How to look hot on instagram
6 No Fail Tricks To Look Hot Af On Instagram Selfies 6 No Fail Tricks To Look Hot Af On Instagram Selfies
Like it or not, the selfie is here to stay. It's in your news feed; it's in Kim Kardashian's book; it's even in the dictionary (between 'selfhood' and 'selfing'). You can either resist the urge to post one of your own or you could join in on the craze thatâs been sweeping the world. If you choose the latter, you'll need to make it good. Here's how to own the game and look hot AF in your selfies.
1. Be bold with your makeup.
The perfect selfie is truly an art form, and you can't make beautiful art with a shabby subject. Make yourself camera-ready by following a beauty routine that's slightly more intense than your everyday regimen. You might not sweep a highlighter stick over your nose and cheekbones every morning, but you should when you're preparing to take your best selfie. The same goes for your favorite bright lipstick. Once you throw an Instagram filter over a bold lip, you'll understand why it's a total gamechanger.
2. Take your selfie outside during the golden hours.
There's a reason why professional photo shoots have a team dedicated to lighting: it's crucial for a good shot. But if you're struggling to find fancy equipment, rest assured. Natural lighting is sometimes just as flattering, especially during the golden hours' right after sunrise and before sunset. So head outdoors for some quality photos – as an added bonus, you can get some cool trees or buildings in the background.
3. Experiment with angles – but, dear God, not from below.
Test out a few different angles to start – try placing your camera slightly above your forehead and angle it downward; snap a few from the left and right. But whatever you do, don't let your camera travel below your chin. Even those with the most petite faces will fall victim to the double chin phenomenon that instantly kills selfies.
4. Fill up that camera roll.
There's no shame in snapping selfie after selfie if the end result is a super hot photo. And don't forget to mirror it after! Nobody who's ever taken a selfie that they're proud of has struck gold on the first snap, so go ahead and take another one – or, like, seven. There's no shame in snapping selfie after selfie if the end result is a super hot photo.
5. Use a special editing app.
Yo Instagram filters, Imma let you finish, but there are plenty of photo editing apps that do a much better job at hiding your imperfections. Download some of the best free versions, like Snapseed and PicsArt, which let you blur out your zits, whiten your teeth, and even give yourself a nice golden tan. The Kardashians would never rely solely on Instagram to create their flawless selfies, and neither should you.
6. Unlock the secrets of Instagram.
Even the most tech-savvy millennials may not be using Instagram to its fullest, and that could result in less than perfect selfies. When selecting a filter, you can change the degree of effect thatâs applied. Just give the filter icon an extra tap and a bar will pop up. Play around with its intensity for the best effect. Once you've chosen your filter, switch over to the âeditâ mode and adjust the brightness and contrast, add some structure, and give it a good fade. You can even throw another filter on top of your perfectly edited selfie if you're feeling really daring (or bored). Don't be lazy with this step. The key is to experiment with different techniques so you take your absolute best selfie. Your 15 minutes of Instagram fame will be so worth it.
How to Look Hot on Instagram, from Photographer Van Styles
Van Styles
Photographer Stephen Vanasco—Van Styles for short—has a cool 693,000 Instagram followers. He’s clearly a super-talented guy, and there’s a unique, compelling perspective in each and every one of his photos, but there’s one theme in his photos that makes them really stand out, and that’s the hot women he shoots, known as “Van Styles” girls.
Interspersed with urban skylines, gritty landscapes, and action skateboarding shots, Van’s photography features an array of beautiful women of all looks, ethnicities, and body types but the one thing they have in common is that they all look very, very sexy, without much (visible) effort, in what are typically revealing, body-conscious outfits, positions, and angles.
That’s a rare thing to find in today’s culture of social-media oversharing, selfie overload, and less-than-tasteful posts, so we grilled Van to find out exactly how he does it.
Check out a few of his photo-taking and styling secrets below:
StyleCaster: First of all, when did the “Van Styles” girl become a thing? Can anyone be one?
Stephen Vanasco: I’ve been shooting women since 2002, and I just shoot what captivates me. I would say that, yes, any woman can be a Van Styles girl. I’ve shot models with lots of experience and lots who have never done a shoot at all.
When and how do you think women posting pictures of their bodies became more commonplace?
I think the more people see others gaining some amount of success and fame on a platform like Instagram, it’s evident that others will attempt to follow. I don’t think it was only because of people like Kylie Jenner—I think it was because you were able to see women who weren’t famous by any traditional route getting jobs, traveling, and meeting different people.
