How to increase shares in facebook
How to Increase Facebook Content Shareability in 7 Easy Steps
Want to reach more people on Facebook?
Of course you do!
Despite many businesses and brands moving on to other social media platforms, Facebook still rules for social media marketing because:
- It has more than 1.7 billion active users, making it the biggest social network.
- It is the most used social media platform among Americans, who spend about 40 minutes on Facebook every day.
And these are just a fraction of the stats that point to Facebook being one of the most crucial channels for marketing.
So naturally, you want to leverage your social media marketing through Facebook in order to reach and engage with a much wider audience.
In this post, I'll show you exactly how to get your content shared on Facebook - which will guarantee higher reach and engagement for your brand.
How to Increase Facebook Content Shareability in 7 Easy Steps http://bit. ly/2e96tFp (by @GetPlusFollows on @PostPlanner) Click to Tweet
No matter how interesting your info may be, getting people to engage with it and share it with their friends is all a matter of how you present the info.
Otherwise, your audience is just going to scroll past it and move on to a post they find more interesting.
But how exactly can you present your info? It all depends on the type of post you share.
A study conducted by BuzzSumo found some intriguing details about what type of post performs best on Facebook.
They analyzed more than 1 billion Facebook posts and found out the following details:
#1: Question PostsQuestion posts are posts in which you’re asking a question and inviting followers to share their thoughts and answers.
These posts managed to generate the highest interaction overall at 500+ interactions.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
#2: Image PostsNext are image posts, which generated close to 500 interactions.
These interactions include comments, likes, and shares on each post.
Image posts ranking second isn’t too much of a surprise since people tend to be drawn to visual content as opposed to text content.
The study also found that combining image and question posts generated 616.7 interactions on an average. But the average interactions for text-only question posts were only 144.45.
So you can see how images have a huge impact on different types of posts.
#3: Video PostsThe study also found that videos managed to get an average of about 400 interactions on Facebook.
Videos are a great way to add an entertainment factor in your interactions with an audience...
...You can even tell a story through your video content.
Burger King created a video promoting learning, and it was shared more than 37,000 times on Facebook.
#4: Link PostsVideos were followed by link posts, which received about 200 interactions.
Link posts help you share your website content and blog posts with your Facebook followers.
#5: Giveaway postsComing close after link posts were giveaways.
Posts promoting giveaways and contests were able to receive almost 200 interactions on Facebook.
#6: Coupon/Discount PostsComing close after link posts were giveaways.
Posts promoting giveaways and contests were able to receive almost 200 interactions on Facebook.
2. Share More VideosIn the same BuzzSumo study mentioned above, they also broke down the performance of video posts based on each type of interaction, i.e. likes, shares, and comments.
Interestingly, although videos were only third in overall interactions, they performed the best in terms of shares.
They received about 83.87 average shares on Facebook, which means video posts should be your best bet at achieving the goal of increased shares.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
A second BuzzSumo study conducted in June 2016 also confirmed that videos are surpassing other types of Facebook content in terms of average total shares.
The study was conducted on 25 million Facebook posts from 10,000 top publishers.
From their analysis, it’s clear that the average Facebook shares for video content have doubled since August 2015.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
But even if you do post videos on your Facebook page, make sure you post them natively instead of sharing 3rd-party hosting links such as YouTube or Vimeo.
The first study found that there’s a huge difference between the two.
Direct embeds generate just over 200 shares and around 951.48 overall interactions.
YouTube videos, on the other hand, didn’t even manage to get 100 shares and only generated 140.75 overall interactions.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
So you can see that creating and sharing more videos on your Facebook page could help you beat out your competitors.
You will be able to generate more engagement and interactions for videos...
...While at the same time getting more people to notice your content.
3. Create More Visual ContentIn the first BuzzSumo study, you saw that visual content – videos and photos – performed far better than any other type of content in terms of shares
This means that even if your link and text posts aren’t getting enough shares, you could turn them into visual content.
This is bound to help boost your social media strategy.
Wondering how to do that? Here are a few tips:
Create InfographicsIf you have an interesting article that you want to gain plenty of social traction, try creating an infographic that highlights some useful info within the article.
