How to hack facebook likes on photos

How to get more LIKES on Facebook Photos

Get 1000 LIKES on Facebook Photo in one day with these tricks! Get more likes on Facebook in a few steps, hack 100% working for getting likes on Facebook profile picture, also for increase likes on Facebook Pages.

Nowadays, have many likes on your Facebook Page or Photos are synonyms of popularity, quality, and reliability, so get free Facebook Photo LIKES is overriding, with these tricks you are going to know how to get 1000 likes on facebook photo in one day! So, don’t waste more time and increase your social value NOW!

It is proven that people trust and buy more a product that has good reviews or has many likes, for the simple reason of the psychological effect called pre-selection. For example, if thousands like a product/brand/person, there are more probabilities than another person like it too, so this effect works for all areas of our society. For example, to get a partner, attract investments or increase sales. However, if society approves and likes it, more people will like it too automatically. As can be seen, get 1000 likes on Facebook photo will help you to attract the partner of your dreams, also get more likes on Facebook Page will help you to increase your sales.

This time we bring you a tutorial of “How to get Likes on facebook profile picture” using KingdomLikes but it also works to get more likes on facebook pages.

As can be seen in a few moments, I got 1000 likes on my Facebook Photo! Below, the image of the results of this hack :

Don’t waste more time and
®KingdomLikes is a website of social exchange network, all the likes that you get there are 100% real people and everything is free.

In the video below, you can see how we got 1000 LIKES on Facebook Profile Picture, but you can get all the likes on facebook then you want in any Picture with a little more time and obviously if you have enough points.

How to get more likes on Facebook

• 1. Make your Facebook account Public, so other people can like your Photos.

• 2. Get the URL of your Facebook Photo/Picture/Page/Video.

• 3. Add your URL to the auto liker to get more LIKES on Facebook.

• 4. Get enought points and get 1000 likes on Faceboook photo in one day.


We also  get 1k LIKES on Facebook Page in the first week.

All the steps of Facebook Likes hack are below:


IMPORTANT! Your Facebook account has to be PUBLIC, to get free Facebook likes, so other users can be able to like your Facebook Photo, Facebook Picture, Facebook Page or follow your Facebook page.

So, to make it PUBLIC go to

Then, click on Public Posts, then change “Who Can Follow Me” and “Public Profile Info” to Public.

2. Click “Public Posts”
3. Change to “Public” in “Who Can Follow Me” and “Public Profile Info”


For Facebook Pages, only copy the URL from your browser of the Facebook Page, and that´s it!

Otherwise, if you are going to add a Facebook Picture, Photo, Post or Video, you have to CLICK on the time of the publication, and that´s the URL, then copy from the browser and save it.

IMPORTANTThe Facebook photo, Facebook picture, Facebook Page or Facebook post has to be PUBLIC.

Example of accepted URL’s:

 1. Click on time to get the URL


IMPORTANT! If you don’t receive the confirmation email, check your the SPAM/JUNK folder.
Otherwise, if the mail is not in your SPAM/JUNK, you can use our “ReSend Email Confirmation” tool(In the upper right corner of the main page) or you can contact our Support Center.

You can check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you don’t receive the confirmation email :
1. Junk Folder.
2. Spam folder.


Once you got the URL of your publication that you want to get more free Facebook photo likes, then it’s time to add your Photo, Picture, Page or Post that you want to get more likes on Facebook.

Then go to “Add Page”, then it will display a form like this below:

  • Type: For Facebook Pages, select “Facebook Likes“ and “F. Photo/Post Likes“ for Photos, Picture, Posts or Videos.
  • Title: Is only to identify, could be whatever.
  • Page URL: Here you have to paste the URL of the photo that you want to get more likes on Facebook.
  • CPC: The CPC(Cost Per Click) is the cost in Points of any like you get on your Facebook link.
    For example, if you set it 10, each like that you get will cost 10 of your points.
    So, the higher the CPC is, the faster you get likes on Facebook.
  • Total Clicks: With this option, you can set the Total limit of likes that you want.
  • Daily Clicks: With this option, you can set the Daily limit of likes that you want daily.

Finally, if all the process was successful, your site will be added like in the picture below and will start to receive a lot of likes.


Then you only have to wait a few minutes to get more likes on facebook photo, and you need to have enough Points to get all the likes than you want on your facebook profile picture.

KingdomLikes is a website of likes exchange that works according to points. So, to get likes on Facebook you must have enough points, these points can be earned in different ways.

You can get POINTS in two ways:

  • You can gain Points for free by the following steps:
    1. Choose any social network in the lateral bar(Facebook Likes, Instagram Likes, Youtube Likes, etc. )
    2. Press on the button(Like) to open the pop-up.
    3. Then, like the Facebook Page or Instagram Picture or Likes, etc.
    4. Finally, close the pop-up. Then the points will be added, and you can get all the points that you want by repeating this process.

    After doing these tricks of “how to get more likes on facebook profile picture” and you have a good amount of points, you only have to wait a few moments to start to get more likes on your Facebook Photos.

    Also, you can get 200 points daily bonus by like 100 photos.

    That’s why this article of “How to get 1000 likes on Facebook profile picture” was created, to increase likes on facebook photos and your interactions on social media.

    Any question that you have, please tell us in the commentaries.

