How to make best profile picture in facebook

9 Tips to Nail Your Social Media Profile Picture (with research and examples)

You’ve seen thousands of social media profile pictures. You see dozens every day. And every time you see someone’s profile picture, you form an impression of that person. In a split second, you decide if they are likable, trustworthy, smart …or not. You judge them.

Everyone judges your profile picture in the same way.

On Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and everywhere else, they are swiping right or left in their mind, connecting or dismissing, engaging with your content or ignoring your connection request.

So your profile picture is key to your personal brand and online networking. It has an impact on your job opportunities and ultimately, your career.

Note! I’m skipping the online dating impact, but this post could help with that too…

And fixing your picture is a one-time action that gives you lasting benefits. So invest some time in the most important aspect of your online presence. Here are nine ways to nail your social media profile picture.

1. Show your face

This should be obvious, but if they can’t see your face, you’ve got a problem.

Faces are a uniquely powerful type of imagery. Studies about the psychology of images show that faces leverage a cognitive bias built into our brains.

Of course, you have passions. You love dogs or helicopters or skiing. But your profile picture isn’t the place to make this point.

Are you an avid mountain climber? Great! Put your face in the profile picture and your passion in the background image.

The world’s most popular website is called FACEbook, not SILHOUETTE-ON-A-MOUNTAIN-book.

I also recommend against cartoon heads, dogs and babies. Show. Your. Face.

2. Frame yourself

Some headshots are too close to the camera. Others are too far away. Making sure you are properly framed within the shot so people can see you and a bit of background. Your face should fill most of the image.

Not too far, not too close. Let them see your face but don’t crowd the camera.

If your face is too small, they won’t be able to see your smile when the picture appears in smaller sizes. Remember, in the social stream, this image may be as small as 50 x 50 pixels. That’s the size of your fingertip.

3. Turn up your smile setting

Body language is either open or closed. Arms, legs and hands can either express an openness to connect or a closed-for-business message. Faces are the same.

There are levels to the open expression on a face, from the scowling mugshot (“don’t you dare look at me”) to the high-beam open-mouth grin (“I love the world and everyone in it”).

Here is Jimmy Klatt, Orbiteer and Ambassador of Love, demonstrating five examples of openness in smiles.

Notice the openness in four and five. If you want to show an openness on your face, try opening your mouth!

You can imagine which of these would trigger more engagement in social media. Which would you connect with? Follow? Share?

Big smiles in profile pictures correlate with good social relationships

According to two studies of college students, people who smile in their social media profile pictures are actually more likely to be happy later in life.

“Smile intensity coded from a single Facebook profile photograph from male and female participants’ first semester at college was a robust predictor of self-reported life satisfaction 3.5 years later.”

Those same studies found that bigger smiles correlate with better social relationships.

“Participants who exhibited a more intense smile in their Facebook photo had better social relationships during their first semester at college.”

So what’s the smile setting of your profile picture? I recommend a three or four at least. Number two might be good for attorneys. Social media marketers often turn it up to a five.

4. Use contrasting colors

Social streams move fast. Color is a great way to stand out. When colors contrast with the colors around them, they stand out. This is simple and obvious when you think about it.

  • What color are most social media websites? Blue (a cool color)
  • What color is the complement of blue? Orange (a warm color)

Since LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter use a lot of blue, putting on an orange shirt (or any top with warm colors) will make you immediately more visible. These are also less common colors for clothing.

Just look at this grid of profile pictures. Which of these stands out?

5. Use a simple background

The focus of the image should be your face. Busy backgrounds can take the focus off of you, which isn’t ideal. Best practices are to use a simple or flat colored background.

The background is also an opportunity to use contrasting colors without changing clothes. Just use a different background. Cyrus Shepard once tested the effect of background color on click through rates and found a warm color got the best results.

The winner was the image in the top left.

6. Test your profile picture with a focus group

Get some data from a focus group by uploading some options to PhotoFeeler. For less than $20, you can get 100 people to vote on your photo on three criteria. You can also earn credits by voting on other people’s photos.

