charge for the boosted post, and select Save.
  5. Enter the rest of your Boost settings.
  6. Choose an objective (engagement, video views, or reach). Meta uses this information to show your post to people who are likely to take the action you want.
  7. Choose your audience. If you want to customize the audience, select Edit and specify which attributes to target, like location, gender, age, and interests.
  8. Choose whether you want Meta to promote your Instagram post on Facebook, or just Instagram.
  9. Set your budget and the length of your promotion.
  10. Select Boost on Instagram.

You can review the performance of your boosted Instagram posts in Hootsuite at any time by going to Advertise, and then selecting Instagram Boost.

  • Select an ad account from the list to see all Instagram Boost campaigns associated with it. From here you can see reach, amount spent, and engagement for each campaign.

You can also boost Instagram posts and Reels from Streams:

  1. In an Instagram Stream, find the post or Reel you want to boost
  2. Click the Boost post button below the preview of your post or Reel
  3. Enter your boost settings

And that’s it!

Pro tip: You can also boost Instagram posts from Composer and Planner. See the detailed instructions in our Helpdesk article.

Start your free trial. You can cancel anytime.

What types of Instagram posts can you boost?

You can boost any type of Instagram post, including:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Carousels
  • Stories
  • Posts with product tags

Boosted posts will appear in the Stories or the Explore tab. If you have an Instagram Professional account and Promote is available, you’ll see Boost Post as an option when you upload a post to your Feed.

Bonus: You can also boost Instagram Reels with a few clicks using Hootsuite. Watch our video below where we go over how you can promote your Instagram Reels:

Instagram post promotion cost

One of the biggest benefits of IG promotion is that the cost is completely up to you. Promoted posts can cost as little as $0.50 per click, and you can set a daily budget so you never spend more than you’re comfortable with.

If you’re unsure what kind of budget to use for your promoted post, try setting up a draft campaign in your Instagram Ads Manager. Here, you’ll be able to see Audience Definition and Estimated Daily Results metrics which will give you an idea of whether your budget settings will be sufficient to reach your target audience.

Benefits of promoting an Instagram post

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1 billion monthly active users. Of those users, 90% follow business accounts, which gives you an opportunity to reach a highly motivated audience.

On top of that, Instagram has high engagement rates with posts averaging around 1.94%. By contrast, Facebook and Twitter have engagement rates of 0.07% and 0.18%.

Promoting your content on Instagram can help you reach a larger audience, get more engagement, and encourage people to take action on your posts.

There are a few reasons you might want to promote an Instagram post:

  • To increase brand awareness: If you’re trying to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your products or services, promoting a post is a great way to do that.
  • To get more engagement: Promoted posts can help you get more likes, comments, and shares, which can lead to organic reach and new followers.
  • To drive traffic to your website: If you’re promoting a post with a link to your website, you can track how many people are clicking through to your site. Promoted posts can also lead to more sales or sign-ups.
  • To reach your target audience effectively: Instagram’s targeting lets you choose who sees your promoted post. You can target by location, age, gender, interests, and more to better reach more interested customers.
  • To collect data on marketing strategies: Every boosted post will come with data on how well it performed. You can use these metrics to see what’s working and adjust your strategies accordingly.


5 tips for Instagram post promotion

It’s easy to promote Instagram posts to get your content in front of more people. But as with any paid promotion, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Here are a few tips for promoting Instagram posts.

1. Use Instagram-specific features

While Instagram made its name as a photo-sharing app, today it’s so much more. Promote Instagram posts using all of the platform’s features, from Stories to Reels to Live.

The more you make use of Instagram’s features, the more chances you have of ranking in its algorithm. Not only will this help you reach more people, but it will also help you build a more engaged following.

2. Think about your target audience

One of the benefits of boosting Instagram posts is that you already have a built-in audience. But that doesn’t mean you should take them for granted.

Before you promote your Instagram post, take a step back and think about who you’re trying to reach.

  • Who are you speaking to?
  • What are their interests?
  • What kind of content do they respond to?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions off the bat, try digging into your Instagram analytics to see how your previous posts were received. If you notice your Reels get the highest engagement or that carousel posts have the most shares, promote those first.

