How to appeal instagram ban

How to Appeal to Reactivate Disabled Instagram Account

Love using Instagram? If yes, losing your Instagram might turn out to be a nightmare for you. You might feel disconnected from the world as you realize your Instagram account was disabled. Don’t worry; calm down for a moment and accept that your Instagram account is no longer accessible and you can submit an appeal form to reactivate the disabled Instagram account.

At this moment, you are looking for ways to enable the disabled Instagram account. There might be several reasons for Instagram to disable your account. The reasons could be the effect of violating their terms of use or a technical/human error at Instagram’s end.

Don’t stress yourself; we at GeekDashboard will show you how to reactivate a disabled Instagram account. This guide will show you how to appeal to Instagram to reactivate your Instagram account.

Why Instagram Disabled Your Account? – Identify the Problem

There could be various reasons for Instagram to disable your account. In addition to that, Instagram would log you out of your account without any notice (except through an email). When you log in again, it’ll show you a pop-up stating “Error: Your account has been disabled for violating our teams. Learn how you may be able to restore your account”. The pop-up sometimes may also mention the reason why Instagram disabled your account.

Instagram disables the accounts that usually don’t follow their Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. Here are a few of the common reasons that may lead to disabling your Instagram account.

  1. Posting illegal, inappropriate, NSFW, or copyrighted content.
  2. Direct Messaging, Following, or Unfollowing accounts aggressively.
  3. Misrepresenting someone else.
  4. Multiple reports of spam on your posts.
  5. Using foul language in comments or direct messages.
  6. You may have disabled your account unknowingly.
  7. Using tools or paying others to increase the likes/followers count.
  8. For installing mobile apps like Story Savers, Bulk Follow/unfollow, etc.
  9. For using fake names, and alias while creating the account.
  10. Faking your real age during signup. You must be at least 13 years old to create and use an Instagram account.
  11. Due to a technical/human error.
  12. Might be due to Third-party code bug.
  13. If your Facebook account is disabled recently for any violation, it may also lead to the ban of your Instagram account.

Instagram is becoming strict with its guidelines over time, especially after Facebook’s acquisition. To avoid losing your account in the future, make sure to go through Instagram’s Community Guidelines. However, your Instagram account can recover if you haven’t violated the Community Guidelines numerous times.

Update (October 31, 2022): Due to an outage, a large number of users are unable to access their Instagram accounts. A lot of user accounts have been suspended wrongly and many users lost their recent followers. Instagram has already acknowledged and fixed the issue.
If your account has been suspended during this period, don’t worry; you will get access to your account very soon once the issue is resolved.

Types of Disabled Instagram Accounts (Bans)

Whatever led Instagram to disable your account, you need to know that there are two kinds of disablements. And the process of appealing or reactivation depends primarily on the type of ban Instagram placed on your account.

Temporarily Disabled Instagram Accounts

If Instagram mentions that your “account is disabled,” then your account is safe. It means Instagram disabled your account temporarily, and you can recover it back. So if it shows that message, you’re in luck and can get your account back.

Permanently Disabled Instagram Accounts

As long as your account is permanently disabled, your chances of getting it back are less to none. In addition to that, your followers will no longer see your account and the posts. If you get an error message saying your Instagram account is disabled permanently, it is highly impossible to get it back.

How to Bring Back Disabled Instagram Account with Mobile App

Given that your account is temporarily disabled, you can rest assured that you can get it back. The “Disabled Account” pop-up on a smartphone would give you the Learn More option when you log in to Instagram. If that’s the case with you, then go through the following steps.

  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your by entering your username and password.
  3. A prompt should pop-up stating that your account is disabled.
  4. Click on the Learn More option from the prompt.
  5. Go through the on-screen instructions, and you’ll get to the Appeal page.
  6. Once you submit the request, you need to wait for a few days to get a response.

Be patient. Sending multiple requests won’t speed up the process. Also, be polite while requesting the reactivation of your account. Don’t show your frustration over there; it might just delay the process further.

If you feel you have violated Instagram policies unknowingly, explain them in the appeal form and assure them they won’t be repeated again.

If the “Learn More” button didn’t appear on your Instagram app, don’t worry, you can still submit an appeal form requesting the Instagram team to manually review your account.

Requesting to Reactivate Instagram Account with Appeal Form

If you strongly believe your Instagram account is deactivated by mistake, you can submit a form to contact the Instagram team. Once you submit the form with detailed information, someone from the Instagram team reviews your appeal and manually checks your Instagram activity.

If they find your account is deactivated by mistake, you will receive an email communication and the account will be reactivated immediately.

