How to look rich on instagram


How To Look Rich On Instagram
Elio Ministeri

how do you get all this without spending a fortune?

Having thousands of followers on their Instagram profiles is the goal of many people. Obviously, for a social network like Instagram, appearance is everything.
Breathtaking views, beautiful cities & expensive clothes. Maybe you are wondering how do you get all this without spending a fortune? Great, here we’re going to fix this. In today’s article, you will understand that you don’t need to spend a fortune.

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In fact, you will need to be dressed in the right way and take pictures in the right places.

This is essential.

First of all, you have to choose basic & timeless clothes. Choose neutral colours, no big logos, buy a pair of must-have sunglasses and wear a not too flashy accessory.

Leather JacketRay-BanChelsea Boots

The quality of the pictures is everything. So you have to aim for a good camera, a bit expensive, but the price will pay off over time, trust me!

You can easily buy a camera on Amazon, I highly recommend a Sony Alpha!

Sony Alpha

Then, editing is very necessary.

Editing your photos with the right filters moves you to the next level, definitely!

Presets allow you to have a compact feed with a unique & stylish colour across your entire gallery. Here I recommend our City Jungle Presets. Superior quality at an affordable price.

If you are into fashion take a look at our best seller “Fashion People Presets“, the best in the game!

Travelling has become really difficult now, so you need to be more creative if you want to get results on your profile in terms of locations.

Choose neutral and clean backgrounds. Take photos in front of luxury shops or historic buildings in your city. This will allow you to have a superior look at no cost.

You can create a lot of content at home, maybe you are looking for the right furniture to get started? Take a look at my Prints, the exclusive authentic pieces.

Also, try to be creative, change your pose. Diversify your photos.

You will soon realize that it takes very little to be the best.

Elio Ministeri

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10 Ways To Look Rich On Instagram In 2021

Do you want to go by the quote “Fake it till you make it”? A lot of Instagram celebrities have fake being rich before they actually become rich.

Everyone wants to become rich in real life, but for some, if they can’t actually become rich, they want to look like the riches? Getting rich takes time and hard work, only a few can endure the painful journey.

Many people still want to look rich even though they’re not, and yes you can look rich even if you’re not.

It however does require some investments and you need to learn some strategies that will actually make you look rich on Instagram and other social media platforms out there.

Since you land on this post, you’re about to learn the secrets to looking rich on Instagram, it will require some commitments and investments though from the beginning, once the right investments are made, you can become a rich person in real life.

This is because once you look rich on Instagram, you’ll have a massive following and you can later use that massive following to become rich.

Celebrities are cashing out hundreds of thousands of dollars for just posting on their profile and that’s because they have a massive and loyal following.

This is something you should try to achieve once you start gathering followers that are impressed by your rich lifestyle on Instagram.

You actually don’t need to have millions in order to look rich, I can say that most or some of the luxuries used by rich people can still be afforded by the middle class if they’re willing to save from their earnings, right from vacations to brand clothing.

You don’t need to buy expensive cars, you can rent or use luxury cars from family and relatives to snap some photos, and no one can find out what’s going on.

In this post, we’re going to talk about looking rich on Instagram and how you present your profile as a rich personality on the platform, stay with us till the end to uncover how you can look rich on Instagram without actually being rich nor breaking the bank.

Why Look Rich On Instagram

10 Ways To Look Rich On Instagram In 2021

Become an influencer fast

Everyone wants to associate with a rich person, most if not all the celebrities and public figure profiles on Instagram with the massive following are rich personalities.

Becoming rich is what the majority of the world population is trying to achieve and hence once they come across a wealthy person, they want to associate with them, whether it’s online or offline.

Instagram is the best social networking site where you can present yourself as a rich figure because they’re all about posting your lifestyle, the most trending content on Instagram is about lifestyle and most of them are from rich celebrities.

If you want to become an influencer overnight, you should definitely make sure that you look like a rich dude on Instagram.

Make money

Once you look rich on Instagram and your followers are totally convinced that you’re rich, they’ll start sharing your photos which will even help attract more followers to your profiles. So the question is how do you make money? By making recommendations to some of the products you’re using.

Imagine you posted a luxury lifestyle and have received a lot of engagement; shouldn’t you promote such products and make some money.

Not only the products you’re using, but you can also as well promote any product you want, you just need to partner with the right companies that will pay you to promote their product or services.

