How to unlock someone facebook profile

How to view locked Facebook profiles?

Want to see someone’s locked Facebook profile? Want to know what he does, where he lives, what kind of status updates? Or want to see his uploaded pictures? But you don’t know how to view locked Facebook profiles. No problem, I’m here.

You are Reading a friend status update. While reading, he went to the comments section and saw that someone had made a great comment. You Liked the comment so much that you got curious about the guy. So, to know more about him, click on his name and go to his profile. But unfortunately, this profile is Locked.

If a girl likes using Facebook, then there is a way to attract her. You can quickly try that by using only 5 simple formulas. Similarly, if you like a guy on Facebook, there are ways to seduce him. But if his profile is locked and you can’t access his profile, how do you get in touch with him?

Many people nowadays lock their Facebook profiles to maintain extra security or to protect their privacy. And girls do it more. Because girls usually don’t want to share their privacy with someone they don’t want. So you will see most of the girls’ profiles locked.

However, there is 5 ways How to view locked Facebook profiles? I will discuss that today.

There are many ways to view any locked profile, and some ways are effortless. Some ways are a bit complicated. In most cases, third-party apps or software are used.

However, many do not want to use any apps or software. It gave some simple methods for them at the beginning. And for those who have no problem using the apps, some methods are also given.

Use the method that seems easy to you, and you feel comfortable.

Way No 01: How to view locked Facebook profiles by Changing the Facebook URL

Suppose the person whose profile you want to view is named Amelia. When you go to Anika Akhtar’s profile, you can see This Profile is Locked, so you can’t see her picture, about, or anything else. Now, to get into Anika’s profile, to see everything in her profile, all you have to do is-

  • First, type the URL of Facebook in your browser – http://facebook. com
  • Then give a slash (/).
  • Then write Amelia. Then the whole URL will look like this –
  • Now press Enter and enjoy Anika’s profile.

This method is the easiest, but it may not work perfectly for some profiles. If not, go for the following method.

Way No 02: How to view locked Facebook profiles by sending a message to the inbox

Send a message to the boy or girl whose profile you want to view. You can write whatever you want. However, write something that he is forced to reply to. I mean, write something interesting so that he can be fascinated. 

Or ask a question that he doesn’t mind answering. If he replies to your message, you can easily access his profile and enjoy the fun of opening a locked Facebook profile.

Way No 03: How to view locked Facebook profiles by becoming a friend

When you become someone’s friend, their profile will automatically open because profiles are locked for those who are not friends. That is, no one can view the locked profile without being friends. So, the easiest way to view it is to become his friend. But if you don’t know her, she may not accept your friend request.

All you can do is send a request to some of his acquaintances first. When a few people from his circle become your friends, and when you send him a request, even if he doesn’t know you, he will think that you are one of his circle of friends. So, he will accept the request.

May Like: How to Backup Facebook Photos, Videos, and Posts?

Way No 04: How to view locked Facebook profiles by Use PictureMate How to view locked Facebook profiles by Use PictureMate 

Picturemate is a pre-extension of Google Chrome. Using it, you can open any locked Facebook profile without being a friend. If you want to check someone’s Facebook ID secretly, PictureMate is an excellent tool for this. To view someone’s private profile, follow the steps below to use PictureMate.

  • Visit PictureMate’s official website. Install the Google Chrome extension from there.
  • Restart the browser, close it and open it again.
  • Now go to Facebook.
  • Now search by typing the person’s name whose profile you want to see, it will open.

Way No 05: How to view locked Facebook profiles by Use Private Profile Viewer

If you want to access someone’s private profile, you can use another method known as Private Profile Viewer. You don’t have to sign up to use it, which means you don’t have to open an account here. You do not even have to download any tools or software. It is a free tool that you can use online. How to use Private Profile Viewer-

  • Visit the official website of Private Profile Viewer.
  • Click Start Now on the home page or click Tools in the menu bar. It will take you down to the scroll, where you will see a cell-like picture below.
  • Click the Submit form button below with the ID link of the person whose profile you want to see in the cell-like the picture above. The tool will take you to the Facebook ID of the desired person.

Here are 5 ways How to view locked Facebook profiles. Hopefully, you’ve already logged in to your desired profile, taken a look at everything in his profile. Let us know your experience by commenting, write about how it feels to access someone’s profile for our readers.

Also Read: Facebook on the way to Virtual Reality

How to View Private Facebook Profiles

In the early days of Facebook, users posted all manner of personal and private data. In hindsight, we were all green behind the ears, but it didn't feel like a privacy issue waiting to happen.

