How to see recent stories preview on instagram

How to See Instagram Story Preview - 4 FoolProof Hacks

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For several reasons, you may want to preview Instagram stories without being seen. You don’t want the user to know you’ve watched their Instagram story preview. Though social media has left our lives open, we may sometimes wish to scroll the feed in silent mode.

I have decided not to watch some Facebook reels just because I don’t want the person to know I watched the clip. Many of the time, these are family members and the reels might not be appropriate for everyone’s consumption.

It could be your colleagues at work, family members, spouse, friends, etc…there are people in our lives who deserve some sort of privacy or minding your own business. 

If there is a way to see their social activities without them knowing the better for everyone. The Instagram story preview bar allows its user to preview stories.  

So if you’re looking for ways to preview Instagram stories without being seen, here are some helpful tips you should try today.

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Partial Swipe

The first hack to try is the partial swipe method. It is not the best way to preview IG stories in ghost mode, but it gives you a glimpse of what the story might be all about.

It’s simple and does not require any tricks or technicalities, here is how it worked.

Open your Instagram app and on the stories bar, don’t tap on the story you want to view, instead, tap on the story next to it. Open the story next to the one you want to preview, and as it plays along, slightly swipe to the right side of your screen to view the story.

If you do this correctly, you will be able to view about 40% of the story without actually opening it. For example, let’s say I want to watch John Obidi’s story on the Instagram app, but don’t want my name to appear on his “seen list”, here is what I will do.

I will tap on the man_like_cbankz story to get to jonhobidi’s story. As you open the story, you can use one finger to pause and the other to swipe right to view johnobidi’s story without him knowing.

This is what you should get if you do it correctly. 

As you can see, I have partially viewed johnobidi’s story while watching another person’s Instagram story. It is a simple hack but it worked 90% of the time.

To verify if this hack worked and Johnobidi will not have my profile on his seen list, you can go back to your story list to view the ring color around his story.

Here is it…as you can see, johnobidi still has his color ring around the story while man_like_cbankz has the seen ring. You can try this as well to preview Instagram stories without being seen.

One of the disadvantages of this method is that you can’t watch the video, and you may accidentally swipe 100%. If you swipe all the way, the Instagram account author will know you’ve watched it.

So careful not to swipe fully.

Airplane Mode

The airplane mode is a very simple tip that you might have overlooked. You’ll be able to preview the story completely anonymously.

This is how it worked. Open your Instagram app and let the stories load on the main screen. Once the story you want to preview loads, you can turn on airplane mode on your phone and tap to preview the story on Instagram.

You won’t be able to watch the story in full as the internet will be cut off from your phone. But it’s a good hack to get a glimpse of the story.

Blind Story

If you want a foolproof method to preview IG stories without leaving any traces, the Blind Story app is a good option. This simple Android and Apple IOS app lets you watch and download Instagram stories and even repost them without leaving any clue.

It comes with extra other features that make it an even more interesting IG preview app to use if you’re a regular or heavy Instagram user. You can search for any public account on Instagram and see their stories. 

You can download stories and repost them, and add people to a list such as favorites. This option lets you receive notifications when they post on Instagram. 

And that’s not all, the app lets you automatically catch and save stories to your device memory before they get deleted. This is a very useful feature for saving special memories, videos, and photos on Instagram.

Blind Story is available on the Android and Apple stores for your smartphones.

Anonymous view for Instagram Stories

This is a Google Chrome extension that let you view Instagram stories anonymously. The story’s author will never know you watch it.

You need to install it on your Google chrome browser and open Instagram on a laptop computer. Sorry, you can’t use this on a mobile phone. It also allows you to upload photos and videos to your Instagram stories as well.

And you can record Instagram live stream for offline watch later. This is a super cool feature to record your favorite shows or educational video on Instagram. This is a good Instagram story viewer tool that is worth giving a try.

Download Anonymous View for Instagram Stories Chrome extension here.


Viewing Instagram stories in ghost mode is possible. And it’s something we all might want to do at some point, you can give any of the listed tricks a try. 

If you don’t want to download or use a third-party tool, then try the swipe method. But tools will give you what you want, more features, and a total anonymous view.

How To Watch Someone's Instagram Stories Without Them Knowing Or Seeing You've Watched It

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This a case for the FBI? *Raises hand* - by Bianca Mastroianni

Want to know how to watch someone's Instagram story without them knowing and without downloading any sketchy apps?

Well, let us introduce you to the super simple Instagram hack that you can use to view stories without them being marked as 'read. ' You're welcome.

WATCH BELOW: Hailey Bieber raps 'Bodak Yellow' on Justin Bieber's Instagram story. 

