How to get noticed on instagram by celebrities
How To Get a Celebrity To Notice You on Instagram
You and I know why Instagram is so different and popular compared to other Social media platforms. There is so much transparency in getting to know the most famous people, with the immense scope of you getting popular as well.
It is obvious that you would want to communicate with your favorite celebrity and get noticed for many reasons. But, who knows the ideal way of reaching out to them? And who assures that they would catch you out of the large crowd trying to do the same?
Anyways, give up on your worries now. I am here to provide you with nine golden tips on how to reach out to your favorite celebrity on Instagram and get noticed.
Table of Contents
- Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Noticed by a Celebrity
- Nine Golden Rules To Get Noticed by Your Favourite Celebrity
- Have a Great Intention
- Make Your Profile Public and Interesting
- Follow Your Favourite Celebrities and Their Inner Circle
- Utilize Instagram Hashtags
- Be Quick To View Their Posts
- Show Your Speciality
- Comment and Tag Them Along With Their Favorite People/Friends
- Be Active in the Organization They Promote
- Reposting Their Photos
- To Sum Up
Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Noticed by a Celebrity
Before proceeding, let’s understand why most people fail to fulfill this desire.
- You expect the response just for social validation.
- You relentlessly do DMs.
- You lack no serious reason that makes you stand out from the crowd.
- You give up just after trying for a few days.
- You are obsessed with getting their attention through hate comments.
If you do not connect to any of the reasons mentioned above, congratulations!
Now, let’s talk about something that works.
Have a Great IntentionWhy do you want to get noticed by a celebrity?
Is it only for the sake of the simple interaction so that you can feel happier knowing that a celebrity noticed you?
If the reason is only that you’re a big fan, and it will make you feel validated if they reply to your DMs or like or comment on your post, please say goodbye to that attitude.
Your best move will be to set a good intention or a reason that will benefit not only you but will also be something your celebrity or their inner circle will be interested in.
There are many things we can’t control on social media, but we can make sure our page, what we publish, and who we follow are all engaging, unique, and eye-catching.
A private profile will not do any good if, by any chance, your favorite celebrity or the people of their network are trying to know about you.
Make a public profile and if your celebrity supports a particular organization, include information about it and add your own views on the same. Make sure that whatever you mention about them and their work is thought-provoking and stimulates conversation.
Follow Your Favourite Celebrities and Their Inner CircleIf you didn’t follow them in the first place, it’s unlikely for you to get noticed. You are free to follow as many celebrities as you wish.
The problem is that the more followers they have, the more challenging it is for you to get discovered.
Well, we all know this. Did anyone tell you how helpful it can be to get in touch with the celebrity’s network?
Get to explore the people who surround the celebrity daily, including their makeup artist, fitness instructor, and family and friends. Follow them with the same intention and be active on their pages.
Utilize Instagram HashtagsHashtags are one of the best features of Instagram that will work in your favor if utilized with best practices.
Post the stuff on your account that matches the celebrity’s interests and activities.
For instance, to socialize with a celebrity who is known for her cosmetic abilities or fashion sense, you could create a post about these topics and use hashtags that the celebrity also uses.
Be Quick To View Their PostsTake advantage of the “turn on post notification” feature of Instagram. Be the first to leave a comment on their pictures.
They should have noticed you after twenty-one photos – or less. Of course, striking out as the first commenter every single time is a difficult task.
But yeah, you wouldn’t care about the difficulty if your vision is for the greater good!
However, you must ensure that your comment is appealing for them to respond.
Show Your SpecialityAnother strategy to grab famous people’s attention on Instagram is to show off your talents. The talent that has something to do with them. If you are good at singing, make a cover of one of their songs, post it on Instagram, and tag them.
Don’t give up if they don’t notice you the first time.
Sometimes you probably have to do an entire album cover to get their attention. If you have a burning desire or a greater intention, it’s well worth it.
