How to get the check on instagram

How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2022 [6 Simple Steps]

If you want to know how to get verified on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to apply for that coveted blue badge (that’s the easy part) and provide some tips to help you qualify (that’s the hard part).

What does Instagram verification mean?

Who can get verified on Instagram?

How to get verified on Instagram in 6 steps

10 tips to get verified on Instagram

Instagram verification FAQ

Bonus: 14 Time-Saving Hacks for Instagram Power Users. Get the list of secret shortcuts Hootsuite’s own social media team uses to create thumb-stopping content.

What does Instagram verification mean?

Instagram verification is the process of getting a blue checkmark badge that tells other users on the platform that an account really belongs to the user, artist, brand, or organization it represents.

You’ve probably seen plenty of verification badges around. As with Twitter, Facebook and, yes, Tinder, the little blue checkmarks are meant to indicate that the platform has confirmed the account in question is trustworthy, or at least they are who they say they are.

These badges are designed to make the real accounts stand out, so that Instagram users can be sure they’re following the right person or brand. They’re easy to spot in search results and on profiles, and they convey authority.

Source: @creators

It’s easy to see why verification badges are also a coveted status symbol. They’re rare, and exclusivity lends a certain amount of prestige—which may or may not translate to better engagement.

That said, Instagram is clear that verified accounts (just like business accounts) don’t get special treatment from the Instagram algorithm. In other words: if it is true that verified accounts earn higher engagement on average, it’s because they’re posting great content that resonates with their audience.

Who can get verified on Instagram?

Anyone can request a verified badge on Instagram. However, Instagram is notoriously picky (and in many ways mysterious) about who actually gets verified. So, if you’re running an account that’s right on the cusp of “notable,” how do you know if you meet the criteria?

Just because you have a blue checkmark on Twitter or Facebook, for instance, doesn’t guarantee you’ll get one on Instagram.

Instagram is blunt, saying that “Only some public figures, celebrities, and brands have verified badges on Instagram.” In other words: “only accounts with a high likelihood of being impersonated.”

Here is what we do know about eligibility.

First, you must adhere to the network’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. On top of that, your account must meet each of these criteria:

  • Authentic: does your account represent a real person, registered business, or brand? You cannot be a meme page or a fan account.
  • Unique: only one account per person or business can get Instagram verified, with exceptions for language-specific accounts.
  • Public: private Instagram accounts do not qualify for verification.
  • Complete: do you have a complete bio, profile picture, and at least one post?
  • Notable: this is where things get subjective, but Instagram defines a notable name as one that is “well-known” and “highly searched for.”

If you’re relatively confident you meet these criteria, or you just feel like rolling the dice, it’s time to go ahead and verify your Instagram account.

How to get verified on Instagram in 6 steps

If you’re a visual learner, watch our video that covers everything you need to know about getting verified on Instagram. Otherwise, keep reading!

The verification process on Instagram is actually quite simple:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the hamburger icon in the top right corner
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Account
  4. Tap Request Verification
  5. Fill in the application form.
    • Your legal name
    • Your “known as” or working name (if applicable)
    • Select your category or industry (for example: blogger/influencer, sports, news/media, business/brand/organization, etc.)
    • You also need to submit a photo of your official government ID. For individuals, that could be a driver’s license or passport. For businesses, a utility bill, an official business document, or tax filings will do.
  6. Tap Send.

According to Instagram, after their team reviews your application, you’ll receive a response in your notifications tab. Because of historical and ongoing issues with scammers, Instagram is very clear that they will never email you, ask for money, or otherwise reach out.

Within a few days or a week (some say it can take up to 30 days), you’ll receive a direct yes or no. No feedback or explanation.

This is what a no looks like:

And here’s a yes, break out the bubbly:

10 tips to get verified on Instagram

So, yes, anyone can apply for verification on Instagram. But actually getting approved is a lot tougher.

We’ve gone ahead and compiled all the best practices that will maximize your chances of getting verified as you move forward with your quest to prove your brand’s noteworthiness.

1. Don’t try to buy an Instagram verification badge

We’ll get this one out of the way first: that guy in your comments who says his friend works for Instagram? Please do not give him money.

