How to see my last comment on facebook

How do I see all of my comments I made on Facebook

Social Networks

0 44.220 3 minutes of reading

Do you want to know how i can see all my comments i made on facebook ? Today's most popular social network keeps track of everything we do and can be accessed in an organized fashion so that we can do practically whatever we want.

Whether you play games, leave a comment, like, share posts, get tagged, etc. Whatever you do, it is recorded in the » Activity log »To which we have access from our profile so that we can keep track of everything on facebook .

This way it is quite easy to review everything that has to do with us on the social network . Whether we are taking an action or someone else is doing it and has to do with us in one way or another.

This tutorial is quite simple and anyone can do it. Follow the steps that you can appreciate a little below to the letter and in no time you will know very well how i can see all my comments on facebook .

In the section that we are going to show you, you can edit and delete any comments you made at any given time. Regardless of when you posted them. You can always modify or delete them , this is a good option especially if we regret some actions we have taken.

How to see my comments on Facebook

  • The first thing to do is enter on the Facebook site and log in with your account .
  • Then you will need to click on your profile picture to access your profile. It's at the top right of the screen.
  • You must now click on » Activity log Which can be found at the bottom right of the cover photo.
  • Once you do, you will see a large number of options on the left menu.
  • All these sections record an activity different from the actions you have taken on the social network . Comments, likes, etc. From others who are related to you in some way.

How to see all my comments on Facebook

If you pay attention at the bottom appears » Comments "Just below" I like and reactions «. By clicking on this section, you will see that all the comments you have made are sorted by date.

In case the comments relate to photographs or videos. A small thumbnail appears so you can see at a glance where you made the comment.

This section of the » Activity log Is tremendously useful for a lot of things since you can even do a review of your bio and everything posted there.

You can see all the posts that you have hidden among others. But so just below " Comments »You click on» More ", You will be able to see even more sections of the social network where you have had some sort of activity at one time.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to learn how I can see all of my comments I made on Facebook among other things. The social network keeps track of everything you do and you can control all this from Facebook .

At the same time, you can delete whatever you want, no matter how long ago you gave a " I love "Or left some sort of" comment «.

As always, if you have any doubts about how to view my comments on Facebook, you can leave it a little further down in the comments area and we'll be happy to help you resolve it.

Remember we have a wide variety of Facebook guides and tips at Miracomosehace. We recommend that you continue browsing the section to find more interesting and detailed tutorials.

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Find a years-old comment in Facebook (given certain details)

Ask Question


Modified 6 years, 9 months ago

Viewed 2k times

So I'm trying to plan a vacation with my family, and I'm considering Belize (bear with me, I know this is not Travel. SE).

I have "On This Day" turned on in Facebook, and coincidentally, on Monday, the feature showed me a post from many years ago (i.e. Jan 18th, 20XX) where a FB friend I had at the time commented on one of my posts with some really specific and helpful advice about traveling there.

Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot at the time, because I was busy and figured I could come back to it later. But it turns out, according to Facebook's official help forums, that

Unfortunately, viewing your previous day's memories using On This Day in not an available feature. We'd love to hear from you if you have any feedback on how we can improve your On This Day experience.

Is there any hacky way to add a date parameter to "On This Day" (e.g. by hidden fields in the POST)? I presume not, i.e. that FB rebuilds the OTD cache every day and blows away the previous entries, but it's worth asking.

If that's not possible, given the following information:

  • It was a comment on one of my posts (on my own wall), not a post proper.
  • The name of the friend who made the comment (who is no longer connected to me on FB, if that matters).
  • The month and day, but not year¹, of the post.
  • Certain keywords, like "Belize" and "islands".
  • It appeared on my feed under "On This Day" two days ago.

What's the best way, if any, to find this comment?

¹ It was about 5 years ago, but that's not exact.

  • facebook
  • facebook-timeline


Here is a way you can see your old post.

  • Click on View Activity Log on your profile.
  • Click on Your Posts on left hand side.
  • Click on Year from right hand side (for you its 5 years ago).
  • Scroll down to see the post.

It will show the all your activity in descending order. So if you know month, you can directly go to there by scrolling down.