How have people’s attitudes about women posting sexual photos of themselves changed?
It seems to have become part of a pop culture, which, to me, means it is becoming more of a norm. There are still some people who have their negative point of view, but what are you going to do?
What are common mistakes when it comes to posing in sexy pictures?
Copying someone else’s photos is a common one. Some photos just convey a sense of thirstiness or cheesiness. That energy of trying too hard can easily transcend a photo.
Any tips on how women can look naturally sexy on IG?
Be yourself. If you’re goofy, show that. Don’t be afraid to show your true personality. To me, sexy is a woman who is honest with herself and not trying to project false imagery.
Can you give tips for beginners interested in shooting or posing for sexy photos?
Moving at your own pace is always good. No one has to jump into swimsuit or lingerie shots. Do what feels comfortable. If it feels forced when taking a photo, then don’t take it. As for pulling off sexy shots, I think anyone can. It’s all about confidence.
Who are your favorite models and photographers to follow on Instagram?
I don’t follow many photographers on Instagram, and the few I do are skateboard photographers or street shooters. As for models on Instagram, I like to see women who showcase more of their personality, rather than a ton of selfies. It is awesome to see inside someone’s thought process and see how they perceive the world.
How did you get into photography?
I was born in N.Y. and moved to L.A. when I was younger with my family. At 12 years old I discovered skateboarding, and it changed my life. Looking at Thrasher magazines in the early ’90s what was my first exposure to what photography can do. I wound up skateboarding from my teens into my 20s, but it would also lead me to a transitioning point for photography. I was running a skateboard camp for kids one summer and got to know a gentleman who owned an adult film company had his three sons enrolled with me.
Later, after I turned 21, he asked if I would produce a skateboarding-themed adult film for him. Coming from skating, I thought it would be a crazy adventure, so I took it. The project did well, and he offered me a job. That would lead to me having an opportunity to learn photography for his productions. Fast-forward about eight years, and I found myself overworked in the adult industry. During that time, photography had become my passion, similar to how skateboarding consumed me when I was younger. I pretty much threw caution to the wind to see where it would take me. Given the first subject matter I learned to shoot with was women, I figured I would just keep it going beyond.
How would you describe your aesthetic?
I would say off the hip. I never use mood boards or “inspirational” photos. I would rather go into a shoot with my mind as a blank canvas and just create as the model and I go. I love natural lighting and prefer more casual captures than forced poses. I love to find the photo as it comes.
Visual trends on Instagram in 2022 — Marketing on
On Instagram, not only the approach to maintaining an account changes every year, but also the trends in its design. The visual is very important, because first of all, users pay attention to the picture, and only after that to the content. To make your blog look cool and modern, it is important to find, analyze and adapt new trends.
Below I will tell you about the visual trends on Instagram for 2022. nine0003
Color background
Soft, natural tones and minimalism have already become the new classics, but in 2022, colors are more common in the design. One of the Instagram trends 2022 is colored backgrounds.
This background highlights the text well and attracts attention. You can use it to decorate text in a carousel or story. It is not necessary to choose acid shades if it does not suit your visual. Just replace the white and beige background with color
nine0002 Various angles
Ribbon with the same angles looks very boring and has already become an anti-trend. It is not interesting to follow such accounts, they do not catch the eye and you absolutely do not want to consider them.
New visual trends on Instagram are:
- Different angles;
- Alternating medium, wide, close-ups;
- Various poses.
Instead of this page design:
Choose this:
Lead frames in the feed are welcome. Even if you are a beauty blogger, your face is not the only thing worth showing in the feed. By posting the same object, you will make the feed overloaded, of the same type, uninteresting.
What are alignment shots for? Such photos help to better tell about you, to create a solid image. Also, such photos are the best way to dilute the tape, because a tape consisting only of your photos can look overloaded and monotonous. These photos include: subject photos on your topic, graphic elements and text pictures, architecture, interior, animals, details
Inclusive Graphics
Inclusion is one of the main SMM trends in 2022. Today, people want to see not only slender, healthy and young people, but also people of different ages, races, builds. The trend to broadcast the diversity of human life affects not only advertising, but also graphics on social networks.
