How to unblock actions on instagram

How To Fix Instagram Action Block Error 2022 "We're sorry but something went wrong. Try Again Later"

In this article, you’re going to learn how to fix your Instagram account after you’ve been action blocked, what you need to know to avoid getting flagged in the future, and what could have caused your account to be blocked in the first place.

Why does Instagram keep saying “Try Again Later, we restrict certain activities to protect our community”?

Unfortunately, if you’re experiencing any variation of this message… it means your account is temporarily action blocked on Instagram.

What does this mean?

Instagram’s AI has concluded that it’s possible you could be a bot and want to test you… so they freeze your account from being able to like, follow, comment, save, post, et cetera… just to see if you freeze up or keep trying to carry out functions over and over (like a bot would do).

Here’s what you need to know:

It’s 2022… and Instagram has over 1.074 billion users worldwide.

In order to protect it’s platform from spammers, bots, and other malicious 3rd parties, Instagram and Facebook rely on artificial intelligence to monitor and enforce it’s rules.


Instagram’s AI is still learning and does make mistakes.

We’re going to go through the top 13 most important things you need to know about fixing your IG account below and what you need to know going forward so this doesn’t happen to you again.

How to fix “We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again” action block error on Instagram in 2022:

1. Clear the cache on your Instagram app

Sometimes all it takes to beat an action block is to simply clear your Instagram’s app’s cache, close the app, and reopen it.

Here’s how to clear your Instagram cache on your iPhone:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your phone

  • Tap “General"

  • Tap “iPhone Storage”

  • Scroll down and select Instagram"

  • Select “Delete App”

This will clear your Instagram app’s cache completely.

Important note:

You won’t actually have to log back into your accounts… this is just clearing the cache and clearing up space on your phone.

2. Delete the App and reinstall the latest version

Instagram and Facebook are constantly split testing different aspects of their apps on your phone.

For example, whenever you download Instagram on your phone, you’re actually downloading several versions of the app all at once and Facebook is then making changes and optimizing the app directly on your phone using these different versions.

Why this matters:

Because of that, if you’re ever having issues with your Instagram or Facebook apps, some of the time… you can just delete and re-install the apps from the App Store and your issues will be fixed when you log in.

3. Take a break for a while

Before you go to the time and effort of trying all of the different tactics below, consider simply staying off of the Instagram app for 24 to 72 hours or so.


Don’t try to DM, comment, like, save, or anything for a few days… don’t even open the app.

More often than not, a few days or so off of the app will fix all of your issues.

Important note:

Before you decide to take a break… be sure to do #4 and #5 and let support know that there is an issue.

4. Contact the help Instagram center

Be sure to fill out a form on Instagram’s official help page:


Explain that you are experiencing issues with your account and let them know you’re unable to like, comment, make reels, et cetera (whatever your issue is).

Important note:

You need to explain that you rely on Instagram / Facebook for your business and this account issue is directly affecting your revenue and your ability to generate an income.

You need to also try to take this one step further and contact the official Facebook pages for IG and FB (see below).

5. Contact the Instagram and Facebook Business pages

Here’s how to get in contact with Facebook or Instagram support:

This is something a lot of people dont realize… but you can actually get a hold of a real person at Facebook or Instagram by messaging the official Business pages on Facebook.

If you’re lucky, you’ll even get directed to a human phone support agent who you can talk to and explain your issues.

Important note:

The support team who run the business pages are generally only online during work hours monday-friday.

Feel free to use this tactic of messaging the IG/FB business pages for other issues as well - they’re generally very responsive and will work with you to solve your issues.

Quick note:

I run an Instagram Planner app called PostBuilder (free for iPhone).

  • You can schedule posts and stories, use custom fonts for your IG bio / captions

  • Store unlimited drafts

  • Preview your posts before you post them on Instagram

  • and more.

6. Reconnect your Instagram and Facebook together

Reconnecting your Facebook and Instagram is a common solution to a number of different account issues you could be experiencing.

If you’re having issues reconnecting your two accounts together, be sure to try on desktop - this usually fixes any issues.

