How to add visit website on instagram

How Do I Add An Instagram Action Button To My Business Profile?

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Congrats! You just got some new followers to like your companies Business Profile on Instagram… Nice! The only problem is you don’t just want new followers; you want to make sales! Your customer sees your product and oh man… there’s no action button for him or her to buy it!

For individuals who don’t set up their social media correctly, forgetting to put an action button on your post may be the difference between having a viewer or potential sale.

The purpose of this post is to inform you on how to add Instagram action buttons to your business profile. By doing this, you open many opportunities and make it easier for your customers to purchase your product, book consultation, or request a quotation from your business.

By adding a call to action, you provide your customers and viewers a potential opportunity to interact with you and allow them to take the first step to know more about you and your business.

Therefore, without further ado, let us run through the steps to help you set up your Instagram action buttons.


Adding Call to Action Button

Now that you understand the importance of having a clear call to action button on your profile let us delve deep into the process. In order to add call to action buttons on your Instagram, the process is as follows:

  1. Go to your business profile on Instagram
  2. Choose edit profile
  3. Select Business information > Contact options
  4. Tap add an action button
  5. Select the action button you want to add to your business profile.
  6. Tap Submit

Removing A Call to Action Button

If you decide to remove the call to action button from your business profile, no problem! The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to your business profile and tap (iPhone) or (Android) in the top-right corner.
  2. Tap Edit Profile > Contact Options.
  3. Select the call-to-action that you want to remove on your business profile and delete it.

What Action Buttons Are Available on Instagram?

Call to Action buttons on Instagram are backed up by a limited number of third-party services.

Before you decide to implement a button on to your profile, your business requires an active account with one of the partners that Instagram allows you to choose.

These include Fandango for booking movie tickets, Yelp for making restaurant reservations, and StyleSeat for hair and beauty appointment bookings. See the full list here. Here is the list at time of writing:

Once you’ve finally made an account on the service that interests you the most, here are the appropriate steps that you need to follow:

  1. Make sure that you’ve made or converted to a business profile. Only business profiles can add CTA buttons – see more about the pros and cons of Instagram Business Profiles.
  2. Go to your profile page and tap on ‘Edit Profile’.
  3. Within the menu, find ‘Business Information’ and then tap on ‘Contact Options’.
  4. Go to ‘Add an action’ button.
  5. Select the partner you’re working with.
  6. Enter the URL of your page or account on the partner’s website.
  7. Tap ’Submit’.


Instagram has started making new action buttons for all business profiles. Some accounts may get held up in a lag, but most business profiles now have access to this feature.

In addition to the existing Call, Text, Directions, and Email buttons, you can choose from four new action buttons:

  •         Book
  •         Get Tickets
  •         Start Order
  •         Reserve

Why Should I use Call to Action Buttons?

Well, plain and simple let’s jump into the facts. According to statistics, it is shown that nearly 200 million daily active Instagram users visit a business profile each day. In addition, around 150 million Instagram users have daily conversations with businesses that have an excellent call to action, a well-constructed business profile, and business message response time.

Subsequently, it is quite evident that customers do their research before buying from a business. This essentially means that by implementing a call to action on your business profile posts you are far more likely to turn customers curious about your business, into a sale.

In addition to making sales, by putting a call to action, it encourages your customers to take the first step. Rather than chasing potential clients, it is much easier to deal with matters when the clients are reaching out to you. It’s a win-win for both sides!

Maximize Your Results with the Action Button

Simply adding the action button to your Instagram profile will likely drive some traffic and conversions for your brand. If you want to encourage more clicks and actions, however, you’ll want to create awareness and urgency around the ability to use these buttons.

Some effective ways to do this include:

  • Add a Call to Action in some of your post captions to let customers know they can book or reserve directly from your Instagram profile.
  • Use Instagram story posts to remind viewers to visit your profile and tap on the action button to make their reservation or order now.
  • Put a short Call to Action in your bio description to encourage visitors to click.
  • Offer a coupon code exclusively for Instagram users to include when they book.
  • Create urgency around ticket sales when promotion periods are ending, or ticket sales are expiring.

Track Your Action Button Performance

As with any conversion campaign you use on Instagram, you’ll want to monitor and track the performance of your action button. You want to find out how many people clicked through using your action button and see if certain calls to action or campaigns on your account led to increases in those clicks or traffic.

