How to upload video on facebook without being removed

How To Repost A Video On Facebook Without Re-uploading It — Cold Box Films

One of the best ways to extend the shelf-life of your content is to re-share it. Here’s the exact process you need to repost a video to your business Facebook page without having to re-upload it.

Watch Tracey’s video tutorial below:

(but keep reading for even more tips/details)

Step 1: Head straight to your business Facebook page

When you log into Facebook, the first thing you’ll do is head straight to the Facebook page you originally uploaded and posted your video to.

Step 2: Click on the “videos” tab

When you get to your page, select the “videos” tab which will be located either on the left or right-hand side of your page (depending on how you set it up within your page settings).

Step 3: Scroll down to select the “video library” button

Then, scroll past your featured video and playlists and click on the “video library” button which is located on the right-hand side of your “all videos” category.

Step 4: Click on the video you’d like to repost

Next, scroll down the list of videos and locate the one you’d like to re-post. Then, click on it to pull up a new pop-up window.

Tip: DO NOT click on the “edit video” tab that appears when you hover over your video. This will not pull up the pop-up window you need to repost your video. Instead, make sure you click on the video itself either on the thumbnail image or the empty space in between.

Step 5: Select the “create post with video” tab within the new pop-up window

On the lower right-hand side of this new pop-up window, you will see a tab that says “create post with video.” Click on this button to pull up a new pop-up window in which you will then create a brand new post for this video.

Step 6: Write a new caption and publish/schedule your new post

Within the new pop-up window, you will see your old caption from your previous post displayed. Highlight and delete this caption and replace it with a new one.

Tip: Do not repost your video with its old caption. It’s always important to freshen up your message, especially when you’re recycling content. Remember that while this content is aimed at reaching those who have not seen it before, there is a chance that others already have. Keeping your message re-establishes your content’s relevance and keeps users engaged.

Next, you can either choose to publish your content now or schedule it to be published later (which is typically out preferred option so we ensure our content goes live at a time when our users are most active).

Here’s the real bonus in all of this

So why do we favor re-posting versus reuploading? Reposting an existing video versus reuploading it allows that video to continue to accumulate likes, comments, and views, giving it a stronger presence on your page.

For example, the first time we published our video blog “Four Ways to Maximize Your Video Content” it received 543 views. When we re-posted it 6 months later, it received another 814 views giving it a total view count of 1,357 views.

Facebook will even break down these stats for you within your video’s analytics. Kind of awesome, huh? :)

Be Careful with the Videos You Upload to Facebook

Be Careful with the Videos You Upload to Facebook! “Your video was removed because it appears to contain copyrighted material owned by a third party. If you think that we’ve removed this video by mistake, you can file a counter-notice by following the link provided in the warning email.”

If you have never received one of these Emails/Notifications from Facebook, consider yourself lucky. 

Be Careful with the Videos You Upload to Facebook

Is it yours?

Social media videos are becoming more and more popular. A lot of YouTube stars have turned to other social networks as well. Their high-performing videos, mixed with professional content, means it was only a matter of time before other social networks implemented a copyright-scanning feature. Every video that is posted on social media is pre-scanned and checked for any infringing content before the video shows up on your Timeline or Newsfeed. If the video you’re posting contains any infringing content, it won’t be published and you will receive a warning.

The pre-scanning is focuses mostly on the audio part of the video. That means if your video contains music that belongs to someone you did not get permission from, your video won’t get published. In a few words, if your video has a song you did not create as its background music, don’t bother posting it.

A lot of content creators don’t solely rely on social networks’ copyright-scanner. They watermark their videos, to protect even more their digital content. This is a clear indication that you should not risk and use their videos without permission. 

If you want to protect your digital content, you can automatically watermark your social media videos using Publer. No editing skills required!

Publer’s Platform Video Presentation

Credits and Recognitions

Back to videos that may get you in trouble. Even if your video does not contain any music, it doesn’t end here. Anyone is able to report content that they believe violates or infringes on their copyright. Facebook takes these reports very seriously. For example, let’s say you found a funny video on the Internet and decided to upload it to your Page. Let’s suppose that it became viral. Some day or another the person that created it sees the video you uploaded. He notices that no one credited or mentioned the source. He reports your video to Facebook.

If he proves to Facebook that he holds all the rights to that video, Facebook will take your video down and send you a warning. Unfortunately, there’s no way for you to know if a video is copyright protected or not unless you seek legal advice.

