How to tag people in facebook mobile

How to Tag Someone on Facebook on Desktop and Mobile

  • There are a couple ways to tag your friends on Facebook in a web browser and in the mobile app.
  • You can tag both friends and pages in your Facebook status.
  • Tagging friends is a way to show you're with them, call their attention to something, or give them a shoutout.

Facebook, at its core, relies on our connections with other people — and our ability to stay connected by tagging them in funny videos, memes, and statuses.

Whether you want to check in to your favorite restaurant with a best friend, or write a lengthy post of gratitude to your closest family and friends, there are a couple ways to tag your friends on Facebook.

How to mention someone in a status on the Facebook website

1. Start typing your status and hit "@" followed by the person's name. Wait until the dropdown menu offers you the names of your friends or pages you're following. The menu also includes pages you don't follow or haven't liked just based on how they might fit what you typed in.

When you begin typing after "@," Facebook will attempt to guess who you're looking for. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

2. Choose the correct friend or page from the list. Then finish typing out your status and hit "Post."

Once you've added the person or page, finish writing your post and click "Post. " Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

How to tag someone in a status on the Facebook website

1. Choose the "Tag Friends" icon when creating a new status.

Clicking "Tag Friends" will open a menu where you can type a friend's name. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

2. Type in your friend's name, without the need for the @ symbol, and select the correct person from the list.

3. Once you've selected their name, click "Done" and finish writing your post. 

Once you've chosen your friend, hit "Done." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

How to mention someone in a status on the Facebook app

1. Much like you would in a web browser, start typing your status and hit "@" followed by the person's name. Wait until the dropdown menu offers you the names of your friends or pages you're following.

The process for mentioning on the app is similar to the desktop version. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

2. Choose the name or page that you want from the dropdown menu, finish writing your post, and then hit "Post" in the upper right corner. 

How to tag someone in a status on the Facebook app

1. Tap "Tag Friends." If you've already started typing your post, the "Tag Friends" button will appear only as an icon of a blue silhouette.

Select "Tag Friends." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

2. Start typing the name of the person you want to tag, select them from the list, and tap "Done" in the upper right corner.

Select the correct person and hit "Done." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Business Insider

3. Finish writing your post and hit "Post" in the upper right corner when you're done.

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  • How to unfriend and unfollow people on Facebook

How to Tag Someone on Facebook (On Desktop and Mobile)

Facebook is easy to access on desktop and mobile, but constant updates mean that things sometimes change in a big way overnight.

The same goes for all social media channels – updates that are made to help us stay connected can sometimes feel alienating if we don't know how to use all the features.

That said, I’m here to help clear things up!

Ever wondered how to tag someone in a Facebook comment or video? We’re going to cover all things tagging in this article. The following, to be exact:

  • How to tag someone in a Facebook post on desktop
  • How to tag someone in a Facebook post on mobile
  • How to tag someone in a photo on a desktop
  • How to tag someone in a photo on mobile

In a hurry? Here’s a shortcut. 

How to tag someone on Facebook (shortcut!)
  1. Create a new post or select an existing post that you’d like to tag someone in.
  2. Type ‘@’ followed by the person’s name you want to tag in the post or comment.
  3. When the name appears in the drop-down menu, click it.
  4. Press ‘Share’ to post and send a notification to the user you’ve tagged.

What does it mean to tag on Facebook? Tagging is a feature used to create a link to another Facebook user’s profile, giving users the ability to identify and/or reference their friends in photos, posts, and statuses.

So, how do you tag someone on Facebook? Let's cover that next. 

How to tag someone in a Facebook post

Below I’ll give you a step-by-step walkthrough on how to tag someone in a post on both a desktop and mobile.

Tagging on desktop 

  1. Start by clicking in the box under ‘Make Post.’ Here you can type what’s on your mind, add photos or videos, check in, let your Facebook friends know how you’re feeling – lots of options! 


2. Once you’ve created your post by adding status, photo, etc., you’re ready to tag. Click ‘Tag Friends.’ 


3. Start typing the name of the friend (or friends) you’d like to tag in your post. Once they have auto-populated in the drop-down menu, click their name to add them to the post.


4. After you’ve tagged your friend(s), their name(s) will appear next to ‘With.’ If you’ve accidentally tagged the wrong person or want to remove someone from a post, simply click the ‘x’ next to their name to remove the tag.

Once you’re done adding friends to your post, click ‘Share.’ 


5. You’ve successfully shared your post and tagged your friends! The names of any friends you’ve tagged will show up next to yours.


Tagging on mobile 

  1. Start by tapping the box that says ‘What’s on your mind?’ Here you can type a status update, add photos or videos, check in, let your Facebook friends know how you’re feeling – lots of options! 


2. Once you’ve created your post by adding status, photo, etc., you’re ready to tag. Click the little blue silhouette to open more options.



3. Tap ‘Tag People.’



4. Start typing the name of the friend (or friends) you’d like to tag in your post. Once they have auto-populated in the drop-down menu, click their name to add them to the post. Tap ‘Done’ once you’ve added everyone you’d like to tag.



5. Press ‘Share’ in the top-right corner.



6. Adjust your ‘Share To’ settings to share your post with your desired audience. In this case, I’m only adding the post to my News Feed, not my Story. Press ‘Share Now’ when you’re ready.



7. You’ve successfully shared your post and tagged your friends! The names of any friends you’ve tagged will show up next to yours.



How to tag someone in a photo

 Below I’ll give you a step-by-step walkthrough on how to tag someone in a photo on both a desktop and mobile.

Tagging on desktop

  1. Open the photo you want to tag someone in and select ‘Tag Photo’ on the right side of the page. 


2. Click on the face of the person that you want to tag – this will create a box on the friend signaling who you’ll be tagging. Start to type the name of the friend you want to tag and when their name appears in the drop-down menu, click it.



3. If you’ve tagged them correctly, their name should appear both on the photo and next to your name on the righthand side. Once you’ve tagged everyone you want to tag, click ‘Done Tagging.’ You’ve successfully tagged your friends in a photo!



Tagging on mobile

  1. Open the photo you want to tag someone in and click the little tag icon in the top-right corner of the page.


2. Click on the face of the person that you want to tag. Start to type the name of the friend you want to tag and when their name has appeared in the drop-down menu, click it. 


3. If you’ve tagged them correctly, their name should appear both on the photo. You’ve successfully tagged your friends in a photo!



Now you know how to tag on Facebook!

 There’s everything you need to know on how to tag on Facebook!

We’ve covered how to tag someone in a Facebook post, in a photo, and even a little shortcut on how to tag quickly from a desktop and mobile device!

Your days of wondering how to tag people on Facebook are long gone.

Are you a Facebook fan? Leave a review!

Want to learn more about Facebook? Check out our articles on how to post Facebook 3D photos, how to have a Facebook Secret Conversation, and the perfect Facebook cover photo size! 

Jordan Wahl

Jordan Wahl is a former content manager at G2. She holds a BBA in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She loves anything that puts her in her creative space. including writing, art, and music.

How do I tag people or Pages in a photo on Facebook?

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Using Facebook

Photos and Videos

We're updating the mobile version of More

You can tag people or Pages in photos you share on Facebook. You can also tag other people's photos if allowed in their privacy settings.

Mobile browser classic

To tag a person in a photo

Open the desired photo.

Click Mark on photo.

Enter the name of the desired person and select Done.

New version for mobile browser

To tag a person in an unpublished photo

At the top of the Feed, click Photos.

Select an image from your camera roll and click Next or Finish. Tap the icon to take a new photo with the camera, and then select or Next.

Click Tag Friends.

Enter a name in the text field and check the box next to the person's profile photo. When you're done tagging people, click Done.

Click Publish.

To tag a person in a posted photo

Go to the photo and tap the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Enter a name in the text field and check the box next to the person's profile photo.

When you have finished tagging people, click Done.


Up to 50 people or Pages can be tagged in a photo.

When you tag someone in a photo, that person's friends can view, comment on, and like the photo.

You may need approval from the tagged person or the person who posted the photo (if it's not yours) for the tag to appear, depending on your privacy settings for checking timelines or checking the person's tags.

You can only tag other people's photos if it's allowed in their audience settings.

Learn more about tags.

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How do I invite people to my Facebook event?

Help Center

Using Facebook


We are updating the mobile version of Facebook. com.

Classic version for mobile browser

To invite people to a private event:

Click the icon in the top right corner of the Facebook window.

Select Activities.

Select Calendar and open an event.

Click Invite, and then search for and select the names of the friends you want to invite.

Click Finish.

To invite people to a public event:

Click the icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window.

Select Activities.

Go to the event.

Click Share and Invite Friends, and then find and select the names of the friends you want to invite.

Click Finish.

New version for mobile browser

To invite people to a private event:

Click the icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window.

Select Activities.

Select your events and open the required one.

Learn more