You can then share this infographic content on Facebook along with a description and a link in the caption, inviting people to click on the link to read more.
Even if you don’t have an article to link to, you can follow Health Digest’s example and share some how-to tips or interesting facts with your fans.
Their infographic content about the health benefits of turmeric generated more than 2000 shares in just 21 hours.
You can then share this infographic content on Facebook along with a description and a link in the caption.
Make sure to invite people to click on the link to read more.
Even if you don’t have an article to link to, you can follow Health Digest’s example and share some how-to tips or interesting facts with your fans.
Their infographic content about the health benefits of turmeric generated more than 2000 shares in just 21 hours.
Create Custom Images
Whether you’re sharing a text post or a question post, grab people’s attention by creating custom images to accompany the post.
Start by brainstorming some ideas for the type of images that will gain plenty of engagement.
Rockstar Games, for instance, creates custom images to provide fans with updates about their games.
The example below displays how they’re keeping gamers updated with info about a current offer on GTA Online.
The post received 400+ shares.
Even if you’re not sharing updates, you can at least go for simple images with jokes and puns related to your business.
Here’s an excellent example from Taco Bell.
Share Video TutorialsLet's rewind a few points back and remember that video posts manage to generate the most interactions...
...And that how-to videos are among the top performing types of content.
Consider combining the two through the creation of video tutorials.They are bound to add a great visual appeal to your useful guides.
Timing is crucial regardless of how appealing your content may be.
If you’re sharing your content at a time when most of your audience is asleep or at work, there’s a huge chance your post might not get the amount of shares it deserves.
Kissmetrics analyzed how the performance of different types of social media content changes according to timing.
According to their data, most Facebook shares occur on Saturday. Sundays also perform better than other days of the week, while Thursdays are the worst.
They also found that there’s a spike in Facebook shares around noontime and a slight increase after 7PM.
Image Source: Kissmetrics
Even the findings from Buzzsumo supported the fact that weekends are the best days to post on Facebook.
But according to them, Sundays performed slightly better than Saturdays.
And there’s also some difference in their data about the best time to post, with the hours between 9PM and 11PM performing best.
The study concluded that there’s too much competition during the day, which results in a lower engagement rate for posts made during the early hours.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
My best advice when it comes to determining the right timing - study your Facebook Insights to know when you're audience is most active.
5. Keep It Short and SimpleLengthy captions and status posts may not be the best choice for you if you’re aiming for increased shares.
Keep in mind that people are visiting Facebook to socialize; not to read.
So when you’re describing your post – be it an image, infograph, video, or link – keep it short and straight to the point.
The first Buzzsumo study also analyzed the performance of different lengths of Facebook posts.
This analysis clearly points towards shorter descriptions receiving the most interactions.
According to the study, posts that have anywhere between 0 and 50 characters as descriptions/captions generated 411. 16 interactions.
As you can see in the following chart, there’s a downward trend in number of interactions as the number of characters increases.
Image Source: BuzzSumo
6. Start Using EmoticonsYou may find this hard to believe but using emoticons in your posts may play a significant role in your Facebook share rate.
In fact, using emoticons can improve your share rate by 33%.
The same is true for comments. Your post like rate can get a 57% boost with the help of emoticons.
Emojis make you appear friendly and add a personal touch in your interactions. However, make sure not to overdo it. Too many emojis can turn people off.
If you have no time to prepare custom images and infographics, you could add some visuals to your caption in the form of emoticons.
Check out how Wendy’s complemented their post with a little heart emoji.
Although the number of shares for this post mirrors the support for the cause behind the post, the heart still adds a more heartfelt touch to the post.
If you’re a marketer, you’ll be familiar with social media contests and offers. Hopefully, by now you would have realized that these are a great way to engage your audience and bring more visibility for your brand.
Showcasing your contest or offer through visual content can help you generate more shares...
... All because people want to share the awesome news with their friends.
To further boost your share rate on Facebook, you can customize the rules of your contest in a way that compels your fans to share your content.