Besides making sure the video you’re posting is not copyrighted, you also need to make sure it follows the Community Standards. If someone reports your video for breaking social networks’ Policies, they will take your video down and give you a warning.

They Caught me! What now?

Let’s take as an example: Facebook.

First of all, Facebook will remove the video you uploaded. They will also send you a warning. Is this your first time? Then the warning will simply ask you to not do it again. If you repeatedly infringe someone’s copyright or upload videos that don’t follow the Facebook Community Standards, Facebook will ban your account from posting videos. Depending on its severeness the ban may be temporarily (up to 30 days) or permanently. If you keep uploading copyrighted videos or videos that don’t follow the Facebook Community Standards on a Fan Page, Facebook may unpublish that Page.

What Videos Shouldn’t I Upload

  • Music videos & TV shows: definitely NO. They won’t even pass Facebook’s pre-scan.
  • Pranks: a big NO. People that do pranks, do that for a living and they won’t allow you to use their work without their permission.
  • Celebrity videos: another NO. Celebrities sign contracts with companies to allow them to use their image.
  • Food, recipes and other arts & crafts videos: sadly NO. Again, they do that for a living.
  • Videos that don’t follow the Facebook Community Standards

So What Can I Upload Then

Home videos, cute animal videos, videos that don’t have any watermarks, or simply get creative and create your own video. If you decide to upload a video that you think has a copyright or that might get you in trouble, try citing the source or give credit to the owner. Even in that case we cannot guarantee that they won’t report it.

Disclaimer of Be Careful with the Videos You Upload to Facebook

Use these guidelines at your own risk. We don’t guarantee that these guidelines will keep you safe. Also, we are not a Facebook affiliate, so we don’t take any responsibility for anything that might happen. These guidelines are simply here to help you minimize Facebook Policies and copyrights violations based on research we conducted.

You can also take advantage of Publer’s new Superpower: AutoDeletion of Posts. Do you think this is a copyrighted Video or goes against Facebook Community Standards? Post that Video for a short time only (i.e. 1 or 2 days) using Publer.

Xhesika Tufa

Content Writer & Social Media Manager

How to upload video to facebook without losing quality - Bitrate for Instagram

all about Facebook and Instagram video formats

Before you start absorbing useful information, let's clarify the meaning of a couple of specific terms so that you don't have to google in the process = ))

CODEC is a special unknown thing that will compress your video so that it can be watched from any device.

PERMISSION is the height and width of your video file.

FRAME RATE - well, this is more or less clear. This is the number of frames per second and this is important!

- no, this is not the nickname of a programmer blogger This term means the number of bits in 1 second of a video.

Is it difficult? Now let's explain everything.

First, about Instagram

Despite the fact that Instagram appeared in our lives back in 2013 (Wikipedia says November 21) and it would seem that all the subtleties of working with this mega-popular platform should have been known for a long time , studied, understood and mastered, users, both bloggers, online stores or information sites, and ordinary users, have the same question: "How to upload a video to Instagram without losing quality?".

We answer
according to the official advertising leadership, which was made by Instagram, the video should be like this:

but in fact . ..

Prores 422LT, PRORES 422PROXY, PROPRES 444, DnXHD, HEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEEVD, HEAD RGB - do not load. H.264 only, and since it's a fairly common codec that's easy to read on most modern devices, Instagram doesn't want to change anything.

Bitrate - is the root of evil which spoils the quality of the downloaded video. The thing is that Instagram wants the news feed to load quickly and users do not have to wait. That is why, when uploading a video, it is optimized by the platform itself and its quality is reduced. This happens due to decoding and reducing the amount of data transmitted per second, that is, the bit rate. The service, of course, tries to make it as "gentle" as possible, but sometimes it turns out that the quality suffers greatly.

Life hack: there is no significant difference between bitrates above 3000 kbps. But when downloading a video with 1000 kbps, the quality is lost very much. Therefore, make sure that your videos always have a bitrate above 3000 kbps.

Approval. The official help for downloading videos does not limit the maximum possible resolution. On the net, we found information about download tests for HD 1920*1080 and UHD 3840x2160 resolution videos. The clips in the final download are identical in quality and a twofold increase in detail did not work.

How to upload a video to Instagram without losing quality

After studying the information on the Internet and a little testing, we want to give a list of options that will allow you to upload a video so that you are not ashamed.