The same goes for any third-party app or random account that offers “full refunds. ” And for any random account that DMs you because they want to sell you their badge because they “don’t need it anymore.”

Instagram scammers know that people and businesses feel outsized emotions about the blue check, and some are pretty effective at appearing legit, so stay on your guard. And remember that Instagram will never request payment, and will never contact you.

Tl;dr: The only way to get verified is through the official form, unless you are Jennifer Aniston (in which case, scroll down to Tip #7: Work with an agency or publicist, or maybe stop reading this article entirely because you’re doing great!).

Bonus: 14 Time-Saving Hacks for Instagram Power Users. Get the list of secret shortcuts Hootsuite’s own social media team uses to create thumb-stopping content.

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2. Monitor for impostor accounts

If you’re struggling with persistent unauthorized, fake, or fan accounts impersonating your brand, then we have good news for you. You’re a prime candidate for verification on Instagram. After all, distinguishing real accounts from fake ones is verification’s stated purpose.

Your annual social media audit should make it clear whether impostor accounts are a problem for you. You’ll want to monitor and document these accounts using a social media monitoring tool like Zerofox’s Hootsuite integration.

3. Get more (real) followers

Look, we don’t have the numbers but it honestly feels sometimes like you need a ridiculous number of followers in order to get verified. There is absolutely no evidence that this is a real rule, but—it can’t hurt? Or maybe correlation does not imply causation after all?

Actually, what is more likely is that as people or brands get more noteworthy on and off Instagram, follower counts rise alongside.

If you want to hedge your bets and play it both ways—chicken and egg—here’s some inspiration for how to get more Instagram followers.

Pro Tip: Just don’t try to take a shortcut and buy your Instagram followers. (Plus, breaking the Community Guidelines and then asking Instagram to examine your account is a very effective way to get your account shut down.)

4. Delete any cross-platform links in your bio

In what some might call a slightly petty move (we would never dare), Instagram insists that verified accounts can’t have so-called “add me” links to other social media services in their Instagram profiles. You can include links to your website, landing pages, or other online properties, just definitely don’t link to your YouTube or Twitter account.

On the other hand, if you have a blue checkmark on your Facebook profile but not on your Instagram account, Instagram does explicitly encourage you to link to your Instagram account from your Facebook page to help prove your authenticity.

5. Be highly-searched for

Social media is all about serendipitous, organic discovery (this is what the Instagram Explore page is for, anyway—and making it big there can have a real impact on your engagement and follower count).

But when it comes to verification, Instagram wants to know if people care about you enough to tear themselves away from the seductions of the feed and spontaneously type your name into the search bar.

While Instagram doesn’t provide analytics on this data, we’d put money on the fact that Instagram’s verification team does have access, and will check up on how often users are searching for you. Which leads us to our next point…

6. Apply when your name is in the news

Google yourself. Has your brand been featured in multiple news sources? Did a recent press release or white paper get picked up? Do you have a sound bite or a profile in a major international publication? Paid or promotional content definitely does not count.

If PR hasn’t been a priority for your brand thus far, you might have a more difficult time proving how “notable” you are. Especially because there’s no place to submit your proof: Instagram does its own research, so it’s up to you to make sure your news is above the fold and impossible to ignore.

If you’ve recently experienced a windfall of attention, or you’re planning a big announcement, think about capitalizing on it and applying for that checkmark while your name is hot.

7. Work with an agency or publicist

If you have the budget and the ambition, hire a reputable digital agency that has access to Facebook’s Media Partner Support tools. Your publicist or agent will be able to submit requests to claim usernames, merge accounts, and get accounts verified through their industry-only portal.

Is verification guaranteed? Of course not. But a request from an industry professional through the Media Partner Support panel carries more weight and distinguishes you from the crowd.

8. Be honest

This tip should be a no-brainer, but because the consequences are dire we feel compelled to highlight it. In your application to be verified, you have to be truthful above all else.

Use your real name. Choose an appropriate category. Definitely don’t falsify any government documents.

If you stretch the truth anywhere in your application, Instagram says that it will not only deny your request, but it may delete your account as well.

