How to design instagram

7 Ways to Design Your Instagram Grid Layout Like a Pro

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from endlessly scrolling through your feed — and endlessly scroll through someone’s individual Instagram page instead.

Welcome to The Grid.

Lined up neat rows of three, each Instagram post suddenly is part of a bigger picture. A peek into a user’s soul… or at least their content strategy.

And Instagram power users know just how to work this viewpoint to their advantage, with artfully planned posts that, together, create a gorgeous Instagram grid layout.

If you haven’t thought about what your own rows of squares add up to, it’s about time. Here’s all you need to know about building an attention-grabbing Instagram grid to grow your following and engagement.

Why your Instagram grid layout matters

7 creative ways to design an Instagram grid layout

5 tips for planning a gorgeous Instagram grid layout

Bonus: Claim your free pack of 15 creative Instagram post templates made by Hootsuite’s professional graphic designers. Easily customize them in Canva, and start getting more engagement today.

Why your Instagram grid layout matters

When someone follows you for the first time, or navigates to your profile to check out your content, your grid is an opportunity to showcase your vibe or brand.

The grid gives you a birds-eye view of a user’s posting history. This is your first impression of their, uh, body of work: an introduction at a glance to their personal or professional brand at a glance.

For individual users, creating a beautiful grid may not matter — sure, color coding your posts could be a fun personal challenge, but if you’re just on the ‘gram to connect with friends, not amass an audience, branding likely isn’t too important.

But for brands, creatives or influencers, consistency and style are critical… particularly if your account is focused on aesthetics or lifestyle.

After all, your grid is a quick and easy way to get your message across. Plus, anyone viewing your profile is thinking about following you. This is your chance to show exactly what you offer.

Are you avant-garde, or on trend? Will your content soothe, or bring the drama? Is your brand consistent, or chaotic? One look at a grid, and they’ll get the (sorry not sorry) picture.


creative ways to design an Instagram grid layout

Great grids start with a vision, so we’ve scoured the depths of Instagram to dig up some of the slickest styles to inspire your own look.

Commit to a color combo

This is probably the most common grid style going — not that I’m calling anyone lazy (don’t @ me!), but it really doesn’t get much easier.

Pick a color palette (pinks and greys?) or a certain tone (high contrast neons?) to feature in every photo. Viewed together, your gallery will look like a matching set, even if the content of your pics vary. Home and lifestyle influencer exclusively features photos with bright, white backgrounds with earth-tone accents. It’s a vibe.

In case your home or office isn’t decorated like an Insta-ready backdrop, one easy way to make sure your photos all speak the same visual language is simply to use the same filter for every photo to help create a consistent tone.

A variation on this theme? Using a standard filter or color palette, but also working in an “accent” color or filter every few posts, too. Maybe your feed is mostly dreamy, sepia-toned boho fantasy, but every few rows, we see a vibrant pop of forest green. Woo! You’re playing with fire!

Create a checkerboard effect

By alternating the style of photo you post, you’ll easily create a checkerboard look on your grid. Try alternating text quotes with photography, or mixing close-up shots with landscape photos. Going back and forth with two distinct colors can work, too.

Some adorable inspo for you: here, parenting resource @solidstarts alternates between photos of snacking babies and how-to graphics.

Hot tip: if you’re using text-based posts, keep the background color or fonts consistent to really make the pattern clear. Check and mate.

(Need a little help on the graphic design front? There are tons of great tools and templates out there to create visuals that pop.)

Design row by row

Think outside the box… and inside the, um, row. Uniting the images on each row by theme or color can create a powerful impact.

PR firm @ninepointagency, for example, goes with a different background color for each palette on their grid.

The trick for this one, of course, is that you have to post three images at a time, or the alignment will be off.

If you’re bold enough to experiment with panoramic images for one of your rows — a trio of photos that add up to one long, horizontal image, you daredevil, you, — many users post the same caption for each one to make it clear they’re three parts of a whole, like photographer @gregorygiepel did with his architectural shots.

Create a vertical column

Breaking up the grid with squares that create a vertical, central image is a great way to mix graphic branding elements and photography together on your profile.

