How to increase facebook page fans

How to grow your Facebook Page followers

Four min

Now that you've created a Page, you want people to check it out.

It's important to build a following of people who are interested in you and the content you share. There are several ways to create a following for your Page, but making people aware of it is the first step.

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So you created a Page, but nobody likes it yet. How do you get people to like your Page? Let's talk about that.

Adding a cover photo is a good start. Pages with cover photos typically get more Page Likes and visits.

Once you've added a cover photo, you'll be prompted to invite your friends. You can skip this and come back to it once your Page is set up. In fact, you can do this anytime. Start on your Page, and click Community in the left column. In the right column, you'll see a field for inviting friends to like your Page. Enter a friend's name in the search box, and then click Invite next to their name. Alternatively, you can click through the list.

Why should I invite my friends to my business Page if they aren't exactly my customer? Getting your friends to follow your Page is the quickest, most efficient way to start building a presence and drive awareness. Remember, your friends have friends, and they might be interested in following your business and your new Page.

Another way to get more Page likes is to share it. You can announce it to all of your friends by clicking the Share button under the Page tab at the top, or under the Notifications tab.

If you have a website for your business, add a link to your Facebook Page there.

Here's a pro tip: You're inviting all of these people to your Page, welcome them when they arrive. Create a welcome post, and pin it to the top of your Page. Say something like, "Welcome to my new Page! I'm so excited to share all of the work I've been doing the last year.”

And now, you know the basics of inviting friends to your Page.

So you created a Page, but nobody likes it yet. How do you get people to like your Page? Let's talk about that.

Adding a cover photo is a good start. Pages with cover photos typically get more Page Likes and visits.

Once you've added a cover photo, you'll be prompted to invite your friends. You can skip this and come back to it once your Page is set up. In fact, you can do this anytime. Start on your Page, and click Community in the left column. In the right column, you'll see a field for inviting friends to like your Page. Enter a friend's name in the search box, and then click Invite next to their name. Alternatively, you can click through the list.

Why should I invite my friends to my business Page if they aren't exactly my customer? Getting your friends to follow your Page is the quickest, most efficient way to start building a presence and drive awareness. Remember, your friends have friends, and they might be interested in following your business and your new Page.

Another way to get more Page likes is to share it. You can announce it to all of your friends by clicking the Share button under the Page tab at the top, or under the Notifications tab.

If you have a website for your business, add a link to your Facebook Page there.

Here's a pro tip: You're inviting all of these people to your Page, welcome them when they arrive. Create a welcome post, and pin it to the top of your Page. Say something like, "Welcome to my new Page! I'm so excited to share all of the work I've been doing the last year.

And now, you know the basics of inviting friends to your Page.

Here are some more ways you can grow your Page followers:

Maintain an active community.

If people come to your Page and see that it's active, they are more likely to like your Page and engage with the existing community. You can also use Page Insights to see when your followers are most active online and what kind of content attracts the most engagement, then tailor your content accordingly.

Share your Page outside of Facebook.

Don't forget about other platforms. Share your Facebook Page on your website, in marketing materials and in blog posts to make sure that everyone who might want to follow your Page sees it.

Spend money on ads.

You can also grow your followers by advertising your Page on Facebook and Instagram. We will go over how to do this in later lessons.

Join or create relevant groups.

By posting as your Page in groups relevant to your business, you can reach people interested in what you do and increase your Page following. If you don't find any suitable groups, you can create your own to build a community and increase engagement with your business Page.

Now that you've learned how to grow your Page followers, let's look at how to manage your Page with Page roles.


Facebook Page Core Features: What You Need to Know


Assign Page Roles to Your Facebook Page

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18 Ways to Increase Facebook Followers and Likes in 2023

Last year, I decided to jump into Facebook in full force and increase my follower count. 

And guess what: my most successful online store grew to 54,000 Facebook followers. 

