How to see someones newest followers on instagram 2020

How to see someone's recent followers on Instagram?

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How to see someone’s recent followers on Instagram? In the past, Instagram arranges your followers according to how long you have been friends with the person. You will see the most recent friends at the very top of the list. On the other hand, you will see your older friends as you scroll down. Sadly, this feature has been removed. After June of 2021, Instagram rolled out an algorithm that lists down Instagram followers in a random manner.

If you see your follower list from two different devices, you will see followers in different order. It is part of Instagram’s newly adopted best practices. 

In the article, we will be looking at how to check someone’s recent followers on Instagram using third-party apps.


How to see someone’s recent follower on Instagram?

After the recent Instagram algorithm update, you can no longer see followers listed in chronological order. Also, you can no longer check someone’s recent followers on Instagram.

In the below segment of the article, we will discuss specific techniques that still let you track recent users who followed your account on Instagram. 

The first technique involves checking the followers from the mobile app (iOS and Android device) and the web version.

Visit someone’s profile and tap on the Followers list from your mobile. There you will see their followers displayed in chronological order. This means the recent followers will be displayed at the very top.

However, you might need to refresh the list multiple times before landing on the list that has been organized in chronological order.

Also, this does not always guarantee that recent followers will be right at the top since there is no way to actually knowing that.

By using this technique you may just get an idea on who the most recent followers are but they are not in chronological order.

This will work from the web version as well.

· From your web browser, open Instagram.

· Type in the Instagram username of the account you want to check.

· Select the profile, and visit their profile.

· Select the Followers tab.

· You will see your recent friends on top.

There is no way to know the order of followers on Instagram. If you are lucky, you will see a list of followers in chronological order.

However, you also might be presented with a randomly assorted list with no meaningful order.

Don’t worry. There are other ways you can check someone’s recent list of followers on Instagram.

In the later parts of the article, we will be looking at how to use third-party apps to see new followers on someone’s profile on Instagram.

How to see when someone started following someone on Instagram?

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms. The sheer number of media content uploaded on this platform is enormous.

Instagram is so popular because it has excellent and entertaining content.

Thousands of Instagram users do not actively post or interact with other people’s posts on the platform. However, they are merely spectators.

They like to see what others are doing, which celebrity is visiting which country, and more.

With the earlier version of Instagram, you could see which accounts have been following you and for how long. You could see the exact date when someone started following you on Instagram.

Currently, you can no longer see for how long you have been following someone. Also, you cannot see from which date someone started following you on Instagram.

This is because, unlike Facebook that has a detailed Activity Tab, Instagram prefers to keep this information a secret.

If you check your Activity Log on Instagram, you will see all your activities are listed saying “abc” minutes ago. Instagram will not divulge the exact date and time of any activity on the platform of any user.

The only two activities you can track the date and time are Direct Messages and Instagram recent posts.

Instagram considers the information from when someone started following you a direct violation of their privacy policy.

How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram?

 Unfortunately, you cannot see who someone recently followed on Instagram. You can see the total number of followers someone has on Instagram but not the most recent followers.

The only way to do this is to keep a lookout on the account and write all the names of who the person follows in an excel spreadsheet and constantly update the spreadsheet. 

This is a tedious process that will require you to keep monitoring the person’s account. 

Can you sort followers by date?

Last year, Instagram rolled out a new feature that lets users arrange their followers in categories. By default, there are only two categories.

The first one organizes your most recent followers in one group.

And the other categorizes your oldest followers in another group.  

However, you cannot see the exact date when someone started following you.

Also, you cannot check the exact date and time for all the activities of your followers on Instagram. In their activity log, and even in yours, you will see each activity accompanied with vague time details such as “abc” minutes ago.

How to categorize users on Instagram?

Instagram allows users to categorize all their users in discrete categories. Using this feature, you can put your most recent friends in one category and the rest in another.

It’s already been a long time since Instagram rolled out a new feature that allows users to organize their followers into different meaningful categories.

We all know that Instagram has no shortage of quality content.

But unless you get to see something new on your Instagram feed (Home page), you might grow bored due to a lack of different content types. This is where the Category feature comes into play.

The default categories are- 

  1. Content or account you engage the most with
  2. Content or account you least engage with.  

After you do the sorting, you will have two groups of followers.

