How to thank someone on instagram

10 Ways To Thank on Social Media

10 Ways To Thank on Social Media

Posted On: July 4, 2021

Are you managing your company’s social media page? 



Do you want different ways to thank on social media or show appreciation to your followers; those who like, view, comment, and share your posts without saying the overused thank you?



Generally, readers of our blog have companies or teams in the US which service US clients, counterparts, customers, or colleagues. Due to this, you may have many social media followers from the US, Canada or Western cultures? In general, one of the tips we can’t stress enough in our business communication culture and relationship-building programs is that one can never say “thank you” enough to those in North America. However, saying “thank you” can become bland and irritating; both as a writer of that message and those reading it. Also, there are many ways to verbalize a thank you without saying thank you or simply pressing like.  


See some ways I have done that in this post on LinkedIn:


In fact, I’d like to share 10 ways (though there are a plethora more) that you can say “thank you” without saying “thank you” that will increase the likelihood of engagement, shares, likes, views and more! In fact, one can adapt these phrases even in client-facing discussions in daily team meetings, as well. Pass it on! Let’s dive in…


Different Ways to Say Thank You!




10 Ways to Say “Thank You” on Social Media …. Without Saying Thank You!

  1. I’m glad you liked this.
  2. It’s great that this struck a chord with you./I’m thrilled that this resonated with you.
  3. It’s so nice that you had the time to read (watch/view) this and share your ideas. (Comment specifically to their ideas.)
  4. We appreciate your support. (Or, simply, “Thank you for your support.”)
  5. I’m happy to hear that./It’s nice to know about (mention what they said).
  6. We are excited to see that you have shared our post! (Say this on your post and THEIR post as well, if you have access to it. It makes the other person feel seen… it’s so exciting to have that interaction as a fan!)
  7. It’s so motivating to hear your kind words./This is wonderful. We are happy we could help you.
  8. That’s amazing! We appreciate you sharing your valuable insight. (A response to share if they have shared something that helps you see your post from a new vantage point.)
  9. It’s so nice that you could take time out of your busy day to share your valuable insights. Someone from our team will reach out to you soon.
  10. Your feedback encourages us (to do…). It’s so nice that you could take the time to share your insights with us.


One may notice that there are quite a few comments that “play off” each other, which means they can be mixed and matched using similar words or phrases based on the situation. For instance, if we look at number three “I’m thrilled that this resonated with you,” we could also say, “I’m thrilled that you found this post so motivational (useful, insightful, etc. ).” 



Interestingly, some of the AI that offer response suggestions do this as well. Look at this screen from YouTube below. Do keep in mind that in some cases, some responses may not always be completed 100% grammatically correct (this is especially important to keep in mind if you are commenting on social media posts for a learning and development company). 


Watch the video and view the comments on YouTube by clicking here.



For those who are managing social media accounts using English as a second or other language, there are so many opportunities like this to mix and match sentences. Also, don’t forget to use synonyms (As we have done in number four. How many places can you replace “thank you” with another word, while keeping the rest of the sentence the same?). The amazing thing about this is you really don’t need complex vocabulary, and most likely you already have this range of vocabulary. So, just take the vocabulary you already know to make up a lot of versions of the same type of sentence for variety and interest!



Here’s a few bonuses… what if you are stuck and still don’t know how to respond because all you have are likes, views and maybe shares? Try this:



Mention how many views/likes/shares/comments as a way to thank the many who have interacted with the post. To see how I have done this, see below.



Initially, this video below was posted to LinkedIn. But, as I can’t embed the LinkedIn video here, I have uploaded it to YouTube. Check out the video, then scroll below the video to see the interaction on LinkedIn.



See the video on YouTube


Check out the original post on LinkedIn by clicking here.



For those who have benefited from your post with new learning or skills, maybe try to share other posts links they may be interested in, such as what I have done on a YouTube video on clear speaking. (Additional tip, as I have done here, apologize for belated responses.) 


See this video on YouTube



For shares, if you have access to the names of those who have shared, you could tag them in your post to thank them, or better yet, try to find their shared post and comment on it there!



Although I have done this, I do not have any screenshots to share at the time of posting this blog. When it happens next time, I’ll take a screenshot and share it here!



These are some ideas you can use to widen your vocabulary and word choices while responding on your company’s social media account. Let me know how it goes. I am confident it will increase your engagement.



Jennifer Kumar, author of this post, is a business communication consultant aiding teams between India and the US to build their businesses through effective, culturally-competent communication and motivational tactics that help you build long-lasting relationships across cultures with repeat business. Get in touch with us for more information, or check out some of our programs. 