Here are a few ways to improve shares through contests and offers:
The RulesFirst, come up with the rules of the contest based on your goal. Since your goal is to encourage people to share your content, you’ll need to create rules involving shares.
But make sure the rules you come up with are in tune with Facebook contest rules.
For instance, you can’t require fans to share the post to enter...
...But you could offer additional chances to win if they share.
Decide On a
PrizeTo ensure that your Facebook contest really gains traction, you need to give your fans the right motivation.
In this case, the motivation is the prize. Make sure it's one they would be ready to do something for. Even something as simple as getting featured on your page could compel fans to share your post.
Display The DetailsAfter you’ve come up with the terms and conditions of the contest or offer, you just have to create an eye-catching image listing the details.
If the rules are a bit lengthier, you could write an entire section about it on your site and then share the link with the image.
Here’s an example of how you can display some of the important details of the offer or contest in a photo.
Hopefully, you now have a clear idea what to do and what type of content to create if you’re looking to get more Facebook shares.
The more shares you generate, the higher your visibility will be. Believe me!
So get started with these examples, tips, and ideas to optimize your Facebook marketing strategy.
Got any more ideas to share or any questions about these tips?
Feel free to leave your comments below.
How To Get 10,000 Shares on Facebook in 24 Hours
We’ve all seen the millions of online articles about the benefits of social media marketing, why your business should use social media marketing, and how social media marketing is the future of advertising. This is all true, but there is catch: not all social media marketing campaigns are created equally. There’s more to it than simply creating a Facebook page and Twitter account for your business. Before embarking on a marketing campaign, there are a number of things to consider and decisions which should be made before you even create a fan page for your business.
Here are three questions you should ask yourself:
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1. What Are Your Goals?
Are you trying to increase sales? Reach out to customers? Increase brand awareness? Most likely the answer is “all of the above”, but if you can identify a single main goal, this can slightly alter the game in terms of your content strategy.
2. Who Is Your Target Demographic?
A big mistake people make when running a social media campaign is that they post content that they like, as opposed to catering to their actual demographic. I am certainly guilty of this myself, and it is beyond frustrating when the posts that I think are witty, clever and amazing flop miserably.
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3. What Is the Concept Behind Your Content?
Many people start posting before they have a plan. Posting on a whim can sometimes convey a message that is disjointed, or just plain sloppy. Instead, brainstorm some themes that complement your product or service. If you’re a nature photographer, your thematic goals could include conservation, volunteer tourism, or exotic plants. Pick some appropriate themes and stick to them. If you post about tropical fish one day, then camera lenses the next, it might seem like there isn’t a clear narrative that connects everything.
How to Go VIRAL
Getting a viral post is the Holy Grail of social media marketing. As the manager of multiple social media accounts for a large company, I’ve had the good fortune of seeing a post catch, and go viral. So far, the best post we’ve had got over 10,000 shares in less than 24 hours without any promotion. Here is how we did it:
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Choose Your Image Wisely
Viral posts are almost always an eye-catching image—something people will see and share in a matter of seconds. Funny memes that convey your thematic objectives are always a good choice.
If your boss is comfortable with them, pictures with shock value are extremely popular. Pictures that are funny or cute will do well, but in order to go viral, you will want to have something totally outside the box, and possibly a little edgy. Just make sure it fits in with your business.
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Elicit a Strong Reaction
Appeals to emotion are usually an efficient way to get people fired up and willing to take action by sharing your post. I was managing a Facebook account for a background check company, and we posted a mugshot of a sex offender who had been caught in the act by his victim’s father and given a doozy of a shiner. This post appeals to our demographic on multiple levels:
- It has a strong family element, which illustrates a father’s protective instincts.
- It’s a great revenge story—the absolute worst kind of criminal getting what he deserves.
- It’s a true story.
This was a good strategy that fit the leanings of our demographic. For most businesses, it wouldn’t be appropriate to post a picture of a beat-up sex offender, but you can use similar techniques and adapt this strategy to content that makes sense for your business or organization.