You’ll need to rely on the third-party tool to show you traffic generated from Instagram. There should be metrics within the apps that provide these details. For instance, with Eventbrite, you can view the Traffic from the Promotional Tools section to see how many visits came from your Instagram account.

Is it worth it to add Action buttons?

In short, absolutely. A call to action is imperative for any business transaction. By putting an action button in the face of your customer you make it convenient for both you and the consumer to purchase your products or contact you directly.

All in all, at Sooner Marketing Solutions we don’t just create random posts and upload meaningless stories. Instead, we do the research and get inside the customer’s head. We do our best to make it convenient for your customers and utilize the call to action buttons to help you manage and convert viewers into sales.

At the end of the day having a call to action button is crucial. There is no point to be in business unless you’re in it to make money and we firmly believe that not only will we help you get more followers, but instead, we can get your followers to take that initial first step through a means that is conducive to relative ease and convenience. So if you’re interested in taking your business to the next level contact us today and let us tell your story.

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Sooner Marketing Solutions is not a “plug-and-play” or "turn-key solution" marketing agency with packages everyone can “fit” into. Each business we partner with has a custom, tailored marketing solution that best suits their needs.

Sooner Marketing Solutions is not a “plug-and-play” or "turn-key solution" marketing agency with packages everyone can “fit” into. Each business we partner with has a custom, tailored marketing solution that best suits their needs.

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5 Ways on How to Post a Link on Instagram

One of the rare things missing from Instagram is the option to share your links in captions. Yes, you cannot directly copy your website URL and insert it in an Instagram post in the form of a hyperlinked URL, but there are several ways to get around it.

But guess what? There are several ways that make it possible to add links to your favorite social platform.

Yes, using a link in bio tool is one of the popular options but in this article, we’ll show you all 5 simple ways to share links on Instagram, explained step-by-step.

In this article:


  • 1. How to add a link in Instagram Bio
  • 2. How to add a link to an Instagram post
  • 3. How to add a link to an Instagram Story
  • 4. How to share a link on IGTV
  • 5. How to add a link on your Instagram profile
  • To wrap up

If happened to all of us – you are scrolling through your Instagram feed, and when reading the caption to some cool post, you are asked to go to ‘link in bio’ for more detailed info. 

As you know, ‘Link in bio’ refers to the clickable URL that users can see on top of your Instagram profile, and when they click on the link, they will be taken straight to the desired website. This URL can be a product page, landing page, about us section, etc.

This is the simplest way of adding a link to your Instagram profile.  

Here is how you can do it:

  1.  Go to your Instagram account and tap ‘Edit Profile’
  2. Paste your desired link into the empty Website field
  3. Save the changes

As you can see, you are limited to placing just one link.

This is what the Feedlink link in bio tool by EmbedSocial is focused on solving. 

It is a simple feature that assembles your Instagram feed in one place and allows you to use a unique link for each of your feed photos. 

So, the next time someone clicks on your link in bio, they will land on this clickable version of your Instagram feed.

See how your Instagram feed turns out when converted to a web and mobile-optimized landing page:

For more detailed instructions, check out this video tutorial:


How to add a link to an Instagram post

There are several approaches if you want to share your link in an Instagram caption.

I will start with the free one.

Shorten your link

You can shorten your link with tools like Bitly, share it in your post caption, and hope that users will memorize the link and type it in their browsers. 

However, it is not likely that someone will actually bother to remember your link and type it all over again. 

Use Instagram Checkout and Product Tags

If you have an online shop, hurry up to enable your checkout option. This way, you can tag your Instagram posts that show products with shopping links synced with an external e-commerce platform.

We created a detailed step-by-step guide on How to Use Instagram Checkout and Product Tags to Sell More, so make sure to check it out.

If you have an Instagram business profile, you can always pay for a sponsored post with linked call-to-action at the bottom of the post.  

These post ads will appear to your target range even to users who don’t follow you.

Pay for a link in captions

According to a patent application by Facebook, Instagram may charge you if you want to add links to your captions. The platform will detect a link within a caption and display a pop-up if you want to pay to make the link clickable. 

In the patent application, the price for activating links is $2, but the actual price will be known once this feature is officially rolled out.

3. How to add a link to an Instagram Story

Here are a few options you can consider for sharing links on your Instagram Story:

Add Link Sticker

This is the latest big Instagram update, that the platform finally allowed adding links to all users not just for users with 10,000+ followers (an option that previously was known as a ‘Swipe up’).