Related Posts:

  • More ways to say thank you in everyday work conversations 
  • Check out our Business English programs tailored to English as other language speakers to more impact fully interact with US Native Speakers of English 

Tiny URL: https://tinyurl. com/tysocialmedia

Stop Saying Thank You on Social Media and Say Something Meaningful!

Do you find yourself saying thanks a lot on social media? Ever thought WHY you do that?

In this article, I am going to tell you to stop thanking people. Have I gone mad? I'll tell you why...

I've been blogging for over two years now and it's encouraging to see a lot of people sharing my articles. Some of these people share straight from my blog using one of the social networking share buttons, or from my RSS news feed in Feedly or perhaps on the blogging network, Triberr. I am extremely grateful to these people and I do try and respond to as many of the people who share my articles to say thank you.

But why?

Why do I say thank you on Twitter? A strange question, you ask?

No Thanks!

Being encouraging is part of my nature and I value politeness very highly. I always say please and thank you in real life, so surely it's the same on social media?

Well, kind of. ..

The thing is, sometimes a "thank you" can lose its value in the noise and sheer volume of posts.

Do you find yourself replying, sending a direct message or commenting with the following?

  1. "Thanks for following me. Looking forward to reading your tweets!"
  2. "Thanks for sharing :-)"
  3. "Thanks for the awesome RTs"

All of the above examples are very polite and encouraging, but what do they actually mean? Have you thought about the meaning of your "thank you" messages or are you just doing what everyone else is doing?

Don't get me wrong, I am doing exactly the same- but recently I was made to think about whether all this thanking was doing any good. I have marketing consultant, Mark Schaefer to thank for that. Thanks, Mark... (oops...!)

It was one of Mark's blog posts entitled "Why I Stopped Thanking People on the Social web" that made me stop and think.  Do read it- it will give you an idea of what I am referring to.

In the article, Mark says that the tipping point came when someone tweeted him:

You are too damn polite... Stop thanking people, will you!


Mark then went on to say...

I knew he had a point. I had reached the thank you tipping point. So I stopped.

This saddened me. I hate it that the more popular you become on the social web, the less engaging you can be. Isn’t that ironic? The very characteristic people appreciate is doomed over time. Authentic social media engagement is not scalable.

I think Mark makes an interesting point.  Social media is about creating meaningful content or building meaningful relationships- and that includes replies.

It's also about knowing who is in your core community and knowing why people are sharing your content in the first place.

Translating Thanks

Photo Credit: Tim Green aka atoach via Compfight cc

So, coming back to the above example "thank you" messages, let's do a bit of translating. Could it be that the above messages could mean the following?....

  1. "Thanks for following me. Looking forward to reading your tweets!"
    TRANSLATION: This is an automated message because I am too busy to send you a hand-crafted one. I might be interested in reading what you say although to be honest I probably don't have that much time to read any of them. I was hoping to reach 10,000 followers, and I'm almost there. Basically, I have no idea why I am tweeting you to say thank you for following me, but it seems like the polite thing to do....
  2. "Thanks for sharing :-)"
    TRANSLATION: I am genuinely thankful that you shared my article, however, I don't have the time to properly engage with you, but I wanted to say thanks because that's the right thing to do- my mummy/mommy & daddy taught me to be polite.
  3. "Thanks for the awesome RTs"
    TRANSLATION: Thanks for retweeting some of my tweets to your followers. I haven't thought about it, but come to think about it, some of your followers may have seen my tweets in their timelines. That's quite good really and it gives me a bit of exposure. Please do keep on doing it! I don't really talk to you much on Twitter, but I do like the fact that you're doing my marketing for me.

OK, please note that I had my tongue firmly in my cheek with the above, but I hope you got my point!

Taking up the Opportunity

Part of the issue that Mark Schaefer was referring to, was the lack of value of a "thanks for sharing" type of reply. It's not quite meaningless, but once you start sending out dozens of these a day, they are going to lose their value.

How about doing something a little different?

Instead of just thanking them, why not introduce them to someone else they might find interesting? How about reading one of their articles and giving some feedback? You won't necessarily be able to do that with all your replies, but you could create an opportunity and build upon the relationship.

Photo Credit: MikeLove via Compfight cc

Be Encouraging!

Photo Credit: eflon via Compfight cc

We've missed something though and it is a biggy...


Most of us like to be encouraged. If we don't get any feedback it can be a bit depressing. Words of Affirmation is one of the 5 Love Languages (read the book if you haven't already). Each of us accepts and give love and attention in different ways, but one that works well on the social web is Words of Affirmation- encouragement.

