How to create product catalog in whatsapp

How To Use the App To Sell Products

Knowing how to use WhatsApp for sales is a huge advantage for merchants as it is one of the most popular social networks in the digital world.

Nowadays it's very difficult to find someone who doesn't use or doesn't have WhatsApp, right? It is among the best social networks to sell and can be used as a sales and service channel

So, check out how to use WhatsApp for sales and profit even more from the platform. 

What Are the Advantages of Selling via WhatsApp?

Selling on WhatsApp ensures more proximity to your customers and gives your company a more professional image

That's because people have more direct contact with you, whether to buy, ask questions or simply make sure that your business is for real.

According to a survey, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app downloaded on the Google Play Store in the United States.

The application is very popular and present in people's routines, so it is an excellent opportunity to implement the tool in your business. 

In addition to being free and very simple to use, it has a business version with unique features to help merchants with day-to-day sales.

What Sells the Most on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is very versatile when it comes to commercial branches. After all, it is not a social network that displays products from different stores in an online catalog, like Instagram or Facebook.

It is possible to display a catalog on a WhatsApp business profile, but it is different from marketplaces and stores on other social networks.

The goods only appear to users when they click on the company's profile through a WhatsApp link or the phonebook (if the number is listed there).  

Therefore, you can sell any item or service from your store in the app. Check out some ideas below of what you can sell on WhatsApp:

  • clothing, accessories, and shoes;
  • food and drinks;
  • beauty items;
  • electronics;
  • decorative objects.

How To Use WhatsApp For Sales: 15 Steps to Profit

WhatsApp is one of the social networks that people use the most to communicate and where they spend the most time. So, see below 15 steps on how to use WhatsApp for sales and take the opportunity to win even more customers!

1) Separate a number just for your company

Having a number just for your company is very important to ensure your security, as it will be publicized on social media, and many people will have access.

In addition, you do not run the risk of mixing personal and professional matters and still manage to establish a specific time to provide customer service.

Therefore, provide a number for your business and separate moments of the day to focus on service through it. 

If it is possible and financially viable, have two cell phones to better manage the communication of your business or check if your device has an input for two chips.

2) Use WhatsApp Business

The application's business account is called WhatsApp Business and has several features that make it easier for shopkeepers to organize themselves and serve customers.

Just like a business profile on Instagram or Facebook, it allows you to better connect with consumers and check essential metrics to strategize your business.

With the business version of WhatsApp, you can:

  • answer questions from potential buyers or customers quickly;
  • send important information, such as store changes or flash promotions;
  • create and manage a catalog to showcase your products and services;
  • set up automatic replies;
  • create a business profile with all essential information about your store;
  • know the number of messages that were sent, delivered, and read in the app;
  • create labels to organize your customers' contacts and find them faster and easier.

3) Create a catalog on WhatsApp

Creating and managing a catalog on WhatsApp is an excellent way to showcase your products and services in the app and shorten the consumer's path to checkout.

With this tool, you can register up to 500 items and insert up to 10 photos of each product. In addition, each item can have a unique title, price, and description.

Create your online catalog on WhatsApp and share its link on your social networks to start selling directly through the app.

How To Create a WhatsApp Catalog

Creating a WhatsApp catalog is very quick and easy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the WhatsApp Business App and go to Settings
  2. Tap on Business Settings and then on Catalog. This will take you to Catalog Manager. 
  3. Tap on Add Product or Service
  4. You’ll see a screen with product fields. Add product images, name, price, description, link, and code. 
  5. WhatsApp will review your product. This takes a minute or two and is indicated by a green clock icon on the product. 
  6. After approval, your product goes live. You can share your catalog with one individual or many potential or existing customers. 
  7. Managing your catalog is quick and easy. Tap on the product you wish to edit and then tap on the edit icon. Hit the three-dot icon to delete an item. 

4) Test WhatsApp Web

The desktop version of the platform, WhatsApp Web, can be an alternative for those who use more PCs than cell phones at work

Test this modality or, if you prefer, download the application directly to your computer. See which model suits you best.

If you are adept at using the computer in a professional environment, get to know Kyte for PC and enjoy all the benefits of the system to sell anywhere!

5) Promote Your Phone Number

To increase your sales on WhatsApp, it's no use limiting yourself only to consumers whose numbers you already have or who already know you. It is necessary to expand

Therefore, put your contact on other social networks and disclose it whenever someone sends messages there. 

6) Organize Your Contact List

Add customers who message you and organize your schedule so you can keep in touch with all of them. 

Keeping a customer record is very important to know who you are talking to and view the person's purchase history in your store.

Don't forget to ask people for permission to send messages about your business, as not everyone likes to receive information after asking questions or making a purchase.

So ask beforehand so you don't run the risk of pushing buyers away.

7) Automate Some Messages

Personalizing messages and sending them to each of your contacts takes a lot of your work time. 

With that in mind, broadcast lists were created. You select people's numbers, click New broadcast and send a message as if it were going to a WhatsApp group. 

However, each one of them will receive an individual message, as if you had just opened a conversation with that person. Thus, you save time and reach a greater number of customers.

Be careful not to use the broadcast list at all times. Prefer to use it only on occasions such as product launches, commemorative dates, promotions with a deadline, and important changes in your point of sale.

8) Explore WhatsApp Status

Use WhatsApp status (a resource equivalent to Instagram Stories) to spread the news about your company and get even closer to consumers, whether through photos, videos, or story templates.

Take the opportunity to explore the sense of urgency and pique people's curiosity, as this type of content disappears after 24 hours and is not saved in the application.

9) Make WhatsApp Your Main Customer Service Channel

In addition to using WhatsApp for sales, you can also provide personalized service to customers. Support them, ask questions and ask for feedback on your work.

Take the time to serve people on this channel and take your service to another level.

🤑 Want to expand your digital presence and sales possibilities? So go beyond WhatsApp. Try Kyte now, take orders on Facebook and Instagram, and enjoy all the benefits of the integrations! 🤝

10) Send Relevant Messages

Avoid polluting conversations with spam. That is, do not send irrelevant messages in chats, and do not confuse the professional with the personal.  

Sure, proximity to buyers is important for business, but there are limits. Try to send only information about your company. 

And be careful not to send out too many ads. Intersperse with useful messages and tips on how to use and/or care for your product or how to order something from your digital menu, for example.

11) Be Brief and To the Point

Speak to customers clearly and objectively, without using ambiguous phrases, which can have more than one meaning.

Try to write and address subjects with a language that is more appropriate for your field of activity and your audience, analyzing the best way to communicate.

12) Try Other Message Formats

Automated and ready messages don't always get people's attention. That's why WhatsApp lets you explore and test a variety of features to find the ones that work best for your business. 

Try uploading other types of media such as photos, videos, and audio about your merchandise. However, make sure they are brief.

13) Program the Content

Sending multiple messages throughout the day to buyers doesn't bring as many results as you'd expect. On the other hand, staying too long without sending news is dangerous, as your company can fall into oblivion.

The most efficient way to get around these situations is to take the time to craft the best messages and prepare a content calendar

This way, you do not repeat messages and only send useful information to your customers.

14) Get Customers' Cell Phones Through Rewards

Since sending content on WhatsApp without the person's authorization is considered an invasive tactic, a good way out is to offer them something in exchange for the number.

Many companies invest in special content on a particular subject, such as ebooks and spreadsheets, to hook the customer. Maybe you still don't have the resources to produce materials like these. But there's no problem.

In this case, investing in discount coupons is a great option. If the person likes the promotion or the products in your store, they will be willing to give the phone number in exchange for the gift.

15) Have Your Delivery System on WhatsApp

Did you know that it is possible to have a delivery system via WhatsApp? Basically, shoppers place their online orders directly through the app and the store maintains communication of the delivery process there. 

This feature streamlines service and centralizes all purchase information in one place. One of the ways to implement the delivery system on your WhatsApp is using the Kyte system.

With it, you can handle this entire process, connect with your customers quickly, and follow all the steps of the process, from the confirmation of receipt of the order to the departure for delivery.

Kyte also provides several features to manage and increase your sales, such as personalized receipts, a digital menu, a layaway system, and a complete point of sale.  


Did you see how using WhatsApp for sales is easier than you thought? Now it's time to insert this strategy into your business and reap the rewards of combining sales and optimized service.

Showcase Your Products in the WhatsApp Business App

5 min

This lesson will prepare you to:

  • Share your catalog with your customers to communicate more efficiently.
  • Share specific items from your catalog with your customers.

Direct your customers to your inventory

Adelina is the owner of Wind & Wool, a small custom-made clothing shop that does a lot of its business online. Adelina created a product catalog in the WhatsApp Business app to showcase Wind & Wool’s clothing selection. When customers come to her with specific requests, she sends them several direct links to items from her catalog that she thinks they may like. Adelina finds it challenging to do this for multiple customers at the same time.

Share your catalog widely and start new conversations

The WhatsApp Business app lets you share a just a single item or an entire catalog with your existing customers within WhatsApp. In addition, you can share with potential customers outside of WhatsApp through other apps and platforms.

To do this, copy a link to your item or catalog from the WhatsApp Business app and share it wherever you need to. You can even enable your link to open with a pre-written message.

Your link will start a new conversation for customers you haven’t communicated with yet, or appear as part of an ongoing conversation. If an image preview is available, more catalog information is displayed, so it’s a good idea to keep all of your information updated.

When you share these links widely, you enable new customers to discover your business and message you directly about specific items.

Share one item or your entire catalog

Adelina frequently shares her entire catalog instead of just one item. She finds that this makes her conversations with her customers more efficient because there is less back and forth. Sometimes, though, she thinks it’s more appropriate to share a link to a single item. To share an item or catalog link, Adelina follows these steps:



From a chat


  1. Go to the item’s Details view.
  2. Depending on your device, tap the link icon or the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Tap the green link icon or choose from the available options to send, copy or share the link outside of WhatsApp.


  1. Go to the Catalog Manager.
  2. Depending on your device, tap the link icon or the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Tap the green link icon or choose from the available options to send, copy or share the link outside of WhatsApp.

From a chat

  1. Depending on your device, tap the attachment or the plus icon.
  2. Tap on Catalog.
  3. Select the item(s) you want to send.
  4. Tap the Send button or select Send all items to send the entire catalog.

Key takeaways

  • Share a single item or your entire catalog with your existing WhatsApp customers and through other apps and platforms.
  • Enable new customers to discover your business and message you directly about your items by sharing these links widely.

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How to add a product catalog to WhatsApp - Marketing on

In the most popular WhatsApp messenger, you can now create a catalog with products and send them to your interlocutors. In this article, detailed instructions with screenshots.

31 265 views

My name is Dmitry Zakhariev. I am an expert in messenger marketing. I find and implement new opportunities for using instant messengers for business.

WhatsApp is used by many entrepreneurs for sales purposes. This is the most popular messenger and customers are happy to use it. Until recently, there were no tools for placing products on WhatsApp.

Send product cards from the catalog to WhatsApp in two clicks! Dmitry Zakhariev

This month in the US, and then in some other countries, including Russia, the WhatsApp Business application has a section for creating a product catalog with photos, name, price, description and URL link.

This is a real revolution in messenger marketing! After all, before that, popular messengers in Russia did not explicitly have built-in functions for placing a product catalog. The sale of goods in the messenger could only be implemented by connecting external tools: a chat bot, a chat shop, a virtual manager, etc.

The use case for new function is as follows:

  1. We create product cards on our smartphone in the WhatsApp Business application;
  2. When communicating with customers, we send any of the product cards to the chat;
  3. The client opens the product card in his WhatsApp without switching to external applications;
  4. The client sees several images of the product, its name and price, description, and most importantly, see other products from the catalog! And all this without leaving your messenger! It is also possible to follow an external link, for example, to pay.
    The client, by the way, can have a regular WhatsApp, not a Business.

If you use the regular WhatsApp application to communicate with your customers, then I highly recommend installing WhatsApp Business, you can make your life much easier

Creating a product catalog in your WhatsApp Business is not difficult. Open the application and in the upper right menu select:
Settings / Business settings / Catalog , and then click the green circle with a plus in the lower right corner and add a new product.

What can be added to the product card:

  1. Several images;
  2. Product name;
  3. Product price;
  4. Description;
  5. Link to an external resource;
  6. Product code (article).

To add fields with a description and a link, click the inscription Additional fields . Press 9 to save0017 Save in the top right corner.

To send a product card to the chat, during the dialogue, press Paperclip and in addition to the usual icons Document, Gallery, etc. we see a new icon Catalog , when you click on it, a list of products that you added to the catalog will open, mark and send any of them to the chat.

Your interlocutor will receive a message with the first product photo you added, name, price and link More , clicking on which will open the product card with other images, description and link you specified. In addition, at the bottom of the screen there will be several thumbnails with other products from the catalog and a link Show all , to go to your product catalog in the WhatsApp messenger.

There is no information yet about the possibility of integrating the product catalog in WhatsApp with external services or online stores via API. Now you need to add products to WhatsApp and send them to customers manually. But that's great too! Do you agree?

How to make a catalog on Whatsapp: organizing a product catalog

Organizations that sell through Whatsapp encounter some problems when demonstrating products and describing their characteristics. It is especially difficult to acquaint customers with products when there is a large influx of applications and appeals. To save its users from such inconveniences, WhatsApp Business has implemented the function of creating product catalogs.


  1. What is a WhatsApp Business Directory
  2. What is a WhatsApp Business Directory
  3. Restrictions on Adding Products to a Catalog
  4. How to Create a WhatsApp Business Product Catalog
  5. How to Delete Products or Services
  6. How to Send an Item from the catalog to the client
  7. Pros and cons of a product catalog in WhatsApp for business

What is a WhatsApp business catalog

Whatsapp business catalog is a special development that allows you to add trading products or services provided by a company to a set of products in your personal account. Interested customers will be able to get acquainted with the goods by going to the personal account of the seller. The list of products will be displayed in the company profile.

The seller can, while communicating with the buyer, select the catalog menu and send products of interest to the buyer in a chat call.

The client, having familiarized himself with the products, can share the position he likes with his relatives or friends. Also, the buyer can ask the seller a question about the selected service.

Products in the catalog have a unique name, price tag, description of characteristics, unique code and a link to the website. Thanks to this, the buyer can easily find the desired position in the catalog. The catalog itself contains 500 items of products or services provided by the organization.

By giving access to the list of products, firms have the opportunity to advertise their products and expand the scope of trade. There is an option that allows you to send product lists to interested customers, and post a link to products on social networks and on Internet resources.

The catalog can be used by different types of business organizations that sell both goods (vegetables, perfumes, electronics, clothing, accessories) and services (legal, accounting, tutoring, etc. ).

What is included in the WhatsApp business catalog

All services and goods sold by the company are added to the catalog. The list itself includes:

  • Name of goods and services, in the amount of 500 hundred pieces.
  • Organization name and description. The information will be taken from the company's WhatsApp profile.

Each item consists of:

  • Pictures or photographs of the item. The service supports the upload of up to 10 images per item. The service checks the image and compares it with the product placement rules.
  • Price tag - if the product has a fixed price, the organization can indicate its cost.
  • Name. When assigning a name, it is better to indicate a short and capacious name.
  • Characteristics of the product or service.
  • Link to online store.
  • And product code.

The commodity code is used if the organization has warehouses for products, and employees involved in packing and shipping goods.

Restrictions on adding products to catalog

Service policy prohibits the sale of the following items:

  1. Prescription medications; light narcotic and similar substances. The list of prohibited substances includes: marijuana and its derivatives; items for the use of drugs (pipes, bongs).
  2. Alcoholic products. Books and digital media about alcoholic products, glasses, glasses, refrigerators for storing alcohol can be sold. Drinks containing alcohol and kits for making alcohol-containing drinks cannot be sold.
  3. Tobacco products and items intended for the use of tobacco products. Clothes with logos of tobacco companies are allowed to be sold. It is forbidden to sell: bongs, tobacco rolling machines, hookahs, tissue paper, cigarettes and cigars, pipes and accessories for them, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes or similar devices.
  4. Explosives, ammunition, weapons. You can advertise courses on your own security or licenses for legal weapons. Trading fireworks, shooting ranges, stun guns, firearms and spare parts for them, pepper spray, gun shows, paintball and air guns is prohibited.
  5. Hazardous food additives. It is forbidden to sell chitosan, ephedra, human growth hormones, comfrey, anabolics and other substances that the WhatsApp service considers unsafe.
  6. Goods and services of category 18+. It is allowed to add products related to the field of family planning, contraceptives to product catalogs. You can not add products used for sexual stimulation, intimate toys, videos and live broadcasts intended for adult entertainment, services with a sexual connotation.
  7. Animals. It is forbidden to trade in live animals, livestock, bones, horns, organs, limbs, stuffed animals, ivory, parts of carcasses. You cannot add products or parts of endangered species to the product catalog.
  8. Medical and health products. Trade in thermometers, nicotine patches, breast pumps, nicotine chewing gums, diagnostic devices and kits, contact lenses, first aid kits, bandages and orthoses is prohibited.
  9. Sexual positioning products. For example, contain hints of nudity or sexual intercourse.
  10. Fluids and parts of the human body. You can not trade in blood, wigs, teeth, urine, body parts, organs, body tissues.
  11. Real money games, dating services. You cannot sell real, fake or virtual currency. Selling illegal goods and services is prohibited.
  12. Products that give unauthorized access to digital products or resources. Subscription renewals and sales processing. Services or goods that are fraudulent, inhumane, offensive, put pressure on people, false. You can not add products that violate intellectual property rights: pirated copies, replicas, imitations, etc.

How to create a catalog of goods in WhatsApp Business

To make a catalog in WhatsApp, you need:

  • Whatsapp business starts, you tap the settings menu, and a section called ‘Business settings’ opens.
  • In the window that opens, the line with the catalog located on the left side of the display is pressed.
  • In the window that appears, the icon with a plus sign located in the lower corner of the window is clicked.
  • Enter information about the product in the opened form: name, cost, description of the main characteristics of the product, link to a page on a social network or website, code, photos.
  • The ‘Save’ button located in the upper right corner of the display is clicked.

Each heading is added in the same way. After making all the products, the catalog will be available for viewing by buyers.

How to remove goods or services

To remove items from the catalog, you must log in to your account. Click on the item with other options.

Then enter the settings menu, and click on the section called ‘Business settings’. From the settings section, you need to go to the 'Catalog' item.
The product image is selected and a long press opens the context menu. In the menu that appears with the available options, the ‘Delete’ line is clicked, and the action confirmation button is pressed.

How to send goods from the catalog to the customer

To send goods, you need:

  • Open a conversation with the buyer, and tap on the paperclip icon located next to the text input field. In the pop-up window, click on the directory icon.
  • In the list of products, mark those that will be sent to the buyer, and tap on the send message icon.

Now the customer can get to know the product or service. And by clicking on the ‘More’ item, located under the product card, you will be able to view other products in the catalog.

Pros and cons of a WhatsApp product catalog for business

The advantage of the catalog is that it is completely free, and companies do not need to pay an additional subscription or buy a service package.

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