The first will include accounts you primarily interact with (like, comment, DMs, shares). On the other hand, you will have another category that lists all the users you have the least interaction with. 

Related : How to hide followers on Instagram

If you are an influencer or a content creator, this feature works wonders. Imagine you have a lot of followers (10 million+) following you on Instagram. You can’t engage with all of them.

And most importantly, you might also have your close friends and other family members following you on Instagram. You might want to see what they are posting.

Once you categorize your followers, you can easily toggle between these two categories.

Apps that can be used to see a friend’s new followers on Instagram?

In the above section, we have looked at categorizing followers on Instagram and seeing your recent followers both from the web version and the Instagram app version.

Now let us look at how you can check recent followers on Instagram using third-party apps :



With SnooprePort, you can keep an eye out for other people’s activity on the platform. With this tool, you can see what content your favorite celebrities and friends interact with.

Unlike other online tools, SnooprePort does not need you to download an app. 

You get to use all of its features from the cloud-based web version. Using this tool, you can track users’ activity logs (likes, comments, app purchases) spanning as much as 12 months. 

It shows other vital Instagram statistics too. You will be able to check other users’ activity in a detailed report.


KidsGuard Pro

KidsGuard Pro is an app that helps you keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. It is seen as an effective tool to protect your children from inappropriate content on Instagram.

To use it, you must download and install this app on the child’s phone that you want to track.

How do I know who stalks my Instagram?

Like Facebook, Instagram does not reveal the identity of other users who viewed your profile. This feature is not available on Facebook, Snapchat, and of course, Instagram.

However, if you are a regular user on LinkedIn, you will see that you can unlock the feature to check who was stalking your profile after you purchased a premium account.

Another key metric to look at is Instagram insights. However, this feature is only available if you use a business account.

There are also no valid third-party apps that can help you check who stalked your Instagram profile page. If any third-party app claims to do so, they directly violate Instagram’s terms and policies.

If you have a private account, stalking will not do much. Users can only see your bio and your follower count. Other than that, they might be able to see your mutual followers if you have any.

If you are new to Instagram, try not to accept ghost followers or fake followers. Often they are created to stalk people.

If you receive spam DMs, you can reach out to the Instagram help center.

Related : How to see what someone likes on Instagram?


1. Does Instagram show followers in order?

Unlike Facebook, Instagram does not show the followers in any meaningful order. This means you will not be seeing followers list organized in alphabetical order.

Instagram has a strict privacy policy. People who are not on your follower’s list will not be able to see which accounts have started following you recently.

However, if you have less than 200 followers on Instagram, there is a strong chance that your follower’s list will be organized alphabetically.

The list follows a simple rule: you will see the most recent followers at the very top of the list. As you scroll down, you will see the old followers on your account.

Even for public accounts on Instagram, you cannot see who are the most recent followers.

2. How is the default following sorted in Instagram?

There is no particular order on how followers lists are organized on Instagram. The app does not arrange the followers on your list alphabetically.

A special piece of algorithm arranges the users on your follower’s list. Also, if you check the people who have liked your posts, you will find no meaningful order. This indicates that it also follows a special algorithm that Instagram has kept a secret.

However, there is one default setting that organizes your followers on Instagram. As you scroll down the list of your followers, you will see the oldest followers. And at the very top of the list, you will find the most recent followers.

How To See Someone's Most Recent Followers On Instagram? 2022

Table of Contents

If you are someone who has been using Instagram for a while now. In that case, you must have already noticed that the application displays the list of the followers in chronological order, allowing you to check and see who has recently followed someone on Instagram and who are the oldest ones. The people who most recently have followed your account will be displayed on the top of the list, and the older ones will be displayed on the lower rank, depending upon how long they have been following you on buy Instagram followers.

We regret to inform you that this feature is no longer available. In June of 2021, Instagram implemented a random algorithm for listing followers.

Your follower list will appear differently if you view it on two different devices. Instagram adopted it as a best practice recently. Instagram sets that as its default setting.

The question is, “how can you see Instagram followers in order? In other words, how can you check who your friend has recently followed on Instagram?

The following techniques can still be used to see the most recent followers on Instagram without the new update.

