How to promote on instagram with facebook

3 Ways to Use Facebook to Grow your Business Instagram Followers

As we all well know, Instagram is Facebook’s “billion dollar baby.”

It’s the darling mobile phone photo app that is very popular with young people, celebrities, and increasingly with more and more businesses.  (Since the adding of video, business use on Instagram is growing rapidly).  In fact, everyday people are now starting hugely successful businesses on Instagram by promoting offers for products/services that relate to them in some way. They do this through the vehicle of affiliate marketing. Affiliate networks like AWIN, Shareasale and Commission Junction allow people to connect with businesses to promote quality goods on platforms like Instagram.

Since being purchased by Facebook in 2012, Instagram has added over 30 million users to now have over 130 million. The Instagram concept has been simple: upload, customize, and share photos (and now short videos) via the mobile app.  It also enables easy sharing to other social networks , along with the ability to follow and comment on images of other Instagram users.

With photos and media being a natural and popular means of sharing and communicating in online, digital media, Instagram is a “go-to” app for mobile users wanting to customize and share photos.

Businesses on Instagram continue to see it as a new method to connect, interact with, and visually get their company brand in front of potential customers (see Business Ideas for Instagram).  However, if your audience doesn’t know you are on Instagram, how can you grow your follower base?


A company Facebook page can be used strategically to help increase awareness and followers on a company Instagram account by implementing these three ideas.

1. Add a Instagram Tab to your Facebook Page

Make your Facebook fans aware of your instagram account by adding a tab to your Facebook page that pulls in your Instagram Posts or a specific hashtag relevant to you.  The on occasion create posts for your Facebook page that links to this tab.

More details on Instagram Tab Options >>

2. Share Instagram Pics and Videos on Facebook

Another way to increase awareness to your Facebook fans is to post your Instagram pics or videos to your Facebook Page.

While there is no automatic methods to post or sync Instagram photos to a specific Facebook page there are pretty simple methods.

One way is to post to Instagram and in the mobile app select the “…” to enable sharing options and then select “Copy Share URL”.

This can then be taken to your Facebook Page in the Pages app or regular Facebook mobile app, pasted, add a space, and the image is pulled in!

On Facebook it becomes a nice link post as shown below.

3. Run a Instagram Contest on Facebook

This is a interactive way to make your Facebook community aware of and interact with your company on instagram.  By promoting a contest that is hosted on your Facebook Page tab where fans enter by going to Instagram and “@ tagging” your username as well as adding a #hashtag you specify, they are entered and the contest pulls in all images with that specific hashtag that have been added on Instagram time!

 Learn more about Instagram Contest Options >>

These three simple methods offer companies a way to leverage their Facebook Page and help build their following on Instagram.

What about your company?  Are you creatively leveraging your Facebook Page to grow fans or followers on other social networks your company uses?

facebook pages, Instagram app, Instagram Contest, instagram photos, instagram videos, tabsite apps

How to Promote Your Instagram: 13 Ideas that Work

It’s time to rethink how to promote your Instagram account.

Why now? Because the platform’s rapid evolution and growth mean that what worked in the past isn’t going to score you the same sort of engagement today.

Based on recent Instagram stats, the visual space is becoming more and more crowded with brands fighting tooth and nail for more customers.

As a result, it quite literally pays for brands to have as many tactics as possible to promote Instagram to their target audience.

In this guide, we’ve broken down 13 totally actionable ways to do exactly that. From optimizing your posts and profile to rethinking your approach to content promotion, any combination of these tips are fair game when it comes to Instagram promotion.

13 Ways to promote your Instagram Page

1. Ramp up your content production

There’s no shortage of Instagram content you can publish to fill up your feed.

Customer photos. Memes. Bite-sized videos.

And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s available to you.

To figure out what performs the best among your audience, you’re going to need to experiment. That means ramping up your content production and posting more frequently.

Publishing to Instagram at least once a day is within the platform’s best practices. Heck, major brands like TopShop and H&M post up to three times per day (if not more often).

As you roll out more content, it’s crucial to squeeze more engagement out of your following by understanding the best times to post on Instagram.

And speaking of which, that’s also why Instagram Stories are so valuable. Off-the-cuff content via Stories essentially allows you to “skip the line” and appear front-and-center in people’s feeds. Not only that, but you can freely post Story after Story without worrying about spamming your fans.

