How do i see memories on instagram

How to use Instagram’s On This Day feature

For many of us, the end of the year brings nostalgia and the desire to look back to see how much we’ve changed. To help with this retrospective exercise, Instagram has launched a new feature called On This Day, which lets you share highlights of your past self with anyone who views your Stories. 

You can access this tool directly from the Stories platform, or you can find more specific moments by diving into your archive. But whichever method you choose, make sure you have the right nostalgic soundtrack to go along with your blast from the past. 

Method 1: Access On This Day from your Stories

We probably don’t need to tell you how to create a new story on Instagram, but just in case you’ve spent a lot of time on other platforms lately and need a refresher, tap the plus button at the top of your Instagram feed and choose Story.

[Related: 8 creative ways to add flair to your Instagram stories]

Instagram will open your device’s camera, but do your best to refrain from taking a selfie. From the menu on the left, tap Create—if you don’t see it, tap the Aa icon. At the bottom of your screen, right where your camera’s shutter button usually is, slide the Aa button to the left to reveal more Story formats. On This Day is the fifth one—it’s the icon with the clock and counterclockwise arrow. 

When you choose this format, Instagram will show you something posted on the same day as the current date—it may be from three, five, or whatever number of years ago. If you have more than one post that meets the criteria, you’ll be able to see them by tapping the two die button at the top of your screen. When you do, you’ll see more than posts: You’ll also see if you’re celebrating any followversaries—when you and someone else mutually followed each other. 

To finish, tap the On This Day button again, and do any editing you want to do to get your IG Story looking awesome. After that, you can share it as a story or send it as a direct message to someone on the app.  

Method 2: Take a look back from your archive

If you want to have more control over what memories you share on your Stories, you can check out almost everything you’ve posted there by visiting your archive. 

To access it, go to your Instagram profile, tap the main menu button (the three lines in the upper right corner of your screen), and choose Archive. There, you’ll see an On This Day memory—tap Share to take you directly to the Story editing platform, and proceed as you would with any other Story. 

[Related: Anyone can add links to Instagram Stories now. Here’s how.]

You can also scroll down and get another hit of nostalgia by looking at almost every story you’ve posted going back to the first half of 2018—but the exact date varies. Instagram launched Stories in August 2016 but apparently didn’t start storing these posts on their servers until two years later. This is why no matter how much you try, you won’t be able to see your first-ever story if it was posted before the archive came online. 

To see every story, from the most recent to the oldest available, scroll down on the main Archive screen. But scrolling all the way back to the wee days of 2018 can take a while depending on how active you’ve been on the platform. To save yourself some time, tap the calendar icon at the top of your screen to see your stories sorted in a more easily scrollable calendar format. 

You can also tap the third location icon on the right to see the stories on a map. Don’t be surprised if you find some of your stories missing, though—this view will only show the stories you’ve added a location tag to. Use pinching gestures to zoom in and out of the map, and tap on the stories you’re interested in to open them. 

So, as 2021 comes to an end, get comfortable and take a look back at your year and the ones that came before. Then, go ahead and create new memories.  

How To See Your Old Instagram Stories For A Trip Down Memory Lane

Social Media

Proof you once left the house and had good times.

by Syeda Khaula Saad and Kaitlyn Wylde


Originally Published: 

Instagram Stories have been around since August 2016. That means that for more than three years, millions of active Instagram Stories users have been able to document their day in small glimpses on their profiles. And while these "small glimpses" only last for 24 hours before they disappear to your followers forever, they don't disappear for you. In fact, starting in 2017, the app made it so that you can see all of your old Instagram Stories in your Archive, letting you keep your favorite memories with you at all times.

In honor of the apps's 10 year anniversary, the Instagram Stories archive has been enhanced with a very graphically pleasing new feature that's here to stay: an interactive Instagram Stories map and calendar. If you want to find your old Instagram stories, you can now see them organized by when they were shared and where they took place. This new feature is private, so it's just for your own nostalgic enjoyment — meaning, all of your followers are not going to have sudden access to the date and location of all of your Stories.

Your Archive is the mysterious place where all of your old Instagram Stories and "Archived Posts" go to live, and it's pretty simple to access. To get to your Instagram Archive, go to your profile on your mobile app. Then, access the Menu by tapping the three horizontal lines in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. In the list of options that come up, you should see your Archive listed underneath Settings. Tap it. This should bring you to a screen filled with all of the Stories you thought were once lost to the Great Beyond. You'll see options to view by screenshot chronologically, toggle by calendar, or see on a map. You can also update your Story controls to save or disable Story archiving, to allow other people to re-share your Stories, and to allow people to share your Stories as messages.