Comment and Tag Them Along With Their Favorite People/FriendsThis tactic must be something you wouldn’t have thought about.
But imagine what happens when you tag your celebrity along with his/her best friend(s). They will receive a notification that mentions their close connections.
Then, if they feel your comment or post is worthy enough, they might respond. Even if it doesn’t happen, the celebrity’s friend might still respond to you.
Be Active in the Organization They PromoteOften, celebrities have their foundations or support organizations that inspire people to be kind to one another. Participate in any campaign they’re running so you can take advantage of the opportunity to get their attention.
If you are making great efforts, chances are, they can brag about you to other fans because you’re such a great fan.
Reposting Their PhotosChoose your words carefully. Do not reshare everything your celebrity posts on social media.
Choose wisely, my dear friend!
Did your favorite actress say something incredibly inspirational that moved you?
Reshare it with your thoughtful commentary. They’re going to notice.
They’ll be grateful that you shared something meaningful with them, and they’ll appreciate that it was significant enough to share it again. Also, explain why it’s also influential to you.
To Sum UpHowever, we are playing the probability game. There is no single direct way to reach your goal. In the end, you are just the small fish in their big sea of fans. So be patient and keep trying with good hope.
Five Ways To Get Noticed By A Celebrity On Instagram
CultureThe Golden Rule: Be as obnoxious as possible.
by Estelle Tang 1 July 2014
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When I started my Instagram account, I duly followed all of my friends. Check out that weird thing Phoebe did in Japan! Mim is having a picnic in Geelong or whatever! Ron put a pig in a tub, what a guy! You know, keeping up. But I also added a bunch of celebrities to ensure I had enough life-draining jealousy going on.
Very quickly, I realised the comments people leave on famous people’s Instagram posts are way more entertaining than the photos themselves. Aside from the utterly anodyne statements — any model’s Insta comments are guaranteed to be littered with “wow”, “beautiful”, or the heart-eyes emoji — I quickly started noticing other, more interesting trends. Let me take you through my favourite ways people try to get noticed on Instagram.
#1: State The Bloody ObviousBelow is a cute snap of The Mindy Project’s Mindy Kaling in front of her computer: pink shirt, smiling, natural make-up, informative caption. All cool. Was it so interesting that it moved me to comment? No, although maybe I wanna buy a pink shirt now and also a swivel chair. Also a house. Goddammit Mindy.
Below is a sampling of the comments she received.
They range from well-meaning girl-boosting (“Lookin like a bad bitch Mindy!”) to spammy (“Visiting NY?”), but my favourite here is “Great makeup”. I mean, you’re one of 9865 (and counting) commenters here; try harder, or don’t not bother.
“That’s your colour”. Really? Is this comment so important that you want the world to know you wrote it? Do you think Mindy Kaling is going to look at it and want to be friends? I just don’t know what the purpose of this communication is. I don’t even comment on my friends’ make-up if I think it looks nice. Does that make me a bad person?
#2: Actually Talk To The Celebrity As If He Or She Is ReadingCelebrities receive many, many comments on each of their photos. One of Kim Kardashian’s wedding photos, for instance, hit 51,000 — more than this incredible shot of her wedding dress, which scored a measly 10,000. I think it’s safe to say that she isn’t reading all of them; I think it’s even safe to say her assistant isn’t reading all (or any) of them.
So it amuses me no end when commenters address their comments to the celebrity personally. Let’s head back to Mindy Kaling:
Please see the final comment in the list above. “Wish i needed a jacket today”. This is great. Did wearing a jacket become a thing overnight? What is so good about wearing a jacket? I actually hate wearing jackets. You have to take them off when you’re inside and then carry them around. “Whew! Hot hotness!”
Did the commenter just want to connect with Mindy Kaling on a personal level? If so, this is some super-arbitrary and not very fascinating conversation-starting. Why not: “OMG you have a face I have a face too!”, or “All made up of atoms today AMIRITE????”