The takeaway here is that Instagram moves much quicker than it did a year or two ago in terms of content. Brands should ramp up if they want to keep up. To create content that your audience will love, make sure you have a comprehensive strategy in place and are using data to create more successful content. Download our Instagram marketing strategy guide to learn more.

2. Cross-promote your Instagram posts across other networks

The effort it takes to snag the perfect snapshot and craft a clever caption isn’t something that should go to waste.

Cross-posting your content to other social platforms is a no-brainer to get even more of an ROI out of your Instagram presence.

For example, you can promote your Instagram content across the likes of Facebook and Twitter to maximize your content’s reach.

Although cross-promotion is a smart move, bear in mind that each social platform has its own best practices. For example, Instagram tends to go heavier on the hashtags while you might want to craft a slightly different description for images posted to Facebook.

Sound time-consuming? It doesn’t have to be.

Sprout Social’s Asset Library enables you to store images, videos and text in a centralized location for use across multiple social networks. Quickly find, edit and publish directly from the Asset Library to deliver engaging posts that are tailored to whatever network you’re using.

And don’t forget to make your job even easier by using scheduling and publishing tools.

Ana Laura Montaño González
Community Manager

Sprout’s Optimal Send Times simplifies things further by scheduling content to post at the times most likely to generate engagement from your audience.

Start Your Free Trial

3. Focus on people-centric content

Although Instagram is a place to score sales, it is still first and foremost a place to share experiences.

The popularity of selfies on Instagram speaks for itself, as does customer photos and pictures of people using products in real-world settings. Much of the appeal of Instagram is that brands are capable of advertising in a more human way without bombarding followers with messages that scream “BUY NOW!”

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A post shared by Penguin Books (@penguinbooks)

And on a related note, this is exactly why user-generated content such as customer photos are such a goldmine for brands. Not only do folks on the ‘gram love it when brands shout them out, but customer photos represent marketing firepower that proves that people dig your products.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Penguin Books (@penguinbooks)

But in order to spot and curate user-generated content for your feed, you’re going to need to understand how hashtags can help you promote your Instagram.

And that leads us to our next point.

4. Experiment with branded and industry hashtags

Brands both big and small should create a hashtag to encourage sharing and promotion on behalf of their followers. Doing so doesn’t have to be rocket science, either.

For example, Ernie Ball displays their #iplayslinky and #colorsofrocknroll hashtags loud and clear in their bio.

In turn, they use the tag to promote their own posts in addition to thousands of loyal fans promoting the brand organically.

See how that works?

Beyond your own hashtags, you should try to promote your Instagram using more general, community hashtags specific to your industry such as #6strings (music) or #unicornhair (beauty). Tacking on extra tags essentially makes your posts searchable by tag-followers and instantly increases your reach.

As noted in our guide detailing how to use hashtags across every social network, engagement peaks at approximately nine hashtags. Although you can certainly use less (or more), the takeaway here is that you should at the very least add something.

Don’t forget to take advantage of hashtag analytics tools. Sprout lets you track and analyze hashtag performance to find out what’s resonating with audiences and optimize usage.

And with Sprout’s Advanced Listening, you can move beyond quantitative data to find qualitative insights related to hashtags, allowing you to fully understand campaign performance and measure share of voice. Additionally, you can identify related hashtags to dive deeper into the brand-relevant conversations consumers are having on social.

Start Your Free Trial

5. Tag brands, followers and locations whenever you can

Tagging is a surprisingly effective way to promote your Instagram.

And no, we’re not just talking about hashtags.

For example, you can tag other brands and accounts in hopes of a shout-out yourself. Given that notifications ping anyone who receives them, relevant tags are a subtle way to encourage promotion.

Likewise, it’s both courtesy and within Instagram’s best practices to tag anyone you might be regramming. Chances are they’ll be thrilled to be featured in your feed and will share the news with their own followers.

Don’t forget to tag locations, too! For example, if you have a physical location for your business or regularly attends events, location-specific posts allow you to explore new potential fans and followers.

6. Publish Instagram content on-site

When it comes to ads, what better billboards than your own customers?

Featuring Instagram content on-site is a brilliant way to increase conversions. Why? Because when people see purchased products in real-world settings, they know that the brand in question has satisfied customers. Consumers can better visualize and understand a product for themselves when they see it “in the wild.”

Thus the rise of lookbooks and brands featuring user-generated content on product pages. For example, Casper uses an Instagram slideshow on-site to show off their satisfied sleepers.