Your Hootsuite dashboard contains all the information you need to tailor your promoted Instagram posts to your audience. Use Hootsuite Analytics to figure out what time of day to promote your post and measure the impact after its live.

3. Promote carousel posts

Research has shown that carousel posts increase engagement rates on Instagram. Static carousel posts can boost engagement by as much as 5%! Add a video to that carousel, and you’re looking at an almost 17% increase.

To make the most of this format, try creating a carousel post of 8-10 images or video clips. On the first slide, ask your audience a question or include a powerful call to action. This will entice users to swipe left to see the rest of your content.

Don’t forget, you can create Instagram carousel ads quickly and easily with Hootsuite! Plus, track, optimize, and grow your Instagram presence directly from your dashboard.

4. Make use of product tags

If you’re set up for Instagram Shopping, you can promote Instagram posts that feature product tags. Doing this will drive people directly to a product details page on Instagram, where they can learn more about the product and make a purchase.

This is an especially effective way to promote your products if you’re running a promotion. Promote Instagram posts with product tags to let your audience know that there’s a special deal going on, and make it easy for them to take advantage of it.

Learn how to set up Instagram shopping here.

Source: Instagram

5. Promote your best posts

Image and video quality is an important part of the Instagram user experience—and it’s also a major ranking factor in the Instagram algorithm.

That means, if you want your content to be seen by more people, you need to make sure that the images and videos you’re promoting are high quality. Promoting your best posts will ensure that, not only is your audience seeing your best content, but that it’s well-received. (We learned this the hard way after spending $100 to promote a post that didn’t really have anything to do with our usual content)

When you’re looking for posts to promote, consider the following:

  • The quality of the image or video
  • The engagement (likes, comments, shares)
  • The overall reach (how many people saw it)

Pick your best posts and share them with the world!

Manage Instagram alongside your other social channels and save time using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard, you can schedule, publish, and boost posts, engage your audience, and measure performance. Try it free today.

Get Started

Want your content to be seen by more people? Boost Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn posts in one place with Hootsuite.

Free 30-Day Trial (risk-free!)

How to Promote on Instagram: Costs, Tips and Tricks

These days, your Instagram promotion strategy is just as important as the content you push out into the world. You’re not going to be able to grow your account without putting yourself in front of the right people; and some of the things that would’ve guaranteed you reach and growth in 2018 no longer apply.

Come 2021 and Instagram promotion has become one of the most important factors in social media growth. Now, let’s be clear; we don’t mean throwing money behind posts and hoping it works, we mean getting creative with how you promote your brand on Instagram.


So what is Instagram promotion?

Don’t confuse Instagram promotion with Instagram ads. Much like Branded Content Ads, Instagram promotion is about elevating your reach and getting in front of new audiences, without running a typical ad campaign.

With Instagram promotion, you take a well-performing post or Story and convert it to a sponsored post.


In short, you’re requesting Instagram’s algorithm to ‘favour’ your post and push it out to a greater audience that’s likely outside your original network.
Remember: you’ll need to have a business account to be able to promote posts.



If you have a post that’s already performing well, you can promote it even further. Instagram lets you select specific audiences and demographics for your post so you can ensure it’s being seen by the right people.



It’s no secret the Stories offer great potential and that potential grows by being able to promote an individual Instagram Story so that it’ll appear in the Story carousel of users who don’t follow you. Even though the Story will disappear from your page after 24 hours, it will still run as a promoted Story for the duration you wish.


How much does it cost to promote on Instagram?

Promoting your posts on Instagram can cost as little as US$5. Once you’ve selected the post or Story you want to promote, you can set a budget for how much you'd like to spend and your post will be boosted until this money runs out.

You pay for promotion on a CPC (cost per click) basis. For most users, the CPC hovers between $0.50 and $1, but this will fluctuate depending on your target demographic and your market. For example, the apparel industry is highly competitive and can have CPC's as high as $3.

The cost of Instagram promotion ultimately comes down to the audience you’re targeting — that’s why knowing your audience demographic is essential.



Tips and tricks to get started with Instagram promotion


It’s crucial to know who you want to be engaging with your content. When you’re promoting a post, you’ll have a choice of three different audiences. 