7. Factory reset your phone / update your phone to the latest iOS

There are cases where people have completely fixed their action blocks on Instagram by simply resetting their phone.

Important note:

You do not have to do a hard reset to your phone for this to work.

There are numerous cases where just a soft reset fixed the issues.

8. Log in to your Instagram on desktop or on another friend’s phone to see if it’s a device ban

9. Remove the link in your Instagram bio

One tactic that a lot of people have found is that when they remove the link in their bio, log out, then log back in… this instantly fixes their account.

One common question we frequently are asked:

Is Linktree safe to use for Instagram?

The answer?

Yes. Absolutely.

Linktree is 100% trusted by Facebook and Instagram.

In fact, the official Facebook Instagram account uses linktree in their bio.

10. Change your Instagram account from a personal to a business page (and vice-versa)

Changing from a personal page to a business or a creator page has also fixed the action block for people.


Once you switch your Instagram account to a personal page… you lose your analytics from your account and you start fresh again when you switch back.

If you’re trying this tactic… be sure you have tried everything else discussed in this article first.

11. Show Instagram you’re not a robot

  • Verify your phone / email address

  • Link your Facebook with your Instagram

  • Enable two-factor authentication

  • Change your password

12. Stop using bots or automation and remove 3rd party apps

It’s 2022 and we’ve already gone over that artificial intelligence now runs and maintains Instagram’s algorithms.

If you’re using bots or automation… you might not get caught in the short term… but you’re eventually going to get caught and get your account either permanently shadow banned or suspended indefinitely.

Instagram’s artificial intelligence is smarter than all of us and it gets smarter and smarter (as it learns) every single day.

If you were using bots… stop. Go into your app settings and unauthorized all of the sketchy 3rd party apps that may have access to your account as soon as possible.

Why this is important:

Instagram has done mass bans from accounts who simply had certain 3rd party apps authorized to their accounts.

Some people were banned just because they allowed an app to have access to their account one single time (regardless if they used the services or not).

Instagram has demonstrated time and time again that they do not tolerate automation and bots… just don’t do it.

13. Stop using any of Instagram’s banned hashtags

Instagram has a large list of banned hashtags that they do not want their users to be promoting.

Instead of Instagram outright banning these hashtags, they quietly hide your account from being found in search if you are caught using any of them.

What you need to do:

Go through your past posts on Instagram and make sure you aren’t accidentally using any from the updated banned hashtags list.

If you find posts with banned hashtags:

Simply remove the offending hashtags - you can still keep the post active.

14. You’re doing too many actions at once


You’re following/unfollowing, liking, commenting, posting, DMing too fast all at once.


Instagram’s rule enforcers are artificial intelligence.

Don’t give the AI a reason to suspect that you could be a bot.

Until Instagram’s AI gets better… we’re confined by what they allow us to do.

So if we all have to move slower and get randomly action blocked for no reason sometime… all we can do is wait for the technology to catch up.

Andrew Lee

What Triggers and How to Get Rid of It

Last updated: June 8, 2022.

Every so often, Instagram users encounter this problem — Instagram action block. So if you search for tips on how to remove an Instagram action block and find the reasons why it appeared in the first place, look no further. Here’s your short guide with solutions on how to fix and avoid it.

💡Suggested read: How to automate Instagram activity without getting banned

Instagram Action Block: What Is It?

If your actions (likes, comments, follows, posting, sharing stories or any other actions you could usually take on the platform) cannot be performed any longer, it means that Instagram blocked them and restricted you from being active on the platform. With such a block, you can't like anyone, follow any users, comment on their posts, or even share your own content.

Types of Instagram Action Blocks

There are various types of the block. Here they are:

Instagram Temporary Block

The temporary block is the most common action block implemented by Instagram. It usually lasts up to 24 hours. You may get it after you break some of Instagram’s terms of service.

Instagram Action Block with an Expiration Date

Another type of action blocks on Instagram is one with an expiration date. The name speaks for itself — this type of block tell you the date up to which the block lasts. This block usually lasts from 24 hours to 30 days.