Of course, this all circles back to the need to promote your Instagram hashtag.

In addition to their Instagram bio, #TopShopStyle is plastered across the brand’s site and marketing emails to increase their tag’s exposure. The end result is more user-generated content and people promoting TopShop organically.

7.  Carve out your creative trademark

Creativity counts on Instagram.

Having some sort of niche or theme is a great way to both inspire your Instagram content and make yourself stand out from the crowd.

For example, Yeti is known for its feed full of high-res photos of the outdoors featuring adventures enjoying their products.

Meanwhile, oVertone boasts a bold color-coded feed based on whichever shade of their product their currently promoting.

If you’re stumped as to what your creative trademark should be, don’t sweat it. There are tons of Instagram apps (such as VSCO) which can help you add some creative flair to your photos. By using consistent gradients, colors and filters, you can make your feed feel more, well, you.

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A post shared by VSCO (@vsco)

8. Work with influencers to extend your reach

As we mentioned earlier, Instagram benefits from being a platform where brands can essentially publish ads without shoving them in their followers’ faces.

Enter the rise of influencer marketing.

Simply put, influencer marketing entails a paid relationship with another Instagram account with a sizeable, engaged follower count. Influencers’ audiences should ideally mirror your own or allow you to tap into a new sect of users that you’re trying to reach.

Influencers are akin to ads in the sense that the relationship does indeed cost money. However, finding the right influencer can be an incredibly cost-effective way to both sell products and grow your following.

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A post shared by HELEN BERKUN (@helen_berkun)

Brands can spot influencers through hashtags and manual searching, or you can try Instagram analytics tools such as Tapinfluence or search an in-depth database related to your business.

Remember: when identifying influencers, just make sure they have a following that actually engages with their content. Engagement rate calculators such as this one from Phlanx can help give you peace of mind about any influencers in question.

9. Rethink how you present your products and promotions

This is a simple tip but is definitely something worth mentioning. And it relates to that other kind of Instagram promotion – the one with fun giveaways or sale items and can be incredibly valuable for your brand when done well.

So when you promote your Instagram in these instances, it’s crucial to present your content as must-see.

Instagram thrives on anything and everything “new.” Anything you can do to create a sense of hype is a major point in your favor.

For example, check out how Glossier hypes up their much-requested eye cream by surprising their followers a day before it drops.

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A post shared by Glossier (@glossier)

Uniqlo publishes hype-heavy Instagram promotions and content, including calls-to-action for followers to check out their exclusive merch.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by UNIQLO Global (@uniqlo)

Pinup Girl also does a great job of highlighting why their products rock and allows their brand voice to shine through in the process.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Pinup Girl Clothing (@pinupgirlclothing)

As a rule of thumb, think “so what” before you hit “publish” for your promotions on Instagram. Doing so will ultimately encourage you to write more compelling captions.

10. Run a contest or giveaway

Here’s some food for thought: brands that run contests grow their followings 70% faster than those that don’t.

You might notice that many brands’ contest and giveaway-related posts receive insane amounts of engagement and that’s no accident. Done correctly, social media contests can result in followers and fans although they can also attract freebie-chasers. We recommend running a one-time contest promotion on Instagram to test the waters and determine whether or not contests are something you want to try for the long-term.

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A post shared by Birchbox US (@birchbox)

11. Optimize your profile for promotion

As you work through how to promote Instagram to new fans and followers, “looking the part” is essential.

This also applies to brands looking to attract more attention organically.

Let’s take a look at what makes an optimized Instagram profile. The good news is that there aren’t too many moving pieces of your profile itself to worry about.

Orlando’s East End Market is a prime example of a simple yet optimized profile. For starters, their username “eastendmkt” is short and sweet, all the while easy to find for locals searching for it.

Their bio also ticks the boxes of an optimized profile, including a clear profile picture, compelling bio, branding hashtag and trackable URL. Everything about this Instagram bio lets us know what to expect from their feed and likewise that we’re in the right place.

They also feature their email and phone number which is something to consider if you’re running a business account. East End also regularly tags other businesses and events to expand their profile’s reach. Oh, and not to mention their awesome visual content that their local followers love.

12. Take advantage of Instagram Stories and its latest features

Stories are by far Instagram’s most popular feature.

