How to get a blue check on instagram hack

Hack Instagram and Get Verified! (Instagram Blue Tick hack)


Hack Instagram and get verified: If you use Instagram a lot in your daily life and spend a lot of your time on this application, you must have seen the verified badge on some pages. Nowadays, many users are working on Instagram and have many followers. Celebrities, singers, actors, etc., are some active people on Instagram. In this article from Iran Social Magazine, we will tell you how to get an Instagram verified badge in just a few seconds and teach you an Instagram verified badge hack.

Instagram Blue Tick Hack!

You must have seen the Instagram check mark on celebrities’ accounts and popular pages. This blue tick is a sign to distinguish the original pages from other fake pages. If you are active on this application, you have seen that when you search for the user name of a specific person, there are many accounts with the same name in the results. In this situation, it becomes difficult to distinguish the original account from fake pages.

The Instagram verification badge was created for this purpose to find out if the page is actual or not by seeing the blue tick on their pages. Mostly, people who are celebrities or have well-known brands or popular pages are going to get verified badge on Instagram. First, the person who wants to get a verified badge must send a request to Instagram and then Instagram will check the user’s requests. If the applicant has the conditions set by Instagram, the verified badge will be given to the applicant’s page for free!

5 Steps to Hack Instagram and Get Verified

If you want to know about Instagram verified badge hack and learn how to get Instagram verified badge in just a few seconds, you have to follow these steps:

  1. In the first step, you must log in to the account you want to get the badge for it and go to the “Settings” section.
  2. Once the settings page opens, select “Account”.
  3. Then in the next step, click on “Request Verification”.
  4. After that, a new page opens containing a form in which you must complete the required information and upload your ID card or passport in the specified section.
  5. And in the end, clicking the “send” button will send your request to Instagram.

What is a Verified Badge on Instagram for?

In the continuation of the article ” How to get Instagram verified badge in just few seconds “, It should be noted that: One of the common problems of cyberspace is the existence of people who try to defraud and abuse people. They do some actions like Instagram hacking or creating a fake account. Creating fake pages is one of the common actions of the fraudster, which confuses and abuses normal users on Instagram. There have been several cases of scams by fake pages until now, and Instagram has created a feature called Verified Badge to prevent this.

Getting verified on Instagram and Instagram verified badge hack has other advantages in addition to preventing people from being scams. One benefit is the increasing number of followers; This increase is because Instagram puts pages with a verified badge at the top of the search results list, so users follow these pages more than others. Also, in the Instagram suggestions section, verified accounts with Instagram verification badge are introduced to others so they can follow them.

Here are some of the benefits of Instagram blue tick:

  • Increase validity and gain users’ trust
  • Being at the top of search results
  • Easier user access to the page
  • Increase the number of followers
  • etc.

Winding up

If you want to hack Instagram and get verified, this article is a complete guide. As we explained, the verified badge was added to the numerous features of this application to prevent scams and abuses as much as possible; In this series of Iran social‘s articles, we learned how to get an Instagram verified badge in just a few seconds! And all about Instagram verified badge hack. Also, the applications and benefits of the verified badge on Instagram were other things we explained in this article.


What is the benefit of being verified on Instagram?

Verified accounts get access to new features before they become available to the public. Also, having this badge increases the credibility of the page and as a result, you can get more followers!

How many followers do you need to be verified?

It is interesting to know that there is no exact number of followers in order to get a verification badge. With any number of followers, you can send request to Instagram to get verified, but you must meet the criteria required by Instagram.

The Instagram verified badge gives credibility to your page. In this case, you can get more followers and earn money with the help of IGTV ads, useful content and marketing.



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How to Get Verified on Instagram for Free: AKA How To Get A Blue Check On Instagram (Updated) - Rachel Pedersen

My name is Rachel Pedersen and I’m verified on Instagram… 

I’m about to rock your world by showing you how to get verified on Instagram for free, but most importantly how to get a blue check on your instagram profile! I tried to make things as simple as possible so i added a step by step guide, but just in case you prefer video, I added a tutorial below!

Before discovering this process, I was offered verification for $5000… A huge risk, and no guarantee. I said no, and then decided to figure out how – within 48 hours I got that beautiful blue check on Instagram!

