How to know if your instagram account is restricted

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Instagram

Have you noticed that someone has limited your access to their content on Instagram? Are your comments on their posts not getting as many responses as they used to? That could be a sign that someone restricted you on Instagram.

Being restricted on Instagram is more difficult to figure out than being blocked, as it doesn’t remove your access to a person’s profile completely. In this article, we’ll tell you about the signs you can use to determine Instagram restrictions, and how you can use the restrict feature to limit people’s access to your own content.

Table of Contents

    What Happens When Someone Restricts You on Instagram?

    Instagram’s Restrict feature is one of the privacy features that allows users to limit someone’s access to their account. In order to learn whether someone restricted you on Instagram, you first need to understand what this feature does.

    In most cases, you won’t even notice when someone restricts you on Instagram. It’s a lot more subtle than when someone blocks you. Particularly because when you’re restricted, you can still open the user’s Instagram profile and see their content, including the user’s posts, stories, reels, and comments. You can even like their posts and send them direct messages.

    However, there are some things you won’t be able to do or see, when it comes to comments on Instagram posts, messages, and activity status.

    Restricted vs Blocked

    Being blocked on Instagram is different from being restricted, as it removes your access to the user’s profile almost entirely. For example, as a blocked user, when you open the Instagram account of the person who blocked you, you’ll only see the information at the top of their profile: their profile picture, number of followers and following, number of posts, and their bio.

    Unlike a blocked user, the restricted account holder will be able to see all the posts, stories, and any other content on the page. They’ll be able to leave new comments on posts, see new and previous comments in the comment section from other subscribers.

    As a restricted user, you’ll also be able to send an Instagram DM (direct message) to the person who restricted you. However, your message will appear as a message request that the person can Block, Delete, or Accept. You won’t be able to see their activity status, as well as whether they received your message or not. As a blocked user, you won’t be able to message the person who blocked you.

    Unlike being blocked, being restricted doesn’t affect your ability to tag and mention the person who restricted you. They will get a notification when you mention or tag them, as usual.

    How to Tell if Someone Restricted You on Instagram

    As you can see, being restricted on Instagram is tricky to determine. So how do you know if someone restricted you on Instagram? There are only three ways to find out.

    1. Check the Comments Section

    Instagram first introduced the restriction feature to reduce cyberbullying. The primary function of this feature is to restrict unwanted comments from a user. On your end, it won’t look like anything’s changed. You can still leave comments on posts as usual. You’ll also be able to view your comments, but they may be hidden from everybody else.

    The user who restricted you will see your new comment appear behind a restricted comment message. They can then choose to approve your comment or keep it hidden from everybody else. If they approve your comment, it’ll become public, and if they deny it, only you and the user who restricted you will be able to see the comment.

    So how can you find out if someone restricted your comments? Go on this user’s account on Instagram and leave a new comment on their post. Since comments will show up on your primary account as usual anyway, you’ll need to access Instagram using your secondary account. If you don’t have a secondary account on Instagram, you can either create a new account, ask to use a friend’s account, or ask to use an Instagram account of your family member.

    Right after you post a comment from your main account, check if you can view it from a different Instagram account. Make sure you do it straight away, before the user who restricted you can approve it. If you don’t see your new comment appear straight away, then your account was restricted.

    2. Try Sending a DM

    You can also find out if you’ve been restricted or not using Instagram DMs. When someone restricts you, your new direct messages to them will appear in a message request folder rather than in a regular chat. The person who restricted you won’t be notified of any new messages, and they’ll have to manually approve them to answer you. On the other hand, you won’t get notified if or when the user reads your direct message.

    To find out whether you’ve been restricted, try sending a DM to the person who you suspect restricted you on Instagram. After sending the DM, all you have to do is wait. If you see the user being active on their account but not responding to your message for a long time, then it could be a sign that your suspicion was right and they’ve restricted you.

    Check Their Activity Status

    When you get restricted, it removes your ability to view the person’s activity status. That means you won’t be able to see the last time they were online, or the last time they checked their messages.

    You can try to check the activity status of the person who you suspect has restricted you. Before you can do it, make sure that you have the option to show activity status enabled on Instagram. To do that, open the Instagram app, go to your profile page, open the menu, and follow the path Settings > Privacy > Activity Status. Switch it On to enable the feature.

    When the Activity Status feature is on, you can see when the people you follow and message were last active on Instagram. Now head back to the person’s profile and check if you can see their last seen status (or their Active status if they’re currently online). If you don’t see this info, even though they recently posted on Instagram, there’s a chance they restricted you.

    However, it’s also possible that they have the option of showing Activity Status switched off, in which case you should use some other method to check if you’ve been restricted.

    How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

    Whether you find out that someone restricted you or not, one day you might need to use this feature on someone else yourself. If you want to restrict someone on Instagram, you can do it through comments, messages, and settings. The instructions are the same for iOS and Android users.

    How to Restrict Someone in Comments

    You can restrict someone right in the comments section. To do that, follow the steps below.

    1. Open your Instagram post and select View all comments.
    2. Select the comment of the person you want to restrict, and either swipe left on it (iPhone), or hold it (Android).
    3. Select the exclamation mark icon in the top-right corner.
    1. Select Restrict Username to restrict the person.
    How to Restrict Someone in Messages

    Another way to restrict a user on Instagram is via messages. To do that, follow the steps below.

    1. Open Instagram and go to your chats.
    2. Open the chat with the person you want to restrict.
    3. Select their name on top of the chat.
    4. Scroll down and select Restrict.
    How to Restrict Someone in Settings

    You can use the Settings menu to restrict someone on Instagram. Here’s how you can do that.

    1. Open Instagram and go to your profile page.
    2. Select the three horizontal lines icon in the top-right corner to open Menu.
    3. Follow the path Settings > Privacy > Connections > Restricted accounts > Continue.
    1. Use the Search bar to find the account you want to restrict and select Restrict next to their username.
    How to Restrict Someone on Their Profile

    If you’re viewing someone’s profile and want to restrict their account, you can do it right on their Instagram page by following the steps below.

    1. Open Instagram and find the person you want to restrict.
    2. Go to this person’s profile page.
    3. Select the three horizontal lines icon (iPhone) or three vertical lines icon (Android) to open Menu.
    4. Select Restrict to restrict their account.

    How to Fix Someone Restricting You on Instagram

    Finding out for sure if someone has restricted you on Instagram is rather difficult. Plus, there’s not much you can do to gain back access to the person’s profile once they restrict you. Your best bet is to reach out to them personally and try to figure out a way to resolve the problem together.

    How to know if someone restricted you on Instagram

      ❘   Published: 2022-12-10T18:32:00

      ❘   Updated: 2022-12-12T18:39:59

    If you suspect that someone has restricted you on Instagram, there are a few methods that may help you figure out whether they actually have or not — here’s everything you need to know.

    Instagram makes it easy for you to connect with millions of other users across the globe, and people often find that they rack up a significant number of followers, sometimes without even realizing it.

    However, sometimes you may encounter someone who you want to interact with less on the platform for whatever reason. Muting or blocking these accounts is usually the easiest solution in these scenarios, but some people choose to ‘restrict’ certain users.

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    What happens if you restrict someone on Instagram?

    Restricting someone means they won’t be able to see when you’re online or if you’ve read their messages, and new comments they leave on your post can only be seen by them. You are also able to approve their comments so that others can see them.

    Unsplash: Solen Feyissa

    You can connect with a huge number of other people via Instagram.

    How to tell if someone restricted you on Instagram

    The simplest way to figure out whether you have been restricted is by using another account or a friend’s account and comparing it to the account you believe has been restricted.

    Try leaving a comment on the other person’s post with your original account, and then view that same post through a different account. If your comment doesn’t appear when viewing it through a second account, this is a sign that you could have been restricted, as the original poster would have to approve your comment before it can be seen by others.

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    If you have had a direct message conversation with that person, you could also try comparing a user’s activity status on different accounts. If you can’t see their activity status on your account, but you can on another, there’s a chance you could have been restricted. However, this method is less reliable than the other.

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    If you have been restricted by that user, we do not encourage attempting to contact them through a separate account.

    If you want to know more about how to use Instagram, you can check out our other guides here:

    How to link your Instagram account to TikTok | How to see your first-liked Instagram post | How to switch Instagram feed to chronological order | How to re-share a post to your Story on Instagram | How to make money on Instagram | How to hide likes on Instagram

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    How to understand that Instagram has blocked you and what to do about it

    Dear users!

    This article was placed before the recognition of the mentioned service as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. The site administration warns that the article is informational and does not contain calls to use the platform. The use of services for users may result in consequences under the laws.


    • Temporary block
    • How long is the page blocked on Instagram?
    • Why soc. network imposes an eternal block?
    • How to protect yourself from eternal blocking?
    • How to determine that your Instagram profile is blocked?

    In order to secure the social The Instagram system is constantly developing ways to protect users from fraud, negative communication and other unpleasant moments. One such defense mechanism is profile blocking on Instagram. nine0005

    This penalty is available to every user who wants to block access to their profile for another person. How to determine that an Instagram profile is blocked, and what are the reasons for blocking. More on this later in the article.

    Temporary block

    Temporary blocking is of two types: blocking individual functions or blocking the profile as a whole.

    Users have to deal with the fact that the function of subscriptions, comments and likes does not work on Instagram. For example, you need to send a subscription to another user, but this option is blocked. But there is no need to panic. Social the network just briefly limited your functionality, and will soon restore it. Usually the reason for a partial block is that certain features were used frequently, or you are logging into the page on your phone and laptop at the same time. nine0005

    In other words, in the social. networks, options are blocked due to their frequent use. All functions in the social network are limited, based on data on the average activity of an individual profile. You may have put too many likes in a row, while leaving reviews and likes is allowed no more than 60 per hour. And if the page exists less than 7 days, the limit is limited to 30 likes/comments per hour. If the limit is exceeded, the account is automatically blocked, which lasts from 2 hours to 14 days. nine0005

    The second type of blocking - the account is completely blocked. In this case, the functionality of the entire profile is limited. In such cases, Instagram sends a message to the user's phone or email and asks for confirmation of a particular action to cancel the block. In such cases, the main reason for blocking is suspicious activity.


    Previously, Instagram was always logged in from the Russian Federation, and then the user tries to access the Instagram page while on vacation in Asia or America. To secure and protect your personal data, the social network requires confirmation that the page creator is trying to enter the page. nine0005

    How long is the Instagram page blocked for?

    There is no single answer to this question, because the blocking periods are different. It all depends on the specific situation. The minimum blocking period is 1 hour, the longest one lasts 14 days. It is very easy to find out the time frame for you. You just need to repeat the action that the system restricted, and a window with the blocking period will appear on the screen. During this time, you need to minimize network activity, especially you do not need to repeat those options that caused the account to be blocked. If these conditions are not met, the blocking period will be extended. nine0005

    Permanent ban

    This is a permanent ban, which means your page will be permanently blocked. Previously, it was not possible to unblock a profile with a permanent ban, only 1% of blocked pages were able to do this. And the rest had no choice but to create a new page, since the old one could not be restored. Currently, Instagram has significantly improved the support service, making it more individualized. Now, in the event of blocking, system employees evaluate each situation separately and often meet users halfway. This approach makes it possible to unlock up to 90% blocked profiles.

    Why soc. network imposes an eternal block?

    Let's list the possible violations for which the profile is permanently blocked.

    • The user may have already been sent 3 warnings in the form of a temporary block, but the prohibited actions on his part have not stopped.
    • Use of the Instagram logo in user's own posts
    • The user often posts photos of other people without tagging them in the photos. nine0014
    • Account owner uses auto-posting. All social networks, including Instagram, are created for ordinary people who want to communicate and share photos. Therefore, all attempts to automate are suppressed and blocked.
    • The page is blocked for those users who use the mass attraction of subscribers. Social the network values ​​its reputation and punishes dishonest subscribers.
    • If the user places on his page the data of bank cards, insurance policies, email addresses, phone numbers and scans of documents of other persons. nine0014
    • Instagram does not welcome the opening of the page through third-party sites. Registering an account and using Instagram is only allowed through the official page or using the official application.
    • If 2-3 or more IP addresses are used at the same time. This usually happens when working with a business account of large organizations: one account includes administrators from different locations and different computers.

    How to protect yourself from eternal blocking? nine0047

    Let's try to figure out how to protect your account from a permanent ban.

    • First, use only trusted pages that have been around for six months or more. If the profile is valid for less than the specified period, you should not use it to advertise goods or services. Social networks are suspicious of newly created pages, and all activity of such users arouses suspicion in the system.
    • If you need to place someone else's photo on your page, be sure to indicate the name of the author, referring to his login in the description. nine0014
    • Do not sell copies of branded goods on Instagram.
    • If, nevertheless, you sell such goods, you do not need to publish hashtags of these companies under their photos.
    • Only your own logos can be placed on your profile.
    • Stick to the limits on the number of subscriptions, comments and likes.
    • Do not use mass ratings and do not put too many comments under the photo.

    Auto-posting and mass following

    As mentioned above, most often the reason for the restriction of activity and the eternal ban is simple - this is auto-posting and mass following. Unfortunately, the modern order of protective actions is not one hundred percent successful, so the correct use of services is important for security. The following are tips to help you:

    • Stay within the normal user limits. This does not mean the limits mentioned above. If you use auto-posting or mass-following, the usual limits do not apply to you. However, in order for the system not to detect the fact of using third-party services, you need to limit yourself to 1000 likes and 1000 subscriptions during the day. nine0014
    • Behavioral features should also be taken into account. Any user needs time to view the publication, read the text and get to know the profile. Therefore, do not rush, daily performing certain actions at maximum speed. It is better to try to adapt to the algorithm of actions of a regular user by increasing the interval between likes and comments.
    • Use proxy servers. So you can visit the page from the same IP address, even from different devices. It will cost from 4 to 10 USD. e. per month, but the game is worth the candle. nine0014

    How can you tell if your Instagram profile is blocked?

    It is not difficult to understand that you have been blocked. You will not be able to log into the social. network to your page or perform certain actions. A window pops up on the screen with the word "error". But there is another type of blocking, when the account is not blocked by social networks. network and another user.

    How to determine this?

    For example, you visited a user's Instagram profile, but their photos, videos, and other posts are not available. Clicking the "Subscribe" button does not show any changes, since this person has added you to the Blacklist. You can also enter the list of subscriptions or subscribers of this user, but the list will not open, which will serve as another confirmation of blocking. Trying to send a message, you will see that this function is not available to you either. nine0005

    However, it is worth distinguishing between closing a profile and blacklisting a user. The first option implies that the page is available only to subscribers, and information is visible that the profile is private. This feature on Instagram serves to limit the profile from strangers in social networks. networks. If it is you who is blocked, the “subscribe” command appears, it is active, but after pressing the subscription is not sent.


    So, we figured out what the concept of “blocking” means, how to define blocking on Instagram. We figured out how to identify who has restricted your activity in the social. networks: system or person. Also listed were effective ways to help avoid blocking and unlimited ban. Use these tips, and you will not have problems getting banned on Instagram. Work honestly, follow the rules, and success will not keep you waiting! nine0005

    How to understand that you are blocked on Instagram: 5 ways | ichip.


    At first glance, it will not be possible to understand that you are blocked on Instagram, but if you check the search and carefully look at the feed, you can find out exactly who added your account to the blacklist. In this guide, we will show you step by step what exactly needs to be done.

    If your Instagram account has been blocked by another user, you will no longer be able to find their profile in the search. Thus, if you enter the appropriate name, you simply will not see it in the results. However, this situation can also arise if the wanted person simply deleted his account. nine0005

    Step 1. Check if the profile is active

    To check if the profile of the person who supposedly blocked you still exists, try to find it through a browser (for example, from a computer) by logging out of your account. If the search was successful, and the account you are looking for is displayed in the results of Insta, then you have been blocked.

    If the person who blocked you has an open profile, then you can go to his page offline and view his posts and comments. In the case of closed accounts, the situation is more complicated - in them you will not be able to see publications and subscribers, but only their number. nine0005

    Step 2: Are publications visible?

    The second step that will help you find out if you are blacklisted by an Instagram user is to check his feed. If images that were available to you until recently suddenly disappeared from his page, most likely, the person did not delete all publications, but simply stopped showing them to you - in other words, he blocked you. Stories will also disappear.

    Step 3. Check the list of subscriptions

    After blocking, the user's profile will not appear in your list of subscriptions and subscribers. It is very easy to check this - by searching in your own account. If the right person “unsubscribed”, and at the same time all other signs indicate that he threw you into a ban, most likely it is. Your account will also stop being subscribed to the blocker's profile. nine0005

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    Step 4. Looking for direct messages

    When you block someone on Instagram, the app doesn't hide the following from your direct message. But any new messages that you try to send will not reach the recipient and will not be marked as viewed. At the same time, the user with whom you are in an emergency will also not be able to use the chat with you. nine0005

    Step 5. Trying to follow

    If you are blocked, you will not be able to follow this person, even if you send him a request. In this case, the "Subscribe" button will be active. But pressing it will not work, even if the profile is open, and the user does not have to confirm applications for adding to subscriptions.

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