Facebook famous how to

How to Become Famous on Facebook: 11 Proven Tips

Facebook, being the world’s largest social networking platform, offers immense opportunities for individuals, businesses, influencers, etc.. to become famous and gain a massive following. When you become famous on Facebook, you gain access to a massive audience that can engage with your content, share it with others, and help you increase your reach.

This can lead to increased likes, comments, and shares, which can boost your visibility on the platform and attract new followers. Moreover, when you have a large following on Facebook, you can collaborate with other influencers for brands, monetize your content, and even get invited to events or conferences.

Being famous on Facebook also gives you a sense of accomplishment and recognition, which can boost your confidence and motivate you to achieve your goals. But how can you stand out in a sea of users and become famous on Facebook? In this article, we will provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you become a Facebook sensation and achieve your goals.

11 Easy Tips to Get Famous on Facebook

Here we have shared some insider tips and strategies to become popular on Facebook. With a little bit of effort and a lot of determination, you can turn your social media dreams into a reality.

1. Make Your Page Public

You should not limit your Facebook content to your circle of friends. Make them unrestricted so that everyone can see what you have to offer. This makes it easy for more people to find you and connect with you, thereby increasing your fame and strengthening your individual recognition.

In addition, having a public page holds many more advantages for a brand, such as increased engagement and possible conversion of numerous potential customers.

2. Create a Catchy Profile

Your profile is your first contact with your potential audience. This creates a first impression with them and helps them make the decision to connect with you. Having a great profile will surely positively impact your desire to become well-known.

You should take some time to fill out your personal information and make use of a professional profile picture and cover photo that suitably represent who you are and can entice the category of people you are targeting. Also, make sure that you have a complete profile that does not leave out any data or facts that your audience might be interested in.

3. Share Interesting Content

Putting up interesting posts that are relevant to your audience is a way to draw more attention to your page. They help to generate positive expressive responses and reactions on your page. You can craft informative texts and images that teach your audience something new or record entertaining videos that can excite them and make their day.

Don’t forget to always add interesting captions and uniqueness to your content to make it impressive. It helps in growing their interest in your page and also sharing with their friends and families.

4. Post More Visual Content

To succeed on Facebook, you need to optimize your posts to match the algorithmic ranking factors. If you have noticed, many of the most famous profiles and pages on Facebook usually combine the use of graphic elements like images, videos, and infographics with their text content. This is major because illustrations are very influential in attracting people and making them pay attention to your page.

Besides, visual content helps you get higher engagement rates that continuously make your profile become more visible and convert many additional followers. Therefore, to boost your Facebook fame, you should make sure that you always include some pictures in your written posts.

On the other hand, ensure that you post graphical contents that will only impact your Facebook page positively. Make use of informative or entertaining pictures and reels that your audience would love to see.

5. Maintain a Regular Posting Schedule

It’s important to understand the optimal posting frequency and timing in order to achieve Facebook fame. While studies suggest that Wednesday at 11 am and 1-2 pm is the best time to post on Facebook, this may not apply to every account. The ideal time to post depends on factors unique to your profile, such as your audience’s location and when they are most active on Facebook.

With Facebook’s algorithmic news feed, posting at the right time is crucial for increasing engagement. To determine your ideal posting schedule, use Facebook Page Insights to track when your followers are online. Consistency is also key to maintaining engagement, so use a schedule via the content calendar to ensure you post regularly without being spammy.

6. Engage with Your Audience

Consistently engaging your audience makes them stay active on your page, which helps you attract more followers, gain more relevance, and increase your popularity. So, you know what happens when you do not keep them involved – you simply risk becoming less famous.

Interact with your audience in various conversations on relevant topics, respond to their comments and feedback, and offer them valuable information. Also, asking thought-provoking questions on your status updates with humor can help you get more engagement.

7. Use Facebook Stories

This is an exciting way to grab attention and draw people to visit your page. It has a lot of advantages over conventional posts, such as the unique positioning where people can quickly see your updates as soon as they log in to their profiles.

You can upload interesting Facebook stories and real-time updates that can easily boost engagements on your page to become well-known. It also helps you build a stronger association with your followers.

8. Join Popular Groups

When your Facebook page starts getting more popular, you should research popular groups in your niche and be a part of them. Once you join, actively participate in the group, and you should have a good knowledge of the subject matters to ensure that you can expertly contribute to the discussions instead of just being a passive member.

9. Get More Likes

You cannot become famous on Facebook if your posts are not getting as many likes as they should. Likes are a ranking signal for the Facebook algorithm, which pushes your content to the top of users’ News feeds. The fastest and easiest way to get more likes on your page or posts is to buy them.

