How to install telegram on linux mint
How to Install and Use Telegram on Linux Mint
Telegram is one of the many instant messaging apps floating around the internet. However, Telegram isn’t just an ordinary messaging app. Telegram comes with enhanced privacy features that make it a top choice among privacy-enthusiasts. In this article, we’ll be checking out how to install and use Telegram on Linux Mint.
Telegram on Linux Mint
In today’s internet world, privacy and security are one of the top priorities. It’s a well-known fact that the tech giants, in exchange for their free service, gather user data and use it for business purposes. Moreover, there have been some really disgusting data leaks that really shook the world.
That’s why for the privacy-concerned and privacy-enthusiast folks, Telegram is an excellent choice. If you’re interested in stronger privacy and security of your conversation, consider Telegram. Telegram is so confident that there’s a cracking contest with the prize money of $300,000!
Here are some of the features that Telegram offers.
- Privacy: Messages are encrypted heavily. They can be configured to self-destruct. Powerful end-to-end encryption implementation with the “Secret chats” feature.
- Encryption: Telegram uses 256-bit symmetric AES and 2048-bit RSA encryption. As for key exchange, it uses Diffie-Hellman secure key exchange algorithm. Learn more about Telegram encryption.
- Multi-platform: Telegram is available to desktop (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and mobile (Android, iOS) platforms.
- Price: Telegram is free of charge. As of now, the project is funded by the donation from a certain individual (check out more).
If you’re interested in further details, I suggest checking out Telegram FAQ. It’s a robust documentation on Telegram.
Ready? Let’s get started installing Telegram!
Install Telegram on Linux Mint
Telegram can be enjoyed from the browser. However, it’s more convenient to have a desktop client. In the case of Linux Mint, there are multiple ways we can grab it. Telegram desktop client is directly available from the package server. It’s also available as snap and flatpak packages.
Let’s check out installing Telegram.
Install Telegram from the package server
Telegram is directly available from the Ubuntu package server. Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distro, so it also uses the Ubuntu package server as a source for its packages. To grab Telegram, all we have to do is issue a command to the APT package manager.
Fire up a terminal and update the APT cache first.
$ sudo apt update
Now, install Telegram.
$ sudo apt install telegram-desktop
Install Telegram snap
Snap is, in practice, a universal Linux package. Given the support of snappy (the snap package manager), a snap package can be installed on any Linux distro. Learn more about snap.
Linux Mint doesn’t come with snappy pre-installed. However, if you already have snappy set, then jump directly to the Telegram snap installation step. Otherwise, follow along.
Install snappy by running the following command in a terminal.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install snapd
Now, install the snap “core”.
$ sudo snap install core
Restart the snap service so that the changes are in effect.
$ sudo systemctl restart snapd
Now, the system is ready to install Telegram snap.
$ sudo snap install telegram-desktop
Install Telegram flatpak
Just like snap, flatpak is also a universal Linux package. As long as the flatpak package manager is supported, a flatpak package can be installed and used in any Linux distro. The functionality and usage are a bit different than snap but in principle, both of them are the same.
Thankfully, Linux Mint comes with a flatpak package manager pre-installed. However, if, for some reason, you’ve uninstalled the flatpak package manager, let’s check out how to install it.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install flatpak
Now, we need to add the Flathub repository. Flathub is the official store for flatpak.
$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
Flatpak is ready to grab packages from Flathub. The next command will install Telegram directly from Flathub.
$ sudo flatpak install flathub org.telegram.desktop
Using Telegram
Now that Telegram is installed, it’s time to get started! Launch Telegram from the menu.
The welcome page of Telegram will pop up. Click “START MESSAGING”.
Assuming that you already have a Telegram account, it’s time to log in. Telegram uses the mobile number as the primary mean for account creation. Enter your mobile number to proceed.
A code will be messaged to your mobile number. Use the code to verify that you’re the owner of this account.
Voila! Telegram is ready at your service!