Command your followers

Imagine if you look broke and you want to advise your followers about finance or investing! If you look rich, it’s a sign that you’re a successful entrepreneur and people will listen to your advice since they want to reach the same position as you are.

They’ll assume you have done business the right way and hence most of the advice you offer in business or personal life, they’ll definitely listen to you.

Attract more followers

Since the dream of most people is to become rich, they want to interact with profiles of rich people.

There are lots of important figures in every society that deserve more attention on social media than celebrities but they’re nowhere to be found. You’ll find them with little to no followers at all.

When you’re rich, everyone wants to follow you because they’re dreaming of the lifestyle you’re currently showcasing on Instagram. If you want to attract more followers, you should definitely look rich on Instagram.

Kill your haters

Nothing will burst your haters other than seeing you’re leading a successful life, they’re always spying on your Instagram profile looking into your posts to see what’s happening in your life. They can even follow you with another account so that you can’t trace them.

When they notice you’re flashing luxury, they’ll be jealous of your life and it will really annoy them, whether it’s your ex, business competitor, or even some family members that are trolling you, you’ll definitely make them uncomfortable when you’re living the rich life on Instagram.

But you have to be careful though, because they can go to the extent of uncovering your fake life, they can dig deeper and find it all on whether you’re actually rich or not, so that they can expose you.

Establish connections

Rich people always want to network with other rich people, if you’re looking for business partnerships, you’ll definitely attract riches when you present yourself as a rich personality on Instagram.

Once businesses realize that you’re rich, they’ll love to connect with you even if they don’t know you in real life.

A lot of people when they want to research your personal life, they’ll check all your social media profiles and see what you’re posting and that’s when they can discover if you’re rich or not.

I believe these are some of the benefits you get when you look rich on Instagram, let’s now outline how you can look rich on Instagram in 2021.

10 Ways To Look Rich On Instagram In 2021

Choose your clothing

This is the first step towards looking rich on Instagram, your clothing tells a lot about you, even in the real-life, people love to respect other people that wear excellent clothes.

It’s one of the first impressions you need to make, by wearing brandable clothing, you have definitely set yourself apart from the rest.

Since clothing is really important, you need to understand a few things that will help you wear the right clothes to present you as a rich person on Instagram.

  • Choose the right fabrics: It all starts with the fabric you choose; cotton fabrics and natural wool is the best option for you if you want to look rich. We’re talking of using natural fabrics rather than man-made fiber like Rayon, Nylon, or Polyester, synthetic fiber won’t hang well on your body like natural fibers. All the photos you’re going to display on Instagram should come from natural fibers, make no mistake when attending events by choosing your fiber wisely.
  • Tailor your clothes right: Rich people wear fitted clothes especially young and middle-aged people, and I guess you have noticed it in many rich people out there. Only the older generation will wear extra size without bothering about their looks since they have already established themselves. Some consider fitted clothing as too tight also, that’s something you want to avoid as well. Fitted clothing means fitting you well in the sense that they’re not tight nor too big for your body. You want to tailor your new clothing to ensure that they’re well fitted in your body before sharing those photos of yours on Instagram.
  • Quality over quantity: Though, by choosing natural fabrics, you have already taken the step towards quality, there are still poor natural fabrics. Instead of trying to always display new clothes every week buying cheap and low-quality stuff, you should rather go for high-quality ones that cost a decent amount. It’s better to have 5-10 high-quality branding clothes than have 20-50 crappy outfits, just save up and ensure that you’re wearing high-quality clothes.
  • Add great accessories: Your outfit isn’t complete without adding accessories, you want to make sure that you’re using branded accessories, your watch, necklace, or ring should reflect the wealth you’re trying to display. Accessories are really important and you don’t want to go cheap on them since the cheaper options are of low quality.
  • Wear Black Often: Whether you’re wearing a suit or a regular outfit, you want to make sure you have enough black outfits. The Black color looks excellent on almost all skin types, including back people as well. Black provides irresistible elegance and it reflects classiness, black is more noticeable than other colors and most importantly, it portrays confidence and maturity. I can go on to share lots of benefits for wearing black colors, but by looking at rich people you can understand they wear black often. If you want to look like them, you need to have good taste in black.
  • Take care of your clothes: You must take care of your clothing really well, you’ll make a good impression when they’re new, but if they’re not taken care of properly, they’ll definitely present you as a broke guy. Wearing rough and crumpled shirts will not make you look rich, not ironing your clothes properly also won’t help. You want to make sure the colors are preserved using the right detergent, always make sure your shoes are shining using the right polish. The idea is to always look clean in the photos and videos you upload on Instagram.

These are some of the things you need to pay attention to when choosing your outfits. Looking rich on Instagram is all about your outfit display and it’s one of the things you don’t want to take a chance on if you want to look rich on Instagram.

Style Your Hair

You need to have a cool hairstyle; rich people take care of their hair even if they’re wearing cheap clothes. Styling your hair is a way to look clean and presentable to the world, don’t ever look rough, you can’t look rich with scattered and unkempt hair.

Take care of your hair by using the right shampoos, avoid dandruff and hair fall, and make sure it grows thicker by the day. Taking care of your hair isn’t really expensive, you don’t need to go for expensive products if you can’t afford them.

There are a lot of Do It Yourself at-home hair care routines that will help you grow everlasting hair. Once your Hair is well grown, you can definitely fit most of the cool styles that will make you look rich on Instagram.

Skin Care

You might try using cosmetics to hide your skin problems, but one thing is sure, healthy skin is different from unhealthy skin.

Due to proper care, rich people always have radiant and healthy skin, but they’ve spent time over the years taking care of it. Their skin looks healthy and soft and is always moisturized.

If you want to look rich, you should start by treating every skin problem you have. Start with your face since it’s more noticeable than other parts of your body, if you have acne or dark spots, you need to get rid of them. Make sure to exfoliate and deep cleanse your pores to have radiant skin.

You want to make sure you get rid of those wrinkles and using the right toners and moisturizers will help a lot when it comes to dealing with that.

Skin routine is something you want to choose properly, there are different skin types and it’s best to consult a dermatologist to guide you on the right products for your body.

Buying expensive products isn’t the best solution, nor using products advertised by celebrities on social media and other media channels, they don’t even use such products, they’re just paid to promote them.

We have seen how celebrities are signing deals with cosmetic companies, the best way out is to discover your skin type and then use the right products which in most cases aren’t really expensive, they’re regular products the average person can afford.

Maintain good teeth

If you want to look rich, you definitely want to add a smile to everything you upload on Instagram. You already have a clean outfit and you want to make sure that sparking teeth are incorporated to reflect your neatness as well, it’s a sign of wealth to always have those white and sparkling teeth.

Having yellow teeth is a sure way to be perceived as a poor person worldwide, whichever part of the world you’re coming from, you should have those white sets of teeth and you want to make sure you have good breath when talking to people.

Your journey should begin by visiting a dentist so that they can recommend the proper routine and products for your teeth.

Don’t jump in to start buying teeth whitening products, they most of the time have side effects. Some of them can make your enamel weaker or even erode it which will cause severe pain and if you have experienced a toothache, you already know how painful it is.

The solution for you is to visit a dentist and take some recommendations, you have to go for check-ups regularly to ensure that your teeth are strong and healthy, and also looking white.

Attend events

This is what the truly rich people do, they attend different events. Since they’re rich, they’ll always be invited to events, not every event, but business events in particular. Rich people are business people and you want to be displaying how you visit business events.

They don’t necessarily have to be business events all the time, it can even be charitable events or sports events. You want to make sure that you hold the mike giving some speech because that’s a sign you’re a leader in your business industry. Networking events are also great even if you’re not a speaker, have some pictures talking to people.

Display pictures with rich people

Even though you’re not rich, you want to grab a few chances where you take photos with rich people everyone knows. You should find a way to sneak into their events and then request to take some selfies with them, most of them won’t hesitate to allow that.

You could meet rich people on the plane especially in the business class, you don’t actually need to fly just for the sake of meeting rich people and taking pictures, you just want to make sure whenever the opportunity warrants, you take some selfies with them. You can visit their events, especially charity events to take pictures with them.

Display expensive cars

Don’t freak out? I know you’re wondering how you could afford the Rolls Royce, Lambo, or Ferrari! You don’t need to own these cars.

Luxury cars are always available for hire and if you have a decent income, you can afford to have a chance to ride these cars and take pictures or even shoot videos.

If you can’t afford to rent, you definitely need to utilize some of your connections, if you have wealthy friends or family members that drive supercars, you should definitely take some pictures for display on your Instagram posts.

It doesn’t need to be supercars, even Benz, BMW, and other cars can also be used as well, especially the new models.

Take photos in beautiful mansions

When it comes to looking rich on Instagram, everything that you display should match your personality on Instagram.

You can notice that rich people on Instagram are always displaying pictures with either a luxury car or in a beautiful mansion or at least inside a room with a good-looking interior design.

Taking such kinds of photos isn’t really a big deal, you can contact real estate agents available in your area to take a look at some of the beautiful houses available for sale or rent.

Once you take a tour, you can get the chance to snap some selfies in those mansions, you want to make sure that the agent is not always following you.

Take a private tour and make some selfies for displaying on your Instagram account, but you need to understand that you have to present yourself as a rich person or else they won’t believe you can afford to buy or rent such expensive houses.

Take pictures on Vacations

All the riches go to vacations, and if you have noticed, vacation content is one of the most trending content on Instagram. It doesn’t always have to display your pictures in luxury hotels, you can go for simple adventures and share your selfies on Instagram.

Go visit historic places and museums that are mostly affordable by everyone and display such photos on Instagram. If you want to look rich on Instagram, you want to make sure during holiday seasons you’re also displaying your vacation pictures.

Make sure your photos are looking perfect

All the rich celebrities you’re seeing on Instagram, don’t actually upload their photos right away after taking them.

They have photo editing experts that ensure that their photos are always looking perfect. They’ll take a bunch of photos, then finalize a few ones that need to be uploaded, plus they’ll undergo heavy editing.

To keep things short, you need to master Photoshop or other photo editing software or apps, but Photoshop is the leading photo editing software on the web, and learning how to use this powerful photo editing tool isn’t a big deal.

There are endless YouTube video tutorials available to show basic photo editing skills that will polish your images before posting them on Instagram.

Sometimes you’ll take pictures that have objects or people you want to get rid of or change the background, Photoshop will help you with that. You can learn Photoshop editing within just one week by dedicating only a few hours a day, and I believe you can do it.

If you however still don’t want to go through that, you can outsource photo editing very cheap on sites like Fiverr for as low as $5 or $10. You can also visit freelance websites where you can list down your project for editing photos such as or

That’s it for this article on how you can look rich on Instagram, the basic rule is that if you want to look rich on Instagram, you have to display a rich lifestyle all the time.

You also want to make sure that you’re always increasing your follower base, you can even buy Instagram followers, it doesn’t make sense to pretend you’re rich but you don’t have a massive following.

And more importantly, you want to make sure that your profiles across all social networks, present the same lifestyle you’re displaying on Instagram.


Tags: 10 Ways To Look Rich On Instagram In 2021, Ways To Look good On Instagram, Why Look Rich On Instagram


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how to look rich on Instagram

Today, anyone can become rich without having a lot of money with them. How is this possible? Elementary - in the profile "Instagram". Let's talk further about how modern bloggers create the illusion of a rich and sometimes luxurious life, which everyone is so jealous of. By the way, you can also seem, and not be rich, showing only the right things on your page, which, according to modern Web users, indicate a high status.

Extravagant Birthday

In order to declare oneself as a rich person, it is enough to present to the public on the Instagram network photos taken during the celebration of a bright birthday. What should be in the picture? Big bunches of balloons, roses, beautiful (albeit fake) friends and cars are a must. Users greet such pictures, in which the second half revealingly makes an expensive gift, friends, girlfriends come and expressively congratulate, making various glamorous gestures.


Travel photos are another sign of a wealthy blogger. You do not live a luxurious life if you have not been to the Maldives, Mykonos or, for example, Monaco.

Photos taken on a yacht are a separate indicator of luxury, and the larger the vessel, the cooler it is. Do not miss the opportunity - take the cheapest tour abroad, draw up documents - and go towards a "luxurious" life!

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rich man" in his profile "Instagram" must have a photo against which the Eiffel Tower will be, as well as a picture taken while riding a gondola along one of the canals of Venice.

By the way, having been on a trip, you should definitely fork out at least once for a sumptuous breakfast in some beautiful place. Photos taken at a beautifully decorated table are also perceived by netizens as an indicator of wealth.


