How to create whatsapp api

WhatsApp API Integration [Nov 2022]

Wondering how to get WhatsApp Business API? You are in the right place. Even though jumping into WhatsApp API integration can feel daunting, it’s actually not hard at all if you follow the proper guidelines. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to get WhatsApp API for your business, quick and hassle-free.

Introduction to WhatsApp API Integration

WhatsApp Business API is a solution for companies that want multiple-user access to the platform and improved messaging capabilities. Many medium to large businesses are attracted by this idea, and may wonder, is WhatsApp API free?

The answer is no. In order to send and receive messages, businesses need to pay for:

  • A phone number for their WhatsApp Business account
  • WhatsApp Partner-specific costs
  • Messaging inbox costs
  • WhatsApp’s conversation-based pricing fees

WhatsApp Business API offers advanced features that businesses won’t find on the WhatsApp Business App. For instance, WhatsApp API broadcasts are not limited to 256 contacts at a time.

Plus, with a WhatsApp API integration with a CRM, you can track and monitor agents and send personalized messages with advanced automation. For that purpose, we recommend using as a WhatsApp CRM.

Things to keep in mind before applying for an account

Before applying for a WhatsApp API account, businesses must ensure they are eligible under the WhatsApp Commerce Policy. For instance, WhatsApp doesn’t allow Medical and Healthcare products to be sold in the platform.

WhatsApp API integration used to be a more complicated process and could take up to several weeks. Now, businesses can get an account and start messaging in less than 10 minutes.

Let’s go through the changes Meta has implemented to make WhatsApp Business API access more convenient for everyone.

How Easy Is It to Get WhatsApp Business API?

Facebook Business verification is no longer compulsory for all businesses, and it’s only required for companies seeking to have more business-initiated conversations or to become an Official Business Account.

Similarly, WhatsApp Policy compliance and display name review are no longer a requirement for businesses to start messaging. The WhatsApp Policy compliance check is triggered automatically in the background after the sign up process, whereas the display name review is only initiated after business verification.

Applying for a WhatsApp API account has never been this easy

After these changes, getting a WhatsApp API account doesn’t have to be a struggle. The sign up process is as easy as filling up a form with BSPs (business service providers) that support express sign ups. Keep reading to find out why.

How to Get WhatsApp Business API: What is the Best Way?

Getting your WhatsApp API integration done doesn't have to be difficult. This section will introduce you to the different ways of getting a WhatsApp API account. We’ll also guide you through the easiest, fastest way to apply for one.

How to Get WhatsApp Business API Account: Cloud vs On-Premises API

Those looking to use WhatsApp Business API have two hosting options: Cloud API hosted by Meta and on-premises API hosted by BSPs or the businesses themselves. The question is, which one is for you?

WhatsApp Cloud API was released in 2022, allowing businesses to apply for a WhatsApp API account directly through Meta. This has pros and cons, but the major limitation is that Meta doesn't provide a messaging inbox to create a front-end for WhatsApp Cloud API.

WhatsApp API integration methods: cloud vs on-premises API

On-premises API is the WhatsApp API integration method that BSPs have been supporting since WhatsApp API’s release. This is how to install the WhatsApp Business API Client manually via on-premises API:

  • Step 1: Install the WhatsApp Business API Client. At its core, the WhatsApp Business API client is based on Docker.
  • Step 2: Start using the client. Once you have the WhatsApp Business API client up and running, you can register your phone number by sending an API call to the account endpoint.

These instructions entail some difficult steps for non-developers, so we recommend businesses apply for a WhatsApp API account through a BSP. It will make the whole journey much simpler, as we’ll explain next.

How to Get WhatsApp Business API Account: Classic vs Embedded Sign Up

BSPs are there to help you get a WhatsApp API account easily. But the complexity of the process will also depend on the sign up method they offer. Generally, BSPs will work with one of the following sign up methods: classic sign up or embedded sign up.

The classic sign up method (also known as On Behalf Of) is a manual application process. This procedure involves multiple back-and-forth actions between the business and the BSP agent, which leads to long waiting times.

In contrast, embedded sign up allows businesses to complete the onboarding process directly by filling out a form on the BSP’s website. It’s a self-service process that doesn’t require the participation of a BSP agent.

Classic vs embedded sign up: Which one should you choose?