9. Make sure your profile and bio are complete and effective

Instagram’s listed requirements for verification (a bio, a profile pic and one post? really?) are a low bar. You don’t just want to meet it. You want to hurtle over it.

Optimizing your Instagram bio will not just impress the verification team when they come to check you out, but can pay ongoing dividends in the form of new followers and conversions.

10. If you’re turned down the first time, try again

If, after all your hard work, Instagram comes back with a rejection, embrace the opportunity to zero in on your goals and redouble your efforts.

Hone your Instagram strategy, build a dedicated following, and earn buzz off the platform as well.

And then, whether you wait the 30 required days or spend a few fiscal quarters hitting your KPIs, you can apply again.

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A post shared by Smash Transit (@smashtransit)

Instagram verification FAQ

How many followers do you need to get verified on Instagram?

Technically, there is no minimum follower count for getting verified on Instagram. As long as you are able to prove that you are a “notable,” or highly searched for, person (or your account represents a widely recognized business or organization), you can get your account verified regardless of your number of followers. 

How much does it cost to get IG verified?

Instagram verification is free. Instagram will never ask for payment for the verification badge, and if someone is offering to verify your account for money, they are trying to scam you. 

How do you get a blue check on Instagram without being famous?

To get a blue check on Instagram, you have to prove that your account may be impersonated because you are a notable public figure or represent a widely recognized organization.  

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10 Essential Steps on How to Get Verified on Instagram

For brands and social media creators on Instagram, getting verified is the greatest form of validation. Securing that “blue tick” not only validates your authenticity, it gives you more control over your online presence by ensuring your profile is the only one representing your brand.

Now, getting Instagram verified is not easy, and it’s not something that everyone is able to do. But if you want to earn this recognition, this article will guide you on how to successfully apply for and receive the coveted verification badge on Instagram.

Let’s get started.

What does Instagram verified mean?

In Instagram’s words, getting verified means that the platform has confirmed your profile as “the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity or global brand it represents.”

So, if you come across an Instagram account that has a blue tick in their bio, it means you’re looking at the official account of that brand or personality, as opposed to a fake, unofficial or fan account.

Here’s an example of Netflix’s Instagram profile showcasing the blue verified badge:

Instagram’s verification badges help brands and creators stand out, look credible and avoid getting impersonated. At the same time, they help Instagram users find the right profile when searching for their favorite brand or personality.

To qualify for Instagram verification, however, you need to meet certain criteria.

What are the requirements to apply for a verified badge on Instagram?

Anyone can request verification on Instagram, but you need to meet certain criteria to get approved for the blue tick.

Although the exact process and requirements for getting a verification badge on Instagram are unclear, the platform offers some guidelines to help you find out if you’re eligible.

First, make sure you’re adhering to Instagram’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Other than that, your account also needs to be:

  • Authentic: Your account should belong to a real person, business, brand or entity.
  • Public: Private Instagram accounts are not eligible for verification.
  • Complete: Your profile should have a bio and photo, and you must be active on the platform. We have a whole guide on how to create an Instagram business profile, if you need to get started.
  • Unique: Your account must be the only one representing your unique self or business. Instagram does not verify multiple accounts for the same person or business. Also, general interest accounts are not eligible, only individuals or businesses.
  • Notable: Your account must represent a publicly known, highly-searched for person or business that has been featured in multiple, authentic news sources. Paid or sponsored media sources do not count.

Keep in mind that there’s no exact number of followers you need to have to qualify for a verification badge. Whether you have 100,000+ followers or less than 10,000 followers, you can still apply if you meet the criteria noted above.

Also, note that even if the Facebook Page that’s linked to your Instagram account is already verified, you will still need to apply for a verification badge on Instagram.

How to request verification on Instagram

  1. Log into your account and navigate to Settings from the menu on the top right.
  2. Inside Settings, click on “Account” and select “Request Verification.”
  3. Complete the required fields and then hit send to start the review process.

As Instagram states, just because your account may be eligible for verification doesn’t necessarily mean it will be designated as such. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed timeline for when you’ll be notified whether or not you’ve been verified. But if denied, you’ll have to wait 30 days before attempting to request verification again.

