How to use whatsapp internationally android

How to make a free international call using WhatsApp

Twenty years ago, if you wanted to make an international phone call, you would have to use a landline phone and pay a lot of money for the privilege. But with the internet, those days are long gone. With messaging apps like WhatsApp, you can now make international calls all for the cost of the internet data it consumes. Here’s how to make a free international call on WhatsApp and even reduce the internet data that call will consume.

Read more: How to use WhatsApp: A step-by-step beginner’s guide


To make a WhatsApp call, select the contact you want to call. Then choose either the phone icon or the video icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. WhatsApp will ask for access to the camera and microphone.


  • How to make a free international call on WhatsApp (Android and iOS)
  • How to make a free international call on WhatsApp (desktop app)

How to make a free international call on WhatsApp (Android and iOS)

To make a call on the WhatsApp mobile app, go to the contact you wish to call. In the top right-hand corner, you’ll see icons for phone and video. Tap on the one you want to use. If this is the first time you’re making such a call, your phone will ask permission to access and use your camera and microphone.

The call will then start ringing. You can switch between audio and video calling at any time by tapping the video and audio icons. You can also mute yourself using the microphone icon.

How to make a free international call on WhatsApp (desktop app)

First, we should clarify that this is for the desktop app, not the web app. WhatsApp Web does not provide a call feature.

On the desktop app, go to the contact you want to call. In the top right-hand corner, you’ll see phone and video icons. Click on the one you want to use. If this is the first time you’re using the call function, your computer will ask you for camera and microphone access.

Once you click either the phone icon or video icon, it will ring. Even if you chose the phone icon, you could easily switch to a video call by clicking the video icon on the far left. Clicking the microphone button will mute you.


Currently, WhatsApp Web does not have phone and video calls baked in.

If the person you’re calling is already in your phone’s contact list, then they’ll also show up on WhatsApp. If you don’t wish to put them in your phone’s contact book, we have a handy article on circumventing that requirement.

On the mobile app, go to Settings > Storage and Data. Toggle the option Use Less Data for Calls. This will lower the amount of data taken from your internet plan when you make WhatsApp phone calls. However, the downside is that the call quality may suffer slightly.

Yes. For WhatsApp to know the origin of the country of the person you’re calling, it needs the country’s dialing code. If you don’t know the country code, you can look it up here. Note that instead of the 0 at the start of the dialing code, you must instead type a +. You can accomplish this by holding down the 0 key on a mobile device.

WhatsApp calls are free of charge. The amount of data deducted from your monthly internet data plan is the only real “cost.” This is not an issue if you have an unlimited data plan.

How to Make WhatsApp International Calls for Free

Using this article, I intend to teach you how to make international WhatsApp calls at no cost to you whether you are home or in other countries abroad. You can use these methods on both iPhones and Androids.

But that’s not it.

In fact, not only will I share with you everything you need to know about the subject, including how to add international phone numbers, but I’ll also reveal some useful tricks such as how to make free international calls in countries where WhatsApp is banned.

Let me introduce myself, I mind my manners 😅

I’m Frankie Caruso, an instant messaging app expert and tester for some of the most popular mobile software. If you want to know more about me, I’ll drop you a link to my bio.

Note: if you want all of these tips and helpful pieces of information to your inbox, you can take a moment and sign up for my free weekly newsletter to save you time.

Back to us.

Thanks to WhatsApp you can call friends and relatives anywhere in the world (nearly anywhere) for free.

Doing this is very simple and does not require any computer skills. All you will have to do is follow the directions provided in this guide and spare me 2 minutes of your time.


Great, enough chit-chat, let’s get started!

In short:

  • To make an international WhatsApp call, open WhatsApp > than select the contact you want to call > next choose either the phone icon or the video icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  • WhatsApp international calls are always free via Wi-Fi. Depending on your cellular plan, you may incur international charges for using cellular data on WhatsApp.
  • If you are in a foreign country, I recommend turning off roaming and using only Wi-Fi, so you won’t run into extra charges.