Used by over 500 million users daily, brands should take advantage of Stories as often as possible when promoting on Instagram. For many businesses, this means publishing user-generated photos and behind-the-scenes content. The beauty of Stories is that you don’t have to worry as much about your visuals being polished or “perfect.”

That said, creativity still counts when it comes to Stories. Among Instagram’s latest features, Stories are always at the center of them. For example, new interactive stickers such as the new Quiz sticker represent fresh ways that brands can engage with followers for a more unique and interactive type of Instagram promo.

Keeping up with Instagram means staying active and on top of its latest features. If you’re regularly publishing to Stories and watching what other brands are doing, you’ll always be in-the-know.

13. Consider running a paid campaign

Last but not least, don’t neglect the potential of paid promotion on Instagram.

After all, social media at large is becoming increasingly pay-to-play. As part of Facebook’s insanely in-depth ad platform, you can use Instagram’s eye-popping ad options to win over new customers.

There are plenty of Instagram success stories out there including this example from Dunkin which cleverly uses both Stories and video to grab the attention of users.

First familiarize yourself with today’s Instagram ad specs, then make sure you have the tools necessary to see how your paid efforts stack up against your organic Instagram presence.

Allison Gates
Creative Manager

Sprout’s paid tools for Instagram empower you to gain insight into the ROI of your overall strategy or compare the performance of individual campaigns to optimize appropriately. Easily highlight your top campaigns by video views, conversions, impressions, engagement and more.

And with that, we wrap up our guide!

More ways to expand your Instagram reach

Instagram offers brands plenty of routes for content discovery and connection with audiences. Make sure you’re covering the essential best practices with these guides:

  • Get more authentic Instagram followers with these 10 tips
  • 9 Instagram post ideas to spice up your account
  • How to regram on Instagram
  • How to get more Instagram Likes
  • How to craft an impactful Instagram bio for business

So, how do you promote your Instagram?

When it comes to Instagram promotion, you have plenty of tactics to experiment with.

And hey, that’s a good thing.

Making sure that your feed stands out means understanding the platform’s best practices and evolving alongside Instagram itself. Sticking to the tips above, or developing new Instagram post ideas can help you maximize your engagement as you promote your Instagram to new followers and customers. Start a free trial of Sprout Social to test out our Instagram tools hands-on.

How to properly set up ads on Instagram - Setting up ads on Instagram - Marilyn Blog

Instagram audience has grown significantly, and in terms of the number of active authors, according to statistics for October 2020, Instagram took first place - 42.8 million people against 27.7 million people a year before. According to Mediascope, 16 million people check their news feed every day. Instagram ads are a great opportunity to spread the word about your brand. There are several types of advertising on Instagram - targeted, through bloggers and in thematic communities. Let's take a look at how to set up targeted ads step by step.


What needs to be prepared for launching targeted advertising on Instagram

Registration and filling out an account

How to configure advertising on Instagram through

Publication Publication

Promotion of history

How to configure targeted advertising on Instagram through Facebook

Facebook Advertising Center

Facebook Advertising Cabinet

Creating an ad

How to set up ads in stories

Life hacks for launching advertising on Instagram

Control and optimization of the advertising campaign

What you need to prepare for launching targeted advertising on Instagram

Targeted advertising on Instagram allows you to:

  • fine-tune your audience;
  • track performance with statistics and control spending;
  • quickly set up and run ads;
  • do not depend on a blogger who can fail with the timing and quality of content.

You can set up targeted advertising on Instagram in the application or in the Fb advertising account. In Facebook Ads Manager, the functionality is wider. Facebook also has more settings for goals and targeting. In the application, the functionality is limited, but the process itself is simplified.

To launch targeted advertising through Facebook, it is enough to have a company's business page. If you want to interact with your target audience on Instagram, then you need to register a business account in it. This will allow you to track publication statistics, see information about subscribers, add data about your company.

You can connect a business profile to your regular Instagram account. In the app, go to "Settings" → "Account" → "Switch to a professional account".

Connecting a business profile to Instagram

When should I select "Author" in the professional account settings, and when should I select "Business"? "Author" is suitable for bloggers and those who want to promote their brand. To promote an online store, select "Business". In the next step, specify contacts and a category.

Then link your Facebook business page to your Instagram business account. This could be done at the stage of creating an Instagram business account, or in the profile → “Edit profile” → “Public information about the company” → “Page”. Next, enter the Facebook page.

You can also do this through Facebook.