Upload several pictures to see how they do against each other. You’ll have your results in just a few hours. Here are the results of my tests…

Apparently, the speaking picture on the left just isn’t very likable. And the jacket/sweater combo makes me look competent.

Big thanks to Vanessa Van Edwards for finding this! Vanessa has a great list of LinkedIn profile tips here.

7. Get a bit of your brand into your photo

Here are five ways to sneak elements of your brand into your profile pic.

  • Wear your brand colors: wear a shirt with a splash of the company colors.
  • Put the brand color in the background: Put a tiny bit of your office in the background.
  • Add a mini-logo: It’s hard to make it fit, but if there’s room.
  • Add a big logo to your background image: Much easier to make it fit in there.
  • Live the brand: George LeClaire is a photographer, and it’s obvious from his profile picture. He’s holding a camera.

Here are examples of how brand elements can fit into a profile picture:

Warning! Avoid the logo profile pic. 

As we said in tip #1, faces are powerful imagery. Using a logo as a profile picture is a missed opportunity to be human and personable.

If you’re a mega-brand, of course, you’ll use your logo in your social accounts. But for most companies, avoid posting from behind a logo if at all possible. It just isn’t as social. Use the face of someone on the social media team.

Your company is not just choosing a picture. You’re choosing a voice for the account, a personality, a strategy! If you’re like me, it’s extremely difficult to connect to a logo. I think it puts a company at an immediate disadvantage.” – Mark Schaefer, Personal Branding Expert and Author of Known.

8. Use the same headshot on all your professional profiles

This is especially important for people with common names. If someone sees you in one place and wants to connect in another, make it easy for them by using the same picture on all of your professional social media profiles.

For example, I was emailing with someone named Brian and decided to reach out on LinkedIn. But there are 430 Brians with his last name. And his profile picture wasn’t helpful.

I haven’t given up. I’ll find you someday, Brian!

ProTip! It’s easier to become recognizable if you don’t change it too often. Be consistent and keep the same profile picture for a year or two at least. These pictures are identifiable because they were used for years.

9. Use a pro photographer

If you’re serious about social media marketing, seriously consider this. The difference in quality between professional and amateur work is huge.

“You are the face of your brand and your profile photo is the first impression a potential lead will see. Make it uniquely YOU. I suggest shooting in a variety of environments that you feel comfortable in. You can use these assets at various times across all platforms while remaining true to your brand’s message.” – Zack Smith – New Orleans headshot photographer

Social media vs. social media marketing

Right now, as you read this, someone you’d like to meet is scrolling through a social stream, filled with faces. You are in that stream. Did they slow down? Stop? These tips and ideas will give you an edge in the ultra-competitive context of social media.

But …there’s more to life than marketing.

Your social media profile may have nothing to do with marketing. Sometimes, social media is just social. So if you want to use a picture of your car or your cat. Go for it!

Your turn!

Everyone has an opinion. What do you think of these three profile pictures? Let us know in the comments below!

Best Facebook Profile Picture Size and Ideas to Win Likes

Want to optimize your Facebook profile picture to get more likes, follows, and friends?

Start with the right size, and follow through with great ideas!

As you know, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count.

To quote, “People decide whether to work with you within two seconds of meeting you.”

Takee control when portraying yourself online! Use these tips to put your best face forward with your Facebook profile picture. 

Why replace your Facebook Profile Picture?

Have you noticed? Posting a new profile pic is a sure-fire way to beat the Facebook news feed algorithm!

Whether you upload a new pic, or just pick one from your own or a friend’s existing gallery, you can’t seem to beat the engagement you’ll get.

So change it up with the seasons, holidays, special events and celebrations, or any other excuse you can come up with to create a new avatar. Then enjoy the Likes, comments, and follows that… follow!

Here’s a pic of me that popped up as a FB memory from 9 years ago. So why not, I looked much younger then 😉

You can easily use a friend’s photo as your profile pic, as long as they’ve tagged you.