On top of the assurance that my team and I were nailing it – not to mention the huge ego boost – all those likes served another powerful purpose. They allowed us to build an engaged community of people who loved our niche and, more importantly, our products. Which fueled the beautiful cycle that led to more sales.

But enough about me. How can you make this happen for your own store?

I’m going to break down the tried and true tactics that have helped me, master, how to get followers on Facebook, and how to increase Facebook likes.

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Post Contents

  • How to Get Facebook Followers
    • 1. Run Facebook Ads
    • 2. Invite People to Like Your Page
    • 3. Create Viral Content
    • 4. Host a Giveaway
    • 5. Post Attention Grabbing Content
    • 6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
    • 7. Try Out Facebook Live
    • 8. Partner with an Influencer
    • 9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
    • 10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
    • 11. Add a Facebook Like Widget
    • 12. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
    • 13. Email Your List
    • 14. Create More Video Content
    • 15. Engage with Your Community
    • 16. Hashtag It Up
    • 17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
    • 18. Get Tagged by Customers
  • Conclusion
    • Want to Learn More?

How to Get Facebook Followers

From Facebook ads for beginners to influencer marketing, there are a number of ways to get Facebook followers for your business. Here are 18 ways that I found useful:

1. Run Facebook Ads

If you’re trying to figure out how to get Facebook followers, the most obvious solution is Facebook ads. 

You can run “Engagement” ads, which help you increase the visibility of your brand on Facebook.  

Although, to be frank, any ad you create will likely bring an increase in followers, even “Conversion” ads. 

If Facebook users like the ad content, they’ll likely engage with the post and potentially like or follow your Facebook page. 

So, if your main goal is to get store sales, you can run a conversion ad and still increase Facebook likes to your page. To learn more about Facebook advertising, check out this Facebook ads questions video.

2. Invite People to Like Your Page

The easiest way to increase Facebook followers is by inviting people to like your page. The lowest-hanging fruit here is to invite your friends and family

Once you start running ads for your store, Facebook will occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to like your page. 

I found that typically if I ran engagement ads, I’d get a higher number of people that I could invite to like the page. 

However, even though I manually invited people, I eventually got temporarily blocked by Facebook. So you need to pace the number of people you invite at a time. 

Also, if you do get temporarily blocked, Facebook might still send notifications telling you to invite people. But you still won’t be able to invite anyone. Wait a day or two before trying to invite more people. 

You can also invite friends and family to like your page. However, keep in mind that it’s better to have a small, targeted audience than to have a big, broad one, as it could limit the effectiveness of your future ads.

3. Create Viral Content

On my most popular store’s Facebook page, I’d share memes, funny videos, and relatable quotes. 

People would tag their friends in the post, which usually helps increase social media engagement but also helped increase social reach.

Chubbies is another online retailer who creates viral-type content. They regularly create funny content using their products. In this video, they promote their shorts with a silly video about the problems that pants give people.

Since the scenarios are pretty dramatized, it results in funny content which helps boost social shares. About 290 liked the video and 128 people shared it. 

If you don’t have the artistic chops to create your own viral content, you can always share viral niche content with your audience. But be sure to always give credit to the creator.

4. Host a Giveaway

Giveaways are a great way to increase Facebook likes. 

You can host a giveaway on your website using a tool like Rafflecopter. 

Share your giveaway to niche Facebook groups or forums, giveaway websites, and of course on your Facebook page. 

By making one of the ways to enter “visit Facebook page”, you’ll be more likely to increase the number of Facebook followers you have. 

Below is an example of a giveaway that CatLadyBox shared on their Facebook page. They used emojis to draw emphasis on the giveaway keyword. 

Since they shared it on their own page, it’s likely their Facebook followers will see it. They may share the giveaway post with their friends, which can also help increase Facebook followers. 

Once you have it all set up, don’t limit yourself to Facebook. Share this baby on every social and marketing channel you have

5. Post Attention Grabbing Content

If you’re trying to determine how to get Facebook likes, you might want to make sure your content stands out in feeds. 

