How to get more profile visits on instagram

10 Simple Tactics You Can Try Today

Since Instagram started sorting posts on users’ feed with an algorithm, many marketers have noticed a decline in their organic reach and engagement.

But that doesn’t have to be the case for you. In fact, it could be possible for you to reach more of your followers now than without the new Instagram algorithm.

In this post, we’ll share 10 straightforward ways you can use to increase your organic reach on Instagram today.

Buffer for Instagram now comes with direct scheduling! Schedule single-image or video posts or set reminders to post multi-image posts at your best times to grow your Instagram following. Learn more today.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm

Here’s a quick side-note: Understanding how the Instagram algorithm works can be helpful in figuring out how to increase your organic reach in the algorithmic-feed world.

We’ve dug into the Instagram algorithm and broken down the seven key factors of the Instagram algorithm. If you’d like to learn about the algorithm and how it ranks content on users’ feed, feel free to hit the button below to read the post first.

Learn about the Instagram algorithm

10 ways to boost your Instagram reach today

So how can you increase your organic reach on Instagram? Here are the 10 powerful ways you can do that:

  1. Find your optimal posting times
  2. Experiment with videos
  3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement
  4. Curate user-generated content
  5. Tell Instagram Stories
  6. Go live on Instagram
  7. Use Instagram ads
  8. Post less
  9. Create specifically for Instagram
  10. Be a great Instagram user

Let’s dive in!

1. Find your optimal posting times

Even though Instagram uses an algorithmic timeline now, optimal posting times are still relevant as Sue B. Zimmerman, suggests posting when the majority of your audience is online:

It may take time to get a long-term understanding of your followers’ activity, but it’s important to make sure you’re posting when the majority of your audience is online.

If you are using an Instagram Business Profile, you can check your Instagram Insights to find out when your followers are most active by the day of the week and the time of the day.

Once you’ve identified your ideal posting times, you can also schedule Instagram posts ahead of time to help ensure you consistently post high-quality content.

2. Experiment with videos

Several studies have found that photos tend to get more overall engagement (i.e. likes and comments) than videos on Instagram. On first look, it might seem that photos are better than videos for engagement — and it could well be!

On closer examination, we might draw a different conclusion. News Whip studied the Instagram accounts of 31 news publishers and made an interesting discovery. While photos, on average, get more likes (and overall engagement) than videos, videos generate more comments than photos. In fact, videos, on average, received more than twice the amount of comments than photos!

It is not certain if the Instagram algorithm values likes and comments equally or one more than another. But since commenting requires more effort from a user than liking, it’s possible that the algorithm values comments more than likes and would rank posts with more comments higher than posts with more likes.

Last year, Instagram found that the video watch time on Instagram increased by more than 40 percent over a six-month period. At this growth rate, it could be great to experiment with videos to see if it increases your engagement and organic reach on Instagram.

To make things easier for you, you can now schedule videos to your Instagram business profiles using Buffer.

3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement

Asking questions or calling for an action is one of the fun ways to encourage your followers to interact with your Instagram posts. We found that hosting a giveaway contest is an effective way to engage our followers.

Some of the call-to-actions we have tried are:

  • Enter to win by sharing your favorite emoji party combo in the comments below ?
  • To enter, simply tag a friend below who you would “Vote” for as your favorite marketer and you’ll both be entered to win!
  • To enter tag a friend below who you know is rocking it on social media! ?
  • What’s on your reading list this week? ? Drop your book suggestions below for a chance to win a free book of your choice from the Buffer team! ❤

While giveaway contests usually generate more comments than usual posts, we try to give it a few months in between each contest to keep things fun and exciting.

Something that we do more often is asking a question in our Instagram posts. Several of our most-commented posts (excluding contest posts) are posts with a question such as this, this, and this.

4. Curate user-generated content

Brian Peters, our digital marketing strategist, grew our Instagram account following by about 500% (4,250 to 21,000) in under six months. His secret? User-generated content.

Curating user-generated content can encourage those users to engage with and share those content. Since the Instagram algorithm considers users’ relationships when ranking content on their feed, building relationships with your users through Instagram might also help your content rank higher on their feeds.