Instagram Action Block without an Expiration Date

The duration of the block may vary from several hours up to two weeks. This type of block usually doesn’t have the Tell us button unlike all other types, so if you’re sure you haven’t done anything wrong but still got flagged, you may request a manual review going to Instagram Settings ->Help ->Report a Problem.

Permanent Instagram Action Block

As the name of the block entails, you can’t remove this type of block. The reason why such blocks are applied is the violation of multiple Instagram rules. If your account has been temporarily blocked several times or if other users report your profile, you are at risk of getting a permanent Instagram action block.

💡Check these guides if you encounter other Instagram errors:

  • Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed: How to Fix It
  • How to Fix Instagram ‘Try Again Later’ Error
  • Instagram Music Isn’t Available in Your Region: How to Fix It
  • How to Fix Instagram ‘Try Again Later’ Error
  • Fix 'Confirm it’s You to Login' Error on Instagram

What Can Trigger the Instagram Action Block?

Action blocks are typically caused by the exceeded number of actions you perform in a window of time — per hour or day. Once you exceed the allowed hourly or daily actions limits, your actions might get blocked by Instagram.

Here's how Combin Growth prevents you from exceeding the actions 

The limit set by the platform may vary depending on your account age, previous violations of Instagram rules, misuse of automation third-party tools or bots, your previous activity, and some other things we’ll discuss below.

Knowing all the reasons that trigger action blocks will help you avoid such an issue in the future and remove the Instagram block from your account.

Why does Instagram block your actions?

You exceed the Instagram daily and/or hourly action limits

Instagram has limits applied to actions that are to be performed by each user an hour or a day. In June 2019, Instagram reduced the limits for about half, so now, even those users who perform all the actions manually are at risk of getting blocked if they exceed these limits.

The action limits touch on likes, comments, follow/unfollow actions, and even users’ data loading. The exact limits are not yet revealed and may be different for each account depending on its age and activity level.

Your account is too young

Your account age has a direct impact on the allowed number of actions you can perform from this account. The younger your account is, the more limits it has. If your account is 1–3 months old, you should gradually increase the number of actions you do.

Otherwise, the boost of activity will be detected by Instagram as suspicious, even if you do it all manually.

💡Suggested read: Why Is It Unsafe to Buy Bot Instagram Followers?

Your link in bio is restricted

If the website address you shared in your bio is something that Instagram doesn't like, it can lead to the action block.

💡Suggested read: Why Instagram Blocked Your Link in Bio and How to Fix It

You have already violated Instagram rules

Previous violations such as blocks or reports sent by other users can cause action blocks as well. The number of allowed daily actions diminishes once you break Instagram guidelines.

If you post prohibited content on Instagram like sexual content, hate speech, fake news, and alike or violate the copyright policy of Instagram, you will be flagged.

Moreover, if you’ve violated the guidelines from one account, it may influence your other profiles run with the same IP address. That’s why it’s so vital to use different IPs while using several Instagram profiles. To ensure the safe Instagram promotion of several accounts, use proxies or VPN.

You are slightly active on Instagram at all

Instagram tracks your activity on the platform, so if you only check it a couple of times a day to like several people, it reduces your limits on daily actions. In this case, perform your actions slowly increasing them week by week.

And be more active on Instagram! Upload photos, videos, stories and interact with other Instagrammers.

💡Suggested read: Content Marketing Funnel on Instagram: Why You Need One And How to Build It

You’re too active on Instagram

If you don’t post anything on Instagram, that’s one extreme. But if you post way too much, this is the other one.

The thing is that if you upload new posts several times a day every day of the week, Instagram and your followers consider it spam-like. To keep a balance, you should post 3–7 times a week when your followers are active.

You misuse automation

There still are ways to use automation tools properly; now, it just demands consciousness from your end. To get the most out of automation tools, mix different types of actions, don’t repeat the same tasks, and don’t perform similar tasks within the same windows of time.

For instance, if you use any third-party tool for Instagram growth and utilise it only for liking, you should change your strategy asap.

