How to make fake instagram accounts

How To Make a Fake Instagram Account

Instagram is one of the best social hubs for pictures and stories. You get to communicate and interact through photos, stories, and chats.

Although Instagram boasts of over a billion accounts on its platform, you should know that not all are real. Frankly, quite a good number of them are fake. In 2014, Instagram lost over 8 million accounts when it decided to clear its platform of fake accounts.

People want a fake Instagram account for different reasons. Some people use it to boost their business, while others stalk people or their favorite celebrity. Whether you need it for genuine or illegal activity is up to you.

For whatever reason, you need a fake Instagram; you need to understand how to create one properly. Luckily for you, this article will explain how to create a fake Instagram account and make it look natural. And while you are reading, we will also tell you how to prevent Instagram from blocking your fake account.

Hang on; it will only take a couple of minutes!

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Fake Instagram Account?
  2. Creating a Fake Instagram Account
    • Step #1: Sign Up With a Fake Email Address and Phone Number
    • Step #2: Set Up Your Accounts Handle
    • Step #3: Set Your Account to Private
    • Step #4: Set Up Your Profile
    • Step #5: Join Groups and Reply Messages
  3. How To Prevent Instagram From Blocking Your Fake Account
  4. Conclusion
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Fake Instagram Account?

First, what is a fake Instagram account? Well, a fake Instagram account doesn’t belong to anyone in particular. Usually, they are created for a reason – either for business or stalking, or other unknown reasons.

You can create a fake Instagram account to advertise your business and gain more followers. Also, it helps you attract customers and engage them, which will boost your business.

Creating an Instagram account is tedious, especially when you don’t understand the basics. But don’t worry; we will take you through a detailed process!

Creating a Fake Instagram Account

Creating a fake Instagram account requires proper planning because the wrong step or decision can get people to figure out that the account is not real or, worst – Instagram discovering your fake account.

This step-by-step process will eliminate the stress of creating a fake account. But, you know the good thing about it, you get to create the best – meaning they are unsuspecting!

Without wasting your time, let’s start.

Step #1: Sign Up With a Fake Email Address and Phone Number

The first thing to decide is the email address and phone number you will use. Creating a fake account with your official email and number would be a bad move.

If you want to create a fake account, it is only proper to use fake details. Phone numbers can still be traced to you, but if you get one from sites like Freezvon and Kall8, there is no cause for alarm.

Creating a fake email address is easy; just create a new e-mail with your favorite e-mail provider, or search for a temporary e-mail provider on Google.

Step #2: Set Up Your Accounts Handle

Once you get the fake phone number and email address out of the way, you need to head to their site and sign up with your fake details. The next step is to pick out your handle.

Choose your handle wisely because it will help you safeguard your secret. For example, if you pick a US number, your account name should appear as a US citizen.

Also, selecting a profile handle depends on why you are creating the account. Therefore, your handle must align with your reason to avoid any suspicion.

Step #3: Set Your Account to Private

Keeping it private will make it easier for you to protect your cover as long as you want. It is best to turn your account private immediately after your details have been registered. Don’t wait a day or two before setting your account to private.

To set your account to private:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the menu icon.
  2. Select “Settings” and tap on the “Privacy” option.
  3. Click on “Account Privacy” and turn “Private Account” on.

Step #4: Set Up Your Profile

You want your fake Instagram account to look natural, so using a celebrity picture is a bad move. The moment you do this, you will alert Instagram to your account. Instagram has a security feature that makes it easy to track fake accounts.

Use a unique and attractive picture to capture attention; It makes your account look real. Also, it would be wise to have 8-10 of the pictures.

Step #5: Join Groups and Reply Messages

The best way to cover your tracks is to join engagement groups; no one will suspect anything. Try not to be too active or dormant when joining those groups. Don’t join any group that catches your fancy, be sure they will serve your interest first.

Also, don’t answer the message immediately or accept any followers that do not serve your interest.

How To Prevent Instagram From Blocking Your Fake Account

Now that your fake account is up and running, you don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize it.