What’s the Facebook Profile Picture size 2021?

The FB profile pic displays differently across the app and at It’s a maddening array of sizes from as small as 24 pixels round in comment replies, up to 2400 pixels square when clicked.

Facebook recommends a minimum size of 320 pixels wide and tall, for personal profiles.

Regarding Facebook Page profile pictures, they say:

Displays at 170×170 pixels on your Page on computers, 128×128 pixels on smartphones and 36×36 pixels on most feature phones. source

Since profile pictures show in the feed, on your Timeline, and in the Picture Viewer, I suggest using an image that’s at least 600 pixels on the shortest side. A dinky 320 pixel photo will be tough for your Facebook friends and followers to see, much less like and comment on!

For profile pictures with your logo or text on them, you may get a better result by using a PNG file. Learn more about image file types.

There’s no specified maximum file size for either profiles or Pages.

Facebook personal profile picture size

Your Timeline displays the full width of the picture you uploaded, but cropped to a circle. The size here is 776 x 776 pixels on desktop retina display, or 388 on old-school display. On my iPhone, it’s a 620 pixel circle.

Note, this one doesn’t reflect the cropping you applied when uploading. It’s the full width of your uploaded photo.

If a viewer clicks that photo, they’ll see the full version you uploaded. This can display at up to 2400 pixels x 2400 pixels on desktop, or to the full width of a mobile device.

Then of course it shows on your profile under your Facebook profile cover photo. This is a 170 pixel circle, or 340 on retina, and this version will portray the cropping you’ve set, as explained below.

But it’s somewhat smaller on a phone. On my old iPhone it’s 332 pixels diameter (retina). Desktop shown.

And it shows very small next to your posts, comments, and comment replies. On retina desktop these dimensions are 80 pixels, 64 pixels, and 48 pixels diameter.

Facebook Page profile picture size

Profile pics for Pages also pushed out into the feed and onto your Timeline, so you have the same opportunity for added engagement.

Same as with personal DPs, Page avatars can be clicked to be seen at full size, and also commented on.

Instead of centered under your Facebook Page cover photo, they appear offset to the left on desktop, and at 240 pixels diameter on retina display.

They’re also to the left on mobile, but here they don’t touch your banner image at all.

They appear at 74 pixels (retina) with your posts, and even smaller with your comments and comment replies. So small! This is why I recommend keeping it simple – so it’s recognizable.

How to add or change a Facebook profile picture [personal]

To add a Facebook profile picture or change your current profile picture:

  • Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook to go to your profile.
  • Click  in the bottom right of your profile picture.
  • Choose a photo or add a frame.
  • Click  to crop your photo and then click Save.

When updating your profile picture, you can:

  • Upload a photo from your computer or phone.
  • Add a frame to an existing or new picture.
  • Select a photo you’ve already uploaded or one you’re tagged in.

Note: Your current profile picture is always public.source

If you chose to sync your DP with Instagram, you’ll get this confirmation notice.

How to add or change a Facebook Page profile picture

To add or change your Page’s profile picture:

  • From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
  • Go to your Page.
  • Click  in the bottom right of your Page’s profile picture and select Edit Profile Picture.
  • Select an option and follow the on-screen instructions.


How to crop your Facebook profile picture

The Facebook profile picture almost always displays cropped to a circle, but you can upload any shape image and adjust the cropping on Facebook.

Be sure to add an engaging caption here, because people love to comment on profile pictures!

Personal profile pictures do display as square under Friends, and business page profile pictures display as square under Following suggestions.

Using a logo for a Facebook Page profile picture? You’ll want to size that before uploading, so it fits in a circle without any odd bits getting chopped off. Add more background as necessary.

You can use this handy template to pre-size your logo for use as your avatar, since you won’t be able to add background after you upload to FB.

I made this profile picture template at 600 pixels square, but you can go larger or smaller if you like. Right-click to save on desktop!