Linked your Instagram account to your Facebook page, you can now edit your Instagram profile and reply to comments through the Facebook interface. Remember, when running targeted ads without an active Instagram account, the cover and page title will be pulled from Facebook.

Registration and filling of the account

A successful description, as well as a correctly completed Instagram profile will help promotion.

Examples of successful account design

Tell us about yourself, add a username and avatar - a blank page can scare away potential customers. Your avatar and username will appear in the feed, so it's important that they are clear, concise, and understandable. Main elements:

  • Name - 30 characters max. It should be as clear as possible and contain key information.
  • Landing link.
  • Profile description - no more than 150 characters. What are you promoting, are there any current promotions and special offers. Structure the information so that it is easy to understand - all bloated text is not a good idea.
  • Use the list of services, describe the benefits.
  • Avatar - your photo, product photo or brand logo.

Don't leave your newly created Instagram account naked, add content with a story about products, prices, benefits, promotions, share customer reviews. This will help increase user confidence. Remember, the more information is available to the user and the benefits are more obvious, the more likely it is that he will become your client.

Answer a few questions: do you have a business page on Instagram with a suitable design, are contacts filled in, are benefits described, is there interesting content. If yes, then congratulations - we are moving on to launching targeted advertising on Instagram.

How to set up ads on Instagram through the phone

Only posts or stories that have been published before can be promoted through the application. Plus, as we said, there are fewer targeting options.

Promote a post

Open the post you created earlier and click Promote.

You can lead users to your Instagram page, website or private messages. If you want more subscribers - go to your account; promote the site and want to get more transactions from it - to the site; to involve the target audience in communication - in direct.

If you select a site, the landing page will be pulled from your profile. The call to action "Learn more" can be changed - in the "Your site" section, click on the "Edit" link and select from the list provided.

Let's move on to choosing the audience. You can trust it to Instagram or set your own targeting parameters: geo, demographics, interests. Automatic targeting can only be used when you are sure that the subscribers are not bots, but real representatives of the target audience. Otherwise, create your own audience:

In the "Places" section, specify geotargeting, it can be configured up to a radius of one to thirty kilometers around the desired address. This fine-tuning is necessary to target Instagram ads to those who are close to your cafe, flower shop, tire shop, or when you have a limited delivery area.

In the "Interests" section, start entering what you need, and the system will offer you possible targeting options.

Select the age and gender of potential customers. Targeting "Places" is a must, and "Interests" is up to you. After all the settings, the system will show the approximate coverage. If it turns out to be too narrow, Instagram will warn about it. Expands coverage with geo and demographic targeting settings, as well as interests. Add the name of the target audience and click "Finish". It will be possible to target the created audience in the future.

Next, set the daily budget limits and the planned duration of the AC. The system will update the reach data based on the campaign budget and duration.

It is better not to run targeted ads on Instagram for less than 3 days, it will not be possible to adequately evaluate the effectiveness - the algorithm will need some time to adapt. It is important to set up impressions in such a way that the content does not bother the audience.

Before starting, you can check the targeting settings and enter the preview mode - it will show all options for displaying content.

Accommodation can be paid by card or PayPal. Keep in mind that 20% VAT will be added to the budget. That is, if you decide to spend 5000 ₽ on targeted advertising on Instagram, then pay 6000 ₽: the budget + 20% of its amount.

Click "Create Promotion" and wait for moderation results.

Story promotion

Stories on Instagram are promoted according to the same principle: choose the story where you want to lead users, set targeting and budget. If the story was published within the last 24 hours, just go to it and click "Promote". Please note that you cannot promote Stories that have tapable elements such as polls, etc.

You can track the effectiveness of the campaign through the profile section "Promotions" - here you can see the promotion period, budget consumption, the number of clicks and characteristics of the audience.

The targeting parameters set through the application will not allow you to accurately select the target audience, plus you cannot limit placements. Running targeted ads in an app is more of a test. For more detailed settings, it is better to use the functionality of the Facebook account interface.

How to set up targeted advertising on Instagram via Facebook

You can set up targeted advertising on Fb in your advertising account or in the Advertising Center.

Facebook Advertising Center

The setup process in the Ad Center is similar to the setup in the app, so we won't describe in detail all the steps for choosing targeting. This method has the same significant disadvantage - you will not be able to disable the promotion of the publication on Facebook and Messenger, that is, the post will be advertised not only on Instagram.