If you're adding illustrations to posts, stories, or ad layouts, remember to show different people. Unusual hair color, not a "model" figure, wrinkles, different ages, height, skin color, health status - all this is not difficult to depict even in the simplest graphics. nine0003
Posts and stories in the same style
Creating content in a "single style" does not mean processing all photos and videos with one preset. Yes, processing is very important. If one photo is in pastel colors, and the second is with juicy elements, it will look strange. The processing should not be too different, otherwise the content will not convey the same mood, and the blog will no longer look like one connected story.
But in addition to processing, the following are important:
You can create a series of relevant posts and stories with a similar visual theme and then mix them up. If you use the same visuals for too long, the design may seem flat, or your followers may think they've seen it before. Matching colors, styles, and patterns to Instagram posts and stories is an important bonus for personal branding and creating a trendy aesthetic.
Large fonts
Instagram is gradually moving away from photo content only. Today, in many accounts, the text is written over the background and placed in a carousel. Along with the growing popularity of text, there are many trends in fonts. nine0003
The choice of font greatly affects the visual of the account. In 2022, oversized fonts are in trend. They fit:
- As catchy headlines;
- For citations;
- For writing words that reflect the values of the brand/blogger.
Bright Ribbon
The trend towards naturalness and muted tones last year is gradually being replaced by color. Bright colors, different colors, processing using several presets at once - all this is in the trend for Instagram visuals today. nine0003
If you are just starting out with page design, feel free to use bright colors
If rich colors are far from your aesthetic, you can use softer, muted shades. A bright ribbon is not necessarily a colorful decision. It might look like this:
It's important to stick to your overall brand identity, but that doesn't mean you can't bring some creative new elements to your social media. Don't be afraid to freshen up a bit. Little things like adding a new color won't alienate your audience as long as you keep your core aesthetic values the same.0003
Instagram visual trends are not something that should be immediately and blindly put into practice. Imagine that a brand spends a lot of time building a feed visual based on pastel shades, and then abruptly starts uploading shots of bright, saturated colors. Sudden blog changes can lead to unsubscribes. People get used to a certain style, and it may turn out that they don’t like the new visual at all.
There is a rebranding for cardinal changes. In all other cases, visual trends should be adapted to your aesthetics. For example, in the case of a trend for bright colors, it is enough to diversify the usual pastel ribbon with bright, but not too catchy elements. This will not completely change the profile visual, but it will make it many times more modern
If after reading the article you still have questions, then come for a consultation and together we will create a unique Instagram account design that 100% reflects your personality and the values of your brand, and will also form your expert image.
How to make a profile on Instagram*
Choose a nickname, avatar, make a description, buttons and "Eternal Stories".
Valeria Svirskaya
founder of InShow agency, commercial writer
The head of the InShow content marketing agency and commercial writer Valeria Svirskaya talks about the basic principles of creating a profile on Instagram. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which will help you quickly find your profile in search and convert a client into a buyer.
We took the @primacandle account on Instagram as a basis. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which is maintained by our agency. It is designed according to all the rules described in the article. nine0003
The best thing you can do for the promoted brand is to come up with a simple and understandable nickname that both the student and his grandmother will write down by ear. In this matter, the main rule is not to complicate things. Usually, the user enters a new nickname no more than 2-3 times, if the required account is not found, he easily switches to another brand.
Apple's social media savvy - detailed breakdown with examples of good Instagram profile design*
- Punctuation marks and symbols (periods, underscores).
Signs are indexed
- Nicknames of three or more words, especially if they are broken by dots. It is easy to make mistakes when entering text and you can lose a client even before he has met you. Try searching for @thehampshireschoolchelsea and you'll see what I mean. nine0026
- Repeat the names of famous brands. Let's say your account name is @appleshopsamara. When entering this nickname, the user will first see the @apple and @applemusic accounts, and then everything else.
A simple nickname that repeats the name of the brand. Easy to remember, no unnecessary characters and numbersGetting it right
- Use simple, clear words that are easy to write down by ear.
- If there are 2-3 words in the profile name, write the nickname without dots and underscores. But better - cut it down to one word.
- Try to come up with a name that does not repeat well-known brands. nine0026
- Ideally, if the nickname is short and easy to remember, for example, @ohmylook, @tsvetnoy and @idocvm.
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Cheat sheet for social media with platform recommendations
An avatar is the face of your brand and can be seen in the general feed, Stories, comments, and profile. A weighty reason to look good and become recognizable. Tips for photos on
Instagram will help you make an avatar. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Let's say you produce handmade bears and want to put a product photo on an avatar. The worst thing you can think of is to shoot a bear on an old smartphone in the evening under artificial yellow light. And such examples on Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. nine0122 a lot.