Optimal average download parameters:

  • codec H.264
  • resolution 1080 pixels
  • frame rate 29 fps bitrate 4.5 megabits/s audio 128 kbps


How to upload a video to Facebook without quality loss is an interesting question, especially for those who often deal with video content.

What video format does Facebook support?

Facebook's official video ad guidelines state that the platform itself recommends uploading videos in MP4 or MOV format. But, at the same time, a huge list is provided, listing all supported formats (see below).

What is the Facebook video upload size?

The video you uploaded is displayed in the feed in the size of 476*262 pixels. To get a good image, upload a file with dimensions of 1200*675 pixels.

Video parameters for uploading to Facebook

After digging around the net and doing some simple tests, we can present you with the optimal upload parameters: frame rate 30 fps

  • resolution upper resolution limit not set
  • At the same time, you should always remember a simple pattern: the longer the video, the larger its size. The larger the video size, the more Facebook optimizes (in simple words, compresses) it. The stronger the optimization, the worse the output image quality.

    For clarity and to summarize the material, here is a summary table about the requirements for videos on Facebook and Instagram. It will be useful both for those who need to publish content and for those who make video ads on these placements.

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    How to add video to Facebook in various ways

    Thanks to the built-in functions of the Facebook social network, as well as with the help of special utilities, any user can upload his video to the server. In this article, we will look at how to add videos to Facebook , and also talk about the requirements for them from the social network.


    1. How to add a video to a Facebook group
    2. Downloading a video from another service
    3. Using a standard uploader
    4. Posting a video from the mobile version of Facebook
    5. Requirements for videos on Facebook
    6. Conclusion

    How to add a video to a Facebook group

    900 which every user of this social network must comply with. In particular, these are the technical characteristics, thanks to which the video will open correctly both on a mobile device and on a PC.

    There are two ways to add a video to a Facebook group or to your personal profile:

    • use a standard uploader;
    • using links to videos from other services and social networks.

    If you want to add a video from YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc., then you just need to copy the link to it and post it on Facebook. Let's look at the download methods in more detail below.

    Downloading a clip from another service

    With the help of video hosting and social networks, you can share your publications on Facebook without any downloads and unnecessary downloads. Upload the necessary video to video hosting, on YouTube, for example, and then add this video as a link to your page.

    We advise you to read the detailed instructions on how to upload a video to Facebook from YouTube using a computer:

    1. Go to video hosting, upload your video or find another person's video.
    2. Click on the button "Share" under the entry.
    3. And choose the social network Facebook.
    4. Specify where exactly you want to publish the entry and confirm your action.

    You can send a video to the Chronicle or Stories. In the event that you share the video in the news feed, the publication will be displayed with a preview option and a link to the original. The owner of the FB page can add his description, geolocation, etc.

    Using the standard uploader

    Communities and open pages have the function of uploading videos directly to Facebook servers. The author of the post can post the video on the wall, make a caption, or even tag community members. How to upload a video:

    1. Go to the community and select "Publications".
    2. Specify the file location.
    3. Upload the clip, make an appropriate description (if necessary).

    The user can also add multiple media files to one entry. For example, upload two photos and two videos, specify a description and geolocation. The owner of the page or community can view previously uploaded clips in sections "More" or "Albums". You can delete videos or edit post descriptions.

    All uploaded records will automatically be sent for review and processing. In the event that the video contains prohibited materials, violates the rules of the social network, or there will be many complaints about it, the administration can block not only this material, but also the community.

    Publishing a video from the mobile version of Facebook

    You can publish a video on your page through the mobile application of the social network. Friends and other users will see this post if privacy settings are not applied. Downloading a video through the mobile version of FB is carried out as follows:

    1. Go to the Facebook mobile app and select the " Publications " section.
    2. Allow access to internal storage if required.
    3. Download the video and wait for the processing to go through.

    Just like in the PC version, the user needs to keep track of their content. If it contains scenes of violence, alcohol or weapons, the video and your community may be blocked by social network administrators.

    Requirements for videos on Facebook

    In addition to copyright and special rules, there are a number of technical requirements for videos. These requirements are designed to ensure that all users can view content from any device in good resolution. Basic parameters for video recordings:

    • maximum video size - 4 gigabytes;
    • video duration from 1 second to 240 minutes;
    • format: MP4 and MOV.
    • aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:5, 2:3.

    Aspect ratios must be respected so that users can view the video in good quality and generally run it. If your video clip is more than 4 GB in size, then it can be cut into several parts and indicated in the title or description - this will arouse additional interest among the audience in the content you publish.

    Learn more