How to impress a girl on instagram

How to Flirt on Instagram: A Grown Man's Guide

A half-generation ago, if you were romantically interested in someone, you did one of two things to fan the flame of their own ardor: You either flirted with them in person or flirted with them over the phone. How times have changed. A single friend of mine recently told me that his go-to, low-risk method of wooing is simply using social media. Yes, he has figured out how to properly flirt on Instagram. There are several non-creepy and even romantic ways to do it.

"Sometimes just following a [woman] can feel like a bold move," he says. "But believe it or not, it works. If she doesn't follow back, that's pretty helpful information. And if she does follow me back, I'll just start liking a photo or two and see where things go… Recently, I got into a back-and-forth with a [woman] in which we kept wordlessly liking each other's photos every couple of minutes. Eventually we DM'd and went on a date."

For the record: he's 38 years old.

Now, whatever you think about this safe, distanced, and even childish way of flirting (for the record: I would urge all men to pick up the phone, always), you simply can't argue with results. So I called up a few dating and social media experts to compile the ultimate dos and don'ts of flirting on Instagram to help you follow, like, and DM your way to relationship bliss.

Do: Follow them before you slide into their DMs.

If you want to get someone's attention, follow them. "Most people view who their followers are and if the other person follows you back, you are already ahead of the game," says Jen Hecht, president of The Dating Advisory Board. This is one action on Instagram that really won't be perceived as too aggressive by anyone, regardless of whether you know them in real life or not. But one word of caution: If you request to follow someone who has a private profile and they don't accept your request, don't request again. Sorry. They're just not that into you.

Don't: Like every single photo they post.

All of our experts agree that a mass liking of someone else's posts is a terrible idea that comes off as obsessive. If you are going to like more than one photo, though, here's one salient piece of advice: "I advise guys to like a variety of pictures, not just selfies and sexy photos," says Jonathan Bennett, certified counselor, dating expert, and founder of The Popular Man. "Build a rapport and get to know her by actually exploring photos that reveal more than just her looks. Women know what a guy is after when he only focuses on the sexy photos."

Do: Send a thoughtful DM.

Ah, to direct message or not to direct message? Sometimes, it might seem like sending someone a DM is a little bit too forward, but "it's not creepy if it's done tastefully," says Hecht. After all, you're an adult, and you know what you want. "Be light, funny, and engaging when sending the message," she advises. If you're reaching out to someone you've never met before, be especially careful to keep things appropriate. "How would you reach out to a prospective business client if you were trying to set up an initial meeting? The same principles apply reaching out to a love interest," Hecht posits. If you already know your love interest, however, skip the DM and text or email them instead.

Don't: Send multiple DMs.

"The basic rule of social media flirting is don't be creepy," says Bennett. Repeat messages when you're not getting a response? Yeah. Creepy. Instagram messages have a handy feature that displays the word "seen" once the recipient has read the message. If your love interest has read your message but has not responded, take the hint.


Do: Frame comments as questions.

The best way to get a response from someone you're interested in on Instagram is to simply ask them a question, according to Mae Karwowski, social media marketing expert and founder and CEO of Obvious. ly. "Comment on the content of someone's photo in a nice, non-aggressive way," she advises. "Make the comment a question about what is happening in the photo, not that person's looks. Remember, you are trying to start a dialogue," she adds.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

For example, if you're leaving a comment on a photo of the person on a beach, say something like: "Your vacation looks amazing, how was it?" Do not write: "You look like a total smoke show." Simple, right? Right.

Don't: Say anything you wouldn't say in person.

Don't get weird behind the filter of social media. "A good guideline is asking yourself: 'Would I say this or do this if I saw this [woman] in person?'" says Bennett. "If the answer is no, then don't do it on Instagram either."

Do: Take things offline.

The end goal here is to meet this person in person, so don't prolong the online conversation when it's possible to go on a date and find out if you're right for each other. "Get out of a public newsfeed as quickly as you can," says Karwowski. "Say, 'I just DM'ed you,' and continue the conversation there. If that goes well, move to text, email, whatever you two want to do." Once you've both shown interest, there's no reason to waste time playing games.

Don't: Send mixed signals.

If you're not interested in meeting someone offline, don't pursue them online. "We need to stop hiding behind our devices," says Hecht. Ghosting, bread-crumbing, and cushioning have become easier than ever to do because of social media, and it's not a good look, especially for an adult man. "Be human," Hecht adds. Don't just reach out to someone to boost your ego or as a way to fill your time when you're bored.