Hence, this WhatsApp API integration method significantly reduces the number of steps that both BSPs and businesses need to go through.

So how do you apply for WhatsApp Business API? Getting a WhatsApp API account via embedded sign up generally involves four steps:

  1. Buy or port a phone number.
  2. Fill out the WhatsApp Business Account submission form.
  3. Complete the embedded sign up pop-ups.
  4. Generate an API Key to connect to your business software.
How to get a WhatsApp API key in four steps

For a hassle-free onboarding process, we suggest you apply for an account via embedded sign up. You can do it in under 10 minutes with 360dialog’s express sign up. Let’s see how it works.

How to Get WhatsApp Business API the Easy Way: 360dialog WhatsApp API Express Sign Up

To get a WhatsApp Business API account with 360dialog, make sure you have the following:

  • Admin access to your Meta Manager Account
  • A valid phone number for WhatsApp
  • Updated Business Manager profile information

To register for a 360dialog WhatsApp API account, use this sign-up form exclusive only to respond. io users. Then, follow these steps.

1. Click on Connect with 360dialog to start the onboarding process.

Click on Connect with 360dialog to start

Should you already own a verified WhatsApp number and an API Key, paste them into the form and click Done. If that’s not the case, continue reading.

2. Sign up for a 360dialog account.

Enter your details and click on Sign up

You’ll be asked to enter your name, email address and password, followed by your payment details. Then, activate your account by entering the verification code you’ve received via email. Once done, log in to 360dialog.

3. Select Continue with Facebook to connect a Meta Business Account.

Continue with Facebook

4. Create a Meta and WhatsApp Business Account.

You’ll need to select a Meta Business Account to connect your WhatsApp Business Account(s). If you don’t have a Meta Business Account, there will be an option to create a new one. Click on Continue when done.

Now it’s time to fill in the name of your WhatsApp API account, which should be your business name. If you are porting a WhatsApp number from one WhatsApp Business Account to another, select an existing WhatsApp Business Account with the associated number. Click on Continue when done.

Create a new Meta Business account for WhatsApp API integration

5. Create your WhatsApp Business profile by adding a WhatsApp Business display name, business category and an optional business description.

Create your WhatsApp Business profile

6. Verify your WhatsApp Business phone number.

Verify your WhatsApp Business number

The phone number will be verified with a PIN, so ensure you have access to the number you use. Your number should not be currently used with any WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp API accounts.

To use a phone number tied to an existing WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business App account, you’ll first have to delete your account. Click on Send Code when done and verify your phone number. Then, complete the sign up process by clicking on OK.

<call-out> Warning: Using a phone number tied to an existing WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business App account will result in a permanent loss of contacts and messages. <call-out>

7. Return to Select the WhatsApp Enabled Number from the list and complete the setup by pressing Done.

Complete the onboarding by selecting the WhatsApp Enabled Number

After obtaining your WhatsApp API account and connecting it to, your account will enter the Limited Access Tier. During this time, the WhatsApp Commerce Policy check will be automatically conducted in the background.

WhatsApp immediately blocks accounts that don’t comply with its policy. You can appeal this by submitting a support ticket to your BSP.

From the Limited Access Tier to Tier 1: A Quick Overview

The Limited Access Tier imposes serious limitations for companies that need a large number of business-initiated conversations.

In other words, if you intend to broadcast WhatsApp messages to a large audience, verify your business to upgrade your WhatsApp API account to Tier 1 so you can start business-initiated conversations with 1,000 unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.

To become an Official Business Account, you’ll need to scale your WhatsApp Business Account to Tier 2. This will further increase your messaging limit, allowing you to start business-initiated conversations with 10K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.

After completing the Facebook Business verification process, WhatsApp will review the display names of all phone numbers associated with your account. For a successful verification, make sure that your business display name does not violate the WhatsApp Commerce and Business policies or Display Name Guidelines.

Looking for a WhatsApp Partner that doesn’t break the bank? Here’s our recommended choice: With 360dialog, you’ll only pay $5 a month + WhatsApp fees. Sign up for 360dialog WhatsApp API and start messaging customers in only 10 minutes!

Further Reading

Did you find this article helpful? If so, here are some readings that might interest you.