Here, meanwhile, is a man who really wants to meet Kate Upton.
And hey super famous person, when is the next episode of your extremely popular show coming out in my unspecified country on a channel I don’t know the name of?
I’m not actually a huge fan of people who call people out on typos and grammatical issues generally, but I feel my mirth is justified when LOLing at the comments left by dudes from around the world on photos of women they want. There is something about the expression of lust in a second language (or third, or fourth — I’m well aware these people are probably more linguistically skilled than I am) that’s just really funny.
One example of this, which I screenshotted a while back, comes from “belfie” (that’s “butt selfie” to you) star Jen Selter.
I just love these top two comments. The first is kind of touchingly poignant: “She is sexy, is she ?”. With additional space before the question mark and uncertain syntax, it reminds me of the Key and Peele sketch where an alien is trying to work out how to talk to chicks with other dudes.
The second one should be printed on a square of Sexy Monopoly or something.
#4. Be Insulting In A Fairly Weird WaySome people are straight-up horrible to celebrities on Instagram, but I don’t want to deal with trolls here. More interesting are the weirder insults, the kinds that sound like they come from your passive-aggressive and least-favourite co-worker. I noticed this little gem on Poh’s account the other day.
#5: Just Be As Completely Tone-Deaf As PossibleIn the below post, Lena Dunham’s caption indicates that she had a pretty bad day, and is eating pizza to make herself feel better. It’s a fairly specific message — yet catfairy28 managed to completely circumvent it, to compliment the Girls star on her skin.
A classic conversational move worthy of my great-aunt Jenny, who thankfully does not exist.
“Aunt Jenny, I am depressed and can’t get a job.”
“Estelle, you can do such a great impression of an elk!”
Oh, Aunt Jenny.
Thus concludes my rundown of the types of Instagram comments I enjoy the most. Please alert me to any types I may have missed. Until then, Godspeed, and go to making love forever.
Estelle Tang is a writer and editor living in New York. She tweets from @waouwwaouw.
Want more Junkee in your life? Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us.
tagsInstagram Kim Kardashian Mindy KalingComments
How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️
How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram. Your favorite actor has finally followed Instagram Would you like to let him know that you admire and respect him? Have you followed an influencer on Instagram and would like to be noticed? If so, don't worry, I'm here to give you advice on this.
If you are wondering how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram, In the following chapters of this guide, you will find some useful tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram using the tools that the famous photographic social network provides you.
Zip code
- 1 How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram
- 1.1 Follow the profile
- 1.2 Reply to stories
- 1.3 Comment on posts
- 1.4 Send18 a private message
- 2 More tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram
How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram
Follow the profile of
The first thing you can do to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram is without a doubt follow him to show him that you are his follower.
To get started, start Instagram that you downloaded in Android (For Play Store or alternative stores) and iPhone (from the App Store) to log into your account. Or you can log in to Instagram from a PC by connecting to the web version of the social network.
In this step, identify the person you are interested in using Finder from instagram magnifying glass icon located at the bottom of the social network application or at the top in its web version), writing your own username in the text box and clicking the corresponding search result.
Now to follow this person on Instagram, you just have to press the button to follow . From now on, you will see all the contents of the new person.
Reply to Stories
As I just said, the first solution you can implement to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to interact with the content you post.
For example, you can start with History.
You can see the Instagram stories of the users you follow both through the social networking application and from your computer through the official Instagram website.
In any case, all you have to do is log into your account and go to the section dedicated to Stories of located in the main menu of the social network, which is characterized by round icons showing profile pictures of users on which you signed.
Then tap (or click) these icons to view all the stories you follow that are posted by users and they will be tracked automatically. To see, in particular, the story posted by the user you are interested in, I suggest you go to his profile.
Then write your username in the Instagram search engine and on your account screen tap your avatar : New stories will appear every time your profile thumbnail shows red edge .
So, I suggest you interact with stories if there are interaction elements such as questions or polls. The user posting the stories will actually know who is interacting with them and this can definitely be a way to get noticed.
You can also reply to stories with message regardless of whether there are questions or surveys. In this case, touch the text field Send message is located below the history and click SEND send it.
Comment on
posts Another tip I want to give you to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to comment on their posts. In fact, celebrities tend to get a lot of messages and find it difficult to reply to everything.
However, commenting on their posts is easier to get noticed because fewer people interact with them.
Also, if your comment is really interesting, it may get a few likes and therefore be seen by the VIP on duty.
If you don't know how to comment on a post on Instagram, please log into your account through the social network application or through its official website, find the profile and post posted by the user you are interested in, and then click the button from cartoon icon . to see all comments. Now write your comment in the text box shown below and click the SEND button to send it.
Send a private message
After meeting a famous person you are interested in, you can try to get his attention by sending him a private message (although, as already mentioned, it is difficult to get attention in this way). However, if you have previously contacted the user, you may be more likely to receive a response.
Therefore, firstly, log in to Instagram through the mobile phone application or through its official website, then click The Airplane icon is located in the upper right corner.
Then, in the menu that appears, tap pencil and paper icon and enter the name of the user you want to contact in the next text box.
Then refer to the text box below to write your message text and click the SEND button to send it.
A Few More Tips for Getting the Famous Person's Attention on Instagram
After following all the tips I've covered in the previous chapters, would you like other useful tips to be noticed by the famous person on Instagram?
- Don't be pushy and be patient : If you contact a very famous person on Instagram, it will be difficult for him to reply to you, or at least to do it in a short time. Therefore, I advise you to be patient and not insist. Don't keep posting his other messages if he doesn't reply to you right away: otherwise, you may get the opposite effect of what you want, and in fact, in the worst case, you may even be blocked.
- Be nice and polite : One of the general pieces of advice I want to give you is to always be kind and polite to people, whether in private or in public. Good manners always come first and are the foundation of any relationship and communication.
- Don't make grammatical mistakes or use abbreviations : A good grammar and spelling domain is definitely a great calling card. So, pay attention to the form of the messages you send, otherwise your attempts to get attention may lead to mindfulness, but from a negative rather than a positive point of view.
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How to recover Telegram chat. By mistake (or not), you deleted an entire chat and could not restore it in any way.
Terrified at the thought that this will happen to you again, you want to anticipate and search in a completely proactive way for information on how to restore the telegram chat. In the following lines, I will explain in detail… Read more
How to insert a SIM card into a PC. You urgently need to connect your laptop to the internet, and since you have a data SIM card with a certain number of gigabytes included, you would like to take the opportunity to insert it into your PC and set it up. However, even though your current PC is prepared for… Read more
How to update Fortnite. This famous game is an online game, so an active internet connection is required to play. Another important thing is that it receives updates at some intervals. In fact, Fortnite developers periodically release updates that improve gameplay and/or solve some… Read more
How Omegle works. You've heard of Omegle, a chat and video chat service widely used by those who want to make new friends online but still don't know how to use it.
In this tutorial, I will explain in detail how to use Omegle on PC for chat and video chat. In addition, I will tell you how to use the service in… Read more
How to search for groups in Telegram. Your friends who use Telegram do nothing but talk about the group they are in, which posts funny memes and images every day. Needless to say, you too would like to participate in this virtual discussion, but don't know how to search for groups on… Read more
How to install google bar on android. While looking at a friend's Android mobile phone, he noticed that his home screen has a Google Toolbar widget that allows him to search "on the go" without having to go to the home page of a well-known search engine. intrigued… Read more
How to uninstall Fortnite. All your friends have been talking about Fortnite. And, driven by the desire to play with them, you downloaded this famous multiplayer game. Unfortunately, you realized that this is not how you imagined it. You just don't like it.
It takes a lot of your time. Or graphics in a "cartoon" style ... Read more
How to access closed Fortnite servers. We know you love Fortnite, the battle royale from Epic Games. You must have spent hours watching other games on YouTube and Twitch. During one of them, you saw how a streamer invited users to play with him on a private server. … Read more
How to set a secondary goal in Fortnite for PC. Are you a fan of Fortnite, the famous battle royale game from Epic Games, and usually play it on PC? He finds the game particularly fun, but he got the impression that some users have something extra. It almost seems to him that they know how to aim perfectly. For … Read more
PES 2021: Guide and tips for beginners. Unlike what usually happens in the world of video games when it comes to football, this year Konami decided to take a creative year with their Pro Evolution Soccer, looking forward to returning with a product designed for the next generation and with … Read more
How open APK files on PC.
Have you downloaded the APK file and don't know how to open it on your PC? Do you want to install an APK file on your computer but can't do it because the operating system doesn't recognize it? That's OK: APK files are essentially installation packages… Read More
How to recover a deleted Telegram account. Some time ago, you signed up for Telegram to find out how this well-known messaging service works, which is considered by many to be the best alternative to WhatsApp. However, after using it for a few days, you realized that it was not for you and deleted your account. Without … Read more
How to unlock a phone with operator lock. If, when inserting a SIM card into the terminal, you turned it on and the phone works fine, but does not allow you to make or receive calls, we will tell you what to do. The operator may have blocked the phone. Before you panic, how about we give you... Read More
How to watch Fortnite replays. Lately, you've been playing a lot of Fortnite, the famous battle royale from Epic Games, and you're good at it.
For this reason, you would like to review your performances and perhaps find out why this formidable enemy was able to defeat him, understand his technique and use it to improve in… Read more
How to clean a cell phone microphone. For a while, friends and acquaintances you talk to on the phone tell you they can't hear you. You've already ruled out network-related issues, so you've come to the conclusion that the phone's microphone could be the problematic item. Then… Read more
How to find out who shares my posts on Instagram. Your favorite social network is Instagram, which is why you post a lot of multimedia content every day, hoping to become a true influencer. In this sense, you recently noticed an increase in followers, after the release of the publication: probably ... Read more
How to remove the PS4 disc from the controller. You are now dealing with some games that you bought with the console, but when you changed games, you realized that the position you placed the PS4 in does not allow you to comfortably reach the eject button.
Then you would like to know how to eject the disc… Read more
How to scan a document with a Canon printer. Have you just bought a Canon printer with scanner but don't know how to use this component? Have you recently moved to a Mac and don't know how to install a new printer on an Apple-branded PC? Then you'll be glad to know what you're into... Read more
How to record PS2 games. Looking through your old PC's hard drive, did you find files for PlayStation 2 games you'd like to burn? Most likely, these will be MDS/MDF, ISO, or NRG files. If you have a modified PS2, you can easily copy it to any blank disc and play... Read more
How to increase FPS on PS4. You enjoy playing on PlayStation 4 and enjoy your gaming sessions a lot. However, your virtual raids have not completely satisfied you lately: the smoothness of the games does not seem good to you. It's really a strange situation: video games are theoretically optimized for consoles... Read more
How to set up TP Link Extender.
Have you bought a TP Link range extender to increase the range of your Wi-Fi signal in your home, but not very accustomed to using this type of device, would you like help with setting it up? Don't worry, you were in the right place at the right time... Read More
How to print multiple images on one sheet. A few days ago you downloaded very beautiful digital postcards from the Internet and now you want to print them and give them to your friends. However, after doing the math, you've noticed that your printer's sheets may contain more than one image, so you've decided to keep some of the... Read more
How to check a box in Word. You downloaded a Word form from the Internet, now you need to fill it out, but after filling in all the text fields, it crashed. Cause? There are some checkboxes that don't work: you can't check them, or at least don't know how to check them. Are you new to Word and… Read More
How to split a video into multiple parts. Have you made a very long video that you would like to split into several parts, but don't know how to do it? Don't worry, this is an extremely simple operation.
All you need is a suitable program for this purpose and a few minutes of free time. Other than that, don't... Read more
How to delete Supercell account ID After playing it for a few days, you realize that you no longer have free time to spend it on Clash Royale, one of the most famous games developed by Supercell. For this reason, you have made a drastic decision: permanently delete your Supercell ID Account that allows… Read More
How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite. You are a video game lover and your favorite video game at the moment is Fortnite. The famous multiplayer game from Epic Games that you have just started, but which already gives you a lot of fun. In that sense, since you're going to be playing for a long time, I'd like to clarify some of your… Read more
How to find out your Facebook password without changing it Forgetting your Facebook password can be a big problem, but luckily it's not a problem. In fact, to regain ownership of your account, simply verify your identity and request a password reset.
But what if you want to know your Facebook password without changing it? … Read more
How to view a friend's recently added friends After much persuasion from your child, you finally gave in and agreed to register with Facebook. However, as a good parent, you still want to keep an eye on his online activity, so he asked you to add him as a "friend" so he can see... Read more
How to unlock a secure micro SD card. After a few days, the microSD card you are using with your mobile phone seems to have stopped working properly. To be precise, every time you try to use it, strange messages appear on the screen that the card is write-protected. In this guide, you… Read More
How to change name in Fortnite PS4. When you started playing Fortnite on PlayStation 4, did you choose a name that you don't like anymore? Want to change it but don't know how? Then you have come to the right place at the right time! I will explain to you how to change the name in Fortnite PS4 as fast and easy as… Read more
How to record PS1 games.
Although much more powerful consoles are available, you loved your PlayStation 1 so much that you decided to lift it out of the attic and plug it back into your TV to use during bouts of "video game nostalgia." I understood you. On the other hand, there are many games available for PS1 that are still… Read More
How to play Fortnite with a mouse and keyboard. You just started playing Fortnite, the popular battle royale game from Epic Games, and found out that you can use a mouse and keyboard in Fortnit. Even on consoles. But you didn't understand how to do it. Want to know what keys are needed to play Fortnite? … Read more
How to see the latest people you follow on Instagram Some time ago, you started following a person on Instagram to keep up with the content they post. You would like to show your profile to your friend, but you can't remember their username anymore, and then wonder how to see the latest following people... Read more
How to listen to music from a flash drive in the car.
You spend most of your day behind the wheel and would like to find a solution for listening to your favorite music in the car without having to carry thousands of CDs around. In addition, many of the business calls you receive throughout the day quickly drain your mobile phone and… Read more
How to disable Smart Lock. By changing your phone settings, you have activated Google Smart Lock. A feature that, under certain conditions, allows you to automatically unlock Android devices. The problem is that after that, your mobile phone is almost always unlocked, and therefore your data… Read more
How to know if the phone is locked by the operator. He bought a used phone at a fairly affordable price and was satisfied with the purchase. There is only one “small” problem that it cannot solve: despite the fact that the mobile phone in question is fully functional, it does not seem to be able to make calls, send SMS and view… Read more
How to change the face in the video.
Hollywood star? rock star? If you want to be a star and want to show your face in other videos, I will show you how. In the following lines, in fact, we will consider a whole series of interesting tools, thanks to which I was able to change the face in the video by inserting my own ... Read more
How to find out who canceled a message on Instagram Instagram offers the ability to unforward messages sent via Direct, and you know this very well, since you have used this feature several times. However, if, on the one hand, it is useful for you to delete messages sent by you by mistake to Instagram, on the other… Read more
How to update iPhone iOS is updated frequently with new features and bug fixes. There are currently two different ways to update "iPhone by": one is done directly from… Read More
How to copy a CD to your computer. You need to copy the disc to your computer, but you don't know how to do it correctly. Perhaps you want to "rip" a music CD in order to keep all the songs it contains on your PC, but don't know which program to use.