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.. The avatar shows a color, high-quality photo of the owner of the Primacandle brand with the product. It immediately gives the impression that the account is maintained by Natalia herself, this inspires confidence among new subscribersHow to do it right
- If you have an online store or a brand, put a large logo on the avatar.
Subscribers react more actively to photos with faces, but if you are not the face of your business, it is better to show the logo. A high-quality logo inspires more trust in the brand even before the moment of purchase. nine0026
- If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, put the best portrait on your avatar. The photo must be of high quality, with an open face. High-quality does not mean studio and made on an expensive camera, now it is easy to take a great photo on a smartphone. Choose a sunny day, find a white wall, clean your smartphone camera and take dozens of photos, you will surely like one of them.
- Be sure to adapt the logo for the avatar. The brand name should be clearly visible, for this it is better to choose a sans-serif font, so it will be better read, and the font and background colors should be contrasting. If you have a logo in pastel colors, come up with a black and white version or a monogram specifically for
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Choose real photos for your avatar, no stock images. Users have learned to identify falsehood and such an avatar can play against you.
Name and description of the account
Account name - 30 characters. This information is indexed by the search
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation, so fill it out carefully. Indicate the city and keywords, for example, "cakes Moscow" if you are a confectioner from Moscow. There is no need to duplicate the brand name if it is indicated in the nickname.
Account description - 150 characters. It's kind of a price tag. At first glance, the client must understand whether he needs you or can move on. In the description, include all the key information about the brand:
- What do you do. Write in essence, not “making dreams come true”, but “studio photographer”;
- Address if you have an offline hotspot;
- Methods of communication. Preferably several options or the most relevant;
- Opening hours;
- Site, if any. Make an eyeliner to the link with a call to click, for example, new collection , sale item and so on;
- Promotional offer. If you have a sale, do not send to the main site, provide a link to the current page with goods or services for the promotion.
How to use emoji in social networks - Amplifer's guide
Emoji . In profile descriptions, we use emoji to structure the text, highlight keywords, and grab attention. Users
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation.
are already accustomed to the fact that emoji with an envelope indicate mail, and a handset - a mobile number. This makes it easier to grab attention and quickly find the most important thing.
Unusual font . In some profiles, you can see non-standard text in the account description. This is a good way to draw the user's attention to the most important thing. You can make such a test at nine0003
Additional text in account description . If 150 characters isn't enough for you, there's an easy way to add information to your profile description. To do this, you must have a connected business profile. Go to Settings (Options) → Edit profile (Edit profile) → section Company information (Business information) → Contact options (Contact options) → Address (Address). In field City (City/town) enter your city, and in field Address (Street Address) - missing text.
Instagram analytics guideThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. — detailed analysis
Active buttons . Business accounts have active buttons Call , Letter , Text and How to get to if the owner has added a phone number, email address and location. On the one hand, this is the instant inclusion of the user. On the other hand, not everyone notices the buttons, because they merge with the background of the application, and in the desktop version they are not displayed at all. Therefore, duplicate important information in the account description. nine0003 In the mobile application
InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
buttons for call, mail and location are active These buttons are not available in the browser
Link in the description . When you add an active link, make sure that it leads to the actual page. For example, if you have an online store, then put a link not to the main one, but immediately to hot commodity items. If the emphasis is on the blog, then indicate the link to the last article. Sometimes, instead of a link to a website, you can see a link generated by,, or a similar service. nine0003 This is what the link looks like in the profile description
Such services make simple landing pages where you can specify several ways of communication. For example, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and website. This is convenient, but often users do not respond to unfamiliar and incomprehensible links and simply do not follow them. Therefore, add a call to click on the link in the description.
List of buttons that open via a link from the descriptionTry Amplifer to post to Instagram* directly from your computer, without notifications, receive analytics reports and recommendations on the best time to post
"Eternal Stories" (Highlights)
How beautiful it is to lead
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
company — column of Periodicals Press founder Varvara Vedeneeva
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
added Highlights - collections of "Stories" that are displayed under the profile description. This feature is not available to all profiles, but “eternal stories” are actively used abroad. The most popular format is thematic icons with a description of a service or product. nine0003
We added candle-making videos to Eternal Stories, but this format didn't really go well: such posts got only 2,000 views more than regular Stories. We left them, but moved promotions and sweepstakes to the first positions.
Announcement of the promotion for Valentine's DayRemember:
- Choose a simple nickname that is easy to remember and enter in the search