How to unvote on a facebook poll

How to Remove or Delete my vote in a Facebook Question or Poll

Facebook is easily the best known social network around the planet, also the most popular with about 2.4 billion people currently registered and with an active account. These numbers continue to grow day after day, thus demonstrating the worldwide recognition that it presents.

But have the position number one of the most used social network in the world has its reasons. Facebook since its inception has had a large number of tools, services and options showing that it is not only a common social network, but that within this web portal or application you can do much more.

This in itself was one of the strengths in its early days and the main reason why it has been immensely successful. With the passage of time this network has been advancing, evolving, changing and modifying from its interface to all the options, tools and services that it can reach offer to your network users.

Today facebook contains hundreds of options to choose fromSome have prevailed over time and others have been transformed into a condition of improvement for users of these times. In this way Facebook has become more than a platform with which we can only communicate.

This social network is fully multifunctional due to its diverse and large number of options that it presents. Among the most striking we can name some that have stood out among the others. One of these is the marketplace, one of the most important news that Facebook has brought in recent years.

This is totally similar to other platforms such as Mercadolibre or Amazon. Is a virtual store within a social network. Within this we can see offers of all kinds of objects that people near our position or near our city and surrounding areas offers and sells in this virtual market.

On the other hand, we can also carry out these actions, selling any type of product that we want through this Facebook service. Another of the remarkable tools that this social network offers us is the option to create and search jobs near our position or city.

Similarly, like other platforms focused on this objective, Facebook offers its users the option of finding employment through the large number of offers that are offered at your fingertips, but if in any case you need a worker you can offer said job from the platform giving information about it.

But there is one of these exciting new and innovative qualities that goes much further focused on debate and opinion that can have the people that we have added as friends or anyone else who can give their answer. Stay with us and find out what this tool is about.

What is the Facebook Polls and Questions option?

Facebook being a social platform has among its options the ability to offer users to create surveys and questions of all kinds of topics, these can be done from our private profile, with our friends, colleagues and acquaintances that we have added in our official account of the social network.

We can also use this tool in other sections such as groups and pagesIn this way we will be able to interact with people from all over the world, we will also know their opinions about the issues that you are presented in said question or survey.

We can also respond to these requests in the same way either from your private profile with your friends, colleagues, family and acquaintances as well as from any page or group with people from different places.

How to remove my vote or answer from a poll or question on Facebook?

In the event that you have answered a survey or question but you regret having placed it, or perhaps you have made a mistake but do not know how to fix it, don’t worry. Follow us and we will tell you about the simple steps you must follow to be able to remove said vote or answer.

We will go to our profile and select settings, from there we can see the question history box, we will select it and finally we will uncheck the vote or answer that you have selected in the survey.

How to delete or delete my vote on a question or a Facebook poll

Social Networks

0 13.997 3 minutes of reading

Facebook is by far the best-known social network on the planet, also the most popular, with about 2,4 billion people registered and have an active account at the moment. These numbers keep growing day by day, demonstrating the worldwide recognition it presents.

But have the position number one of the most used social network in the world has its reasons. Since its inception, Facebook has had a large number of tools, services and options showing that it is not only a common social network, but that in this web portal or application you can do a lot more.

This in itself was one of the strengths of his early days and the main reason he was so successful. Over time, this network has progressed, evolved, changed and modified from its interface to all the options, tools and services that it can provide its network users.

Facebook Today contains hundreds of options to choose from , some prevailed over time and others turned into a condition of improvement for users of that time. In this way, Facebook has become more than a platform with which we can only communicate.

This social network is totally multifunctional in because of the diversity and the large number of options it presents. Among the most striking, we can cite some that stood out among the others. One of them is the market , one of the most important news that Facebook has brought in recent years.

This is totally similar to other platforms such as Free market ou The Amazon . That's a subtle virtual store within a social network . In this frame, we can see offers of all kinds of items that people near our location or near our city and surroundings offer and sell in this virtual market. 