But before we start what is getting verified on Instagram?

Sometimes called an Instagram badge, Instagram public figure, blue tick, blue checkmark….

It’s that beautiful blue check on Instagram that used to be given only to celebrities, athletes, or major political figures…

However, things have changed! Instagram has opened up verification to applications from anyone. Not everyone will get it – but I’ll give you the steps to increase your chances of verification.

What are the Benefits of Being Verified on Instagram? Is Instagram Verification Important?

Being verified on Instagram gives your platform some perceived status increase. Some people consider the blue checkmark to be the same as celebrity status, since it can be easier for celebrities to get verified.

If a celebrity applies for Instagram verification, they’re likely to be approved quickly.  

WARNING: The first steps are super important, without them, you won’t be able to get verified, so don’t skip a single step.
  • Your profile must be public. Important note, once you’re verified, you cannot make your profile private without contacting Instagram – or you’ll lose your Instagram badge.

Important note: Instagram is a little funny about generic pages, pages that use copyrighted material, repost pages, and celebrity fan pages. It’s worth trying because you’re not penalized for trying – just keep that in mind before you apply.

  • You need a profile picture.

Important note: Your Instagram name cannot be changed once you’re verified – just keep that in mind. However, it is rumored that changing your Instagram handle (ever) decreases your chances of getting verified.

  • Make sure your bio is fully optimized – meaning filled out – including a link in your bio. 
  • You’ll need several posts – at least 4.
  • I recommend making a big push to grow your following (and how you engage with those you follow) before applying. One way to do this is by asking your friends and network to follow your profile.
  • Instagram is going to be looking for authentic behavior – if you use any bots or virtual assistants for growth/engagement, you’ll want to turn them off and have them log out for 30 days before applying – so you don’t raise any red flags for Instagram.
  • And then you are going to apply here by following these steps:

They’re going to ask for the following information:


Full Name


Photo ID

And then the waiting game begins.

How Long Does it Take to Get Verified on Instagram?

Usually Instagram will notify you of your approval or denial for verification within 30 days. 

However, there is no guarantee of verification – ever. 

If you get denied for Instagram verification, you can improve your public profile, your PR, and your overall reputation, and then apply again.

Here’s my Instagram profile – to give you some inspiration (oh, and give me a follow and send me a message. I want to connect!)

Head on over to my YouTube video – where I’m going to give you the secret hack to increasing your chances of becoming verified… AND how to avoid being scammed with Instagram verification scams:

Usually in about 48 hours you’ll be notified of an approval or denial – in your notifications or email from Instagram.

If you’re told yes – congrats! You are now an Instagram public figure – welcome to the club!

If you are told no, don’t stress! I was rejected 2x before I got approved.

If you’re denied verification, put it on the calendar to apply again in 30 days – and I’m gonna give you my secret have for increasing your chances of Instagram verification approval.

You can check that out here:
Oh, and I’ve got an incredible resource for you of my FAVORITE social media tips – you can pick that up here: https://rachelpedersen.

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Blue tick on Instagram: how to get

At the end of August 2018, for the first time on Instagram, it became possible to directly submit a request for verification of your account in order to receive the coveted "blue tick".

Apple in Telegram and YouTube. Subscribe!

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Blue checkmarks are rare on Instagram, even among famous brands and celebrities. The process of verifying (verifying) an account has always been shrouded in a halo of uncertainty - no one has ever known how the verification takes place. There is even a special black market where treasured verified account badges are offered for thousands of dollars.

Now everything has changed. From now on, the verification process has become much simpler and clearer. Now any user can apply for verification of their account by going through a few steps.

From the description of the new Instagram verification system:

“The checkmark is an important sign that the account you are dealing with actually belongs to a well-known public figure, celebrity or global brand. Starting today, we are providing accounts with a large number of followers and who meet our requirements with a new option to submit a verification request through a special form in the Instagram app.”

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How to get a blue tick on Instagram

Submit a request

1. Open your Instagram profile and go to Settings.

2. Follow the path "Account" → "Confirmation request" .

3. Provide the required information.

4. Provide proof of identity (passport or driver's license). Alternatively, you can submit utility bills or tax returns. Don't worry, these documents won't show up in your account.

If the name on your identification documents does not match your username, it may be difficult to verify your account.

♥ BY TOPIC: The most followed people on Instagram are the 40 accounts with the most followers.

Please wait

After doing all of the above, please be patient while Instagram checks your data. They will inform you of their decision in a special notice. If rejected, you can reapply after 30 days.

Tips and Requirements

Please make sure your account meets the requirements before applying for verification. First of all, your account must not violate the terms of the user agreement. In addition, Instagram experts will review your page for “authenticity, uniqueness, completeness, and outstanding qualities.”

What do these definitions mean for Instagram? Authenticity implies that the account actually belongs to a real person, brand or registered company.

Uniqueness means that only one account belonging to one person or company can get verified status. The exception is accounts created for certain languages. Accounts dedicated to broad interests (for example, dogs) are not subject to verification.

An account is considered complete if it is open, with a required profile photo, a completed bio, and at least one post. Please note that the page should not contain links to your profiles in other social networks.

The last criterion is the most stringent. On Instagram, an account that belongs to a famous person or brand is considered outstanding, which is often entered into the search engine. The social network regularly checks the pages that “glow” in the news, while paid content is not taken into account. Although the account verification process is now much more transparent, the last criterion can be interpreted in different ways.

Even with the new application form, not all users will be able to get the coveted check mark. There is an element of unpredictability here. Many popular accounts do not have verified status, but others, seemingly not so famous, do. What this is connected with is not clear.

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See also:

  • How to see all the photos you liked on Instagram.
  • Instagram cache on iPhone: where to look and how to clear.
  • How to add music to Stories (stories) in Instagram on iPhone - 2 ways.

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Tags: iFaq, instagram for iPhone and Mac OS X what is it - a question that arises among users of a social network. They often see characteristic blue ticks next to nicknames, realizing that these are popular personalities on the social network. The article presents information on how to get a mark, what it means, for what achievements Instagram gives a blue badge.

What does the blue tick next to the name mean on Instagram?

If there is a checkmark next to the name, it can be concluded that the account is verified. The social network, through this label, proves that the page belongs to a popular person, that this is not a bot or a fake.

Recently, users of the resource began to hunt for such a distinction, and insta began to provide such an opportunity. To get it, you should know for what benefits they give a difference.

Why do they give a tick?

As practice has shown, not everyone who sends a request succeeds in solving the question of how to get a blue check mark on Instagram. The account must meet the requirements and criteria.

How to officially get a tick through the Instagram app?

It is not easy to become an official owner of the checkmark. If you come across a regular profile with such a label, you should think about how legally he received it. To receive a tick, you must meet the following characteristics

Be popular

This requirement is considered the main and decisive. This is the direct meaning of what the blue tick on Instagram means. Without difficulties, the mark is received by:

  • Outstanding personalities;
  • celebrities;
  • media;
  • Brands with a worldwide reputation.

If the user does not have subscribers, you should take measures related to promotion and invest in advertising.


A single account must belong to the same organization or person. They must have an account. One account is registered per company or individual. An exception is the maintenance of profiles in different languages.


This is about authentication. The profile owner needs to provide certain documents to verify the account. This proves that the page is real and really belongs to a certain brand or person.

Fill in all fields

To receive a blue tick on Instagram, it is not enough to meet the requirements. It is important to correctly fill in the necessary information blocks and columns. The user needs to perform the following manipulations:

  • Entering the page;
  • The icon with three horizontal lines is pressed;
  • The line Settings is selected in the menu;
  • Activate the Help column in the window;
  • Select Report a problem from the options presented.

After that, a section opens in which you need to write who you are, indicate your readiness to provide documents, and write down a request for verification. Next, click Submit. The answer from the support of the social network will come to the mail.

If a positive decision is made, the letter will include instructions on how to proceed. It is necessary to follow it and send the requested papers.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Ask a Question

Submit a Checkmark Request

It may seem strange, but the initial request for a badge of distinction should be submitted via the problem report form:

  • Opening Options;
  • Switch to the Support tab;
  • Report a problem is pressed;
  • Selects the Profile line and the arrow located in the upper right corner.

After that, the process of sending a request for a label is carried out.

How to make a tick on Instagram?

When deciding how to get a shortcut, certain users take the following actions:

  1. Insert similar emoticons.
  2. Use deceptive methods and schemes.
  3. Trying to buy a badge.

Such manipulations are not able to give the desired result. You can find and download the emoticon, but you can’t put it next to the nickname, only in the profile description. As for fraudulent methods, after a certain time they will lead to account blocking.

The intention to buy a tick is considered the most unsuccessful option. It is impossible to do this, despite the many offers to provide a mark for money. These are scammers. They take money and provide nothing to users. The leaders of the social network officially declare that verification cannot be bought.

How many subscribers does it take to get a tick?

The question, from how many subscribers a blue dot is given, is considered the most frequently asked question. Users rightly believe that in order to receive a badge of distinction, you need to have a certain number of subscribers in your profile. There is no official rule here.

Audience size does not influence the decision whether or not to endorse the distinguishing feature. A person or company that wants to acquire the coveted mark can have any number of subscribers, from 800 people to hundreds of thousands of celebrities. Accordingly, the question of how many subscribers are needed is considered irrelevant.

What does the blue tick on Instagram give you?

The social network was originally designed for users to communicate with each other and for doing business. For large brands, this is a unique tool for connecting with customers and customers. You can advertise offers on the page. The main thing is to do it correctly, to pass marketing training.

When it comes to a serious status, the question automatically arises related to ensuring the optimal level of security. The reason is that it is quite easy to impersonate a certain person or run a dishonest business online. It is for this reason that the management decided to carry out the option of checking profiles and only then put a distinctive point.

Properly conducted verification, in addition to ensuring security, gives users benefits. It means:

  • Prestige is a pronounced benefit. In the world of social media, having a personal image is important. If a person sees a corresponding label next to the name, he automatically concludes that the account is serious and respected;
  • Protection against fakes. Users who will search for specific accounts in the search will receive pages that have passed verification in the first lines;
  • Possibility to put links in stories. This is a direct way to attract a large number of subscribers.

Each user who manages a brand on Instagram, after receiving a mark, understands how much better and easier it is to work, attract an audience and earn a high rating. Therefore, the question of how to get a tick on Instagram without popularity and programs forever in 2021 is so important.

How to copy a tick in instagram?

At the moment, the actual technique is how to copy a checkmark through the source code of the program. This is a dishonest workaround that will be closed after a certain time. To get a mark through copying, an ordinary person needs to act according to this scheme:

  1. Opens the profile of the "donor", for example, Olga Buzova.
  2. You need to open the source code by pressing ctrl+shift+i.
  3. Jump to the Elements line.
  4. The search is opened as in a normal browser, that is, via ctrl+f.
  5. The word Verified is entered.
  6. The returned first result is considered the desired row. After hovering over it, a highlighted mark will appear.
  7. This line should be copied.
  8. Opens own page and source code.
  9. Find the user profile.
  10. Right-click on the edit line in HTML mode.
  11. Before this, you need to paste the copied line from the profile of a famous person.
  12. Cancel is activated, after which the panel opposite is closed.
  13. A div is clicked that is in a horizontal menu.

After that, a false verification mark appears next to the name on the personal page without popularity, and forever.

Summing up

Verification and its characteristic blue mark are available to everyone in 2021. The main thing is to comply with the established requirements and correctly send an official request for a badge. If you purchase a mark for your account legally, even if you are not a celebrity, you will be presented with many benefits related to confirmation of fame and prestige.

Instagram tick: what is it and how to get it

How to get a tick on Instagram - what it is, what it means and how to set it up - a question that interests users of the social network. The article presents this information. You can understand what the presence of a mark means. It is described how to obtain and for what purpose it is needed.

What does the blue tick on Instagram mean?

A similar mark indicates the fact that verification has been passed in insta. Account owners can get it, but subject to conditions. These are stars or brands. The icon confirms that the profile belongs to a specific person, and not to a scammer. People who need to advertise tend to choose official profiles.

Despite this mark, the sign does not confer privileges. The user does not get access to technical support. There are no priorities in the feed. There is no additional protection against hacking.

What is the checkmark for?

As noted above, the main purpose of the checkmark on Instagram is the official verification of the profile in the photoset. Issued after official confirmation of identity. A person submits a support request. Employees ask him for copies of personal papers. This is required to verify your identity.

Sending and receiving a response is done exclusively via e-mail. This operation takes some time. There is no automation here. Documents and other processes are carried out manually.

There is no other way to get a mark. You should not consider the offers of numerous dubious resources on the network. They promise to provide a badge for a fee. It should be understood that these are scammers who cannot provide such services.

How to get a tick on Instagram?

A step-by-step instruction on how to get official status looks like this:

  1. Opens the Parameters size.
  2. Goes to a support page.
  3. The option to report a problem is activated.
  4. Profile is selected.
  5. The arrow is pressed, which is in the upper right corner.
  6. The grounds for putting down the badge are written.
  7. The icon located at the top right is pressed.

The main condition is the link to the FB account. If it is observed, it remains to wait for the response of the social network to the specified mail. It will outline the next steps. It must be adhered to, regardless of how many subscribers the profile works with.

How many subscribers do you need to get it?

One of the main criteria influencing the decision whether to put a distinction or not is compliance with the requirements. There is no rule regarding how many subscribers you need.

The number of the audience does not affect the final decision of the received tick in the social network. The account owner can have any number of followers. For example, there is a verified @kraftdressing profile. He has only 700 people.

Is it possible to get a tick on Instagram without popularity and programs?

According to unofficial information, you can purchase a badge without contacting support and without providing documents. Here are the common methods for acquiring a mark:

  1. Using a Photoshop program. The method is suitable if you want to mark a label on the monitor and only for a short time. This is an opportunity to take a screenshot and send it to someone for the sake of showing off.
  2. Using the account page source code. This path is available to users with relevant knowledge.
  3. Adding a special emoji emoticon in front of the name. You can copy and paste it strictly in front of the nickname. This is an efficient option. But it can persist until the user refreshes the page.
  4. It is possible to pay a person who can negotiate with the familiar developers of the photoset. This is clearly a scam. Criminals demand payment for services and disappear.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that it is impossible to tick the box on the legal level on your own. All you can do is get a temporary, purely visual effect. Methods are suitable for self-presentation and short-term advertising.

What does the blue tick on Instagram give you?

The benefits of such a selection can be achieved in a situation where the profile is promoted, and they are trying to copy it. Users who are looking for a specific person pay attention to such accounts where the icon is present.

You don't have to break into a cake to make a blue dot. The result can be achieved if you pay attention to the standard methods of promotion. Subscribers in a social network are obtained through content. A much greater result can be achieved if you do not give money to scammers, but pay for advertising or cheating followers.

It is not enough to go through the verification path to get the enumerated privileges. This is available under the following conditions:

  • Profile Authenticity. This means that the page must be real and belong to the person applying for the mark. It can be a brand or a company;
  • Uniqueness. You need to have a single account. This rule must be observed regardless of the topic;
  • Account and official page must be open and filled. We are talking about a bio, the presence of an avatar and several publications;
  • Minimum exposure required. Marks next to the name are given to popular personalities, companies and brands.

If you get the verification badge illegally, you may face a profile block.

Summing up

As soon as a positive reputation is acquired, the feed will be filled with publications, you can write a letter to the support service for confirmation. They give actionable advice that they give to an ordinary person. If you act illegally, you may encounter loss of funds and other common troubles. If you want to become famous forever, one blue tick is not enough. Nothing is possible without popularity. It is worth working on a brand account comprehensively.

How to get a tick on Instagram without popularity and programs in 2022

Many users of the popular service are interested in the question - how to get a tick on Instagram without popularity and programs? Is it possible to do this quickly, forever in 2022 - we will tell in this manual.

Instagram checkmark - why is it needed?

Every year the number of active users of this social network is growing rapidly, many celebrities (actors, politicians, models, show business stars) also have Instagram pages.

In parallel with this, there are scammers who want to cash in on someone else's fame. They create fake accounts of famous people in order to deceive and attract subscribers.

Therefore, Instagram added the ability to get a verification checkmark to confirm the authenticity of the profile. Now, if we specify the desired name in the search, then among the numerous fakes we will see the only genuine page.

And the owners of such "privileges" can place ads in their stories, and their publications, comments have an increased priority.

But what if you're not a celebrity? Is it possible to decorate your page with a special mark in 2022? At the same time, I would not want to resort to third-party programs and suspicious services (and there are enough of them on the network). And, of course, the result must be achieved quickly and forever.

How to get an official Instagram tick?

Before applying, please check if your account meets the following criteria:

  • Unique content - no copying of photos, videos and text from other pages. Only original recordings belonging exclusively to you;
  • Search interest - your profile should be searched frequently through the search form, which indicates its popularity and relevance;
  • Affiliation with the brand (personal or company, musical group), political party, etc. Just like that, from the "bay-floundering" Instagram does not give out blue checkmarks;
  • No violations of the terms of the user agreement. Be sure to read it before submitting a request;
  • Correct design - the presence of a competent description, logo, at least 9 posts, indication of reliable contact information (phone, e-mail). During the verification process, they can send a confirmation email or even call;
  • Real followers - Instagram service pays special attention to checking followers. If they are wound up, do not show activity, they will not be taken into account. And it is unlikely that such an account will receive a verification checkmark;
  • Open profile - closed accounts are not considered!

How to apply?

You need to open the official Instagram app on your mobile device, go to your page, open the main menu (using the "sandwich" button in the upper right corner). Then we go to "Settings", specifically - the "Account" section. There we select the action - "Request confirmation":

Fill in all the fields of the form. Be sure to enter the correct category and attach a snapshot of identification documents (passport/driver's license for individuals, tax documentation/registration certificate for legal entities):

It may take up to 30 days after shipping. And you will definitely get an answer - positive or negative. Sometimes the result becomes known even after a couple of hours. But if Instagram needs extra time to check all the details, then you won’t get an official checkmark right away.

Unfortunately, this is the only way to implement the plan. Without popularity, you can’t get a blue mark on your Instagram page.

Instagram tick - how to get and put it next to the name

Instagram has a special attribute that confirms the authenticity of the page. It's called the "blue jackdaw". Many people want to know how to get a tick on instagram. Effort is required to earn this badge of distinction. There are other ways to achieve the goal. About how the blue character can become part of the user's name and why it is so popular, you will learn further.

The blue badge will prove that the other pages are fakes created by people who have nothing to do with you. You will have the same status as famous rock artists, writers, portrait painters, media representatives, public figures and other people with a large set of followers on Instagram. Try using the search to open the Britney Spears page. In the issue you will see a considerable number of profiles - only one of them is real. Usually such an account comes first in the list, with confirmation in the form of this icon. Its owner is trusted much more.

How to get a blue symbol

Anyone who wants to know how to get a tick on instagram without being a media person or a representative of a large company is forced to take the initiative in his own hands. There are several ways to get a badge. The first of which is to work with the Instagram settings and then wait for the support response. The letter arrives in a few days. If the request is not approved by the administration, then you can repeat it after recruiting subscribers.

Another option is suitable for those who have an audience in other social networks. networks: users just need to be tied to a profile, which will significantly increase the chances. The semi-official way is to copy the icon code into your own nickname. This bug is temporary, as it disappears after the first page reload. The benefit of the third method is the design of a screenshot to show off in front of friends.

What you need to become the owner of a jackdaw

Consider the classic approach: how to make a blue Instagram badge using the settings on the site. This option does not take long.

  1. Go to the personal section of the social. instagram networks.
  2. Go to the "parameters" sub-item.
  3. Find the "support" tab and click on the "report a problem" link.
  4. Now, in the window that opens, specify the required area related to your problem. We are talking about the "Profile" item - click on the arrow in the upper right part.
  5. The fifth step is to write a letter addressed to the site administration. Write concisely, using business style.
  6. Submit your request by pressing the confirmation key (upper right area).

If these steps are followed correctly, a support response will not be long in coming. Just a few days - and the letter will appear in the provided field. Retrying in case of disapproval from the owners of makes sense if you have gained significantly more followers. An increase in activity usually changes the situation for the better.

Is it possible to get a blue tick without popularity

Experts say that it is impossible, although there are other opinions. For example, that a badge can be obtained without popularity in just a day. To do this, you need to know certain personalities. And it is not cheap - in the amount of about $ 15,000. A small group of hackers with special technologies work here, as well as acquaintances in the Instagram corporation itself. So, a certain James, who does not disclose his full name, has an acquaintance who works on Instagram. He helps James verify users, but lately he has become more and more afraid of revealing fraud.

It would seem that an ordinary user does not need a checkbox, in general - it does not pay off the risk, funds and invested efforts. But there are influential people who have their own benefits from this sign. They are ready to buy it at any cost. In general, automatic mode is not provided for verification - badges are assigned only manually and to popular personalities. Requests here usually do not help. You need to be an actor, a representative of the world of sports or just a well-known, promoted person. According to the creators, it is generally pointless to look for any alternative options.

No software

One of the most popular questions for developers related to the process of identification for a badge. The creators once again emphasized that the automatic mode for these purposes is not yet provided. That is, everything is done only manually by the employees of the company. With one hundred percent probability, badges are assigned only to truly famous personalities. Network employees check and carefully analyze applications without any special programs. If a person meets accepted standards, she gets an additional free tick on Instagram, for free online.

Thus, it is absolutely pointless to look for some additional ways at the moment. Of the really working ones, only a temporary replacement of the code is noted. A lot of videos have been created about this method, but you should not take it seriously. Having finished drawing a daw on a personal page, the user discovers that after the update it is no longer there. After all, this is not even verification, but, in general, a waste of time. The main purpose of the badge is, without any additional funds, to find the real page of a person who, due to popularity, has many clones. By itself, it does not add special status.

How many followers do you need to get a tick on Instagram

To admire a badge next to your name, you must at least be a global brand or an outstanding person (actor, sportsman). A simple user does not have such privileges. And even if you're a star, you'll need to connect a verified Facebook profile to your account to get the blue badge.

  1. create an online Facebook account;
  2. open "options" and go to "settings";
  3. look for the "linked accounts" link - mark other verified pages (if any).

Next, recruit subscribers - there must be at least 3000 of them. If a person is known to many, Instagram employees contact her and ask for a photo or a scan of her passport. If you yourself sent the application, and the answer does not come for a long time, it is recommended to contact technical support. Suppose a refusal came, despite your fame - there is no point in getting upset. It is necessary to collect more subscribers and attach public profiles from other resources, thereby promoting your account. Then Instagram itself will send you an offer to receive a badge.

Is it possible to buy a badge on Instagram

Buying a badge on Instagram is not provided. It's official. But there is an option to buy a blue badge from "gray" sellers for money. The smallest amount that was recorded was $1,000. The offers are allegedly implemented through Instagram employees. Whether it is worth trusting such sellers is a personal matter for everyone. The official position of the creators of the site: “we do not implement verification for money; at the slightest suspicion of unauthorized appropriation of the jackdaw, we remove it. In this regard, it is better to invest in advertising promotion of the account, mass following or ordinary cheating. This may bring more reliable results.

The best way to get a jackdaw on Instagram is to go through standard verification. The procedure is free, but the probability of success is negligible if you do not reach the star level. An example of clear signs of popularity: you are a well-known blogger who is often mentioned in various publications, you have ten thousand subscribers. Otherwise, just connect Instagram to other social networks. So fans will be aware that the profile is definitely yours, and not a fake one.

What does the jackdaw mean on Instagram after the name

The blue badge is more useful when you are the owner of a large promoted account (which someone is constantly trying to copy). As a result, people searching for your well-known page in the search results immediately distinguish between a real profile and fake copies. Instagram itself calls such jackdaws “confirmed business cards.” Those. there is no special need to spend a lot of time and effort on getting an icon next to the name. It only makes sense to promote the account, attracting more subscribers and posting high-quality content, and not buying "through a friend."

So, to the question of what the check mark next to the name on Instagram means, the answer will be: this symbol in the name of the blue tint indicates that the account is not owned by an impostor, but by a truly popular person. You can see the icon on the user's page and in other places where the nickname is used. If the profile has a similar mark, it means that it is official. Netizens need not worry - there is no impostor hiding under the name of the company / star. Each photo album is authentic and replenished personally by the owner.

Is the blue check mark on Instagram forever?

Many users are interested in how to tick the box on Instagram forever. It all depends on how you get it.