If you're a firm believer that Stories are better off fleeting, you can stop your Instagram from saving Stories on your Archive by going to the settings of your Archive. You can access this by tapping the three dots at the top right corner of your Archive screen and hitting Settings. This'll give you the option of switching the Save to Archive feature on and off.

Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle

One of the cool things about your Archive is that while you're the only person who can see your Stories, you can share those memories onto your Story again. All you have to do is tap on the Story you want to share, and click on the Share icon at the bottom right of the screen. Your old Story will show up in the screen that prompts you to post a new Story, but it will be labeled with the word "Memories" along with the date from when the Story is from. You can delete the date at the bottom if you'd like just by tapping it and dragging it into the trash icon. With or without the date, you can post your old Story right back up.

Especially when it might feel like you've only ever been to your living room couch, this retrospective will serve as a nice reminder that yes, you did once leave the house, and you will again.

This article was originally published on

Memories on Instagram - instructions for creating

Photos with memories began to appear on the pages of Instagram bloggers. The option became available in 2019 and was added to the application with the next update. Consider how to make memories on Instagram, what it is and what problems may arise during the publication process.


  1. What are Instagram Memories
  2. Feature Features
  3. How to Share a Memories on Page
  4. Potential problems of missing memories
  5. How to set up saving photos in the archive

What are memories on Instagram

Each user can create a record with memories. The publication is made from photos taken no earlier than a year ago. Instagram offers pictures on its own. The photo can be edited, overlaid with one of the available effects or signed.

Memories are made from the archive and the notifications section. When you log into your personal profile, you may receive a notification "This day was published." Click on the notification to go to the photo editing and publishing menu.

The option only offers old posts published a year ago or more. If several photos were published on that day, they will be in the list.

Important. If the option is not available and notifications do not appear, update Instagram to the latest version.

Features of the function

The account owner sees only the photos published earlier. The Instagram Memories feature has the following features:

  • photos are automatically suggested if the date matches;
  • before publishing, you can edit the picture, apply filters, make a caption;
  • if there is no photo from a year ago, then publishing the memory will not work.

Accounts registered less than a year ago will not be able to make a memory. Instagram will not detect the photo and notify you accordingly.

How to share a memory on the page

Photos can be viewed in the archive before publication. The option detects only entries made a year ago or more.

How to find the photo archive:

  1. Open Instagram on your phone.
  2. Click on the little man icon to go to your personal profile.
  3. Press the menu button.
  4. Click on the line "Archive".
  5. All photos and publications made more than a year ago are available in the list.

Pictures taken on that date will automatically be dated and captioned “Remembrance”. The text can be edited. The post can be posted to Stories or sent to friends. The photo will be published as a new one, it will have the date, year and signature of the author.

How to post to Stories:

  1. Open the app on your smartphone.
  2. Go to your personal profile page.
  3. Press the menu button and go to the archive.
  4. Use the menu to select "History archive" or "Publication archive" .
  5. Click on a picture from the list.
  6. Click on the share button .
  7. Edit photo and text.
  8. Find the icon "Your Story" at the bottom and click on it.

The post will appear in Stories. It can be viewed by all subscribers and friends.

Important. Any effect available on Instagram can be applied to a photo with memories.

Potential issues with missing memories

Memories on Instagram may not be available. The reason may be the disabled option to save to archive or errors in the application.

Update Instagram to a new version through the built-in App Store or Play Store, depending on the brand of your phone. The function may be missing for the following reasons:

  • an outdated operating system that does not support the new version of Instagram;
  • updates were not automatically downloaded and installed;
  • there were no photo posts that day;
  • Some countries receive updates with a delay, the function will be available later.

Owners of mobile devices with Android 5.5 and iOS 10 and up can publish memories. If the phone is outdated, Instagram will not be able to update and you will not be able to use the memories option.

How to configure saving photos to the archive

To make photos automatically archived, complete the settings:

  1. Open Instagram, go to profile.
  2. Press the menu button and click on the line "Archive" .
  3. Tap on the button with three dots.
  4. Go to Settings .
  5. Activate the slider to automatically save photos to the archive.