Appeal Form

You can also use the above contact page to appeal. The appeal form will ask you for your Full name, email address, Instagram username, mobile number.

Finally, write a detailed explanation to let Instagram know why your account shouldn’t be disabled.

Fill in the details and click the Send option for Instagram to review your case. It might take around 5 to 20 days for Instagram to review your case and take action on it.

Be persistent and wait for Instagram to answer your case officially. However, if you can’t wait and want to get back to Instagram as soon as possible, then you’ll be better off creating a completely new Instagram account.

How to Recover Hacked Instagram Account?

Hackers usually go for Instagram accounts to sell your usernames or anything personal. If you think your Instagram account was compromised, it’s best to report it to Instagram as early as possible. To know if you’re account was hacked, check your mail for an email stating, “your account information has been changed.”

If you don’t see an email, open Instagram mobile app and tap on Forgot Password (iOS) or Get help signing in (Android).

Instagram will ask you for your phone number. Provide it, and you’ll receive a code. Enter the code, and you’ll be redirected to the password reset process. Reset the password, and you can log in again.

If you fail to recover your password, the best way is to report the case to Instagram. Instagram will investigate this issue and try to regain access to your account. To report a hacked Instagram account, follow these steps.

  1. On Instagram’s login screen, tap on Get help signing in (Android) or Forgot Password (iOS).
  2. If prompted, enter your username, email address, or your phone number, and hit Next.
  3. Then, tap the Need more help option and follow the on-screen instructions.

Wait for few hours/days until you receive an email from Instagram with 5 digits verification code.

You might have to write the verification code, your name, and your Instagram username on a white paper and upload a photo of you holding it. Make sure you write the text with your own handwriting using a marker and your face & both hands must be clearly visible in the photo.

Once verified, you’ll receive an email with the password reset link, and you can regain access to your account.

However, remember that if hackers deleted your Instagram account, you can’t get it back again. Albeit, you can create a new account with the same email and phone number.

As you can see from the above steps, reactivating or appealing a disabled Instagram account is fairly easy than you would expect. If you’ve followed the tutorial, you might get your account back in under 5 days. Sometimes, it may take longer, up to 20 days. So don’t worry, and be patient.

If nothing looks working for us, it is best to take the help of community. If your Instagram account is big and has a good active user following, make use of other social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit to create hype. Request your audience to tag Instagram’s official handles to let them know about the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many days does it take to receive a response to my appeal

It usually takes 7-10 working days to get a response. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the responses are getting delayed. Few people got the response after 1 month.

I feel my account is deactivated by mistake.

If you strongly believe you haven’t violated any Instagram terms of use, you can confidently submit the Appeal Form to explain your suitation.

I’m not 13 years old while creating the account. But now I’m 13+ years old.

Creating an Instagram account with a fake date of birth is a clear violation of the Terms of use. Try submitting the appeal form and they might request age proof to verify your identity. In case your account is not activated, the only option is to create a new Instagram account with genuine information.

Will installing StorySaver or fake follower apps lead to account bans?

Yes, they will. You must uninstall the immediately from your smartphone and request account reactivation

I didn’t receive any response but my account is reactivated

Consider yourself lucky. You can continue using your Instagram account normally. You will receive the email confirmation sooner or later. No other actions are required from your end.

How to Recover Your Disabled/Banned Instagram Account [2022]

Instagram has a strict user policy that doesn’t tolerate any sort of suspicious activity. If you got wrongfully banned from Instagram, don’t worry—you are not the only one. Is all that effort you invested in your account lost? It doesn’t need to be because DoNotPay is here to help!

We will guide you through the process of getting your account back. Find out what the reason for the ban can be and how subscribing to DoNotPay can help you solve the issue.

Why Was My Instagram Account Banned?

To use the platform without interruptions, you need to respect the Terms of Use and Community Guidelines—which is a rule of thumb for most other online community apps such as Twitter, Reddit, and Grindr.

You can be banned from Instagram for:

  • Using an automation tool to like/comment on content aggressively or to follow/unfollow users
  • Buying likes and fake followers
  • Selling or buying accounts
  • Creating duplicate accounts
  • Posting inappropriate content
  • Infringing on someone's creations
  • Using Instagram if you are under 13 years old
  • Selling or promoting illegal products or services
  • Using broken or banned hashtags
  • Writing more than 60 comments in an hour—or 30 if your account is new
  • Sending the same messages or posting the same comments
  • Using violent, aggressive, or offensive language

Instagram can also ban you if another user reports your account—even if you did nothing wrong.

