How to remove report button on facebook

How Do I Delete A Report On Facebook?


In order to delete a report on Facebook, you need to go to your Report section and click the red Delete button. This will delete the report from your account and from any list of reports that you might have shared it with. It won’t affect the person who posted the report in any way.

If you want to delete all of the reports that you’ve ever posted, however, there’s a faster way. Just log out of Facebook, then log back in. You’ll see a “View All Reports” link at the top of your News Feed.

Click that and you’ll be able to see all your posts and reports in one place. Just click the red Delete button next to each one you want to remove.
After that’s done, just log out again and everything should be gone.

How To Delete Facebook Report 2022 || Facebook Account Report Kase Wapas Karay || Undo Fb Report

Facebook deleting report is a kind of report that is available to the users of Facebook. This report can be deleted in a few ways. One way is to delete the report itself.

Another way is to hide the report. The third way is to delete other reports linked to the one you’re trying to delete.
The first option, deleting the report itself, will mark it as deleted and remove any records associated with it.

While this may seem like the easiest option, keep in mind that if you have shared any sensitive information with this user, there may still be records associated with their account. If you’ve ever posted photos or given away your phone number, for example, this user could still have them on their profile. This means that you may be at risk of being hacked by someone who has access to this person’s account.

The second option is hiding the report. This will hide the record from everyone except the person who submitted it (and anyone they share it with). If you suspect that someone else has accessed your account without your permission, this is a good way to hide those activities from your timeline.

The third option is deleting other reports linked to the one you’re trying to delete. This will only remove links between accounts in your name, not the actual ones themselves.

How To Report And Delete A Fake Facebook Id | Tipsu0026tricks Tv

The internet is a Wild West of sorts. There are scams, fraud, and misinformation on every corner. This means that anyone can set up an account on any site, with no verification process or background check in place.

If you’re concerned about the security of your personal information, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.
With so many fake accounts out there, here are some ways to avoid getting caught in the crossfire: -Make sure your username and password are unique. -Be cautious about who you friend on Facebook.

-Check the profile picture against the one on your phone before logging in. -If something doesn’t seem right, report it!

What Happens If I Accidentally Reported Someone On Facebook?yes, You Can Get A Facebook Post Removed, But It’s Not Always Easy.

If The Post Is A Violation Of Facebook’s Community Standards, Then You Can Report It To Facebook. They Will Review The Post And Determine If It Needs To Be Removed.what Happens If I Accidentally Reported Someone On Facebook?

If you’re worried about someone using a fake Facebook account to impersonate you, you can report the profile with a form that asks for your name, profile picture and any other information that might help to identify the account owner. You’ll also be asked to explain why you believe the account is fake, and how you know.
The next step is to wait for the response.

If the fake account gets deleted, it means that Facebook thinks it’s real. If it remains active, however, it could mean two things: The person behind it isn’t concerned about being discovered or they think they can get away with it. In either case, it’s best to talk to a lawyer if your concerns are serious enough.

(One legitimate reason for reporting a fake account would be if it was creating posts under someone else’s name without their permission. ) Another way of dealing with a problem like this is to call up Facebook and ask them to look into it for you. According to Facebook’s Terms of Service , anyone caught using multiple accounts will have them all deactivated as soon as possible.

How Do You Find Out Who Reported You On Facebook?

There are a few ways you can find out who reported you on Facebook. One way is to go to the report page and look at the list of people who reported you. Another way is to check your activity log and see who reported you.

You can also search for your name on by typing in your full name and then selecting “search for people” from the results list. This will take you to your Facebook profile where you can see who has reported you.

The quickest way to get unfriended on Facebook is to be sharing too much! If one of your friends posts something that upsets you, use that moment as an opportunity to learn about yourself and grow as a person. Take the time to reflect on why it’s important for you and others to learn from the experience and how it can help shape your character, growth, and mindset moving forward.

How Do You Report A Post On Facebook And Get It Removed?

If you are the victim of harassment or a doxxed person whose post is being shared and/or commented on, you can report the post to Facebook by going to your account settings and clicking on the “Report a Problem” link at the bottom of the screen. If this is your first time reporting a problem, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself and the post in question. After you submit the report, it will be reviewed by Facebook staff to determine whether it meets their standards for removal.