Act like a human within your tool; comment manually on the native Instagram app or follow people automatically, but some time later unfollow them gradually without any tools.

Combine the automation with manual use and don’t forget to like posts from your feed because, well, that’s what people usually do on Instagram.

If you comment on other users’ posts within a tool like Combin Growth, make templates of different comments in advance.

All in all, always alter your actions and keep in mind your account age, overall activity rate, number of followers and posts, and types of actions you perform.

Don’t automate all your actions and try to like, comment, and follow within those daily or hourly limits.

Your actions are too 'heavy'

Have you ever thought why the action limits differ? This is because all the Instagram action types have different ‘weight’. If you use only commenting, for instance, your overall action restrictions elevate. Likes are the lightest actions in terms of limits.

You log in with various IP addresses and/or devices

If you log in to your Instagram account from a different IP address or device and you can’t confirm via email or an SMS code that this is you, Instagram thinks your profile has been hacked and tries to protect it.

This is why you need to set up the two-factor authentication to be able to confirm to the system that you are the rightful owner of the account.

If you try to promote your Instagram page by spamming under other people’s posts and in their DMs, Instagram will punish you for this. No one likes spammers, and Instagram is not an exception.

If the system cannot detect you on its own, don’t worry, other users will gladly give it a hint by reporting your page for spam-like activity.

If you still join different engagement groups in 2020, you should stop ASAP. Instagram easily detects such activity and blocks all the members.

How to Fix the Instagram Action Block

In order to answer this question, we’ve done some research and looked through forums to find effective tips on how to remove the Instagram action block. Here’s what we and other users recommend:

  1. Reinstall your Instagram app.

The most obvious way is to delete your Instagram app and relaunch it. After that, the cookies and other data collected by Instagram should be removed, which is helpful in getting rid of the action block, especially the temporary one.

2. Report a problem.

Primarily, if you did nothing wrong. When the ‘action blocked’ error pops up, it usually has two options: Tell us and Ignore. To request a manual review by Instagram, tap the Tell us button.

But some types of error pop-ups have no other option but OK. In this case, do the following: press Settings > Help > Report a Problem. In the text field, write that for some reason you’ve been blocked though you haven’t done anything wrong (try it even if you’ve done).

This should be done even if you spam or use third-party tools for growing your account. This action of yours will show Instagram that you’re not a bot.

FYI: In February 2020, Instagram implemented a new appeals process for disabled accounts. It means that now if your account is disabled and about to be deleted, you can appeal direct from the log-on screen.

Social Media Today

So when you log in and see a message about your account to be deleted, you can either Download Data to get access to your content or Request Review. If you choose the second option, you will need to fill in your full name, Instagram username, and tell Instagram why you think they’ve made a mistake. Instagram will review your appeal which takes up to 24 hours.

3. Switch to mobile data.

The reason for your actions blocked might be your IP address. Sometimes, Instagram even blocks accounts at the stage of creating ones if it doesn’t like the IP. So after you see any errors, switch from the Wi-Fi to the mobile data.

4. Link your Instagram account to Facebook.

Now Instagram allows creating Business and Creator accounts without connecting them to Facebook. If your account is not linked to Facebook and it has been threatened with the action block, link it to your Facebook page.

Thus you’ll prove that you’re not a bot. To make it even better, you can link your Instagram page to other socials.

5. Log in with another device.

Change the device you log in to Instagram. Try using another phone, tablet, or even PC.

6. Wait it out for 24–48 hours.

All of the aforementioned ways may or may not help. If none of the above enables you to get rid of the Instagram action block, wait it out, and your block will disappear shortly. Even better if you stop any of the Instagram actions for 24 or 48 hours. Don’t use Instagram or any third-party tool within this period of time.

Besides, don't create a new Instagram account right away because if the reason for the action block is your banned IP address, it will ban your new account as well.

To read all our updates and get new Instagram marketing tips, follow us on Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

Blocked on Instagram, why the action is blocked and how to unblock

Update: 2022-08-28.