5 Steps to the Best Facebook Page Profile Picture

Now that you’ve got the size stuff nailed, let’s get into some top tips for a perfect profile pic!

1. Show Your Face as Your Profile Picture

Put a personal face on your business – unless you’re a known brand, or your business is widely recognized by your logo, use your face as your Profile Photo.

People don’t “connect” with a logo – they connect with a face.

I would go so far as to say: people tend to ignore logos – but are hard-wired to pay attention to faces.

2. Use a Professional Photo

For best results, hire a pro to take some great headshots. If that’s not in the budget, get a friend with a good camera, a good eye, and a steady hand.

If you want people to take you seriously as a businessperson – DO NOT put up a casual snapshot or webcam photo. Make sure your photo is crisp and clear, and you look professional.

3. Show Some Personality in Your Profile Picture

While you DO want to look businesslike, you DON’T want to look staid and unapproachable. Remember that people do business with people they know, like, and trust.

The first step to being likeable is to smile. Make eye contact! And then show your personality in your pose!
Photo credit:

4. Keep It Close

A profile picture mistake I often see is showing too much of the body, which makes the face quite small.

Remember that Facebook profile pictures will be seen at a miniscule 32×32 pixels square with every comment you make. Crop to head and a bit of shoulders.

It’s not about your hair and clothing, it’s about your face – that’s what will draw people in, and help them recognize you as they see you time and again!

5. Use Your Profile Picture Across Social Media Platforms

Now that you’ve got the best profile picture for Facebook, use it as your Instagram profile picture, on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, and any other social media platform where you have a presence.

Your photo represents your personal brand, and as with any brand, consistency is key!

Help people come to recognize you and “see you everywhere” by using the same great photo on all platforms, and keeping it until it becomes outdated.


Now you know all about the Facebook profile picture size – for personal profiles and Pages.

You know how to take the right photo, pre-size, and crop it so it looks perfect.

Want more?

Check out ALL the optimal Facebook image dimensions here!

How to Create and Change a Facebook Avatar: Step by Step

May 21, 2020 Matt Mills How to enroll 0

It's the feeling of the moment: if you don't have a Facebook avatar, you're completely out of the loop. Mark Zuckerberg's social network has launched this new feature that allows you to create a animated character with your traits to use as a sticker in your conversations with your contacts. Its creation is quite simple, but at first you can get a little lost and not sure exactly how it's done. Don't worry, that's what we're here for: position yourself and aim.


  • Facebook avatars, what are they?
  • How to create a Facebook avatar
  • How to change an already created Facebook avatar

Facebook avatars, what are they?

If you navigate through other social networks or platforms, this idea may already be familiar to you. This type of format has been used by Apple for example through the Messages app and with Facetime for a long time (these are the famous Memojis) and they are nothing but animated "stickers" that represent us. How? Well with the features we can choose Impersonate until it looks as big to us as possible - well, that's the intention, then each one can be "designed" however they see fit.

Even though it seems like a pretty accessory, the truth is that Memojis had enough traction when they introduced themselves and even launched apps that were responsible for creating replicas for use on Android. Now it is Facebook that follows stickers in the image and likeness of its users, offering the so-called Avatars.

With them you can have your own personalized sticker pack, an animated collection in which you are the main character. And creating one is as easy as following the steps below.

How to create an avatar on Facebook

The first and most important thing to remember (and not everyone knows) is that avatars are created through the Facebook application. This cannot be done over the web (either on PC or mobile browser), so yes or yes, you will need to install the app on your phone (Android terminal or iPhone).

With this clear, you must do the following:

  1. Log in to the Facebook application on your smartphone.
  2. You have two ways to enter the avatar editor:
    • If you see someone's avatar in a comment, you can directly tap the blue "Create your own avatar" button to access the platform.
    • If not , don't worry, just visit the post to comment and click on the smiley icon in the bottom right corner. You will enter the settings panel (all stickers are saved here). Click on the second icon, pink-purple, and you will see a blue "Create Your Avatar" button. Click on it to access the platform.
  3. You will enter the avatar editor. Click "Next" to get started.
  4. You will need to select your skin tone. Select it and click Next.
  5. Now you will have to adjust the rest of the features: hairstyle, hair color, face shape, eyes, etc. until you find the image you want.
  6. Once all the details are selected, click Finish. Your avatar will be created. Wait until the blue Next button appears.
  7. Click Finish.