Do: Make your move and then let it go.

Overall, Karwowski has one all-encompassing rule for Instagram flirting: "Drop a hint once and then drop it, especially if you do not know the person," she advises. "Repetitive comments, likes, and other actions expressing interests do not count as actual flirting." If they don't take the hint, move on or seek out a more straightforward way to let them know you're interested, like calling to ask them on a date.

Don't: Rely on social media to get dates.

"The truth is that Instagram was not intended as a dating site, so it can be very confusing when it's used as one," explains Nikki Goldstein, sexologist and author of Single But Dating. "How do you know if someone is liking your photos because they actually like your photos or because they like you? There might be a few more obvious clues if they are sending you direct messages and asking you out for a date but e-flirting in terms of follows and likes can be misleading and confusing and leave someone asking, 'What does it mean?'" In other words, if you're really sure you like someone and you have the means to contact them outside of Instagram, that's probably a better bet.

How to DM a Girl on Instagram Without Being Creepy [25 Tips!]

If you are searching for how to DM a girl on Instagram or any other social media like face book, tinder, etc, out extensive guide will provide you tips on how to DM a girl the right way and impress her.

Girls have to go through a lot of creepy and weird messages from guys on Instagram and because of this it gets harder for genuine guys like you to DM them.

But you don’t have worry. The tips I’m about share will help you out. Knowing how to DM a girl is same as communicating with any girl in real life. It can be tricky, but if you do it right, you can score a date with her in no time. If you are confused or finding it hard to DM her, read on so that I can show to it’s not as hard as it looks.

How to DM a Girl on Instagram

Without Being Creepy

Before I go into detail, there are two things that you need to be aware of. First, you should show the girl that you are not just another desperate guy who is attracted by every girl he sees on instagram and sends the same message to all of them.

And second, you need to have a clear mindset and have to confidence to reach out to her effectively. It might take some time to head in the right direction so you need to have enough patience.

Read the below tips, follow them or improvise them and get started.

What Is DM?

DM or direct message is a way to sending a private message to another user which can be seen and read by only that user and no one else.

The way of sending a DM is more or less the same in any social media app. DM is a way to conversing privately between two people.

If you want to DM a girl you should know that you have to be following her or be her friend and similarly if you want to get a DM from the girl, she should be following you. Unlike instagram some social media apps allow you to DM a girl without following them.  

Be Confident

Confidence is the most important factor any guy needs if he wants to impress a girl.

If you doubt yourself thinking that you are not good enough for the girl, then your chances of getting rejected by her is more.

Always have better understanding of yourself and know your worth. A girl needs a man who makes her life more beautiful and not mess it up.

She wants her man to stand with her against all odds. Whenever you text or DM a girl online, always show your high self esteem. The internet is providing all the privacy you need so there is nothing for you to be afraid of.

Read Before You Send That Text

Before you send that text to a girl, proofread once to make sure that you have not done any mistake. It hardly takes a few extra seconds.

Girls pay great attention to detail and they will judge even for the smallest mistakes. Make sure that the message you send her is perfect.

You are not trying to impress the girl with your grammar here, but to show her that you are a careful and responsible person. Only click on the send button once you are sure that you have got the message right.

  • See more: How to impress a girl over text

Realize You Can’t Win Everytime

Before you even decide to text a girl it is important to realize and start with the right expectations. Because of all the creeps and scammers hanging out in social media, most women don’t even bother checking their DM’s.

But it doesn’t mean that all women are the same and you won’t find success. If that was the case I wouldn’t even bother writing this guide.

What I’m trying to tell is not all your message can be a winner. Failure is what leads you to success. So beat yourself up just because a woman has not responded. This is something that you don’t have control on. Realize this fact and move on.

Get To Know Her Better

Before you can successfully start DMing her, you need to establish a bond with her first. If you have sent 2 or 3 texts and she hasn’t replied yet, she is giving a hint that she is not interested.

In that case, you can try sending a subtle, non offending flirty text which can be more welcoming by her. Once the girl has started replying to your DM’s you need to find you if the girl is already having a boyfriend or even interested in men.

You don’t want to waste your time if the girl turns out to be a lesbian.