Here are some tips that will help you protect your account:

  • Use a private account; this will prevent random people from accessing it.
  • Reporting Instagram violations will help your account gain credibility, thus eradicating any suspicion.
  • Engage your account by liking posts, dropping comments, and joining groups.
  • Don’t be afraid to block anyone that is giving you Issues.


For whatever reason you are creating a fake account, you don’t have to worry about the process. However, we hope that this article has been able to answer all your questions about creating a fake Instagram post.

Most importantly, we hope the tips will help you evade Instagram from blocking your fake account for a long time. Feel free to engage your account!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, your fake account can be traced only if you sign up with your official details. But if you explicitly follow the steps in this article, then you have nothing to worry about.

Yes, it is entirely possible to have more than one account. Instagram gives you the luxury of adding up to five accounts on the app.

How to Create a Fake Instagram Account Without Getting Caught [2022]

Without a fake Instagram account, nobody will be able to carry out any dirty activity. This has been a problem for several people intending to hustle on Instagram. Whether you will use it for illegal or legal actions, you must understand how to create a fake Instagram account and make it look real. Failing to understand how to create a fake Instagram account would mean failing to hustle.

I have received emails from hustlers making several requests, which I can’t turn down. Below are some of the questions, and this article will tackle all of them with bonuses.

  • Please tell me about the fake Instagram account I can use.
  • Tell me how to make a fake Instagram account look real.
  • Show me how to create a fake Instagram account with followers I can use to make money.

I believe their request is also what you have in mind. And, if there are more that you feel are necessary, do well to inform like others. If you are also interested in learning how to create a fake Facebook account, here is a guide to creating a fake Facebook account.

Table of Contents

Under this section, you will learn beyond how to create a fake Instagram account and use it on unsuspecting victims. What I mean is that you will be learning how to create a fake Instagram account with followers that matter.

These are the followers you will use to hustle with the account if you want to. If you are learning these fake Instagram account ideas for fun only, you might want to reconsider.

The basic foundation you need to have while looking to create a fake Instagram account is to understand how to create a fake profile.


Create a Fake Instagram Account


  1. Sign Up with Fake Email Address and Phone Number

The first step concerning the fake Instagram account I can use is email and number picking. Some hustlers often use their official email addresses and phone numbers, which is very wrong. Even if you want to use a fake Instagram account for stalking, you need fake contact details.

When I first started the fake Instagram account, I was surprised when a follower used my name. The reason is simply that I used my real email address, and that is very wrong.

Although Instagram does not display profile phone numbers like Facebook, it is not recommended. Meanwhile, there is still a way for people to view your phone number, and that is by them doing “Forgot Password” on your account. However, only five digits will be displayed.

How to Get a Fake Email Address

If you are worried about getting a fake email, I’m here to help. You can either create an email at a cyber café with false details or buy it online.

Why I don’t recommend creating a fake email with your phone or PC is because of your IP exposure. Two of the websites where you can get an email are AccMarket and BulkAccountsBuy. Once you get them, you’ll be issued a password that can be used for any form of yahoo without blowing your cover. Alternatively, you can use forums to request old email account sellers. Since this is about how to create a fake Instagram account, the phone number must be fake too.

How to Get a Fake Phone Number

Since SIM cards are now registered with thumbprint data stored, I do not recommend using your phone number. This is one of the fake Instagram account ideas, and you can accomplish it by getting a phone number from websites like Kall8 and Freezvon. Why I like this option is because you can buy either the US, UK, or even Russian phone numbers.

  1. Decide on an Instagram Handle to Use

Some people prefer making a fake Instagram account to stalk while others use it to hustle. Anyway, it doesn’t what you have in mind for the fake account. What matters is the false Instagram account ideas, which involve the use of a phony name.

Before picking a name, understand the nature of your hustles. For instance, are you using dating billing or credit card phishing? If it is dating billing, you must be sure that the name of your fake Instagram account corresponds. And if it is credit card phishing, the name of the phony account must be the same as the name of the people in that region.

For example, If you are phishing someone in the US, your fake Instagram account must appear as a US citizen. Moreover, the account must show that you are a (false) banker because people only trust bankers to their accounts.