How To Know if Instagram Suspended or Banned My Account

Instagram may be strict about its rules, but it also wants to keep its users. If the platform detects behavior that goes against its policy, you won’t be banned right away. Your account will be suspended first. The suspension can last from one to 48 hours. It all depends on what you did to get banned. You can appeal the suspension to get it lifted more quickly.

There are also three types of bans on Instagram:

  1. Blocked action—If you like content repeatedly or follow and unfollow users, Instagram can block that action for a certain time period. You can take more than 140 actions per day. Such repetitive activity can come from a spam account, which is why the platform issues a warning by blocking the action
  2. Shadowban—When you use banned tags or post too much, your account can be shadowbanned. You’ll be able to use your account, but your posts won’t be visible in the Explore section or on hashtag pages
  3. Ban—If you violate the terms or repeat the same action that got you suspended, you can be banned for good. In this case, you won’t be able to use the same username, email address, or even the same IP address to access the platform

How To Tell if Your Instagram Is Banned

If Instagram banned your account, you won’t be able to log in, like, comment, or share photos. All the activity on the app will be blocked.

You’ll also get a notification—a message will pop up on the screen informing you that you’ve been blocked. You can ignore it or click on the button that encourages you to tell Instagram if it made a mistake.

How To Get Unbanned From Instagram

If your account gets blocked, you can:

  • Wait for the ban period to pass
  • Contact Instagram

To discuss your problem with a representative, you can click on the Tell Us or Appeal buttons on the ban notification. If you only have the Learn More option, choose that. Click on Let Us Know at the end of the notice.

You can also go to the Help Center or call 1-650-543-4800.

Don’t forget to review your hashtags and remove autobots if you use them so you don’t get your account blocked again.

A permanent ban is harder to oppose. There is no guarantee that you can get your account back. You will need to contact customer service to assess the situation. Another solution for blocked and banned accounts is using the DoNotPay app. We can help you resolve your issue faster and more efficiently!

How Can DoNotPay Help Me Get Unbanned?

Dealing with customer support can be a long and tiring process. Instagram is a platform with a billion users, and your case might not be a priority. What can put you on top of its list is legal pressure—a DoNotPay demand letter will do that.

Our app can help you speed up the procedure by sending a customized demand. You will only need to:

  1. Sign in to your DoNotPay account
  2. Click on the Unban My Account option
  3. Answer a few questions about your issue

After you provide us with the date of the ban, the potential reason for the ban, and your digital signature, we will create a letter and send it to Instagram. The deadline we set will ensure that you get a response in no time.

If you got a final answer from Instagram that your account won’t be unbanned, we can’t oppose that. What we can do is help you appeal the initial decision.

DoNotPay Can Rescue Your Accounts!

Social media platforms and gaming services can have tricky policies. You can have your Twitter account locked without any explanation or be banned from a service you’ve been using for years. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, DoNotPay will help!

Our nifty app can appeal any suspended or banned account decision. In a few simple steps, your complaint can become a priority.

If you have any questions about suspended or banned accounts, our learning center has the answers:

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Blocking an Instagram account is not uncommon nowadays, it can be encountered quite by accident, even if you have not violated anything.

There can be a lot of reasons for blocking, ranging from an unfortunate set of circumstances to malicious violations of the rules of the user agreement of the social network.

In this article, we will not go into details of the reasons for blocking, but we will understand its types and learn step by step how to restore a blocked account.


  • Interlock types
  • Step-by-step instructions for repair
  • Personal experience

Interlock types

1. Blocking for suspicious activity.

A typical variant of a permanent block, which is issued by the Instagram algorithm when the likes, subscribers and other indicators are too actively cheated on your account, as well as when recommendations are not followed when automating the process of placing likes, subscriptions and other things to other users of the social network.

There were cases when commercial accounts were blocked for too frequent correspondence with users in Direct, most likely suspecting them of some kind of automation.

2. For content complaints from users.

Issued sometimes by a person, sometimes by the Instagram algorithm. This is usually the result of regular complaints from users about the regular publication of inappropriate materials or about the account as a whole. In the first case, the Instagram algorithm will more often just remove the invalid image with a notification. In the second case, if the decision is made by an Instagram employee regarding the account as a whole, then this will be a complete blocking of it, and not individual publications.

3. For copyright infringement.

The heaviest type of blocking. Instagram is the most fiercely protective of legal entities and objects of copyright. If individuals or legal entities repeatedly report violations of their copyrights, the page will most likely be blocked by an Instagram employee.

Step-by-step instructions for repair

1. Log in to Instagram through the official mobile application.

Try to log in to a blocked account using your username and password. If the account is indeed blocked, then on the smartphone screen you will see something like the following message, as shown in the screenshots below.

In the pop-up window, click the button Learn more , then you will be taken to the Instagram help page, where you need to select the link tell us about it , as shown below.

In some cases, instead of the page listed above, another page may be displayed where there is no such link.

To question This account is used to represent a company, product or service click No .

After that, you can optionally fill in the field Full name and last name .

But it is important to fill in the following three fields accurately: enter your account login, e-mail address and the country from which you are sending this request.

Based on our experience, the e-mail address that is indicated in the recovery form does not play a special role. We successfully managed to restore blocked accounts using unrelated e-mail addresses.

After completing the form, click the button Submit .

If your submission is successful, you will be automatically redirected to the main page of the Instagram help center.

In some cases, the following errors may occur when filling out the form:

  • Your request cannot be processed

Your request could not be processed. There was a problem with this request. We are working to fix it as soon as possible.

  • Verify account to request verification

Before submitting a verification request, go to Instagram and verify your identity.

In both cases above, we recommend that you register a new and clean email address that is not associated with any Instagram account. Then fill out the recovery form again and wait for an automatic response from Instagram.

3. Send a selfie with a code.

A few minutes after filling out the restoration form (depending on the loading of the Instagram service), an email with further instructions will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the form.

If after 15 minutes you have not received an email from Instagram, try creating a new e-mail address and specify it when submitting the recovery form.

We suspect that in some cases Instagram may mistakenly or intentionally blacklist your email address when filling out a form.

If the form is successfully completed, you will receive the following response.

From the content of the email, it is clear that Instagram wants to get a reaction from you, which is difficult to automate.

It has been experimentally established that Instagram is not interested in your face and there is no real check whether you are in the photo or someone else.

Such an unlocking system is made in order to exclude the fact of mass automated unlocking of accounts.

The face, as well as the login, are deliberately hidden for the article. You don't have to.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write with a dark marker or felt-tip pen large and legible the code indicated in the letter, below the name and surname in accordance with what you indicated when filling out the form and account login. Then take a photo with a piece of paper in your hand.

Save the photo with the code in JPEG format. This is an extremely important step. The file extension must be ".jpeg" and no other. Otherwise, the letter may not reach.

If the image is not suitable, you can get the following response. In our case, the file weighed 3 MB and most likely could not be displayed by an Instagram employee as an attached file.

To correctly convert photos to JPEG format, use the JPEG-PNG Image file converter application.

Reply to the email you received from Instagram and attach your jpeg file to the email. Nothing more can be written in the letter.

Send a letter and be patient for a few days.

The image with the code should be sent only by return mail, because for each such unblocking request, Instagram creates a special unique email address.

When sending a photo, select medium mode attachments, the photo should not weigh much, in our case these are always photos of 100-200 KB in size.

4. Wait for a response from Instagram.

In case of successful unlocking, you will receive the following letter.

If more than 7 days have passed and there is still no letter, then we recommend filling out the form again and preferably from some other mail that was not previously used on Instagram.

If after sending the letter with the code you did not receive a positive response, then do not lose hope. Feel free to write a letter through the form again.

The human factor plays an important role in unlocking. Continue to request an unlock through the appropriate form and send response emails with the code.

As you know, Instagram is famous for a large number of errors that occur when working with certain functions of the social network.

Personal experience

About a month ago, my personal Instagram account @sergeykomlev was blocked. Contacting the recovery forms did not help, a personal contact with Facebook support via chat did not give any result.

The Facebook staff responded fairly quickly to my request and even called me on my mobile when, unexpectedly for them, I stopped responding in the chat.

But they could not help me restore access to my Instagram account, citing the fact that a separate department in Instagram is responsible for blocking issues and they do not have any tools to influence it.

On February 28, 2021, I tried again to fill out the form at this link and I finally got it.

When filling out, I used a new mail, which is in no way associated with my Instagram account.

If you need help with unlocking your Instagram account, you can contact me on Telegram.

Blocked "Instagram": what to do?

On March 4, 2022, Roskomnadzor decided to restrict access to Facebook, and on March 11, 2022, access to Instagram. If you are in Russia, most likely, both social networks are currently unavailable to you. Go to other social networks: we will help you advance on VKontakte or develop a Telegram channel.

But we have some useful material for you.

(For those who have social networks working - the text of the article is below, under the list of links)


Instructions for launching a channel in Telegram

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How to make your own stickers for Telegram: step by step instructions ": the most detailed guide in RuNet

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A complete guide to setting up VKontakte targeting


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Caught a ban on Instagram? No panic! Our life jacket FAQ is ready: we tell you how to avoid blocking and what to do if it has already happened.

Table of contents:

It's better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

Temporary blocking of your account

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

Table of contents:

Better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

Temporary account blocking

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

One way to ruin your Instagram is to get banned and completely delete your account. Without the ability to return photos and subscribers. We tell you how to restore Instagram if you are banned and what you need to do to avoid this unpleasant situation:

Better not to do this: 15 reasons to block your Instagram

You can get a ban for violating the rules. For example:

  1. After complaining about spammy and duplicate comments, for tagging a lot of people on posts.
  2. For spam in direct messages.
  3. For copyright infringement: using someone else's photos and texts. Users themselves can also complain about non-unique content.
  4. For copying accounts. If you create a spare, they can block both accounts.
  5. For publishing pornography and erotica. By the way, if you post your little ones in a negligee, then you can also easily get a ban for naked children's photos.
  6. For promoting anorexia and suicide. For mutilation: eating disorder, showing cuts.
  7. For manifestation of hatred and aggression, intolerance: racism, homophobia and sexism.
  8. For the sale and promotion of weapons and drugs.
  9. For the use of logos and symbols of well-known brands (therefore, trading in product replicas will not work successfully for a long time).
  10. For using the Instagram logo on your images.
  11. For work with prohibited third-party services and applications.
  12. After violating the limits on subscription, unsubscribe and comment actions. The current limits are available in the official documentation for developers.
  13. For using several ip-addresses at the same time. This happens if several people sit from your account from different cities at once. Or when using third party services.
  14. For information about credit cards, social security or other identification number, phone number or email address if it belongs to another person.
  15. For cheating subscribers/bots or likes.

Don't joke with limits and suspicious activity - all Instagram promotion services warn us about this

Attention! Your account can be blocked without warning and explanation if it raises suspicions of violating the rules.

Follow the links for the full text of the rules and conditions for using the application.

More details about the reasons for bans and ways to quickly save accounts - in the video below:

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Temporary blocking of an account

Most often, Instagram “punishes” an account with a temporary blocking: it restricts one or more actions, for example, it prohibits likes and subscriptions for a period of several hours to several days, on average for a day.

Examples of Instagram action blocking popups

When this is discovered, try to control yourself and do not act immediately after unblocking, be patient.

After Instagram suspects your account, it will "reset your password" and notify you in an email sent to the email address you linked to your profile. You can change your password using the link.

After 3 temporary bans, you will most likely be banned - in this case, Instagram sees that you do not heed the warnings and bans you permanently.

"Eternal" ban on Instagram - what to do?

Repeatedly violating the Instagram rules will result in your account being permanently deleted. What to do if you see a warning about blocking your account when you log in?

An example of blocking when trying to log in

Naturally, the best way out of this situation is to claim that your account has been hacked (even if you messed it up yourself).

Previously, you could figure it out through this form:

The items "I can't log in" and "The account was hacked" are no longer active.

But now the rules have changed and you can only unlock your account through the official mobile application.

The recovery procedure seems pretty straightforward and is described on the support site:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. On the login screen, tap Help Login below the Login button.
  3. Or tap in the upper right corner: "Need more help?" and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. To unlock, you will need to enter information about the company or yourself (if the account is personal) into the form and indicate the associated email address.
  5. If you have done everything correctly and your e-mail is correct, you will receive an email with instructions. Check your Spam folder, if nothing arrives, the letter may have ended up there.

You may be asked to upload one or more unedited personal photos of yourself that were previously posted to this account.

If you don't have these photos, don't even try. Photo verification works using EXIF ​​technology, so it’s stupid to download and pass off someone else’s photo as your own.

Important! If nothing happens when you log in except for a blocking message, then use the built-in technical support window and look for any way to contact.

Forewarned is forearmed: how to protect your Instagram from deletion

  1. Specify a valid e-mail to which you have access. Check right now if you made any typos in the settings.
  2. Link your mobile phone number. It will be necessary to confirm your rights to the account: Instagram sends an SMS with a code.
  3. If there are no personal photos of you on Instagram, then taking a picture of the face of the owner of the account with the code from technical support will not work in case of blocking. If you don’t want or can’t post them, be sure to link your Facebook account (by the way, it won’t help if it doesn’t contain your photos).
  4. If this is your company's profile, then constituent documents, a registered trademark, domain name ownership (if all this is in the profile description) will come in handy.

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