To run Instagram ads, you need a Fb business page. If it is not there, go to your Fb account, click "+" → "Advertising".

Create an advertising page by filling in all fields.

After creating the page, you can go to the "Ad Center" through the same menu and select the desired action - "Promote a post on Instagram".

Next, you will need to set up targeting and select a payment method. There are more features in Ads Manager, so let's dwell on it in more detail.

Facebook Advertising Account

He is Ads Manager. Log into your account and click "Create".

Select the goal of targeted advertising on Instagram. All options are available except: Messages, Catalog Sales, Store Attendance.

Variants of goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Recognition . This includes Brand Awareness and Reach. Both goals are aimed at increasing interest in a product or brand - the content will be shown to the maximum number of people. Sales are not the top priority here.

Review . The goals of this section are designed to interest potential buyers, get more comments and likes, attract subscribers, increase the number of app downloads and video views, and collect contacts.

Conversion . It will help to find those who are ready to take the necessary actions - to buy, register for events, leave applications, as well as attract potential customers to points of sale. Here it is important to set up the collection of statistics on events on your site by installing the Facebook pixel.

The goal you choose will determine the strategy for displaying targeted ads. Instagram will analyze users who perform the necessary actions, and then it will look for a similar audience.

Enter a clear name for the campaign so that you don't get confused in the future among the many ads. If you plan to conduct A / B testing, you will need to create several content options. You can enable budget optimization so that the system automatically redistributes funds between the most effective publications for maximum results. Enter budget limits for the duration of the campaign or set a daily budget and add a bid strategy:

  • Lowest Price - Fb looks for the cheapest placements while aiming for the full daily budget.
  • Price cap - Fb will first try to find the cheapest placements, then move on to the higher bids, while keeping the average cost below the benchmark bid.
  • Limit bid - here the system also first focuses on the cheapest options, but places a bid within the control price.

The benchmark bid is the desired maximum CPA value, such as a site visit or shopping cart interaction. Each goal has its own set of strategies and parameters, they differ.

When setting a budget for the entire duration of the campaign, you can choose the display schedule for each ad group. If you do not enable optimization, budget settings will be available in the next step - creating an ad group. You also need to select the Facebook page that represents your business or the linked Instagram account.

The estimated reach will be displayed in the right window and will change depending on the targeting change.

At the stage of setting up an ad group, you can activate "Dynamic creatives" - you upload several variants of creatives, and the system automatically substitutes them, revealing the most effective combinations.

This is also where you add audience options.

You can create a new audience or set up retargeting and look-a-likes to those who have already interacted with your site. But this requires an installed Facebook pixel, which has already collected enough data about landing visitors. To create such an audience, click "Create" in the "Custom Audience" line. Or add the characteristics of a new audience:

  • Location . Choose from several categories: living here, recent visitors or travelers. Specify the country, region, city or desired address with a radius of one to eighty kilometers. You can not only add, but also exclude locations.

  • Age, gender and languages ​​ . Set up targeting depending on the characteristics of your target audience.
  • Detailed targeting . You can add interests and demographics. If you click "Recommendations", then Facebook will tell you the audience close in his opinion. You can also narrow your audience or exclude users with inappropriate interests.

Connections targeting allows you to add or exclude audiences that have interacted with your Fb page and app or responded to an event.

  • Locations . It is important for us to set up targeted advertising on Instagram, so we choose the placements ourselves - we leave only Instagram: "Feed" or "Stories". Create different creatives for stories and posts, as the requirements for these formats are different. The feed is suitable when you rely on text, and stories work better when the main tool is visuals.

In the advanced settings, you can select targeting for the desired devices and operating systems, this is true for app advertising.

  • Optimization and display . Depending on the goal you set at the outset, you can optimize your ads to get more conversions, leads, app installs, and more. Targeted ads on Instagram will be shown to a specific audience in order to receive more of the specified targeted actions at a minimum cost.

The next step is to add creatives.

Create an ad

If your Instagram account is linked to Facebook, you can take a ready-made post and promote it or create a new one in one of the following formats: for each picture. If there are more than three images in the gallery, users will see only the first three, and the rest will become available when the story is expanded. The system can also test cards and show the most effective ones. The carousel is great for advertising multiple products.

The "Selection" format allows users to view products and place an order directly in the application. And Instant Experience allows you to create a storefront in full screen format. You can run a test and choose the most effective creative format.