Make sure that the name of the account corresponds with the name of your email address. The reason is that the client will need that email to contact you. If the email differs from the Instagram account, the client will become suspicious, which does not help hustles. If you have problems picking a name, you can use the comment section for suggestions that will match the country you want to use.

  1. Setup Account Privacy

One of the smart ways how to make a fake Instagram account look real is to keep things private.

Instagram allows users to disable certain things or set them to private. This means that you can go fully private for clients to find it very difficult.

Once the email, Instagram email, and phone number confirmations are okay, set things to private. Do not wait until a day or two passes because it might turn out to be too late.

How to Set Instagram Account to Private

While you are signing up for Instagram, the default setting of fake account privacy is public. Here is how to set it to ‘Private’ and use it for any dirty activity with an Instagram application.

  • In your profile, click on the Menu
  • Click on Privacy.
  • Click on Account Privacy.
  • Select

With this, you have enabled private mode, which will keep unwanted people away and safeguard the fake account.

  1. Setup Instagram Profile

Since I’m showing you how to make a fake Instagram account look real, my first advice. I find it funny when I see fake Instagram accounts using pictures of people like Rihanna, Cardi B, Drake, Justin Bieber, etc. The moment you opt for a celebrity’s image, the plans behind the account are dead on arrival. In short, you are inviting the Instagram management team to review your account and block it permanently.

Instagram has a Reverse Image Search technology. This facial recognition feature makes it very possible to track down stuff like fake accounts, criminals, intruding privacies, etc. With this security feature around, it is equally challenging for any smart hustler to use a fake account anyhow.

How to Bypass Instagram Facial Technology

There is only one way to bypass the technology if you want to scam or play pranks on people successfully. First, understand that the feature is a blessing in disguise.

This is because, with the facial recognition feature, you will quickly know what face is registered on Instagram and avoid using it. When clients come to your account, the first thing they do is a screenshot or download your DP (Display Photo).

They will then use the Reverse Search feature to confirm whether you are cloning an already existing account or not. When they find out that you are not, their trust for your scam or whatever grows.

Head to Facebook and search for stagnant profiles of people with the countries you have in mind. Better still, there are platforms like MySpace and many others where you can download photos of people. After downloading the images, use the Instagram search feature to confirm the presence of that face on Instagram. When the face does not show, you are good to go.

  1. Use an Attractive Profile Picture

To beat any client’s intelligence, an attractive profile picture is required. Do not go for photos that will fail to win the hearts of clients. If you are posing as a woman, use a beautiful woman’s picture that no man will resist. Do the same if you are posing as a man.

You must have at least 10 of those pictures, and you must not start uploading them immediately. Keep them for a while, and do other necessary things to boost your trustworthiness on Instagram.

What I Recommend

While posing as a woman, be location conscious. For instance, using the photo of a woman in Canada while your location reads Israel will make little sense. Clients will begin to question your authenticity. This would only mean failing in the fake account act as the account will be reported and banned by Instagram. Make everything correspond to avoid suspicious questions.

  1. Join Engagement Groups

I noticed that joining engagement groups on Instagram makes fake accounts look real. It helps the course on how to create a fake Instagram account with followers for hustles. While in these groups, comment, like posts, and do not be very active. Being too active on Instagram, especially with a fake account, exposes you to reviews by Instagram, which leads to a ban.

While in these groups, make new followers and be selective. Do not follow just anybody or fill up a fake account with unwanted people.

Some people have problems with the kind of groups to join. This should not be a big problem as there is a solution. Read below to be able to make that decision.

What You Should Do

Depending on your reasons for creating a fake Instagram account, that’s the kind of engagement group you should join. For example, if you create a fake account as a yahoo boy, fraudster, scammer, smart hustler, and others, join groups with clients. Such groups could be political groups or romance groups. In the case of those doing dating billing romance, joining romance groups is an ideal option.

  1. Start Answering Messages After a Week

While you are active but too busy, an influx of followers will start coming. Keep your calm and accept or follow back only followers that match your plan. If I am doing a fake business campaign, I will only accept men and women who look suitable for business. Once they are convinced about it, I strike. Meanwhile, it becomes pretty hard for them to get rid of the fake Instagram account since they have undergone all the things mentioned above.