Apart from organic reach, Crowdtap found that user-generated content is 35 percent more memorable and 50 percent more trusted than traditional media and other non-user-generated content. This makes user-generated content a valuable strategy to try.

If you would like to repost user-generated content on your Instagram profile, we would love for you to try our Buffer for Android or Buffer for iOS mobile apps, which can help speed up the process.

5. Tell Instagram Stories

In our State of Social Media 2016 report, we found that while 63 percent of marketers surveyed use Instagram, only 16 percent have created Instagram Stories. There’s a great opportunity to stand out before it gets too crowded!

Instagram Stories take a prominent position on the Instagram app — above the feed. This allows you to stay on top of your followers’ feed and grab more of their attention. If your followers view your Stories regularly, it could possibly even help your Instagram posts rank higher on their feeds.

It’s worth noting that the Stories are also ranked by an algorithm; possibly one very similar to the feed algorithm. Spend the time to craft great Stories to help them rank better.

6. Go live on Instagram

A similar “trick” is to go live on Instagram. When you use live video, you will appear right at the front of the Stories feed, assuming no one else is live at the same time. The “LIVE” logo also makes your profile photo more prominent in the Instagram app.

Social Media Examiner found that the more they went live on Facebook, the more their non-live content received exposure. Michael Stelzner said that one reason might be their brand is in front of their fans more often so the fans might go to their Page to see their content more — even if the fans don’t watch the live video.

This effect could play out on Instagram, too. Seeing your logo at the top of their feed might encourage your followers to check out your Instagram profile.

From our State of Social Media 2016 report, we concluded that live video has yet to hit mass adoption as only 27 percent of marketers surveyed had created live video content. While the percentage might be higher today, I believe live videos aren’t mainstream yet. So it’s another perfect way to stand out and deliver great content!


Use Instagram ads

This might sound a little counter-intuitive but Instagram ads can be an effective way to grow your organic reach.

If you have an Instagram Business Profile, you can promote your existing posts from within the Instagram app. (

So which post should you promote?

Here’s a quick way to pick a good post to promote:

  1. Go to your Instagram Insights on the mobile app (tap on the profile tab and then the bar chart icon).
  2. Tap “See More” under the “Top Posts” section.
  3. Tap on “Impressions” at the top (a pop-up should apply to let you adjust your stats filters).
  4. For the first filter, you can choose “All”, “Photos”, or “Videos” according to your preference.
  5. For the second filter, select “Engagement”.
  6. For the third filter, select “7 days”.
  7. You will see your top posts by engagement for the last seven days. From there, you can pick a post to promote.

As these posts have received the most engagement from your followers, they would likely also resonate with the people you promote to (assuming you have targeted people like your followers).

8. Post less

When explaining social media algorithms, Michael Stelzner encouraged marketers to re-think your posting strategy.

Rethink is the keyword here. Rethink your posting strategy on social media – Less is actually more!

Sue B. Zimmerman also gave a similar advice for marketers who want to overcome the Instagram algorithm.

If you truly want to connect with your audience, it’s better to share one fabulous photo instead of 20 mediocre images. So next time, before you hit post, take a moment and consider how this content contributes to your brand, and does it effectively encourage engagement from your followers.

I believe this is about the allocation of your resources and time. Instead of publishing 20 posts a week, use the same resources and time for just one or two posts and make them great.

Quality content that is relevant to your followers has a higher chance of eliciting a positive response from your followers. In turn, this can help your posts rank higher on your followers’ feed.

9. Create specifically for Instagram

One way to create quality content is to create content specifically for Instagram. Instagram, being a very visual platform, has a greater focus on the photo or video itself than the text. So a post that would do well on Instagram is probably different from one that would do well on Twitter or Facebook.

For smaller social media teams or solo social media manager, it can be challenging to always create unique content for each platform. Crossposting and repurposing content from other platforms can be great, too. If you are doing that, it’d be best to craft specific caption for each social media platform as your followers likely follow you for a different reason for each of the platforms.