10 Helpful tips for getting verified on Instagram

If you’re ready to apply for verification on Instagram, we’ve got some tips you can implement to increase your chances of scoring the blue badge.

If it doesn’t work out, or if you decide not to go for the verification process, you can still find success on Instagram in general by keeping these best practices in mind.

1. Complete your Instagram profile

One of the ways Instagram verifies your identity is by looking at your profile.

Make sure your profile is 100% complete by adding a well-written bio and a profile photo that represents your business, brand or self. For example, you can add your company’s logo to the profile photo, and your brand’s tagline and website in the bio.

Ensuring your profile is complete and authentic can also help you build credibility to your audience, which is a great way to get more followers, engagement and media attention.

2. Build your social profiles

Establishing a strong following on other platforms can help make your Instagram account appear especially genuine.

For instance, there are strong links between Twitter and press announcements. Use that to your advantage! When your name appears in the news or media, use that exposure to build your social profiles and following.

How do you get more followers on Instagram and other platforms? Try these tips:

  • Build your personality with a consistent voice and theme: A lot of brands try a shotgun approach to connecting with their audience. However, it’s much easier to make a strong connection with people if you show your unique voice online.
  • Post frequently and consistently: With any social network the more active you are the more likely you are to convince people to engage with your account.
  • Develop great content: Just as you’d post great pictures on Instagram to improve your following you should be developing insightful content for your other channels too. Find out what your followers are looking for from you and adhere to their needs.

3. Look out for impersonator profiles

While claiming that your identity is at risk might feel a bit like crying wolf–this tip actually comes straight from Instagram:

“Accounts representing well-known figures and brands are verified because they have a high likelihood of being impersonated.”

Your verified badge sets you apart as the one-and-only you. It builds trust in your followers by letting them know that they’re not following a random impersonator. People want to know that they’re following the real deal.

Letting Instagram know that you’re at risk of being impersonated may help push them to act.

4. Stay active on your account

This may seem obvious but you’ll likely never be Instagram verified if you don’t actively use the platform. When admins come to see if you’re worth Instagram verification they’ll be looking for regular activity. If you’re not using the platform, there’s no benefit in initiating the verification process.

It goes the other way, too. What’s the point of verification if you’re not active on Instagram? To improve your chances of getting that blue Instagram verified badge:

  • Stock up on great photos: Instagram is all about aesthetics. Influencers earn followers because they know how to appeal to their audience. Find out what your followers like to see on your page and get snapping.
  • Take advantage of Insights: Head to your Instagram business page and use your Insights to plan content that resonates with people on your feed. Make sure to post at the time when your followers are most active. Use third-party tools like Sprout Social to learn more about your social followers and adjust your campaigns.
  • Engage with your audience: Don’t forget to spend time responding to comments, liking posts and exploring relevant hashtags. Engagement is key on any social platform.

Sprout’s Instagram Audience Engagement Report provides detailed insights into trends, hashtag usage, likes and other engagement metrics. This is critical for any brand trying to make analysis easier across accounts or brands.

5. Boost your earned media

Want Instagram to give you that seal of approval? Show them you’re worth it.

Google yourself to see what comes up. Nothing? Fix that, because if you don’t have a widely recognized brand, there’s nothing to verify.

Remember, it’s not an algorithm deciding who should get a blue button on their Instagram account. Real people review every request manually and they likely head to search engines like Google to see what comes up for outside credibility.

Ultimately, figuring out how to get verified on Instagram involves putting in the work before you make a request.

It’s tough, but that’s why verification badges are so highly sought-after.

6. Don’t try to buy an Instagram verification badge

The only way to get verified on Instagram is to apply through the app or via Facebook’s media partners. Don’t try to take any shortcuts, like buying your way in.

Trying to purchase a verification badge is not only ineffective and a waste of your money, but you can get penalized for violating Instagram’s community guidelines.

For instance, providing any false or misleading information during the process can get your account removed from the platform altogether.

Instead, try to get more real Instagram followers by creating engaging and useful content. While there’s no proven correlation between a high number of followers and getting verified on Instagram, it doesn’t hurt to try.