Check And Interact With Her Profile

A woman’s profile can say a lot about her that creeps don’t usually pay attention to. This will help you differentiate yourself from the rest.

Go through her profile description, check out her photos, her captions, her response to comments from other people and it will help you build a picture about what she is, her likes and dislikes, her values among others. Such valuable information will help you in approaching her in a meaningful way. When you understand a person, you can have a real and authentic conversation and strike a chord with her.

Once you have checked her profile, follow her profile, like her posts and interact with her profile like any normal person would do before you reach out to her through DM. This doesn’t mean that you have to like every picture she posts within micro seconds.

Just interact in a way how you would do with a normal friend. Once she is used to seeing you in her notifications, it will make reaching out more natural. Just don’t go liking her posts that were posted 3-4 years back. This will make you a creep. There is a very thin line between interacting with her profile and stalking her.

Don’t Be Obvious

When Researching Her Profile Be anonymous whenever you are researching or watching her social media profile and don’t do anything that might make her feel like someone is constantly stalking her.

You will give yourself away if she finds out.

Check For Mutual Friends

Having mutual friends can work in your favor as it will give the girl good enough reason to trust you and accept your friend request.

This is also one of the factors that girls use to find out about guys who approach them. She will open up better if there are familiar people around in her social life.

Online scammers have become a cause of concern, more than ever for girls, so it will make her feel much safer if you have mutual friends. It will even help you in converting your online crush into a real date.

Respond To Her Stories

If you want a more valid and natural reason to message her, then rather than commenting on her photos or surprising her with a DM you can just respond to her stories.

Girls expect comments when they post stories and they will be usually friendly when they know that someone is going to respond.

For example, if the girl has uploaded a photo of a restaurant that you have also visited, you can comment something like “Is that [restaurant name]? I love their food a lot. Their wood baked pizza is amazing.” Your first message to that girl doesn’t have to special and you can keep it simple and natural.

Don’t Feel Bad If You Get Rejected

In some cases girls are not okay with the concept of DM and she might reject or directly or won’t even bother replying.

And there could be many reasons why she doesn’t like DM’s. If you ever encounter such girl and get rejected, don’t feel bad about it or even get violent and start abusing her with negative comments on her profile or even in her DM’s.

You will only end up being a jerk and your profile might end up with a bad reputation. There are so many fishes in the sea of social media. Just find another fish and get started again.

Don’t Start With A Compliment

This is what creeps do. They thinking complimenting a girl on her photo or through DM will impress her. And if your head is blank as to what to DM the girl, it can get tempting to start with a compliment.

But in reality, it is not the first time a guy is trying to approach her that way and it totally lacks originality. It will also not be a sincere or genuine compliment. The girl will just see you as another person who is trying to hookup with her. Messages like “Damn, you are looking so hot.” is a sure way to get you ignored or blocked for good.

Be Patient

If you have sent her a DM and haven’t got any reply from her for a while, don’t start sending repeated messages. Do not even try to confront her on her public timeline or wall that she is not answering to your messages.

Also don’t humiliate her or talk negative about her just because she has not responded to your approach. Be a gentleman accept her response with maturity.

On the other hand she can busy with a lot of things or even traveling in a place with no internet. Wait for a while before you come to a conclusion that she is not interested in you.

If she was really interested reading your first message but later reads your other messages how you are talking ill about her, you will have completely destroyed your chances of any success with her. You will also show yourself as a desperate person if you are just bombarding her inbox with messages.

DM Her Only

If You Have Something To Say No matter how head over heels you have fallen for her, don’t constantly DM her whenever she uploads a photo or posts an update.

It will project you as a desperate or needy person. There is no such hard rules on how often how you should DM her. Just keep it natural and only DM her only if you have something to talk.

Be Clear About What You Want

Are you looking for a girl just for a hookup or build a real relationship? Are you too far to actually meet her? Are you looking to make your fantasies into a reality?

The girl you are sending a DM should be clear about what your intentions are so that she can find out if she is interested in you or not. If not, how will she find out what you are offering if you don’t put that out in your conversation?

I’m not telling you spell out everything in your first message. Take enough time to get to know each other to make sure that both of you reflect on each other’s interests. If you are just looking for a hookup, then don’t be overly romantic.

You will be breaking an innocent girl’s heart and she will not be the same ever again. Be honest with her and don’t make any promises to her that you are not intending to keep.