  • Facebook Business Verification: How To Verify Business on Facebook
  • WhatsApp Business: Accounts & Features Overview
  • WhatsApp Business Multiple Users: A How-To Guide

Get Started - WhatsApp Business Platform On-Premises API - Documentation

This tutorial provides information on how to set up your WhatsApp Business API client, register your phone number, update your settings, and send a test message.

The process of getting started with this API can be divided into 3 main parts:

  1. Prepare assets — Before you start, you must set up the assets required to complete your API integration, including a WhatsApp Business Account.
  2. Install the WhatsApp Business API Client — Install your API client. Once your client is working, you can update your application settings.
  3. Start using the client — Register your phone number with an API call to /account and send a test message with a call to /messages.

Before You Start

In order to follow the steps in this tutorial, you must have been accepted into the WhatsApp Business API limited public preview or have signed up with one of our partnered Business Solution Providers for integration.

You need:

  • A Facebook Business Manager account
  • A verified business
  • A WhatsApp business account
  • A Line of Credit for your WhatsApp business account — You can refer to About WhatsApp Business API Billing for more information about the billing process as well.
  • A command line tool such as Terminal or an app like Postman that can perform cURL requests.

After you verify your business, your business is reviewed for compliance with the WhatsApp Terms of Service and WhatsApp Commerce Policy. This step is initiated automatically. You can check the status of business verification and business review in the Settings tab of your WhatsApp business account in Business Manager. Business verification will show as Verified and Account Status will show as Approved upon approvals.

Setting Up Your WhatsApp Account

Add a phone number and its display name to your WhatsApp business account. This will submit the display name for review.

If you want to change the display name, you can do so as many times as you wish until you complete registration, after which you must wait 30 days between any display name change requests.

When all reviews are completed, you can view and access your base64-encoded certificate, which is necessary for registering your WhatsApp Business API client. We encourage you to register with an approved display name to start integration, before making any further changes to a display name. You can change your display name at any point after integration.

Review Billing and Pricing Information

Once your business begins sending messages through the WhatsApp Business API, it's important to understand the billing process, such as how and when you're charged and how to view and pay your monthly invoice. For more information, see About Billing For Your WhatsApp Business Account. For pricing rules and cost per message, see our Pricing page.

Recommended Versions of Software

Software Version Details

WhatsApp Business API for On-Premises


Expires on Jan 28, 2023

WhatsApp Business API for AWS


Template version: v2.3.9

Expires on Jan 28, 2023



Only 5. 7.xx is supported



13.x, 12.x, and 11.x are supported


18.04 or later, not including version 19.03.7

Version 18.04 is required starting with v2.33

Ensure statx syscall is in allowlisted syscalls for the docker.


Any recent version



Only 2.3.3 is supported



Only 2.28 or later is supported

Operating System (OS)

The most recent version

Use at least the minimum kernel version 4.11

Step 1: Install the WhatsApp Business API Client


At its core, the WhatsApp Business API client is based on Docker. See Client Architecture for information on each component.

Currently, the WhatsApp Business API client does not support Docker for Windows or Windows Subsystem for Linux. For development needs, using a Linux Virtual machine and running Docker within it is the recommended solution. For production workloads, we recommend using a Linux Server to avoid compatibility and performance issues.


The WhatsApp Business API client will run on any internet-connected machine that can run Docker for Linux, either in a virtual machine, or on Linux server. For more information see the FAQ. For instance, simple testing can be done on a laptop. For a production environment server, we recommend at least 250 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM, and 4 core CPU. HDD is not recommended as the I/O speeds will become bottlenecks under load.

In most cases, you should run the database on a separate physical server from the Coreapp and Webapp containers. The database server should only be a few milliseconds of latency away from the compute machine(s).


There are two ways to get started with the WhatsApp Business API:

  • On-Premises installation — You can set up the Docker containers on your own using the Installation guide. We recommend beginning with one of the Developer Setups to get familiar with the setup process and sending messages. This On-Premises solution can be used on your computer before migrating to a production environment.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): If you use AWS or would like a more standalone solution, see the AWS guide. The AWS solution sets up a whole WhatsApp Business API solution with backups, recovery, and more in an AWS cloud you manage and own.

Once the WhatsApp Business API client is running, you must be logged in as admin to perform the rest of the setup steps.

Update Your Settings

You can make changes to the Application Settings once the WhatsApp Business API client is working. However, you don't get access to your WhatsApp Business API client's different profile settings until registration is complete.

  • The Application Settings pertain to how the client works — callback settings, Webhooks, on-call pager, sent status, media download behavior, etc. Note: It is strongly recommended you set up a Webhook URL in order to receive notifications about incoming messages or errors.
  • The Business Profile Settings and Profile Settings cover your business's information such as address, email, website, industry, about information, and profile photo.

Step 2: Start Using the Client


Once you have the WhatsApp Business API client up and running, you can register your phone number by sending an API call to the account endpoint.

Send A Test Message

You can send test messages using the messages endpoint. First, check the status of the phone number you are using for testing. You will need to send your WhatsApp account a message from the test phone number to enable the Customer Service window, which allows you to send any type of message within the 24-hours window (See Cut-off Control for details). Then, send a text message to your test phone number. If the message arrives it means that the installation has been successful. If it doesn't arrive, check your Webhook for notifications that may indicate any problems.


See our Security guide for information on passwords, authentication, SSL configuration, network segregation, encrypted communications, HTTP headers, and the web server TLS protocol as related to the WhatsApp Business API client.

Additional Suggestions


Start sending and receiving messages with internal employees first to check that the system is working.

Respond to all customers within 24 hours.

Abide by our policies outlined in the WhatsApp Business Policy and WhatsApp Commerce Policy.

Use multiple phone numbers for development, testing, and production.

Check the FAQ before opening a Direct Support ticket.

Provide product feedback. Direct Support is the best channel for that.

Provide details to reproduce your issue such as logs, support info from the health and support nodes, WADebug data, API calls to reproduce, etc.


Send duplicate notifications to multiple channels.

Send spam.

Use 1-800 numbers for testing.

Create a Business Manager only for WhatsApp integrations. Use an existing one if available.

If we detect that you have violated any of our guidelines or policies, we reserve the right to limit or remove your access to WhatsApp.

WhatsApp API integration [Nov 2022]

Wondering how to get the WhatsApp Business API? You are in the right place. While integrating the WhatsApp API may sound complicated, it's actually not difficult at all if you follow the right guidelines. In this article, we will tell you how to get the WhatsApp API for your business quickly and hassle-free.

WhatsApp API Integration Introduction

The WhatsApp Business API is a solution for businesses that want to access a multi-user platform and improve their messaging experience. Many medium and large companies are drawn to this idea and may wonder if is WhatsApp API free?

The answer is no. To send and receive messages, businesses need to pay:

  • Phone number for their WhatsApp Business account
  • WhatsApp Partner-specific charges
  • Mailbox charges
  • WhatsApp pricing based on conversations

WhatsApp Business API offers advanced features that businesses won't find in the WhatsApp Business app. For example, WhatsApp API broadcasts are not limited to 256 contacts at a time.

In addition, thanks to WhatsApp API integration with CRM, you can track and control agents and send personalized messages with advanced automation. For these purposes, we recommend using as your WhatsApp CRM.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Applying for a

Account Before applying for a WhatsApp API account, businesses must ensure that they comply with the WhatsApp Trade Policy. For example, WhatsApp does not allow medical and healthcare products to be sold on the platform.

In the past, WhatsApp API integration was more complex and could take up to several weeks. Businesses can now get an account and start messaging in less than 10 minutes.

Let's take a look at the changes Meta has made to make accessing the WhatsApp Business API easier for everyone.

How easy is it to get the WhatsApp Business API?

Facebook Business verification is no longer required for all companies, it is only required for companies wishing to have more business conversations or become an official business account.

Similarly, the WhatsApp policy check and display name check are no longer required to start messaging. The WhatsApp policy compliance check automatically runs in the background after the registration process, while the display name check is only triggered after the business has been verified.

Applying for a WhatsApp API account has never been easier

With these changes, getting a WhatsApp API account is no longer a difficult task. The registration process is as simple as filling out a form with BSPs (Business Service Providers) that support express registration. Keep reading to find out why.

How to get the WhatsApp Business API: Which is the best way?

It's not that hard to get the WhatsApp API integration. In this section, we will introduce you to the different ways to get a WhatsApp API account. We will also tell you about the easiest and fastest way to apply.