Vancouver’s @communitybreathwork uses both a vertical and a horizontal connected image in this part of their grid — but the images can technically all still stand alone. (Or… lay down alone?)

Turn your grid into the rainbow

You need both patience and a great color sense to pull this look off. The goal is to post regularly in one saturated color… and then slowly transition to the next shade in the rainbow with your next rows of posts.

To truly get the full effect of drag queen @ilonaverley’s rainbow ‘gram grid, you’ll need to scroll for yourself, but here’s a screenshot of her transition from green to yellow.

Embrace the border

Creating a consistent look can be as simple as applying a border to all of your images.

Stylist @her.styling uses white square borders on all of her images, but you could create a signature look with any range of colors. The free Whitagram app is one option to quickly apply this edit, with borders and backdrops in all sorts of different shades.

Turn your posts into a puzzle

This layout is a tricky one to pull off on a day-to-day basis, but for a big announcement or campaign, or to launch a new account, a puzzle grid certainly packs a punch.

A puzzle grid creates one big, interconnected image out of all the squares. Individually, these posts probably look like nonsense. But viewed together, it’s a work of art.

Give commercial photographer @nelsonmouellic a round of applause for this visual feat, will ya?


tips for planning a gorgeous Instagram grid layout

Of course, none of these sleek grids happen by accident. You gotta grind for that grid! Here are some things to keep in mind as you’re planning out the big picture.

1. Preview first

Before you post it: map it.

You could mock it up in photo-editing software, or use Hootsuite’s app integration that lets you preview your layout before it goes live. Right now, it’s for personal accounts only, but business account functionality is coming soon.

Create an Instagram grid layout of up to nine images, and then schedule them to go up in the exact right order via the Hootsuite dashboard.

2. Keep it consistent

Creating a great Instagram grid means sticking to a plan. One off-beat photo in the wrong color, the wrong filter, or in the wrong order can throw your whole look out of whack.

Just imagine if luxury goods company @shopcadine tossed in a picture of a #kitchenfail to their muted, earth-tone, carefully curated collection of photos. Instant chaos!

3. Make sure it matches your brand

Ultimately, the goal of a grid isn’t just to impress your friends with your dedication to using a particular Lightroom preset filter. It’s to build a unified look for your brand.

So, if you’re a recruiting firm for high-level executives, like @mrinetwork for instance, having a playful rainbow grid might not quite fit the professional and serious tone you’re going for. A monochromatic, text-based series of posts, on the other hand…

4. Take advantage of image editing tools

In case you haven’t figured it out yet: Instagram is a visual medium… and it’s hard to put together a great grid unless the individual pictures also are great.

Luckily, there are tons of great photo editing tools out there, as well as expert advice around every corner… for example, our guides to taking great Instagram photos and staying on top of the hottest Instagram trends.

5. Schedule your posts in advance

Keep your gorgeous grid active and updated with the help of a scheduling tool that allows you to drop just the right filtered pic (or three) at just the right time. Hootsuite’s dashboard, for example, makes it easy to prep your best photos at your convenience. Get that grid going!

Of course, creating a great grid is just one way to capture attention on the ‘gram. For more marketing tips and tricks to take your account to the next level, check out our ultimate guide to Instagram marketing here.

Grow your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish posts and Stories directly to Instagram, engage your audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles. Try it free today.

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Instagram System Design

Instagram is a social media platform that enables users to share photos and videos with others. On the platform, content creators can choose to set the visibility of their posts (photos/videos) to either private or public, and other users can interact with the posts by liking or commenting on them.

Instagram also offers a range of other functionality, including the ability for users to follow each other, see each other's news feeds, and search for content across the entire platform. Other features available on Instagram include image editing, location tagging, private messaging, push alerts, group messaging, hashtags, filters, and more.

In this blog, we will look at how to design a simplified version of the Instagram system with features such as photo sharing, following, and news feeds.

