How to do dots on instagram

How to Hide Hashtags on Instagram (4 Easy Methods!)

Did you know that Instagram marketers who use nine or more hashtags per post get more than 2.5x the engagement of those who only use one hashtag?

Without a doubt, hashtags are critical to building followers and engagement, and contribute to your entire marketing strategy. However, they can make your feed look unappealing and spammy.

So how do you keep your Instagram feed pretty and clutter-free? EASY! After finding the perfect set of hashtags for your post, learn how to hide hashtags with one of the four simple methods below.

Want to 2.5x your Instagram likes & comments? Perfect your hashtag strategy with this free guide. Get it now!

1 Option #1: Hide Hashtags on Instagram in the First Comment

1.1 Here’s how to hide Instagram hashtags with Tailwind:

2 Option #2: Use the Instagram Dots Method to Hide Hashtags

3 Option #3 Hiding Instagram Hashtags in the Caption

3. 1 Use Tailwind’s Instagram Hashtag Lists to Hide Your Hashtags

4 Option #4: Add Conversational Hashtags in Your Caption, Hide the Rest

4.1 Should You Hide Instagram Hashtags?

5 Use Tailwind to Find, Hide Hashtags & Schedule Instagram Posts!

5.1 Start a Free Trial of Tailwind for Instagram!

6 Pin It for Later 📌:

Option #1: Hide Hashtags on Instagram in the First Comment

The cleanest method to hiding hashtags on Instagram is by tucking them into the first comment. Just have your list of hashtags ready to go, and add them as a comment after making your post live.

Does this sound too manual for your liking? Tailwind does the work for you!

When you add hashtags to your Instagram caption in Tailwind’s Instagram planning app, you’ll see a checkbox to hide your hashtags in the first comment.

This allows you to move your hashtags from the end of your caption to the first comment on the post.

That’s it! No more cluttered captions, no more remembering to return to a post and add your hashtags.

Your post is ready for engagement the moment it goes live!

Here’s how to hide Instagram hashtags with Tailwind:
  • Upload your image or video to the Tailwind Instagram planning app, craft your caption, and then type the # symbol to get predictive hashtag suggestions.
  • Click to choose or add frequently-used hashtags from your list.
  • Check the box to move those comments from your caption to your 1st comment.
  • Click “add to queue” to automatically schedule your Instagram post for the best time.

Now, doesn’t that make you look professional!? 👏 Get the Tailwind Instagram Planner for iOS and Android today!


Option #2: Use the Instagram Dots Method to Hide Hashtags

One of the classic methods of hiding hashtags is with Instagram dots.

This is a cuter way of saying adding a series of periods between the end of your caption and your hashtag list, so that they’re hidden beneath the “More” button for your followers.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Type up your caption
  • After the punctuation at the end of your last sentence, make sure there are no spaces. Then hit return
  • On the new line, put one period, and then hit return again
  • Keep repeating until you have plenty of Instagram dots between your caption and your hashtag list
  • Paste in your hashtags and press publish!

It’s really important to make sure that you don’t include any extra spaces at the end of your sentences or after each Instagram dot. If you do, it will cancel out the line break and ruin the effect!

It used to be necessary to type out your caption with the line breaks on a separate word processing app like Notes. But now Instagram allows you to form line breaks in your caption directly through the Instagram app! Just click the “123” at the bottom left of your phone’s keyboard and tap “return” to jump to a new line.

Option #3 Hiding Instagram Hashtags in the Caption

Looking for tips on how to put your hashtags lower on Instagram captions?

There IS a way to put your hashtags in your caption while keeping your posts and feed looking good, and it works similarly to the Instagram dots method.

Simply format your caption so that it adds line breaks, pushing your valuable hashtags into the “more” section of the caption where they still do their job of increasing reach and engagement, but aren’t easy to see!

Remember, take out any extra spaces lingering after the punctuation at the end of your line breaks. This also includes after emojis in your captions!

As with the dots method, you can type out the caption with the line breaks directly in Instagram now. But just remember that any hidden spaces will cancel the line break.

This Instagram post from @harpermaven is too pretty be covered in hashtags! See how her formatting moves them below view?

Did you know? You can also compose captions with hidden hashtags in Tailwind! Just copy and paste in your caption and formatting, and then use Hashtag Finder to find the best hashtags for your Instagram post. 

Here’s a Tailwind hack that makes this incredibly simple and quick:

Use Tailwind’s Instagram Hashtag Lists to Hide Your Hashtags

Tailwind’s Hashtag Lists make hiding hashtags on Instagram captions unbelievably easy.

