How to increase view on instagram

10 Simple Tactics You Can Try Today

Since Instagram started sorting posts on users’ feed with an algorithm, many marketers have noticed a decline in their organic reach and engagement.

But that doesn’t have to be the case for you. In fact, it could be possible for you to reach more of your followers now than without the new Instagram algorithm.

In this post, we’ll share 10 straightforward ways you can use to increase your organic reach on Instagram today.

Buffer for Instagram now comes with direct scheduling! Schedule single-image or video posts or set reminders to post multi-image posts at your best times to grow your Instagram following. Learn more today.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm

Here’s a quick side-note: Understanding how the Instagram algorithm works can be helpful in figuring out how to increase your organic reach in the algorithmic-feed world.

We’ve dug into the Instagram algorithm and broken down the seven key factors of the Instagram algorithm. If you’d like to learn about the algorithm and how it ranks content on users’ feed, feel free to hit the button below to read the post first.

Learn about the Instagram algorithm

10 ways to boost your Instagram reach today

So how can you increase your organic reach on Instagram? Here are the 10 powerful ways you can do that:

  1. Find your optimal posting times
  2. Experiment with videos
  3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement
  4. Curate user-generated content
  5. Tell Instagram Stories
  6. Go live on Instagram
  7. Use Instagram ads
  8. Post less
  9. Create specifically for Instagram
  10. Be a great Instagram user

Let’s dive in!

1. Find your optimal posting times

Even though Instagram uses an algorithmic timeline now, optimal posting times are still relevant as Sue B. Zimmerman, suggests posting when the majority of your audience is online:

It may take time to get a long-term understanding of your followers’ activity, but it’s important to make sure you’re posting when the majority of your audience is online.

If you are using an Instagram Business Profile, you can check your Instagram Insights to find out when your followers are most active by the day of the week and the time of the day.

Once you’ve identified your ideal posting times, you can also schedule Instagram posts ahead of time to help ensure you consistently post high-quality content.

2. Experiment with videos

Several studies have found that photos tend to get more overall engagement (i.e. likes and comments) than videos on Instagram. On first look, it might seem that photos are better than videos for engagement — and it could well be!

On closer examination, we might draw a different conclusion. News Whip studied the Instagram accounts of 31 news publishers and made an interesting discovery. While photos, on average, get more likes (and overall engagement) than videos, videos generate more comments than photos. In fact, videos, on average, received more than twice the amount of comments than photos!

It is not certain if the Instagram algorithm values likes and comments equally or one more than another. But since commenting requires more effort from a user than liking, it’s possible that the algorithm values comments more than likes and would rank posts with more comments higher than posts with more likes.

Last year, Instagram found that the video watch time on Instagram increased by more than 40 percent over a six-month period. At this growth rate, it could be great to experiment with videos to see if it increases your engagement and organic reach on Instagram.

To make things easier for you, you can now schedule videos to your Instagram business profiles using Buffer.

3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement

Asking questions or calling for an action is one of the fun ways to encourage your followers to interact with your Instagram posts. We found that hosting a giveaway contest is an effective way to engage our followers.

Some of the call-to-actions we have tried are:

  • Enter to win by sharing your favorite emoji party combo in the comments below ?
  • To enter, simply tag a friend below who you would “Vote” for as your favorite marketer and you’ll both be entered to win!
  • To enter tag a friend below who you know is rocking it on social media! ?
  • What’s on your reading list this week? ? Drop your book suggestions below for a chance to win a free book of your choice from the Buffer team! ❤

While giveaway contests usually generate more comments than usual posts, we try to give it a few months in between each contest to keep things fun and exciting.

Something that we do more often is asking a question in our Instagram posts. Several of our most-commented posts (excluding contest posts) are posts with a question such as this, this, and this.

4. Curate user-generated content

Brian Peters, our digital marketing strategist, grew our Instagram account following by about 500% (4,250 to 21,000) in under six months. His secret? User-generated content.

Curating user-generated content can encourage those users to engage with and share those content. Since the Instagram algorithm considers users’ relationships when ranking content on their feed, building relationships with your users through Instagram might also help your content rank higher on their feeds.

Apart from organic reach, Crowdtap found that user-generated content is 35 percent more memorable and 50 percent more trusted than traditional media and other non-user-generated content. This makes user-generated content a valuable strategy to try.

If you would like to repost user-generated content on your Instagram profile, we would love for you to try our Buffer for Android or Buffer for iOS mobile apps, which can help speed up the process.

5. Tell Instagram Stories

In our State of Social Media 2016 report, we found that while 63 percent of marketers surveyed use Instagram, only 16 percent have created Instagram Stories. There’s a great opportunity to stand out before it gets too crowded!

Instagram Stories take a prominent position on the Instagram app — above the feed. This allows you to stay on top of your followers’ feed and grab more of their attention. If your followers view your Stories regularly, it could possibly even help your Instagram posts rank higher on their feeds.

It’s worth noting that the Stories are also ranked by an algorithm; possibly one very similar to the feed algorithm. Spend the time to craft great Stories to help them rank better.

6. Go live on Instagram

A similar “trick” is to go live on Instagram. When you use live video, you will appear right at the front of the Stories feed, assuming no one else is live at the same time. The “LIVE” logo also makes your profile photo more prominent in the Instagram app.

Social Media Examiner found that the more they went live on Facebook, the more their non-live content received exposure. Michael Stelzner said that one reason might be their brand is in front of their fans more often so the fans might go to their Page to see their content more — even if the fans don’t watch the live video.

This effect could play out on Instagram, too. Seeing your logo at the top of their feed might encourage your followers to check out your Instagram profile.

From our State of Social Media 2016 report, we concluded that live video has yet to hit mass adoption as only 27 percent of marketers surveyed had created live video content. While the percentage might be higher today, I believe live videos aren’t mainstream yet. So it’s another perfect way to stand out and deliver great content!


Use Instagram ads

This might sound a little counter-intuitive but Instagram ads can be an effective way to grow your organic reach.

If you have an Instagram Business Profile, you can promote your existing posts from within the Instagram app. (

So which post should you promote?

Here’s a quick way to pick a good post to promote:

  1. Go to your Instagram Insights on the mobile app (tap on the profile tab and then the bar chart icon).
  2. Tap “See More” under the “Top Posts” section.
  3. Tap on “Impressions” at the top (a pop-up should apply to let you adjust your stats filters).
  4. For the first filter, you can choose “All”, “Photos”, or “Videos” according to your preference.
  5. For the second filter, select “Engagement”.
  6. For the third filter, select “7 days”.
  7. You will see your top posts by engagement for the last seven days. From there, you can pick a post to promote.

As these posts have received the most engagement from your followers, they would likely also resonate with the people you promote to (assuming you have targeted people like your followers).

8. Post less

When explaining social media algorithms, Michael Stelzner encouraged marketers to re-think your posting strategy.

Rethink is the keyword here. Rethink your posting strategy on social media – Less is actually more!

Sue B. Zimmerman also gave a similar advice for marketers who want to overcome the Instagram algorithm.

If you truly want to connect with your audience, it’s better to share one fabulous photo instead of 20 mediocre images. So next time, before you hit post, take a moment and consider how this content contributes to your brand, and does it effectively encourage engagement from your followers.

I believe this is about the allocation of your resources and time. Instead of publishing 20 posts a week, use the same resources and time for just one or two posts and make them great.

Quality content that is relevant to your followers has a higher chance of eliciting a positive response from your followers. In turn, this can help your posts rank higher on your followers’ feed.

9. Create specifically for Instagram

One way to create quality content is to create content specifically for Instagram. Instagram, being a very visual platform, has a greater focus on the photo or video itself than the text. So a post that would do well on Instagram is probably different from one that would do well on Twitter or Facebook.

For smaller social media teams or solo social media manager, it can be challenging to always create unique content for each platform. Crossposting and repurposing content from other platforms can be great, too. If you are doing that, it’d be best to craft specific caption for each social media platform as your followers likely follow you for a different reason for each of the platforms.

Now with Tailored Posts, you can write customized captions for each social network. We’re hoping that this feature would encourage you to be (even) more creative with your social media posts and would help you drive more engagement.

10. Be a great Instagram user

This last point might be a little vague but it nicely wraps up many of the points above.

Social media algorithms are built to encourage genuine, positive behaviors on the platforms such as sharing, showing appreciation, quick replies, and more. Often, they would also try to discourage abuse or hacks.

My gut feeling here is that being a great Instagram user will help you grow your organic reach over time. That includes:

  • Posting quality content that is relevant to your followers (be it informative, inspiring, or entertaining)
  • Answering questions on your posts quickly
  • Thanking people for commenting on your posts
  • Exploring other people’s profiles, engaging with their posts, and building a relationship with them

All the best!

The main objective of Instagram (and most social media platforms) is to make users happy and let them enjoy the experience. As brands on Instagram (and social media), I think we can do a lot to create great experiences for our followers — which will, in turn, benefit ourselves.

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How to Get More Views on Instagram in 2022

Generating more views and impressions on Instagram isn’t as easy as it used to be.

There are over two billion users and 25 million businesses vying for attention. Along with this, Instagram’s constantly-changing algorithm makes it harder to reach your target audience.

In this post, we’ll be sharing 10 tactics you can use to beat the algorithm—and competition—to get more views, increase reach, and boost engagement on Instagram.

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1. Post more often

2. Share more videos and carousel posts

3. Use a lot of hashtags

4. Join a pod

5. Get more followers

6. Post at the best time

7. Work with influencers

8. Boost posts

9. Pay attention to insights

10. Get on the Explore page

Get more views and impressions on Instagram

1. Post more often

It’s natural that if you post more often, you will get more impressions. A study by Tailwind found that accounts that post more than seven times a week generate the most likes.

The same study also found that accounts that post more often attract more followers.

To get the best results, publish a variety of posts. Here’s what Instagram recommends publishing per week:

  • 4-7 reels
  • 3 feed posts (or more)
  • 8-10 stories
  • 1-3 IGTV videos

Check out National Geographic’s account for some inspiration.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by National Geographic (@natgeo)

It publishes different types of posts multiple times a day, and they’re all high quality.

Instagram’s recommendations are a good starting point, but don’t just stick to what the network asks you to do. Different audiences will prefer different post types, so experiment with various post types (and frequencies) and see which one generates the most views. Then create more of those.

2. Share more videos and carousel posts

A study from Quintly found that videos generate 49% more interactions than photo posts. They also generate 19.4% more interactions than carousel pos

If you don’t currently publish enough videos, you might want to give them a try. To generate the most views, try creating how-to tutorials as a study from Wibbitz found that people want to see this content type most often.

Creating video content can be very time-consuming, but you can cut short the effort with a tool like ImagickPro. It has templates and an easy-to-use editor that make it easy for anyone to create videos.

Your videos also don’t have to be very long. Hubspot found that the ideal Instagram video length for feed posts is 26 seconds.

Reels and Stories will naturally need to be even shorter because of Instagram’s time limit.

For a short video idea, check out this post from Chobani. It’s a recipe tutorial.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Chobani (@chobani)

Try to create more Reels right now as they generate the highest engagement. Instagram is using this feature to compete with TikTok, so it rewards users who create Reels with more views.

If you aren’t comfortable creating videos or if it is taking more time, you can create more images instead. Publish image posts more often to get the same (or higher) levels of impressions. Compare the time (it takes to create video posts vs photo posts) and track the impressions you get to see which one works best.

While publishing image posts, experiment with carousels as they generate 24.9% more interactions than regular image posts.

3. Use a lot of hashtags

To get more impressions and engagement on Instagram, you must up your hashtag game. One study from Trackmaven found that posts with 9 or more hashtags generate more interactions than those with fewer.


So, add as many as you can, but don’t just randomly add any hashtags that are remotely relevant to the post topic. Instead, get strategic and use three kinds of hashtags.

  • Low competition: These are hashtags that have been used in less than 50,000 posts.
  • Medium competition: These have been used in 50,000 to 100,000 posts.
  • High competition: These hashtags have been used in more than 100,000 posts.

Often, people like to go for the high competition hashtags. But most times, only the largest accounts rank for these hashtags.

Instead, use a combination of the three types of hashtags. It will be easier to rank for low and medium competition hashtags as fewer people use them. Plus, interactions generated from these hashtags will eventually help you rank for the high competition options and get even more impressions.

Along with these three types of hashtags, you might also want to add one or two branded ones.

To find hashtags, you can use HashtagforLikes.

It will not only find Instagram hashtags, but also show you the competition levels.

For some ideas, check out Palmer’s account. It uses a good combination of hashtags.

You will also notice that the hashtags appear in a comment rather than the caption. This keeps the caption clutter-free.

4. Join a pod

Instagram pods, also known as engagement groups, are communities where people like and comment on each other’s posts. Instagram frowns on these communities, but several power users take advantage of them to improve their reach.

A great place to find pods is Telegram.

To find pods, simply type in keywords related to engagement groups and your niche in Telegram search and check out the groups. If you find anything relevant, you can join.

There are also blog posts like this one from Kim Sutton and this one from Hipster Kidster that list pods. You can also ask people you know to invite you to pods they participate in.

There are different kinds of engagement groups available. Some accept members depending on the followers they have, while others consider the niche.

A few consider both the number of followers and the topic. For best results, find groups that take both the number of followers and the niche into consideration as the algorithm looks at the niche/topic of the accounts interacting with your post. If you get more engagement from relevant accounts, your post will do better.

The number of followers also matters. If you get engagement from an account with a huge following, that can help your post perform better.

Groups that take both niche and followers into consideration will only let you in if you have the right number of followers. As your following grows, you can look for new groups that match your follower levels. You might also want to look into creating your own group.

5. Get more followers

You will naturally reach more people with more followers. If you divide the average amount of impressions you get per post by the number of followers you have and multiply it by 100, you can figure out your reach/impression percentage.

This will help you predict how many more impressions you will get if you grow your following. But remember that, as you grow your following, your engagement rate will decrease, as you can see in this report.

Even though the rate will decrease, the total impressions you get will still increase as you will have a far larger follower count.

Here are a few ways to get more followers.

  • Set up a good profile: Before people follow you, they likely check out your profile picture, read your bio, and maybe even visit your website. If your profile is up to date with an engaging bio that resonates with their interests, they will follow you.
  • Run contests: A quick way to get followers is with a contest. You can run a follow-to-win contest where you ask people to follow you to take part in a contest. You could also ask people to tag their friends in the comments, and like the post. This way you will generate more reach, engagement, and followers at the same time. Before you launch a contest make sure you read and follow Instagram’s promotion guidelines and follow them strictly to avoid account suspension.
  • Engage with others: Don’t wait for others to follow you. Actively seek out people to follow. Whenever you see an interesting post, like it, comment on it, and follow the account. Some of these people will follow you back. You can continue following the ones who follow you in return and unfollow those who don’t.

6. Post at the best time

Timing is an essential factor when your goal is to generate more impressions and engagement on social media. If you post when more people are online, more people will naturally see your posts. When you’re just starting and don’t have much information about your followers and their interests, you can use a study like this one from Later.

As you can see, the best time to post varies every day.

Try scheduling at these times more often. You might also want to experiment with occasionally posting at less popular times since most of the top accounts will usually post at the best times. If you post at a less popular time, you might have low competition.

After posting at these times for a while, you can use Instagram’s built-in insights or a third-party analytics tool to find your best time to post. You can then schedule posts with a social media management tool like Radaar.

7. Work with influencers

Influencers can help you reach a fresh, wider audience.

The key to getting the most out of influencer marketing is to work with influencers whose followers you want to target. So, do a ton of research to find the best influencers. You might also want to do your due diligence to determine if their followers are real or fake, as there is a big fake follower epidemic on Instagram.

Once you find the influencers, you can simply ask them to repost your best-performing content. Micro-influencers (influencers with less than 1000 followers) will do this for free or in exchange for a product. In comparison, those with larger followings might ask for payment.

If you have a reasonable budget, you can pay them. It will help you reach a larger audience with less effort. You could also ask the influencers to create original content that will better resonate with their audience.

When they publish the sponsored post, ask them to tag your account handle in the caption. This will make it easy for their followers to find your account and follow you — and potentially grow your audience.

For some ideas on how to get influencer marketing right, check out Gymshark. It works with a lot of influencers on Instagram. The influencers create unique content and post them on the network.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Camille Joun (@camillejoun)

Gymshark then re-publishes some of these paid posts on its page.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Gymshark (@gymshark)

Publishing user-generated content can make sponsored posts look more authentic, help build strong relationships with influencers, and also generate sales.

8. Boost posts

An easy way to quickly increase the reach of your Instagram posts is to boost them using ads. You can do this by clicking on the “Promote” button under your posts. You will only see this if you have a business account.

You can run these ads for as little as $5. Instead of boosting every post you publish, only do it for the best-performing ones. If the post already did well, it is more likely to generate more engagement and impressions when you promote it.

If you want to generate more targeted impressions, you can use Facebook ads manager while promoting your post and choose who you want to reach.

You can also promote the posts influencers publish if they turn on “Allow Business Partner to Promote” when they publish.

This will let you turn that post into an ad and reach more people. An ad like this will also convert better as it appears on another account. It will look more credible.

9. Pay attention to insights

On the Instagram Insights, under the “Accounts Reached” section, you can view various metrics such as impressions, profile visits, and website taps.

Source: Hubspot

You can also see your top posts and stories. This will give you a better idea of what posts drive the most impressions and engagement. Use this information to create posts that will help you reach your Instagram marketing goals.

You can also analyze individual posts and find out if a post got you more profile visits, followers, or website clicks.

Source: Hubspot

There’s even a Discovery page where you can see whether users discovered your post on their home feed, your profile, or the Explore page.

Source: Hubspot

10. Get on the Explore page

Every time you publish a post on Instagram, your aim should be to get on the Explore page.

Getting on this page can increase the impressions your posts get as people frequent it to find the best content. If you create quality content and accompany them with the above tactics, you will regularly get on this page.

But there’s an extra technique you might want to try: Get more strategic with the way you use Instagram engagement groups.

One of the factors that Instagram considers to rank your post on the Explore page is how much engagement you get as soon as you post. So, as soon as you publish a post, inform people in your engagement group to like and comment on it.

To ensure that people see it, you might want to set a time every day when you and the other members of the same group publish at the same time and interact with each other’s posts.

This tactic, along with others such as using the right hashtags and sharing more videos (especially reels), will help your posts reach the Explore page more often.

Get more views and impressions on Instagram

Yes, it takes a lot of effort to generate more views, impressions, and engagement on Instagram. But implementing all these tactics is worth it as Instagram is probably the best network to market yourself on right now.

You don’t have to overwhelm yourself by implementing all tactics immediately. Start with a handful for now and gradually incorporate more techniques.

To help you save time creating quality Instagram content and increasing your impressions, you might want to check out the latest Instagram tools on the AppSumo store. We have several lifetime deals on tools and templates that you will love.

How to increase Instagram story views: life hacks, tricks, cheat

December 24, 2021

10 minutes

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How to understand if there are many or few views

Instagram reach is the number of users who viewed new publications or stories. This is a key indicator that displays the effectiveness of the marketing plan, gives an idea of ​​how interesting the content is for the audience. Only unique visitors are taken into account, repeated page openings from the same profile are not counted.

View statistics show the actual number of page views. For example, subscriber Ivanov watched 10 times, +10 is the number of views. And coverage +1. Taken into account when calculating:

Geographical location of a person

Browser used

IP address

Data specified during registration

It is very difficult to falsify these parameters, therefore, to get the right picture of the audience response, you should focus on coverage, not the number of views.

What affects the number of views

You can predict how the audience will react to new stories on Instagram if you use tools to increase the degree of engagement. People are interested in a beautiful picture with a funny caption, an informative article, a series of short videos on a general topic, and following trends. The latter change regularly, the duration of the "life" of a fashion item or theme is a couple of days, then preferences change.

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beautiful font

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Hashtag selection

Social hashtag generator: collections by topic


Social network users are extremely demanding, they need quality, timely, interesting content that can evoke emotions. Laughter, tears, admiration, keen interest or nostalgia, whatever.


One picture with a cat is not enough, it is important to remember the main focus of the page, if the profile is about haircuts at home or tailoring, then you should attract your subscribers within the framework of a common topic.

Ways to increase views

Having understood what influences reach, you should apply a number of tools that can increase audience interest and keep it at a high level, which is also important.

Regular publications

Discipline is an irreplaceable assistant to the author. People like certainty, when a new product does not have to wait for months.

Even a popular profile can easily lose its fans. In order for new posts and stories to appear regularly in the feed, a content plan will help.

A content plan is a publication schedule. With it, it is easy to outline upcoming activity in the profile by day, week or month.

It is recommended to update the plan every month based on coverage statistics. Alternate 4 kinds of content:

Selling - advertising posts (10-20%)

Informational - with data about the product, materials, production process (30-40%)

Entertaining - with humor, life stories, funny stories, contests and polls (20 -30%)

Engaging - contains a call to action (10-20%)

Information stories are useful, they increase the level of trust. These are articles with pictures, videos with detailed data on production, materials used, useful application tips, interviews with specialists. They clearly show the activities of the brand owner, strengthening the reputation of the company.

Entertaining items improve mood and at the same time maintain interest, because people are attracted by diversity. This can include pictures of cats, jokes, occasional motivating posts with quotes, life stories, etc.

Using creatives

Most profile owners copy other people's ideas, make changes and apply them. At the head of the movement are European Instagram stars, most of the trends and new products come from there.

However, the higher the competition, the more valuable the author's ideas. Instagram is a great place to show your talent without fear of negativity and possible repercussions.

It is useful to write down all insights that sometimes come unexpectedly in a separate notebook. Then, at your leisure, “digest” them, thinking about how to adapt them to promote your profile.

Audience engagement

It's important to be on the same wavelength as your subscribers. Get a reaction to posted posts - ask questions, offer to discuss a topical topic, hold contests and prize draws. Your posts can contain several photos with a request to mark the option you like in the comments. Remember that the page is maintained for the sake of the people, not the owner, so you need to:

Choose a general style and stick to it.

Process images by passing through one or more filters before publishing.

Correct with photo editors.

Experiment with the format of the content, stick to the plan, changing it if necessary.

Keep in touch through comments, likes and polls, regularly broadcast live.

Respond to people's requests, respond in direct, correctly use hashtags and tags.

Contests, promotions and quizzes

Contests with prize draws are interesting for everyone. You can arrange such events every week. The more valuable the prize, the more willingly people will fulfill the conditions. Often the authors ask to show creative talent along with some action useful for the profile:


Draw a picture within the topic, subscribe to the specified pages and repost


In the comments, write a story from life, a funny incident or an instructive story


Take a beautiful screenshot after finding materials on the net, post them in the comments, providing a caption

Any activity of participants helps to increase coverage. Often the results are calculated online live using a special application or roulette. You can ask the winner to write in direct or otherwise let you know when he will receive the prize, at the same time share his emotions.

Promotions also increase brand popularity when there are discounts, new releases and other promotions. People like bargains, with savings and benefits. Even a 10-20% reduction in the original price of a product is already reflected in the level of demand.

Why do you need it?

Quizzes test how closely the audience follows publications. Compose a dozen questions and the one who answered correctly will receive a valuable gift, this motivates people to try to remember the information given by the author.

What questions?

Questions related to the brand: when it came out, what it produces, what properties, etc. Quizzes should be held regularly, after 5-8 informative posts.


An effective way to increase views by engaging the audience in direct interaction with the author. Ask questions under posts, ask followers for advice, post several similar pictures with a suggestion to choose the best one. People are ready to share and help the author if given the opportunity. Full multiple choice quizzes are also effective, along with single questions and yes/no buttons, bloggers often use them to create challenges.

Correct time

Despite updates to the algorithmic feed, posting time remains an important factor and will help increase views.

You should study the peak of audience activity, when people open publications more often, like and comment willingly. Then post new items within a given period.

Owners of business accounts can view page statistics, the rest will have to use third-party resources. Or calculate it yourself.

Keep order

Content - the plan disciplines in terms of the frequency of the laid out material. However, the order is important everywhere:

On the page

It is necessary to remove frankly failed posts with low ratings

Among the audience

Keep track of those who spoil statistics, insult and frankly sow negativity, block them without regret

Use of trends and current events

The increase in coverage depends on the relevance of the information posted. You need to keep an eye on the appearance of new products and immediately apply them. For example, the function of selling on the network, analogues of Tik Tok with short videos. You can come up with something of your own, so people will visit the page more often, wanting to stay up to date with the news. The intrigue works great - starting to tell a story, stopping it in the middle, promising to continue tomorrow.

Live broadcasts

Live broadcasts are a useful tool for establishing live communication. Viewers can see the owner of the page online, ask him any questions and participate in the discussion. It is important to carefully prepare for shooting:

Choose a location, think about the background and the location of the light, come up with your image, including clothes, hair and makeup.

Write a script from the evening - what events will be held, what to discuss. Check equipment - cameras, microphone, lighting, third-party resources

Designate a good peak time. Before the broadcast, put out a news post about it a week or a few days in advance, indicating the time and day of the event so that people can put things off.

Expert opinion

Valery Nikolaev

Promotion specialist

The optimal time for Instagram is 20-30 minutes. The first shootings can be made short, like a test of the pen. Then increase if possible, inviting the audience to move to another site, if it is more convenient there.

Video content

Live videos are more interesting than static images. Perhaps the algorithms of the social network evaluate comments more than likes, because people spend much less time on the latter. If you want to increase coverage, you should alternate posts with pictures and videos, including this in the content plan. You can show in videos:


Reviews, comparisons of different products

Expert opinion

Invite a knowledgeable person and conduct an interview online


Make funny videos

Stop on the story

Use beautiful pictures in the subject, not ready-made, but made by yourself. Pay attention to text. It is easy to write, without errors (preferably), breaking into semantic blocks and not getting carried away by emoticons. A good opportunity to start an exciting story and stretch it into several interconnected publications, at the end of each notifying: “Continuation will be released next Thursday” (for example). Then interested subscribers will be looking forward to the new part.


Now you know how to increase the reach of your Instagram stories. If you want to improve your profile with free tools, read our articles: Maximum number of hashtags on Instagram, How to correctly add hashtags on Instagram under a photo. Upgrade your blog daily with Kamaninga!

It is useful to write down all insights that sometimes come unexpectedly in a separate notebook. Then, at your leisure, “digest” them, thinking about how to adapt them to promote your profile

Information stories are useful, they increase the level of trust. These are articles with pictures, videos with detailed production data, etc.

Even a well-known profile can easily lose its fans. In order for new posts and stories to appear regularly in the feed, a content plan will help

How often do you post stories on Instagram?

Once a week or less

Few times a week

Every day

Several times a day

Frequently asked questions

How to advertise correctly in 2021-2022?

You can directly advertise your products in Instagram posts and stories by alternating such blocks with other types of content at a ratio of 10-20%. Many suggestions sound intrusive and instead of interest cause irritation with a desire to quickly close the page. Ordinary pictures with a product and the inscription: “Buy cheap!” now they are used only in a market where direct appeals are sufficient for the audience. Social media needs to be more subtle.

Is it worth buying views?

Artificial methods to increase the number of views are not effective. Firstly, such manipulations will be immediately visible and social network algorithms can ban the user for this, including blocking the page. Secondly, the people attracted by deceit will quickly leave, and the statistics will again fall with them. There is no guarantee that they will want to stay, moreover, it is not clear how to keep the interest of strangers who have opened a profile out of necessity.

Which followers are most valued on Instagram?

Live people who really like the published content are valued higher. Let there be few of them so far, 1000 or 10000, but regular activity and the use of the tools described above will help to unwind honestly, without deception.

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How to get Reels views on Instagram and what to do if there are no Reels video views

You can increase Reels views on Instagram through regular communication with subscribers, searching for relevant topics and improving content. It's no secret that videos that are posted on the pages of "real people" have a special advantage in the social network: the video has a face or a person in full.


  • How to boost your Reels views on Instagram
    • We use hashtags to promote
    • thematic communities
    • Activity chats
    • Other social networks
  • What to do

    How to increase views of your Reels on Instagram

    Gaining views, unlike other platforms with the same function, is not easy on Instagram. The fact is that in the social network, the content in Rils is selected taking into account the subscriptions of the profile owner. And recommendations by interest rarely appear. Therefore, potential viewers may not see the content or miss it among the rest of the entries.

    How to get views:

    • use thematic hashtags. Those that correspond to the main idea of ​​the page;
    • activity chats. An effective way, but affects the further promotion of the account;
    • distribution of their content in other social networks;
    • paid promotion of the entire profile;
    • search for popular topics;
    • creation of short and funny video clips with music from the TOP.

    Expert opinion


    SMM specialist, I design, promote and maintain pages on Instagram

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    Basically, content from Rils is transferred to Tik Tok or VK, where there are similar sections for watching clips. In these social networks, views are gained faster, so by linking back to Instagram, you can get subscribers from another platform.

    We use hashtags for promotion

    If the video has 0 views, then there is a possibility that the matter is in poor quality shooting, incorrectly chosen topics or lack of dynamics. Reels are short videos in which the user must have time to show the main idea.

    How to choose hashtags to promote Rils on Instagram:

    1. Choose standard tags for your profile.
    2. Go to tags to see examples from competitors.
    3. View Reels that have been recorded by competitors.
    4. Choose the appropriate format - collect the most popular hashtags that are used on other people's accounts.

    That is, if the author collects a list of 10 tags that are most often found among competitors, he will be able to promote content in his profile in the same way.

    Thematic communities

    Promotion groups have always been popular regarding social networking and content distribution. The blog author can add a link to their profile or a single video to get followers.

    Groups in Vkontakte:

    • Mutual Instagram. You can leave a link to your page or Rils;
    • PR and mutual likes. A wall has been opened where users exchange their links to content, accounts.

    How to use groups in VK to distribute your content:

    1. Go to a social network - select the community where the user plans to share a post.
    2. Copy the link on Instagram - go to the community.
    3. Insert a link and wait for the content to be noticed by other users.

    But in the case of such a promotion, the likelihood of an increase in the number of subscribers is minimal. This also applies to the views boost for Rils, which may be ignored by new viewers.

    Activity chats

    Activity chats are one of the ways to promote yourself on a social network and make videos popular with the general public.

    The disadvantage of this method is that upon completion of the promotion using the chat, the coverage in the account drops, there is a possibility of shadow blocking.

    How to use the activity chat to promote Reels:

    1. Go to the social network - copy the link to the video.
    2. Enter in the search: "Chat activities" - find the appropriate option by hashtags.
    3. Join chat - send a link to the clip.

    Or, you can search for chat activities in Telegram, VKontakte. They also indicate a link to the publication and you can track the number of views.

    This is a temporary activity that may affect the further development of the account. If a user constantly accesses chat activities or winds up subscribers, his profile can be permanently blocked for using automated promotion tools.

    Other social networks

    If the blog owner has pages on other platforms, he can advertise his Reels there. This applies to the profile in VK, Tik Tok or Twitter. In all of these social platforms, there is an option to add a short clip and track the number of viewers.

    Share your video on Twitter:

    1. Log into the social network's mobile app.
    2. In Instagram, select a post with Reels from the Feed.
    3. Click on the top three dots - Copy link.
    4. Go to Twitter - create a new post.
    5. Add link - send.

    A thumbnail will appear in the Feed with a link that will take profile visitors to the original post. Also, the profile owner can connect a Twitter account to their Instagram account to constantly forward content.

    What to do if the views have fallen in the Reels

    You can increase the views of the Reels in the above ways, but if the visits are steadily declining, then this can be:

    • There are rarely people in the video. Under the latest rules, only personal and original content is promoted more often on the social network. For this reason, among the recommended entries, there are less often clips with objects, advertisements for online stores;
    • Wrong topic. The author dryly submits information if his blog is aimed at entertaining content or vice versa;
    • low quality. Outdated camera, old tracks picked up;
    • there is no connection with the audience. The page owner does not respond to user questions.

    Even if the user has a store/showroom, you need to place content where people are present. These can be video reviews, product creation recordings, or content preparation. A light form, jokes in conveying information help to promote even expert accounts.

    To record new clips, you need to look at the latest trends and choose which recording format is suitable. For example, in Rils you can even find a slide show (a selection of images to music), but with an original design.

    What to do if a video gets 0 views

    Such a number of views is possible on small or just developing blogs. The first time, while the page has up to 100 publications and less than 1000 subscribers, is considered normal. Topics aimed at a ready-made target audience become popular.

    Therefore, in order to collect more views, the user needs to:

    • highlight his target audience;
    • identify topics that may resonate with subscribers;
    • follow trends and new ideas in processing.

    For example, if you add non-standard transitions to a video, it can collect views faster. Reels are becoming popular, which are associated with: non-standard ideas and unpacking of goods, revelations (from bloggers to goods from online stores), sharp social videos.

    What influences Rils views on Instagram

    Zero views on Instagram for a large blog is an indicator that the promotion methods are chosen incorrectly. Perhaps the author only cheated subscribers or collected activity using the chat. This differs from temporary use in that other options are not used except for chats and cheats.

    What can affect views:

    • the author rarely adds new clips. You need to fill out the section regularly so that subscribers pay attention;
    • uses the wrong hashtags or no hashtags at all;
    • uniformity. Shooting video in only one location, with the same equipment.

    To increase views, you need to invite friends, distribute your clips on other platforms. Getting 100 views at once, while there are no new subscribers in the profile, is difficult, but possible only with scandalous topics.

    Ways to make Reels more viewable:

    • Blog in the same style. Photos must match the videos;
    • follow foreign blogs. Many trends come from the foreign community;
    • pay attention to competitors;
    • apply different ideas.

    For example, a store owner for Reels can record a video with reviews, indicating their number and thanking customers.

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