Now with Tailored Posts, you can write customized captions for each social network. We’re hoping that this feature would encourage you to be (even) more creative with your social media posts and would help you drive more engagement.

10. Be a great Instagram user

This last point might be a little vague but it nicely wraps up many of the points above.

Social media algorithms are built to encourage genuine, positive behaviors on the platforms such as sharing, showing appreciation, quick replies, and more. Often, they would also try to discourage abuse or hacks.

My gut feeling here is that being a great Instagram user will help you grow your organic reach over time. That includes:

  • Posting quality content that is relevant to your followers (be it informative, inspiring, or entertaining)
  • Answering questions on your posts quickly
  • Thanking people for commenting on your posts
  • Exploring other people’s profiles, engaging with their posts, and building a relationship with them

All the best!

The main objective of Instagram (and most social media platforms) is to make users happy and let them enjoy the experience. As brands on Instagram (and social media), I think we can do a lot to create great experiences for our followers — which will, in turn, benefit ourselves.

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Proven Method to Organically Increase Reach and Profile Visits on Instagram

A rise in the number of Profile visits is a sign that your Instagram followers are interested in your products. They are browsing your store. It indicates your influence over your audience.

So, how to get more visibility on Instagram without spending a dime? How can you increase organic reach and profile visits? This article will help for sure.

Below I’m writing about an experiment I set up two weeks ago. I wanted to test if I can improve the number of Profile visits on Blusteak’s Instagram account.

And it worked.

The Profile visits more than doubled within a week. It went up to 1651, from 675 in the previous week. Now, the profile visits are 5x of what they were two weeks ago.

Want to know how I did it? Keep reading…

Best way to increase Instagram profile visits

I began by turning on notifications for 4-5 pages which attracted good engagement on their posts. Now, whenever they posted, I started getting notifications.

Then, I noticed funky posts were more relatable to me.

So, I began commenting something humorous on such posts. You have to give something to get something, right? And when I posted comments in line with the posts’ theme, their followers liked those. They even replied to my comments.

The page also liked and replied.

Increase Instagram reach and Profile visits organically by commenting

I soon noticed a gradual increase in my profile visits. The numbers used to be in hundreds, but they are in thousands now. OK, that sounds like a slight exaggeration on my part. But I’m hopeful these will keep growing if I continue interacting with relevant pages.

That’s how to get a wider reach on Instagram; through an ongoing genuine and sensible engagement.

So, make it a habit to put a comment on different accounts you admire. Only 3-5 comments a day would work.

Don’t just say “great post”. Instead, tell them you liked the hat, or how you’re craving for coffee seeing their post. Complement or share a brief thought.

You will increase your brand visibility on Instagram, get more profile visits, and even get some chances of partnerships.

How to turn on post notifications?

To turn on notifications for an Instagram account, visit that account, and tap the bell icon at the top right. A pop up will open showing different toggle buttons. Tap the button beside Posts to receive posts’ notifications from that account.


Other working methods to improve brand visibility on Instagram

1. Post shareable content

You must create and share high-quality and engaging content. But to improve visibility, content should drive shares. Post images or videos which your followers would share in their stories and DMs. Also, encourage them to share the content.

2. Upload Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels reach is good these days. So, you must try recording as many Reels as you can, and post them on the Explore tab. If people like them, the Instagram algorithm will promote them further. You might even get virality, and thus a massive organic reach.

Suggested Read: How Small Businesses Can Take Advantage of Instagram Reels?

3. Create interactive Stories

Instagram Stories appear on the top of your followers’ feed. You can create polls, run quizzes or announce giveaway contests there. You can host Instagram Live or Q&A sessions too. Make some buzz by asking followers to spread the word.

By regularly posting relatable and interactive Stories, you give your followers a reason to keep checking your account.


Improving Instagram organic reach isn’t an impossible task. But if you’re looking to get a quick boost to visibility, try the tested method I mentioned above. Comment on different Instagram accounts you like or in which your target audience hangs out.

It’s all about sharing relatable content; whether on your account or as a comment on others. You’ll reap the rewards soon – as a better reach and higher profile visits.

Follow us on Instagram for Marketing Content

7 Easy Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram

With billions of active users, Instagram is now a competitive platform for all types of accounts. Attracting more fans, which brings a lot of benefits to account holders, is no longer easy. Here I would give you some tips to help you perform better on this social network.

How to get more followers on Instagram?

Let's start with all the methods that get you more followers. Then we describe and explain all the methods in detail. Each of these methods has a long history, which I will tell you. nine0003

You can get more subscribers from:

  • Instagram bot
  • Advertising (campaigns, advertisements, influencers, etc. ).
  • General messages or stories
  • Profile visits

But how is this possible? Let's expand all the methods.

# Get more followers with Instagram bot

An Instagram bot is a program that helps you mimic all human behavior on Instagram on your behalf. In this way, the Instagram bot can follow others, like other posts, comment, or even unfollow them on your behalf. nine0003

The secret behind Instagram bots is simple. They will show your profile to thousands of Instagram users if you are wondering how I can explain. When a bot visits and likes someone, it goes back to your profile and if it's interested in your content, it follows you back or participates in your posts.

Of course, using an Instagram bot and automation is one of the easiest ways to get more followers by increasing profile visits and engagement. nine0003

How does the Instagram bot work?

  • You need to register on the panel instazood. com
  • Add your Instagram account and get code
  • Enter the code in the Social Bridge app on your Android device.
  • The app will do all the Instagram actions for you.
# Get more followers with ads

This is one of the best ways to get more followers because in most cases users will follow you based on their needs. So the decrease in the number of subscribers is very small. Imagine people finding an Instagram username on a TV ad. They will search and monitor the account. nine0003

Instagram itself also offers the option to advertise on the platform. The essence of advertising on Instagram is that you can choose the age or range of Instagram users. So the probability of getting a successful campaign is high.

To advertise on Instagram, you must have a business account and you can use it with the PROMOTE option available in Instagram posts. There is also a complete guide on how to advertise on Instagram. nine0003

Instagram offers several ad formats:

  • Advertising stories
  • Photo ads
  • Video advertising
  • Carousel advertising
  • Collection ads
  • Study the advertisement
  • IGTV ad
  • Shopping ads on Instagram

You can also get more followers by posting ads on any platform like Facebook or influencers (advertise your account on their profile), any websites, etc. D.

# Get more subscribers with shared content

This is the rule: the more interactions you get, the more likely you are to get more followers. So, try to find the best type of content for your niche. I have explained it in several blogs that you can use any Instagram profile analyzer to find the most liked or commented posts of each similar account. if you repost, you will get more likes and comments. This type of post will be shared and saved by hundreds of users, resulting in others to visit your profile and follow you. nine0003

# Get more followers with more visitors

It is a fact that there is a relationship between the number of profile visits and the number of followers. So if you get more visits, that means you can also get more followers. You can learn a lot from him. if you have visitors but no followers, you should review your content or bio.

You can increase the number of visits to your profile through the above mentioned methods such as advertising, Instagram bot, Instagram quality content and research or even Google search. nine0003

The great thing about Instagram is that when people search online, the Instagram profile can also appear in Google search results. So you can use this and increase your profile visits to get more followers.

There are several tools available online that you can see what people will search on Google for more related to your niche.

You should also follow instagram to keep track of followers and what makes your account better. nine0003

I am regularly asked for advice on Instagram. People want to know how to get more Instagram followers, but specifically how I quickly increased my personal Instagram followers from 5227 to 11406 in just four months. This is a fairly simple process, but it will take a lot of effort on your part. I tell people to plan for about an hour a day, breaking it down into smaller segments to quickly grow their following. Now I know how it worked for me, but before I shared my tips and tricks, I asked other people to use my technique to see if it worked for them. nine0003

I was on a press trip with @Bob.Sessions. He was new to Instagram and only had 75 followers. He asked for advice on what to do, so I shared my technique with him and in less than four months, he surpassed 10k followers on Instagram.

Another friend, @TravelingCoachKim, had about 180 followers, I took over her account and increased it to 2000 in two weeks.

I could share countless other success stories, but you need to know that these tips to grow your Instagram followers work! nine0003

Disclaimer, these methods are not for everyone. Some people will completely disagree with me, and that's okay. Choose what suits you and do it well.