Automatic Audience targets users similar to those who already follow you and who have engaged with you in the past. It’s great if you’re trying to solidify your audience, but not ideal for reaching new users. 

Local Audience will target people in a specific geographic area.

Manual Audience gives you the power to create your own specific audience based on age, location, interests and more.



To make sure you’re getting your money’s worth, you should only promote posts that have already performed well with your followers. Have a look at the Insights tool in the Instagram app to gauge which of your posts received the most engagement and use these metrics to help you define which ones are worth promoting.



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When you promote your Instagram post, you’ll be given three options for where you want users to be directed. Before choosing, think about your motivation behind the promotion:

  • Send people to your profile if you want to boost your in-app presence—the Instagram algorithm favours profiles that receive a lot of views. 

  • Direct people to your website to drive sales or educate potential followers about your business. 

  • Or select Promotion View to push your post to be seen by as many eyes as possible; a good option if your goal is brand awareness.



Promoting Instagram posts can become costly, but the ROI is worth it if you know what you’re doing. While you’re still getting a feel for how it works, do a test run on one of your best-performing posts: set it to be promoted for 24 hours with a budget of $10 and assess how it impacts your engagement. 

If done right, promoting your Instagram posts and profile can lead to massive success for your brand; and thousands of brands globally use TRIBE to help them source the very instant branded content that performs.





analysis of more than 130 thousand paid posts - Marketing on

We have prepared a translation of a large-scale study from Socialinsider. This article presents statistics that show the strengths and weaknesses of advertising on Facebook and Instagram. The experts analyzed 137 228 posts and found out what works more efficiently.



1. Instagram Stories is the highest click-through ad placement; average CTR 0. 76%

2. Instagram ads are more expensive than Facebook ads

3. Instagram focuses on feed ads - this placement has the highest CPC ($1.86) and CPM ($7.27)

4. The most expensive placement on Facebook is stories with a CPC of $0.55

5. The Facebook feed is the king of ad placement. Brands invest the most in it; Facebook feed has the highest CPM (5.18%) and the highest CTR (4.70%)

Colleagues, we were also surprised that in South America they spend more on advertising than in North America, but we will trust our friends from Socialinsider


Average CPC: $0.49 on Facebook ads and $1.09 on Instagram on average

Instagram ad prices tend to increase gradually, in mid-2021, the average cost per click on Instagram is $1.09.

Instagram Stories is an ad placement where people interact with content more often; average CTR 0.76%

And the Instagram feed, which many brands invest in the most, comes in second with a lower average CTR of 0. 69%.

Facebook posting cost

The graph above shows that brands prefer the Facebook feed for ad placement and invest the most money in this placement.

Speaking of average CPC, some interesting discoveries can be made:

  • Facebook Stories is the ad slot with the highest CPC of $0.55.
  • In the right column of Facebook, CPC averages $0.38.
  • Facebook Feed reaches an average CPC of $0.26.
  • Facebook videos have an average CPC of $0.13.

When your primary goal is to increase brand awareness, an important metric you should look at is average CPM . Let's take a look at the numbers:

  • Facebook Feed: Average CPM is $5.18.
  • Facebook Video: Average CPM is $2.48.
  • 90,052 Facebook stories: Average $1.08 per thousand impressions.
  • Facebook Right Column: Average CPM $0. 38.

Cost of posting on Instagram

The most used ad placement on Instagram is the feed. Although it has both the highest average CPC of $1.86 and CPM of $7.27.

The Instagram feed has both the highest average CPC of $1.86 and CPM of $7.27. Other placements are almost half the price.

Facebook Feed has the highest average CTR of 4.70%, followed by Facebook Video with an average CTR of 2.05%

The ultimate goal of brands is to convert the audience into customers. Conversions make up almost a quarter of the main goals of an advertising campaign.

And if you look at the average CTR on Facebook, it's pretty clear why marketing budgets are divided the way they are.

The top two positions for the best ad placement on Facebook are the placements where brands spend most of their social media ad budgets:

  • Facebook Feed with an average CTR of 4.70%.
  • Facebook video with an average CTR of 2. 06%.