Be Natural

Keep your conversations natural just like you would talk to any person. You have to text her like how you would normally talk to any other girl in public, atleast during the first few messages.

Once you have got past the initial stuff, you can then turn your DM’s a bit more flirty. But before that you need to be sure that the girl is comfortable to take the conversation to the next level.

Try to maintain a balance between normal and spicy in your conversation.  Girls don’t like to rush whether it’s on the bed or even just causal talks.

Have You Already Met Her Somewhere?

If you have already met the girl somewhere that you are trying to DM, you will have much better valid reason to contact her.

Even a simple DM like, “Hey Emily, your dance was really good. Did you win the competition? I couldn’t stay till the end.” is all you need to let her know that you know each other and will give you a good starting point. You can then take it easily from here and treat your DM’s as any text conversation.

Don’t Stalk Her

If you say things about what you know about her, it will freak her out. Don’t talk like a stalker whenever you DM her. If you talk like you know everything about her, you will get blocked faster than the speed of light.

It doesn’t matter what you know about her, just pretend as if you don’t know her. Don’t give her an impression that you are following her.

Don’t Be Desperate

Your girl will see you as just another desperate guy if you are just seeding her ‘good morning babe’ messages every day.

She can clearly tell that you are just copying and pasting that same message to 20 other girls. Just remember that there are many other guys who are trying to impress her just like you. If you want to stand out from the rest and make her notice you, then you should be unique than the rest.

Play it cool and maintain your thirst to minimum. Keep your vibes positive and exceptional that will make it hard for her to ignore you. And don’t worry if you don’t have that swag, just keep your conversations casual.

Don’t Send Or Even Ask For Nudes

Another obvious tip, but this is something that guys still do even now. This may be one of the worst ways to approach a girl unless the girl is also expecting the same.

Just because you want to see the girl naked doesn’t mean that the girl also wants the same. Don’t even think of asking her to send nudes or even send her any d*ck pics. You will never ever hear from again.

Don’t Use Pickup Lines

“Are you a thief? Cause you stole my heart” isn’t cute anymore. Pickup lines are beaten to death and are not attractive anymore. Your girl might just yawn and block you for good. It’s time to grow up.

Remember You Are Not Alone

As I already said above, you are not the only person who will be trying to impress a girl. The inbox of a girl is usually a crowded affair.

And if the girl is beautiful with thousands of followers, she might not even get enough time to respond to all the messages. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then you should compose messages that are unique and far from common clichés.

This might sound like an obvious tip, but you need to have a decent talk with the girl if you want any chances of her responding to your message. Wish her a good day, admire her and don’t ask any usual obtrusive questions.

Give Her A Reason

To Respond Your DM should be in such a way that she should be compelled to respond. If you send her something that isn’t a question or doesn’t give her any reason to respond, then your DM has already reached a dead end as she will not know how to respond.

Always send her a text in such a way that that it will give her a reason to respond. Also make sure that the DM you send has something that she is interested in. You can do that by checking her profile which will give you enough ideas for your DM.

Don’t Be Political

Keep your DM free from politics, religion and other provoking messages. You should keep your conversations healthy and not something that will offend her or even you.

Don’t Be Serious Always

You might scare the girl if you are always being serious in your conversation. Try to keep your conversations funny and witty.

Find topics that are not serious to talk to. Use your sense of humor and make her smile. If you are someone who is approachable, then you are giving her all the reasons to respond.

Setup A Date

Conversing online is your first step towards building a romantic relationship, but for your chemistry to work you need to meet the girl in real life.

It’s true that you can develop feeling by conversing online, but real chemistry is only developed by meeting in real life and having a date. If all you are doing is sending her DM’s and isn’t helping you in setting up an actual date, then all your hard work will go waste.

Remember that real romance happens offline. Social media will only help you with your introduction. Only you can convert that to a real date. Don’t restrict yourself to social media. Once both of you are comfortable with each other, look for the chance and set up a meeting with her.


Becoming an expert in DM (direct messaging) is getting harder. But if can take some time and look through several factors, you will realize that it is not all that hard or complicated. The internet is providing you with all the required tools making it easier to connect with a girl you like, unlike several years back where such comforts was not available.

Today you can talk to any girl you want and start a relationship without needing to have a personal connection with her. Being honest and avoiding being creepy is the right way to DM a girl.