The staff may contact you to follow up or provide additional context if they deem further action is necessary.
If there is an emergency situation in which you need immediate help, you can also contact one of these helplines:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
You can also file a police report if local laws mandate reporting. In most cases, however, Facebook will be the first point of contact for law enforcement.

How Do I Un Report A Post On Facebook?

It’s a common question that many people wonder how to report a post on Facebook. In fact, the most common problem why some users are reporting their posts is because they want to remove it from the Facebook timeline. However, there are different ways of doing this depending on the reason why you want to report your post.

For example, if you’re reporting it because it violates the terms of service or you have copyright issues, you can simply click on the “Report” button at the top right corner of your screen and report it. If you’re reporting it for spamming, then you can click “Report Spam” button in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Next step would be to select the reason for which you are reporting the post.

Then, just click on “Report”. The next available option will be “Email Reason.” Here, you can simply type in a detailed explanation as to why you are reporting the post and then hit “Submit”.

How Long Does It Take For A Reported Facebook Account To Be Deleted?

The average time for a Facebook account to be deleted is 5 months. If the account was reported by someone other than the user, it could take longer. The average is because only a small number of account deletions are actually reported.

If a customer report a profile that contains no content at all (as opposed to a post or comment), it will likely be removed much faster.
Less than 1% of reported accounts are actually deleted. Most people don’t realize this, but when they report an account, Facebook assumes that the person who owns it has done something wrong and will delete it.

However, most people who report an account have just reported it because they disagree with something someone else posted on the page, and they don’t think the person should have their own page in the first place. Since there is no reason for Facebook to assume that someone has done anything wrong, there is no reason to delete the account.
If you want your account deleted, you need to go through this process: Go to Settings > Security > Report a threat > Fake account > Report fake accounts and click “report as spam”.

Then click “I agree” and wait for two weeks while Facebook reviews your report.

How Do You Get Someone’s Post Taken Down?

In the case of reported content, Facebook has a well-defined policy for how long it takes to take action on reported content. Facebook does not take down content unless it is violating their community standards. So, if a user reports content that violates the community standards, Facebook will take down that content as soon as possible.

If the reported content is found to be in error, Facebook will remove it. The process usually takes less than 24 hours.
As a rule of thumb, if you have any doubts about whether or not your post would violate a community standard, it’s best to err on the side of caution by reporting it instead of just putting it out there and hoping for the best.

What Will Happen If Your Account Is Reported?

If your account is reported, the person who reported you will be banned from using Vulnerabilities. com. Once they are banned, they will no longer be able to post anything on Vulnerabilities.

com – including reviews, ratings and comments. They will also not be able to view any of the vulnerabilities that are posted on

There is no guarantee that your account will be banned after a report is made if you have not broken any rules or if there isn’t enough information to take action against you. In those cases, it may take up to 24 hours for your account to be banned.
You can always contact support@vulnerability.

com with questions about how reports will be handled in the future.

Can Admin See Who Reported A Post?

Administrators can see who reported a post, but not see the actual comment. They can only see the reporting user’s username and IP address. So if you report a post, an administrator can see that you reported it – but they can’t tell why you did so.

Why do I have to sign in to report a post?

Reporting a post is completely optional. If you don’t want to bother with it, there’s no reason why you should have to sign in.

You should always feel free to use the Report Post link at the top of any post.

How Many Times Does A Facebook Page Need To Be Reported?

Facebook pages have a visibility score which is the number of people who have liked your page or visited it. After the first time it is liked, things don’t get any easier for you. The visibility score doesn’t just go up when people like your page.

It also goes down when you report a page that has been reported on by someone else. If you have a lot of friends, you can befriend people and try to report the same page over and over again to raise your visibility score. However, this is against Facebook’s terms of service and may result in your account being temporarily disabled.

It’s best not to keep reporting the same Facebook page over and over again because it could end up with your account being disabled.

Can Someone Find Out If You Reported Them On Facebook?

There are two types of reports that a Facebook page can be reported for. The first is a violation of Facebook’s community standards, and the second is a violation of the law. A violation of the community standards would be something like posting violent and inappropriate content, such as images of child abuse or violence.

A violation of the law would be something like posting confidential contact information to the public, such as a phone number or email address.
A Facebook page can only be reported once, unless it is still unpublished at the time of reporting. Once it has been published, it cannot be reported until it is unpublished again.