I love it when someone leaves a comment on my articles, but the truth is that most readers of blogs don't.

Talk to most bloggers out there, and they'll tell you the same- they wish they had more comments. The same goes for Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. It's great when someone replies, mentions us or leaves a comment.

However, which would you prefer- 20 "thank you for your article" one line comments or 5 longer comments where they share their thoughts? We need to be encouraging but also add value to the conversation. That's how it is in real life, so why should it be any different online?

"Thanks" Replacement Ideas List

So what should we do instead? I'm not saying we should never just say thank you, but in most cases, you should always be looking to make your engagement more meaningful.

So here is my "thank you" Replacement List.

  1. Ask them what they think
    Ask them what they thought of one aspect of the article. If your article was a list of tools or services, ask them what their favourite was. They may not have read the article, but your tweet may quickly remedy that!
  2. Let them know what you think
    If they have a website or blog, have a visit and read an article. Reply to let them know you've visited with some thoughts.
  3. Introduce them to someone new
    If you've not engaged with them before, check their profile. If relevant, you could introduce them to someone else in your core community they may find interesting. Being in touch with your community is important.
  4. Share a relevant article
    If relevant, share a similar article that you have written
  5. Ask them to subscribe
    Recommend they subscribe to your blog or email newsletter. Use Twitter Lead Generation Cards
  6. Be funny
    Tell a joke or share something funny- make their day!
  7. Encourage them
    Encourage them by sharing with them something you like or admire about them or a quality you see in them.

Using to help you

"That's all very well", you say, "but I don't have enough time!".

I  understand- I have the same issue. However, that's why spending time thanking everyone without a strategy isn't going to help you!

Firstly, make your own "thank you" replacement list and save it somewhere where you can easily access it. In order to make things easier, we are going to use a tool called Commun. it* which is a  Twitter Relationship Management Tool. You can quickly respond to people who have shared your content. segments people into influencers, supporters and engaged members. For more information see my Complete Guide on Using

With your "thank you replacement" list to hand, you can quickly go through your pending replies and mentions and actually engage much more meaningfully with the core people in your community. You may discover people who you haven't engaged with before- people who you didn't realise were in your community. This is the power of

The best way is to go through the different feeds in one at a time. However, remember to plan!

I'd recommend using the prioritized feed as well as consider to reply and high-value members. As well as that, make sure you monitor tweets containing links to your blog posts- if you do this you can quickly go through the monitoring feed too.

Here are the feeds in

  • PRIORITIZED FEED (the most important pending mentions and people for you to action)
  • FOLLOWERS (consider to reply, re-engage, to follow, unfollow, new followers & new unfollowers)
  • RELATIONSHIPS (high-value members, influencers, Supporters & engaged members)
  • MONITORING (people tweeting posts containing your keywords or links)
  • LEADS (potential people to follow relating to certain keywords)

What do you think?

So, have I got you thinking? Do you agree or disagree? Do you have a plan or strategy in how you engage with people using social media? I'd love to know. As always, please leave your comment below (even if it is a "thank you for your article!" comment!)


Examples of positive and creative "thank you" for websites and correspondence

What words of gratitude do we usually see in system messages after sending a letter through feedback forms on websites or in brand letters and comments? That's right, most often several options fly out, similar to the examples below:

  • Your message has been sent. Thank you!
  • Thank you for your interest in the brand!
  • We have received your letter, thank you for your feedback!
  • Message sent successfully. We will definitely answer you.
  • Your request has been registered. We will answer you within 300 years.

This format is quite suitable for companies selling reinforced concrete blocks in bulk, providing services for hiring helicopters with a pilot, or representing other equally serious topics.

Exaggerating, of course. To tell the truth, such messages are suitable for most of the “ordinary” messages, but they look somewhat gray on live, interesting sites that claim to be unusual.

The standard “thank you” on websites and in messages with a light style, a bit of humor and a positive presentation do not really take root. It's like putting on a Bart Simpson T-shirt, palm tree shorts and black dress shoes. Style failure.

Situation 2. We develop the theme of positive "thanks". Thank you in letters

The problem is clear on the sites, now we are moving on. Let's imagine that a person has done something really good and important for you. You feel that you simply have to write him something "sort of" so that he appreciates the full extent of your gratitude.

To express the full range of feelings, we usually sit down to write a letter of gratitude. And what do we write most often there?

Usually something very similar to the examples below:

  1. Many thanks, Vasya!
  2. Thank you, great!
  3. Thank you very much!

The problem is that:

Such “thank you”, said even if slightly non-standard, is still extremely standard and not too touching. This is more for official business correspondence. Such expressions have become devalued due to too frequent use. Vasya will be happy, of course, but maybe more.