How to make an international call on WhatsApp

Regardless of whether you have an iPhone or an Android follow these simple directions:

  1. Open WhatsApp mobile app
  2. Head to the Calls section and type in the name of the contact you want to call in in the search bar
  3. Click the phone icon to call or the camera icon to video call

That’s it!

As you can see it’s not complicated.

While we’re at it I’ll also show you how to make WhatsApp international calls on WhatsApp Desktop app.

This might come in handy, for example, if you are in an airport or hotel room and you are connected to wi-fi via your laptop.

Note: I would like to set one thing straight – when I mention WhatsApp Desktop, I am not speaking of WhatsApp Web. They are two different things. Unfortunately, as of today you cannot make international calls or video calls via WhatsApp Web.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp Desktop App from your laptop (you can download it from here if you don’t have it)
  2. Select the contact you want to call
  3. In the top right-hand corner, you’ll see phone and video icons. Click on the one you want to use

Done! Enjoy your call 😄

Everything you need to know to make WhatsApp international voice and video calls abroad or at home

When I speak of international calls, I mean both calling from your country to a different one and making calls back to your home country while you are traveling the world.

Below you can get introduced to everything you need to do to accomplish this.

Does WhatsApp charge for international calls?

As you are likely the same as everyone else, you want to know how this affects your pocketbook.

Fortunately for you, it doesn’t.

WhatsApp international calls cost nothing.

WhatsApp uses your phone’s internet connection (ex: 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, EDGE, or Wi-Fi) to send/receive messages and to make any phone calls.

What this means is, you are not paying for messages or phone calls.

As long as you do not reach a point where you have reached your data limits, you can use cellular mobile networks or available Wi-Fi to talk around the world. Your carrier does not charge extra for the use of WhatsApp.

Now that you know you are not having to shell out any money, let’s talk about what you need to do to make international calls through the app.

Frankie’s Take:

You do not have to pay a dime to make calls on WhatsApp or receive messages. You just pay your regular bill to access data on the phone as you normally do, no extra charges or strings attached.

What is needed to make international WhatsApp calls?

Now that you are breathing a sigh of relief that your money is safe, you might be thinking: What do I need to make international calls?

In truth you do need things – three of them in fact.

  1. You need an active internet connection via mobile networks (5G/4G/3G/2G/EDGE) or Wi-Fi
  2. Have the number you wish to dial stored in your phone’s contact list (if an international number, it must have the appropriate country code)
  3. The recipient of the call must have WhatsApp installed on their phone (but you can invite them if they do not have it).

If you meet all of the above requirements, it is going to be very easy to make international calls using the app. It works the same whether you are home or somewhere else in the world using both domestic and international numbers.

Below you can see a video breaking down the process for you so that you are completely confident in what to do.

Once you watch the video, you should have a pretty good idea of what to do. If you are still struggling, you can check out a step-by-step guide to making phone calls with WhatsApp.

If you are attempting to call anyone in another country, make sure their number is stored appropriately in your phone. I can explain the importance of this and how to do it in the upcoming paragraphs.

Frankie’s Take:

There is literally no difference calling domestic or international numbers from your living room or halfway around the world. The calls follow the exact same process and use the same data streams to connect.

Adding international numbers on WhatsApp

There is no other way to call numbers from your home country and add them to your contacts than what you have always done. This should be second nature to a seasoned WhatsApp user.

International numbers are a little more complicated.

It is not rocket science to add people from another country to your contacts. The real trick is making sure that the number you are adding has the proper format.

What the heck does that mean? I will tell you.

You do know that every country in the world has its own respective country code, right? You have to add this code before the phone number you are adding of your new international contact.

EXAMPLE: Let’s say you have a friend Mark in the UK, and you need to save his phone number to your WhatsApp contacts. England’s country code (+44) must get added before Mark’s number in your contacts to ensure the call gets directed to the right place.