    How To Get More Likes on Facebook- 1 Simple Hack - in 2022 - Orange County Website Design Development


    This Hack Facebook Doesn’t Show You on How To Get More Likes On Facebook For Your Business Page

    Facebook continuously tries to get you to spend more money on promoting your business page. Over the past few years, they make it more difficult to interact as your business page with people that are in your niche. I remember the first business page I put together. I was excited to create my business page so I could see my news feed and start immediately interacting with the people that like my page. Like a lot of other people, I searched for my news feed. I couldn’t find it so I turned to Google. I quickly learned that there wasn’t a Facebook news feed for my business page. I then started to dump money into Facebook to try to engage with more of my prospects for my business, but I didn’t get too far.


    I was Inspired To Teach People This Little Hack

    I follow a lot of people in my niche and use this trick you’re about to learn and interact as my business page. I follow Neil Patel and he posted a great video that I recommend that you do because he gives  7 social media hacks. After watching his video I was shocked that he left out the #1 best Facebook social media hack that is out there that I’m about to teach you. Neil Patels Video inspired me in hopes to help anyone out there with this simple but yet powerful hack on how to get more Facebook likes to your business page.


    What’s The Trick On How To Get More Likes On Facebook?

    The trick is to start interacting with Facebook Pages that are in your business’s niche. It’s a pretty simple trick, and I’m going to show you exactly how to get more likes on your Facebook business page. Now like anything in life there will be some work involved, but it’s easy to set up and start interacting with the exact crowd that you want to be involved with. 


    Step 1. Start a Facebook Business Page

    This is pretty self-explanatory and if you need help getting started then I recommend following Hootsuite blog for creating a Facebook Business page in 8 easy steps. Once your new Facebook business page is up and running its time to start getting more Facebook Likes to your business page


    Step 2. Who Are Your Facebook Influencers?

    This is a vital step to know before you can move onto any other step. The best way to solve this is by public influencers. Let me give you an example. Let’s say my new Facebook business page is in the Pet industry then a good place to start would be Pet Smart Page or Petco or any other big page that posts a lot and have a lot of comments on their post. Maybe your new Facebook Business Page is about technology, construction, marketing or any industry that’s out there. This single hack on how to get more likes on Facebook will work for any industry. The only trick is to know what big pages to follow in your industry’s niche so you can start interacting as your business page in their post’s comment section.


    Step 3. Like Your Facebook Influencer As Your Facebook Business Page

    Not a lot of people know that you’re able to Like a page as your Facebook business page. This is the first step on how to get more Facebook likes to your page. 

    1. Go to the search section of Facebook
    2. Type the page that you want to follow as your page
    3. Click on their profile
    4. Note I’m using Gary Vaynerchuck in this demonstration
    5. I know he posts a lot, and a lot of people interact with his post’s and most of the people that follow him are in my niche.   


    Step 4. Like As Your Page For As Many Influencers In Your Niche 

    After you search and find the individuals page that you want to like as a page you’re going to want to

    1. Click on their profile
    2. Don’t just like the page
    3. Choose the three dots …
    4. A drop-down will appear and choose “Like as your page”

    Now that we have one influencer in our niche it’s time to utilize that same step for as many other pages in your niche so we have the best ability to interact as our Facebook page with people that will like your page and grow your business. 


    Step 5. Now How To Get More Facebook Likes To My Business Page

    Ok so now that you’ve gone through and liked as many pages in your niche as your business page its time to get more likes to your Facebook Page, but you may be asking yourself how to get more Facebook likes?

    Go to this link –

    This is a hidden link that Facebook doesn’t want you to know about. They would rather you spend money on their campaigns rather than interact as your business page with people that are in your niche


    Facebook Business Page Feed and What You’ll Find

    What you’ll find in this feed is every post from your influencers will be listed here. You’ll be able to

    • Comment as your business
    • Easily share their content
    • Like posts as your business
    • Add your link to comments
    • Answer questions to comments as your business

    And many other creative ideas to get people to trust you as a brand when you add value to their life with your business. 


    Why Does This Process Work For Getting More Facebook Page Likes

    By liking as many peoples pages as your business page then by going to the link that I provided will give you the ability to interact with people that are in your niche. Through consistently liking, commenting, sharing your links, and interacting with popular content will get a steady flow of people wanting to learn who you are. This will drive a lot more people to your business page. I recommend spending as much time using that link and interacting with people in your niche. 


    Who We Are

    ALT Datum specializes in Data Extraction, Data Visualization, Penetration Testing, Data Analytics, Website Development Design, SEO Services, and Lead Generation Services Let us help to grow your business through one of our programs. Call us today to learn how you can benefit from utilizing our services


    Facebook Hacker - Hack Facebook Account on Android (No Root)

    About mSpy :

    Designed as a parental control and spy app, mSpy can help you control everything on the target phone (both Android and iPhone), including social apps, SMS, call logs, contacts, photos, videos and more.

    You can remotely track the victim's Facebook and Facebook Messenger account on your Android phone, iPhone or PC. nine0005

    Best of all, the mSpy app is 100% invisible on the target phone and the victim will never know that the phone and Facebook are under your control.

    Now let's use mSpy to hack the Facebook account.

    Step 1 Subscribe to mSpy

    Create an mSpy account and REGISTER for this. When you complete your subscription, mSpy will send you an email to teach you how to install the app on the target phone. nine0005