On the other hand, we can also carry out these actions, selling any type of product that we want through this Facebook service. Another of the remarkable tools that this social network offers us is the possibility to create and search for jobs at proximity to our position or our city.

Likewise, like other platforms focused on this goal, Facebook offers its users the possibility of finding a job thanks to the large number of offers that are available at your fingertips, but if in any case you need a worker you can offer said job from the platform. give information about it.

But there is one of these interesting new and innovative qualities which is much more focused on debate and opinion what may have the people we have added as friends or anyone else who can provide their response. Stay with us and find out what this tool is all about.

What is the Facebook Polls and Questions option?

Facebook, in as a social platform, has among its options the possibility of offering users of create polls and questions on all kinds of topics , these can be done from our private profile, with our friends, colleagues and acquaintances that we have added in our official site. social network account.

We can also use this tool in other sections such as groups and pages , in this way we can interact with people all over the world, we will also know their opinions on the matters presented to you in said question or survey.

We can also respond to these requests in the same way either from your private profile with your friends, colleagues, family and acquaintances as well as from any page or group. with people from different places .

How do I remove my vote or response from a poll or question on Facebook?

If you've answered a survey or question but regret placing it, or maybe you've made a mistake but don't know how to fix it, don't worry. Follow us and we'll walk you through the simple steps you need to take to be able to delete said vote or response .

We will go to our profile and select the settings, from there we can see the question history box, we will select it and finally we uncheck the vote or the answer that you selected in the survey.

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How to remove or delete my vote for a question or poll on Facebook

Social networks

0 13.997 3 minutes to read

Facebook is by far the most famous social network on the planet as well as the most popular, with around 2.4 billion people registered and having an active account at the moment. These numbers continue to rise day by day, demonstrating the worldwide recognition they represent.

But there is a position number one of the most popular social networks in the world has its reasons. Since its inception, Facebook has had a large number of tools, services and options that show that it is not only a regular social network, but that you can do much more in this web portal or application.

This in itself was one of the strengths of his early days and a major reason for his success. Over time, this network has progressed, evolved, changed and evolved from its interface to all the options, tools and services it can provide your network to users.

Facebook today contains hundreds of options to choose from , some have prevailed over time, while others have become a condition of improvement for users of the time. Thus, Facebook has become more than a platform with which we can only communicate.

This social network is fully functional in due to the variety and the large number of options presented. Among the most striking are some that stood out from the others. One of them is the market, one of the most important news that Facebook has brought in recent years.

This is completely similar to other platforms like MercadoLibre ou Amazon. This is a virtual store in the social network . In this frame, we can see the offers of all kinds of goods that people who are near us, or near our city and surroundings, offer and sell in this virtual market.

On the other hand, we can also carry out these activities by selling any type of product we want through this Facebook service. Another great tool that this social network offers us is the ability to create and look for work on proximity to our position or our city.

Just like other platforms focused on this goal, Facebook offers its users the opportunity to find a job thanks to the large number of offers that are available at your fingertips, but if you need a worker anyway, you can offer the specified work from the platform. give information about it.

But there is one of these interesting innovative qualities that is much more important. are focused on debates and opinions that people we have added as friends or anyone else who can give their answer may have. Stay with us and find out what this tool is.

What is the Facebook Polls & Questions option?

Facebook, in as a social platform, has among its options the ability to offer users to create polls and questions on all sorts of topics, this can be done from our personal profile with our friends, colleagues and acquaintances that we have added to our official website. social network account.

We can also use this tool in other areas such as groups and pages In this way we can interact with people from all over the world, we will also know their opinion on the questions presented to you in the specified question or survey.

We can also respond to these inquiries in the same way from your personal profile with friends, colleagues, family and acquaintances, or from any page or group. with people from different places .

How do I remove my vote or answer from a poll or question on Facebook?