Now, I personally suggest checking out Telegram settings. There are some really interesting privacy options that you should consider checking out. Go to Settings >> Privacy and Security.
Final thoughts
Often times, Telegram is considered the direct alternative to WhatsApp. For privacy-concerned folks out there, it could very well be. I’m also personally a big fan of Telegram because of its security features. Telegram offers full control over what you say and share.
Thanks to Telegram API, you have the freedom of choosing more than the official client. Franz is such an all-in-one messaging app that supports multiple platforms, for example, WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack, WeChat, Skype, Messenger and much more! Check out Franz.
How to Install Telegram on Linux Mint 20
Telegram is a popular free cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging system. Telegram is famous for providing end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing, amongst many other features. One of the main attractions of Telegram, it is unique in having no ties or shared interests with the big social media giants such as Facebook or Twitter. The application is also cross-platform, with versions of the app available for most operating systems for desktops and mobile/tablet devices.
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the Telegram client on Linux Mint.
Table of Contents
- Recommended OS: Linux Mint 20 or higher.
- User account: A user account with sudo or root access.
Update Operating System
Update your Linux Mint operating system to make sure all existing packages are up to date:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
The tutorial will be using the sudo command and assuming you have sudo status. To verify sudo status on your account:
sudo whoami
Example output showing sudo status:
[joshua@linuxmint ~]$ sudo whoami root
If you have not set up a sudo user account and would like to, visit our tutorial on Adding a User to Sudoers on Linux Mint.
To use the root account, use the following command with the root password to log in.
Install Option 1. Install Telegram with APT Manager
The first option is to use the default apt repository provided by Linux Mint. This is a stable and secure version.
First, execute the following apt install command:
sudo apt install telegram-desktop
Example output:
Type “Y”, then press the “ENTER KEY” to proceed with the installation.
Once installed, confirm the installation by checking the apt-cache policy on Telegram.
sudo apt-cache policy telegram-desktop
Example output:
Updates are handled using the standard apt update & upgrade command that you would have done at the start of the tutorial.
If you no longer wish to have Telegram installed with APT, use the following command to remove the package.
sudo apt autoremove telegram-desktop --purge
Example output:
This will automatically remove any unused dependencies that were installed originally with Telegram.
Install Option 2. Install Telegram with Snap
The second option is to use the Snap package manager. Linux Mint users may be familiar with Snap as it is created and maintained by Ubuntu; however, it does not come natively installed on your system. However, this can be installed relatively quickly.
To install Snap, use the following command:
sudo apt install snapd -y
Next, you need to install the “snap core files” for everything to work correctly. Failure to do this may result in issues down the track.
sudo snap install core
Example output:
2021-10-12T16:32:51+08:00 INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart... core 16-2.51.7 from Canonical✓ installed
Once the core files have been installed successfully, restart your snap service.
sudo systemctl restart snapd
Next, install the Telegram package using snap:
sudo snap install telegram-desktop
Example output:
telegram-desktop 3.1.9 from Telegram FZ-LLC (telegram.desktop) installed
As above, this informs you the Telegram was successfully installed and the version number.
Snap packages are more significant in size than traditional repositories through the APT package manager for several reasons. However, the trade-off is more straightforward maintained packages that are often updated to the latest available version.
For the future, to update along with and any other packages installed by Snap, run the following command:
sudo snap refresh
If you no longer need to have Telegram installed, remove it using the Snap remove command.
sudo snap remove telegram-desktop
Example output:
telegram-desktop removed
Install Option 3.
Install Telegram with FlatpakThe third option is to use the Flatpak package manager. Linux Mint does not need to install Flatpak as it comes natively installed by default on your system. This is another popular option similar to Snap.
First, you need to enable Flatpack for Linux Mint using the following command in your terminal:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
Suppose the above command does not work due to not having Flatpak. Re-install the package manager using the following command in your terminal.
sudo apt install flatpak -y
Next, install Telegram using the following flatpak command:
flatpak install flathub org.telegram.desktop
Example output:
Type “Y” X2 times, then press the “ENTER KEY” to proceed with the installation.
Updates are handled by Flatpack automatically every time you log into your system. However, if you need to remove the Flatpack version of Telegram, run the following command:
sudo flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.telegram.desktop
Example output:
Type “Y”, then press the “ENTER KEY” to remove using Flatpack.
How to Launch Telegram Client
Now that you have the Telegram client installed, launching can be done in two ways.
In your terminal type:
If you would like to launch Telegram and use the terminal, send it to the background:
telegram &
However, this isn’t practical, and you would use the following path on your desktop to open with the path: Taskbar > Internet > Telegram. If you cannot find it, use the search function in the Show Applications menu if you have many applications installed.
Once you open Telegram, you will see the first default landing screen. From here, you can sign or create an account with either an email or your mobile number.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed Telegram on Linux Mint.
Comments and Conclusion
In the tutorial, you have learned how to add the official Telegram client in three different ways on your Linux Mint operating system.
Overall, Telegram has more advantages than cons if you are strictly looking for a more private communication client. It is self-owned values privacy-first along with no pesky advertisements of its products or external. Telegram provides a large amount of storage to save or download files, and it provides cloud storage because we can store or save files on the cloud.
How to install Telegram on Linux Mint? |
Telegram is a very popular program and it is implemented for many modern platforms, it can be used on smartphones, tablets, and, of course, on computers, today we will consider the possibility of installing Telegram on a computer running the operating system Linux Mint 18. 2 .
Let me remind you that earlier in the article “Installing the Telegram messenger (Telegram) on Windows 8.1”, we talked about what Telegram is in general, and we also examined in detail the process of installing the Telegram application in the Windows 8.1 operating system. Now it's time to look at this process in the Linux Mint 18.2 operating system.
- Installing Telegram on Linux Mint 18.2
- Installing Telegram using the program manager
- Installing Telegram using the Linux Mint terminal
- Configuring and Russifying Telegram in Linux Mint 18.2 How to remove Telegram in Linux Mint 18.2
Installing Telegram on Linux Mint 18.2
There are several ways to install Telegram on Linux Mint, as well as any other program, as always, we will consider two ways. The first way for those who like to click with the mouse, i.e. this is a graphical installation using the program manager, and the second way is using the Linux terminal, this method in this case, in my opinion, is easier and much faster.
Installing Telegram using the program manager
Since there is no Telegram application in the standard Linux Mint 18.2 repositories, we first need to enable the required repository so that we can use it to install Telegram. In this case, we must include the ppa repository ppa:atareao/telegram.
Connecting the PPA repository in Linux Mint
Open " Mint Menu->Administration -> Application Sources".
Next, enter the administrator password. Click " OK "
Then go to the " PPA repositories " section and click the " Add new PPA repository " button.
A window will open in which we need to enter the name of the PPA repository, in our case ( to install Telegram ), we enter ppa:atareao/telegram and click " OK ".
We confirm the connection of the repository, click " OK ".
As a result, the PPA repository will connect, but we still need to update the list of packages, for this we press the button " Update cache ".
After updating the list of packages, the label on the button will change to " No action required ". After that, this window can be closed and proceed to the installation of the Telegram program.
Installing Telegram in Linux Mint
Launch the program manager « Menu Mint -> Program Manager "or" Menu Mint-> Administration -> Program Manager "
Enter the administrator password, click" OK ".
In the search, enter Telegram and press Enter, then in the search results we find the Telegram program and double-click on it.
Next, click " Install ".
Installation will be completed after “ Installed ".
You can start Telegram from the Mint menu, for example, “ Menu ->Internet-> Telegram Desktop ” ( if you did not find Telegram Desktop in the list of installed applications, restart the system ).
Install Telegram using the Linux terminal
Open the Linux terminal, for example, click on the icon on the panel or run from the Mint menu, « Mint menu-> Administration -> Terminal ".
Since you need to install applications in Linux Mint with administrator rights, the first thing let's do is switch to the root user. To do this, we write the command sudo -i (or sudo su) and press Enter (enter), then enter the user password.
Then, just like in the graphical interface, we first need to connect the desired repository, for this we enter the following command.
add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
Press Enter to confirm.
Next, update the package list.
apt-get update
After that, you can install Telegram, write the following command.
apt-get -y install telegram
All Telegram installed.
Note! If you are an ordinary user of a home computer and want to get to know Linux better, I recommend reading my book - “Linux for ordinary users”, in which I talk in detail about the basics of the Linux 9 operating system0007
Setting up and Russifying Telegram in Linux Mint 18.2
So, you have installed Telegram, now it remains to configure it. Launch Telegram " Menu -> Internet-> Telegram Desktop ". After the program starts, click "START MESSAGING".
Then enter the mobile phone number and click " Next ".
An SMS with a code will be sent to the specified number, you enter it in the next window ( code can also be sent to a message on Telegram if you already have a Telegram account, if the message has not arrived, click the "Send code" button via SMS”, in this case SMS 9 will be sent0040 ).
After that, Telegram will start, but in English, to Russify Telegram in the search, enter " telerobot ".
The result is " Robot Anton ". You send a message to this robot with the text " locale linux ", in response it will send you a file for Russification.
We need to download this file, i.e. just click on it, then go to the settings " Settings ".
Then we need to type “ loadlang ” on the keyboard in the English layout, as a result, the file selection window will open, we select the one that we just downloaded, i.e. Russian.strings and click " Open ".
Next, click " OK " to restart Telegram.
After that, the Telegram program in Linux Mint will be in Russian.
How to uninstall Telegram in Linux Mint 18.2?
You can delete Telegram using both the program manager and the Linux terminal. To remove using the program manager, also find Telegram in the search, open it and click on the " Remove " button.
To uninstall Telegram using the terminal, you can use the following command.
apt-get -y --purge remove telegram
That's all for me, I hope the material was useful to you, good luck!
How to install Telegram on Linux
"Telegram" is an excellent messenger available on any mobile and desktop operating system. Linux is also no exception. It is absolutely free and quite popular operating system. And although many software developers undeservedly bypass Linux, Telegram has an excellent full-featured client that is practically no different from other platforms.
In today's article, we will tell you in detail how to install Telegram on the most popular Linux builds: Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Considering that both versions of the operating system have common roots, the procedure will be exactly the same.
Installing "Telegram" on Linux
Method 1. Through the Terminal
Installing "Telegram" on the Ubuntu operating system is best done through the terminal with the addition of the repository. Although this is not the easiest way, but after installation there will be no restrictions. Yes, you can download the installation archive from the official site, which contains the installation file. The installation can be done by double-clicking the mouse. But the most important limitation is that it will be possible to use the program only on one account. If several people use the computer, this option will not work.
- Start a terminal. You can find it in the search or just press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + T. The first command is a command that allows you to add the "Telegram" repository to the list of repositories on your system.
- Since the command is being run as root, it will require you to enter a password, after which you must confirm that you really want to add this repository.
- The second command is for updating packages and is mandatory after adding a new repository
- The last command will download and install the program on the computer.
- After installation is complete, restart your computer.
Method 2. Through the installation file from the official site
- Go to and download the installation archive from there.
- Unpack the downloaded archive.
- Click on the "Telegram" file and install.
Method 3. Using the online version
To install nothing, you can use the web version that works through any web browser. To do this, simply follow the link It doesn't even require additional configuration.
Getting started and Russification
- Launch the Telegram application, enter the phone number to which the application is registered, as well as the confirmation code that will come to the mobile application.
- To Russify the program, download the localization file. To do this, it is best to use the @telerobot_bot bot, which has the name Robot Anton. By default, it is added in all the latest versions of the program, but if for some reason it is not there, find it through the search.