How to add whatsapp button on facebook post

How to add WhatsApp button on Facebook page? –

With over 2.89 billion users worldwide, Facebook is today, the largest social media network. Every other person you know has an account on Facebook. It is not only a platform where people can stay in touch with one another but it is also a place where businesses connect with customers, target specific audiences and grow their online base.

Having a Facebook Business Page will help you offer customers key information about your business, products and services. You can also post updates about upcoming events and activities. Facebook lets you create and run Ads, allowing you to target specific audiences through paid campaigns.

The WhatsApp-Facebook Connect 

Facebook advertising allows you to communicate with your audience in unique ways. It lets you start a conversation on Facebook and carry it on to other Facebook-owned platforms such as WhatsApp.

In other words, you can create Ads on Facebook and convert the traffic that you generate to conversations on WhatsApp.

According to a report released by Facebook Insights, 53% of shoppers are more likely to shop with a business they can easily message.

‍By adding a WhatsApp button on the Facebook page:

-You are giving customers a chance to message your business directly.

-You are also creating a channel to garner more leads for your business and you have the opportunity to convert these leads into customers through WhatsApp conversations.

-You can offer excellent customer support, address customer queries and share relevant information to shoppers on their most preferred messaging app.

‍Before you create Ads on Facebook or connect WhatsApp number to Facebook page, you will have to set up a Business Account. You can download the App and create your account on it or integrate with the WhatsApp API. To gain access to the latter you will need to connect with an official WhatsApp Business Service Provider like Interakt and our team will guide you through the onboarding process.

‍Now you will need to link your WhatsApp Business Account to your Facebook Page. Check out the – How to Connect your WhatsApp Business Number to your Facebook Page for this a step-by-step walkthrough of the entire process.

How to share Facebook Page links on WhatsApp? 

Let’s now look at how you can share your Facebook page’s link to your WhatsApp contacts. Here are the steps that you can follow:

a) Head to the Product Page on Facebook and tap on more options.

b) Tap the WhatsApp icon that you see.

c) Next, select the person or group that you wish to share the Facebook Page with.

d) Then, tap the Send button or click on Next to draft a message.

e) Type out your message. The link to the Facebook page will be attached to your message.

f) Once you are ready, tap the Send button to share the link.

How to create Facebook Ads that connect to WhatsApp? 

There are 2 ways to add a WhatsApp button to your Facebook posts and Ads.

a) Promote an existing post on your page and add a WhatsApp button to it

If you have an existing post on your page that you would like to promote, here are the steps to follow:

1. Go to your Facebook page, select the post that you want to promote and click on the ‘Boost Post’ button.

2. On the left-hand side menu, you will see the Posts button, tap on it and select ‘Send WhatsApp Message’. This will add a CTA to your post. You will also get to see a preview of your promoted post on the right.

3. Add the rest of your Ad parameters such as the audience that you would like to reach, the Ad duration and your budget.

4. Now click on Boost to run your Ad.

Customers can now view the WhatsApp button which is added to your post and reach out to start a conversation with your business.

b) Create a new Ad in the Ads Manager and add a WhatsApp button to it

Follow these steps to create a new Ad in the Facebook Ad Manager:

1. Go to the Facebook Ads Manager and click on the create button in the ‘Ads’ Tab.

2. Choose your Objective under ‘Create New Campaign’. (Note: Only Ads with the traffic, conversions, messages, brand awareness, reach, engagement and video views can connect users to WhatsApp)

3. Add the budget for your Ad campaign and click on ‘Continue’.

The next step in the process will depend on the Objective you have picked:

If your Objective is traffic, conversion, or messages-

1. Go to ‘Ad Set’ on the menu on the left and then select WhatsApp.

2. Click Confirm to publish your Ad.

If your Objective is reach, brand awareness, engagement or video views-

1. Head to ‘Text & Links’ under ‘Ad’.

2. Add a website URL which is a compulsory field. This will direct you to add a Call to Action (CTA) button.

3. Select ‘Send WhatsApp Message’ under Call to Action.

4. Add the rest of your Ad parameters such as Audience, placements and Ad duration.

5. Click on ‘Confirm’ to publish the Ad.

‍With this, you have successfully added the WhatsApp button on Facebook page allowing customers to start a WhatsApp chat with just a click of the button.