In terms of performance, these two types of Facebook ads are followed by:

  • Facebook Right Column: with an average CTR of 0.15%.
  • Facebook stories: with an average CTR of 0.09%

Text reference:

❗Paid advertising on Instagram and how to use it effectively

Even though Facebook and Instagram ads are set up using the same Ads Manager control center, the advertising costs differ on these social networks. Because Facebook has been around longer, has more data and more ad space than its younger sibling, Instagram will indeed cost a bit more in some cases. But this fact should by no means be a reason to refuse to explore the possibilities of such an attractive and effective application that perfectly complements the Facebook ecosystem. Using Instagram may be slightly more costly due to fewer ad spaces and increased competition for impression share, but in terms of overall performance, it can also significantly outperform Facebook.

Paid advertising on Instagram is a powerful marketing tool that complements the ability of companies to fill the feed, stories and "Interesting" section.

As the platform matures and the need for more impressions arises, ads may well be added to the Reels and InstaGram TV services.

Advertising on Instagram, just like on Facebook, has flexible settings and advanced targeting functions, which makes it available for almost any business. If this visual platform is popular among a certain target audience, then you should think about placing ads there. To help guide you, the following questions will be discussed below:

  • How does Instagram advertising work?
  • Why is she worth the money?
  • Factors affecting pricing
  • Average rates
  • Ways to get the most out of your advertising budget

What follows is a brief overview of how Instagram advertising works, benefits and costs in 2021.

How does advertising work in Instagram ?

Depending on the purpose of the campaign, advertising on Instagram can:

  • have up to 18 call-to-action button options;
  • transfer the user to a specific site;
  • allow users to download applications or make purchases in online stores.

You don't even need an account. Since the service is owned by Facebook Inc, the only thing required is a Facebook business page. However, the benefit of having an Instagram account is still there: thanks to it, it will be possible to get acquainted with the content that best suits the preferences of the target audience, as well as complement and improve the marketing efforts undertaken.

Use the Ads Manager tool to configure your future ads. With it, you can set up advertising campaigns, ad groups, for which you can specify the size of the budget, select the target audience, ad placements, and optimization options.

As with Facebook, Instagram ads will perform according to your chosen time frame, budget, audience, and optimization goals.

Why advertising at Instagram worth the money?

Social media advertising is very useful, in particular the payment for advertising impressions on Instagram, which is especially beneficial compared to the usual running of campaigns or promotions directly from the organization's account.

Advanced targeting

Instagram, which has a monthly audience of over 1 billion users, is second only to Facebook in this indicator. Both platforms have an incredibly powerful arsenal of targeting data, and since Instagram is part of Facebook, Instagram ads take full advantage of a combined array of demographic and geographic statistics. Facebook ads are highly effective precisely because of advanced targeting, which provides the opportunity for fine-tuning when focusing on different consumer audiences. Whether used:

  • native Facebook settings suggested based on interests, behavior and other demographics,
  • or building your own custom audiences using the Facebook Pixel toolkit or SDK, email lists, or other sources, it's entirely possible to succeed in reaching the right people through your retargeting and customer acquisition campaigns.

Higher engagement rates

One of the factors behind Instagram's popularity is its high engagement rate, both organic and through paid advertising.

Images posted on Instagram get 23% more attention on average than on Facebook.

In terms of organic engagement, Facebook has almost no organic reach, while the content of large companies that are present on Instagram is regularly viewed by about 4% of followers. While it's better than nothing, it's a smart move to invest more in paid advertising to increase your visibility and reach. Decent results can be achieved using any form of visual content, but video advertising is more attractive in terms of engagement (by about 38%) for many businesses. Images and videos that form the visual basis of Instagram are much more effective in attracting attention compared to platforms degrees focused on textual representation of information.

External links

Instagram does not currently support hyperlinks in organic posts. You can include the link in the header or body of the message, but the recipient must manually copy and paste it into their browser or follow the link in the profile description. When you connect paid advertising, you can add external links, which allows you to specify a specific website or other external URL as the target address. To be able to better track conversions from Instagram ads, it is recommended that you use your own site with a pre-configured Facebook Pixel, as it may not be available on third-party sites.