Plus, the more followers you have, the more likely you are to become notable and talked about on authentic news or media sources.

7. Remove Any Cross-Platform Links From Your Bio

According to Instagram, verified accounts are not allowed to encourage users to add or follow other social media profiles in their bio, such as Facebook or YouTube.

However, you can still add links to your website, landing page and other web pages in your bio. Think of the Instagram link in bio as another strategy avenue to drive traffic to multiple campaigns, profiles or sites.

Avoid adding cross-platform links that promote your other social profiles to increase your chances of getting verified on Instagram.

Alternatively, be sure to add links to your Instagram profile on your business’ website, in marketing emails or on your other social media profiles. While it may seem hypocritical to avoid cross-platform linking on Instagram, using your other social profiles to link to you Instagram shows validity in your profile ownership.

8. Improve your searchability

One of the key requirements for getting verified on Instagram is to be well-known and highly-searched for. This means you need to be more active on the PR front and try to get your name out there organically.

For example, you might want to publish press releases for upcoming company announcements or product launches. Instagram does its own research, so applying when your name has recently been in the news can fire up your chances of getting verified.

Another thing you can do to get verified faster is to optimize your posts with branded hashtags.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Grove Collaborative (@grovecollaborative)

This can help you appear in organic searches and on Instagram’s Explore page. The more searchable you are, the more likely you are to get verified.

9. Personalize your posts

Creating and maintaining an account that is unique and authentic is extremely important for getting verified on Instagram.

That’s why we recommend personalizing your posts to help you differentiate your account from impersonators.

For example, you could adopt a specific brand voice, visual style, feed aesthetic, content theme or hashtag strategy that’s unique to your account and difficult (or impossible) to replicate.

Other ways you can personalize your posts? Share behind-the-scenes content to give your audience an inside look at your brand! Who else would have this type of unique content besides you?

Alternatively, encourage followers to tag you in posts to increase brand awareness and engagement through user-generated content (UGC) or branded hashtags.

10. Hire a publicist or agency to help

If you’d rather hire someone to help you with the process, look into a professional PR or digital agency that has access to Facebook’s Media Partner Support tools.

They will be able to submit requests for verifying your account, claiming usernames and merging accounts on your behalf through the industry-only portal they’re able to access.

Keep in mind that the method above is a legitimate source of assistance on the process, unlike “buy” or bot tools that provide you with artificial likes, engagement or verification in exchange for money. So while there’s no guarantee that a digital agency will be successful in your IG verification, it can increase your changes.

Losing the verification badge or not getting verified on Instagram

Even if you do get verified on Instagram, know that you can lose that blue tick. This is usually the case if you fail to follow Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines, or if Instagram finds that you provided misleading or false information ini your verification application.

To keep your verified status, make sure you play by the rules, stay active on the platform, publish unique and engaging content and keep your account public at all times.

If you fail to get verified for any reason, you can re-apply for verification after 30 days.

If you’re still unable to get verified or aren’t eligible for applying, continue to use these tips outlined above to guide you to demonstrate your authenticity and build credibility in front of your audience.

Remember, getting verified is just the tip of the iceberg. Building an audience, establishing your credibility and demonstrating authenticity takes time. It’s a long-term strategy to regularly engage with your followers and produce unique and helpful content. And by doing so you’ll hopefully earn and keep your verified status on not just Instagram, but also any other social media profiles.

Is getting Instagram verified worth it?

There’s a lot of planning and effort involved in Instagram verification, so make sure you have a good reason before you get started. Fortunately, there are plenty of benefits to being verified, from better brand credibility to a stronger social search presence.

IG verification differentiates you from the crowd and makes it easier for you to reach the people that matter most to you. Used correctly, it makes you more trustworthy on social media and boosts your conversion rates. All you need to do is show that you’re worthy.

Still looking for ways to boost your Instagram strategy? These tips on what to post on Instagram can help guide you.