In order to please Vasya as much as possible, we must send a “thank you” imbued with some kind of non-standard, not stereotyped gratitude. One behind which one feels a person and his desire to say “thank you” in a different way. From the heart.

To please the senders of messages from the sites, and especially all Vasya, I have prepared a list of "thank you" for readers in a new way. Unusual and positive "thanks" with a special aftertaste are already waiting for you in the next section.

Examples of positive “thanks” on websites and in emails

First, examples of positive “thanks” for personal emails and social media messages (chatbots and comments). Here we thank Vasya:

  • You are our Salvation! Thanks!
  • Vasily, you are incredibly cool! My respect and gratitude are attached!
  • Incredibly glad to have found you one day. Thank you thank you thank you!
  • From the bottom of my heart. Heartily. Huge thanks!
  • You are a wizard. My special, most sincere thanks to you!
  • Vasily, thank you! You have another company-fan!
  • Vasily, I'm not a master, but just a giant thank you!
  • Grateful is incredibly simple. Know that you are a miracle!
  • So cool that there are no words! The biggest thank you in the world!

Naturally, everything can be changed, compiled, added or cut out. Such thanks are already more non-standard, they have moved away from “your debtor”, “very obliged” and other clichés.

Such "thanks" make it clear that you do not unsubscribe hastily, but really feel something. And that's always more important. By the way, the name "Vasily" is absolutely not necessary, you can safely change it to something else. Hehe.

And now the promised examples of positive "thank you" for the site of automatic mail notifications and other forms of feedback:

  • The message successfully flew to the marketing department. The answer is close!
  • Carrier pigeon delivered your message. Wait for it in the mail!
  • We have your appeal. We will feed him, take him to the cinema and soon return with an answer!
  • Thank you for writing! For this, we have a quick and sensible answer!
  • Did you send us a letter? So nice, no words! 🙂 Look forward to your soonest reply!
  • Hooray, you finally wrote to us! Let's read it now and reply as soon as possible!
  • How nice of you 🙂 Thank you, we are already sitting down to answer!
  • Message with us Pt Wait for reply soon On Zn Regards Pt We Pt
  • Your message has been delivered to Good People Service. We will write to you soon!
  • Letter sent. We only have N hours to answer! Keep track of time 😉
  • Select all hydrants in the picture. Joke. We received your letter, we are already answering!

I think you will be able to come up with something like that yourself. The templates are ready, the ideas are roughly indicated, it remains to stock up on creativity and start creating.

Don't have something specifically for your needs? Think about exactly what you would like to say to your customers, and then try to fit it into a short message of 3-12 words. If you write from the heart, people will definitely notice it. And appreciate it, of course.

If it’s really a problem with creativity, and some kind of creative “thank you” is desperately needed, you can write introductory comments in the comments, and we will try to help you.

We ask you all and good to you!

P.S We also have an article with examples of thank you letters for business. There is also a letter from companies for partners and clients in Russian and in English.

Petr Panda

Head of the Panda-copywriting project and Copywriting University. Creator of a convincingly positive style. Author of several books on copywriting

Texts of gratitude to subscribers

You made my day! And not just one day! I appreciate it immensely that in your person I have such support. This is a strong incentive for my further improvement and growth.

How pleased I am to thank you all... Because each of you deserves the deepest respect and gratitude. For coming to visit my page and stay friends. For the fact that you have something to learn and for the fact that I myself (a) can give you something. But the most important and huge gratitude to you is that you endlessly demand new photos ... Today I discovered (a) that the more often I take photos, the more interesting moments I have that I can then plunge into. And for this collection of immortalized minutes of life - eternal gratitude to you.

Thank you, friends, for sharing holidays and weekdays with me. You have no idea how pleased and important it is for me to read wishes from you. With you, many things that seem impossible are possible! Thank you for the joy that you not only share with me, but also know how to create on your own.

Many thanks to everyone for not leaving me. I know that each of you had difficult, stressful periods during our acquaintance, but you always find a minute to visit me, share warmth, rejoice, be silent, mourn, share emotions, tell the news, throw another life hack ... I wish our warm company to grow , replenished with positive people, and the atmosphere remained the same life-affirming and served as an inexhaustible source of energy and good mood.

I want to express my gratitude to each of you for coming into my life and not leaving it. Thank you for being easy with you, for the fact that I want to hug you, I want to say “thank you”, I want to be friends. It doesn't matter that there are many other, less pleasant people nearby. After all, you can always soften the situation and outweigh on this scale.