If it is still unpublished after multiple reports, then it will be permanently deleted from Facebook’s system.
All reports should be sent directly to Facebook support by using the page’s link in question. DO NOT send an email to any other email address about the issue – in fact, this could lead to your email address being blacklisted by Facebook!

Can Facebook Admins See Reports?

Facebook admins can see reports on a public page that is linked to the Facebook account where they are the admin. They can also view the report on the admin tab in the standard Facebook apps and web interface.
A report cannot be uploaded by an admin, but it can be viewed and commented on by that person.

A report is publicly visible and available to everyone who has access to the account where it was created.
If you are an admin, you may need to review a report before acting on it. If a report is not relevant, you can remove it from your dashboard.

You can also take action or escalate a user issue by reporting it as a company issue or contacting your system administrator.

Before reporting anything, make sure you understand what is going on so you will know how best to address it. Know what the actual problem is and why someone else might be having the same problems as you.

Is Reporting A Post On Fb Anonymous?

Posting on social media is a great way to connect with your network and share your work. But what if you want to share something that might be embarrassing or sensitive? Or what if you don’t want to be identified?

There are a lot of different ways to post anonymously on social media. Here are a few:
– Post from an anonymous email address: You can create an email address that only posts are sent to, without any identifying information. If people know the email address, they can track down who posted the message.

You can use an anonymous email service like Mailinator or Postmark.
– Post using a fake account: Create a new profile that looks exactly like yours, but doesn’t include any personal details or photos. Then, when you’re ready to post, just switch the profile picture and start typing!

– Use a burner phone: A burner phone is a disposable phone that’s only used for one purpose (like posting anonymously). You can buy them online or pick one up at your local pawn shop. Just remember that they’re only good for one use, so don’t leave them lying around where someone could find them!

How Do I Know If My Account Has Been Reported?

If your account has been reported, you will see the following message: “Your account has been reported. If you believe this to be a mistake, please email us at [email protected].

If your account has been reported, you will see the following message: “Your account has been reported. If you believe this to be a mistake, please email us at [email protected].

In addition, you may also receive an email from the IRS: “We have reviewed your Form 1040-C and determined that there is not enough information to proceed with collection of any unpaid taxes.” The IRS may also notify you by phone or mail if they believe your return was filed incorrectly or didn’t include all of your income.

What Happens If You Report Someone On Facebook Marketplace?

Even though reporting on Facebook marketplace can help you protect the safety of your items and the buyers, it might also have negative consequences. For example, you might be reported by the person you report, which will lead to the suspension of your account.
Although some people intentionally report other users to get them suspended, it is not a good way to deal with such situation.

Instead, if an item you purchased through Facebook marketplace was not delivered after several weeks or months or did not arrive completely and you want a refund, start a dispute by contacting the seller. You can also contact support and see if there is anything else they can do for you.
Again, it is important that you are extremely careful when reporting someone in order to avoid negative consequences.

Can You Get A Facebook Post Removed?

The short answer: Yes, it is possible. Facebook does have a process for removing false information and spam from the platform, but it is not always clear or easy to use. You must fill out a form and prove that the post in question is false.

However, many posts are deleted by mistake. If you can provide evidence that the post in question is real, you should be able to have it taken down.
How can I prove that my Facebook post is true?

In order to prove your post is true, you need to provide evidence that supports your claim. The best way to do this is by using screenshots or videos to back up your claim.
Can I appeal a decision if my post was taken down?

No. Once a post has been removed, it cannot be reinstated or appealed.

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How to Filter, Block, and Report Harmful Content on Social Media

Social media privacy and safety tools update constantly and while this is a good place to start for ideas, the best place to learn about how to enact features is on each social media platform. Here are some tips for filtering, reporting, and blocking harmful content or users on social media platforms.


Filter comments:

  • Block comments from specific individuals: This will hide the comments of a blocked individual from your posts. The blocked individual will be the only one able to see their own comments.
    • Go to your profile and select the menu button (3 horizontal lines) > Click Settings > Privacy > Comments > Select “Block Comments From” and enter the username of any users that you do not want to comment on your posts or stories.
  • Hide generally offensive comments: This will hide comments on posts, stories, and live videos which Instagram deems to be inappropriate or offensive.
    • Go to your profile and select the menu button (3 horizontal lines) > Click Settings > Privacy > Comments > Use the toggle to turn on “Hide Offensive Comments.”
  • Filter specific words or phrases: This will hide comments that contain any of the specific words or phrases you have chosen to filter out.
    • Go to your profile and select the menu button (3 horizontal lines) > Click Settings > Privacy > Comments > Use the toggle to turn on “Manual Filter” > Enter any words or phrases that you do not want to see, separating words and phrases with a comma.
    • You may also select “Filter Most Reported Words,” which will hide comments that contain words which have been commonly reported on your posts and stories.