How to get a blue check on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️



6 Reading Min

How to put on the blue cell Instagram

LASS SOCIAL networks is undoubtedly, they are your daily bread. He uses them on a daily basis and this has led him to some influence on the web. You have now become quite a popular person and would like to expand your business online by creating an account on Instagram , one of the few platforms where you are not yet. However, before proceeding, you would like to know how to get a blue tick on instagram because you think that your profile on a social network with photos should be official in order to protect you from anyone who might impersonate you.

Well, if that's the case, I can only congratulate you on your success and help you figure out how to formalize your Instagram account. I already assume that the social network provides the ability to send a request to formalize your profile, but the mere fact of sending it does not give mathematical certainty that it will be accepted positively, since the final word belongs to the Instagram team that evaluates . each request received decides what to do. In any case, you have nothing to worry about: in fact, during this tutorial, I will also explain what to do if Instagram decides not to blue-mark your profile.

What do you say? The question is in your absolute interest? Excellent! So let's not waste precious time and get straight to the heart of the discussion. I advise you to take a few minutes of free time, sit back and carefully read the instructions and suggestions that I will give you in this guide of mine. You are ready? Well, then I have nothing else to do but wish you a good reading and, above all, make you very lucky in everything!

  • Get a blue tick on Instagram
  • Make your Instagram profile an official alternative way
  • Report unofficial Instagram profiles

Get a blue tick on Instagram

Before explaining to you in detail how to get a blue tick on Instagram a brief introduction is needed you better understand what this widely known blue cage is and how to get it. The blue tick you see in conversations with some Instagram profiles (next to the account name) is none other than confirmation icon .

Initially, Instagram issued a verification badge on its own initiative, giving it to public figures, profiles associated with famous brands, etc., so that users can follow the official profiles of these accounts. However, since 2018, the photographic social network has allowed all users to request official authorization of their profile (although this does not guarantee that it will be obtained). Don't know how to send it too? I'll fix it right away.

To get started, launch the official Instagram app on your device. Android o iOS (at the time of writing this article, the web version of the social network does not offer the ability to submit a profile verification request) and, if you have not already done so, sign in to your account. Then click the icon small person located in the lower right corner, click the button (. ..) located in the upper right corner and click the item Request confirmation found in section Account .

On the screen that opens, fill in the text field under the heading First and last name by providing your first name, and then click on the element rights, etc.). Even a simple photograph of the document in question is sufficient: it is important that your photo, your name and surname, as well as your date of birth are clearly visible.

After the download is complete, press the blue button SEND to which is at the bottom and that's it. Now all you have to do is wait: the Instagram team will review your request and, if it sees fit, add a verification badge to your account in a few days.

Make your Instagram profile an official alternative

Has it been a few weeks since you submitted a request to verify your Instagram profile, but still haven't received a response about its official registration? Well, then you should consider the possibility that, at least for now, you won't get the verification credentials you so desired. However, you can try formalize your Instagram account in turn .

For example, you can add a link to your official website (if you don't have one, learn how to create one) so that other users can see if the profile really belongs to you or not. It's very easy to do: all you have to do is take your Android or iOS mobile phone, launch the Instagram app and follow the instructions below.

After you have displayed the main screen of the social network, press the button with the symbol little person which is in the bottom right corner, so click the button Edit your profile which you can find under the followers and people you follow counter (top right).

On the screen Edit your profile that opens, you can set up your first and last name , your username and, what you are currently interested in, your website - All you have to do is paste the link to your site into the appropriate text box and you're done. You can also fill in the text field Biography of inserting a link to other social networks and, why not, also add the phrase Official profile of so that other users can immediately find your (real) Instagram account. When you're done editing your profile, click the final button located in the top right corner to save them.

Report unofficial Instagram profiles

Did you finally get the blue check on Instagram? Well, I can only be happy! However, in this particular case, I advise you to provide report any unofficial Instagram profile (if present). If you come across a fake profile on Instagram (maybe someone is posing as you or your friend), you can report it using a special feature available on the photographic social network. By doing so, you will help the Instagram team complete the steps to remove these unofficial profiles.