The following post will teach you how to view someone’s recent Instagram followers. Our article has covered nearly every method of keeping track of Instagram users.

Can you Get Instagram followers?

Likesgeek offers a premium platform for buy Instagram followers. You will be very pleased with Likesgeek if you want to avoid fake followers that could alert the Instagram algorithm. In addition to selling high-quality followers, Likesgeek even sells followers from your targeted audience if you wish. It is also possible to buy Instagram likes and views on LikesGeek (with fast delivery).

This first technique involves checking the followers through the mobile app (for iPhone and Android devices) and the browser version.

Go to the person’s Get Instagram post comment or page you want to see the most recent followers. Tap to their followers’ list, and you will get to see the list in chronological order, such as the oldest followers displayed at the end and the newest ones on the top. However, sometimes recent followers may also be placed at the end of the list. So, always double-check.

If this method does not work for you, then you may also check it on the browser. However, if you opt to see someone’s recent followers on the mobile app, then the chances are you will see the default list, not the chronological one. At the same time, most people have also tried browser versions to lose followers in their selected pattern, and it also works.

Here is the way to check the targeted list of the followers on the browser version:

  • Open Instagram on your device’s browser.
  • Type the username on the search bar.
  • Choose the account and open the profile.
  • Tap to “followers” right next to the “following” tab.

This is how it will display the recent followers on the top of the list.

Recent followers may not always appear at the top since there is no way to know that. There are other ways to check someone’s most recent Instagram followers.

Our next step will be to discuss how to use third-party apps on Instagram to see new followers.

How can you see when someone has started following you?

One of the most popular social media platforms is Instagram, without a doubt. This platform hosts a large amount of media content.

There is a lot of excellent and great content on Instagram that makes it so popular.

The majority of Instagram users don’t actively post or interact with other people’s posts. However, they are interested in seeing what others are doing, which celebrities visit which countries, etc.

The earlier version of Instagram allowed you to see which accounts were following you and how long they had followed you. You can see the exact date someone started following you on Instagram.

The number of days you have followed someone is no longer visible to you. Similarly, Instagram does not let you know when someone began following you.

On the other hand, Instagram prefers to keep this information private, whereas Facebook has a detailed Activity Tab.

Your Activity Log will show your Instagram activities as “abc” minutes ago. There will be no divulgence of a user’s exact time and date of any activity on Instagram.

Only Direct Messages and Instagram recent posts can be tracked by the date and time.

The information about when someone started following you is considered a violation of Instagram’s privacy policies.

What is the best way to find out who someone has recently followed on Instagram?

The recent followers of someone on Instagram cannot be seen. You can see someone’s total number of followers on Instagram, but not their most recent followers.

You can only do this by keeping an eye on that account. You will need to keep monitoring this person’s account constantly for the following update.

The Instagram app introduced the ability to categorize followers last year. By default, there are just two categories.

  • Your most recent followers are organized in the first group.
  • Another group categorizes your oldest followers.

However, you cannot see when someone started following you.

Can you see who views your Instagram?

Instagram does not currently allow you to see who has looked at your profile. However, you can find out who watched your Instagram stories. You can discover who cares about your content by checking who regularly watches your stories. These people probably know what you post even if they do not respond to your posts. Your profile must be very interesting if they also watch every Instagram story you post. You’re on to something great! Keep going!

Does order sort Instagram’s follower list?

Instagram does not order its followers like Facebook. You will not see followers in alphabetical order. The Instagram privacy policy is strict. If the accounts you have started following you recently are not on your follower list, you cannot see them.

If you have less than 200 followers, you will likely have an alphabetical Instagram follower list.

A list of the most recently followed followers appears on top. If you scroll down, you’ll find your old followers.

It is impossible to see who has most recently followed a public account on Instagram.

Does Instagram allow you to view private accounts without following them?

Private accounts must have been introduced for a reason, right? The account can not be viewed by anyone who is not a pre-approved follower. It will always appear “this profile is private” whether you open it on your mobile device or desktop. Instagram private accounts can only be viewed by those who follow them.

What is the best way to view Instagram likes?

Instagram stopped publicly displaying the number of likes generated by posts in 2019. How does this work in practice? The number of likes under each Instagram post was easily accessible before the update. It has now been replaced by a vague “liked by other users”. Although you can manually count how many users like any particular post, it is virtually impossible to do so when the number of likes is in the thousands or hundreds for popular posts.