Instagram will now automatically save stories and snaps that can be shared in Memories.

Memories option is available in the new version of Instagram by default. For publication, you can use automatic notification or go to the archive yourself. Subscribers will see the snapshot in the story, the date caption, and the comment. The picture can be edited using the built-in filters.

90,000 how to do, where to find and see


  1. What are memories and how to find them
  2. How to publish memories in history
  3. on anroide
  4. on the iPhone
  5. Video-Instruction for the search and publication of memories
  6. memories: why and what to do

One of the new features on Instagram is Memories. Was ported from Facebook, where a similar option is called: " This Day ". You can create a memory on Instagram from previously published photos, and then edit and add new filters.

What are Memories and how to find them

You can make Memories on Instagram from " Archive " or section " Notifications " if a corresponding message appears. In the list of notifications will appear: " was published on this day" and a list of publications, Stories, that were added on the same day.

The function works with old posts more than a year old or earlier. For example, if the profile owner published a photo a year ago or 2 years ago on the same day, it will appear in the notification list.

The user can re-post the entry by adding it to the Stories. Also, the alert appears on the bottom line, in the Archive. Works with configured archived records.

How to view Memories on Instagram:

  1. Log in to Instagram.
  2. Go to Archive – view notifications from below.
  3. If there is an inscription: “It was published on the same day” - re-post the record or view it.

The caption: “Memories” and the date will appear on the photo. The text part can be edited, add new filters, send to friends and post in Stories for subscribers. The entry will be published as new, but with the date and signature from the author.

How to publish memories in History

The Instagram system automatically makes a selection of publications by date. The function works not only with previously posted Stories, but also with the Feed.

As with the standard creation of Stories, the following functions are available to the user:

  • send to the selected friends list. A pre-made list of "Best Friends";
  • share with all subscribers. Press " Place ", without selecting a category; Send
  • to " Actual ". Add to one of the sections Actual records.
  • Didn't find an answer? Ask a question we will prepare and send you an answer by e-mail
  • Powerful pumping of Instagram account
  • Free and paid services for promotion0008

Re-published "Memories" will have statistics and information about the number of viewers.

The user will receive a notification if:

  • posted publications earlier, by the specified date;
  • automatic saving to Archive is set;
  • Instagram version updated.

To automatically save posts and History to the Archive, you should:

  1. Click on the icon « Archive " in the top bar.
  2. Go to the " Settings " section: click on the top three dots.
  3. In " Settings " specify: Save to Archive.

Posts are easier - Instagram will show posts even if they have not been archived. Such posts are placed in Stories in a compressed format, that is, without a text description: a photo and a short title.

On Android

Post Memories on Instagram is possible through " Notifications ". An entry appears in the section, by clicking on it, an inscription will pop up on the screen: “You have published” and the date. If there were several posts, the system will prompt you to select only one.

How to add Memories to Instagram:

  1. Go to notifications - select an entry with a date and a caption.
  2. Click on the selected publication from the list.
  3. The post will appear as a separate post in Stories.
  4. Press " Share with friends ".

By holding the button on the record, the editing menu will appear: adding filters, changing the font. The text part can be deleted if you hold your finger on it and move it to the “Trash” icon that appears.

Text is editable: rewrite, change color. The user selects the signature and a menu appears on the screen, with the ability to change the shade and clear the line. Instead of the specified text, you can enter your own or publish with a standard caption.

On iPhone

By going to the category " Archive ", it is easier to post Memories on Instagram from iPhone. An inscription and a choice of post will appear in the bottom line.

Instructions on how to publish from archived records:

  1. Go to the Archive - click on the button " Share ", in the bottom line.
  2. Edit a photo or Story.
  3. Share with friends.

As on Android, the user has access to text and design tools. Through the tool " Stickers ”, add animations and pictures to decorate the picture.

Visitors to the page or subscribers will be able to view the published memory: if History, then through the Stories section, publications - click on the post and go to the original.

Records that were previously deleted will not appear in the Memories section. But the publication of those photos and videos that were posted only for friends works.

The column " Memories " can be hidden from the Archive: in the upper right corner of the notification there is an icon in the form of a "cross". By clicking on it, the profile owner will no longer see alerts on that day.

Video instructions for finding and publishing memories

The video was presented specially for the Instagram website by blogger @artamonov13

No memories: why and what to do

it will work, but access to new functionality is possible through an application update.

If the option does not appear even after installing the new version: