How to start a jewelry business on instagram

How to Create a Dazzling Instagram Account for your Jewelry Business

In 1947, the well-known jewelry brand De Beers coined the famous slogan -“Diamonds Are Forever.”

The slogan, which has stuck around for over half a century, certainly wasn’t wrong. The jewelry industry has continued to boom year over year and is expected to reach a market size of $307 billion by 2026. 

Clever business owners like yourself have no doubt invested countless hours curating a sparkling line of high-quality jewelry. Now it’s time to bring that beautiful shine and sparkle to the world of Instagram. 

In 2017 millennials and Gen Z made up 60% of the diamond jewelry sales in the United States? Their demand for glistening gemstones and diamonds continues to grow, with online jewelry sales expected to hit $7.6 billion in the U.S by the end of 2021. 

That is why your jewelry business must have a well-thought-out and visually appealing Instagram feed. A whopping 91% of younger generations prefer online shopping, and your jewelry brand can easily capture that market through Instagram.  

If you don’t consider yourself social media savvy, don’t worry – we got you! 

This guide will act as your complete step-by-step instruction manual to building an Instagram account for your jewelry business. Let’s get started! 

The Benefits of Instagram for Jewelry Brands

Instagram feeds are entirely image and video-based, making it the perfect place to highlight your top jewelry pieces and collections. An Instagram presence also builds trust and brand recognition amongst your potential customers.

Think of your Instagram feed like an online catalogue. On average, Instagram users spend 30 minutes per day on the app, and 50% of those users have made purchases after viewing products on Instagram. Putting time and effort into curating your page makes it incredibly easy to drive sales through the platform.

By creating a visually appealing feed on Instagram, your jewelry business gains access to a market of over 1 billion users. Instagram is a digital social hub, which makes it a fantastic place to build and maintain relationships with customers.

How to Start Selling Jewelry on Instagram

Alright, so you’re convinced your jewelry brand needs to create an Instagram account. What’s the next step?

Building a dazzling Instagram presence is easy when you follow these best practices: 

Utilize Instagram Business Account Tools

Instagram is well aware that its social media platform is popular for digital marketing. Because of this, they offer a handful of helpful tools that brands can use to influence sales and manage critical data. 

When creating your Instagram account be sure to set it to an Instagram business account. Creating an Instagram business account allows you to unlock essential features, such as:

  • Including contact info like your email, phone number and business address in your bio.
  • Create a “call to action” button that links back to your products.
  • Access Instagram insights like profile views, impressions, clicks and demographics.
  • Boost your sales by setting up an Instagram shop

Once you’ve got your Instagram business account created, you can connect it to Sked Social where you can manage, schedule and plan all your social media in one place!

Commit to Your Brand Image

Digital marketing is all about committing to a clear and unique brand image that resonates with your target audience. 

Approach your Instagram marketing with clear brand guidelines rather than posting at random. Your images must be high-quality and showcase the goals of your brand. 

Building an Instagram feed with a clear brand image involves: 

  • Using the same logo and profile pictures across all social media
  • Maintaining a consistent tone of voice
  • Sticking to a specific colour scheme and design

Develop an Aesthetic 

Your potential customers will be looking for fashion inspiration, birthday gifts, or engagement rings, and you want to be sure your aesthetic draws them in!

Are you a jewelry designer selling unique, one of a kind artistic pieces, or are you a fashion-focused luxury brand? Creating an aesthetic for your Instagram account allows you to sell the lifestyle and vision behind the jewelry.  

The type of jewelry you sell will be the deciding factor for your overall aesthetic. Some jewelry shines best with minimalist décor and bright white backgrounds, while others may work best as part of a fashionable ensemble. 

Here are a few jewelry brands that have developed a killer aesthetic:


As a lifestyle brand, Mejuri does a great job of mixing routine shots and closeups of their products that look both appealing and visually cohesive.


As a luxury brand, Bulgari’s Instagram feed looks and feels expensive. The way they showcase their expensive pieces amongst a sea of royal blue makes the brand feel elevated and valuable.

Whichever direction you choose, make sure it stays consistent. Instagram feeds with a consistent aesthetic perform much better because they are pleasing to the eye. Using a Visual Instagram Planner is an easy way to manage and build an aesthetically pleasing feed.

Include High-Quality Images

Your stunning jewelry pieces can only shine through high-quality images. The carat count of your diamond won’t matter much if viewers can’t make out the details.

High-quality images are vital on Instagram. Your images are the main selling point for your products on Insta, and your feed must include photographs that draw users in. 

Lucky for you, most mobile phones these days have great cameras. Just be careful to avoid distortion when you download or edit images. Also, be mindful of cluttered backgrounds or images lacking a clear focus.

Our hot tip:  Always shoot in areas with good lighting. This will produce the best photos, even from your phone!

Write Interesting and Fun Captions

Writing interesting captions for your feed images is critical for drawing in potential customers. Your Instagram profile should feature clever and relevant descriptions on every post.

Remember to stick to your brand guidelines and tone of voice when writing content, but have fun with it too! You want your descriptions to be engaging while also providing information about your jewelry. Consider including details like the type of materials used, how it was designed or the best ways to style it.

A great move is to include a call to action in your description like “check the link in our bio for our latest pieces” or “visit our website for more information.” 

Including links in your bio is incredibly important on Instagram. Unfortunately, you cannot include linked URLs in your captions, but you can include a strong CTA to lead viewers back to your website via the link in your bio.

Use Hashtags 

Hashtags are the secret weapon behind Instagram’s digital marketing. They are a great way for your posts to gain traffic and attention but don’t overload your post with too many tags. 

It might shock you, but posts with only one hashtag typically receive higher average engagement than posts with 5-10 hashtags. This shows that selecting a few carefully chosen hashtags that capture your target audience works better than simply using the most popular hashtags.  

Always include relevant and specific hashtags for your jewelry niche, or create a unique brand hashtag. You can drop hashtags into your post descriptions, story updates, and even in your bio. You want your account to be found by customers scrolling Instagram – hashtags are the way to do it!

Bonus tip: Use the discover function of Instagram’s search to find competitor content for inspiration!

Post Instagram Stories 

Instagram Stories are a prevalent feature on Instagram, with 500 million people posting to their stories every day.

Updating your Instagram story on the regular is a great way to stay connected with your customers and drive sales. As many as 58% of Instagram users have become more interested in a brand after viewing their story.

Instagram recently dropped a new feature that allows any account to include links in their Instagram stories. This is fantastic news for your jewelry business! You can now easily lead curious customers to your website by dropping a link in your story.  

Some great ideas to get you started with Instagram stories:

  • Showcase your latest feed posts through the “share to stories” function.
  • Promote sales and new jewelry pieces.
  • Conduct polls to engage your followers and have a little fun. Tip: An excellent poll idea for jewelry businesses is to feature two pieces and ask which one your followers prefer!
  • Share customer feedback and customer photos.

Promote Your Content

Now that you’ve built up a stellar Instagram account, it’s time to extend your reach. As we mentioned above, hashtags and stories are a great way to increase engagement. However, it’s important to continuously promote your content, which can be done through Instagram ads, contests and giveaways, or influencer marketing.

Instagram Ads

You can launch advertisements through Insta quickly and easily. Instagram will guide you through campaign creation in a step by step process, allowing you to select your target demographics, total costs, and advertising goals.

Instagram ads can be created as videos, stories, collections or carousel ads. However, not all Insta ads are created equal. Brands that opted for an Instagram collection ad experienced a conversion rate increase of 6% and received 20% more direct messages after posting Instagram story ads. 

To decide which ad format will work best for your jewelry brand, consider your advertising goals and what your target audience will be searching for. 

Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a great way to engage with customers that may otherwise overlook your content – because everyone wants free stuff! 

Posts and stories that feature contests or giveaways are proven to perform better than other posts.

Consider promoting your jewelry business through a contest or giveaway centred around a holiday or special time of year. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to launch a romantic jewelry giveaway package, as well as Christmas and New Year’s.

Another successful strategy is to partner with other brands for giveaways. For example, you could partner with a local hotel or restaurant to design an anniversary or birthday giveaway.

Influencer Marketing

They’re called influencers for a reason. Brands that work with influencers show significant increases in brand awareness and sales, with 94% finding influencer marketing to be effective.

Customers are more likely to purchase products when they have been recommended by friends, peers or trusted public figures. This is why influencer marketing has become such a popular choice for brands.

There are many different types of influencers, including bloggers, live streamers, models, photographers and music artists. 

Top jewelry brands like Cartier and Bulgari are known for using influencer marketing – and you should too! 

Use hashtags and the discovery search function to find influencers that have sway within your target market. Local influencers, sometimes called micro-influencers (depending on the size of their following), are a great place to start for small businesses. Micro-influencers are known to have more sway in their local communities and are much easier to approach than big-name celebrities.

Check out our complete guide on how to succeed in the world of influencer marketing.

It’s essential to stay connected with your customers and other small businesses on Instagram. Engaging with posts by other jewelry brands is a great way to get your name out there. If you see something that you enjoy, drop a like or a comment to increase your account visibility.

After all, social media is about being social. Building a relatable and personable persona on Instagram helps to build stronger customer relationships.

Always search for ways to provide value through your content! By providing valuable or helpful information you’ll build trust with your followers, and customer loyalty is key for repeat business. 

Consider featuring tutorials on styling or jewelry making, or offering jewelry purchasing tips to your Instagram followers.  

Are You Ready to Shine on Instagram? 

We certainly hope so! 

Follow these tips and your jewelry business will be well on its way to becoming an e-commerce behemoth. 

Instagram can seem like a lot of work (and it is) but it’s also a lot of fun! That said, if you ever feel overwhelmed by Instagram we can help you out. From post scheduling to advanced analytics, Sked Social is your all-in-one solution to Instagram. To learn more about how Sked Social can support your Instagram marketing, pop on over to our features list or try out a free 7-day trial.

Now get out there and start posting – we can’t wait to see what you come up with.

How to Sell Jewelry on Instagram

How to sell jewelry on Instagram?

If you’re one of those online jewelry retailers who haven’t received the memo yet, we’re here to tell you that Instagram could potentially be the biggest boon you’ve been waiting for.

Yes! With its striking filters and snazzy updates now and then, it’s no doubt that most of the people are hooked. But if you think that it mostly glorifies social vanity, think again. Statistics show that of the top 100 brands globally, 90% are on Instagram. The level of engagement with brands on this platform is said to be the highest among other popular social media sites and is 10 times higher than the king of social media, Facebook.

In short, you need to be on Instagram.

In this post, we’re going to arm you with easy-to-follow tips on how to sell jewelry on Instagram by making your feed shoppable and your visual aesthetics top-notch, for you to generate long-term followers and — who knows — repeat customers.

Here we go!

How to Sell Jewelry Using Instagram's Shoppable Posts

Increase your social commerce traffic with these five easy-to-follow steps on how to sell jewelry using Instagram's shoppable posts.

Jewelry E-Commerce Tips: How to Sell Jewelry on Instagram

Being active on Instagram entails a combination of a lot of things. It’s more than just marketing and promoting your products but also more about building your brand’s image by creatively telling your story through captivating imagery (both photographs and videos) and engaging captions.

The visual element plays a critical role in drawing your target people into your feed and once drawn, you’re able to build a relationship with them by interacting with them through direct messages, public comments, and Instagram stories.

The following steps are sure to help you kick-off your Instagram presence.

1. Create a profile for your brand.

While creating a profile for your brand sounds pretty straightforward, make sure that the username you come up with represents your brand. Commonly, companies would use their company names as usernames, but in cases when the company name is too lengthy, you have to come up with a shorthand version that doesn’t deviate too far from who you are as a brand. Remember, your Instagram name can be any 1-30 characters long and you have the freedom to add additional characters and underscores. However, if your company name doesn’t have numbers in it, it would be good to skip that part.

In case your desired Instagram name is already taken, you have to come up with an alternative name that still accurately represents who you are. You can check if your desired name is still available or otherwise via this Instagram Availability tool. Your Instagram name should be straightforward, memorable, and consistent with all your other social media handles.

  • Upload a profile photo

Once you’ve chosen your Instagram name, immediately upload a profile photo which is your company logo. By doing so, you strengthen the level of brand recognition. What you want to achieve here is to make your target customers think of your brand instantly every time they see your logo.

  • Add a creative bio

Be succinct yet creative when writing a bio because you only have 150 characters to work with. Tell users and followers directly who you are and what your brand is about. You can change what appears in your bio as often as you want.

As you can see in the photo above, Pandora uses it to invite their customers to showcase their Pandora jewelry by using their official hashtag #DOPANDORA. You too can do the same. You can use this space to promote your campaigns or announce any upcoming events you may have similar to how the GemLightbox did it below.

2. Create and showcase engaging content.

There are two important components of the content. The first is text (captions including hashtags). The second is visual imagery like photos and videos.

  • Photo content

Instagram photos are said to drive 36% more engagement than Instagram videos, so you have to build a balance between videos and photos. Your photos can be any (but not limited to) of the following:

— Your jewelry products
— Behind-the-scenes showcasing your jewelry creation process.
— Promotional/campaign announcements
— lifestyle photos or your jewelry products in action
— Events you’ve been to
— Product reviews
— User-generated content

When posting photos, it’s important to post professional-looking images that would attract your target customers. Remember to pay attention to the basics of jewelry photography to ensure that your target customers get something of value from your content. For instance, the entire product must be in focus, well-lit, and is free from any distracting background that doesn’t complement what you want to achieve. Take a look at the few of the Instagram photos below. It will also give you ideas on what photo content you can use on Your Instagram feed.

Ring photography using the GemLightbox and a smartphone

And here’s an example of a product review photo that you can reproduce for your Instagram feed.

Sales announcements make a great content too as shown below.

Your jewelry piece in action doesn’t only provide you with captivating visual aesthetics, but it also allows your target customers to visualize how it looks when worn while giving them important visual product information such as the stone’s dimension.

7 Jewelry Product Photography Ideas to Convert Instagram Followers into Customers

What jewelry product photography ideas for Instagram have you tried and worked best in terms of building and strengthening brand awareness? Can you spot it in one of the ideas…

  • Video content

Although photos generate more engagement than videos, this doesn’t mean you can abandon making videos at all. In fact, Instagram videos consumption has increased by 40%. Like the photos above, your video content could be anything engaging such as the ones below:
— A sneak peek of your new jewelry collection
— A live or recorded video of your events
— A live product review from your customers

Check out some of the video examples below.

Paraiba ring with diamonds, photographed with the GemLightboxFiery opal captured with GemLightbox, Eclipse, and a smartphone

Don’t forget to add a product testimonial/review video like the one below.

Overall, your Instagram content should be a combination of videos and photos – each serving different purposes such as enlightening, educating, and entertaining your target customers and promoting your products.

The statistic shows that product posts beat out other content like lifestyle photos and/or videos as 65% of top-performing content are product posts. However, be mindful of the 80/20 rule where 20% is dedicated to self-promotional posts and 80% is for educating, enlightening, and engaging customers.