Until it became a massive data privacy issue. Now, the best privacy practice is to keep your Facebook profile private to protect your identity, your data, and even that of your friends.

But, people have figured out how to tell if someone's Facebook is private, how to access locked Facebook profiles, as well as how to view a private Facebook profile.

So, let's explore how to view private Facebook profiles to help you stay safe.

What Is a Private Facebook Profile?

A private Facebook profile is an account you cannot view without being friends. When you view a private Facebook profile, you don't see any user information and, in many cases, don't see a profile photo either. The user has switched off any public-facing profile settings, making the profile not quite anonymous but certainly more private.

In the early days of Facebook, several tricks existed that allowed at least a partial view of a private Facebook account. For instance, adding someone as a friend once granted access to that person's Facebook page, regardless of privacy settings.

Another workaround involved modifying the Facebook profile URL to access profile images and other uploads. At the time, third-party tools that could circumvent at least some of Facebook's privacy settings were available too.

Thankfully, Facebook has closed the overwhelming majority of these backdoors and workarounds. The intense scrutiny Facebook faces regarding the privacy of its users means accessing a private Facebook profile is extremely difficult.

In that, the largest vulnerability is now the human connection: social engineering, weak passwords, and poor personal security.

How Users See Someone's Locked Profile on Facebook

Even if you set your Facebook profile to private, it doesn't stop people from attempting to view it. Worse, setting your Facebook profile to private doesn't close the loopholes people can use to skirt the privacy settings. They are, after all, loopholes. The clue is in the name.

There are a few methods people will use to get into a locked Facebook profile. Here's what you need to watch out for.

1. Fake Facebook Friends

The most straightforward method is via a fake friend. These are users who figure out how to see Facebook posts from non-friends.

Someone that desperately wants access to your private Facebook profile might create an entirely fake profile to befriend you and gain access to your Facebook profile.

A fake friend profile will use commonly known details to trick you into accepting a request. For instance, the (stolen) profile might feature a person of a similar age, have similar interests and Likes, or say they come from the same hometown, school, or business; anything to create a false bond.

If someone is specifically targeting your account, they can use the information found on other accounts linked to yours to create the illusion of a colleague in a different department or a long-lost primary school friend.

The difficulty of spotting a fake Facebook friend depends on how you use your account. If you are already a very private individual with a small number of Facebook friends, it is easier to spot a fake request.

You can take control of your Facebook friend settings, including hiding your Friends list and restricting who can send you a friend request.

2. Spyware Apps

Image Credit: Glen Carrie/Unsplash

Once Facebook finally made it genuinely difficult to view a private Facebook profile, those desperate to view private Facebook profiles turned to more extreme options.

Installing spyware is one of those more extreme methods of viewing a private Facebook profile.

Spyware, and more recently, stalkerware installed on a victim's device, can provide direct access to a private Facebook account.

Spyware apps are not difficult to use. However, you can take some assurance in the fact that it won't work unless someone has access to your computer or smartphone or tricks you into downloading the spyware using a malicious email or link.

If someone uses a spyware app to view or mirror a Facebook account to a different device, it is difficult to detect, especially if the person spying isn't making any modifications or changing the behavior of the device. Thankfully, you do have options!

Check out our complete malware removal guide. It will help you find out if your device is hiding any spyware or malware and explain how to remove it.

3. Password Theft

The third method for accessing a private Facebook profile is straight-up password theft. Facebook password creation rules are decent enough. You need a minimum of eight characters, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Even with that combination, users will contrive to create the easiest password possible to remember. If you have an easy password, it is also easy for someone to guess it. You might not even know that your Facebook account has been hacked, to begin with.

The other issue is password reuse. If you reuse a password across several sites and one of those suffers a data breach, you suddenly have several vulnerable accounts. You might not even realize your password is out in the wild, such is the volume of data breaches internet users contend with.

There is no tool to check your password on every site, for extremely obvious reasons. But you can head to Troy Hunt's Have I Been Pwned? to find out if your email address and password have been exposed in a previous data breach.

Otherwise, start using stronger passwords, possibly using one of these online password generators to get you started. Another thing you can do is take proactive steps before a breach happens. There are several ways you can secure your Facebook account, making it easier to get it back if it's breached.

What Is a Facebook Locked Profile Viewer?