Today I want to thank you for the warmest and kindest feedback I receive - your feedback. To this day, I get them in large numbers. They are funny, sincere, sometimes you dedicate whole posts to me and this is very nice. You give confidence, incredibly motivate and make it clear that everything done was not in vain. Thank you very much for your kind words about me. I will try to continue to justify your trust.

Thank you, friends, for talking about the high and the mundane. Thanks for the disputes too - truth is born in them. Thank you for the compliments and jokes, hearts and criticism. Thanks also to those who come in and leave no traces behind ... For the invisible presence, in the mystery of which lies the hope that someday the secret will be revealed and another excellent, kind, unique and amazing person will be found behind the silent presence.

Everything starts with love. I am dedicated to my work and love what I do. Recently, I began to feel more support from friends and acquaintances in my business. Maybe they accepted me for who I am. I myself have changed, and my approach to the design and content of the page has also changed. And you may have noticed it. Someone helps me with a kind word, someone with advice, someone with a photo, someone with wording, someone writes what is missing in my profile, and someone says that everything is in order. Someone sends links to other profiles where you can learn, and someone sends photos that they think would look good in my feed. For me, all this is important, write even more. Although your presence is virtual, I still want to thank you for it. Because you have become participants in my growth and development. You are a truly warm audience and I am proud of you.

Everyone needs support, even if they are strong and mature. We are so arranged, it's normal, everyone finds support in something of their own. For me, support is not only family and close people, but also you, dear subscribers. Thank you for always being there at the right time. It's priceless!

Thank you for writing to me, sharing your thoughts, trusting the innermost, sincerely interested, asking questions. Thank you for reading my texts, responding to them, reposting and rewarding with a heart. I rejoice in my heart when you manage to rethink your goals, change priorities, find love or improve the quality of life. This is great! Thanks to you, I feel useful. It's a thrill - to be useful, to lend a friendly shoulder, to help believe in yourself and increase confidence in the future. Stay with me - it will be interesting. And remember, you are beautiful.

I thank everyone who subscribed to me and who benefit from my posts. I am convinced that fate does not bring anyone together by chance. And therefore all of you are non-random people in my destiny. I am grateful to everyone for the years of mutual understanding, for honesty, for your passion, for the ability to be called the best. Yes, I consider my followers to be the best, in case you didn't know. No wonder Russian folklore (or rather, folk wisdom) says: "Subscribers are not chosen, but the best always get." I appreciate all the time devoted to communicating with you.

There are days that you want to “put on repeat”. Among these days there are many that are spent with you, dear friends. Thank you for every day that you have been following me, and also for every day that you will remain following me. And may fate bring you as many gifts as you spend days with me.

Every person who comes into our life, even if only for a short period of time, brings with him the most valuable experience. I thank you for the experience you brought me, and I confirm that it really was and remains invaluable. And if so, then you are fateful people, and for this you have a special gratitude.

I would like to thank you all for taking part in my activities. Yes, yes, with your presence, interest, comments, reposts and likes, you participate in my development. With your help, I will find out what I am doing right and what is wrong, where I should direct my energy and where I shouldn't. What was interesting and what was not. Thank you for your participation.

Today I decided to break into the feed with words of gratitude. You all taught me a lot and continue to teach me. How many lessons of wisdom and stimulus for growth I have received from you. Everyone has their own quirks and rules of life, but despite all this, I love everyone madly and cherish you - you are my friends. Thank you all for being on the same wavelength with me.

We say so few words of gratitude to each other: in the family, among friends, at work, parents, spouses, children. Gratitude carries a great benefit, even from the smile of a stranger it becomes warmer in the soul. Gratitude, it always comes back: it comes with good news, with good people, with material wealth. I thank you all for being here and now, for every message, every one of your likes. Every time you see old guests, it becomes warm and pleasant in the soul, especially if people come with the same message. Always glad (a) to each of you.

Thank you for your positive attitude to life, for your values ​​that you convey to me in comments and personal messages, for the desire to always be in development, for believing in yourself and in me, for sincerity, for the ability to instantly restart the brain and mental condition. You give me the strength to move forward.

I constantly feel gratitude towards you and that is why my today's post is about it. I am grateful to everyone for the fact that you care about me: whether it be loyal subscribers or ill-wishers. All of you give me a sense of significance in your lives, raise self-esteem and motivate. Thank you for taking the time to talk and meet (albeit virtual) with me. Hug everyone.

Surrounding yourself with positive and kind people can change your life. After all, by exchanging energy, even if we are not close to each other, we fill ourselves with positive and become not poorer, but stronger from this. Thank you for being around me and changing my life for the better.

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