It is vital that you remember to add the code for the respective country, otherwise you are going to connect with someone – just likely not Mark.

So how do you figure out what code belongs to what country?

Sure, you could ask your hypothetical buddy Mark, but you could also use the infinite knowledge of the Google search engine.

Or you can use this link to check out the WhatsApp country code list. This site has all the codes for every country across the globe.

Need to call someone in your home country from abroad?

You do not need to add a country code.

For example, if you are American and you are calling a number in the United States, you do not need to add prefixes necessary for international numbers.

Here is an important bit of knowledge, though.

You might just want to get in the habit of saving all of the numbers that you add to WhatsApp with the appropriate country code to avoid potential problems.

We all have seen how WhatsApp can play some games on you from time to time, so to avoid any potential hiccups in calling, add your contacts with the country codes too.

Frankie’s Take:

When you are adding an international number, you have to start with a “+” sign. This comes before any numbers get entered. You then add the country code after this icon.

WhatsApp isn’t working in a specific country – What do I do?

You might find that certain areas of the world can make it challenging to use this app to reach out to someone back home or reaching someone in one of these areas.

Why would that happen?

Surprisingly enough, there are countries that have actually banned the use of WhatsApp. This might happen for several reasons, but it often mostly revolves around the end-to-end encryption.

WhatsApp uses this security measure to protect the privacy of users and prevent law enforcement and government entities from spying on its citizens.

While bans might not happen all over the world, you can expect them in areas like Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Africa and South America where rulers do not want citizens to have too much privacy.

A list might change regularly to accommodate new laws and regulations, but currently here are some areas where WhatsApp is prohibited:

  • China
  • North Korea
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Qatar
  • UAE (only blocks voice and video calling)

If you are traveling to these areas, you are not out of options. There are two things that you can do to get the service running right:

  • Subscribe to a VPN Service
  • Use Different Apps to Make Phone Calls

Below I delve a little into each of these potential solutions.

Frankie’s Take:

It should go without saying that if you are trying to reach someone living in these areas of the world, they should also be employing one of these mentioned methods to work around a WhatsApp ban.

1. What is a VPN and how can it help with international WhatsApp use?

Allow me to begin by providing simple terms to describe a VPN.

VPN, or Virtual Private Network, encrypts your internet traffic to better protect your identity online.

To put it plainly, you are signing into a private network which allows you to become invisible to unauthorized spying. It also masks your actual location, which makes it appear that you are logged in from somewhere else in the world.

Let’s use the example of being in China. You can connect through VPN to an American network and WhatsApp believes you are in the United States and work as it was designed to. You can watch the video I have included below to get a better idea of how this works.

So, the question now is: where do you find one?

There are many services available online, some even for free. While this might be a tempting term, the free service is so unreliable and chaotic that it might give you a nervous breakdown to use it.

I am sure you would prefer not to waste considerable time hunting for the best VPN out there.

Paid services are not expensive and offer a better interface.

I personally recommend and use NordVPN for the value and its reliability when I need it. I would say it’s the best, but Google has dozens of reputable companies you can choose among.

Frankie’s Take:

When you are traveling the world, it is wise to use a VPN service. Not only can you make easier international calls, but you can more readily access streaming websites, news, and personal accounts.

2. Other apps that allow international calling for free

When you travel to areas where WhatsApp has gotten banned, and you do not have a VPN service, you have no other choice but to explore other apps.

It is also possible to opt for an online service to make regular calls as you want.

If you are curious about what apps allow free international calls like WhatsApp can, surprisingly there are several.

Some of the most popular include:

  • Viber
  • Skype
  • Facebook Messenger

It is recommended to acquire these apps before you leave for your journey and ensure that your favorite contacts have done the same.

I have already written a long article all about all the best apps to make international phone calls, so if you want to learn all of the available methods, it is now accessible. Check it out.