If you want it to be serious then be the best you can be. The first thing a girl analyzes once she gets your DM is your intentions. Give her the best first impression and seal the deal. Do it right and the rest gets easy. Good luck.



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How to write to her in direct on instagram


Even if a touching direct message doesn't melt her heart, it will surely make her smile. And this is already half the battle. The main thing is to choose the right words. It is important that your message stands out against the backdrop of an endless stream of correspondence. So no platitudes like "hello, how are you." Don't know how else to strike up a conversation? With tips from AX, you can intrigue even a female influencer with 200k followers.

How to start a conversation on Instagram

Use "bait". Your task is to capture her attention from the first message. Try to make a witty joke, tell a story with an unexpected ending, or send a link that might interest her. The main thing is to show originality.

  • Find common ground. If you already know each other in reality, consider that you pulled out a lucky lottery ticket. As a starter for a conversation, remember a funny situation that happened at a party, at the university, or in a general company. This will melt the ice;
  • Complimenting appearance is too commonplace. Instagram was created to show off photos. But don't fall into the trap. The more subscribers a girl has, the more often she is told how cool she looks. Do you want to be the only one, not one of many? Try to show that more than just the cover is important to you. Study stories, captions and comments on posts. This will help to understand what she likes and what is better not to mention. A good move is to recommend a book, movie, or cool music album that might hook her;
  • React to her story. A rising cloud of hearts is clearly not enough. But this is a good start for dialogue. After the instant reaction, leave a more detailed comment. So you show that you are closely following her updates - and this is always flattering. In addition, it is much easier than starting a correspondence from scratch - you already have a topic set by the girl herself.

Find common ground.

Insta-pickup work strategies

Upgrade your profile. Messages from an account without a single photo look suspicious. It is not necessary to sign up for a professional photo session. A couple of selfies or snapshots from real life are enough. It's cool if they show you doing what you love. Do you write beats? Are you skateboarding? Do you love hiking? You probably have things that you are proud of - so why not show them.

Relationships are not a game where you can enter a secret code and immediately jump to the next level. Even if the perfect pickup line really existed, the girls would instantly figure it out. Just imagine, hundreds of messages from different guys arrive in a personal message to your chosen one, and they all start the same way. Krinzhovo, isn't it? AX doesn't give you a recipe. We only recommend tactics that will help you stand out from the background of potential competitors and at the same time remain yourself.

More confidence! If the conversation in direct from the start started well, why not continue it in real life. Seriously. Invite a girl on a date! Regardless of the answer, she will definitely appreciate that you can be bold and spontaneous. It's time to use the knowledge you gleaned from her profile. Offer to go to her favorite coffee shop or do something crazy together that she could not decide on for a long time. This will show that you are on the same wavelength.

Do not be afraid to write first and take the initiative in every possible way. The worst thing that can happen is you get rejected. But she might as well say yes. So, the game is definitely worth the candle!

How to Impress a Penpal Girl in Chat?

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How to impress a girl in a chat? A: The answer to this question is explained in this article. Here I am going to tell you how to impress a girl by chatting on whatsapp, facebook or instagram. Gone are the days of boys impressing a girl with tricks or sending her signals. This is the era of Facebook and WhatsApp. Only here the first meeting and the first communication takes place. It is quite obvious that you will first search for her on Facebook and then go through her profile to find out her interests, and then you will want to start a conversation with her. Here we are going to help you avoid the usual "hello" or "hello". In this technological age, the first impression of chatting is the last chance to impress her.

To help you get the girl of your dreams, in this article we give you some little tips that you can apply in your real life to lead a fun and merry life. Yes, just remember that these tips may be small, but they are 100% effective.

Know "How to impress a girl in a chat?" read the best way to impress a girl in the chat below:

1. Your first hello

Try to avoid the usual way to say "hello". Instead, try something unique, try something new and out of the box. You can try the following lines:

  • Can I disturb the busiest person in the world?
  • Hi beauty, you look amazing in your dp.
  • May I say a few lines about you, Miss World?

These are certain strings that have been tested and will force a response to your messages. Once she answers, don't lose your grip, keep up the rhythm. Gradually begin to develop respect for you in her heart. Please don't start the conversation with an emoji and being overly friendly.

2. Select a topic of interest

Select any current topic of interest and start a chat. This will allow you to know her point of view, her views on the subject, and from there you can find out her interests, likes and dislikes. But don't start with a topic when it's offline. This will make her lose interest. To know the time when she is online, you can just follow her for 2-3 days and find out her time in case of using whatsapp. In the case of Facebook, you can see what you saw last and easily check the time.