From Tailwind’s Instagram publisher, create a “Hashtag” list which in this case will actually store ONLY your formatting:

  1. In the Tailwind Instagram Publisher, click on the “#” button
  2. Now click the  “+” button. I called mine, “formatting.”
  3. Add line breaks and characters, symbols, or emojis on each line. In this hashtag list, I included a camera emoji, and then double asterisks, each on their own lines. This will add a camera emoji to the end of my caption and then insert line breaks with asterisks on them to move my hashtags down and out of view!

The important thing to note is that you need to have SOMETHING on those lines in order to sustain the line break for publishing. You could use a dash, some ellipses, or an emoji, but make sure there is nothing else on that line (no spaces following the characters) or the line breaks will disappear when you post to Instagram, even if it looks fine in the Instagram scheduler.

Now you have a handy template which will save you time every time you schedule a post – AND keep those hashtags out of sight!

Type your caption, add your “hashtag” list plus hashtag recommendations or your premade hashtag list and post!

Want to plan the perfect feed, find the best hashtags and post at the best times for your audience right from your phone? Its time to meet your new Instagram Smart Assistant from Tailwind - now available on Android and iOS.  

Option #4: Add Conversational Hashtags in Your Caption, Hide the Rest

Here’s a method on how to hide Instagram hashtags that make your post look spammy but keep the ones that create fun conversation.

Hashtags have been around so long that sometimes it just makes sense – and can feel a bit playful – to include them in the conversation!

With Tailwind’s Hashtag in first comment feature, only the hashtags at the END of your caption will be moved to the first comment.

So, go ahead and include some in the caption just for fun.

Should You Hide Instagram Hashtags?

There’s no harm in hiding your Instagram hashtags to neaten things up. Whether you put your hashtags in your caption directly or move them to the first comment, your content will still appear in hashtag discover feeds if it’s relevant to the hashtag topic.

So, no need for concern as you’re pondering how to put your hashtags lower on Instagram. It’s just a matter of choosing the right method for you!

Whether you put your hashtags in your caption directly or move them to the first comment, your content will still appear in hashtag discover feeds if it’s relevant to the hashtag topic.

Use Tailwind to Find, Hide Hashtags & Schedule Instagram Posts!

When it comes to hiding Instagram hashtags, do you prefer to put them in your caption or first comment – or a bit of both?

Now that you know how to hide hashtags on Instagram, grab a free trial of Tailwind for Instagram to try it on desktop – or on our new Instagram Planner app!

Start a Free Trial of Tailwind for Instagram!
  • Schedule photos and videos directly to your Instagram feed with Auto Post.
  • Optimize every post for more engagement with SmartSchedule and Hashtag Finder.
  • Automatically hide your post’s hashtags in the first comment to keep your caption clean & clutter-free.
  • Make your posts more discoverable with user tagging & location tagging.
  • Analyze what's working across every post and profile with smart analytics.

No credit card required

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How To Hide Hashtags On Instagram Without Losing Engagement


by Brittany Bennett


Hashtags are a portal into the communities that live on Instagram and an effective way for people to find your content and begin following you. And so in order to have users find your account, you tag enough hashtags to fill the word count for a short story. But as powerful as this tool is for engagement, it can clutter your captions. Knowing how to hide hashtags on Instagram will help tidy up your Instagram feed while also maintaining a connection between your profile and the community you're tagging.

When it comes to utilizing the hashtag, you can use general keywords and brand generated hashtags to engage. For foodies posting brownie shot after brownie shot, you can hashtag #baking, which includes upwards of 20 million posts, as well as something that's brand related like #thebakefeed, Bake From Scratch Magazine's hashtag. Both hashtags allow for foodie oriented accounts to find and connect with each other. It's, when you really step back to think about it, a beautiful tool for discovery and connection.

According to Riotly Social Media, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post. That's a lot of chances for connection. But it's also a lot of blue text in your post that can be distracting from the actual content you've created. To keep the focus on the post and keep the hashtags a mere map to your work, there are two effective ways to hide them.


The first, simple way to hide your hashtags is to create line breaks underneath your caption. You will, however, need a text editor on your phone to create your caption with line breaks. Per Jumper Media, open your text editor, such as Notes, and "type a dot • then press “Return”. Repeat 5 times." After the fifth dot, write your list of hashtags. Copy the text and open Instagram. In the caption prompt of a photo paste the text after your caption. The hashtags won't magically disappear but they won't be visible unless a follower selects "See More" in your caption.

For the neat freak who prefers to keep caption and hashtag separate, you can elect to hashtag in your own comment section. After posting a picture, complete with a caption, be the first to take to the comments. According to Riotly Social Media this is also a smooth way around the 30 hashtag limit, which is only set on hashtags used in the caption. Whether you want to go the extra mile for 30 more hashtags, or just let your list of hashtags live alone in the comments, this is another easy yet effective way to hide hashtags.

Hashtags have become a common language across social platforms. They help connect us to other like minded people. But when the little symbol becomes too much and too distracting, keep your post tidy by hiding your hashtags. By using two simple strategies, your social posts will be less cluttered but still draw attention from those using hashtags to discover new content.

Whether you decide to hide your hashtags in the comments or bury them under a line of punctuation, your Instagram posts will be looking nice and polished.

How to make a paragraph on Instagram


June 24, 2017

Hello! This is Lena Sakharova, writer, journalist and traveler. I have my own course on the texts of . And club , with which to blog in a thrill.

And I regularly write about how to start and not quit a blog in Instagram . I have been writing texts every day for 12 years - I write for myself, for the media and for the blog.

Paragraphs are steps along which you lead the reader to the point. One paragraph, one thought.
Without them, the reader will not grasp the essence and is unlikely to read to the end.


No paragraphs

There are paragraphs

see this post on Instagram


If you put indents on Instagram itself, the text will stick together. To divide text into paragraphs, you need a secret space.

Copy the space for Instagram here :

⠀- Here it is, at the beginning of this line, before the dash.
Highlight, copy and paste into your post.


1. Open an Instagram post.

2. Remove the space at the end of the previous paragraph.

3. Go to a new line - on the iPhone, for this, press the "Enter" button.
She is on the keyboard in the section with numbers and symbols.

4. Insert a secret space.

5. Change to a new line.
6. Save the entry.

7. Did the magic work?


There is a bot text4insta in Telegram.
Throw the text to the robot - you get texts with paragraphs.

Subscribe to my instagram

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Space is good. But the text itself is more important. I really want you to write more often sincere texts about yourself, about life, about events that excite you.

That's why I created my writing course.
In 21 days, you will master the techniques of writing, where to get ideas for posts and how to write without waiting for inspiration.

Each text is your new opportunity to tell about yourself, find like-minded people, partners and clients.


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How to make a paragraph on Instagram - 9 proven ways from SMMplanner

Making a paragraph on Instagram* is easy. However, many users post large canvases of text that are impossible to read.

Want to learn how to post text for Instagram* with paragraphs in nine different ways? Then read this article to the end. And if you seriously decide to start promoting in social networks, then you can directly follow the link to the course "Profession: SMM manager".

Why do we need paragraphs on Instagram*?

Instagram was created as a social network for posting photos. Initially, it was not supposed that people would write lyrics here. This is probably why the developers missed this moment and did not add a text editor to the application.

But today, Instagram* is no longer just a network for posting photos, videos or stories. Here people maintain full-fledged blogs, tell long stories about themselves, which subscribers read with pleasure. Only when a post with a huge text canvas appears in the feed, such a desire disappears.

Texts without paragraphs are difficult to read

What if you are writing about something very important and useful? How to make a person want to read your message to the end? The answer is simple - you need to structure the text, break it into small paragraphs, make it readable. Therefore, we read further especially carefully and remember.

We plan to publish in the SMMplanner service

The easiest way to add paragraphs to Instagram* is to use the SMMplanner delayed posting service. It is enough to open the editor and write the text, breaking it into paragraphs, add a picture and save.

Posting through SMMplanner - always perfect paragraphs without extra effort

But this is not all the possibilities of the service. Thanks to SMMplanner, you don't have to set an alarm to post at the right time. Create a publication schedule in the project - and you can relax. All posts will be posted at the scheduled time. It is also very convenient to plan large texts in the editor, because it automatically shows the number of characters.

What to do if you wrote more than the required 2200 characters, we have already described in the article "Large texts on Instagram *: why you need it and how to design it."

Secret space - the old tried and true method

If you are in a hurry to publish a long post on Instagram*, but there is no way to do it in the SMMplanner service, use the old tried and tested method - the secret space. The advantage is that you do not need to use dots or emoji to make the text readable.

The algorithm is very simple:

  1. Search for "secret space on Instagram*".
  2. Go to the very first page in the SERP and copy this space.
  3. Write text on Instagram*, break it into paragraphs, and insert this space between blocks of text.

In order not to search for a long time, you can copy the space here "⠀".

One of the old proven ways to break text into paragraphs is to insert a secret space

This method was one of the very first. True, in order to complete it, you need to get confused - to find a gap. Therefore, they are rarely used today. After all, there are plenty of others.

How to make paragraphs on Instagram* with dashes, dots and emoji

Don't want to waste time looking for a secret space? No need. Use dots and emojis as separators. See how I did in my first SMM project until I learned about other ways to make a paragraph on Instagram*. It does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but the text is structured and easy to read.

Emoji and periods between paragraphs also help to structure the text


  1. When you have completed the last sentence in a paragraph, put a full stop immediately after the word.
  2. Next, without spaces, press "Enter" on the keyboard.
  3. Type a full stop or emoticon and again "Enter" without spaces.
  4. Start writing the next paragraph.

The main rule is no spaces before and after dots and emoji. If there is a space at the end of the sentence before the line break, this will not work - the post will turn out to be crooked. Keep this in mind, especially when adding emoji to the end of a paragraph, as Instagram* tends to automatically add a space right after the emoji.

Using the mobile app for paragraphs on Instagram*

Download and install the Space mobile app on your phone. Then everything is simple:

  1. We start the program.
  2. We write text in the application editor and divide it into paragraphs.
  3. Copy the finished text in one click.
  4. Open Instagram* and publish a post through the application editor.
You can also structure text on Instagram* through the Space 9 mobile app0139

Making paragraphs with the telegram bot

I stopped inserting dots and emoji into text when I found out about the @text4instabot Telegram chat bot. Everything is also very clear here:

  • Write the text for the post in your smartphone notes or in any text editor on your computer. Copy it.
  • Launch the @text4instabot bot, paste text into it.
  • Next, divide the text into paragraphs. The Telegram bot is very convenient, as you can immediately place the necessary emoji in it. It's much faster than notes or text editors.
With the @text4instabot bot it is convenient to make paragraphs and quickly arrange emojis
  • Send your finished text to the bot.
  • Within a minute or a few seconds, the bot will return your text, which you need to copy and paste into Instagram*.
After a few seconds, the bot sends the finished text for publication

Previously, you could use @text4instabot to make paragraphs on Instagram* in your profile. But today such a need has disappeared, because Instagram * does this automatically in the profile header.

Write the text in the editor

Before inserting the text of the post into the Instagram* editor, write it in any text editor, such as MC Word or Google Docs. Break text into paragraphs and include invisible characters. We see that immediately after the dot at the end of the paragraph there is an invisible symbol ¶. Spaces between words are marked with dots. Make sure that there are no extra spaces anywhere at the end of the paragraph and at the breaks. If everything is in order, copy the text and paste it into Instagram*.

Use invisible characters in Word to structure text for Instagram*

You can do the same in Google Docs:

  1. Write the text and divide it into paragraphs.
  2. Press Ctrl+F and Spacebar once.
  3. All spaces in the text will be highlighted.
  4. Check that there are no spaces after periods at the end of a paragraph and between blocks of text.
  5. If everything is OK, copy and post the text to Instagram*.
You can even write a structured post for Instagram* in Google Docs

How to make a paragraph on Instagram* on your phone

On your phone, you can make a paragraph using the "Enter" button:

  1. Go to the Instagram post editor*, write the text.
  2. At the end of the paragraph immediately put a period without a space.
  3. Press the "Enter" button twice without a space.
  4. Writing the text again.

We repeat the algorithm as many times as necessary to write paragraphs, and calmly publish the post. As a result, our text is beautiful, structured and readable.

To make paragraphs on your smartphone, use the Enter button

How to make paragraphs on Instagram* from your computer

After numerous updates in 2021, Instagram* finally allows you to publish posts on the social network directly in the web version. To do this, the developers have added a special button with a "+" sign.

Today you can also publish a post on Instagram* in the web version

Press the button and the web editor for publications opens. First, add a picture, if necessary, use filters to it. We write the text of the post. Be sure to follow the same rule as for publishing from the phone:

  1. Put a dot at the end of the sentence without a space.
  2. Press the Enter key twice without a space.
  3. Start writing the next paragraph.
  4. The algorithm is repeated.

When the text is ready, if desired, you can mark people and indicate the location. Click the "Share" button in the upper right corner of the editor.

The main thing when publishing is not to put extra spaces

If we did everything right, our post looks nice and readable.

Making paragraphs on Instagram* is very easy

Using Facebook's Creator Studio*

For those who want to tinker and try out another way to add paragraphs on Instagram* for themselves, we suggest using Facebook's Creator Studio app*. But this method is only suitable for accounts that are linked to a Facebook business page*. If your Instagram * is on its own, read the conclusions of the article right away.

But if you need to post the same content on both your Instagram* account and your Facebook page* at the same time, this is the way to go. The good thing about Facebook* Creator Studio is that you can also post long texts to Instagram* and your posts will look as intended - with line breaks and all.

To start using Creator Studio, you need to link your Facebook* page to Instagram*. Then everything is step by step:

  • Press the button "Create a publication", select the social network Instagram * and the project - this is if you have several.
If your Instagram account* is linked to a Facebook page*, you can use the Creator Studio service for publishing.
  • Adding an image and text. We break the text into paragraphs - as needed.
Nothing complicated - just write a structured text