Before we start, let's make a couple of notes.

Make sure your profile is complete and you have a profile picture. Not having a profile picture is like being a smartass on Twitter. The picture is required! Also, don't forget to add your blog link and email address to your profile so people can easily find and email you. nine0003

Once your profile looks good, you're ready to start building Instagram followers.


Post one to three images each day and be sure to post them more than 2 hours apart. I know I know. You have a lot of photos to share, but manage them and stay strategically focused with a maximum of three images per day. Study after study has been done on the subject, and rumor has it that one to three is the ideal number of upgrades. nine0003


Yes, you have 500 photos of little Johnny playing or 300 different angles of the same flower that you are sure the world needs to see. Here's what to think of Instagram as your art gallery. You only want to showcase the best of the best of the best in your IG feed. Let IG be your portfolio of your top notch work. The best advice a photographer has ever given me is that I am only as good as my worst shot. Best. advice. Ever. nine0003

In addition, ask yourself why. WHY will the photo be of interest to your followers/viewers? Will it inspire? Will he share useful advice? Will it get someone to buy a product, visit a destination, etc.? If you can't definitively answer the question why, DO NOT post the image. This is truly one of the best tips on how to get more followers on Instagram. Self-editing is very important.


nine0002 Many images are on Instagram by hashtags, so you should make sure you use them to get more followers on Instagram. Put two to three hashtags in content about your image and then copy/paste 20-25 hashtags in the first comment.

If you're a blogger building your Instagram followers because you want to use your account to work with brands, check out the hashtags you've included in your image. If your image falls into the Featured Posts category, take a screenshot and add it to your media kit. On a recent trip, I posted four images on the #VisitArkansas "Top Posts" hashtag page. Not too shabby. nine0003

I add hashtags to a notepad on my smartphone and then just copy/paste the hashtags into the first comment. I categorize hashtags so I can easily find information about travel, food, the Midwest, etc.

A few more words about hashtags if you're building a brand. Consider creating a hashtag just for your brand and include it in the content of every single image.


This is where people usually disagree with me, but this is my main way to get more followers on Instagram. You have to aggressively follow people every day. You can subscribe to a maximum of 80 people per hour. Do this a couple of times a day to follow about 200 people every day. nine0003

To find the people you follow, go to the accounts you follow or like and follow their followers or the people they follow. Look for people who have the same interests and photos as you. You will have more success after followers if your images are in the same niche as the account the person is already following.

For example, I post mostly travel images, so I will find travel instagrammers and follow their followers. Their followers already like travel images, so you can bet they will like my images too. I'm probably not going to follow someone's followers who only post pictures of trucks. People who like truck pictures probably won't like my travel photos. It makes sense? nine0003

Find your niche and follow this audience.

If you're into the travel niche, here are some great Instagrammers. Go to their followers or followers list and follow them.

Note… 1082 likes and 38 comments during the day, THIS is a good interaction. (Bob has 11.6k followers which gives him a 10%+ engagement rate which is fantastic!)


I will talk about it endlessly. If you don't have engagement, your account is meaningless from a brand standpoint. I run across so many accounts that have 50-100+ followers and end up with 30 likes per image and no comments. If people don't interact with you, there's a serious disconnect. If you're not using your account to build a brand, this tip is probably not important, but if your ultimate goal is to make money, view items, or take trips, you need to pay attention to this one. nine0003

Go to Instagram five or six times a day for 5-10 minutes. View your Instagram feed and like the last 30 minutes or an hour of photos. In general, do what you can in five minutes. There really is no hard and fast rule. I want it to be simple enough that you feel like you can get the job done and that building Instagram followers doesn't take up all of your time.

As long as you like the photos, stop and comment on the images you really like. Something as simple as "beautiful images" or "what did you enjoy doing at XYZ?" can help draw attention to your own page, and you can also just find a couple of like-minded people. nine0003

My understanding is that the industry standard for engagement rates is around 3%. For every image you post, you will need to work towards getting 3% of your followers to like or comment.