Some alternative ways to find someone’s most recent Instagram followers!

Here are some of the more ways you can follow to find out others’ most recent Instagram followers, so let’s have a look at them:


It can help you track the recent activities of up to 100 different Instagram profiles. It’s not actually for tracking the followers only. You may also check:

  • what posts others have liked.
  • which accounts have just followed their profiles.
  • which posts they like the most.
  • who their constant interaction is with.
  • the pages they interact with the most, and much more.

Moreover, you, of course, do not have to install the application. Neither do you need to provide any of your Instagram profile information. This online service lets you track fellow Instagrammers.

1: Visit and click Get started to register.

2: Enter your email address and password on the Sign-Up page. Also, agree to its terms and conditions.

3: Upon successful registration, you will be directed to the dashboard.

4: Click the Add Account option at the top, then hit Buy Subscription and choose the desired plan.

5: Pay the necessary amount to activate your account.

6: Click the Add Account button and input the username to track their activity.

Snoopreport will begin monitoring their activity and provide you with a weekly report. 

Snoopreport offers complete anonymity because it doesn’t need your IG username and password. It just requires the username of the account you wish to track. Additionally, you may view anyone’s Instagram activity from up to 36 weeks ago.

KidsGuard Pro

If you want to keep an eye on your child’s activities, then KidsGuard pro is the right option to shield your children. You may put an application on anyone’s phone or tablet (your child’s or anyone else) to keep track of how they use Instagram and other applications in their smart devices. The application has a lot of tracking options, in which one of them keeps a record of who the users follow on Instagram and what they enjoy the most. In order to install this application, you need to have access to someone else’s device, like a phone or tablet. However, you need to keep in mind the fact that the application is designed to track youngsters, not adults. This is because any adult seeing this application on their phone will know that they are being watched.

Instagram Followers Tracker app

There are undoubtedly very few numbers of applications available on the Play Store or Apple Store that allow you to track your friends’ followers on Instagram. However, if you install any other illegal application, in that case, it will acquire you to share your Instagram information also the password of your account, getting your full account access and its database. So, always ignore such illegal applications because Instagram may block you for this very reason due to violating the rules and regulations defined by the platform itself.

Track recent Instagram followers without the usage of any third-party applications!

If you are someone who is not able to perform any of the above actions or use apps, then here is the simple method you can follow to track someone’s most recent Instagram followers:

  • Go to Safari, Google Chrome, or any other web browser on your mobile phone and type “instagram. com” into the search bar.
  • Add your credentials to your account to log in, and then tap to the three-dotted icon, available on the top right corner of the screen, select “desktop site.”

  • Go to the profile of the person you want to examine the profile and then tap to the “followers” tab. Here, you can discover who the most recent Instagram followers are for the user you search for.
  • Here, you will be able to see all the followers in the chronological order that are sorted from the newest to the older followers.

No matter which device you use to examine the followers, be it PC, laptop, mobile, or tablet, you will see a list of followers in chronological format. Undoubtedly, it is one of the easiest and simplest ways to check someone’s most recent followers for Instagram.

How to check someone's latest Instagram followers?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 20 Posted by

Short answer

  1. To view recent Instagram followers.
  2. Open this person's profile and tap the Followers tab.
  3. At the top of the list, you'll see a bar showing how many new followers this person has gained in the last 24 hours.

How to Check Someone's Latest Followers on Instagram?

How to see someone's latest followers on Instagram

Can you see who a user recently followed on Instagram?

Yes, you can see who the user recently followed on Instagram. To do this, open the app and click on the "Profile" tab at the bottom. Then swipe left and you will see a list of recent followers.

How to see the latest followers on Instagram?

To see someone's latest followers on Instagram, you can go to their profile and click the Followers tab. This will show you a list of their latest followers in reverse chronological order.

Does Instagram show followers in order?

Yes, Instagram followers are displayed in reverse chronological order.

What does it mean to be first on someone's Instagram follower list?

This means that the person chose to follow the account and the account chose to follow in response. This doesn't mean that the account is necessarily someone's best friend or big fan, but it indicates a certain level of engagement or interest.