Video about blocking on instagram, as well as why all your actions are blocked on instagram - likes, subscriptions, comments, publications, direct messages and how to unblock it now?

Now there is a glitch on Instagram that, after a temporary block, does not reset the sanctions and constantly displays a message that the action is temporarily blocked, although the block itself has actually been removed a long time ago. You check every day, but Instagram doesn't let you like or subscribe.

I’ll tell you how to fix it now, but in order not to fall under these temporary blocks, you need to understand the very essence of the problem - there are two types of blocks: for exceeding daily limits and for swift actions, swift actions from the point of view of the Instagram algorithm.

Types of blocking

The first type of blocking cannot be bypassed in any way, because there are limits for this and limits so as not to violate them, but the second type of blocking can be avoided by performing simple manipulations. As soon as you start frantically liking a feed of fresh photos on a hashtag without a delay between likes, you immediately fall under the supervision of a vigilant algorithm that detects the number of likes and the time for which you put them.

When the blocking is triggered

When the trigger fires at the limit value, you receive a blocking message! A logical question arises, what needs to be done to avoid this? The answer is simple - you need to slow down your rate of likes and dilute the order of your actions! They threw 5 - 7 likes, wrote 1 comment, another 5 - 7 likes, wrote another comment and so on until you are blocked for exceeding the limits! )))

Just kidding! Limits should not be violated under any circumstances. Well, if you still caught a temporary block on likes and subscriptions, then do the following.

Recovery steps

As soon as you get this happy message, we immediately exit the application, note the time and clear the cache of the phone's memory, if your account is authorized and in the web version on your computer, then we also exit from there. Exit - this means log out, click log out of the account, provided, of course, that you remember your password, otherwise you will not be able to log back into your account later. And now we sit and pray and wait exactly a day, after a day we log in again and check.

If the phone also displays a message about temporary blocking of actions, then we now log in to the web version of the Instagram browser on your computer and check it in the same way. If even there it gives a message about a temporary block, then again we go out for a day and in a day we repeat everything again. This should be done until you break through the Instagram cache.

I repeat, if you just sit and wait, stupidly checking on the phone every day that the block is unlocked, then you can sit like this for a whole month, although the block may have been removed on the third or fifth day, but because of the key with the cache you the system will always issue that the action is temporarily blocked.

How to promote a page

Instagram tightens the screws every day more and more, I'm afraid that the day will come when you can only promote on Instagram for a fee!

In the meantime, all you have to do is optimize your actions so as not to waste your likes and subscriptions in vain, use some kind of social engineering and choose the optimal algorithm for promoting your Instagram, but I will talk about this in the next video about Instagram promotion from scratch.

Telegram channel

Do not forget that I have a telegram channel where I constantly publish the latest news, which you can find out about before others, unless of course subscribe to my telegram channel, and I also conduct various voting on the topic there, which video to make next, which video you are more interested in. Ask all your questions below this article.


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Blocked "Instagram": what to do?

On March 4, 2022, Roskomnadzor decided to restrict access to Facebook, and on March 11, 2022, access to Instagram. If you are in Russia, most likely, both social networks are currently unavailable to you. Go to other social networks: we will help you advance on VKontakte or develop a Telegram channel.

But we have some useful material for you.

(For those who have social networks working - the text of the article is below, under the list of links) own stickers for Telegram: step-by-step instructions0003

VK promotion: 54 tips and a sea of ​​useful services

A complete guide to setting up VKontakte targeting


Odnoklassniki for business: to use or not?


Channel on Yandex.Zen to help small businesses

How to write a good selling article in Zen in just 1 hour

8 myths about Yandex.Zen for business : debunking the main misconceptions

Got banned on Instagram? No panic! Our life jacket FAQ is ready: we tell you how to avoid blocking and what to do if it has already happened.