Further, you don’t need expensive camera equipment to produce professional-looking jewelry images. As we’ve seen, most of the photography issues encountered by jewelers on Instagram has something to do with lighting. Find a better way to diffuse your lighting by using a lightbox. You can make one from the comfort of your home; however, if you’re a professional jeweler who needs to do jewelry photography regularly, it would be more convenient to invest in the equipment.

Jewelry Product Photography: 7 Essential Product Photo Types to Use on Your Website

Jewelry product photography is essential in securing sales. Come to think of it; when your target shoppers go to a physical store, they can touch the product, try it on…


Write powerful descriptions/captions.

Instagram allows you to work with up to 2,200 characters in the caption; however, the text will get truncated after the 125th character so the key is to place the most important information at the beginning of your caption and all the @mentions and hashtags at the end.

When writing captions, don’t forget who your target customers are and what your brand represents. The message must be genuine and engage your target customers by asking questions or adding a quick call-to-action. Check out some of the example captions below.

Here, the GemLightbox used its space to make an important announcement about shipping schedules and a quick call-to-action that informs potential customers on how to place an order.

Below, ELVERD Designs engaged their followers by asking a question aside from adding a quick call-to-action.

4. Use tags effectively.

Hashtags can help you grow your audience as it makes your posts visible not only to your followers but also to other Instagram users who are using your hashtags as their search terms. Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post but maximizing it doesn’t always guarantee results. According to a statistic, 5 to 10 hashtags are the ideal number to use in a post. As mentioned in the infographic above, 70% of the most used hashtags are branded hashtags, so don’t forget to include one as this is unique to your jewelry business.

Note that using a branded hashtag doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to limit it to your brand name.

The most important takeaway here is to always use hashtags in your posts. The statistic shows that an Instagram post with at least one hashtag will do better – attracting 12.6% engagement – than those posts without. This will help you tremendously in increasing product awareness.

Another tag you can use is a geotag, as shown in the sample images below. Take advantage of Instagram’s geo-tagging feature as it has been said that posts with a location attract up to 79% more engagement.

Geotagging can help you make location-based decisions by analyzing the way your followers react to your posts. For instance, analyze the data you’re getting in terms of engagement and check where you geotag them. Do you notice any low or high engagement based on locations? Does it tell you which locations you get the most engagement?

Five Compelling Jewelry Photography Tips for Social Media

In 2017, the number of social media users globally increased by over 480 million, bringing it to nearly 2.8 billion from over 2.3 billion in 2016. This rapid development is…

5. Reach the audience through Instagram ads.

Instagram is one of the best platforms for connecting with your target audience. It’s said to have 800 million monthly active users with nearly 60% of them aged 18-29. And if merely existing on Instagram isn’t fast enough for you, you can try reaching audiences through Instagram ads.

There are several types of ads but the photo and video ads are two of the most popular. Like your regular posts, it will let you tell your story but the ads will allow you to build your brand even more by reaching well-targeted demographics.

You will also get to choose from different supported call-to-action buttons like “Download”, “Learn more”, “Contact us”, and “Book now” among others. Unlike other ads, Instagram ads are not annoying as the only thing that distinguishes them from other visual content on the platform is the “Sponsored” label just below the Instagram name, see the sample image below.

6. Engage with your audience.

Instagram, like other social media platforms, is a two-way street. You have to build meaningful relationships with your followers and target customers by responding to them when they reach out to you. There are many ways you can interact with them.

First, through the comment section. Pay attention to what users are saying in the comment section and make sure to address it by responding to them if they ask you a question or simply recognizing them, as seen below.

Second, reach out even further by interacting with other Instagram users who are outside your network but are within your industry. For instance, you can like and comment on others’ posts. This is one way of making others know about your Instagram presence and who knows, they might just follow you or you might have some jewelry pieces that would interest them.

And there you have it!

So, how do you use Instagram in building your jewelry brand or selling jewelry pieces? What other tips on how to sell jewelry on Instagram do you know?

Feel free to share in the comment section below!

Instagram FAQ

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app where people can upload photos and videos, share them with their followers or a select group of people (for private accounts). People on Instagram can view, like, and comment on posts shared by people.

Currently, Instagram users can also take advantage of Instagram Live, where users can stream videos to their followers and interact and engage with them in real-time.

Can you sell jewelry on Instagram?

Yes, as an image and video-based social media platform, Instagram is a powerhouse for jewelry selling and you can do it for free!

With its rich visual environment, Instagram is packed with features that allow you to showcase your products and sell your jewelry collection directly to customers seamlessly.

How do you start selling jewelry on Instagram?

Selling your jewelry on Instagram is easy!

Begin by creating an Instagram account. Make sure to create and complete your profile to make it look more professional. If you have a web store, you can also add the link to your profile so that Instagram users can click it every time they will visit your profile.

Next, start uploading your jewelry products. A combination of photo and video content would be ideal in keeping your followers engaged.
Be creative and unique with your content. This way, you will stand out from all the noise on the platform. Consider the type of content we have listed in the section above. Different types of content will add variety and will certainly keep your profile from being lackluster.

How do I make my Instagram shoppable?

Make your Instagram shoppable by turning on Instagram Shopping on the Instagram app.

To do this, you must first be approved for Instagram Shopping, so make sure that you comply with Instagram’s merchant agreement and commerce policies. If you have a personal Instagram account, you must convert it to a business account and connect it to a Facebook catalog. As such, you must also have a connected Facebook page. Take note that Instagram only allows the selling of physical goods.

Once you’re all set, go to your profile settings, tap ‘business’ and tap ‘Instagram Shopping’. Follow the steps to submit your Instagram account for review. The review process usually takes a few days or longer but you will be notified once your application is approved so you can continue your Shopping set up and tag your jewelry products for sale.

Can you sell directly on Instagram?

Yes, you can!

You can sell directly on Instagram through your posts and if you have a shoppable Instagram as it makes product tagging effortlessly possible.

You don’t need a website to do this. You can do everything on Instagram. It’s a free platform and selling should be easy as long as you post engaging and high-quality jewelry photos and videos that attract followers and other users.

How to start a jewelry business?

The jewelry business is considered elite and, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of jewelry stores and networks now, it has room to grow and develop. In addition to the fact that such a business is very profitable, it is also subject to all sorts of risks. And this is not only competition and profit for thieves.

The jewelry business is a lucrative business, given the fact that consumers of any class often buy jewelry. There is demand, so there will always be supply.

The main advantage lies in the so-called investment security. Diamonds are diamonds. Regardless of the economic situation, they will forever remain gems. And gold is not in vain considered the most promising, profitable and safe investment. Over the years, it has proven its value and reliability.

You can't do without flaws. First, profitability is seasonal. For the most part, people buy jewelry on holidays, when they give gifts to each other. The rest of the time, it’s not that there are no buyers, there are just few of them and there is no such flow. Secondly, high susceptibility to robberies. Jewelry is the main target of most thieves.

Before opening a jewelry business, you need to think about how you can surprise your customers. There has been and will be competition. For the most part, all jewelry stores do not stand out from the rest of the similar ones. And for the right start, an influx of customers is simply necessary. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the jewelry industry will only be a plus, as it will help identify new directions.

It is necessary to take into account some features. The demand for such goods is not constant. Still, jewelry is a luxury item, not a basic necessity. The nature of demand is seasonal, so it is always forecast based on past years.

Jewelry store, like the business itself, will require significant investment. The initial capital must be very large. But with the right organization, everything will pay off quickly and bring a stable income.

What is the profitability of the jewelry business?

As a rule, the margin for jewelry is up to 300%, and sometimes up to 500%. With the right organization (hiring staff, purchasing equipment and goods, advertising), all expenses will pay off in a year or two, and the yield will be up to 30%.

Jewelry store's profit depends on the goods sold. It is necessary to focus on domestic gold and the lower / middle price segment. It is these two factors that will provide an influx of income. Choosing the right strategy is the key to profit, which in this case reaches at least 50 thousand dollars a year.

What are the options for running a jewelry business?

The jewelry business does not end with the opening of a jewelry store. You can consider options such as an online store, a jewelry workshop, and jewelry creation. All options are similar to the main goal, but differ in the size of the initial investment, organization (somewhere you will need to hire staff, and somewhere you can handle it yourself, some option involves a large room and serious equipment, and in some ways you can do without such costs), profitability and other indicators. That is, you can open a jewelry department in almost the same way as you can open a jewelry workshop.

An online store does not require a specially equipped room. The warehouse will be needed, but not for customers. The main expenses will be the creation and filling of the site. Although there is another important point - this is the promotion of the site. It should be visited by potential clients. Then the business will be profitable. The flow of people will be attracted not only by the unusual design, but also by interesting discounts, promotions and bonuses that should be offered to new visitors.

Creating jewelry is a laborious and difficult process. This is done by special companies. The creation of any jewelry goes through several stages, starting with a simple idea and ending with a finished product. The main thing when opening such an enterprise is to find qualified and creative personnel.

Also, the jewelry business is divided into two areas: the first is the sale of exclusive items, and the second is the sale of products for a wide range of consumers. Directions are essentially different, but have a common basis.

Jewelry store as a business

Before opening a jewelry store, must be licensed and registered. To get the first one, you need to choose the organizational and legal form. Individual entrepreneurs and all organizations, before starting work with precious stones and metals, must be registered with the State Assay Inspectorates, in accordance with the law, namely, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 16, 2003 No. 51n. However, all jewelry must comply with the requirements.

1) Sample. All information about manufacturers and prints on jewelry should be available to the buyer.

2) The store must have documents (TIN, Certificate of registration for special registration, Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Card of registration for special registration) in free access for visitors.

3) Each product must be provided with a sealed label and individual packaging.

4) The labels must indicate the weight and name of the product, article number, type of precious metal, sample, total price and per gram of the product.

The room must be appropriate. Its successful location is not the only condition for attracting customers. Inside it must be perfect. This applies to cleanliness, and interior, and lighting. Everything should be in moderation.

Recruitment is also an important step. Consultants must be both men and women (5-6 people, depending on the size of the store). According to statistics, women are better at selling goods to men, and men are better at selling to women. In addition to sales consultants, an accountant will also be needed at the initial stage.

Suppliers may be domestic or foreign. It will be necessary to calculate everything, since prices are different for everyone.

Advertising and promotions. Even before the opening, you need to interest customers so that they have a desire to come in and evaluate the store. All promotions must be permanent and not temporary. Let the discounts be small, but always. This will form a circle of regular customers.

Mandatory condition - security. It's not worth saving on. The higher the reliability of the protected premises, the less likely it is to lose everything overnight.

Open jewelry department

You can immediately start not with a store, but with a small department.

How to open a jewelry department ? You will need the same steps as when opening a store. But the costs will be less. The first stage - registration and license - everything remains unchanged. But the premises will need to be smaller, although the location conditions are the same (the ideal option is a large shopping center, where every day there is an endless stream of people). Of the staff in the department, only 2 consultants (and an accountant) will be needed. Otherwise, everything is similar.

Jewelry workshop

A jewelry workshop is usually located near or in a jewelry store. This is profitable and profitable, as buyers often want to finish something, change, adjust, and so on after the purchase. In general, rent can be quite inexpensive.

Scales are the main tool of the workshop. They cost a lot of money, but they are important when working with such products.

Attracting customers is easy. Low initial prices, high quality of service, stable schedule (for example, not 5 working days a week, like everyone else, but 6 days), advertising, short terms of work, a wide range of services will help in this.

Such a business is not the most difficult. It is enough to be an expert in this field.

For all entrepreneurs, the main factor is the high profitability of such a business. It requires serious investment. But with a good and successful strategy, as well as experienced staff, everything will pay off, and for many years it will bring profit to the owner. The main indicator and proof are jewelry stores that have been in this business for decades.

If there is a flow of customers, products will be sold. Therefore, the profit will not be long in coming. You need to be able to attract customers, constantly analyze the situation and competitors, take into account their advantages and skillfully use their shortcomings.

Instagram: a new way to shop for jewelry

I'm sure that many of you already at this stage have the question "why do I even need this"? Exclusive jewelers Wallace Chan, Cindy Chao, Suzanne Syz or Hemmerle have also asked themselves this question, and yet, over the past three years, they have all created accounts on this social network in order to present their work to people all over the world.

“There are more and more platforms to showcase our work: small art fairs, biennials, exhibitions, social media. Together, this has allowed for a significant expansion of engagement with Hemmerle jewelry. Our clients live all over the world and follow our achievements also thanks to Instagram - the connection with the audience is now established on a global scale, which gives us the opportunity to conduct a dialogue, "says Christian Hemmerle.

The German jeweler always looks at things soberly and does not perceive Instagram only as an online boutique, because in fact any sale through Instagram is a bonus. As in any social network, people here communicate and get to know each other. Only after some time has passed do they begin to feel attached to a particular account and trust its owner, which, in turn, stimulates sales.

This worked out very well for British designer Lily Gabriella, who only sells jewelry privately. “I was quite surprised by the desire of customers to buy jewelry from my new brand through social networks. I think buyers are eager to connect with the designer and consider us part of their experience. Despite the platform, there is a feeling of closeness. Now social media has become an integral part of my business and has undoubtedly become a sales tool – I consider it a showcase that is constantly changing.”

Yes, Instagram is to some extent comparable to a store display with its own specifics. For example, on this social network, it is not enough to randomly upload professional photos of jewelry and wait for someone to buy it. There is a real glut of choice on Instagram, and the dynamics here are completely different - updates happen daily, so every jeweler just needs to find ways to "hold" the eye of a potential client.

The signal of an increase in the number of subscribers (read - sales) was, is and will be high-quality, diverse and interesting content. In the private Australian studio David Michael, this was and is being paid special attention to, which helped the twin brothers David and Michael Robinson to gain fame and begin to cooperate with the American prestigious retailer Betteridge. “We believe that content is another way to be creative and also to show that we care about what we do. A well-composed and thoughtful picture showing jewelry created with attention to detail will attract more attention than something mediocre. The more people see your work, the more likely it will find a new home,” says Michael.

Jewelers often ask me what kind of photos should be posted in order to attract more attention. There is no “magic formula” and what works for one company may not work for another. Some jewelers think through the sequence of photos in great detail and upload only perfectly retouched shots, while there are those who prefer to publish ordinary photos and videos taken on the iPhone.

Kamyen manager Pooja Gadi has this to say: “Personally, I'm very interactive, and I deliberately post very realistic and unedited photos so that my followers can express their opinion. This is why I deliberately minimize the percentage of professionally edited images that I showcase in stories. It also allows our subscribers to better present product details and then schedule a face-to-face meeting."

I think many of you have already noticed the new Instagram feature that allows you to buy what you see in the feed. Usually, in such photos, a shopping cart icon is visible in the lower left corner, and next to the jewelry for sale there is a small dot - by clicking on it, you can see the price and a link to the site for making a purchase. So far, this feature is only available for brands with an online boutique, such as House of Meraki from London. Brand founder Gargi Rati says: “Today's shopper has a very short window of time to make a purchase decision. In a moment, he moves on to the next product, and this shopping cart feature allows you to get all the information, helping you quickly and easily navigate. At House of Meraki, we've seen a dramatic increase in sales with this feature, and we've also found that it gives the brand much more credibility on Instagram for first-time customers.

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