Try to be online at this very moment and start a conversation with any random but relevant and interesting topic. Try to avoid long texts whenever possible, and also try to keep your posts lower or less frequent than hers. Also, try to include your literary skills in your texts. This will not only impress her, but also kindle a sense of respect for you in her heart.

3. Send stickers and emoticons.

Have you ever read a book without drawings, pictures or drawings? Just long texts and these black and white texts. What is it like? Yes, you are right, the person on the other end of the line reading the messages also feels the same way. So, try including stickers and emojis in your conversations. This will allow you to convey your emotions and feelings. But again, don't send a sea of ​​emojis or stickers, as that can get her bored too.

In addition, try to include small jokes in the conversation so that the conversation does not get boring, and so that she can also talk with you with the same interest as she does with you. Small jokes can also divide your humor instincts, and who knows, she can also have the same humorous nature and this will eventually increase your addiction.

4. Don't ask for the same thing over and over again.

Imagine that your relatives are constantly asking you about your grades in exams or about your results. What is it like? Yes, the same awkwardness and this feeling also runs through the veins of a girl when you ask n times about her daily activities or her hobbies. Yes, many of you may say that it's just to get her attention, but then again, how do you feel if you have to type the same messages. Obviously not to her, but to one of your friends. She may also think that this is unpleasant and may think that you are invading her privacy.

5. Don't invade her privacy.

Every person has some hidden secrets or some privacy. Believe me, why only girls do not like to share such things with anyone around them. Give her all the space and time she needs to understand you. Just talk to her as if you were talking to a new friend. Just be careless. Also, try not to text her when she's busy. Otherwise, she might find it creepy.

6. Tell us about your life.

The girl usually responds to these messages first if they attract her attention. You can easily do this by telling her a little about yourself. Just asking about her hobbies or likes can be interesting from your point of view, but on the other hand, it's pretty boring. So, telling your naughty stories from your childhood can be fun and you will easily figure it out by the type of responses you get. If you find that the answer is yes, you can go ahead and continue. But if you get something unexpected in return, it's a red signal and you need to stop.

If you find the answer yes, you can also share funny pictures from your childhood and make her laugh. Take your time to answer. Take your time, this may show that you are desperate, and may deprive her of interest in you. You can also share small videos or gifs of your own that will let her get to know you better.

7. No boring messages

As I mentioned earlier, also a completely new way to say a simple "hello". In the same way, you can turn the conversation into a chunk to enjoy yourself, or you can make it monotonous. For example, asking where she is and what she does is pretty boring and can kill interests. To many of you this may seem like an expression of caring. This is normal, but it again depends on your chatting style, as well as your intelligence and creativity.

8. Be there for her

A woman is a woman and has many friends of the same sex and would never want to add another one to the queue. I hope you understand. A woman is looking for a bold and strong shoulder on which she can cry to the core. So be the man of her choice, but wisely and rationally. This will lead to you gaining more of her respect.

If a girl at some point thinks of you to share her grief, try to be with her at that very moment. Like you can't be there for her on her dark days, then you don't have the right to be there for her on her happy days. So be there for her when she needs you the most.

You can also better understand her personality by helping her through her dark days. You can also create a soft spot for yourself in her heart by doing this.

9. Take your time.

If you want to impress a girl via chat, this is the most important point. Give her the time she needs and the space she needs. If she takes enough time to reply to your messages, give her time and don't send continuous messages that make you look more desperate. If you send more messages continuously, it will only annoy her more. This will upset her because of the continuous notification sounds.

Don't make yourself too approachable and don't waste time texting. If you see that she is the least concerned about your interests or the least interested in your preferences, then she is not right for you. Don't feel bad about it because you deserve someone more special.

10. Compliment her.

What person on this earth does not like to be appreciated. Every person craves that respect and also craves those little tokens of appreciation. It's the same with your girlfriend, even to a much greater extent. Small compliments in chat just get her attention and also increase your interest in you. But compliments must be sincere.

If you're exaggerating, she'll catch you, and it might take another turn. You can also send confusing emoticons for her to come back to you just to ask the reason and this is the time when the ball becomes your court and you can flaunt your literary skills and you can also play with your words a little to impress her.

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