Restrict an account:

  • Restricting an account will protect you from unwanted interactions without having to block or unfollow the individual. This setting will make it so only you and the individual can see their comments on your posts. They will also be unable to see when you’re online or when you have read their messages. The individual will not know if you have restricted them.
    • Through settings: Click Settings > Privacy > “Restricted Accounts.”
    • Through comments: Swipe left on a comment from the individual you want to restrict > Click the Exclamation Point Button > Select “Restrict.”
    • Through their profile: Click the menu button (...) in the top right corner of their profile > Select “Restrict.”

Filter your feed: 

  • Mute an individual:
    • The mute feature is to stop seeing posts from an individual whom you follow without having to block or unfollow them.
      • To mute their post: Select the menu button (...) in the top right corner above their post > Select “Mute.
      • To mute their profile: Click the “Following” button with the dropdown arrow > Select “Mute” > Select either “Stories,” “Posts,” or both.
  • Block an individual:
    • Blocking an individual will keep them from being able to see your posts or interact with you. You will no longer be able to see their profile either.
      • To block an individual: Go to the profile of the individual you want to block > Click the menu (...) button in the top right corner > Select “Block.”
  • Report content:
    • Reporting content will send a report to an Instagram team to review the content and determine whether or not it goes against Community Guidelines. The content will still be publicly viewable until it is determined to go against the Community Guidelines. This review process can take anywhere from several days to weeks.
      • Report a post: Select the menu (. ..) button > Select “Report” > Choose if the post is “Spam” or “Inappropriate” to submit.
      • Report an individual’s profile: Select the menu (...) button > Select “Report” > Choose if the profile is “Spam” or “Inappropriate” to submit.
      • Report a comment: Swipe left on the comment > Select the exclamation mark button > Select “Report This Comment” > Choose if the comment is “Spam” or “Inappropriate” to submit.
      • Report a direct message: Select the Information (i) button > Select “Report” > Choose if the message is “Spam” or “Inappropriate” to submit.


Filter sensitive content:

Note on the sensitivity filter: Using this filter on Twitter may prevent posts that you do want to see from being shown as well.

  • This method will hide posts that the user has said may display sensitive content or that have been reported as having sensitive content.
    • To filter content: Go to on desktop > Select the menu (...) button > Settings and privacy > Privacy and safety > Scroll down to the “Safety” section > Deselect “Display media that may contain sensitive content.”
  • This method will keep posts that may contain sensitive content from appearing in your search results.
    • To filter content: Go to on desktop > Select the menu (...) button > Settings and privacy > Privacy and safety > Scroll down to the “Safety” section > Search filters > Select “Hide sensitive content.”

Filter specific content and triggers:

  • This is the way to enter any trigger or content warnings that you want to avoid. For example, you could enter “TW Sexual Assault” to avoid content that contains a trigger warning for sexual assault.
    • Filter through desktop: Select the menu (.. .) button > Content preferences > Scroll down to the “Safety” section > Muted > Muted words > Select the + sign to add any words or phrases that you do not want to see on Twitter > Select a timeline for how long you want this content muted.
    • Filter through mobile: Swipe to reveal the menu panel on the left > Select “Settings and privacy” > Content preferences > Muted > Muted words > Select “Add” to add any words or phrases that you do not want to see on Twitter > Select a timeline for how long you want this content muted.

Filter individuals:

  • Mute an individual: This will keep you from seeing content from the individual.
    • Go to the profile of the individual you want to mute > Select the menu (...) button > Select “Mute @username.”
  • Block an individual: This will keep you from seeing content from the individual and keep the individual from being able to see and interact with your profile.
    • Go to the profile of the individual you want to block > Select the menu (...) button > Select “Block @username.”

Report content:

Reporting content on Twitter will send a report to a Twitter team to review and determine if it complies with Twitter policies. After submitting a report, Twitter will send a notification within 24 hours confirming receipt of the report. If Twitter determines that the content is in violation of their policies, they will take action ranging from a warning to suspending the account. Twitter will send a follow-up notification once a decision has been made. The original reported content will be replaced with a notice stating that you reported it. You may click through and view the Tweet should you wish. It will still be publicly viewable unless and until found against Twitter policies.