You already have your avatar ready. In the panel that will appear with your "mini-me" after the creation process is completed, you will see that there are Stickers icon (it's the second one from the top right) where you can see all the reactions your avatar has caused and range from crying to laughing, passing affirmations, celebrations or goodbyes (they're in English, yes).

You can use them in any Facebook Messenger conversation, just as you have used other stickers available to you, and in any comments you make on social media posts.

How to change an already created Facebook avatar

If you want to make any changes to your avatar, the easiest way to access the editor is when you want to change your hair, nose, change clothes, or add accessories. The steps are very similar to creating it:

  1. Log into the Facebook app on your phone.
  2. There are two ways to enter the Avatar Editor to change it:
    • Or by clicking on the blue "Create Avatar" button on someone's avatar you see in any comment or conversation.
    • Or, instead of typing any , send a comment and instead, by clicking in the lower right corner on the avatar icon - the first one that appears in the lower right corner, next to the GIF. Your sticker will open directly and you only need to click "Edit Avatar".
  3. While in the avatar editor, click on the third icon (the one with a pencil) in the upper right corner.
  4. Edit whatever you want.
  5. If you want to delete it, you can also touch the trash can icon.
  6. When you're done, click Done. Wait for the changes to take effect and click Next.
  7. You will be returned to your avatar panel. Click the cross in the top left corner when you want to leave the editor.

Now you just need to add creativity to the subject. All is yours.

  • Facebook
  • Social networks

How to make an avatar on Facebook? ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

How to make a profile picture on Facebook? An interesting question that many people have on the Internet, and the answer is also simple, such as a photo that is described as "Profile Photo" in its location, some users prefer dolls, and there is a free online avatar generator. it can facilitate what they are looking for.

Existing websites are special and able to facilitate and create cartoons that can be attached to a Facebook profile photo, stand out among themSouth park avatar generator.

The following are the required steps to complete the action:


  • 1 Steps to create a Facebook avatar
      • 2.1 Log in to the Facebook application from your mobile phone
    • 3 Guidelines

    Steps to create a Facebook avatar
    • An avatar must first be created by going to the Avatar South Park Studios website. Generator.
    • Click on option "New character" and select a special style.
    • It is important to do figure setting.
    • You must finish and save by selecting "Icon" so that the version does not have watermarks and is a suitable size to post a photo on your Facebook profile.

    Upload to Facebook
    • You must start a Facebook session in order to comply with this action.
    • Then click on the "Profile" option i.e. Profile and then another option which reads "Edit my profile" i.e. Edit my profile .
    • Then select the option " Profile Photo " Or profile photo.
    • Finally, you need to find the image of the avatar that was created, and then click where it says OK.

    Note: This should be taken into account and not everyone knows that avatars are created. through the Facebook app and not through the Internet, computer browsers or mobile devices. Therefore, you need to know that this application must be installed on a mobile phone, whether Android or IPhone.

    How do I change an avatar already created on Facebook?

    If the user needs to make changes to their avatar, it is quite simple, and also the time input, which is desirable for the editor, is used to change the hair, also the nose, change clothes or add accessories, The steps are the same for creation:

    Log in to the Facebook application from your mobile phone

    There are two ways to enter the avatar editor and make changes. The first is by touching the button blue "Create an avatar on someone's avatar " To appear in the comments as well as in the conversation.

    You can also enter any post to comment on, but instead you'll tap the avatar icon in the bottom right corner, the first of which is shown in the top right corner along with the GIF. open directly in sticker pack by clicking "Edit Avatar".

    Here are some tips to keep in mind:
