How to see who you most recently followed on instagram

How to See Who I Recently Followed on Instagram?


  1. Just open the app and go to your profile.
  2. At the top, right under your bio.
  3. You’ll see a list of the last few people you’ve followed.

How to See Who I Recently Followed on Instagram?

How To See Someone’s Recent Followers On Instagram

Can you see who someone recently followed on Instagram?

Yes, you can see who someone recently followed on Instagram. To view a list of the people that someone has recently followed, open the person’s profile and tap the Following button.

Are Instagram following in order of most recent?

Yes, Instagram followers are generally in reverse chronological order. This means that the most recent posts will be at the top of people’s feeds, and older posts will be pushed down.

How can I see who recently followed my boyfriend on Instagram?

To see who recently followed your boyfriend on Instagram, you can go to his profile and click on the “followers” tab. This will show you a list of all of the people who have started following him recently.

Can you track someone’s activity on Instagram?

Yes, you can track someone’s activity on Instagram. They may not be aware of it, but Instagram does track all user activity, including likes, comments, and posts.

How do I know who stalks my Instagram?

There is no sure way to know for certain if someone is stalking your Instagram account, but there are some things you can look out for. For example, if you suddenly start receiving a lot of messages from someone you don’t know, or if they start following you very closely, then it’s possible that they are stalking you. If you have any concerns, you can always report the person to Instagram.

How does Instagram order someone’s following list?

Instagram orders someone’s following list by who they are following back. The order goes from the people who have followed the user back the longest to the people who have followed the user back the shortest amount of time.

Does a person whose Instagram you view a lot show at the top of your following list?

It’s possible that a person whose Instagram you view a lot will show up at the top of your following list, but there is no guarantee. Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing, so it’s difficult to say for certain how it works.

Is there a way to see everyone you’ve ever followed on Instagram?

Yes, there is a way to see everyone you’ve ever followed on Instagram. To view a list of all the accounts you’ve followed, go to your profile and tap “following.” This will show you a list of all the accounts you’ve followed, as well as when you last followed them.

How can you see someones private followers?

In order to see someone’s private followers, you must be following them and they must have enabled the “followers” setting for public profiles. If they have not enabled this setting, then you will only be able to see their following and followers numbers.

How can you check if two people follow each other on Instagram?

There is no one definitive way to tell if two people follow each other on Instagram. However, there are some methods that you can try.
One way is to look at the followers and following lists for each account. If the two accounts are following each other, then their names will appear next to each other on the list.
Another way is to use a third-party app. There are a number of apps that allow you to see who follows who on Instagram.

How do you know if someone is talking to someone else on Instagram?

If you’re following someone and they have a public account, their posts will show up in your feed. If you click on their profile, you can see all of the people that they follow and all of the people who follow them. If someone is following someone else and they’re not following you, their posts won’t show up in your feed, but you can still see their profile by clicking on their name.

How can you tell when someone was last active on Instagram?

There is no one definitive way to check if two people follow each other on Instagram. One way to try to determine this is to search for the two usernames on Instagram and see if they appear in the same results. However, it is possible that the two users do not follow each other even if they are following each other’s accounts.

How do you stalk someones Instagram activity?

There are a few ways to stalk someone’s Instagram activity. The most common way is to simply search for their name on the app and then select “followers.” This will show you a list of everyone who is following that person. You can also view their profile by selecting their name, which will show you all of the photos and videos that they have posted. If you want to see who has liked or commented on their posts, you can select “activity” from their profile.

Why is someone at the top of my following list?

The person at the top of your following list is likely there because they are one of your first followers. Twitter sorts followers by when they joined Twitter. The first people to follow you are at the top of your list.

Why does someone’s name appear first on Instagram search?

When you search for someone on Instagram, their name appears first in the results because their account is set to be “public.” This means that anyone can see their profile and posts unless they’ve made their account private.

2 Ways to Check Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram

Are you curious about who your friend on Instagram’s following? Do you want to check who he recently followed?

No matter what reasons you have for wanting to know who that person follows on Instagram, there’s a way to find those details out — if you know how.


How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram

With Instagram’s current app update, there’s no way for you to know who someone recently followed as the list’s categorized based on who that person knows the most. But, you can use third-party sites like Snoopreport and IG Export to keep track of who an Instagram user follows.


Seeing Who Someone Followed Recently on Instagram — Here’s How

As mentioned above, there’s no way you can find out who someone’s recently following on Instagram.

Though you can check out who that user’s following by heading to the Following category on his profile, they’re not chronologically arranged.

Though there was a time when the “Following” list was arranged to who someone recently followed, Instagram again removed that feature and categorized the list to who someone interacts with the most.

With that said, we need to use third-party sites to be able to check who someone recently follows on Instagram.