Add a call to action and the ability to track events on the site, if you have a Facebook pixel embedded, it also works on Instagram. Click "Publish" and wait for the results of the verification.

How to set up ads in stories

In Ads Manager, go through the same steps to launch ads as for posts, but select Instagram stories in placements. Next, upload media files and submit for review.

Instagram story advertising allows you to increase brand awareness and target audience engagement, tell about discounts and promotions. By default, the story is shown to the user for only 5 seconds, so it is important to immediately grab his attention. You can show photos or videos, talk about the benefits of the product.

Create native stories, direct advertising can cause rejection. Users will also appreciate creativity and expressiveness. Add a call to action and use text on pictures to make advertising more effective.

Life hacks for launching ads on Instagram

We talk about possible mistakes and share life hacks on how to effectively set up targeted ads on Instagram:

  • To use the maximum targeting, do everything through Ads Manager. You'll have to figure it out, but it's worth it.
  • Ad content and formats must comply with Fb requirements.
  • Define clearly the goal of targeted advertising, otherwise the result will not be what you expected.
  • Stories and Instagram feed require different creative formats.
  • In case the video is shown without sound, duplicate important information with subtitles.
  • Track which creatives your target audience likes best and use this experience for future activities.
  • If you use videos in stories, show the main information at the beginning.
  • Divide your audience to show them the most relevant content.
  • Get a separate card to pay for advertising on Instagram.
  • Use analytics to see the big picture.
  • In 2020, the restrictions on the amount of text in the image were canceled, but remember, everything should be in moderation.

PK control and optimization

If you run a lot of advertising campaigns not only on Instagram, but also on other sites, then connecting an automation system will help save time and effort. For example, Marilyn knows how to manage contextual, targeted, and media advertising. It can:

  • automatically track the implementation of planned KPIs;
  • show detailed statistics for all sites in one window;
  • in a few clicks create reports in different sections and set up their receipt on a schedule;
  • smoothly turn off the budget, avoiding overspending or remaining funds for campaigns;
  • manage rates in order to achieve different KPIs;
  • automatically make UTM markup of links;
  • create audience segments and show content based on the geolocation of potential customers, as well as those who saw your ads offline.

Read the case studies where we share our real-life experience with the Marilyn automation platform and apply for a free test drive.

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How to promote content on Instagram using the promotion tool

2 min.


If you've decided to promote your business on Instagram, the easiest place to start is by promoting your post. You can start the promotion from the Instagram app. This is an effective way to reach people who are more likely to be interested in your company. In addition, promotion will increase the number of potential and existing customers who will want to visit your website or company.

In this course you will learn:

  • how to create an ad based on an Instagram post;
  • how to increase your reach and attract new customers.

Promoting content on Instagram to attract customers

People come to Instagram to discover something new and get inspired, so promoting content on this platform is a great way to attract new customers. Instagram advertising allows you to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Promote a post on Instagram

The promote tool allows you to start promoting a post on Instagram in a few easy steps. To access this tool, you need to create an Instagram business account.

You can create such an account from scratch or convert your existing personal account to it. Learn how to set up an Instagram business account.

Before you start

  1. Your phone must have the Instagram app installed.
  2. Must be logged into the company's Instagram account.

Ready? Now you can set up a budget and start promoting your content through the Instagram app.

To create a promotion, click the Promotions button in your business account or the Promote button in an existing post. In the promotion tool, you can configure the necessary parameters, for example, specify the advertising budget.

Launch promotion from company account

Promote an existing post

Watch the video below to learn how to use the Instagram promotion tool.

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Learn more

When creating an ad, you can customize your promotion by selecting your business goal, target audience, budget, expiration date, and more.

The promotion tool currently supports three destinations for your ads:

  • Your Profile
  • Your Website
  • Your Direct Messages

For other advertising purposes, use Ads Manager. To learn more about Ads Manager, see the sources listed in section What's next? below.

What's next?

More resources on the promotion tool

Learn more about promoting content on Instagram in the Help Center articles below:

  • How do I set up an Instagram business account?
  • How to display ads directly from Instagram?
  • How much does it cost to promote a post on Instagram?
  • What does a post promoted through the Instagram app look like?
  • Who can see the promoted posts I create on Instagram?

More resources on using Ads Manager to create ads

If you're interested in other Instagram ad delivery options, check out Ads Manager.

Learn more