What I Recommend

For those rushing away with these tips on how to create a fake Instagram account, don’t miss this. You need to see this particular few words section before making a mistake in your life.

The best way to create a perfect fake Instagram account is to use a cybercafé or public Wi-Fi. If you are using public Wi-Fi, do the needful to hide your IP address.


You can buy an Instagram account online, but it will cost money. It is not recommended to do so because you do not know what was done with the account initially. It could even be that security agencies are searching for the person behind such an Instagram account.

Final Thoughts

You have read all concerning how to create a fake Instagram account for any activity. Only a few will come across this, and only a few will be lucky people.

In this article, all fake Instagram account ideas were identified and even more tips would be added as times progress. It will be of interest to subscribe to get the latest additions with a simple ‘Notification’ on your screen. Meanwhile, you can use Instagram to sell your pictures.

If you do find it great to share, share, and let others learn.

How to identify a fake Instagram account and how to block it

Many girls check their boyfriends for allegiance using fake Instagram profiles that are difficult to distinguish from real accounts. What to look for in order to identify a fake page, and how to protect yourself from fakes, the author of Medialeaks figured out.

How to distinguish a fake account from a real one

To check the relationship with a young man, many girls go to the trick - they create or buy fake social media accounts and try to start a conversation with boyfriends on behalf of a pretty stranger. It is not easy to make a fake realistic, it is only more difficult to distinguish a well-designed fake.

Tiktoker nexllery shared with her followers the basic rules for maintaining a fake Instagram account, based on which a fake profile can be calculated. The author of the tutorial advised to fill the page with photos of girls whose appearance does not have catchy details - for example, hair dyed in bright colors.

Do not say that you are from the same city (suddenly offer to meet), - advises the user of tiktok.

Also, the tiktoker recommended not to subscribe to her real account and to the profiles of her friends, as this could link the fake with the owner.

Fake accounts often use several pictures where the face is visible, while the rest hide it in the shade, cover it with hair or post a photo from the back. The most cunning owners of fake profiles take frames from network users who publish pictures specifically for fake pages.

Usually, the set of photos for fakes includes pictures typical for Instagram of many girls. Selfies, shots from the fitting room, a picture with a large soft toy and a photo in the mirror. An example of such a kit can be seen in the account of the tiktoker __s.berry.s__.

Photo from the collection __s.berry.s__

Tiktoker victoriamilonkova shared a life hack that will help you recognize a fake account with real footage. The author of the video suggested using the search by photo. According to her, it is necessary to check the pictures through Yandex, as it gives more results about Russian-language resources.

Sometimes girls use fakes not to check boyfriends, but to arouse jealousy in former or future boyfriends. Tiktokersha mona_user created a fake guy account on instagram so that users of the social network could tag him in stories.

Girls, specially created a fake account for you. You will say that this is your boyfriend, I will respond to your stories, make fake correspondence. Photos are updated every day, as well as stories.

It is easier to figure out a fake young man - due to the fact that the guys do not share their photos to create fakes, the authors have to take frames from the Web, in which the face is most often not visible. Another "red flag" is a large number of girls in the readers and a small number of subscriptions.

Signs of a fake account:

  • many photos where the face is not visible;
  • few subscribers;
  • image without bright details;
  • subscription to your girlfriend or her friends;
  • the interlocutor's refusal to tell where she lives;
  • coincidence of photos in the accounts of different girls when searching through Yandex.Pictures.

How to protect yourself from fakes

Tiktoker _m_a_r_i_k_eslicho told how to block fake accounts on Instagram that belong to one person at a time.

When any account is blocked, all accounts linked to the same number or e-mail are automatically blocked. Girls, we urgently delete the left accounts, otherwise we will burn in any way.

First of all, you need to go to the profile you are going to block and click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to ban a person on Instagram

A menu will appear below, in which you should select "Block" and click the "*nickname* and new accounts of this user" button.