  • Report a post: Select the dropdown arrow icon > Report > Select “It’s abusive or harmful” > Select how the post is harmful > Twitter may also ask you to select additional posts from the individual’s profile which engage in abusive or harmful behaviors; you can skip this step by selecting “Skip” or add any Tweets which fit the report > Check or uncheck whether you want updates from Twitter to include the original posts.
  • Report an individual’s account: Select the menu (...) button > Report > Select “It’s abusive or harmful” > Select how the account is harmful > Twitter may also ask you to select additional posts from the individual’s profile which engage in abusive or harmful behaviors; you can skip this step by selecting “Skip” or add any Tweets that fit the report > Check or uncheck whether you want updates from Twitter to include the original posts.
  • Report a direct message: Select the information (i) button > Report @username > Select how the message is harmful > Twitter may also ask you to select additional messages from the conversation which engage in abusive or harmful behaviors; you can skip this step by selecting “Skip” or add any messages which fit the report > Check or uncheck whether you want updates from Twitter to include the original posts.


Note: Facebook has few options for filtering sensitive content. They operate by a system of individual users reporting posts or by messaging the poster and asking them to remove harmful posts.

Filter individuals:

  • Unfriend an individual: Unfriending is a way to remove a person from your friend’s list. You will be unable to see any of the non-public components of their profile and they will be unable to see any of the non-public components of your own profile.
    • From the individual’s profile, select the “Friends” button (silhouette with check mark) > “Unfriend.”
  • Unfollow an individual: Unfollowing is a way to stay friends with an individual, but to no longer see their posts in your newsfeed.
    • From the individual’s profile, select the “Friends” button (silhouette with check mark) > “Unfollow.”

Block an individual:

  • Blocking an individual will keep them from being able to see or interact with your profile or send you friend or message requests. You will also be unable to see the profile of an individual you have blocked.
    • Through desktop: Go to the “Account” dropdown menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > On the menu in the left column, select “Blocking” > Enter the name of any individuals you wish to block under “Block users”
    • Through mobile: Select the menu button at the bottom right > Scroll down to “Settings & Privacy” > Blocking > Add to blocked list > Enter the name or email address of the individual you wish to block.
    • Through their profile: Select the menu (...) button on their profile > “Block.”

Restrict an individual:

  • You may restrict an individual whom you are friends with to keep them from seeing any of your posts that are not public. You will still be friends and they will still be able to see any posts that are public or that they are tagged in.
    • Go to the individual’s profile > Select the “Friends” button (silhouette with check mark) > Edit Friend List > Select “Restricted.

Report content:

Reporting content will send a report to a Facebook team to review the content and determine whether or not it goes against Community Standards. The content will still be publicly viewable until it is determined to go against the Community Standards. This review process can take anywhere from several days to weeks.

  • Report an individual’s post: Select the menu (...) button in the upper right corner > Select “Find support or report post” > Select any categories that the post contains that go against Community Standards > Select “Next” to submit.
  • Report a specific comment:
    • Through mobile: Hold down the comment until a menu of options appears > Select “Find Support or Report Comment” > Select any categories that the post contains which go against Community Standards > Select “Next” to submit.
    • Through desktop: Select the menu (. ..) button on the right side of the comment > Select “Find Support or Report Comment” > Select any categories that the post contains which go against Community Standards > Select “Next” to submit.
  • Report a private message: Go to the specific conversation to report > “Privacy and Support” > “Something’s Wrong” > Select a category and click “Next” > Select “Send Feedback” to submit.

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What to do if you are a victim of bullying on Facebook?

Social networks are a great place to communicate. Unfortunately, there are also cases of harassment of users. Find out how to avoid it.

Remember that harassment, threats and deliberate disclosure of data compromising you (cyberbullying, Internet mobbing) are not your fault and can happen to anyone. The actions of intruders can easily lead to despair, feelings of complete loneliness and hopelessness news, which often leads to real tragedies. Therefore, it is extremely important to try to keep your cool, not to withdraw into yourself, but to try to find a person in whom you can find support, and who can help you find a way out of this situation. Reach out to people you trust, resembles Facebook.

Read on to learn what to do if you or a friend has been bullied on Facebook.