Examples of Click-to-WhatsApp Ads that you can try
a) Offer advice on styling 

Add a WhatsApp button on Facebook page and offer one-on-one styling advice to potential customers on the app. Get to know their needs, answer any questions that they may have, provide a sneak preview into your latest collection and make product recommendations to convert these prospects into loyal customers.

b) Provide a complete shopping experience on WhatsApp 

Your target audience might be spending a lot of time browsing on Facebook, but when it comes to handling orders, you prefer WhatsApp. Direct your customers to WhatsApp by running a click-to-WhatsApp Ad on Facebook. Through WhatsApp you can share your product catalog, give discount coupons, send payment links and share tracking details. This provides an excellent end to end shopping experience.

If you are a business owner looking to expand your business operations then understanding how to add a WhatsApp button to your Facebook posts and Ads will help you generate more leads and grow your audiences.

Delight your customers by offering excellent customer service. Sign up for WhatsApp Business API integration via Interakt and get a 14-day free trial.

How to add whatsapp button on facebook page

How to add WhatsApp button on Facebook page

(Updated May 2020)

Facebook has for a few years,  been able to allow Facebook Pages and WhatsApp Buttons to be connected via the advertising platform. Customers can connect the WhatsApp functionality to their Facebook page.

The monetization of Whatsapp by Facebook has taken another step. Now advertisers can include a button that is actually connected to an organic post that has been boosted.

This enables users to contact them via the new messaging App.

Since November 2016, Facebook has always had a  click to messenger, which has been very, very popular.  When customers see an advertiser or a company’s Ad on Facebook and they click on the messenger button, it lets them connect and communicate with that particular company’s page through instant messages.

I am not surprised that this has happened. When Facebook purchased Whatsapp a few years ago for over $19 billion dollars, people were asking questions. Was it worth the investment or not? What Facebook are essentially doing is connecting both of the audiences together so that that communication can stay consistent across both of the businesses.

People are saying that the combining of Facebook Pages and WhatsApp Buttons is going to ease the process of launching communications between people and their brands. This will ultimately eliminate several unnecessary steps.

Currently, Facebook is saying that there are over 1,000,000 facebook pages that already include their Whatsapp numbers in their posts.

Clearly, Facebook wants to increase this more. Facebook know that people already use Whatsapp to communicate with small businesses and it’s a very fast, convenient way to stay in touch. So by adding Facebook Pages and WhatsApp Buttons in their Facebook ads, they should see an increase in engagement.

Businesses can actually now make it even easier for people to learn about their products, set up an appointment, or even use their service.


Here are the steps that we will breakdown for you on how to link facebook page to whatsapp

1. Go to your Facebook page settings and find the  WhatsApp tab

2. Connect your WhatsApp phone number to facebook and “send code”

3. Verify the code facebook sends you

4. How to add whatsapp button on facebook page

5. Make sure it works

How to add whatsapp button on facebook page

Step 1: Go to your Facebook page settings and find the  WhatsApp tab

You need to log in as an admin to your facebook page and head over to settings. On the left hand sode, you will see the Whatsapp tab…go ahead and click on it.


Step 2: Connect your WhatsApp phone number to facebook and “send code”

Find your country area code and add that…then grab your whatsApp number..usually its your normal mobile/ cell phone number and enter that into the phone number field.

Step 3: Verify the code facebook sends you

Enter the code that facebook sends you into the popup window

Step 4: How to add whatsapp button on facebook page

Once you have confirmed the numbers, you have the ability to add it to your facebook page…

Step 5: Make sure it works

So, once its done, you can see it on your WhatsAPP tab…

That is all there is to it…  one final piece, check it out on the homepage of your facebook page…



People need to add the businesses’ WhatsApp number to their contacts list to initiate the conversation. This will stop them getting spammed by businesses who want to spam people. Once they do so, the messenger app opens up with a default message expressing interest. This can be edited by users before being sent. Advertisers will be able to gauge their results from some analytics that Facebook will measure.

Have you seen Facebook Pages and WhatsApp Buttons being used on facebook yet? I would love to know in the comments below.


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Add WhatsApp number to Facebook profile, page, marketplace


If you want to add a WhatsApp button to your Facebook page or profile, you just need to follow a few steps to add a WhatsApp number that opens in the app or on the web to start a chat.

You can simply add an API link with a target number or check WhatsApp on your Facebook to display a WhatsApp button on your profile or page. nine0003

You can even add a whatsapp button to the Facebook market and the article will help you in that case too.

To add a WhatsApp number to your Facebook profile, first go to edit profile , just select WhatsApp and add the API link with the number in the Social Links section. You have to make it public to make it visible to all people from your Facebook profile and now when someone clicks on the whatsapp icon it will be redirected to the chat. nine0003

To add whatsapp number to facebook page first you need to go to page settings and from there just find whatsapp button and go to very and then verify whatsapp with verification code and this button will show on facebook page.

In this article, I will explain the methods to help you add a WhatsApp number or button to display on your profile, and it can be done in a few steps.

Add WhatsApp number to your Facebook profile

If you want to add a WhatsApp number to your Facebook profile, you need to add a WhatsApp social network link and save it to your profile. To help you with these steps, just follow these steps:

1. First, setting up WhatsApp.

First of all, you need to create a profile on your WhatsApp or, if you already have one, continue.

2. Add WhatsApp to your Facebook profile.

  • Go to the Edit Profile section of your Facebook profile. nine0035
  • Then, under the "Contacts and basic information" option, find the "Websites and social links" option there.
  • Now select the WhatsApp icon and add your username, for example: (replace CD with your country code and then XXXXXXXXXX with your mobile number).
  • Once you save this as public and if someone clicks on it, the chat will open.
You have now successfully added your WhatsApp number to your Facebook profile. nine0019 How to add whatsapp button to facebook page?

Linking a WhatsApp button to a Facebook page greatly helps you grow your business and also improves your ability to communicate with customers around the world.

If you want to add a WhatsApp button to your Facebook page, you just need to verify WhatsApp by following a few steps.

1. Link to Facebook

  • In this method, firstly, you need to open the Facebook app on your device. nine0035
  • After opening the application, click on settings.
  • After that, click the WhatsApp tab on the left sidebar.
  • Don't forget that this step can be done on both Android, IOS and desktop devices.
  • But, if you can't see the icon, be sure to set a reminder and review it in a few days.

2. Enter your WhatsApp number.

  • As soon as you open the WhatsApp tab, a pop-up page will appear on your screen. nine0035
  • On this screen, you need to enter your details, especially the country code and WhatsApp number.
  • Once you've entered both of these details, click the send code icon.
  • A verification code will be sent to you.
  • This step is important for knowing where you are.

3. Code check

  • When you click on the send code icon, a pop-up window will appear on your screen.
  • You simply enter the code that Facebook sends. nine0035
  • After all, the verification step is crucial in every procedure, both offline and online.

4. Add button

  • Once you've been verified with Facebook, you can add anything to your Facebook page.
  • Easily add a WhatsApp button to your Facebook page.
  • And the button will appear right below your cover image.
  • After that, the WhatsApp button will be installed successfully. nine0035
  • When the connection is successful, just view it on the main page of your Facebook page.

How do I add a WhatsApp number to a Facebook message?

If you want to add a WhatsApp link or option to a specific post, you can do so from a Facebook ad in a few easy steps:

1. Opening a message on Facebook

  • First of all, find the post you are posting on your page. nine0035
  • Now take a look at this post, which can be boosted using the Boost Post button.
  • Now click on the button and proceed to edit the option.
  • You will then be given the option to add a WhatsApp number to send messages.

2. Select the WhatsApp button.

  • Many varieties are available, you have the option to choose anything, such as contact us, send messages, send mail, etc.
  • You need to press the whatsapp button if you want to add your whatsapp number.

3. Setting up

  • Then set up your WhatsApp number correctly.
  • And finally it's done, now anyone who clicks on this icon will be redirected to whatsapp.
  • You can increase the number of posts on your page by adding to your WhatsApp number to get more leads.

Add WhatsApp Number to Facebook Marketplace

You can even list whatsapp number in Facebook marketplace to get more attention and leads directly, but make sure it's allowed by Facebook, otherwise you might have to fix Facebook marketplace issues first.

  • First, go to your Facebook application.
  • Then press the "Hamburger" button in the far right corner. nine0035
  • Then go to the house icon representing the market.
  • After that, select the image icon available in the left corner.
  • This will bring up a pop-up page on your screen, then click the profile icon.
  • The extension notification will then flash on your screen, just click on it.
  • Now you need to set up your WhatsApp number.
  • When you're done setting up, anyone who clicks on that person's icon will be directly redirected to WhatsApp. nine0035

That's all you need to do.


This article describes all the methods to help you add WhatsApp on any side of your Facebook, be it a Facebook page, profile or marketplace.

How to link to Instagram on Facebook ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

Instagram This is your favorite social network and thanks to posting and stories you have gained a large number of followers. However, now you want to expand your audience and you are wondering if it is possible to link to your profile on Facebook, another platform where you are quite popular. nine0003

What do you say? This is the way things are, and then you are wondering how to post an instagram link on facebook ? In this case, you should know that for your attempt to succeed, you can simply copy and paste the URL of your Instagram profile or post to Facebook. Alternatively, you can embed the Instagram link in your profile information or your Facebook page or, again, manually share posts on Facebook. Another solution that you could use is to connect the two social networks by activating the automatic sharing of Instagram-published content to Facebook. But in order. nine0003

With that said, sit back, take a few minutes of your free time and read this manual carefully. Follow the instructions I am about to give you step by step and I assure you that you will easily succeed in your suggested attempt. Are you ready to start? Yeah? Fine! I wish you good reading and good luck with everything!

  • Place Instagram link on Facebook
    • Copy Instagram link
    • Paste Facebook link
    • 3.1 Personal Profile
    • 3.2 Facebook Page
  • 4 Share Instagram on Facebook
  • 5 Connect Instagram to Facebook

Link to Instagram on Facebook

If your intent to link to Instagram0 you must know that for this you can simply copy and paste the link to your Instagram profile or post to Facebook. To find out all the details of this case, follow the instructions that I am about to give you regarding the application. nine0024 Instagram for Android, iOS and Windows 10, and on the Instagram website.

Copy Instagram link

To copy a link to a post or profile from Instagram , launch the official social network app for Android or iOS, log in to your account, and then search for content that interests you through the search engine that you can access by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

Now, to copy the profile link, press button (...) is in the top right corner and in the menu shown click Copy the profile URL. You can also do the same to copy a post from Instagram : click on the button (...) located in the upper right corner and then in the next menu that appears, click on the item Copy link.

Do you want to copy the link of an Instagram profile or post from your PC? If yes, log in to the official website of the social network. nine0003

Then find the profile you are interested in and check the URL in the address bar. At this point, right-click on the URL and select the item Copy from the menu that appears to copy it. Or click the link and press the key combination Ctrl + C (In Windows OS ) Or Command + C (In Mac OS ).

Have you found a publication and would like to copy the link from your PC? If yes, first press button (...) is located in the upper right corner. After that, in the menu shown to you, click on item Copy the link. If you have questions or concerns, please read my guide on how to copy a link on Instagram.

Paste the Facebook link

Once you have copied the Instagram link, you can post it on Facebook wherever you see fit, such as in a post on your profile or on your Facebook page.

To continue, start Facebook on the device you are using, or log into the social network from your computer by connecting to its official website. After that, find the text box where you want to paste the link to the post or profile.

At this point, if you are using Facebook On Android or iOS, hold your finger on the text box you want to enter text in, and tap Paste in the menu that appears. From a PC, on the other hand, to paste the previously copied link, right-click the text field where you want to paste the link and select item Catch in the menu that appears. Or press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + v (macOS) in your keyboard.

If you have any problems or are unsure how to do this, please read my copy and paste guide.

Link your Instagram profile to Facebook

As an alternative to link your Instagram profile to Facebook , you can paste the latter in your personal profile information or in the data of the Facebook page you administer: below you will find explanations, how to do it. nine0003

Personal profile

To place a link to your Instagram profile on your Facebook profile, you can proceed through the Facebook app for Android and iOS. Therefore, launch the relevant application, log into your account, go to your profile section and first click on the element Edit your profile and then in development edit information located in the section Information.

Now touch item edit , At How to contact us and enter your username Instagram in the corresponding text box. If the text field is not visible, click the Add other social networks button and select the article Instagram from the drop-down menu.

To operate from the official website of Facebook, first click on the element Edit your profile and then in writing Edit information in section Information. Now click on the entry Contact Information and Background of and click on the edit button to add your username from Instagram to the Social connection box. Press the button to confirm the operation. Save changes.

Are you using the app for Windows 10 ? If so, first click on the entry Edit information located next to your Facebook profile, then on the button edit in section How to contact us and enter your username Instagram in the text field Social connection. If there is no Instagram dropdown menu, click the Add Social Links button to add it.

Facebook page

Do you want to link to your profile Instagram in your info page Facebook ? In this case, you need to go through the Facebook website: the application for Android, iOS and Windows 10, in fact, does not allow you to do this. nine0003

To get started, log in to your Facebook account in a browser and find the page you manage using the menu on the left. Quick links. Once this is done, click on the item Información located in the menu on the left side of the page, then on the next screen, click on the item Edit other accounts.

Now click on the link Add account and, after selecting the menu item Instagram in the side drop-down menu, paste your profile URL Instagram following the instructions I gave you in the previous chapter. To confirm the operation, press the button. save.

Share Instagram on Facebook

If, on the contrary, you intend to link to an Instagram post published by another user on Facebook, you can also share it via the Instagram app for Android, iOS or Windows 10 or from a computer via the official photographic social networking site. nine0003

To continue from your mobile phone, launch the Instagram app on your device and log in to your account. Once this is done, find the publication you are interested in and click on the icon (...) located in the upper right corner. Now in the menu you are shown, click on the item Share on Facebook to launch Facebook and post to Facebook as usual by clicking the buttons Venga es Share.

To perform this operation from a PC, instead connect to the official website of Instagram and after identifying the post you want to share, click on the icon (...) located in the upper right corner. After that, first click on the item Share and then on Share on Facebook to post the post from Instagram to Facebook. If you have questions or concerns, please read my guide on how to share a post on Facebook. nine0003

Connect Instagram to Facebook

As an alternative to the procedures so far, if you want the content you post on Instagram to be automatically shared on your profile or on your Facebook page, you can connect two accounts and activate automatic sharing their content.

In order to carry out this procedure, you must first register with Instagram through Facebook. After that launch Instagram on Android or iOS and after logging in go to your profile screen by pressing small person icon in the menu below.

Then enter the menu configuration first press the button and then the voice configuration. Follow the path Accounts > Connected Accounts > Facebook and make sure the options Share your posts on Facebook es Share your story on Facebook are set to EN.

This is done from now on when you publish a post or story on Instagram , these items will be automatically posted to your Facebook profile or Facebook page associated with the photo social network.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this procedure, please see my guide to connecting Instagram to Facebook.

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