Now, you’ll need to have an audience following you already for this to work. But let’s take a quick look at Taco Bell’s gif post which got 2.5k Facebook likes in two hours and has had 549 shares in that same period. 

The gif changes the background color of the post in a diagonal shape to capture your attention switching back and forth every couple of seconds. While scrolling through the feed, your eyes catch it which makes you more likely to notice it and engage. 

Posting such content helps you get Facebook followers because of its uniqueness and appeal.

6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up

Some online stores ask for emails upon exit intent. 

However, if your main objective is to increase Facebook likes instead of subscribers, you can create a Facebook like pop-up instead. 

OptinMonster is a popular pop-up tool that allows you to gain new leads, and can be repurposed to fuel Facebook likes, as well. 

You can also choose to set a timer so that after a person has been on your website for a certain number of seconds, the pop-up appears. 

Avoid adding too many pop-ups to your website, as they can be overwhelming on mobile devices and cause people to exit faster. 

So if you add a Facebook like pop-up to your website, make sure it’s the only one.

7. Try Out Facebook Live

Some of the most viral videos have been Facebook Live videos. 

If you’re building a niche store, your Facebook Live might be more about general niche tips. 

However, if you’ve just added new items to your store and have ordered samples, you can offer a first look at the products on Facebook Live. 

You can increase Facebook followers by telling your customers and followers that you do a livestream every Tuesday, for example. 

All Facebook Live videos get shown on the Facebook Live Map, so the more viewers on your livestream the higher you’ll show up on the feed.

Boom. More Facebook likes.

8. Partner with an Influencer

If you want to know how to get Facebook followers, the secret sometimes lies in influencer partnerships. 

The best influencers I’ve ever partnered with weren’t really influencers at all. In fact, most of them were niche fan pages. 

You know, those pages for a niche that just share cool products or cool articles about a niche. They’re all over Facebook. And they usually amass really big audiences. And they’re usually cheaper than an influencer. 

That strategy works well if you’re on a super tight budget. But if you want to partner with an actual influencer, you can find influencers in your niche as well. 

The easiest way to do that is to look up “[niche] blogger” in Google. You might look up fashion bloggers, for example. Then you look through their fan pages and reach out to them to find out their rates. 

If potential influencers are up for collaborating, you’ll send them a sample product to model. When they share the post on Facebook, ask them to tag your Facebook page in the post. That way, people who are interested in your product will be more likely to follow you.

To learn more, read our guide, The Complete Guide to Getting Started With Influencer Marketing.

9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages

Getting organic shoutouts from bigger Facebook pages can help you get more Facebook followers.  

To get a shout out, look for brands who regularly feature their customers or other non-competing businesses on social media sites. 

Then pick the brands that have a similar audience to you or one that’s at least somewhat related. 

For instance, if you sell watches, you might post a picture with your watch with another brand’s sunglasses, tagging the brand in the picture. This could coax them into sharing your post with their audience. 

Here’s an example of Samsung sharing a picture taken on their phone that a customer posted on their Facebook page.

10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity

Marketing automation can help you get Facebook followers. 

How? Well, you’re not going to increase Facebook likes if you never post on Facebook. And running a store can get busy. So sometimes things like posting on Facebook fall by the wayside. 

Only have 20 minutes a week total for your social media marketing? Use an automation tool to set up a series of posts over the next several days in advance.  

You can add product pictures to your post with a link to the page, a piece of content you’ve written, or even a funny video or picture you find online (with proper credit, of course). 

If you know that every Friday at 5pm you need to schedule posts for the following week, it allows you to spend the following week working on higher impact projects. 

The more you post on Facebook, the more chances you’ll have of getting more Facebook followers.

11. Add a Facebook Like Widget

If you want to increase Facebook likes, the easiest way to do that on your ecommerce website is to add a Facebook Like Widget by Widgetic. 