If you answered a survey or question but regret it, or perhaps you made a mistake and don't know how to fix it, don't worry. Follow us and we'll guide you through the simple steps you need to take to be able to delete a specified vote or reply.

We will go to our profile and select settings, from there we will see the question history window, select it and finally uncheck the vote or answer that you chose in the poll.

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How to create and edit a Facebook poll

January 17 Social media instructions


How do I create a poll on Facebook?

This article explains how to create a poll in your Facebook group, but you can also do it on a page. Such a process is done similarly to the one that will be discussed later and is also shown in the video review.

On a computer

To create a survey on Facebook from a computer, open your page and see several different sections on the left. The second one is the "Groups" section. Let's go into it. Here we will create the survey we need.

Go to the group in which you want to create a questionnaire. If you do not have a group, then create it and continue.

A window “What's new with you, (your name)” appears in the group, click on it. Before us opens a place for posting. If necessary, you can write an introduction to the survey or a post. And then...

You need to click on the three dots in the lower right corner of the window. After that, content options will be offered, where it is important to choose the line with the word “Poll”.

After opening the empty boxes, you need to fill in all the fields with the right question and answer options.

Your survey is completed and ready to be published, so click on the "Submit" or "Publish" button and the publication is already in the feed, available for voting by other network users.

Reference: You can also choose poll participants, expand or limit the circle of people who can vote in your poll.

On the phone

To create a poll on Facebook from your phone, go to the application and see the feed. We need to create a poll, so we click on the three lines in the upper right corner. We go to the group section and see all our groups from above, select any, if there are none, then create it.

You can also poll users from the phone on the page. Creating a questionnaire in a group and on a page is similar.

Going to the group, we click on the box "Write something" or on the button below "Poll". In the first case, a choice of content appears, and in the second, you can immediately fill in the answer options and ask a question. We do what we need to do and move on.

Before the questionnaire, you can also write an introduction or a post, if necessary. After preparing the survey for publication in the upper right corner, click on the "Publish" button. Publishing in the feed. Network users can vote.

How do I edit a poll on Facebook?

Important: If users have already started voting in the poll, the network may not allow editing the poll itself, and you can edit the post. Therefore, try to check everything at once and publish the correct questions and answer options in polls.

On the computer

You need to open a publication with a survey and click on the three dots in the upper right. After that, you will be offered several actions with the publication.

We need a "Publication Management" section and a "Edit Publication" line. Click and we are given access to edit our post and question.

Attention: If you don't edit anything, the "Save" button in the upper right corner will not work. If everything is in order and editing is still not required, then simply exit editing using the phone's "Back" button.

Edit the characters you need and click on the bottom button "Save". The corrected poll is ready.

On the phone

If you still get editing, then click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner of the publication. We will be offered several actions with the publication, from which we need to select the line "Edit publication". Here you edit the question and the post of the publication.

Attention: If you do not edit anything, the "Save" button in the upper right corner will not work. If everything is in order and editing is still not required, then simply exit editing using the phone's "Back" button.

After editing, you click on the "Save" button and the publication is changed. Users can safely continue voting in this poll.

If you need to add, change or remove answer options, then click on the "+ Add answer option" button. Add a new option and save. If you need to delete, click on the cross, and if you change, then delete and write a new version.

Save the answer options and you're done. Users can also safely continue to respond.

How can I view the results of a Facebook poll?

On the computer

No special sections are needed to view the results. All information about voted users and the number of votes appears immediately for the creator or administrator after each vote.

Reference: The network itself automatically sets the answer options in descending order of votes.

On phone

No special partitions are required on the phone either. We also open the desired post with a poll and immediately the creator can see the number of voters and their pages.

Reference: The network itself automatically sets the answer options in order of decreasing votes, but an error may occur on the phone and this, unfortunately, will not happen.

Reference: From the phone, in fact, it is more convenient to poll users and fill in the answer fields, preparing for publication, but on a computer it is not more difficult, so you can do all the actions on Facebook with equal ease different devices.

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