Requirements of the system

Functional requirements
  • Users should be able to upload and view photos.
  • The system should allow users to search for photos based on their titles.
  • Users should be able to follow each other.
  • Each user should have a custom news feed that displays the top photos from the users they follow.
Non functional requirements
  • The system should prioritize high availability and low latency while viewing photos. To improve availability, we can trade off consistency, meaning it's acceptable if a user doesn't see an image immediately.
  • The system should be highly scalable and optimized for read-heavy workloads, with a high read-to-write ratio.
  • The system should be reliable, ensuring that no uploaded photos or videos are lost.
  • The system should be optimized for accessing popular posts.
  • The system should be compatible with a wide range of devices, support multiple languages, and work well with varying internet bandwidths.

Capacity estimation

It's important to consider that read requests will be significantly more frequent than write requests, with a ratio of approximately 100 to 1.

  • Let's assume there are 500 million users registered on the platform, with 1 million active users per day.
  • If 5 million images are posted daily, this translates to an average of 57 photos being uploaded per second (5M / (246060)).
  • If the average photo size is 150 KB, then the daily storage usage is 716 GB (5M * 150KB).
  • If we assume the service will be active for ten years, the total space required will be approximately 2.6 PB (716GB * 365 * 10).

High Level Design

The user service is responsible for managing user onboarding, login, and profile-related actions. It runs on a MySQL database, which was selected because the data is structured in a relatively relational way and the system is optimized for read-heavy workloads, which MySQL is well-suited to handle.

The user service is connected to a Redis database, which stores all user data. When the user service receives a request, it first checks Redis for the requested information and returns it to the user if it is found. If the data is not present in Redis, the user service will check the MySQL database, retrieve the data, and insert it into Redis before returning it to the user. Additionally, a similar process can be followed whenever new users or information are added to the database.

This approach allows the user service to quickly access and returns the most up-to-date data to the user while maintaining a cache of frequently accessed information in Redis to improve performance.

System Components

Our system will be composed of multiple microservices, each responsible for a specific task. To store the data, we will use a graph database like Neo4j. We've chosen this data model because our data contains complex relationships between elements like users, posts, and comments, which can be represented as nodes in the graph. The edges of the graph can be used to record relationships like follows, likes, and comments. We may also use columnar databases like Cassandra to store information such as user feeds, activities, etc.

Data flow and API design

Data flow
  1. The user sends a request to the API.
  2. The load balancer receives the request and forwards it to an app server.
  3. The app server receives the request and performs input validation.
  4. If the input is valid, the app server attempts to fulfill the request.
  5. If successful, the app server returns an OK response with or without the requested data. If there is an issue, it returns a specified error response.

API design

  • signup (username, firstname, lastname, saltedpasswordhash, phone_number, email, bio, photo): adds the user to the user table
  • login (username, saltedpasswordhash): logs in the user and updates the last login time
  • search_user (searchstring, authtoken): returns public user data for the given search string (can be searched in user first name, last name, and username)
  • getuserby_id(userid, authtoken): returns public user data for the given user ID
  • follow_user(userid, targetuserid, authtoken): adds follow data to the database
  • add_post(file, caption, userid, authtoken): uploads the file to the file storage server
  • delete_post(userid, postid, auth_token): deletes the given user's given post along with its metadata (using soft delete)
  • get_feed(userid, count, offset, timestamp, authtoken): returns the top posts after the given timestamp of users followed by the given user according to count and offset
  • getuserposts(userid, count, offset, authtoken): returns the posts of the given user according to count and offset
  • post_like(userid, postid, auth_token): adds the given post ID to the given user's likes
  • post_unlike(userid, postid, auth_token): removes the given post ID from the given user's likes
  • add_comment(userid, postid, comment): adds a comment to the given user's comment on the given post
  • delete_comment(userid, commentid): deletes the given user's comment with the given comment ID

Database Design

It's important to clearly define the database structure early in the interview process to help understand the flow of data between different components and determine how to segment the data.

We need to store data about users, their posted images, and the people they follow. To efficiently retrieve recent photos from the photo table, which stores all data related to a photo, we will create an index on (PhotoID, CreationDate).

One option for storing the data described above, which requires joins, is to use a relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL. However, RDBMSs can have challenges with scaling. Instead, we could store photos in a distributed file system like HDFS or S3.

To take advantage of NoSQL's features, we can store the schema described above in a distributed key-value store. We can create a table with a "key" of "PhotoID" and a "value" of an object containing all the metadata for the photo, such as PhotoLocation, UserLocation, CreationTimestamp, etc. This allows us to store and retrieve data using a simple key-value interface.

To know who owns which photo, we need to store relationships between users and pictures. We also need to keep track of who a user follows. We can use a wide-column datastore like Cassandra 28 for both of these tables. The ‘key’ for the ‘UserPhoto’ table would be ‘UserID,’ and the ‘value’ would be the user’s list of ‘PhotoIDs,’ kept in distinct columns. The ‘UserFollow’ table will follow a similar pattern.

Like other key-value stores, Cassandra maintains a set number of replicas to ensure reliability. Deletes are also not implemented immediately in key-value stores, as data is typically retained for a certain number of days to allow for undeletion before being permanently erased from the system. This helps to ensure data consistency and recoverability.

News Feed Generation

Generating news feed

Designing a customized newsfeed for each user that showcases the most recent post from each user they are following is a critical aspect of an Instagram-like service. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that each user and their followers upload 200 unique photos per day. This means that a user's newsfeed will consist of a combination of these 200 unique photographs, followed by the reputation of previous submissions. This allows the user to see the most recent and relevant content from the users they follow.

To generate a news feed for a user, we will first retrieve the metadata (such as likes, comments, time, location, etc.) of the most recent 200 photographs and pass it to a ranking algorithm. This algorithm will use the metadata to determine the order in which the photos should be displayed in the news feed. This allows the user to see the most relevant and engaging content at the top of their feed.

One disadvantage of the news feed generation approach described above is that it requires simultaneously querying a large number of tables and ranking them based on predefined criteria. This can result in higher latency, meaning it takes a longer time to generate a news feed. To improve performance, we may need to optimize the queries and ranking algorithms, or consider alternative approaches such as pre-computing and caching the results.

To address the latency issues with the news feed generation algorithm described above, we can set up a server that pre-generates a unique news feed for each user and stores it in a separate news feed table. When a user wants to access their news feed, we can simply query this table to retrieve the most recent content. This approach reduces the need to query and rank a large number of tables in real-time, improving the performance and responsiveness of the system.

Serving the news feed

We have now discussed how to create a news feed. The next challenge in designing the architecture of an Instagram-like service is determining how to deliver the generated news feed to users.

One approach is to use a push mechanism, where the server alerts all of a user's followers whenever they upload a new photo. This can be done using a technique called long-polling. However, this approach may be inefficient if a user follows a large number of people, as the server would need to push updates and deliver notifications frequently.

An alternative approach is to use a pull mechanism, where users refresh their news feeds (send a request to the server) to see new content. However, this can be problematic because new posts may not be visible until the user refreshes, and many refreshes may return empty results.

A hybrid approach combines the benefits of both push and pull mechanisms. For users with a large number of followers (such as celebrities), the server can use a pull-based approach. For all other users, the server can use a push-based approach. This allows for efficient delivery of updates while minimizing the burden on the server.

Load balancing

To handle user requests, we need to use a load balancer to distribute requests among app servers. One way to do this is to use a round-robin technique, where requests are distributed in a rotating fashion. However, this approach can be problematic if a server is unavailable, as requests may still be sent to it. To prevent this, we can implement a "heartbeat" system in which each server pings the load balancer at a set interval to indicate that it is not down.

Load balancers are also necessary for database and cache servers, which may also be distributed. To route requests to the appropriate server, we can use a technique called consistent hashing. This involves mapping each request to a specific server based on user-specific information. This helps to ensure that requests are routed to the correct server and that the load is evenly distributed.

To evenly distribute the load among servers, we can use a load balancing algorithm called the "Least Bandwidth Method." This algorithm selects the server with the least amount of traffic (measured in megabits per second) to handle a request.

Load balancers can be placed at two points in the system: between the client and the server, and between the database and the server. This allows for efficient routing of requests and helps to ensure that the system can handle a large volume of traffic.

Thanks to Navtosh Kumar for his contribution in creating the first version of this content.  In case of any queries and feedback, feel free to write us at [email protected]. Enjoy learning, enjoy system design!

How to make a profile on Instagram*

Choose a nickname, avatar, make a description, buttons and "Eternal Stories".

Valeria Svirskaya
founder of InShow agency, commercial writer

The head of the InShow content marketing agency and commercial writer Valeria Svirskaya talks about the basic principles of creating a profile on Instagram. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which will help you quickly find your profile in search and convert a client into a buyer.

As a basis, we took the account @primacandle on Instagram. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which is maintained by our agency. It is designed according to all the rules described in the article.


The best thing you can do for the promoted brand is to come up with a simple and understandable nickname that both the student and his grandmother will write down by ear. In this matter, the main rule is not to complicate things. Usually, the user enters a new nickname no more than 2-3 times, if the required account is not found, he easily switches to another brand.


How Apple does social media - detailed analysis with examples of good design of profiles on Instagram *

  • Punctuation marks and symbols (periods, underscores). Signs are indexed by InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. is the same as letters, so @rr_r and @ppr are two different accounts and the user will get confused.
  • Nicknames of three or more words, especially if they are broken by dots. It is easy to make mistakes when entering text and you can lose a client even before he has met you. Try searching for @thehampshireschoolchelsea and you'll see what I mean.
  • Repeat the names of famous brands. Let's say your account name is @appleshopsamara. When entering this nickname, the user will first see the @apple and @applemusic accounts, and then everything else.

Getting it right

  • Use words that are simple and clear and easy to write down by ear.
  • If there are 2-3 words in the profile name, write the nickname without dots and underscores. But better - cut it down to one word.
  • Try to come up with a name that does not repeat well-known brands.
  • Ideally, if the nickname is short and easy to remember, for example, @ohmylook, @tsvetnoy and @idocvm.
A simple nickname that repeats the name of the brand. Easy to remember, no unnecessary characters and numbers

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Cheat sheet for social media with platform recommendations

An avatar is the face of your brand and can be seen in the general feed, Stories, comments, and profile. A weighty reason to look good and become recognizable. Tips for photos in Instagram will help you make an avatar. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Let's say you produce handmade bears and want to put a product photo on an avatar. The worst thing you can think of is to shoot a bear on an old smartphone in the evening under artificial yellow light. And such examples on Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. is too much.

  • Small font on the avatar. Many brands use two or three words in their logo, often one word larger. If so, choose a keyword for the avatar or monogram it. Otherwise, the avatar will be smeared and careless, and the user will not read the text.
  • Monochrome colors. Now pastel and light colors are in fashion, designers often mix similar colors and shades. As a result, the text on the avatar is not visible. Customize logo for InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation..
  • Look at @topdrawerlondon's avatar and don't repeat their mistakes. The font merges with the background, and the bottom inscription cannot be read even from a computer

    How to do it right

    • If you have an online store or a brand, put a large logo on the avatar. Subscribers react more actively to photos with faces, but if you are not the face of your business, it is better to show the logo. A high-quality logo inspires more trust in the brand even before the moment of purchase.
    • If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, put the best portrait on your avatar. The photo must be of high quality, with an open face. High-quality does not mean studio and made on an expensive camera, now it is easy to take a great photo on a smartphone. Choose a sunny day, find a white wall, clean your smartphone camera and take dozens of photos, you will surely like one of them.
    • Be sure to adapt the logo for the avatar. The brand name should be clearly visible, for this it is better to choose a sans-serif font, so it will be better read, and the font and background colors should be contrasting. If you have a logo in pastel colors, come up with a black and white version or a monogram specifically for InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation..
    • Choose real photos for your avatar, no stock images. Users have learned to identify falsehood and such an avatar can play against you.
    The avatar shows a color, high-quality photo of the owner of the Primacandle brand with the product. It immediately gives the impression that the account is maintained by Natalia herself, this inspires confidence among new subscribers

    Name and description of the account

    Account name - 30 characters. This information is indexed by the search InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, fill in carefully. Indicate the city and keywords, for example, "cakes Moscow" if you are a confectioner from Moscow. There is no need to duplicate the brand name if it is indicated in the nickname.

    @primacandle account is easy to find by keyword **candles** and name

    Account description - 150 characters. It's kind of a price tag. At first glance, the client must understand whether he needs you or can move on. In the description, include all the key information about the brand:

    • What do you do. Write in essence, not “making dreams come true”, but “studio photographer”;
    • Address if you have an offline hotspot;
    • Methods of communication. Preferably several options or the most relevant;
    • Opening hours;
    • Site, if any. Make an eyeliner to the link with a call to click, for example, new collection , sale item and so on;
    • Promotional offer. If you have a sale, do not send to the main site, provide a link to the current page with goods or services for the promotion.
    The Primacandle account lists the range of products, says worldwide shipping, provides a contact email and a link to an online store with an invitation to click. Questions "where to buy" and "how to order" are rarely asked

    How to use emoji in social networks - Amplifer's guide

    Emoji . In profile descriptions, we use emoji to structure the text, highlight keywords, and grab attention. Users InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. are already accustomed to the fact that emoji with an envelope indicate mail, and a handset - a mobile number. This makes it easier to grab attention and quickly find the most important thing.

    Unusual font . In some profiles, you can see non-standard text in the account description. This is a good way to draw the user's attention to the most important thing. You can make such a test at sprezzkeyboard. com.

    Additional text in account description . If 150 characters is not enough for you, there is an easy way to add information in the profile description. To do this, you must have a connected business profile. Go to Settings (Options) → Edit profile (Edit profile) → section Company information (Business information) → Contact options (Contact options) → Address (Address). In field City (City/town) enter your city, and in field Address (Street Address) - missing text.

    Instagram analytics guideThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. — detailed analysis

    Active buttons . Business accounts have active buttons Call , letter , text and How to get to if the owner has added a phone number, email address and location. On the one hand, this is the instant inclusion of the user. On the other hand, not everyone notices the buttons, because they merge with the background of the application, and in the desktop version they are not displayed at all. Therefore, duplicate important information in the account description.

    In the mobile application InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. buttons for call, mail and location are active These buttons are not available in the browser

    Link in the description . When you add an active link, make sure that it leads to the actual page. For example, if you have an online store, then put a link not to the main one, but immediately to hot commodity items. If the emphasis is on the blog, then indicate the link to the last article. Sometimes, instead of a link to a website, you can see a link generated by,, or a similar service.

    This is what the link looks like in the profile description

    Such services make simple landing pages where you can specify several ways of communication. For example, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and website. This is convenient, but often users do not respond to unfamiliar and incomprehensible links and simply do not follow them. Therefore, add a call to click on the link in the description.

    List of buttons that open via a link from the description

    Try Amplifer to post to Instagram* directly from your computer, without notifications, receive analytics reports and recommendations on the best time to post

    "Eternal Stories" (Highlights)

    How beautiful it is to lead InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. company — column of the founder of "Periodiki Press" Varvara Vedeneeva

    Recently InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. added Highlights - collections of "Stories" that are displayed under the profile description. This feature is not available to all profiles, but “eternal stories” are actively used abroad. The most popular format is thematic icons with a description of a service or product.

    We added candle-making videos to Eternal Stories, but this format didn't really go well: such posts got only 2,000 views more than regular Stories. We left them, but moved promotions and sweepstakes to the first positions.

    Announcement of the action for Valentine's Day


    1. Choose a simple nickname that is easy to remember and enter in the search InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation..
    2. If you have an online store, then put a large logo on a contrasting background on the avatar. If you are promoting a personal brand, then a photo where the face is clearly visible.
    3. Profile name is indexed by internal search InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, so add keywords (your city, what you do)
    4. In the description, indicate all the important information for ordering your product or service. If you use the "call", "send email", "send sms" and "get directions" buttons, duplicate this data with text in the description.
    Post to your Instagram feed and Stories* from your computer

    Register and connect Instagram* to Amplifer to schedule posts with text, photos and videos directly from your computer. Track post statistics and get recommendations for the best time to post


    * The activities of the Meta organization are recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

    Designing a page on Instagram: learning how to do it right

    We tell you how to properly design a page on Instagram. We will discuss the name, profile description, profile picture and design trends.

    How do I choose an actual account name?

    Account name is the nickname by which users in the social network will search for you. It is always in English. And it can even be generated in various services.

    It can be abstract: related to your field, personal characteristics, hobbies. For example, @lady_text, @krasiviye_blondin, etc. Or emphasize your personal brand and be in the first/last name format. For example, @gulia.konk, @ivavanivanov.

    The maximum number of characters is 30. If you enter a nickname that already exists, the social network will not allow you to register such a name. In addition to letters, you can add:

    • underscore - @irina_lapina,
    • dot – @vadim.fedorov,
    • numbers - @by2rina.

    To make it easy to find you on Instagram, we recommend:

    • use your real first and last name;
    • use only one abstract nickname in all social networks in order to be remembered by users;
    • do not change such a nickname constantly, so as not to confuse subscribers;
    • use a minimum of elements: underscores, numbers, dots.

    Also remember that your nickname is the username you will use to log in. You can change it once every 2 weeks.

    How to choose the right profile photo?

    The profile photo is the same photo that is visible in the small circle. And here it is important that your face in this photo can be seen. This is your personal page, so the photo must be of you.

    From the tips:

    • Choose a large frame of the face.
    • It's good if the photo is taken on a single background. If there is no such photo, develop in Photoshop.
    • Avoid abstract photos of the sky, flowers, etc. It's trite and doesn't make you stand out.
    • In this case, it can be a high-quality black and white photograph.
    • You can use memoji, cartoon avatars.
    • If you are an expert in something, you can add some detail: for example, take a picture with a camera if you are a photographer.

    Examples of avatars for bloggers Alexandra Mitroshina, Larisa Parfentyeva, Katya Kornilova (from left to right)

    + Tips for creating a content plan. The article contains relevant ideas for posts in an expert, personal and business account, as well as talks about the content plan and content matrix.

    What should be in the account description?

    The account description is your Instagram passport. True, you draw it up not as officially as a document. In social networks, on the contrary, an easy and understandable style is appreciated.

    In the profile description you must write:

    • who are you - your name;
    • what this page is about: why read you;
    • your awards and successes are what you are proud of;
    • How can I contact you: links, contacts.

    If you have your own hashtag, you can also add it to the description. Previously, almost all bloggers highlighted points with emoticons. Now the majority writes the text either without division into paragraphs, or without emoticons. But both are in trend.

    Old design options

    New design options

    CONTACTION, let's now talk about how to formalize the covers of fixed storis. Otherwise, they are also called highlights or actual stories. They do not disappear after 24 hours, and the archive is saved there.

    All stories are divided by topic into different groups. Each one needs its own cover. If earlier they used logos, icons, now the cover trend is different.

    1. Simply select the photos of . Live, real. At the same time, it is good if the colors are combined with the shades of the tape.

    2. Use the single color . No icons or text. In this case, the shades should be similar or matching palette.

    3. Pick up unusual pictures that are rarely seen anywhere .

    4. Use boho style . Its bases are: natural shades (often yellow, beige and brown) and ethno-details.

    5. Add typography - "magazine style" . Main elements: various fonts (no more than 3), their unusual design, for example, in a circle.

    What stories should be fixed in highlights? In fact, there are no rules in this matter. Just remember that these stories are in addition to the profile description. It should be clear who you are, what you do, what is important to you in life. Therefore, in highlights you can fix:

    • getting to know you - your life story;
    • important moments - travel, wedding, childbirth;
    • useful content: about texts, visuals, reviews, selections, etc.;
    • reviews;
    • cases;
    • questions/answers.

    How to create an attractive feed of posts in your account?

    There are only a few rules you need to remember to make your ribbon harmonious.

    1. Select 3-4 basic shades to be used in your profile. These colors will be the most: texture, scenery, your clothes, details, etc. Try to choose shades that combine with each other, for example, natural ones.

    2. Try to match the hues in adjacent photographs . These can be top and bottom photos, through one and adjacent frames.

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