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Keep Your Copy Simple and Powerful
The copy that you include with your post should be written as carefully as you would write an ad. Powerful writing will take your post far. Just like you would tell a potential customer to “subscribe now” or “click here,” the same strong, directive copy should be applied to social media marketing. Always include a sentence at the end which says “Like and Share.” If you can work in a way to say “Like and Share if you think that. . . .” and then include something most people would agree with, you’ll be amazed at how popular your post will be—as long as you just keep things simple, straightforward, and shocking.
Featured photo credit: Social network concept finger via Shutterstock
How to increase organic audience reach on Facebook? 4 tips.
The role of promotion in social networks is difficult to overestimate - for some brands it is almost the main marketing tool. If used correctly, organic reach could theoretically rise to the billions. But the notorious Facebook algorithm “spoils” everything. At the beginning of 2018, the main social network reshaped the rules by which the news feed is formed, and the organic reach of many business pages collapsed. Some companies complained that their non-promotional posts are now seen by no more than 2% of subscribers. Facebook has disappointed everyone, but business is in no hurry to abandon it - 96% of companies continue to actively use the platform. They acknowledge that Facebook remains one of their top sources of traffic and leads. Fitting in with Facebook is quite possible, even if the company does not have huge advertising budgets. Hang Nguyen, marketing manager for Smallpdf, an online PDF tool, shared how you can get good organic reach on Facebook with good content and the right posting system.
Tip 1. Study the audience
Go to the " Posts " section of your Facebook stats to see when your followers are online. In the screenshot above, the “peak time” is 17:00, according to your time. It is logical to assume that you need to post the next post just then. But this is a hasty decision. Maybe more people will see the post, but at this point, the core of your audience may not be ready to comment or share. You need to understand where the most engaged users are. Maybe you write in one language for your most important audience, but the subscribers who create those “peaks” on the graph are from another country and do not understand your language. This is a common problem for international companies with one Facebook account, without localization. To see the real picture, head to Section Users "- it contains information about the age, gender of your subscribers, their location and the main language. Focus on this language when preparing content for the page. Now you know who your most engaged audience is and what language they read you in. Analyze how and when she gets involved - in the morning, on the phone on the way to work, or in the evening, at home at the computer. Here you will need to test people's reactions to posts at different times. This is not fast, but the output will be a clearer picture. In order for engagement rates to be high, it is important to understand what events are important for your audience - holidays, elections, festivals.
Target themed campaigns to narrow groups that are close to these events. Twitter has "Events" - the perfect tool to find important dates globally and by region. Pro tip: To target a campaign to a specific group, enter "conditions" (or simply - keywords ) that will narrow the audience. This way, only those who might be interested in seeing the posts will see them. So the engagement of the campaign will be even higher.
Tip 2: Relevant Content and Meaningful Interactions
In January 2018, Mark Zuckerberg, announcing the new Facebook feed algorithm, said: “…You will see fewer posts from businesses, brands and media. And the public content that you start to see more often will meet the same standard - encourage meaningful interaction between people » . Now Facebook decides what is "meaningful" and what is not and determines how many people will see your post in their feed. In the new conditions, brands have to make content not only for subscribers, but also for the Facebook algorithm. Now the company needs to ditch direct calls to action — no “ like ”, “ share ” or “ go to our website ”. If the algorithm notices such words (and it will notice them), almost no one will see the post. It is better to focus on the unique value that the company can provide to subscribers. Figure out what value to give them and how to help them — qualitatively, in the online space and for free. nine0003
Tip 3: Create Rich Visual Content
Our secret to beating the Facebook algorithm is simple: The main element of your media campaign should be visual content. Whatever you communicate to your audience, do it not in the text, but through the visual. Anything will do - a picture, a video, an infographic. The text can be left, but only in the format of an eyeliner to the visual part. Here's an example: Here are two posts we published at Smallpdf this year on the occasion of two popular holidays: Earth Day and Mother's Day. There are a lot of phrases in the text part of the post on the left that Facebook would not exactly call “meaningful” – “free”, “share”, “tag” and “deadline”. This was a post-experiment, we wanted to see how Facebook would react to "forbidden" words. The second post, with the prize draw, we made a little differently - all the “wrong” words were moved to the picture. They put a simple quote in the eyeliner and reminded me to hug my mother. The link to the site was removed, in fact it was not needed - the conditions of the draw did not imply a transition. The difference was huge: the second post had three times higher organic engagement, more likes and more comments. We experimented not only with the content, but also with the posting time (see Tip #1). The Earth Day post appeared at more or less "peak time", but we published the Mother's Day post at 6 in the morning. Usually our users don't log into Facebook this early in the morning, but the second post got more engagement anyway. No wonder they say that content is king. But it is very important to make content that will reach the widest possible audience organically - and will not go against your goals.