Frankie’s Take:

I would always recommend using a VPN while abroad so that you can access your streaming services, social media, and make phone calls – but most importantly protect your privacy. You can also benefit from some of the secondary apps to work around WhatsApp bans.

What are the drawbacks to WhatsApp for international calling?

No matter how great I can tell you that WhatsApp might be for calling internationally, this service isn’t without its cons. By my estimations, there are three potential drawbacks.

I will go over each of these individually.

1. Higher data usage on inadequate roaming packages

As you learned earlier, there are no direct fees for international and domestic video and voice calls through WhatsApp. You owe the app developers and its service nothing.

What you might owe, however, is the provider of the internet services that you use. If you are not on Wi-Fi, you are utilizing data in your cell plan which can eat up this available allotment.

But how much data can you expect to use making calls?

Voice conversations consume 500-600 kb of data per minute, or 30-35 MB an hour. Audio calls alone might not seem like much when you are calling from your own country. It is the international calls that you make abroad where you might get stuck with a higher bill.

If you are calling with a data roaming package (which is usually very skimpy) you must pay close attention not to exceed your limit. If you go over, the bill is going to be expensive at the end of the month.

This is even more so if you are intending to make video calls through WhatsApp.

With video calling, as you might suspect, the data consumption increases exponentially. Transmitting both audio and video signals over a mobile network uses 2-3 MB per minute, or nearly 200 MB an hour.

EXAMPLE: If you have a plan that only offers 1 GB of data, you have about 5 hours of video call that you can make before you are over.

The moral of this story is if you intend to use a roaming mobile data package for WhatsApp calling, you have to check with your provider to learn the full information about how much data is available.

Don’t just shrug off this advice. I have known many people who have paid excessive bills after underestimating data consumption.

Frankie’s Take:

If I am traveling the world, I schedule phone calls for the evening hours when I am back at my hotel and likely on a Wi-Fi connection. You can also seek out cafeterias and other public venues offering free Wi-Fi to save your data.

2. You cannot call numbers not directly linked to WhatsApp

You cannot use WhatsApp to dial landlines or other numbers like you would normally use your smartphone to handle.

This can be a nuisance if you are wanting to contact a business or company in another country – because they usually only offer a landline or mobile number for contacts.

That can be a pain.

So now you have no choice but to pay the exorbitant long-distance fees unless you can find a reliable alternative for making cheap international calls online.

Frankie’s Take:

In the cases where you are wanting to contact businesses, a landline, or make other regular phone calls, you can avoid spending tons of money by using one of these online services to make phone calls at cheaper rates.


I think I have said enough about the things you need to make international WhatsApp calls for free without any surprises.

Here are some of the important takeaways from the reading:

  • International calls in WhatsApp are free
  • You need to save foreign contacts with their respective country code
  • WhatsApp is banned in certain countries, use a VPN to work around this

I have also detailed a few of the potential problems that you could encounter when using WhatsApp for international calling. That is something that you should check out if you just skimmed through it.

You can find other fantastic WhatsApp tricks in this guide: fantastic WhatsApp tricks and tips you should know.

That’s all I have for you in this installment. If you want to know more or share some comments on the subject, you can always reach me through the comment box below.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for how-to videos about WhatsApp.

As always, a hug for you.

Frankie Caruso

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my free weekly newsletter to learn tricks and become a master of messaging apps like WhatsApp

How to use WhatsApp: a step-by-step guide for beginners

WhatsApp is used by more than 2 billion users worldwide. It was bought by Facebook for $16 billion in 2014 and has raised some privacy concerns, but it still has a number of advantages over the competition. If these two reasons are not enough to convince you to learn how to use WhatsApp, perhaps the fact that it is completely free will be a serious argument.

Also Read: 4 Best Apps to Transfer Files from Android to PC

If you are a beginner, learning the world's most popular communication app can be tiring. To help you figure it out, we've put together this beginner's guide on how to use WhatsApp, from installing the app to chatting with friends and family in groups. Let's start!