Here is how to add the Link Sticker:

  1. Tap on your profile photo and hold to add a story
  2. Take a photo or upload it from your phone gallery
  3. Tap on the top Sticker icon
  4. In the sticker menu, browse for the Link Sticker
  5. Select it
  6. Add the link and tap ‘Done’
  7. Place it on the story as other stickers and tap to change color

That’s it. The link will appear as a sticker overall and the viewers of the story can interact and click on it, to navigate to the link URL.

Support stickers

Recently, with physical stores no longer being an option, Instagram announced 3 types of Story stickers to help small business continue their business activities online. 

This way, business and creator accounts can include stickers in their Instagram stories like Order food, Gift card, and Donate that will navigate users to the place where they can order food delivery, donate or purchase a gift card. 

Feel free to check out our complete article on how your business can get the most of these Story stickers (step-by-step examples are included). 

Stories Ads

There is always an option to pay for Instagram Story ads.

To launch Stories ads, you should use Ads Manager.

But before you get started, think of the ad objective that aligns with your marketing goal, and then proceed to complete all the campaign details and select the ad placement.

If interested to try, here is the official step-by-step guide on how to get started with Instagram Story ads.

If you are an IGTV creator, you probably know that you can also share a link to your IGTV video description. 

The tricky part here is that your audience may not realize that there is a link until they tap to expand the description and discover the link.

However, you can easily re-use the IGTV video and make sure a much wider audience sees your efforts by posting the video on your Instagram Stories.

Here is how you can do that:

  1. Open your Instagram Story camera
  2. Tap on the top ‘link’ icon
  3. Choose an IGTV video
  4. Tap ‘Done’

This way, your IGTV video link will be displayed as a Swipe up link in your Instagram Story. 

Once clicked, your video will open. 

We created a complete guide on how you can start with IGTV, including steps to upload and share your videos.

Another way to share your links is to set up Instagram action buttons on your Instagram profile. They will show next to your Contact and Message tabs. 

This feature is accessible to all business profiles. So if you have one, you can select various CTA copies like Call, Text, Directions, Book, Buy Tickets, Start Order, Reserve, and email buttons or support CTAs like Gift Cards, Order Food, and Donate options.

Next time a user clicks on a CTA button, they will be directed to the 3rd-party app you are integrated with to complete the purchase.

Please have in mind that you can use our free link in bio tool to navigate your followers where you want them to go for the same purpose.

To wrap up

I hope this tutorial helped you learn the best practices of using links on Instagram. 

Whatever method you choose, we believe it will drive you some traffic and improve your conversion rates. 

And if it happens to know some other way of sharing links on Insta, feel free to reach out to us, and we will be happy to add it to our list.

New Instagram link in bio tool.

Sign up now, it’s free!

Create multiple links for your bios.

Easy setup · Cancel any time

Lesson 9-10 – How to set up targeted advertising in the Instagram app – Shcherbakov SMM Agency Kyiv


Free course for self-promotion on Instagram from scratch


There are two effective ways to promote on Instagram: targeted advertising and collaboration with bloggers. You can learn all the subtleties of the first method on our Youtube channel in a free course on targeted advertising. And in this lesson, we will consider the target only for the purpose of recruiting subscribers, and we will set up advertising from the Instagram application on the phone.

Differences between setting up targeted advertising from the Instagram application from the Facebook advertising account

The first difference is the number of targets to choose from. All Facebook targeting goals for recognition, leads, and conversions are available from the advertising account. And when you run ads from the Instagram app, only three goals are available on your phone:

"Visit profile" - after clicking on the ad, the user enters the Instagram account. So far, this is the only goal from the application that is suitable for recruiting subscribers. At the same time, the Facebook advertising account has an algorithm for the purpose of “likes the Page”, which relies on the “subscription” action, and not “opening a profile”. Perhaps someday it will be added to the Instagram application.

"Visiting the site" - the advertising button opens a link to an external resource (app store or website). At the same time, if the user clicks on the account icon from the advertisement, the profile on Instagram will open and at the bottom there will be an active link button that was attached to the advertisement; they will not disappear until you exit the profile.

"Messages to Direct" with the target action - writing a message. That is, ads will be shown to people who are most likely to write, and the conversion is counted only if the user wrote a message.

The second difference between launching ads from the app and launching from Ads Manager is whether the advertised post is published in the account. From the advertising account, you can create and test different posting options, while the post does not have to be published in your account. From Instagram, you can only advertise what has already been published, while organic interactions are added to advertising ones.