The only question is how much you’re willing to shell out so you can get that juicy bit of detail.


Free App: IGExport

If you’re eager to find out who someone (your crush, perhaps) recently followed on Instagram but not willing to pay a hefty amount to get the report, IGExport’s the app you’re looking for.

IGExport’s a Chrome extension tool that you can install on your browser to get a report on someone’s recent followings.

To get started, follow these simple steps to install and use IGExport:

Step 1: Open a new tab on your Chrome browser and type “IGExport” on the address bar.

A few search results will then appear on the page.

Step 2: Click on the IGExport search result that leads to the Chrome Webstore (this is the first result on the list).

Step 3: After clicking that result, the page will then reload to open IGExport on the Chrome Webstore.

Head to the page’s right side and select “Add to Chrome.”

Step 4: After clicking “Add to Chrome,” a pop-out window will appear, asking you if you want to add IGExport as a Chrome extension.

Select “Add extension” and wait for Google to install the IGExport browser extension.

Step 5: Head to the Chrome toolbar and select the “Extensions” button. This appears as a puzzle piece icon.

Step 6: Scroll down the dropdown menu until you locate the IGExport extension. Then, click the pushpin icon to pin the IGExport extension to the taskbar.

But, pinning the extension to the taskbar is only an optional step.

Step 7: Once IGExport’s pinned on the taskbar (as mentioned, it’s an optional step in the process), log in to your Instagram account.

Step 8: After logging into your IG account, head to the search bar and encode the username of the person you’re curious who he’s following.

Then, when his account name appears on the dropdown menu that appears, click on it.

Step 9: After selecting the username on the list of accounts that appear, you’ll then find yourself on that person’s profile page.

Copy the username by highlighting and right-clicking on it before clicking the “Copy” option.

You can also just highlight the username and press Ctrl + C to copy it.

Step 10: Select the IGExport extension on the taskbar and paste the username you want to track in the box provided.

Then, select whether you’ll track the person’s followers or followings. Choose “Following.

Step 11: Then, select the “Export Following” button for IGExport to generate the report.

The page will then reload, listing the usernames that the IG user follows in chronological order. The ones you’ll see at the top are the most recent followings.

If you want to keep a file of the report, select the green “Download following” button to begin exporting the list on your device.

Yet, if you prefer that reports on the account become automated without repeating those steps, select the second method below.


Paid App: Snoopreport

If you want regular reports delivered to your email without the need to manually set up everything, then Snoopreport’s the app you should use.

For those who aren’t familiar with this app, Snoopreport allows a person to see who someone’s following on Instagram on a regular schedule.

But, you’ll need to pay to avail of their services.  

So, if you’re hell-bent to track someone’s followings, keep reading the steps that you’ll need to follow below.

Step 1: On your browser’s address bar, type “” This move will then lead you directly to Snoopreport’s website.

Step 2: Once you’re on Snoopreport’s website, select the “Log in” button and enter your account credentials.

But, if this is your first time using Snoopreport, choose the “Sign up button instead.

Step 3: In the Sign up pop-out window that appears, enter the valid email you’re using and create a password for the account.

Then, confirm the password again before you tick the “I agree to Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy” box.

After which, select the yellow “Sign Up” button.

Step 4: You’ll then be redirected to the Dashboard page. 

On the Dashboard page, head to the “Add account” button and click it. You’ll then see a pop-out window asking you to buy a subscription.

Select the “Buy Subscription” button and choose the plan you’d want to avail yourself of.

After which, choose the “Subscribe button and encode the card details subsequently on the Payment page.

Click “Subscribe” again after you’ve completed the payment details needed.

Step 5: After setting up your account, select “Add account” again and enter the IG username you want to track in the pop-out window.

Select the “Check” button.

Then, all you have to do is wait for Snoopreport to prepare the report for you. You’ll find the reports in the dashboard area.

Step 6: Click on the Activity Report you want to view. Then, scroll down the report until you see the “New follows” section. 

You will then see the list of that user’s recent followings listed chronologically, complete with the date and time.

And, since you’re paying for a subscription, you’ll receive an activity report on that IG account every week — including that user’s new followings, if there are any.

So, which of these 2 methods are you leaning towards?


Frequently Asked Questions about How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram


Does Snoopreport track Instagram accounts that are set as private?

Though Snoopreport gives you a detailed report on the IG user’s activities for that week, it cannot check private accounts.  


Is there a way to check who someone recently followed on Instagram without using third-party apps or sites?

Though one can see who someone follows on Instagram, you cannot tell when that person followed such an account. With Instagram’s recent update, the “Following” list is arranged according to how often the user interacts with those he’s following and not chronologically.


How do I access the Followings list of an Instagram user?

First, you need to type the username on the search bar on the feed page. Click on the account that matches and allow Instagram to send you to that account’s profile page. On the profile page, click the “Followings” button until you see a pop-out window appear with that account’s list of followings.


If I can’t see who someone follows recently on Instagram, does this apply to my account as well?

Unfortunately, you cannot also identify when you followed a certain Instagram account through the Followings list. You cannot even sort your Followings list chronologically so you’ll have an idea who you followed recently.


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How to find out who you recently followed on Instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 16 Posted by

Short answer

  1. Open the app and tap the three bars in the top left corner. nine0014
  2. Scroll down and select Settings. then "Account".
  3. In the "Recent Follows" section, you will see a list of the last 10 people you follow.

How can I find out who you recently followed on Instagram?

How to find out who recently followed on Instagram and track someone's following on Instagram

How to find out who recently followed on Instagram?

To see a list of people someone recently followed on Instagram, open the app and go to your profile. At the top, you'll see a section labeled "Subscriptions". It will say "Recent" underneath. Click "Recent" and you'll see a list of people Instagram thinks you've recently followed. nine0003

Does Instagram show followers by latest?

Yes, Instagram followers are displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent followers at the top. This is the default setting for Instagram, but users can change this setting to see followers in a different order.

Is the list of followers on Instagram displayed in interaction order?

There is no clear answer to this question because it depends on many factors, such as how often someone interacts with an account and how many people follow that account. However, as a general rule, the number of followers on Instagram will most likely match who the user of the account is following. nine0003

Can you tell me who the person interacts with the most on Instagram?

You can tell who someone interacts with the most on Instagram by looking at their followers and who they follow. If someone has a lot of followers but doesn't follow many people, then it's likely that they only follow accounts that are connected to them or that they're interested in. If someone follows a lot of people but doesn't follow a lot of followers, then they probably aren't very active on Instagram or their posts don't generate much interest. nine0003

How to find out who someone recently followed on Instagram 2020?

To see who recently followed Instagram in 2020, open the app and go to the user's profile. At the top of the profile, you'll see a list of users the person has recently followed.

Can you see someone's activity on Instagram?

Yes, you can see someone's Instagram activity if their account is public. If someone's account is set to private, you won't be able to see their activity. nine0003

Can you tell who is viewing your Instagram?

Yes, you can see who has viewed your Instagram profile. To see a list of people who have viewed your profile, go to your profile and tap the Follows tab. In the "Who viewed your profile" section, you will see a list of people who have viewed your profile in the last day, week, and month.

The person whose Instagram do you watch many shows at the top of your next list? nine0003

Yes, the person whose Instagram you frequently follow will appear at the top of your follower list. This is because Instagram ranks users based on how often they interact with them. The more you interact with someone's posts, the higher they will show up in your list of followers.

Why does my ex show up in my Instagram offers?

Probably because you follow them on Instagram. When you follow someone, Instagram will prompt you for their account when you view other users' profiles. nine0003

How does Instagram sort followers by default?

Instagram sorts the list of followers by default based on who you interact with the most. If you like and comment on a lot of posts from a certain person, they will move to the top of your list.

What does someone's Instagram order mean?

There is no definitive answer to this question because the order in which someone follows on Instagram can mean different things to different people. However, some general things that can indicate follower order include: how popular someone is on Instagram, how engaged their followers are, how much influence they have, and how much influence they have. nine0003

How do I know if someone is talking to someone on Instagram?

Checking someone's Instagram story is the easiest way to find out if someone is talking to someone else. If they have a history with two or more people, then they are most likely talking to someone else.

How to check if two people follow each other on Instagram?

There is no single way to tell if two people follow each other on Instagram. However, there are several methods you can try. nine0079 One way is to look up the other person's Instagram username and see if they show up in the results. If yes, then it means that both of you are following each other.
Another way is to go to the other person's profile and see if there is a link at the top that says "following".

Why did Instagram remove the following activity?

In March 2018, Instagram announced the removal of the following activities from its platform. This change was made to improve the user experience with the app. The company stated that they found that people spend too much time keeping track of who their friends and followers are following and that this is not a good use of their time.0003

Can you find someone who loves an Instagram story?

Yes, you can see someone's Instagram like story. To view someone's like history, open their profile and tap the "Like" tab.

How to see the latest Instagram followers

Instagram is one of the most popular apps in the world . Social network users usually follow many other accounts and there may be times when we started following many accounts on the same day so we don't always know who we are following on the app. When this happens, many people want to see who was the last person to follow on Instagram. nine0003

This information is very easy to access and can be accessed by any user of the application. How this can be done has changed over time on Instagram. The social network no longer offers the features we had in the past. if we want to see the latest Instagram followers. Fortunately, there are new ways to see it.

We will also tell you how this can be seen in the accounts of other users of the social network. In addition, we also discuss whether we should do this or it is better not to do this on a social network. Because many users are interested in knowing which accounts are the last ones someone signed up for, such as their partner or friend, but this is not always what we should do. nine0003


  • 1 Account activity
  • 2 Instagram follower order
  • 3 See other people's recent followers on Instagram
  • 4 Is it appropriate to check who else is following Instagram?

Account activity

We may have noticed that we are following more accounts than we thought, or that someone close to us, such as a friend or partner, has begun to follow more new accounts in social network. It is possible that in these cases we are seeking to find out which accounts this person has recently started following. nine0009 Instagram has had an activity feature for a long time, thanks to which you could see the most recent accounts that this person began to follow. So it was very easy to get this information.

Thanks to this feature, gave us the opportunity to see the activity of our friends on Instagram . In other words, you could directly see which new accounts they started following, which posts they liked, or which new accounts they started following. Undoubtedly, it was a very convenient way to see what these people are doing on the social network. Fortunately or unfortunately, this feature was finally removed from the social network a couple of years ago after years of controversy with it. Therefore, we can no longer use it if we want to see which accounts we have recently started following or which our friend or partner has started following on their social media account. nine0003

There are now new ways for to see who they follow on Instagram. They don't work in the same way as the activity feature that was present in the social network a few years ago, but they also give us access to this type of data at any time in the application itself. As such, it pairs well with what many users have been looking for.

Instagram follower order

For a while, Instagram had a feature that Order accounts we follow. Thanks to this new feature in the social network, we can see who is the latest follower of our Instagram account, which is also possible very simply. For this reason, this is what seems to be a good help, as it allows you to see which accounts we have recently started following. This is something that will help if we are looking for a specific account, but we do not remember exactly its name, but we know that we have recently started following it. nine0003

This function gives two options for the order in which these accounts are displayed. . If we enter the section of accounts we follow on Instagram, these accounts are displayed in a predetermined order, but this does not allow us to see which ones are the most recent or the oldest ones we are following. Luckily, we have the ability to change this order at any time so we can choose whether we want to see the accounts we've followed recently or the accounts we've followed the longest. To see it on our Instagram account, follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram on your Android phone.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click the number of accounts you follow.
  4. Look at the icon with two arrows on the right side of the screen.
  5. Click this icon.
  6. In the menu that appears to sort these accounts, select the sort most recent option.
  7. Please wait while the order in which the accounts you follow changes to appear. nine0014

By doing this, you will see what will be displayed first. accounts that you recently started following on Instagram, in any version of the social network. This will allow you to quickly browse through these accounts and find a specific account if you did so because you were looking for a specific account but couldn't remember the person's name or profile. This method is presented as a very easy way to find it.

If you change the order in which these accounts appear in the app, You will then see the accounts you have followed for the longest time on Instagram. . These are the accounts that have been followed the oldest, i.e. the ones you have followed the longest. This way you can see the accounts that you may have started following when you opened your Instagram account. If you've been looking for an account you've been following for a long time, you'll be able to see it if you use this order.

See other people's latest followers on Instagram

Maybe our partner, friend or someone we know started following a lot of new Instagram accounts all of a sudden. Curiosity is something very powerful, and many people want to know what are the accounts that this person has suddenly started following on the social network. So many people are thinking about doing what we have done now on our profile, but unfortunately we cannot use the same system that we just used on other people's profiles. nine0003

The social network does not allow us to see the latest Instagram followers using this system. . This is a feature that only applies to our profile in the app. Despite this, there are many users who want to see which accounts this person has recently started following on the social network. It could be curiosity, or just that they don't trust the accounts that person is following, especially without parents who want to help their kids make better use of the social network. The good news is that there is a way to find out which accounts this person has started following recently, and besides, it is not something complicated that we have to do a lot for. Next steps:

  1. Open Instagram on your Android phone.
  2. Click your profile picture.
  3. Go to the accounts you follow.
  4. Find the name of this person you want to see who you started following.
  5. Log in to your Instagram profile.
  6. Go to the list of monitored accounts.

When we see accounts that another person is following on a social network, Instagram shows them directly in chronological order with the most recent accounts displayed first. That is, the accounts that this person has recently started following come out first and are displayed at the top. Therefore, we do not have to do anything in this regard. The social network is already showing them in the order we were interested in.

If we were looking for a specific account because we don't trust or don't want to know the reason why that account is currently being tracked, we can use it to find that account in the app. nine0003

Is it appropriate to check who else is following Instagram?

Actually this is what we should only do if we have minor children who have an Instagram account .

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