Facebook and other social networks are a great place to communicate, interact and just have fun. Unfortunately, this is also the place where cases of bullying of users take place. The data from studies recently conducted by various organizations in the US and UK are extremely disappointing and indicate that Internet mobbing is massively gaining popularity. The consequences can be the most dramatic: from depression and mental disorders to fatal, so it is vital to devote more time to educating users, preventing the occurrence of such situations and effective methods of dealing with them.

The social network offers a choice of effective tools to prevent or combat cyberbullying. All available tools, tips and programs are available on page of the Bullying Protection Center.

The basic rules are:
  • Try not to get caught up in a bullying situation. Most aggressors are counting on your negative reaction, do not give them this pleasure.
  • Don't let anyone threaten you. You may be threatened with the publication of materials compromising you. Therefore, never, under any circumstances, send anyone your nude, intimate and degrading pictures and / or other materials that can be used against you. If you do encounter these threats, report it on Facebook and discuss the situation with someone you trust.
  • Feel free and don't be afraid to talk about it. Reach out to someone you trust, such as a close friend, family member, teacher, and ask for help and assistance.
  • With protect compromising you materials . If someone has posted incriminating information, print or take a screenshot in case you need it. They can also be used as valuable evidence in an investigation or trial (this is also one of the possible scenarios for solving the problem).

How to effectively use the features of Facebook to prevent or combat cyberbullying?

Track who tags what you've been tagged and when

Follow the simple steps below to set up tagging:

  • Click in the top right corner of any Facebook page
  • Select Settings
  • Select Timeline and Tags and then Settings Timeline and Tags on the left side left side
  • Turn on the feature Submit tags made by friends before they are published on your timeline

You can also check already published materials with your marks and, if necessary, untag those with which you no longer wish to be associated.

  • Open your Activity Log
  • Click on Photo in the column on the left side
  • Select the photos you would like to remove tags from
  • Press Remove Tags top of page
  • Click Untag photo to confirm

Remove the aggressor from your friends list so that he can no longer contact you
  • Open the aggressor's personal profile
  • Hover over the button Friends at the top of the profile page
  • Click Unfriend

Don't worry, the aggressor will not be notified of this. Remember, all this is done for your safety and comfort. Stay friends with those who you like and trust.

If unfriending doesn't work, block user
  • Click in the top right corner of any Facebook page
  • Select How can I stop annoying communication?
  • Enter name or email address. mail of the user you want to block and confirm by pressing the button Block .
  • If you entered a name, select the desired person from the list that appears.

Again, we emphasize that there is no need to think and delay - the user will not be notified of the blocking. Blocking will prevent the aggressor from finding your profile and tagging your Facebook content. In addition, he will not be able to add you as a friend and track your activities in the Event Chronicle.

Report compromising material

To report compromising messages, photos, or videos, simply use the Complain link next to a post, photo, or comment to draw the attention of the Facebook moderators.

  • Click on the top right corner of the post you want to report and select I don't want to see this
  • Press Why don't you want to see this?
  • Select the option that best describes the problem and follow the instructions on the screen

To report a message you received
  • Log in to your Facebook account from a computer
  • Click on Messages on the left in the menu list
  • Click on the conversation containing the message you want to report
  • Press Actions
  • Press Complain about spam or violations and follow the instructions on the screen

If you need additional support

recommendations. Remember, there is always a solution!

  Follow our news on social networks: 

How to protect your data on Facebook

users who post on this social network.

What the authors of the guide advise:

  1. Protect your password

  2. Turn on notifications about unidentified devices

  3. Enable two-factor authentication

  4. Use Facebook verification tools

  5. Manage your presence on pages and profiles

  6. Monitor your location in publications

  7. Communicate securely

  8. Block users

  9. Report offensive content and offenders

  10. Remember what to do in case of a break-in

Protect your password

Your Facebook password must have two properties:

  1. Uniqueness . You do not need to use logins, account numbers and passwords that are already used to log into other accounts.

  2. Reliability . It is dangerous to use personal data for a password, such as a name, date of birth, phone number or address: this will simplify the work of hackers. You also don't need to store your password in a public place or on your device.

Meta recommends using password managers that will allow you to create unique passwords for all accounts and keep them safe.

Examples of such managers are Dashlane, LastPass, Nordpass, Bitwarden. All services have free versions.