How to ban a person on Instagram

Such a ban system will help close your profile from other fake accounts of the same person, no matter when they were created - before or after blocking.

This function will also let you know if the user had other profiles that you did not know about. If yes, then in the "Banned Accounts" section, the icon of the banned person will have a gray "shadow".

Several blocked accounts

You may not see the nickname of the additional profile, but you can be sure that the owner of the fakes will not disturb you, since Instagram will automatically block new accounts of this person for you. However, if the owner of a fake account is your girlfriend, then it will probably not be possible to avoid a showdown.

Many netizens criticize the idea of ​​checking a guy's fidelity through a fake social media account. This is probably why they tell you how to detect a fake and how to block it.

Previously, Medialeaks talked about three ways to check if you got an Instagram shadowban.

In another article by Medialeaks, you can find out how the fake story of Dasha Koreika confused the Internet users. Many believed that the blogger regrets the change of sex.

How to find out who owns Instagram ➤ See whose Instagram



  • 1 How to find out whose Instagram
  • 2 Search by profile picture Instagram

  • 3 Follower survey 4052 Instagram search apps 4052 person on Instagram

Instagram is a popular platform among both ordinary users and scammers. There are many fake accounts on the social network, with the help of which a person tries to deceive other users.

Impersonal pages are also common - there is no information on them, except for the nickname. It is possible to find the owner of the page. The basic way that is allowed by law is an official appeal to the prosecutor's office or the police.

After that, the certified document is sent to the Instagram administration. If the reason for the request is serious, the admins will consider the appeal and allow you to access the personal information of another user.

This method is complicated and is only suitable for situations where you have become a victim of scammers or your Instagram account has been hacked. A positive response to the request is received by a few users.

How to find out whose Instagram is

But in addition to serious actions, you can try to find out on your own whose Instagram it is and its owner. Watch our video tutorial step by step.

Other ways to get the information you need include:

  • browser nickname search,
  • profile picture search,
  • subscriber survey,
  • information search utilities.

How to find owner information by nickname in browser:

If a user has entered his first and last name or nickname on Instagram, you can search for information about him through search engines to understand who owns Instagram.

To do this, enter your Instagram nickname, any known information and start the search. A user with the same nickname can be registered on VKontakte, Tik Tok or Facebook. On these platforms, you can find additional information and identify the owner of an Instagram account.

Instagram profile picture search

If there is no nickname in the account or a photo is uploaded in addition to it, search for the user by it. To do this, take a screenshot of the screen - you can use it both from your phone and from a PC.

Then crop the picture so that there are no extra letters, numbers or other images. After that, in Google or Yandex, start searching by image.

If there are similar materials on the Internet, they will be highlighted after the search is over. Then you can go to the resources where the same files are published to see information about the owner.

Instagram follower survey

Profile may not contain personal information or photo content. In such situations, interview followers who may be familiar with the page owner. As a rule, fake accounts can be followed by those people who are being followed.

To find out whose Instagram profile is in front of you, unsubscribe to people in private messages - the text should contain a greeting and a specific question.

It's a good idea to state why you need the data because not all people will agree to share personal information without a good reason to do so.

It is better to look for people not among those whom the user has subscribed to - the number can exceed both 1000 and 10000 people. In the field with followers on Instagram, there are usually fewer people if this is not a blogger or brand account.

Applications for searching a person on Instagram

There are many services on the network that find information about a user by his id. However, often access to data is paid or the site belongs to scammers.

If on the page I ask for a login, password and bank card number, this is a 100 percent fraudulent site. If only the username and password, then the page can be used, but make sure that the developer is trusted and reliable.

Data retrieval utilities also appear regularly. Below is the search process through a special program - Tooligram:

  1. Find the application on the network or GooglePlay, AppStore and download it to your phone.
  2. Then install the utility and register.
  3. Next, open the section called "Task Manager".
  4. Find the conversion function in it.
  5. Next, specify the id of the user about whom you need data. The system will open the profile and the data it has collected from it. Some items are available to those users who have subscribed to the application with payment.

There are many applications with similar functionality, but they mainly collect statistics on Instagram.

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