Let's be real, we've all been in a situation where we really wanna have a looksy at someone's Instagram story, be it a friend, colleague or even a potential luurve interest, but for whatever reason, it might be a tad awks if they find out we viewed it. 

Insta is great like that, showing up all the snoops who're having a gander at your stories... until it goes the other way. 

BUT, as it happens, there is a cheeky way to view someone's Instagram story without your name coming up on their 'seen' list. 

Keep scrolling for the step-by-step guide - you can thank us later 😉.

1. Click and watch the Instagram Story of the person before or after the story you want to secretly view in the queue.



So, if we want to watch KJ Apa's story without him knowing? We'll use Kim Kardashian's story to get there.

Click onto Kim's story and then...

2. Hold your finger down to pause the story.

Once you've done that, what you need to do next is...

3. Slide your finger to peek at your intended story, without swiping across completely.

You can slide your finger to the left so we can see the preview of KJ's story.

Like so:


If you do this (and make sure you don't slide over completely), then you can see their story without your name popping up on their 'seen' list!


As you can see in the above pic, KJ's story has the unseen mark around his photo still.

Oh, but as a small aside, we should also add that you need to be following the person to do this in the first place - otherwise it won't come up in your stories list. 

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How to see previews of Instagram stories ▷ ➡️ Stop Creative ▷ ➡️

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How to see previews of Instagram stories

How to view previews from de Instagram Stories. Want to see a story your friend posted? Instagram without realizing it? Not sure about the story to post on Instagram and would like to preview it to a friend before proceeding? Don't worry, thanks to the tips you'll find in this guide, you'll easily achieve your intention, whatever it may be. nine0005

In the tutorial you are about to read, I will teach how to preview 's Instagram stories through a few tips.

I'll show you how to make sure you're previewing a story just by using Instagram, no third party tools. And if you don't want to risk making a mistake and want to play it safe, I'll recommend some workarounds like browser extensions.


  • 1 How to preview other users' Instagram stories
  • 2 Preview stories without viewing them
  • 3 Preview your story

How to preview other users' Instagram stories

First solution to allow to see a preview of Instagram story Submitted by another user is user swipe incompletely news feed.

In some cases, this method allows you to not notify the user of the history view, but this is not a foolproof method, in fact it is quite likely that the display of content will be notified anyway. nine0005

In general, when you look at the stories posted by a user on Instagram, the one that is displayed is the first among those that have not yet been viewed.

That being said, if you want to preview and make sure your view doesn't count, check out the miniaturas stories located in the top bar on the Instagram home screen.

Then touch the history of the user whose name precedes the name of the person of interest. nine0005

After starting playback, hold your finger on the right side of the screen and perform a short, light movement from right to left, simulating the next jump in the user's history.

As you can see the story progress animation, stops sliding at 30% or 40% of the transition without releasing your finger so that you can see its contents and therefore its preview.

So a story you just saw will be considered viewed (on your account) and the content owner probably won't be notified of the visit. If you repeat the above procedure now, you will be able to preview the next story from the same user if they have posted multiple. nine0005

Preview stories without viewing them

You can use the Google Chrome extension to see previews of user stories you follow without them knowing you've seen them: IG Stories for Instagram / IG Stories for Instagram , it can be downloaded for free from the Chrome Web Store.

Go to the download page of IG Stories for Instagram, click the buttons add > Add extension to install the plugin.

Then log into your Instagram account, click on i IG Stories cone in the upper right corner and in the open box, click Enter IG Stories.

At this point, click on the eye located in the username of the person whose story content you want to see discreetly, and press the buttons download o Download all to complete the operation. nine0005

Preview your story

If, on the other hand, your intention is to preview your story , perhaps to show you in the preview another person share it with other applications and platforms, the procedure you have to follow is very simple .

First touch the photo of which you will find in the top left corner of the Instagram home screen.

Once this is done, you will enter the editor to write the story. nine0005

Once you've created your story, don't click any of the buttons below (as this will immediately publish it).

Instead, tap the down arrow icon in the top right corner. This will download a copy of the history to your device's local storage.

At this point, go to the photo gallery to find a preview of the story you just created so you can share it through other apps and services.

If you have entered GIFs, hashtags, mentions, and any other interactive elements, they cannot be selected as a static media element will be loaded. nine0005

Therefore, when you re-import an image into an Instagram story, the previously added items will remain static.

In this sense, I advise you not to close the Instagram app when switching to the media gallery of the device or exiting the story editor mode, so that you do not have to recreate it.

First of all, if you want the story preview to be able to interact with additional media elements such as stickers, GIFs, or hashtags, create a list: Close friends by adding a second account or a friend's account, and enable history archive.

For this last feature, while creating a story, tap the button with the gear icon, in the top left corner and in the new screen that opens, make sure the feature is enabled. save for file.

Now let's create a list Best friends , tap the corresponding icon at the bottom of the story you are creating and tap item Add to list.

On the screen that appears, select the Instagram users you want to add to this list using the add button and then tap the item final , in the upper right corner.

Finally, click the "Best Friends" icon to confirm the post.

By doing this, you will only post the story to the Instagram users you specify. In addition, all interactive elements will be available for selection, and the story will be saved in the Instagram archive. nine0005

So if your friend (or you on the second account) thinks the story is well done and that all the interactive elements work and are in the right place, you can publish it with all the followers, saving it from the archive.

To share a close friends story with all your followers, on the Instagram home screen, tap the clock icon you'll find in the top bar and select the story you created earlier.

Then press button Share (below) and tap thumbnail (always at the bottom) to share the story publicly.

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How to see Instagram Stories preview without a trace

As Instagram implemented Stories inspired by the Snapchat format , the Meta platform (formerly Facebook) experienced the kind of support Mark Zuckerberg was looking for when he bought the platform in 2012 for $1,000 billion and has since grown in value several times over. . nine0005

Instagram stories like Snapchat and the same ones we can find on WhatsApp are small video clips that can be made up of photos that have a duration of 24 hours from the time was posted. After this period, they are automatically deleted from the platform.

Each user uses this type of content differently, but in most cases it is intended to inform your followers or friends about activities that you have performed or plan to perform in the future. nine0012

Users who post stories on Instagram can always know how many people and who have watched these videos . However, not all users want to prove their curiosity and be included in the list of people who see a person's stories.

Instagram does not offer us any way to hide our activities, so we are forced to resort to other tricks and / or applications or extensions in order to be able to hide our visit from the Instagram Stories of our friends, neighbors, relatives . ..

If you want to know how to preview Instagram stories, below we will show you a series of tricks and apps to not leave a mark on your visit.


  • 1 Activate the flight mode
  • 2 Hiddenram
  • 3 Blind history
  • 4 Anonymous viewing of the stories on Instagram
  • 5 Close the user after viewing history
  • 6 Partly spent on the channel

Activate flight mode

El best method To prevent people from knowing that you have seen the stories posted on Instagram, it is necessary to activate the flight mode on our smartphone, a feature that obviously only works on mobile devices.

When activating the flight mode application n or tell the platform that we have seen one / s History / s published on this platform if we activate it by following the steps I will show you below. If you skip a step, it won't do you any good. nine0005

  • As soon as we open the application we wait a few seconds until all stories are loaded. When we see that they are no longer displayed, this means that the download process has been completed.
  • At that moment we will activate the flight mode of our device (swipe down from the top and click on the airplane icon).
  • From now on we can access Stories . You don't need an internet connection to do this, as they have been downloaded to our device. nine0026
  • After we have finished viewing stories, we must close the application completely and deactivate flight mode.

If possible, it is recommended that before disabling airplane mode, reboot the device so that no actions are saved in the device's memory.


Another option we have to leave no trace of our visits to the stories posted by the people we follow is use the Microsoft Hiddengram extension for Chrome and Edge , an extension available for any Chromiun based desktop browser that we can download via this link.

Working with the application is very easy, because we can activate or deactivate it directly from the browser bar . When the button is red, it means that anonymous browsing of the platform is activated.

When the icon representing the extension is in green means we leave our mark on the social network. If you do not want to know about activation and deactivation, it is recommended that you always leave it activated to avoid unnecessary problems.


If you have a habit of not leaving a mark on the Instagram Stories of your friends, family, colleagues ... you can try the BlindStory app, an app that we can download for free in the Play Store and it includes in self advertising and in-app purchases. nine0005

This application allows us to search for accounts on the platform and access and enjoy all the content they post, including Stories, without the user who posted them knowing about it.

In-app purchases allow to unlock the daily story view limit, a purchase that is not necessary if you don't want to see the stories of your entire environment without leaving any trace.

One of the strengths of the application and the fact that this will save us a lot of time is that it allows us to be notified when the accounts we follow post new content.

Save Blind Stories for Instagram

Developer: Easypik

Price: It's free

Instagram Stories Anonymous Browsing

If Hiddengram isn't just looking for you, but you want to take advantage of the ability to record Instagram stories From the accounts you follow while hiding your trail, you can try anonymous browsing for Instagram stories. nine0005

Anonymous Browsing for Instagram Stories, an extension that is also available for free in the Chrome Web Store and what it is is compatible with any browser based on Chromium such as Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Learn more