Longer videos

Videos can be up to 60 seconds long in the feed and Explore tab, and up to 15 seconds in story view. Accordingly, if advertising is launched in all these places at once, then in total you can get up to 2 minutes of video content. This gives more opportunities to present not only the brand itself, but the features and benefits of the offer through a visual presentation of products and / or services.

How much will advertising cost?

If there is a target URL, the cost per conversion for the Link Clicks metric will range from $0.50 to $0.95. The CPC for the "Clicks (all)" metric is slightly lower, ranging from $0.40 to $0.70.

This metric takes into account all clicks on an advertisement, including not only clicks, but also likes, reactions, comments and reposts. In terms of cost per thousand impressions (CPM), starting January 1, 2021, you will need to spend at least $2.50 - $3.50 to run the most effective campaigns with eligible ad sets. Engagement costs will be $0.01 - $0.05.

The data also shows that CPMs on Facebook are almost 2 times higher than on Instagram, while CPCs are typically half as much.

Pricing Factors

Instagram ad pricing, like other platforms, depends on a number of variables. The costs can vary significantly depending on what is chosen as the goal of the advertising campaign, and how this goal correlates with the position that the target audience occupies in the sales funnel. If the goal of the campaign is to increase brand awareness, then it will cost less than the action located lower in the funnel and, accordingly, with more value (for example, conversions). Showing ads to a wide and cold audience to better educate them about the brand will be less valuable than when a certain number of potential customers familiar with the product and offers have already moved closer to the bottom of the funnel. These people are willing to shell out or take a higher value action in a retargeting-focused conversion campaign that can be optimized for purchases.

Other variables that play a role in determining advertising prices include audience size. Reaching a wider audience will generally be cheaper as there is less competition for groups of people. And vice versa, as the audience narrows, for example, due to the clarification of geotargeting parameters or age limits, the price will grow in parallel with the increase in competition for its representatives. Retargeting audiences are usually small too, which is why retargeting campaigns often come with higher costs.

Pricing is also affected by the size of the budget. If it is small, and the advertising campaign or ad set is launched from scratch, then the exit from the learning phase may be delayed. At first, until the system learns and understands the type of campaign, optimization goals, and how the audience reacts to advertising, the cost of advertising can be higher. If the ads are attractive enough, Facebook and Instagram will reward you with smaller ads over time.

Click-through rate (CTR) can be significant. If it is low, the cost may be higher because the system will assume that there is some mismatch between the content of the ads and the target audience. CTR is a reliable indicator of the extent to which an ad resonates with its target audience.

Approximately 2% is considered a normal CTR level, the achievement of which will allow counting on cost reduction.

How to save on advertising in Instagram

For the most efficient use of the budget, the first step is to determine the goals of the advertising campaign, which will be in line with the sales funnel. If the intent is to target a colder, broader audience, start with less expensive campaigns to provide more exposure to those potential customers who are already aware of or interested in the brand. Better yet, test your website traffic campaign to get those users to visit your site from Instagram and be registered with the Facebook Pixel tool. This will provide an opportunity for their subsequent retargeting if the conversion does not occur at the previous stage. More often than not, users need to make several interactions with products, perhaps buy something and compare with competitors' offerings, before they have enough trust in the brand. Subsequently, these people will come back to you through retargeting or other means to finally make a purchase. Impulse buying can be successful if you sell an inexpensive product that does not require much market research.

Another way to reduce costs is to use the automatic placement option in your Facebook and Instagram ad settings. With a wide margin for maneuver, the system can use its own algorithm to determine where it is best to place ads. The result is an increase in both the total number of options available across both platforms and the volume of ad impressions, reducing competition across three of Instagram's current ad placements (Feed, Stories, and Explore) and lowering costs.

It makes sense to try different variations of ad copy and image ads in the form of images and videos. This will help you understand what resonates with your audience, as well as improve engagement and CTR, which in turn will help reduce costs and increase your budget.

The prospects for advertising in Instagram in 2021

The Instagram app continues to grow, and the opportunities for advertising in it become more and more functional.

Learn more