The more likes you have, the more people check out your posts and grow your popularity. In order to get these benefits, you can buy likes from Media Mister. We provide likes from real and active accounts to help you improve your visibility and ensure that your posts start getting the attention that it deserves.

Buy Facebook likes from Us to get as many likes as you want on your posts and make your page more popular. Additionally, Having more likes on your posts can also increase your credibility and authority on the platform, as well as attract more followers and potential business opportunities.

10. Use Twitter and Instagram

Post some great content on Twitter and Instagram to reach a wider audience. Interact with the people, give them value, and encourage them to also connect with you on Facebook for unique content. However, ensure that your Facebook profile link can be found easily so that they can locate and follow you on Facebook.

In addition, bear in mind not to always share the same content on all social media platforms so that people can see the need to connect with you on every social network, and not just one.

11. Harness the Power of Facebook Live

To harness the power of Facebook Live, you should plan your broadcasts in advance, promote them on your page and other social media channels, and interact with your audience during the stream. You can use Facebook Live to showcase your talents, share your thoughts and opinions, or even host Q&A sessions.

Make sure to engage with your viewers by responding to comments and encouraging them to share your videos with their friends. Thus aim to go live on a regular schedule to build a loyal following.


Facebook has continued to offer everyone the chance to build their online presence and become more famous. You need to be able to drive a high level of engagement on your Facebook page to achieve the height of recognition that you desire.

While it is becoming more competitive day by day, we have discussed some of the best ways you can grow your page and become a Facebook celebrity in the nearest future.

9 Ways To Become More Popular On Facebook [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Facebook is different things to different people. It's used to stay in touch, play games, share news and stories, or promote brands. What unites almost everyone who regularly uses Facebook is the desire to be popular and Liked.

The problem is that Facebook guards updates and doesn't automatically show everything to everyone. The algorithm that determines how many people get to see a post is called EdgeRank and it pretty much is a black box. Nobody knows exactly what will make something go viral on Facebook. However, there are a few things you can put on your checklist to significantly improve your chances to become popular.

This article provides a summary of the wisdom from science and social media experts.

Be Upbeat & Positive

Good news spread faster and farther than anything else on social media, which is in contrast to traditional mass media. Psychologists explain that we care how our friends and peers react to what we share. Since we generally want our friends to be happy, we prefer to share something that makes them feel good. Consequently, you will literally be liked a lot more if your updates are upbeat and positive. Frankly, this one shouldn't come as a surprise as the same is true for how you behave in 'real life'.

There are some things, however, you should not share on Facebook, regardless of how positive or exciting they are.


Studies show that people are much more likely to share or Like content that arouses a strong emotional reaction in them. This includes science articles that leave them in awe, as well as posts that excite them or make them laugh. Although content that triggers strong emotions like anger or anxiety tends to do well, the more positive a story is, the more likely it is to be shared.

See Upworthy's entire How To Make That One Thing Go Virual slide show.

Appeal To Your Friends & Followers

Being positive and having the potential to trigger strong emotions is worthless, if you fail to capture the interest of your friends and followers. Know what they care about and feed their interests. Or build the audience that genuinely cares for what you have to share. Consider targeting different types of updates to different groups of friends.

There are a few things that really annoy people on Facebook; avoid them like the plague.

Know Who Your Friends Or Followers Want To Appeal To

Now this one is a little complicated, so bear with me. People won't just share something because it impressed them, they also want to impress others with what they share. In other words, if they think a person they really care about will Like what they are reading right now, they are much more likely to share it. So try to craft your Facebook updates in a way that make the social cognition regions in your readers' brains fire! Or in simple terms: appeal to the friends of your friends!

Be Fresh!

Always strive to post about current and exciting things! We all love to be entertained and learn something new. And don't forget to add your own unique twist; it will make you memorable.

Use Visuals

People don't read, unless a great headline or a visual catches their attention. Pictures have been found to work best, better even than videos. So put an effort into finding or creating great images for your Facebook updates. Note that with the News Feed changing, pictures will be granted more space; you can now use up to 600 x 600 pixels.

If you decide to use visuals, be very careful not to breach copyright laws. Here is a list of things that might get you banned from Facebook.

Be Brief!

While you're putting more effort into adding good images, cut down on the amount of words you are using. Although Facebook doesn't have a character limit, it appears that even 140 characters are too much. Also note that text describing a picture won't show as caption, instead it will be overlaid at the bottom of the image. Around 80 characters are said to work best.

Interact With Your Friends & Followers

Essentially a no-brainer, but communicating with someone is more engaging for them than being talked at. Involve people in your updates, ask a question, let them fill in a blank, have them write a caption for a funny photo, or challenge them to another activity. Telling people something you would like them to do will significantly increase their interaction. Sometimes life is simple.