The free Shopify app adds a like icon to certain pages of your store, such as product pages. 

It can also show shoppers who else likes your page to give you a bit of social proof to get more Facebook followers. 

If you’re just starting to figure out how to increase followers on Facebook, this free tool keeps growing a Facebook following simple for you.

You’d be surprised by how many new store owners forget to add their social media links to their website. 

Depending on your theme, your social icons might be in the header, footer, or in a sidebar menu.

 If you want to emphasize their placement, you can contact a Shopify Expert or use Hey Carson to get some minor development work done.

13. Email Your List

If you want to know how to increase followers on Facebook, try using your existing email list. 

You can either choose to include social media icons (including Facebook) in all of your emails, or you can directly email your list and tell them to follow your Facebook page. 

If you haven’t been building an email list but have customers who’ve agreed to receive email marketing, you can email those people to increase Facebook likes. 

You’ll find that email list in your Shopify dashboard under Customers > Email Subscribers.

14. Create More Video Content

Want to know how to get Facebook likes? Try video marketing. 

Video content on Facebook usually gets higher levels of engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a result, more people will view your content. 

The more viewers and Facebook likes you get, the higher the chance that your content will get found by potential new Facebook followers. 

The secret to getting new followers isn’t always about building an audience but also about building your brand. And creating great content regularly in a popular format can help you build a stronger following. 

So if you want to increase Facebook likes, you’re going to need to step up your video content strategy.

Some of the biggest ecommerce brands don’t engage with their customers. That gives even the smallest retailer a huge competitive advantage. 

But engaging with your community isn’t only about customer service like responding to questions about delivery times. It’s also about building relationships. And there’s no better way to do that than to be a bit playful or respond in a way where the customer feels like they’re chatting with their buddies. 

Netflix is a great example of a brand on Facebook that regularly engages with customers. Their comments are almost always hilarious which makes you want to engage with the brand.

 By engaging with your followers, their friends might end up following you as a result.

Pro tip: Besides engaging with people commenting on your Facebook business page, you can join relevant Facebook groups and contribute to the discussions around interesting topics.

16. Hashtag It Up

While “hashtag” makes most people think about Twitter or Instagram, you can also increase followers on Facebook by using hashtags in your Facebook posts. 

When it comes to hashtags, there are two key approaches. You can either use a literal hashtag like #fashion for a fashion post, or you can use an audience-focused hashtag like Sephora does.  

This Sephora post isn’t about #fitspo (fitness inspiration) at all. But they likely used the hashtag to attract users who are interested in fitness inspiration to their brand. 

In this case, the hashtag helps Sephora reach a new audience with their post – an audience that could potentially become Facebook followers.

17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page

The whole point of getting Facebook followers is to get sales. With the Facebook Likes Popup app, you can offer customers a coupon if they like your page. 

So not only do you get a potential new audience member, but the customer can redeem the coupon to get a discount on their purchase. 

This exit intent app is perfect for those who are looking to gain social proof on their Facebook page and maybe score a couple sales too.

18. Get Tagged by Customers

After a product has been delivered to your customer, send an email (if they accepted marketing) and ask them to tag you when they post their photos.  

People often share their products on social media and getting tagged by customers can help you get more Facebook followers… and more sales. 

The audience pull will be smaller, but this word of mouth marketing is more impactful since it’s authentic.


Now you have the lowdown on how to increase followers on Facebook. 

There have been a lot of big changes happening at Facebook over the past few months, but that doesn’t make Facebook any less of a powerhouse. 

It’s still the most popular social platform. And their 2.60 billion monthly active users is no joke. 

All these users can translate into huge growth opportunities if you play your cards right.

Hopefully, some of these tips help you increase the number of Facebook followers you have  so you can keep smashing your business goals.