How to get a WhatsApp Business API account: Cloud and local API

For those who want to use the WhatsApp Business API, there are two hosting options: a cloud API hosted by Meta, and a local API hosted by BSP or the companies themselves. The question is, which one is right for you?

WhatsApp Cloud API was released in 2022, allowing businesses to apply for a WhatsApp API account directly through Meta. This has its pros and cons, but the main limitation is that Meta does not provide a mailbox to create a front end for the WhatsApp Cloud API.

WhatsApp API Integration Methods : Cloud and Local APIs

The On-premises API is a WhatsApp API integration method that BSPs have supported since the release of the WhatsApp API. Here is how to install WhatsApp Business API Client manually via local API:

  • Step 1: Install the WhatsApp Business API client. At its core, the WhatsApp Business API Client is based on Docker.
  • Step 2: Start using the client. After running the WhatsApp Business API client, you can register your phone number by making an API call to the account endpoint.

These instructions involve some complicated steps for non-developers, so we encourage businesses to apply for a WhatsApp API account via BSP. This will greatly simplify the whole path, which we will discuss next.

How to get a WhatsApp Business API account: Classic and built-in registration

BSP will help you get a WhatsApp API account easily. However, the complexity of the process depends on the registration method they offer. Typically, BSPs work with one of the following registration methods: classic registration or built-in registration.

The classic registration method (also known as On Behalf Of) is a manual application process. This procedure involves many back-and-forth actions between the enterprise and the BSP agent, resulting in a long wait.

In contrast, online registration allows businesses to complete the registration process directly by filling out a form on the BSP website. This is a self-service process that does not require the involvement of a BSP agent.

Classic and built-in registration: Which one to choose?

Therefore, this WhatsApp API integration method greatly reduces the number of steps that both BSPs and enterprises have to go through.

So how do you apply for the WhatsApp Business API? Getting a WhatsApp API account through built-in registration usually involves four steps:

  1. Buy or port your phone number.
  2. Fill out the WhatsApp business account submission form.
  3. Fill out built-in registration pop-ups.
  4. Generate an API key to connect to your business program.
How to get a WhatsApp API key in four steps

To ensure that the registration process goes smoothly, we suggest that you apply to create an account through the built-in registration . You can do it in less than 10 minutes with 360dialog express registration. Let's see how it works.

How to get WhatsApp Business API the easy way: 360dialog WhatsApp API Express Sign Up

To get a WhatsApp Business API account using 360dialog, make sure you have the following:

  • Administrator access to your Meta Manager account
  • Valid phone number for whatsapp
  • Business manager profile update

To register for a 360dialog WhatsApp API account, please use this registration form, which is only for respond. io users. Then do the following.

1. Click on Connect with 360dialog to start the registration process.

Click on "Connect to 360 " dialog to get started

If you already have a verified WhatsApp number and API key, paste them into the form and press Done . If it doesn't, keep reading.

2. Register 360dialog account.

Enter your details and click on the button Register

You will be prompted to enter your name, email address and password, followed by payment details. Then activate your account by entering the verification code you received by email. After that, log in to 360dialog.

3. Select Continue with Facebook to connect a Meta business account.

Continue with Facebook

4. Create Meta and WhatsApp business account.

You will need to select Meta Business Account to connect your WhatsApp business account(s). If you do not have a Meta Business Account, you will be given the option to create a new one. When finished, click on the button Continue .

Now it's time to fill in the WhatsApp API account name, which should be your business name. If you are porting a WhatsApp number from one WhatsApp business account to another, please select an existing WhatsApp business account with the corresponding number. When finished, press button Continue .

Create a new Meta Business account for WhatsApp API integration

5. Create your WhatsApp Business profile by adding a WhatsApp Business display name, a business category, and an optional business description.

Create your WhatsApp business profile

6. Check your WhatsApp Business phone number.

WhatsApp Business Number Verification

The phone number will be verified with a PIN, so make sure you have access to the number you are using. Your number must not currently be used with any WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp API accounts.

To use the phone number associated with an existing WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business App account, you must first delete your account. Then press the button Send code and verify your phone number. Then complete the registration process by pressing the button OK .

Warning: Using a phone number tied to an existing WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business App account will result in a permanent loss of contacts and messages.

7. Return to Select WhatsApp enabled number from the list and complete the setup by clicking Done button.

Finish enabling by selecting WhatsApp Enabled number.