A Facebook locked profile viewer is as it sounds: a tool that promises to unlock any Facebook account and reveal its contents to you. While the idea of using a free online tool to unlock a private Facebook account sounds tempting, these websites are typically filled with all kinds of scams and other nasties, and you could end up doing real harm to your computer. The threat of malware is a definite issue, and you could end up losing more than your Facebook data in an attempt to see someone's locked Facebook profile.

Furthermore, there are also Android APKs that promise to reveal a private Facebook account. An Android APK is an Android app installation file, but you'll likely have to turn off your device security settings to install it. Now, there are places you can download safe APK files from, but a random website promising to reveal private Facebook data isn't one of them. Apps promising to unlock a Facebook account, private or not, are highly likely to be malware, and will steal your data instead of granting you access to a private Facebook account.

Facebook Is a Security and Privacy Nightmare

A private Facebook profile should protect your data. But you shouldn't entirely rely on Facebook. The social media giant is as much of a privacy issue as people attempting to view your private profile.

Facebook already holds the data as you enter it, upload photos, and Share and Like pages. Facebook's tracking is prolific, and Facebook has been involved in numerous privacy scandals—which isn't a good combination.

In general, Facebook is a security and privacy nightmare. So, yes, protect your Facebook account against people preying on your data. But consider protecting yourself against the platform itself too.

How to unblock yourself on Facebook or Messenger?


If you have been blocked by someone on Facebook or Messenger, you can unblock yourself in several ways, but in some cases you may need to contact this person because you really want to send a message or want to spy on messages.

If you just want to spy on messages and what the person is doing while you are blocked, you can simply create another Facebook account and request private messages. There are also several ways to view private Facebook profiles. However, public messages can be viewed from a sub account.

There is a special way to unblock yourself in a Facebook group.

To unblock yourself on Facebook , you must ask the person to unblock you, either through mutual friends or another Facebook account. If you are sending a message to this person, then requesting this person is the best option, as they may block you again. But, if you want to spy on his profile, simply creating another fake profile will be unlocked.

To unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, you can post comments on a person's messages and inform them of the block they have made in the chat and request an unblock. This solves the problem and unblocks you through someone's Messenger.

In this article, I will explain all the methods in detail so that you can easily take the steps and unlock yourself.

Find out if this person blocked you on Facebook or Messenger

When you no longer see your friends' messages in your feed and can't tag them anywhere, you start to wonder if they blocked you. You then search for their name in the search box and no results come up. When opening an account, an error is also displayed stating that the user is not available.

When you check your chat history, the conversations still exist, but "Facebook User" is displayed instead of their name, and you won't be able to send a new message.

All this would mean either:

  • A person has completely blocked your Facebook profile.
  • The person only blocked you on Facebook Messenger.

Although you can check if someone has blocked you on Messenger or Facebook.

How to unblock someone's Facebook?

Once someone has blocked themselves on Facebook, you have no way to unblock yourself unless that person does so. You can only be unblocked if you ask the person and he finally unblocks you.

Unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger

It is now possible that the blocking is done in Messenger while other parts are unblocked (like messages, stories, etc.). You can ask a person in Messages by leaving a comment to unblock you on Messenger.

  • Go to this person's profile.
  • Look for a profile message.
  • Just comment and ask to be unblocked on Messenger.
These comments will be visible and notified to the person, and chances are they will unblock you.

That's why you should do your best to ask the person to unblock you. It is important for you to find out the reason why they decided to block you. You may have made them angry by texting too often, following their profile too often. They may have blocked you due to misunderstandings or baseless rumors spread by someone else.

Since your messages will remain undeliverable due to blocking, you can try an alternative method of sending the message.

  • Sign in with the Gmail account you used to sign up for Facebook.
  • Get the Facebook email account of the person who blocked you. It will be "Timeline name +". For example, if their name is Pranab Sen, it would be [email protected]
  • Now send an email to this mail id with your message in the subject line and an empty body.

If you know them in real life, it would be better to meet them in person to discuss questions. This will give you the opportunity to find out what went wrong and apologize to make things right between the two of you.

Ask mutual friends to help you unlock

In this situation it is very useful to have a mutual friend. They can effectively play the role of mediators, helping to objectively resolve the conflict.

Contact this mutual friend and ask if they are willing to ask the person who blocked you to unblock you. If that might seem like too rude or the wrong place to interfere, they could at least find out if you were banned from the start by mistake or with a strong intent.

This will help you formulate the next course of action, allowing you to understand the other person's point of view.