Turn on notifications for unknown devices

If notifications are configured, Facebook will notify you every time you try to log in from an unfamiliar device.

You can enable notifications in the settings. To do this, click the button with an arrow in the upper right corner, the "Settings and Privacy" section.

Next - "Quick privacy settings".

In the "Account security" section, click "Set up notifications about suspicious logins".

On the next screen, you can enable notifications for Facebook and Messenger logins - notifications will be sent to the devices you usually use to log in.

You can also duplicate email alerts — to do this, check the checkbox opposite the address that was used during registration, or add a new address.

Enable two-factor authentication

This authentication method will slightly complicate logging in from an unidentified device or browser, but will become a serious obstacle for hackers. Each time you log in, the user will need to enter a new security code.

Two-factor authentication can be enabled in the settings. To do this, click the button with an arrow in the upper right corner, the "Settings and Privacy" section.

Next - "Quick privacy settings".

Next, in the "Account security" section, select "Use two-factor authentication".

Facebook will offer three options to choose from: use a code generator, codes in SMS, and a physical USB security key.

One of the common methods that Facebook itself recommends is the Google Authenticator app, which can be downloaded for free from Google Play and the App Store.

Use the Facebook verification tools

The tools allow you to manage your privacy on Facebook and check your account security.

To access these tools, click the arrow button in the upper right corner, Settings and Privacy section.

Next - "Check Privacy".

A screen with several options will open.

Who can see your posts . This is a privacy check. Facebook will show your current privacy settings and allow you to change them. For example, with this tool, you can restrict access to personal data or make future posts visible only to your friends.

How to protect your account . This is a security check. Facebook will report the current level of account security and provide recommendations.

Learn more about privacy and security settings on the Facebook website.

Manage your presence on your profile and pages

In Facebook terminology, a personal page is called a profile. A Facebook page is a public page for a business, blogger, and so on.

First, let's look at how to manage the visibility of your and other people's posts on your profile.

Set the visibility of your posts in your profile

When you create a post, you can specify who will see it. To set up access on the post creation screen, there is a button under the username.

You can make the publication hidden from everyone except the author, open only to friends or a list of specific users.

An icon that shows the access level will be displayed at the top of the post.

Control the visibility of other people's posts on your profile

Your friends can also post on your Facebook profile page. In addition, users can tag you in posts, and these posts will also appear on your profile.

To prohibit such actions or set access levels, go to the profile and call the menu with the button with three dots. Select Profile & Tags Settings.

You can now allow or block posts on your profile and set the visibility of posts you've been tagged in.

If you expand the menu item "Hide comments with certain words from your profile", you can add a list of banned words - Facebook will not let posts and comments that contain them.

Set page access levels

If multiple people manage the page, the creator can set their access levels. To do this, you need to go from the page to its settings (bottom item of the left menu).

Next, open "Roles on the page". Here you can add a community manager and manage roles.

When you add a new member or set their role, Facebook will tell you what permissions you give them.

Control your location in your posts

Facebook allows you to specify your location in your posts, but this option is not enabled by default.

However, if you don't want people to know where you are right now, Facebook recommends disabling geolocation on your device.

You can also prevent Facebook from tracking your location. You can do this in the general settings. Click the arrow button in the upper right corner, "Settings and Privacy" section.

Next - "Settings".

Select Geodata from the left menu. On the screen on the right, you can disable geodata logging.

Secure your communications

For private communications, you can use WhatsApp, which by default uses end-to-end encryption for calls and messages.

End-to-end encryption can also be configured in Messenger on a mobile device. This is created at the stage of creating a correspondence - it can be made secret by moving the slider with a lock in the upper right corner.

Block users

Blocking is available on Facebook and Messenger.

On Facebook, to block users, go to settings. Click the arrow button in the upper right corner, "Settings and Privacy" section.

Next - "Settings".

Select Lock from the left menu.

On the screen on the right, you can completely block users: they will not be able to interact with your profile anywhere except third-party pages, applications and games.

Here you can also configure "restricted access" - it will hide content with the access level "for friends" from the user.

In Messenger, to block a user, click on the chat you need in the list and hold - a menu with the "Block" button will pop up.

Report offensive content and offenders

To report inappropriate content to Facebook, click the three dots button at the top of the post. In the menu there is an item "Complain about the publication".

Facebook will offer a list of reasons why you may have found the post inappropriate.

Learn more