Here's a summary of how to gain Facebook followers

How do you get followers on Facebook?
  1. Run Facebook Ads
  2. Invite People to Like Your Page
  3. Create Viral Content
  4. Host a Giveaway
  5. Post Attention Grabbing Content
  6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
  7. Try Out Facebook Live
  8. Partner with an Influencer
  9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
  10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
  11. Add a Facebook Like Widget
  12. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
  13. Email Your List
  14. Create More Video Content
  15. Engage with Your Community
  16. Hashtag It Up
  17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
  18. Get Tagged by Customers

How to organically increase Facebook likes?
  1. Post Attention Grabbing Content
  2. Try Out Facebook Live
  3. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
  4. Add a Facebook Like Widget
  5. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
  6. Email Your List
  7. Create More Video Content
  8. Engage with Your Community

How to boost Facebook likes fast?
  1. Run Facebook Ads
  2. Create Viral Content
  3. Host a Giveaway
  4. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
  5. Partner with an Influencer
  6. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
  7. Engage with Your Community
  8. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
  9. Get Tagged by Customers

How many Facebook followers do you have? Comment below!

Want to Learn More?
  • 10 Facebook Trends That You Need To Know [Infographic]
  • How to Get More Followers on Instagram
  • How to Set Up a Facebook Shop
  • 10 Things You Can’t Advertise on Facebook

Followers on Facebook Page - delight viewers and increase revenue

2 min.

Fan Subscriptions allow viewers to support your Page with monthly contributions. In return, paying subscribers receive special benefits: exclusive content, communication, or discounts on goods.


Fan Subscriptions are only available to Pages in certain regions. You can check if your Page meets the requirements here. To be able to enable the fan following feature, your Page and content on it must match:

  • Terms of monetization for authors;
  • Fan funding conditions for authors;
  • Requirements for using subscriptions in the Apple App Store.

In addition, your Page must meet the following criteria.

  • She must have 10,000 followers or more than 250 returning viewers, and have achieved one of the following in the last 60 days:
    • 50,000 post interactions;
    • 180,000 minutes of video views.

Learn more about the requirements.

Fan Subscriptions are only available to Pages in certain regions. You can check if your Page meets the requirements here. To be able to enable the Fan Subscriptions feature, your Page and the content on it must comply with:

  • Creator Monetization Terms;
  • Fan funding conditions for authors;
  • Requirements for using subscriptions in the Apple App Store.

In addition, your Page must meet the following criteria.

  • She must have 10,000 followers or more than 250 returning viewers, and have achieved one of the following in the last 60 days:
    • 50,000 post interactions;
    • 180,000 minutes of video views.

Learn more about the requirements.

What are the benefits of fan subscriptions?

Fans tend to support their favorite authors for various reasons:

  • They believe in you.
  • They want to communicate with you more and more often.
  • They want exclusive content.

Subscriptions give authors a number of benefits:

You can count on additional income.

You decide what rewards to offer to fans and what prices to charge per subscription (from $0.99 to $99.99 per month).

You can create whatever you like.

When you offer your most loyal viewers additional benefits for a fee, your income does not depend on the preferences of the mass audience.

You will be able to develop the community.

If you create exclusive content in your unique style, you will find more fans who truly appreciate your work.

Beginning in August 2020 and throughout the year, Facebook will not withhold any commission on fan subscriptions .

A percentage of your income depends on how fans pay for their subscription. You will receive 100% of funds for purchases made in the browser (excluding applicable taxes and fees). If a fan follows you using a mobile device, you will receive 70% of the funds before applicable taxes and fees, as the platform company (Apple for iOS devices and Google for Android devices) charges 30% of the cost of in-app purchases. You can find out more in our terms and conditions.

Commission is not charged for fan subscriptions registered before January 1, 2020. This rule will continue to apply after the end of the one-year period mentioned above.

Paid Subscriber Benefits

Paid Subscriber Badge

Each user who subscribes will automatically receive a paid subscriber badge to be displayed next to their name in comments. If desired, a person can remove this icon at any time.

When you set up your subscriptions, you will need to select at least one of the three additional benefits. This will help subscribers understand what they are paying for. You can add your own description for each benefit.

