How to check common followers on instagram

How to View Mutual Followers on Instagram

By Aya Masango

Are you wondering which accounts follow both you and your favorite Instagram profiles? The app lets you check your mutuals.

We all know that in order to grow your network, you must connect with people. A common way to do that is through mutual friends and contacts. Social media platforms make it easier to foster connections with like-minded people.

Instagram is one such platform. Fortunately, it allows you to quickly check someone's mutual followers to help you decide whether to follow them. This article will show you how to find mutual followers on someone's profile. Let's get started.

What Are Mutual Followers on Instagram? Why Should You Check Them?

Mutual followers are Instagram accounts that you and another account have in common, like mutual friends in real life. Specifically, they're accounts that follow you and the profile you're looking at.

There are many reasons why you'd want to know if you and another Instagram account have mutual followers. If a stranger starts following you on Instagram, the first thing you'd want to do is check if anyone you know follows them. You might feel more comfortable following them back or accepting their follow request (in the event that your Instagram account is private) if they're followed by your friends or people you trust.

And if you're checking out an account for a business you want to buy from, you might want to vet it through mutual followers before giving it your money. You could also want to scope out a follow suggestion you came across in your Instagram feed. These can get annoying, though, so you may want to get rid of Instagram follow suggestions at some point.

How to View Someone's Mutual Followers on Instagram

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Checking someone's mutual followers has never been easier. And you can do it whether you follow that account or not. Instagram shows you how many followers you have in common, and you can browse the list on their profile.

Here's how:

  1. Open the profile whose mutual followers you want to see.
  2. If you have mutual followers, they'll appear in their bio after the words "Followed by". If there are more than two mutual followers, this will be indicated by the words "and [amount] others" after the two names. For example, "Followed by Jane Doe, John Doe, and 14 others".
  3. To view the mutual followers mentioned, tap on their names.
  4. To expand the list, tap on "... others".
  5. This will take you to their follower page with the Mutual tab selected. Scroll down the list to see all the mutual followers.

From there, you can tap any mutual follower to browse their Instagram page or send them a Direct Message.

Do Your Research on an Instagram Account

There are many reasons why you'd want to check out someone's mutual followers on Instagram. One of those is to get a second opinion on someone you're considering following.

You could also very well want to learn more about someone who has started following you. Whatever the reason, it's a good way to quickly vet an account you're unfamiliar with on Instagram.

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About The Author

Aya has been a copywriter since 2014. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Marketing Management Honors degree and a Bachelor of Social Science degree in Marketing/Management and Media & Cultural Studies. She's been a marketing consultant and freelance writer for international websites, writing about tech, media, social media, and more, since 2019.

How to see mutual followers on Instagram?

Instagram is by far one of the most popular social media platforms out there. It has completely revolutionised the way we share our lives online and how social media revolves around images. 

If you’re making a new account on Instagram, chances are that most of the people you’d know would already be there. Instagram also makes it extremely easy to see if you have any mutual followers with a particular person’s profile.

In this article, we’re taking a look at how you can check mutual followers with anyone on Instagram. 

Also read: How to fix the ‘Instagram notifications not working’ issue?

If you’re using Instagram using the app, here’s what you need to do.

  • Open the Instagram app and tap the Explore icon at the bottom.
  • Search for the profile you want to see the mutual followers with.
  • You’ll see your mutual followers listed right under the person’s bio.
  • Tap on it to open the mutual followers’ tab.  

And that’s how you can easily see all mutual followers and every other profile the person follows or who follows them, 

Note that if the profile you’re trying to see the mutuals with is private, you’ll only be able to see your mutual followers.

Also read: What does ‘User Not Found’ on Instagram mean? 7 talking points

If you’re using Instagram on a browser, here are the steps you need to follow.

Step 1: Head over to the Instagram website and log in with your account. 

Step 2: Search for the profile you want to see the mutuals with. 

Step 3: On the target profile page, you’ll be able to see all your mutual followers under the person’s bio.

You can further click on it to see a complete list of all mutual followers. 

Also read: Restrict vs Block on Instagram: Key differences and Privacy guide

Yadullah Abidi

Someone who writes/edits/shoots/hosts all things tech and when he’s not, streams himself racing virtual cars. You can reach out to Yadullah at [email protected], or follow him on Instagram or Twitter.

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