While you're working on engagement, this is a really good time to take out who you're following. I automatically unfollow anyone who sells body wraps, oils, or any other annoying product on Instagram. Too many photos in a row? I'm unsubscribing from you. Bad photo? Gone. Basically, I want my Instagram feed to be filled with beautiful, inspiring images and everything else to disappear. Of course, things will be different for you. I don't want you to feel bad about unfollowing someone. This is your account, do what you want. nine0003


Look for the same hashtags you use in your images. When the hashtag pages open, click the first image in the latest posts and scroll through the stream by tagging the images you like, leaving comments, and following people. You don't have to like every image you see. I tend to skip selfies, but cute images get likes, great images get comments, and both are usually followed. This is a great way to find people outside of your immediate circle on Instagram. nine0003


Crowdfire is a free app that helps with the aggressively unsubscribing part of my technique. Download it to your phone and/or computer and link to your Instagram account.

Three or four days after you start using the tips above, sign in and sync your account. Full download may take up to 5 minutes. Once that happens, scroll to the very bottom of the list and start unfollowing people who don't follow you. nine0003

If there is someone you still want to follow even if they don't follow you, just click on their name and whitelist them. Whitelisting them will keep them out of the unsubscribe list.

This is important because Instagram limits you to 7500 followers. You want to follow people who will be interested in your images, like and comment on them.


This is not related to how to get more followers on instagram , but very interesting for people who manage multiple accounts. Instagram just introduced a new feature that allows you to sign in to multiple accounts at the same time. This is fantastic news for those of us who manage other accounts. No more signing out of one account and signing in to another, we can simply switch between accounts. Maybe there was some kind of celebration going on in my house when it happened! Look for the feature at the bottom of the settings screen where it says "Add account". Add up to three accounts. nine0003

Instagram profile statistics: 5 services + decryption

Instagram account statistics are information about users who visited the account and / or performed some action (liked, subscribed, watched the post, answered the question, etc. ) .

I will not pour water about its importance, you already know this. Therefore, I go straight to the point and answer the question of how to view statistics on Instagram. nine0003

Important. Each “View” of the profile has its own characteristics, so some metrics may differ. And more metrics depend on the completeness of the profile (active buttons, links, etc.).

on Instagram

In order for you to have statistics at all, you need to switch to a business profile or an author account. It's a matter of three minutes. Go to Settings -> Account -> Switch to Professional Account.

Next, the social network will prompt you to select categories and type of account. After switching, new buttons will appear under the header. nine0003

1. Profile

To see some statistics, you need to maintain a page on a professional account for at least 7 days. Otherwise, she simply will not gather.

Now go to the statistics - click on the button of the same name. You can choose how long to display the data.

- Overview
1. Accounts covered

The number of unique accounts whose owners have seen any of your igtv posts, stories or videos at least once. Now about the metrics below:

  • Impressions. Unlike reach, they include multiple views of posts from the same account;
  • Account activity. Displays profile visits and clicks on: website address, "Call" button, etc.
Covered accounts

Next, you can see the reach of popular posts, stories and IGTV videos.

If you need, for example, a different post, or if you want to see coverage for all posts, click next to the "All" section. Next, all posts will open, and you will see the reach on them in an oval. nine0003

In addition, you can select a period - display publications for the last 2 years, year, 6 months, 3 months, 30 days, 7 days and the desired metric to check.

By the way, read our article - how to increase the coverage on Instagram, it will not be superfluous

2. Interactions with content , save, repost, replies.

Popular posts based on interactions are also shown below.

Important. Evaluate profile quality with InstaHero Follower Analysis. The service will provide you with a complete analysis of your audience and its activity on your page. Based on the results, you have every chance to increase coverage! Click and make a free analysis -> InstaHero

- Your audience

The section collects all statistics on your audience for the selected period. You can see the total number of subscribers, the growth over the period in percentage and in numbers, as well as the number of unsubscribes. nine0003

Audience data is available to you: by city and country, by age, gender, and most importantly - the periods of the greatest activity of users in your profile by hours or days.

Audience data

Lifehack. If an SMM specialist has already worked on the profile before you, it is useful to check for bots. This will help identify a real, live audience.