To flag a fake Instagram account, you can very simply act through the social network application. To do this, open the Instagram app on your Android or iOS device and go to the profile that you think violates the Community Guidelines. Then press the button with the symbol (...) which is in the upper right side, and in the menu that you will see on the screen, press the button report . At this point, tap the wording Inappropriate , or in writing This is spam (if this account is harassing you with spam messages).

When reporting an Instagram profile by writing Inappropriate Instead, you can select an option to indicate why you think this account is inappropriate: I don't want this account to see my photos or videos or find me or tap the wording I believe this account does not comply with the Instagram Community Guidelines. . Once you have made this choice, follow the instructions provided by the social network to complete the operation.

How to get a blue check on Instagram

Having a blue check next to your name on any social media account has always been a big deal. The meaning of the symbol is to make sure that the account is genuine. Once you're a big enough brand, business, or influencer, it's likely that parody accounts, imposters, and fan accounts will pop up, so verification is important. However, the blue symbol has come to mean something more. Getting it is a testament to your hard work, proof that in your niche world you have finally become someone.

The question is how to get it?


Not everyone who wants a blue badge next to their name can submit an account verification request. Instagram says, "When evaluating Instagram accounts, we consider a number of factors to determine if they are in the public interest and if they meet our verification criteria."

The requirements posted on the Instagram Clearinghouse are as follows:
  • « Authenticity: Your account must represent a real person, registered business or organization.
  • Uniqueness: Your account must reflect the unique presence of the person or company it represents. Only one account per person or company can be verified, excluding language-specific accounts. We do not review shared interest accounts (example: @puppymemes).
  • Completed: Your account must be public and contain a bio, profile photo, and at least one message. Your profile cannot contain "add me" links to other social networks.
  • Note: Your account must represent a well-known person, brand or organization in high demand. We review accounts that appear on multiple news sources and do not consider paid or sponsored content as sources for review.”

You also want to make sure you follow the Instagram Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.

How to request verification

Instagram used to give people a verified badge at random if they deserved it. However, you can now request the badge from Instagram itself. The request does not guarantee that your account will be verified.

Instagram says, "To request a verified badge, you must be a public figure, celebrity, or brand and meet certain account requirements and criteria."

To make a request, follow these steps:
  1. Go to your profile and tap the menu (three bars) in the upper right corner.
  2. Click "Settings" at the very bottom.
  3. Click Account.
  4. Click "Request Confirmation".
  5. Enter your username, full name, who or how you are known, and then select a category for your account (News/Media, Sports, Government/Politics, Music, Fashion, Entertainment, Blogger/Influencer, Business/Brand/Organization or other)
  6. Attach a photo of your government-issued ID.
  7. Click "Submit"

What happens next?

After thirty days, you will receive a notification from Instagram indicating whether your request has been accepted or denied. If your account has not been verified, you can submit another request in thirty days.

Instagram says they can remove your verification badge at any time. They will do it if you:

“Advertise, give away or sell your verified badge. Use your profile picture, bio, or name in the section to promote other services. Try to verify your account through a third party."

How to let people know you're real while you're waiting for the badge

You have ways to prove you're a genuine account while you're waiting thirty days to see if your request was accepted or not. In the meantime, here are a few things you can do.

1. Link from other places

If you link to your Instagram from other social media profiles such as Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, add a link to your professional website or add it to your emails, people will automatically recognize that your account is legitimate.

2. Avoid talking in third person.

This is not a professional biography that you are writing. You don't have to write about your business or yourself in the third person (she, he, they, etc. ). Since the account is only maintained by you, stick to the first person (I, I, we, etc.). Usually fan accounts are those that write about you in a third person.

3. Maintain a common tone

Parody accounts are funny, exaggerated and funny. It's easy to tell by tone whether you're following a real account or a parody account, so you want your tone to be exactly the same on your Instagram, other social media accounts, and wherever you share content.

For example, suppose a reader of your blog searches for you on Instagram and two accounts come up. They will click on both but will follow the one with your unique sound they are familiar with. While fake accounts may look the same, they don't fully capture your tone and brand.

4. Grow your followers

An account like yours will probably have a couple of thousand followers, but if yours has thousands more, users who want to follow you will know your account is real. This is another reason why you might want to increase your follower count.

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