Everyone is busy and all our Facebook News Feeds are flooded with updates. The best time for your posts depend on where your audience is located and what their Facebook habits are. Generally, weekend mornings tend to work best.

See the entire Your Way to Facebook Success Infographic.


Being popular on Facebook or making something go viral is hard work. Moreover, it requires quite a bit of skill and a lot of luck. However, if you follow a basic and smart recipe, practice a lot, and continuously learn from your own experience and that of others, you will eventually have a breakthrough. Never give up!

What is the Facebook success you are dreaming of?

Image Credits: Like via Shutterstock, Girl in Hammock via Shutterstock, Light Bulbs via Shutterstock, Green Grass via Shutterstock, Ladders and Clouds via Shutterstock. This post was inspired by an article on The New York Times and contains additional ideas from a Pagemodo Infographic, DashBurst, and an Upworthy slide show.

Facebook verification badge request

We encourage verified profile owners and verified Page administrators to use two-factor authentication.

A verification badge means that Facebook has verified and authenticated a Page or profile of an individual, public figure, or brand. Previously, only well-known and exceptional people and brands could receive the confirmation badge. You can still see users with the confirmation badge assigned in accordance with our previous requirements.

How do I verify a profile or Page?

You can subscribe to Meta Verified to get a verification badge for your profile. Learn more about the requirements for a Meta Verified subscription.

If you're a public figure, celebrity, or brand, you can also apply for a profile or Page verification badge if you meet the requirements below. To verify your profile or Page, please complete this form.

Note. The Meta Verified subscription is only available for profiles, not Pages. Featured Pages can still apply for the verification badge. During the testing period, the changes will not affect Instagram and Facebook accounts that were confirmed prior to product launch.

Verification badge requirements

For non-Meta Verified accounts, we consider a number of factors to determine if a Page or Facebook profile meets our verification criteria and is popular enough.

Pages and profiles must comply with Facebook's User Agreement and Community Standards and must be:

Genuine, meaning that they represent a real person, registered company or organization.

Unique, that is, being the only Page or profile that represents a person or company. We only endorse one Page or profile of a person or company (excluding Pages and profiles in different languages). We do not endorse Pages and profiles with a general theme (such as "Puppy Memes").

Completed, that is, have the "Information" section, a photo of the Page or profile, and have performed any actions recently, including posting at least one publication.

Meaningful, that is, representing a well-known person, brand, or organization that people often search for. We review Pages and profiles that are featured in multiple news sources, excluding paid and sponsored content.

If your Page or profile does not qualify for the verification badge, there are other ways to verify its authenticity.

For example, you can link to your account on your official website, Instagram profile or Twitter account. You can also subscribe to Meta Verified to get a verification badge for your profile.

The most famous Trojan for Facebook was created in Russia. The names of its owners are disclosed

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    The German channel SWR has published the names of the creators and owners of the most famous Trojan for social networks - Koobface. All of them live in St. Petersburg and are at large.

    The creators of Koobface, the most famous Trojan program on the social network Facebook, are five residents of St. Petersburg, according to the New York Times, citing the German TV channel SWR. In addition to the fact of the hackers' nationality, the newspaper cites the names and nicknames of possible cybercriminals.

    According to the publication, the Ali Baba & 4 hacker group, consisting of Anton Korotchenko (nickname KrotReal), Stanislav Avdeyko, is responsible for the work of the Koobface worm (leDed), Svyatoslav Polishchuk (PsViat and PsycoMan), Roman Koturbash (PoMuc) and Alexander Koltyshev (Floppy).

    It is worth noting that CNews wrote about the Russian affiliation of the authors of Koobface more than a year ago. Then the chief anti-virus expert of Kaspersky Lab Alexander Gostev told the publication that "Russian-speaking cybercriminals are behind Koobface."

    The current surge of interest in Koobface is due to the actions of a German blogger Jan Droemer (Jan Droemer), who, using only open data, at the beginning of 2010 managed to calculate the names and nicknames of the owners of Koobface. The collected information, including the names, addresses, phone numbers and photographs of potential intruders, Dremer passed on to law enforcement agencies in Germany and the United States, as well as to the SWR television channel, which recently published the information on the air.

    While Koobface was alive, he asked users to voluntarily agree to download malware

    The New York Times reports that despite the fame of the Koobface hosts, they are still at large, as cooperation between Western and Russian law enforcement in the field of cybercrime is difficult.

    The newspaper writes that Koobface, which specialized in publishing advertising links in social networks, brought its owners up to $ 2 million a year. Referring to an assessment by Kaspersky Lab, the newspaper reports on the Koobface botnet, which in 2010 included from 400,000 to 800,000 infected computers worldwide.

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    In November 2010, three botnet control servers were discovered and stopped by the British police, after which Koobface's activity began to decline.

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