- Posted content

The number of posts, stories, active promotions and IGTV videos you have posted during the selected period, including today. nine0003

For each type of content, you can also go to the section with all, for example, stories and select the required metric.

You can view the statistics of an individual publication without opening the general one. Select a post, click "View Statistics" under it, and voila, analyze the metrics.

To view the story statistics - open the desired story, go to views, then click on the chart next to it.

2. Advertising records

You can also check advertising statistics in Instagram itself. This is done by looking at the statistics of a story or post that is being promoted as a sponsored post. nine0003 Advertising post

Lifehack. Want to get targeted subscribers for only 1 ruble ? With the subscription page service - Instasub, it's real, besides, just : You create free useful material, launch ads on it with the call to “download for free”. And in order to get it, the user must subscribe to you (this is already checked by the service). Click, see how to do it and test - Instasub .

Now, according to the laws of the genre, I will tell you in detail about the metrics that can be seen in the statistics of promotions. nine0003


  1. Profile transitions. Number of people logged into the account;
  2. Calls . Number of calls made during the campaign;
  3. E-mail. Emails sent during the promotion.


  1. Coverage. How many subscribed/unsubscribed people saw the post, as well as the percentage of coverage due to advertising;
  2. Impressions. The total number of views of the promotion, indicating the percentage of views from advertising; nine0014
  3. Subscriptions. Number of subscribed users during the promotion.


  1. Duration. Duration of advertising in days;
  2. Costs . The total cost of this ad entry.


  1. Gender . Percentage division of the audience into women and men;
  2. Age range. Audience division by age; nine0014
  3. The best places. Geolocation of the audience covered.

Similar metrics are shown by the statistics of promotions carried out using stories. The only difference is that it is supplemented with details about scrolling through stories, as well as exiting them.

Speaking about advertising, I will also mention a proven way to increase sales through Instagram. Chatbot from MyBotan will help you. Chatbot in Instagram Stories is something new, right? Find out about the new tool, which is incredibly increasing sales, at the link. nine0003

through services

Profile statistics that can be obtained using standard Instagram tools do not provide all the information necessary for successful profile promotion. Therefore, many owners of commercial accounts use third-party services.

There are many different services for fast detailed analytics on Instagram. We recommend the first 3 in the table based on user experience. But this does not mean that the rest are somehow bad, we just did not test them and cannot vouch, but they will also provide you with analytics. nine0003

Service Free period Cost
Livedune 7 days from 400 ₽/month
Instahero Up to 1000 subscribers from 99 ₽/check
Promo code "INSCALE" 30% discount for full analysis
Trendhero Single account verification 732 ₽/month

Details on how to view statistics through services were described in our other article, so also go there and study. We also talked about how to analyze competitors.

Instagram analytics services: top 10Competitor analysis on Instagram (how and where)


Facebook statistics

Now about how to view Instagram statistics through Facebook. I will say right away that Facebook is for advanced users, and it shows statistics ONLY of your advertising posts. But with a huge number of different metrics. nine0003

And to view statistics from Facebook, there is a special tool - Ads Manager. It connects through the Instagram account associated with the Facebook profile.


I won't list all the metrics. I will touch on, perhaps, the minimum list of standard metrics that Ads Manager shows.

  1. Pay per click. Shows the average cost per click;
  2. The ratio of clicks to impressions. Percentage of those who saw the ad and clicked; nine0014
  3. Frequency. How many ads each person viewed on average.

By the way, Ads Manager allows you not only to view, for example, visit statistics, but also to create an advertising post for Instagram, but its settings are many times more complicated, and that's another story.

As an advertisement

Briefly about the main thing

We figured out how to view statistics on Instagram. And I remind you that a systematic analysis of traffic statistics, interactions, etc. helps to maintain an account more efficiently, and due to this, increase not only coverage, but also engagement (and this is a very important indicator, you know yourself). You can even see who likes whom on Instagram, but more on that another time. nine0003

And in conclusion, I would like to highlight three main points in which statistics will become, well, simply an indispensable assistant.






Catherine nine0003