  1. What is WhatsApp?
  2. Is WhatsApp safe?
  3. How to install WhatsApp
  4. How to set up your WhatsApp profile
  5. How to start a chat on WhatsApp
  6. How to use GIFs on WhatsApp
  7. How to call using WhatsApp
  8. How to use WhatsApp on a computer
  9. How to use WhatsApp
  10. FAQ

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is a free communication app that was released at the dawn of the smartphone era back in 2009year. Only in 2015 it became the most popular communication app in the world, it is now almost ubiquitous in most of Europe, Latin America and other countries. Middle East.

See also : WhatsApp not working? 5 easy ways to make it work

Whatsapp's popularity is due to the fact that it's free, it has no ads and, of course, it has a huge user base. It also supports end-to-end encryption so your communications will be private and secure. However, recent security policy changes mean that the app may share some of your data with Facebook.

In addition to standard individual and group chats, you can also make free voice and video calls, including abroad. Just be aware that this will consume mobile network data if you are not connected to Wi-Fi.

Is WhatsApp safe?

Since every message and call is end-to-end encrypted by default, WhatsApp is quite secure in practice. This level of encryption means that even WhatsApp (or its parent company Facebook) cannot see the content of your messages.

However, beware of phishing attempts. Never give out your personal information to people you don't know, and don't be afraid to block or report users you think are trying to scam you. WhatsApp also supports two-step verification in the form of a six-digit PIN.

See also: Instagram not working? You're not alone! What to do?!

When it comes to privacy, things are more complicated.

A recent privacy policy update states that some of your data may be shared with Facebook. This will include phone number, location, product interaction, and more. This is presumably to improve ad targeting in other Facebook products.

This update caused a lot of controversy among users, but it was eventually released on May 15, 2021. In other words, if you're concerned about your privacy and don't want Facebook to have access to some of your data, you'll have to move away from WhatsApp in favor of another messenger.

How to install WhatsApp

The first step in learning how to use WhatsApp is to install the app, it only takes a few minutes. As mentioned above, the application is completely free and only a phone number and a mobile device are required to register.

How to install WhatsApp:

  1. Install the app from Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone).
  2. Run the application and confirm the requested permissions.
  3. Enter your phone number and tap Verify .
  4. Enter verification code received via SMS (WhatsApp can do this automatically).
  5. Import existing contacts into the application (optional).

That's it! Now you can write a message to any of your contacts who also have WhatsApp installed. You can also manually add contacts to WhatsApp if you don't want to import your entire contact list.

Read also: How to install WhatsApp without a SIM card.

How to set up your WhatsApp profile

Before you start chatting, you can set up your profile. This will help your contacts know who you are, even if your number is not saved in their contacts. You can add a photo, name, and short biography.

How to set up your WhatsApp profile:

  1. Tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the app and select " Settings ".
  2. Touch your name at the top of the screen.
  3. To change your photo, touch the camera icon and select a photo.
  4. To change your name, touch the pencil icon next to the Name field.
  5. Enter or change your biography by touching pencil icon next to the "About" field.

You can also change your phone number on this screen and the process is the same as when you first set up your account. The service will send a verification SMS code and after confirmation all your chats and contacts will be transferred to a new number.

How to start a WhatsApp chat

Now that your profile is set up, it's time to move on to the next task: chatting! The first time you open the app, you won't have any open chats, but you can start a new one by pressing chat popup in the bottom right corner.

From there, simply select the contact you want to talk to from the list. If you already had a previous chat with this contact, an existing chat will open instead of a new one. All that's left is to enter your message at the bottom of the screen. After entering text, touch the arrow icon next to the text field to send it.

You can also send images or files to WhatsApp by clicking on the paperclip or camera icon at the bottom of the screen. WhatsApp has a built-in camera app, but it's better to use a regular camera and then select it in the gallery to send.

To start a group chat, tap the same chat bubble as before, then tap New Group. You can then select the members you want to invite, enter a name for the group, and start chatting!

WhatsApp has all sorts of extra features available, so be sure to check out our list of WhatsApp tips and tricks to keep up to date.

How to use GIFs on WhatsApp

How to use GIFs on WhatsApp

Sending GIFs to WhatsApp is easy, but the exact steps are far from obvious. To make matters worse, they differ between iPhones and Android phones!

To send a GIF on Android, you first need to open the chat and click on the smiley next to the text box. Then tap the GIF text at the bottom of the screen to see a selection of the most popular GIFs. To find other gifs, tap the magnifying glass in the lower left corner and enter keywords. Once you've found and selected the GIF you want, all that's left is to click Submit.

It's worth noting that this process may be easier depending on what brand of phone you have or if you have a different keyboard installed. Often you can just click on the gif text above the keyboard instead of the complicated process above.

Read also : Top 10 GIF Maker and Editing Apps for Android

To send a GIF on iPhone, open a chat and tap the plus icon in the bottom left corner. Then select the photo and video library from the menu and tap the gif text in the lower left corner. By clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the lower left corner, you can find and save your favorite gifs to your favorites by marking them. Once selected, simply click Submit.

How to send a GIF on WhatsApp (Android):

  1. Open a WhatsApp chat window.
  2. Tap the emoticon to the left of the text box.
  3. Touch the gif text at the bottom of the screen.
  4. (Optional) Tap the magnifying glass icon to find more GIFs.
  5. Select a GIF and click Submit.

How to send a GIF on WhatsApp (iPhone):

  1. Open the WhatsApp chat window.
  2. Tap the plus icon in the lower left corner, then select your photo and video library.
  3. Tap the gif text in the bottom left corner.
  4. (Optional) Tap the magnifying glass icon in the bottom left corner to find more GIFs.
  5. Select a GIF and click Submit.

How to make a WhatsApp call

One of the most useful features when using WhatsApp internationally is the ability to make phone calls. Unlike standard international voice calls, WhatsApp calls use an internet connection, not a phone line, and are therefore completely free (except for data overage charges when you're not using Wi-Fi).

To call WhatsApp, all you need to do is open chat window and tap on the phone icon in the top right corner. If it's a group, you can select multiple people to call at the same time.

The steps for making a WhatsApp video call are almost identical. Just touch the camcorder icon next to the phone icon. It's a great alternative to Facetime, especially for Android users!

How to use WhatsApp on a computer

If you're the type of person who prefers to type on a keyboard (or just don't want to look at your phone all day), you can use WhatsApp from your computer. This is a very convenient way to chat or send files from a PC or Mac.

How to use WhatsApp on a computer:

  1. On a computer browser, go to web.
  2. Open Whatsapp on your phone, tap three dots in the top right corner, then WhatsApp Web .
  3. Touch the plus sign in the upper right corner.
  4. Point your phone camera at QR code on the computer screen.
  5. WhatsApp should be logged into your computer instantly.

If you don't want to use a browser, you can install the WhatsApp PC client directly on your computer. If you suspect someone is using WhatsApp Web without your permission, you can remove access from your phone by following the first two steps above.

How to use WhatsApp on an iPad or Android tablet

With so many new features added to iPadOS every year that make it more and more like a computer, you might be surprised to learn that using WhatsApp on an iPad is quite difficult. You can install the app directly, but then you have to uninstall it from your phone, which is obviously inconvenient.

Read also: how to recover phone numbers on Android

The best way to use WhatsApp on an iPad or Android tablet is through the web portal described above. Even then, an extra step is required due to accessing the site from a mobile browser.

The trick here is to request the desktop version of This will tell WhatsApp that you are using a computer instead of a mobile device and will allow you to connect your phone using the same steps above. How exactly you request the PC version will depend on which browser you're using, but we've covered the steps for Safari.