Whether you know how to ski or not, any "rich" blogger should be photographed on the ski slope in full gear. To do this, it is advisable to choose prestigious resorts, such as Courchevel, St. Moritz, Gstaad.

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"Being without a man does not mean being unhappy": Fedunkiv about men and creativity bloggers show their status by regularly displaying packaging in their profiles, which display the logos of popular brands. Real bouncers very often unpack "expensive" goods on camera, thereby showing their ability to afford branded items (which, in fact, are most likely just a fake), and people are being led. Why not use this chip if you want to demonstrate your "wealth"?

Expensive cars

When the real "rich" break into Instagram, cheap cars are out of the question! The public believes in a person's wealth only when they see him in a luxury car, and preferably not in the same one. However, remember about the taboo in the photo near other people's cars - the public needs to see your limbs in the cabin, because this is strong evidence that the car really belongs to you.

By the way, when taking photos inside the car, do not forget to tilt your head as naturally as possible so that the expensive logo is visible - the public loves such pictures very much and sincerely believes that the person demonstrating them lives in real luxury.

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Roses .

.. many roses

Girls show their high status with luxurious bouquets, photos of which are posted online. Moreover, a rich girl should have a bouquet of at least hundreds of roses. It's just great if you can take a picture in a room completely filled with flowers.

Despite the fact that, looking at such pictures, sometimes there is a feeling that the girls are just competing with each other, who has the bigger and bigger bouquet, users consider this a sign of luxury. And it doesn’t matter to anyone anymore: were the roses really given by the guy or did the girl buy them herself ... or maybe she rented them for a small rent?


Shopping? You should immediately take a photo and post it on Instagram! Of course, it should not be a selfie taken in the locker room of even the most expensive store. On the Web, pictures reflecting your special status indicate wealth. For example, shots of a person drinking coffee or champagne in an expensive boutique perfectly reflect your status as an honored client.

Private jet

A serious indicator of wealth on Instagram is a photo taken on or near an aircraft. I hope it's not worth pointing out that it should be private. Pictures taken in first class cabins and above are also welcome.

It is worth noting that even a photo taken against the background of an aircraft makes others think that you have to deal with serious people and that you yourself are from their environment.

By the way, on modern Instagram, the public also widely welcomes photos taken against the backdrop of helicopters. To create a series of "rich" shots, it is enough to simply book an air transport flight, paying a relatively small amount of money for it.

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11 Tips on How to Become an Instagram Blogger and Start Making Money

Pick a Niche You Like

First, you need to define an area of ​​interest that suits you. It should be something that you love very much and understand. Don't just follow successful people - find what interests you.

For example, you found a fitness blog with a huge following. Should you also write about a healthy lifestyle if you are indifferent to it and you know nothing about it? Of course no. Remember: it is useless to pretend on social networks.

Photo: Instagram

Think about what you like. Maybe you love needlework? Or do you like food and are interested in different types of cuisine? Or are you into fashion and constantly follow the trends? Your Instagram posts should show what you're really interested in, not just some random stuff. You can write about different things at once: for example, about food, travel and lifestyle, like this blogger. As you can see, she publishes on these topics equally.

Enter interesting information about yourself

After you have decided on the area of ​​interest, put your account in order. First of all, you need to provide information about yourself that will instantly attract the attention of the audience. Tell about yourself in a way that others would be interested.

Remember that your CV is the first thing brands or potential subscribers will see. So if you want to become a successful Instagram blogger, be sure to design it responsibly.

Photo: Instagram

Take a look at the profile of travel blogger Helene Sula. The line with the name is "travel blogger", so her account will be issued for such a search query. The biography tells a brief story about how she went to Germany to explore Europe. At the same time, the girl left everything she had, except for the dogs and her husband. Draws attention, doesn't it?

Tell stories

Posting photos is not enough to become a successful Instagram blogger. Photo captions are just as important as the pictures themselves. Tell stories to create an emotional connection with your followers. Give them a reason to trust you, follow your account, and engage with you.

Don't forget to be sincere - subscribers will notice your falseness. The personal stories you share with your audience need to be not only interesting, but also true.

Photo: Instagram

Take a look at this inspiring blogger's story in which a young woman talks about how she continues to travel despite her illness. The publication caused a heated discussion among subscribers, which means that the audience appreciated it. And when brands want to partner with a blogger, they look more at audience engagement than the number of followers.