There is a search bar in Activity log where you can search your activity. So click on Your Posts, and search for the word(s) you have remember in Activity Search. You will see the related posts.


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How to find your comments on Facebook on a computer and phone

Home » Social networks » Facebook

Author Admin Read 3 min Views 1. 3k. Updated

How to find your comments on Facebook - sometimes it is necessary. At least in order to view the history of their posts. In any case, we will tell you how to do it right. There shouldn't be any problems.


  1. Viewing comments on a PC
  2. Viewing comments on a smartphone
  3. Conclusion

Viewing comments on a PC

This is probably the most convenient and affordable way for almost every user. After all, many users use a full-fledged browser to access the social network. So much more convenient. In some cases.

In principle, the viewing procedure itself is quite simple. But beginners can get confused by the numerous menu items. Therefore, we will provide detailed instructions with a clear algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to
  2. After that, enter the registration data (login and password) if you are not yet authorized.
  3. We land on our own page. Here in the top panel we find the button in the form of an arrow and click on it.
  4. A menu will appear in which you must select item "Action log" .
  5. In the left part of the window there will be a column named "Filters" . Below it is a list. From it you need to select "Comments" .

After that, you will see all the comments that you have ever left under photos or posts of other users. As you can see, the procedure is really not too complicated. Especially if you follow the instructions.

Viewing comments on a smartphone

Everything will be different here. The Facebook mobile app has its own interface. And it does not look like the design of a full-fledged web page. Therefore, those who are used to working with a computer may find it difficult to navigate it.

But even so, the interface of a mobile application is much simpler than the design of a full-fledged web page overloaded with elements. However, we will still provide detailed instructions with the necessary algorithm of actions:

  1. In the top panel of the main window, click on the button with horizontal stripes.
  2. In the menu that appears, click "Settings and Privacy" .
  3. Then tap "Settings" .
  4. Scroll through the list to section "View my information" and tap on it.
  5. Select "Comments" from the list.

Now you can see all the comments you've ever left on posts. You can edit and delete them. To do this, next to each of them there is an icon with the image of a pencil. And you can delete it using the button with a cross.


In this article, we talked about how to view all your comments on the social network Facebook. It's pretty easy to do this. Both on a computer and on a smartphone. However, beginners can get confused by the abundance of menu items. And that is why we have provided detailed instructions with clear algorithms of actions.

How can I see all my comments that I have left on Facebook

Social networks

0 44.220 3 minutes to read

Do you want to know how can I see all my comments that I left on facebook ? The most popular social network today tracks everything we do and can be accessed in an organized manner so that we can do almost anything we want.

Whether you play games, leave comments, like, share messages, get marks, etc. Whatever you do is recorded in » Activity log » To which we have access from our profile so that we can track everything on facebook.

So it's pretty easy to browse everything related to us on the social network. Whether we are taking action or someone else is doing it and is somehow connected to us.

This tutorial is pretty simple and anyone can do it. Follow the instructions that you can rate just below the letter and in no time you will know very well how can i see all my comments on facebook .

In the section we are about to show you, you can edit and delete any comments you have made at any time. Regardless of when you posted them. You can always change or delete them , this is a good option, especially if we regret some of the actions taken.

How to see my comments on Facebook

  • The first thing to do is to log into the Facebook website and sign in to your account.
  • You will then need to click on your profile picture to access your profile. It is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Now you have to click on » Activity Log Which can be found on the lower right side of the cover.
  • Once you do this, you will see a large number of options in the left menu.
  • All of these sections record activities other than the activities you performed on the social network. . Comments, likes, etc. from other people who are related to you in some way.

How to see all my comments on Facebook

If you pay attention, below appears » comments "Below" I like and reactions ». By clicking on this section, you will see that all the comments you have left are sorted by date.

If the comments are about photos or videos. A small thumbnail will appear so you can see at a glance where you left your comment.

This section » Activity Log Extremely useful for many things, as you can even review your biography and everything posted there.

You can see all messages that you have hidden from others. But just below " comments " You click " Additional ", you can see even more sections of the social network. where you had some activity at some point.

As you can see, it's not hard to find out how I can see all my comments that I've made on Facebook, among other things.

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