How to use WhatsApp on iPad:

  1. Open Safari browser and go to
  2. Tap the three dots next to the URL field, then tap " Request Desktop Site ".
  3. Open WhatsApp on your phone, tap " Settings " in the top right corner, then WhatsApp Web.
  4. Touch the plus sign in the upper right corner.
  5. Point the phone camera at QR code on iPad screen.
  6. WhatsApp should be signed in instantly on your iPad.

Note that this trick works with both Android tablets and iPads and can be used with both Android phones and iPhones in any combination. WhatsApp's official multi-device support may be coming soon, but for now, it's the only one that works.

WhatsApp FAQ

Are WhatsApp calls free? What about video calls?
Both calls and video calls are free, but will use data if not connected to Wi-Fi. Be careful not to exceed your mobile data limits, especially when making video calls.

What is WhatsApp Plus? It is safe?
WhatsApp Plus is an application developed using a stolen code from the official WhatsApp application. It includes a few extra features, but they need to be downloaded to work. However, it is not safe to use and can result in your WhatsApp account being blocked or worse, your information being stolen.

WhatsApp owned by Facebook?
Yes, WhatsApp was bought by Facebook in February 2014.

Is WhatsApp a social network?
Although it may be considered a social networking application by some, it is generally considered an instant messaging application. However, as new business features are added, it could expand further into social media territory.

WhatsApp works in China?
No. The app has been blocked in China since 2017, although it can still be accessed via a VPN. See the list of the best VPNs.

Is WhatsApp encrypted?
Yes. Both calls and messages are end-to-end encrypted, so neither law enforcement nor WhatsApp itself can see them unless they have access to your device.

What is status and how to use it?
Your status on WhatsApp is almost the same as on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte or Snapchat: it's a way to share a piece of your life with your contacts. You can learn more about whatsapp statuses here.

That's all a novice WhatsApp user needs to know! Hopefully now you can connect with your friends and family no matter where they are. Be sure to check out some of our other WhatsApp guides below to find out more!

How to use one WhatsApp number on two smartphones

Even though WhatsApp is far behind many other communication services in terms of functionality, this software is still the most popular and widespread in the world, and it is used on more than 2 billion people on an ongoing basis. However, messenger developers are gradually moving towards closing the gap from many other services, including Telegram, Viber and others. Today, 29April 2020, a new version of this service was released, and it allows you to use one number on two smartphones or other devices at once, on which it is possible to install the official application of this messenger, available to everyone for free download from Google Play and the App Store.

One of the biggest disadvantages of WhatsApp is being tied to a single phone. Because of this, it is impossible, for example, to correspond with two different phones from one account, which, of course, brings a whole lot of inconvenience in some cases. Almost all other instant messengers currently available on the market do not have such a shortcoming, so many people prefer to communicate using them. The development team of the most common communication service in the world understands that the absence of such an opportunity can actually be considered nothing but a very significant drawback. However, the situation is changing, because back in December 2019year, the creators of the messenger began to work on a new feature.

This feature allows you to use WhatsApp on two electronic devices at once, and at the same time. A few hours ago, a beta version of the messenger was released under the number 2.20.143, which allows you to send and receive messages from one number from several smartphones at once. Currently, in order to formally connect two phones into one, you must first connect them to each other within the same Wi-Fi network, while then they can fully work. This is necessary in order to synchronize the initial correspondence with all media files and call history. Then, after that, the new data will start to be displayed on two messengers at the same time. Most likely, we are talking about integration at the level of messenger servers.

The new feature has just begun to be tested, but you can already use it by installing the beta version of the messenger for smartphones based on Android and iOS operating systems. However, the developers themselves have not yet made any statements on this subject, so at any time it may become unavailable, or it may not work correctly. Work in this direction is actively moving, so already in May 2020, with a high degree of probability, the creators of WhatsApp will release a new beta version and talk in detail about how to use the new feature.

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