Create additional account

When things seem to get so out of control that a friendship that is important to you may be destroyed. Because Facebook does not set limits on the number of accounts one person can maintain. The best way to contact the person who blocked you is to create a second account.

  • First of all, visit the Facebook website and click "Create a new account".
  • You can use the same name, but you must use a different email address to sign up that is not associated with any existing account.
  • Fill in other details required on the registration form, such as phone number, date of birth, gender.
  • You will be sent an email to verify your account and after you click the link in the email. Your account will be fully verified.
  • You can add profile information and upload a profile picture to avoid appearing as a fake or bot account. You can also start adding friends, but this is optional.
  • Finally, you can go to the message to the user who blocked you. It is advised to be careful when writing this message, as this will be your last chance to unblock yourself.

You must act quickly, as there is a high chance that you will be blocked on this account before you start communication.

Does account deactivation or account email change affect the ban?

Since no one can block you when you have deactivated your account, this leads to the misconception that deactivating a Facebook account will erase all blocks placed on it. This is completely false, even if you deactivate your account it won't undo any previous blocks. On the other hand, a person can unblock you even if your account is deactivated. This may happen because your name will still appear in the blocked users list.

Also, if you change your email address on your account, it will not unblock you. This is because the user has blocked your full Facebook profile and not the email address associated with it. Finally, you cannot take any action on behalf of someone who has blocked you to unblock yourself. Only the initiative on the part of this user can do the job.


This article explains how you can be unblocked through someone else's Facebook, and all suggested methods involve asking the person to unblock or create an additional account.

How to unblock someone who blocked you on Facebook ▷ ➡️ Stop Creative ▷ ➡️

After a particularly heated discussion, you and a friend were out of spite blocked on Facebook. However, it is well known that anger can lead to things you later regret. And in general ... after a few days you thought about it. Hence, you want to redo your steps even though your friend still has a point of view but doesn't know how to do it.

What do you say? This is exactly the situation, and you want to know if I can help you or not, what should I do? Of course, God forbid, I'm here for this. If you devote a few minutes of your precious free time in addition to your attention, I can explain, simply and at the same time in detail, how to unblock on Facebook the one who blocked you . I know that at first glance this may seem like a rather complicated thing to specialists in the Internet and new technologies, but believe me, it is not at all the case.

So if you're really interested in the topic (and I believe you are!), I suggest you don't waste any more time and immediately start concentrating on what to do. Together we will learn how to restore a business from a PC (that is, from the web version of a well-known social network), as well as from a mobile (that is, using the official Facebook application for mobile phones and tablets). I will also explain how to intervene in the case of Messenger and how to convince a friend to unblock you one by one. You are ready? Yes? Excellent. Let's start!

  • Unblock someone on Facebook who blocked you from their PC
  • Unblock someone on Facebook who blocked you from mobile
  • What about messenger?
    • with PC
    • with mobile
  • Unsceptible tips
  • in case of problems or doubts


  • 1 Unlock someone on Facebook, who blocked you from your PC
  • 2 unlock the someone then on facebook who blocked you from mobile
  • 3 What about the messenger?
    • 3.1 From PC
    • 3.2 From mobile
  • 4 Useful tips for unblocking
  • 5 In case of problems or doubts

Unblock someone on Facebook who blocked you on Facebook 9019 9019 who blocked you from your computer, the first thing you need to do is go to the site of a well-known social network with your profile. To do this, connect to the Facebook home page using the browser with which you usually surf the Internet (for example,

Chrome ) and log in to your account (if necessary) by filling in the fields in the upper right corner and clicking the Login button.

At this point, press the button with the arrow pointing down which is in the upper right corner, and select the configuration item from the menu that appears. On the new page that appears, click on the element lock which is on the left, find the name of the friend you have blocked and who has blocked you in the list you will find in section User lock on the right and click the corresponding link unlock .

Then confirm your wishes by pressing the button confirmation In response to the question, you will see that the screen will appear and voila.

Be aware that after the process is complete, if your friend continues to hold the block against you, you still won't be able to see their Facebook profile and related content they're tagged in. Therefore, please note that when and if your friend unblocks you, you will have to send each other a friend request again, since along with the blocking, the removal of the friends list is also automatically performed.

Unblock someone on Facebook who blocked you from mobile

If, on the other hand, you want to know how to unblock a person on Facebook who blocked you, acting as mobile, the first thing you should do is open the official application of the social network available for Android e iOS. So, first take your device, unlock it, open the application screen and tap on the Facebook icon (with the blue information and the "f" printed above).

