How to turn off seen on instagram dm

How to Turn Off Instagram Read Receipts

Want to read a message on Instagram without alerting the sender? You can temporarily stop (but not block) Instagram read receipts using this guide.

When you send a message to another user on Instagram, the service prepares a read receipt. When you open the app, you’ll be able to see a notification that they’ve read your message when you open up the conversation.

If you’re the recipient, you might not want a user to know when or if you read their message. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to turn off Instagram read receipts directly, but there are a few workarounds.

To help you, here are some workarounds you can try to help you to stop Instagram read receipts.

How to Stop Instagram Read Receipts Temporarily

One of the workarounds you can use is to read the person’s message after putting your phone into airplane mode and turning off Wi-Fi. Disabling data connectivity allows you to read messages on Instagram without any read receipts appearing.

This is because Instagram can’t alert its servers (or the sender) that you’ve read the messages. This is only temporary, however, as your read receipt will update once you reconnect to the internet.

Note: Before enabling airplane mode and disabling Wi-Fi, make sure to open the Instagram app to load any saved messages—just don’t open them yet.

How to Hide Instagram Read Receipts on iPhone

To hide Instagram read receipts on iPhone:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen to bring up the control center.
  2. Tap the Airplane Mode button.
  3. Alternatively, you can open Settings and toggle on the Airplane Mode option.
  4. On the same screen, under Airplane Mode, tap Wi-Fi.
  5. Toggle off the Wi-Fi button to ensure Wi-Fi on your phone is entirely disabled.

How to Hide Instagram Read Receipts on Android

You can easily disable Wi-Fi and turn on Airplane mode on Android devices. This will allow you to temporarily hide your read receipts on Instagram.

To hide Instagram read receipts on Android:

  1. Swipe down on the screen to open the notifications area and tap Airplane mode.
  2. Tap the Wi-Fi button to ensure that your phone’s Wi-Fi is off.

Once you disable Wi-Fi and put your phone in airplane mode, you can read through your Instagram messages. Read receipts won’t be sent until you reconnect to the internet.

It’s also worth noting that if you want to read their messages via the web, you can put a Chromebook in airplane mode and then read your messages.

Turn Off Instagram Message Notifications

When you tap the Instagram message notification button, it automatically triggers a read receipt. To avoid accidentally tapping message notifications, you can disable your Instagram message notifications.

To disable message notifications on Instagram:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device.
  2. Tap your account icon in the lower-right corner.
  3. Select the menu button in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap Settings when the menu appears.
  5. Select Notifications from the menu.
  6. Tap Messages and Calls from the menu.
  7. Now, turn off the Message Requests and Messages option.

Stopping Instagram Read Receipts

Until Instagram adds an option to turn off read receipts directly, one of the workarounds shown above will do the trick to temporarily stop them. Of course, you won’t be able to reply to any messages until you turn Wi-Fi back on and disable Airplane mode. While you can’t turn off read receipts, you can read messages offline and avoid marking them as read.

If you’re new to the service, check out some top Instagram tips and tricks to help you get the most from the service. You might also be interested in learning how to download a copy of your Instagram data. If you’re worried about your data security, don’t forget to disconnect your contacts from Instagram.

Not sure when to post? Check out the best times to publish on Instagram.

Related Items:instagram, Social Media

How to Turn off Read Receipts on Instagram In 2022

Do you love Instagram messenger, but wondering how to turn off read receipts on Instagram?

Instagram messages have undoubtedly become one of the most popular ways for people to communicate these days.

With so many users being on the app regularly, it’s always a good way to reach out to friends and family– you can even do video chats from the messaging platform, share content from Instagram, and more.

When you send a message on Instagram, you’re likely looking for a quick response, hoping the person will get back to you almost immediately.

Because Instagram anticipates this urgency, they have read receipts on their messaging platform, which allows the sender to know when the direct message has been read.

Perhaps you really don’t want the sender knowing when you read their message, or perhaps you just want to take your time in getting back to someone.

This may have led you to try and figure out how to disable read receipts on Instagram.

In this article we’re going to break down how to turn off read receipts on Instagram step by step, so read on!

How Do I Disable Read Receipts on Instagram?

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no official solution for how to turn off read receipts on Instagram. You can’t do it from within the Instagram app.


It may seem a bit unfair– after all, why does the person need to know when I have read their messages? Shouldn’t I get to decide?

Read on to find out how!

At the time of writing this article, the read receipt feature is completely built into the Instagram message platform, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon.

The user won’t receive a message notification after you read it unless you react to one of the messages, but the word “seen” plus when it was seen will appear under the username within your DM inbox.

For instance, it will say something like “seen 5h ago” so that you know if the user has received your message.

If the user hasn’t read the message yet, it still appears as “sent” plus the time that it was sent.

Now, even though you can’t completely disable read receipts on the IG app, there are still a variety of different ways you can try to avoid them. After all, just because you see a DM icon doesn’t mean you have to rush over there and read the message in a direct way.

We are going to give you some indirect ways to read your Instagram direct messages in hopes that the other party will not know you’ve seen it.

Some of these solutions deal with the Instagram app itself, and others will require a few other workarounds, but the following steps can help you to keep your conversation on your terms.

Let’s check them out.

Read Direct Messages Via Airplane Mode

Want to know how to turn off read receipts on Instagram even if it’s just a workaround?

Don’t worry! We’ve got some additional solutions that can help you not trigger read receipts and still read messages from your inbox. One of the most common methods is by using airplane mode.

The premise behind this whole workaround is that when you don’t have an internet connection, you can read your messages without triggering read receipts, allowing you to remain as if you’d never read the message.

Airplane mode is used to deactivate your mobile data, which is why you won’t be connecting to the internet when using it. Instagram can’t load and update as you read your DMs, which is why it appears as though you’d never read it at all.

Airplane mode is very easy to turn on. You can do that via your phone settings menu, but most phones will have it on their quick control pad for easy access, as you can see below for iOS users.

BUT! Don’t stop there. You also need to disable your WiFi. If you don’t, you may regain your internet connection at any moment by picking up a nearby network, and your read receipts will once again be shown to the sender.


Note: you can’t technically “turn off read receipts” by using airplane mode, but it can certainly help you to read an Instagram DM without having the sender know about it just yet.

Once you’re done with that, you should log out of Instagram altogether. You can then disable airplane mode and turn on your wi fi if need be, so that you won’t be offline anymore.

After you’re back online, you can simply tap the Instagram app and log in again, using the app as normal.

There you have it– the first answer for how to turn off read receipts on Instagram.

Turn Off Instagram Message Notifications – How To Turn Off Seen On Instagram

Perhaps you find it too tempting to read your DMs when you receive message notifications. You can change that easily on your device settings menu.

On iOS, you’ll navigate to Settings > Notifications > Instagram.

There, you can deal with all of your settings and alerts preferences. While there isn’t a way to completely select notifications related to messages, you can minimize the situation where you see a message notification and can’t help but read it right away.

That helps you to avoid read receipts.

If you don’t feel like going offline every now and then with airplane mode, this might be a more sensible solution that can help you with your Instagram account use overall.

Here’s how you can do it from within the Instagram app:

  1. Tap the hamburger menu at the top right of your IG profile page
  2. Tap Settings, then Notification
  3. Tap Messages and Calls
  4. Toggle off both Message Requests and Messages

This doesn’t mean you won’t receive messages, but it will just avoid you from getting the notifications, which will lead to less read Instagram messages!

Thus, fewer read receipts.

Use the Message Preview from Notifications to Avoid Instagram Read Receipts

Another good way to see what’s going on in the conversation without having to turn off read receipts on Instagram is to keep your Instagram notifications on and read them from the message preview.

You get to see a log of all messages in your device’s notifications area, and along with that you’ll see a preview of each one.

You won’t be able to see the full message, so if it’s a bit long, you’re not going to get to see everything the user has sent to your account.

You will, however, not trigger a read receipt when you check out your messages this way.

If a brief preview is enough to satisfy you until you’re ready to slap down a read receipt, then this could be a great option for you.

Sign up with a Third Party App to Access Your DM Inbox

There are tons of third party Instagram services, which is why it’s not surprising that there is one to help you avoid read receipts.

In fact, when you use a message management service for Instagram, it may help you to sidestep read receipts altogether and better manage your messages.

Services like DMPro offer you a dashboard that allows you to read Instagram messages outside of the platform itself, which will in turn avoid triggering read receipts.

You can get emails updating you with your DM messages as well as view them in your dashboard. These types of tools are also great for social media management.

There are different third parties out there that offer these services, but do note: they typically aren’t free. While you can sign up with DMPro for free and use their services with a low number of messages, their other packages cost $48/month and $123/month respectively.

Restrict Users To Turn off Read Receipts

Wait, why would we restrict a user on the Instagram app if we want to still receive messages from them?

Well, the answer is all about message requests!

When you restrict a user, the Instagram DM that they send you will need to go through the message requests inbox first, allowing you to read messages without the sender knowing.

This is one of the best ways to turn off read receipts on Instagram because the user will not be alerted as to when you have seen the message.

This is really the only way to turn off read receipts. You’ll need to keep your eye on the top right corner of your message inbox so that you can see when you have new message requests, but it will avoid read receipts on Instagram.

This is the process to restrict messages from a particular user’s account:

  1. Open Instagram and search for the username you are looking to restrict
  2. Find their profile on the search results and tap their username
  3. On their profile page, tap the three dots at the top right
  4. Tap the Restrict option

Now, whenever this user tries to send messages, the messages load in your request inbox, so you’ll have to make sure you take a look in there every now and again if you’re trying to stay in contact.

Only accounts that are restricted will sidestep read receipts. Once you accept to receive messages from them, the read receipts will be visible.

Instagram Read Receipts FAQs

So, even though we can’t turn off read receipts, there are certainly a lot of good options and alternatives to read Instagram messages without triggering a read receipt.

Even still, you may have some questions about your Instagram account or other messaging features related to read receipts.

Before we wrap up our article, we’re going to go over a few basics when it comes to Instagram read receipts and messaging.

What are Read Receipts on Instagram?

When you send a message on Instagram, it appears as “sent” until a user reads it.

At that point, below the message, you will see “seen” as well as the time they saw it.

Can I Turn Read Receipts off?

No, there is no official way to turn off read receipts. However, there are a few things you can do to get around them.

How to Unread Messages on Instagram?

Unlike the email feature of “mark as unread,” Instagram doesn’t have any way to go back and unread messages.

Can You Read DMs from Notifications?

You can only see a preview of a DM from notifications, but not the whole message.

Even if you try to pressure tap it, it still won’t pull up the full message, and the same is true of Facebook messages, which is pretty frustrating.

This can be a useful technique for quick, short messages on your phone, but otherwise, it’s not going to be the best option.

Plus, if you accidentally click on the full message and open it in Instagram, you’ll definitely see some read receipts.

Does My Instagram Activity Status Affect Read Receipts?

Having an active status on Instagram doesn’t turn read receipts on or off. It simply alerts your followers whether or not you are active on Instagram.

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This active status appears as a green dot in the circle of your profile picture, which means that since you’re online, followers may expect you to respond more quickly, or that you have a post to be published.

You can turn off the activity status feature on Instagram, but you can’t turn off read receipts.

Even if you decide you don’t want people to see your active status, when you read a message, they will still see read receipts on Instagram inbox.

So, no, Instagram activity status doesn’t give you a solution for how to turn off read receipts on Instagram. They are two completely separate features.

Does Vanish Mode Have Read Receipts?

Vanish mode makes things quite a bit more complicated. When you swipe and enter Vanish mode, the messages that are sent during that mode will disappear from each user’s inbox after they’ve read them.

The read receipts on Instagram are still going to be a part of vanish mode. Using vanish mode won’t turn off read receipts.

After you read messages that you’ve received, and the other user has read the messages as well, they will disappear from your device as well as the other user’s device.

Again, this isn’t going to do anything to turn read receipts off.

Last Words: No Option to Turn off Read Receipts, But There Are Alternatives

Some people keep their eyes glued to the inbox when chatting with someone, feeling excitement when they see those three dots moving.

Some, on the other hand, see the message icon in the top right corner and feel a burning curiosity with no desire to actually open the message.

There are a range of different reasons why you might want to avoid sending a read receipt– you may need more time to consider what the message is saying to you, or you could be too busy to respond at the moment, or even need to get more information for the response.

It can be a bit inconvenient that Instagram forces the read receipt feature on its users; after all, you may find yourself in some unnecessary conflict because of it.

Regardless, the above workarounds help you with how to turn off read receipts on Instagram, receiving messages and avoiding the read receipt whenever possible.

Pretty much all social media platforms use read receipts, so it’s not something that is exclusive to Instagram.

Perhaps one day they will change it, but until then, there’s not much we can do about the feature!

how to turn off your dms on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Posted by

Short answer

  1. To disable Instagram DMS, open the app and go to Settings.
  2. From there, click "Privacy and Security" and then "Disable DMS".

How to turn off private messages on Instagram EASILY! 📸| Disable direct messages | Instagram Tutorials

How to Easily Disable Direct Messages on Instagram in 2022

How do you control who can send you private messages on Instagram?

There is no easy answer when it comes to who can send you private messages on Instagram. Some users recommend following people you want to DM and unfollowing anyone who doesn't follow you, while others suggest using a third party app like DM Only that filters out unwanted DMs. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide who can message you on Instagram and how you want to manage that.

How can I disable DMS for everyone?

To disable DMS on your computer, open the Control Panel and go to System and Security. In the Windows Security section, click the Action Center link. In the Notification Center window, in the “Malware and Threat Protection” section, click the “Settings” link. On the Settings page, in the Malware and threat protection section, click the Change settings link. On the Change Settings page, in the Malware and Threat Protection section, clear the Enable DMS check box.

How do I change my direct message settings on Instagram?

To change your direct message settings on Instagram, first open the app and go to your profile. On the left side of the screen, in the "Settings" section, select "Privacy and Security". In the "Network Behavior" section, you will see a list of options, including "DM". To change the settings, click on it and select the type of message you want to send.

What happens if I turn off post requests on Instagram?

If you turn off message requests on Instagram, your messages will still be delivered to people who follow you and have added you as a friend. However, if you want to turn off all notifications from people you don't follow, you can do so by going to your account settings and turning off "Notifications from people you don't follow".

How to stop receiving messages on Instagram without blocking them?

To stop receiving messages on Instagram, you can either block the sender or ignore them.

How do I disable message requests?

There are several ways to disable message prompts on your iPhone. The easiest way is to go to "Settings" and then to "Messages". You can toggle the "Require password after 10 minutes" setting to disable message prompts after 10 minutes. Another way is to go to your iPhone's lock screen and scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you'll see a toggle labeled "Messages".

How to turn off posts on Instagram 2021?

You can't disable messages on Instagram 2021.

Can someone see my direct message if they don't follow me?

Yes, you can see your DM if they don't follow you. However, this is generally not a good idea because it interferes with productive communication.

What are disabled posts on Instagram?

Disable Instagram Posts is a feature that allows you to prevent anyone from viewing your posts and comments on their posts.

How do I hide the message button on my profile?

There are several ways to hide the message button on your profile. One way is to go to your profile settings and uncheck "Show message button". Another way is to go to your profile and click on the "Settings" link in the upper right corner. On the "Settings" page, you can uncheck "Show message button".

Why am I getting requests for posts on Instagram?

Instagram sends message requests to users who have not logged in for a certain amount of time.

What is Disappear Mode on Instagram?

Disappear Mode is a feature on Instagram that allows you to hide your posts from other users.

Can you tell if someone opened your photo on Instagram?

There is no definitive way to tell if someone has opened your Instagram photo, but there are a few methods you can use. For example, you can check if an image has been recently shared or commented on. In addition, you can search for similar images that were posted by other users in the same area or in the same time period as your image.

How do you know if someone is ignoring you on Instagram?

There are several ways to find out if someone is ignoring you on Instagram. One way is to check the number of followers of their account. If the number has decreased significantly over a period of time, this may indicate that the person is ignoring you. Another way to check if someone is ignoring you on Instagram is to look at their posts. If they have stopped posting for a long period of time, this may be an indication that they are not interested in communicating with you.

Can someone read your Instagram post without your knowledge?

Yes, someone can read your Instagram message and you won't know if they have the app and your password. The app saves all your messages, so even if you delete them, someone with the app and your password can still read them.

how to open a message on instagram without them knowing?

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By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 11

Short answer

  1. There is no one-size-fits-all way to do this, as different users may have different settings enabled in their accounts.
  2. However, some methods you can try include:



How to see someone's Instagram posts without them knowing (2022)

Does fade mode remove messages from both sides?

Yes, disappear mode deletes messages from both sides of the conversation. This is a great way to keep your conversations private.

What is Disappear Mode in Messenger?

Disappear Mode is a Messenger feature that allows you to hide your online status from certain people. This is useful if you don't want anyone to see that you're online, or if you're busy and don't want to be disturbed. To use Disappear Mode, open Messenger and go to the main menu. Select "Settings" and then "Disappear Mode". From here, you can add the names of the people you want to hide your online status from.

How to send a hidden message on Instagram?

There are several ways to send hidden messages on Instagram. One way is to use a third party app like WhatsApp or Telegram. Another way is to use a photo editing app to add text or graphics to your photos that will be invisible to other users. Finally, you can use the Story Highlights feature to store hidden messages in your profile archive.

Can you take a screenshot in fade mode?

Yes, you can take a screenshot in disappear mode. To do this, press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time.

Can you tell if someone is using Disappear Mode in Messenger?

Yes, you can find out if someone is using Disappear Mode in Messenger. When someone is in Disappear Mode, their profile picture will be replaced with a black and white version of their profile picture.

How to delete Instagram chat history from both sides?

To delete your Instagram chat history:
Open Instagram and go to the Private Messages screen.
Touch and hold the conversation you want to delete.
Click Remove.
Touch “Delete Chat” again to confirm.
To delete a person's chat history:
Open Instagram and go to the Private Messages screen.
Touch and hold the conversation you want to delete.

How do I turn off disappear mode on Instagram on a computer?

To turn off disappear mode on Instagram on a computer, you need to go to your profile and click on the three lines in the upper left corner. Then select “Settings” and scroll down until you see “Disappearing Messages”. Turn it off and your messages will no longer disappear from your followers feeds.

How to enable disappear mode in Instagram on a laptop?

On a laptop, you cannot turn on disappear mode in Instagram.

How to enable disappear mode on Instagram on a computer?

To enable disappear mode on Instagram on a computer, first open the app. Then click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Scroll down and click on "Settings". Then scroll down and select Disappearing Messages. Finally, turn the switch to the "On" position.

How do I know if my partner is cheating online?

There is no definitive way to know if your online partner is cheating, but there are some methods that may be more effective than others. One approach is to check the partner's email and social media accounts for signs of communication with other people. You can also use a tool like NetSpy to track your partner's internet activity and see what websites they visit.

How do you know if someone is cheating on Instagram?

There are several ways to determine who is cheating on Instagram. One way is to look at their profile. If they have been inactive on the app for a long time or their profile has been deleted, they may be scamming on Instagram. Another way to find out is to look at their photos.

Can you tell who someone is messaging with on Instagram?

It is impossible to determine exactly who is posting on Instagram because the app does not reveal the identities of the users who are chatting with each other. However, there are some tips to help you figure it out. For example, if you see two people's profiles showing up in the same chat window, it's likely that they're exchanging messages with each other.

How can I find out who my boyfriend is chatting with on Instagram?

There is no reliable way to find out who your boyfriend is messaging with on Instagram, but there are a few ways you can try.

Learn more