Table of contents:

It's better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

Temporary blocking of your account

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

Table of contents:

It's better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

Temporary blocking of your account

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

One way to ruin your Instagram is to get banned and completely delete your account. Without the ability to return photos and subscribers. We tell you how to restore Instagram if you were banned and what you need to do to avoid this unpleasant situation:

It's better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

You can get banned for breaking the rules. For example:

  1. After complaining about spammy and identical comments, for tagging a lot of people on posts.
  2. For spam in direct messages.
  3. For copyright infringement: using someone else's photos and texts. Users themselves can also complain about non-unique content.
  4. For copying accounts. If you create a spare, they can block both accounts.
  5. For publishing pornography and erotica. By the way, if you post your little ones in a negligee, then you can also easily get a ban for naked children's photos.
  6. For promoting anorexia and suicide. For mutilation: eating disorder, showing cuts.
  7. For manifestation of hatred and aggression, intolerance: racism, homophobia and sexism.
  8. For the sale and promotion of weapons and drugs.
  9. For the use of logos and symbols of well-known brands (therefore, trading in product replicas will not work successfully for a long time).
  10. For using the Instagram logo on your images.
  11. For work with prohibited third-party services and applications.
  12. After violating the limits on subscription, unsubscribe and comment actions. The current limits are available in the official documentation for developers.
  13. For using several ip-addresses at the same time. This happens if several people sit from your account from different cities at once. Or when using third party services.
  14. For information about credit cards, social security or other identification number, phone number or email address if it belongs to another person.
  15. For cheating subscribers/bots or likes.

Do not joke with limits and suspicious activity - all Instagram promotion services warn us about this

Attention! Your account can be blocked without warning and explanation if it raises suspicions of violating the rules.

Follow the links for the full text of the rules and conditions for using the application.

For more information about the reasons for bans and ways to quickly save accounts, see the video below:

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Temporary blocking of an account

Most often, Instagram “punishes” an account with a temporary blocking: it restricts one or more actions, for example, prohibits likes and subscriptions for a period of several hours to several days, on average for a day.

Examples of Instagram action block popups

When this is discovered, try to control yourself and do not act immediately after unblocking, be patient.

After Instagram suspects your account, it will "reset your password" and notify you in an email sent to the email address you linked to your profile. You can change your password using the link.

After 3 temporary bans, you are likely to be banned - in this case, Instagram sees that you do not heed the warnings and bans you permanently.

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Repeatedly violating Instagram rules can result in your account being permanently deleted. What to do if you see a warning about blocking your account when you log in?

An example of blocking when trying to log in

Naturally, the best way out of this situation is to claim that your account has been hacked (even if you messed it up yourself).

Previously, it was possible to sort it out through this form:

The items “I can’t log in” and “the account was hacked” are already inactive

But now the rules have changed and you can only unlock your account through the official mobile application.

The recovery procedure seems pretty simple and is described on the support site:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. On the login screen, tap Help Login below the Login button.
  3. Or tap in the upper right corner: "Need more help?" and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. To unlock, you will need to enter information about the company or yourself (if the account is personal) into the form and indicate the associated email address.
  5. If you have done everything correctly and your e-mail is correct, you will receive an email with instructions. Check your Spam folder, if nothing arrives, the letter may have ended up there.

You may be asked to upload one or more unedited personal photos of yourself that were previously posted to this account.

If you don't have these photos, don't even try. Photo verification works using EXIF ​​technology, so it’s stupid to download and pass off someone else’s photo as your own.

Important! If nothing happens when you log in except for a blocking message, then use the built-in technical support window and look for any way to contact.

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

  1. Specify a valid e-mail to which you have access. Check right now if you made any typos in the settings.
  2. Link your contact mobile phone number. It will be necessary to confirm your rights to the account: Instagram sends an SMS with a code.
  3. If there are no personal photos of you on Instagram, then taking a picture of the face of the owner of the account with the code from technical support will not work in case of blocking. If you don’t want or can’t post them, be sure to link your Facebook account (by the way, it won’t help if it doesn’t contain your photos).
  4. If this is your company's profile, then constituent documents, a registered trademark, domain name ownership (if all this is in the profile description) will come in handy.
  5. Keep track of the applications you have connected.
  6. Work with trusted contractors.

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