Then press the button with three horizontal lines on the right, select the wording Settings and privacy on the displayed screen and step configuration in the menu that opens.

Now find the section privacy click on the voice lock and find the name of the friend you have blocked on the screen that will be shown later. So press button to unlock which you will find next to his name and confirm your intentions by pressing button unlock in response to a question on the screen. Here!

Even in the case of the mobile version of the social network, keep in mind that after the process is complete, if your friend continues to hold the block against you, you still won't be able to see their Facebook profile and the related content they're on. marked. . In addition, when and if your friend unblocks you, you will have to resubmit the friend request, since along with the blocking, the removal of the friends list is also automatically performed.

What about messenger?

Mensajero The messaging system, based on the well-known social network, works somewhat apart from Facebook in terms of blocks (and not only).

In short, this means that you can only block a person on the messaging service, not on the social network, and in case of doubt, there is no need to re-add the contact. On the other hand, blocking on Facebook also automatically includes Messenger and implies, as I indicated in the previous lines, the removal of the referenced person from the friends list.

So, if you and your friend have been blocked on Messenger, but now you change your mind and want to unblock him, the procedure you have to start is very different from what we saw together in the previous lines. So, let's see how to proceed both from a PC and from the web version of Facebook, and from a mobile phone, that is, using the Facebook Messenger application. Find everything listed below.

From PC

If you are acting as a PC, open a browser, connect to the Facebook home page and log in to your account (if necessary) as I indicated in the previous lines. Then press the button with arrow pointing down which is in the upper right corner, and select item configuration in the menu that appears.

On the page that will open at this moment, select the element lock on the left, find the section Block messages on the right and click on the link unlock that you will find next to the name of the friend you have blocked and are about to unblock. Performed!

From a mobile device

However, from a mobile device, for your attempt to be successful, the first step you must take is to open the application. facebook messenger is available for android and ios. Then take your device, unlock it, open the screen where all the apps are grouped, and tap the famous social network messaging service icon (with a blue globe and a white lightning bolt in the center).

When the application screen appears, touch your avatar in the upper left corner of the displayed screen, select the element People and go to the editorial locked . You will then be shown the full list of people you have blocked on Facebook and Messenger. So, identify the name of the friend you blocked on Messenger, click on it and then open the OFF toggle next to the article Block messages. And voila !

Useful Unblocking Tips

Have you followed my instructions on how to unblock the person on Facebook who blocked you, patiently waiting for your friend to review and unblock you one by one, but weeks go by and there seems to be no solution? Then take control of the situation and try to get in touch with the person you are addressing through other channels, being gentle rather than irritable and, above all, throwing the "axe" and trying to find a starting point. finding and solving problems.

Even though you have been blocked on Facebook, you can actually contact this user through other services such as WhatsApp , telegram , Skype o WeChat (Unless, of course, they also have not blocked you on those platforms), or by calling him on his mobile or landline, or better yet, meeting with him in person to talk in person.

If, as I just pointed out, you can't "pull the spider out of the hole", you can ask for help from a friend who you have a common that perhaps he can intercede for you.

I am sure that in this way you will definitely be able to talk to your friend and fix the situation by convincing him to remove the block from you and restore your friendship on Facebook. If not, then I know it's sad, but you just have to respect the choice of the other person. And who knows, maybe one day I will unblock you voluntarily.

To learn more about this, as well as what systems are available to understand if you have been blocked on a well-known social network, I invite you to read my post on how to unblock yourself on Facebook.

In case of problems or doubts

Even though you are strictly following my instructions, is there anything you are still not clear about how to unblock someone on Facebook who has blocked you? Are there other problems or issues related to the social network that you would like to know more about? In this case, the best advice I can give you is to try looking into the Facebook help center so that you can resolve the issues you have after reading my guide.

You can find the complete answer to your questions by typing the link keyword (eg bloquear ) related to your issue or question in the search bar above. In addition, you can see if among the articles you find in the section Popular Topics Then there is something suitable for your situation.

Also note that the Facebook Help Center can also be accessed through the social networking app available for Android and iOS. You can find it by pressing the button with three lines horizontally on the home screen and then clicking on the element Centro de servicio (on Android) or by going to Service and Support > Help Center (on iOS). Performance is good or bad, just like the one we just saw when it comes to the desktop version.

If you would like more information later on what to do, I invite you to read my guide on how to contact Facebook, through which I have detailed this, and also indicate what other systems you have to contact them.

Learn more