How published materials can be launched into ads from the Instagram application:

Find a post or Stories via the Promotions button. There are filters by content type and posting age for easy search. In the same place, Instagram will automatically offer the best post in terms of interactions in recent years as an ad.

"Promote" button in current Stories (from 24-hour ones), provided that they have views and no clickable elements.

Open a specific post from the feed and click the "Promote" button. Remember that after launching it into an ad, the editing option will be closed.

Instructions for setting up targeted advertising in the Instagram app to gain followers

An important point right away: since the user gets into the account from advertising, you need to choose a post that best reflects his topic. So you increase the likelihood that the user will stay in the account. We chose the announcement of a case, which describes the results of promoting an eco-shop on Instagram, because in the profile we broadcast our expertise in SMM.

Open the publication and click the "Promote" button. You will see destinations (i.e., the places the user will go to after clicking on the ad) according to the goals we discussed above. We are interested in "Your Profile" to attract followers to your account.

Second stage - audience selection:

Automatic - the audience that Instagram will collect based on your profile analytics.

Saved - one of those that you previously collected for advertising and saved.

Create a new audience.

To create a new ad audience, you must fill in the name, geolocation, interests, and demographics of the target audience. Let's talk how.

In the "Places" setting, you will see two tabs: regional (multiple cities / countries can be selected) and local (a specific area). Choose according to the size of your business. Of course, you should not indicate cities that you do not serve or that you do not deliver to.

In the interests setting, select some nouns that match the interests of your potential subscribers. We are promoting the SMM case, which means we assume that among the interests will be: marketing, viral marketing, content marketing, social media marketing. There can be any number of such sets, because the key to successful advertising is testing. Subscribers do not come with this setting - try others.

Note that the more leads you add, the wider your potential reach becomes. Try to be in the "excellent" mark.

The last thing you need to do when creating an audience is choose an age and a gender, and then click Done to evaluate the parameters in a general way.

The fourth item is the budget. Instagram suggests the optimal cost per day, based on potential reach. That is, it tells you how much money you need to invest in order for the post to be seen by a sufficient number of people, in our case, from 3100-8200 users in the predicted reach, and it was shown often enough for the ad to be responded to, but not more often than it bothered.

Please note that the platform recommends running ads for at least 7 days so that the analysis system can better study the audience and find the one that is more likely to take the target action (in our case, going to the profile).

According to the settings - everything. Click "Create Promotion" and get ready to receive subscribers. Provided that you have a well-designed BIO, Highlights, you consciously manage your feed and Stories, the number of subscriptions will be much higher than the number of unsubscribes, which means that your account will acquire an audience.

Why Instagram ads don't run

Let's analyze what is worth checking if advertising on Instagram does not start (does not reach moderation). Depending on the set of tools, your actions will differ.

First set: Instagram business profile, personal Facebook profile, Facebook business page and Ads Manager. In this case, you can check:

Whether the Instagram business profile is correctly linked to the Facebook business page (we explained how to link them in the second lesson). Check: Facebook Business Page -> Page Settings -> Instagram.

Are there enough rights on the Facebook Page. To do this: open the Facebook business page -> Settings menu -> Roles on the page. Must have an Administrator or Advertiser role; The role of Analyst does not include running ads.

Are there enough rights in the advertising account. By default, an SMM specialist needs access at the Advertiser level, but if this does not work, and everything described above is in order, raise the level of rights to Administrator.

Second set of tools: everything as in the first case (Instagram business profile, personal Facebook profile, Facebook business page and Ads Manager), plus Business Manager. What we check:

Is Instagram account linked to Facebook Business Manager: Business Manager Settings -> Accounts -> Instagram Accounts.

Is there access to the Advertising Account and business page in Business Manager (at the Advertiser or Administrator level): Business Manager Settings -> Users -> People.

What you need to check does not matter if you have a Business Manager or just a business page and an advertising account:

Linking accounts. To do this, follow the following logic: Instagram menu (three bars in the upper right corner) -> Settings -> Account -> Linked accounts. Or, if you have an updated version of Instagram, you can tie up and check the connection through the "Account Center".

And if everything is OK there, and you are connected to the desired Facebook account, open the Instagram menu -> Settings -> Company -> Payments and select the payment account. Be careful if you have several pages and advertising accounts under management, the application pulls up all the accounts that are active in the Facebook application.