Your feed should look attractive

This is one of the main rules of a successful Instagram blogger. Your photos should not only be beautiful, but also adhere to a single theme. And this means that all profile photos should look good next to each other.

Many bloggers choose a particular style of photo manipulation, such as a consistent color scheme or composition. Use Instagram's built-in filters or third-party photo editors like VSCO or Lightroom. Take high-quality pictures with good light so that they look really good.

Check out this Instagram account for inspiration. His publications are perfectly sustained in a single style.

Photo: Instagram

Constantly publish content

Another main rule of a successful blogger. Most Instagram stars post every day, but someone prefers to post photos several times a day, and someone a couple of times a week.

Research has shown that increasing the frequency of posts can increase audience engagement. But choose your posting schedule wisely and be sure to stick to it. Do not build too unrealistic plans.

To work on a schedule, you will need tools that allow you to make scheduled publications, such as Buffer, Planoly, Preview or Ripl. You can upload your content to these platforms in advance and set the desired date and time of publication. You no longer have to manually publish posts - they will appear automatically.

Preview is free, and Planoly allows you to post up to 30 pending photos for free per Instagram account. Buffer allows you to schedule up to 10 posts for three accounts for free. Ripl works on a subscription basis ($9.99 per month).

Use the right hashtags

Hashtags help other Instagram users find your account. There is a limitation on the platform - no more than 30 hashtags can be left in one publication. It is better to use them all, but which ones should you choose?

Remember that popular hashtags are not always effective. Since they are popular, then you will have more competitors, and the chances of being found are lower.

Photo: Instagram

It's better to use hashtags that generate from 10,000 to a million posts. But definitely not the ones that show more than a million results. For example, this blogger's post uses the #adventurecouple hashtag. More than 46 thousand posts are issued on it.

Sign up for a business account

If you're serious about becoming an Instagram blogger, sign up for a business account that offers a number of benefits.

The main advantage is access to statistics. You will be able to find out not only the actions of your audience, but also which posts cause the most engagement and at what time it occurs most often. Your follower activity data will come in handy when you are discussing potential brand collaborations. Numbers will tell them about you better than your photos.

Photo: Instagram

Another advantage of a business account is the ability to advertise it. You can set up a promotion for one of your posts to generate additional engagement.

Use Instagram Stories

The Stories feature is perhaps the most popular feature on Instagram right now. More than 200 million people use it every day. This is an ideal tool for increasing subscribers and promotion.

Even non-followers can see your stories if you add your location and hashtags to them. If you have more than 10 thousand subscribers, then you can insert the function of following the built-in link into the story using a swipe up.

Photo: Instagram

You can also tag other people in your stories, so you can not only make connections, but also increase your audience.

Interact with your audience the right way

Social media is about people and how you interact with them. Engagement is one of the most important factors that will help you become a successful Instagram blogger. When someone comments on your photos, reply, leave mutual likes and comments on their profile.

Here's how to increase subscriber engagement:

  • Leave a call to action in the photo description.
  • Post at the time when engagement is at its peak (to find out, use the statistics that are available for business accounts).
  • Run contests and giveaways.
  • Take polls in Stories.
  • Subscribe to accounts with topics close to you and interact with their content (you will find them using the "Interesting" tab).

You can also follow certain hashtags so that all relevant content appears in your feed.

Tag and connect with brands

Becoming an Instagram person happens in two stages. First, you need to grow followers organically and get good engagement. Then comes the most important stage - you start making money.

Once you have more than a thousand followers and good engagement rates, start looking for the right brands. Tag them in relevant photos and try to get noticed. Sometimes brands can even showcase your post and get you some extra attention.

You can write to companies that work in your area of ​​interest. It is especially worth paying attention to those who have already collaborated with bloggers. Prepare a pitch in which you explain why you applied and what you can offer. It won't be easy, but some of the answers may surprise you.

You can use Grin, SocialPeeks, InsightPool, HYPR, InfluencerBay, TRIBE or TapInfluence to search for brands. Some have restrictions on the minimum number of subscribers required to participate in advertising campaigns.

Don't buy followers

Many Instagram bloggers make this mistake. If you want to become a media personality and make money, your best bet is to grow your audience organically. Yes, it's not easy and it takes time.

But bought subscribers are not useful because they do not interact with your content and do not increase engagement. And the less engagement, the lower the chances that brands will want to cooperate with you.

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