After obtaining a WhatsApp API account and connecting it to, your account will be moved to the restricted access level. During this time, WhatsApp's commercial policy review will automatically run in the background.

WhatsApp immediately blocks accounts that do not comply with its policies. You can appeal this by filing a support ticket with your BSP.

From Restricted Level to Level 1: A Brief Overview

The Restricted Level imposes severe restrictions on companies that require a large number of business-driven conversations.

In other words, if you intend to broadcast WhatsApp messages to a large audience, check your business to upgrade your WhatsApp API account to level 1 so you can start business-initiated conversations with 1,000 unique customers over a rolling 24-hour period.

To become an official business account, you need to upgrade your WhatsApp business account to level 2. This will further increase your message limit, allowing you to start business-initiated conversations with 10,000 unique customers within a 24-hour period.

After completing the Facebook Business verification process, WhatsApp will verify the display names of all phone numbers associated with your account. To successfully validate, please ensure that your business display name does not violate WhatsApp commercial and business policies or display name guidelines.

Looking for a WhatsApp partner who won't break the bank? Here's our recommended pick: With 360dialog, you'll only pay $5 per month + whatsapp fees. Sign up for the 360dialog WhatsApp API and start messaging with your customers in just 10 minutes!

Further reading

Did you find this article helpful? If yes, then here are some resources that might interest you.

  • Facebook Business Verification: How to Verify a Facebook Business
  • WhatsApp Business: Overview of Accounts and Features
  • WhatsApp Business Multiple Users: User Manual

How to link to WhatsApp now? and stopped working in Russia "title":"\u041a\u0430\u043a \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\ u0436 \u0432 \u00ab\u0447\u0451\u0440\u043d\u0443\u044e \u043f\u044f\u0442\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0443\u00bb \u043d\u0430 \u00ab\u035d\u04 u0441 \u041c\u0430\u0440\u043a\u0435\u0442\u0435\u00bb","buttonText":"","imageUuid":"","isPaidAndBannersEnabled":false}

How to redirect audience to WhatsApp chat now? And what about companies and freelancers who used such links in their social media profiles? The answers are in this article.


It seems that the blocking of Facebook and Instagram has hooked the and services. Companies and experts used these links in their social media profiles to redirect customers directly to the chat. Their convenience was that by clicking on the link, you immediately got into the messenger application installed on your phone.

For example, a link like could go to a chat with a WhatsApp user registered under the phone number +7 (900) 900-90-90. There was no need to add a user to your address book to start a chat.

What to do now?

👉 Use WhatsApp link constructors

These constructors help you get a special link that redirects you to the desired WhatsApp chat. The majority of such services use the mentioned, which does not currently work in the Russian Federation.

That's why we created our own ✅ free WhatsApp link builder , which does not depend on wa. me and works based on the official WhatsApp protocol. It is available to everyone for free without registration and advertising.

If the person has the WhatsApp application installed, the service will offer to switch to it. If the application is not installed, the button will lead to the web version.

👉 Use deep links

Deep links are the same links, only they lead not to websites, but to applications. Regular links start with http or https. Deeplinks, on the other hand, start with an application protocol.

For example, a Telegram deep link looks like this tg://resolve?domain=... Instead of an ellipsis, the user's nickname. For WhatsApp, you can use the following deep link: whatsapp://send?phone=709090. The phone number must be indicated without + and extra characters, only numbers.

If you want the person to have a preset text in the message after going to your chat, the deep link will look like this: whatsapp://send?phone=709090&text=Hi. Instead of "Hello" - your message.

There is a nuance . If you send such a deep link to someone in a chat or decide to add it to a social network profile, it will not work. Therefore, it needs to be turned into a regular link. To do this, use any free link shortener. It is also worth considering that if a person does not have an application installed, then nothing will happen.

👉 Use multilinks

Read more about multilinks in this article. In short, these are mobile micro-sites with an avatar, description and buttons that can lead to other sites and applications, including WhatsApp and Telegram.

Depending on the services, the functionality may differ. For example, in Tilda you can assemble a full-fledged landing page, and in Taplink you can add a slideshow, a question-answer, and other widgets.

If you need the simplest functionality to quickly combine links to all instant messengers and social networks in one place, you can use Clickbar.

Learn more