How do you see who interacts with the user the most on Instagram?

There are several ways to find out who a person interacts with the most on Instagram. One way is to go to that person's profile and click on the "Subscriptions" tab. This will show you a list of all the people this person follows. Another way is to go to the Explore tab and click on the Subscriptions tab.

Is there an app to see what someone likes on Instagram?

Yes! There are several different apps that allow you to see someone's likes on Instagram. One is called "Who Liked My Profile - Insta Follower App" and the other one is called "InstaLiker - Get More Likes for Instagram".

How do you know if someone is following you on Instagram?

If someone is following you on Instagram and you don't know them, they may be following you. Another sign that someone might be stalking you on Instagram is that they are constantly liking and commenting on your posts. If you feel like you're being harassed on Instagram, the best thing to do is to block the person and report them on Instagram.

How to find out who a person interacts with the most on Instagram 2021?

There is no definitive answer, but there are several ways to get a general idea. One way is to look at a user's followers and see which accounts are the most popular they follow. Another way is to look at user posts and see who gets tagged the most.

How do you see someone's activity on Instagram 2020?

There are several different ways to see someone's Instagram activity in 2020. The first way is to go to his profile and click on the “Subscriptions” tab. This will show you all the people they follow and all the people who follow them. The second way is to go to the "Explore" tab and look at the "Subscriptions" section. This will show you all the accounts that the person you are viewing is following.

How do you follow someone's activity on Instagram?

To follow someone's activity on Instagram, you first need to find their profile. Once you find his profile, you can see all the posts he has liked and all the people they follow.

Can you see someone's activity on Instagram?

Yes, you can see someone's activity on Instagram. If you go to their profile, there's an Activity section that shows when they last posted, who they follow, and who follows them.

What does a ghost on Instagram mean?

Fantoming on Instagram is when you unfollow someone without them knowing about it. It's a way to get rid of someone without their knowledge.

How do you know who was looking for me on Instagram?

To find out who searched for you on Instagram, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three bars in the top left corner and select Settings. Scroll down and click "Privacy and Security", then select "Search History". Under "Who can see your search history?" click "All". If you don't want anyone to see your search history, click Hide Search History.

Can you view someone's Instagram without them knowing?

It is possible to view someone's Instagram without them knowing, but it requires the person to have a public account. If a person has a personal account, then it is impossible to view his posts without his knowledge.

How can I see what photos my boyfriend likes on Instagram?

If you don't already follow your boyfriend on Instagram, you can view the photos he has liked by clicking on the "Following" tab on his profile and selecting "Like". Alternatively, if you have an iPhone, you can open the Instagram app and click the menu in the top left corner of the screen. Scroll down and select "Settings", then scroll down again and select "Privacy"..

How can I see what photos my boyfriend likes on Instagram 2021?

To find out what photos your boyfriend likes on Instagram in 2021, you can either ask him directly or view his likes and followers. If you ask him directly, he is more likely to share his interests with you, and if you look at his likes and followers, you can figure out what kind of photos he likes. Either way, it can be a fun way to get to know your boyfriend better.

How do I turn notifications from a specific person on or off on Instagram?

Help Center

If you don't want to see a specific person's posts, stories, or inboxes on your Instagram feed, you can turn off notifications from that person in several ways.

Instagram does not send any notifications to people whose posts you have hidden. Turning off notifications from a specific person is not the same as unsubscribing.

How do I turn message notifications on or off?

To enable or disable message notifications from a specific person:

Instagram app for Android and iPhone

Tap the or icon in the top right corner of the feed.

Click on the conversation with the person whose notifications you want to turn on or off.

Select the person's name at the top of the chat.

Click or next to Turn off message notifications or Turn off call notifications. in browser on mobile in browser on desktop

Instagram Lite app for Android

To hide or show a person's posts or stories through their profile:

Instagram app for Android and iPhone

Click on a username in their feed or story post, or click the icon and search for the username to go to their profile.

Click Subscriptions below your profile information.

Select Hide.

Click next to the Posts or Stories button. Click to show them.

Instagram Lite app for Android

How do I hide or show my account through the feed?

To hide or show a person's posts or stories through their feed:

Instagram app for Android

Click the icon next to a post.

Learn more