If, after all these operations, no errors were found, but the ad still does not start, write to support. Nuance: Facebook gives access to this button only if you are an active advertiser (spend money on advertising). It may not be in your account, then try to find an “active advertiser” among your acquaintances (businessmen who promote on Instagram, targetologists, SMM specialists), and contact support on their behalf (from their account).

Today, this is all that you can do yourself. The most extreme method can only be unlinking the Instagram account from the Page or Facebook Business Manager and linking it again. But after that, the analytics data will be lost. Pay attention to the accompanying captions, as any Instagram update can change the situation.


Target setting in the application takes no more than 5 minutes. On Facebook, you need to deal with a lot of settings, but it opens up the opportunity to directly promote external resources (website, other social networks), and not just Instagram.

Choose your approach depending on your goals, move your account to a business profile if you haven't already, and check your readiness against the checklist before launching targeted ads.

As homework for the lesson, answer the following questions in the comments:

  1. what product are you promoting;
  2. which audience was chosen for it in targeting;
  3. for what purpose are you going to launch advertising and why;
  4. what results were achieved if the ad had already been launched.

Next, go to the eleventh lesson of the free Instagram promotion course - How to work with bloggers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose a button name in an Instagram ad?

If you run ads through the “Promote” button inside Instagram, then the name of the button can be selected only for the purpose “Visit to the site”:

  • more;
  • to the store;
  • see more;
  • contact us;
  • book;
  • register.

The choice of button depends directly on your advertising goals. The universal option is the "More Info" button. If you need registrations for an online marathon, the “Register” button is suitable, if you drive traffic to a clothing store, you can select the “Go to the store” action button, etc. The name of the button should match your end goal and continue with the text and ad layout.

How to watch competitor ads on Instagram?

There are two ways to view competitor ads on Instagram:

  1. Inside Instagram (only available for business accounts). Open a competitor's account, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, select "Account Information". If your competitor ran ads, you will have access to the "Active Ads" section.
  2. Using the Facebook Ads business page and ad library. On Facebook, open the business page you want to see ads for and copy the page name. Next, go to the advertising library: select a country, category and enter the page name in the search field. If a competitor launched ads, you will see his ads.

How do I pay for advertising on Instagram?

You decide how much to spend on promotion on Instagram. To do this, you need to select the total budget - the amount that you are willing to allocate for the promotion, over the period of its validity. You'll be automatically charged when you reach your billing threshold ($25 for new accounts), and when your monthly billing date hits if you have unpaid charges.

The total cost will never exceed the total budget.


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Instagram profile statistics: 5 services + decoding

Instagram account statistics - this is information about users who visited the account and / or performed some action (liked, subscribed, watched the post, answered the question, etc. ).

I will not pour water about its importance, you already know this. Therefore, I go straight to the point and answer the question of how to view statistics on Instagram.

Important. Each “View” of the profile has its own characteristics, so some metrics may differ. And more metrics depend on the completeness of the profile (active buttons, links, etc.).

on Instagram

In order for you to have statistics at all, you need to switch to a business profile or an author account. It's a matter of three minutes. Go to Settings -> Account -> Switch to Professional Account.

Next, the social network will prompt you to select categories and type of account. After switching, new buttons will appear under the header.

1. Profile

To see some statistics, you need to maintain a page on a professional account for at least 7 days. Otherwise, she simply will not gather.

Now go to the statistics - click on the button of the same name. You can choose how long to display the data.

- Overview
1. Accounts covered

The number of unique accounts whose owners have seen any of your igtv posts, stories or videos at least once. Now about the metrics below:

  • Impressions. Unlike reach, they include multiple views of posts from the same account;
  • Account activity. Displays profile visits and clicks on: website address, "Call" button, etc.
Covered accounts

Next, you can see the reach of popular posts, stories and IGTV videos.

If you need, for example, a different post, or you want to see coverage across all posts, click next to the "All" section. Next, all posts will open, and you will see the reach on them in an oval.

In addition, you can select the period - display publications for the last 2 years, year, 6 months, 3 months, 30 days, 7 days and the desired metric to check.

By the way, read our article - how to increase your reach on Instagram, it will not be superfluous

2. Interactions with content , save, repost, replies.

Popular interaction-based posts are also displayed below.

Important. Evaluate profile quality with InstaHero Follower Analysis. The service will provide you with a complete analysis of your audience and its activity on your page. Based on the results, you have every chance to increase coverage! Click and do a free analysis -> InstaHero

- Your audience

The section collects all statistics on your audience for the selected period. You can see the total number of subscribers, the growth over the period in percentage and in numbers, as well as the number of unsubscribes.

Audience data is available to you: by city and country, by age, gender, and most importantly - the periods of the greatest activity of users in your profile by hours or days.

Audience data

Lifehack. If an SMM specialist has already worked on the profile before you, it is useful to check for bots. This will help identify a real, live audience.

- Content posted

The number of posts, stories, active promotions, and IGTV videos you have posted in the selected period, including today.

For each type of content, you can also go to the section with all, for example, stories and select the required metric.

You can view the statistics of an individual publication without opening the general one. Select a post, click "View Statistics" under it, and voila, analyze the metrics.

To view the statistics of stories - open the required story, go to views, then click on the chart next to it.

2. Advertising posts

You can also check your ad statistics on Instagram itself. This is done by looking at the statistics of a story or post that is being promoted as a sponsored post.

Advertising post

Lifehack. Do you want to receive targeted subscribers for only 1 ruble ? With the subscription page service - Instasub, it's real, besides, just : You create free useful material, run ads on it with the call to “download for free”. And in order to get it, the user must subscribe to you (this is already checked by the service). Click, see how to do it and test it - Instasub .

Now, according to the laws of the genre, I will tell you in detail about the metrics that can be seen in the statistics of promotions.


  1. Profile transitions. Number of people logged into the account;
  2. Calls . Number of calls made during the campaign;
  3. E-mail. Emails sent during the promotion.


  1. Coverage. How many subscribed / unsubscribed people saw the post, as well as the percentage of coverage due to advertising;
  2. Impressions. The total number of views of the promotion, indicating the percentage of views from advertising;
  3. Subscriptions. The number of subscribed users during the promotion.


  1. Duration. Advertisement duration in days;
  2. Costs . The total cost of this ad entry.


  1. Gender . Percentage division of the audience into women and men;
  2. Age range. Audience division by age;
  3. The best places. Geolocation of the reached audience.

Similar metrics are shown by the statistics of promotions carried out using stories. The only difference is that it is supplemented with details about scrolling through stories, as well as exiting them.

Speaking about advertising, I will also mention a proven way to increase sales through Instagram. Chatbot from MyBotan will help you. Chatbot in Instagram Stories is something new, right? Find out about the new tool, which is incredibly increasing sales, at the link.

through services

Profile statistics that can be obtained using standard Instagram tools do not provide all the information necessary for successful profile promotion. Therefore, many owners of commercial accounts use third-party services.

There are many different services for fast detailed analytics on Instagram. We recommend the first 3 in the table based on user experience. But this does not mean that the rest are somehow bad, we just did not test them and cannot vouch, but they will also provide you with analytics.

Service Free period Cost
Livedune 7 days from 400 ₽/month
Instahero No from 99 ₽/check
With the promo code "INSCALE" 30% discount for a full analysis
Trendhero Single account verification 732 ₽/month

Details on how to view statistics through services were described in our other article, so also go there and study. We also talked about how to analyze competitors.

Instagram analytics services: top 10Competitor analysis on Instagram (how and where)


Facebook statistics

Now about how to view Instagram statistics through Facebook. I will say right away that Facebook is for advanced users, and it shows statistics ONLY of your advertising posts. But with a huge number of different metrics.

And there is a special tool for viewing statistics from Facebook - Ads Manager. It connects through the Instagram account associated with the Facebook profile.


I won't list all the metrics. I will touch on, perhaps, the minimum list of standard metrics that Ads Manager shows.

  1. Pay per click. Shows the average cost per click;
  2. The ratio of clicks to impressions. Percentage of those who saw the ad and clicked;
  3. Frequency. How many ads each person viewed on average.

By the way, Ads Manager allows you not only to view, for example, visit statistics, but also to create an advertising post for Instagram, but its settings are much more complicated, and that's another story.

As an advertisement

Briefly about the main thing

We figured out how to view statistics on Instagram. And I remind you that a systematic analysis of traffic statistics, interactions, etc. helps to maintain an account more efficiently, and due to this, increase not only coverage, but also engagement (and this is a very important indicator, you know yourself). You can even see who likes whom on Instagram, but more on that another time.

And in conclusion, I would like to highlight three main points in which statistics will become well, just an indispensable assistant.