Exclusive content

Post videos, photos, polls, news, or other content that only paid subscribers can see.

Live Streams

Chat with your paid subscribers in real time to answer their questions and get feedback.


Add event or product discount codes to posts or posts that are only available to paid subscribers.

Examples of exclusive content

Exclusive content can be in any format, but must be available only to paid subscribers. Below are a few examples, and in the lesson How to increase the engagement of paid subscribers, you will find even more ideas.

Polls and Q&A sessions for paid subscribers.

This format will allow paid subscribers to communicate with you and ask questions that interest them. In addition, their answers will help you improve your content or posting strategy.

Backstage invitation.

You can explain how you create content, show bad takes, tell you how your day goes, share your craft or introduce fans to your team.

Access to content catalog or library.

You can delight fans with content that no one else will see, such as footage from an event.


Monetize Content with In-Stream Video Ads


Launch Fan Following on a Facebook Page in Creator Studio

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How to increase the number of Facebook fans

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Posted on Internet. In order to keep up with fashion, I also started a page for my fans there.

About two weeks have passed since that moment, and no one was in a hurry to become a fan of my page. I rummaged through the entire Internet on this topic, but I did not find the answer “how to increase the number of Facebook page fans” . The only thing that came across was paid promotion offers.

Some time passed and the solution of the problem: how to increase the number of fans found me by itself. And now I can enlighten you on this topic, so that you can increase the number of your fans completely free of charge.

And for fans and just connoisseurs of football, I can invite you to visit , where you will find not only the pages of each of your favorite teams: Anzhi, CSKA, Dynamo and many many others, but also the latest football news , the results of the latest matches and detailed summaries of the standings.

1. A way to increase the number of your fans

The first way is quite laborious, and to be honest, I did not use it, but I still consider it my duty to tell you about it.

It consists in the fact that you need to register on the service as a blogger, earn some money by making promotional tweets and "liking" advertisers' pages. Then transfer these funds to your own advertiser account on this service and create an advertising company for your Facebook page.

This way you will increase the number of fans of your page without investing real money.

2. A way to increase the number of Facebook fans

I used this method, and for several days the number of fans of my page has increased from zero to 500.

Registering for Twiends After registration, you will immediately be assigned 50 seeds, when subscribing to the newsletter, they will give you another 50 (once a week you will receive an email with a code to receive 25 seeds).

Then we indicate our interests (the more there are, the more people will be offered to you for following, liking and watching videos from YouTube - naturally not for free), then in the settings we indicate our Twitter, Facebook, YouTube accounts and set the price for what we will buy "likes".

From this moment on, your page will start to have fans, and your seeds will gradually decrease. To replenish them, you can follow several people, or like the pages (it is advisable to choose more expensive ones).

For example, I followed and liked only for 9 - 4 seeds, as a result, for these 9 seeds you buy 4.5 likes on your page (if you set a minimum price of 2 seeds per like).

Why do we need a large number of fans?

Why do we need a large number of fans? - you ask. And here's why:

  1. When someone clicks "Like" on your page, information will appear on his wall that he likes you, and accordingly his friends and friends of his friends will see it.
    This is how you advertise your page.
  2. Having a large number of fans other than zero will make it easier for you to make friends, rarely will anyone decide to refuse friendship to a person who is liked by so many.

Why do we need a large number of friends?

Announcements of entries that you will publish on your wall (as well as on Twitter) will be displayed to all your friends. This way you increase the likelihood of more traffic to your Facebook page as well as your blog to view full posts.

The king is dead, long live the king! New services will help increase the number of Facebook fans and not only...

As you probably already understood, after reading the comments on this post, the Twiends service unfortunately disconnected Facebook from its site and I, like many of the readers, asked myself: “Are there any other similar services and how are we now to increase the number of Facebook fans ?.

And now I hasten to please you: there is such a service! This is LikeHits.

Learn more