The emphasis should be on visual posts. Prepare designs for such publications in a convenient online editor VistaCreate .
Tip 4: The Single Screen Rule
This is a content rule I carried over from business development. The text of an email or just a message on LinkedIn should fit on one screen, without scrolling. If the message is too long, it is difficult to scan it with your eyes quickly, which means that there is a chance that it will not be read to the end. It's the same story on social media. If you want subscribers to get hooked on a post in the feed, make it short and concise. People need to see that the text is not too voluminous - and then they are more likely to stop, read and leave a comment, share or like. But if subscribers notice “…More”, then they can ignore the post - all of a sudden there’s not a couple of lines further, but a detailed story for which they don’t have time. nine0003
To recap
To engage users and increase organic engagement on Facebook, it's important to work with content. Take note of other people's advice about "ideal posting time", be interested in research, but do not forget: the behavior of your users may be completely different from the average. So take the time to study and analyze your followers to understand what content they love — and tailor your posts to suit their tastes. There is another win-win option - to promote posts on Facebook for a fee (this is exactly what the social network brings). But if you generally manage to grow your audience reach organically or if you don’t have an advertising budget, you can also manage on your own - it just takes more time. And most importantly: make your content fun, light and interesting, everyone likes it. If you don't have professional designers on your team, do it yourself with VistaCreate's online graphic editor - here's a selection of 25 free Facebook post templates to get you started. Now, how do you engage the audience? nine0003
Facebook Targeting*: The Definitive Guide
Creating and preparing a page Setting up an advertising account Create a new campaign Create an ad group Audience settings Create ads Running ads Analysis of results A/B testing Facebook Ad Pixel* Checklist for self-examination
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I will never forget the time when I first started working with targeted advertising on Facebook*. Colleagues said that the indignation could be heard even in neighboring offices. Basically, these were statements about blocking, less often about an inconvenient and stupid interface. nine0003
The Ads Manager is really complicated. But it allows you to be very flexible in setting up ads and get great results. Face the task for the first time (or something did not work out last time) - let's figure it out together.
It is important that the Facebook* account is created with your real first and last name. The social network prohibits the use of company names or positions.
Step 1
Creating and preparing a page
To launch targeted advertising on Facebook*, you need a Page (similar to a business account on Instagram*). If you have it and have already been issued, you can immediately proceed to setting up your account. If not, you will first have to create a Page:
- Write the name of the Page, for example, "Online store of soft toys in Moscow."
- Specify a category. You can type a couple of letters and then choose one of the options.
- Add brief information about the company - who you are, what you do, what products or services you offer.
And click the "Create Page" button.
Then go to your Pages section and select the one you want.
The created Page needs to be prepared so that the visitor understands who you are and what you do, what and how he can buy. Blank Pages without design do not inspire confidence. nine0003
Avatar and cover
A company logo works well as a profile photo. The recommended size is 180×180px. And for the cover you need a different resolution - 820 × 312px.
It's better to upload both images in png format so that Facebook* doesn't reduce their quality. You can take images of higher resolution, the main thing is to keep the proportions.
Display blocks
To make it convenient for visitors, you need to configure the display of various blocks: reviews, photos, general information. nine0003
Go to "Page Settings" on the left panel and open the "Templates and Tabs" section. Then choose one of the ready-made templates, for example, for services or purchases. Or set up the display of blocks manually - in the "Tabs" section.
Company Information
Be sure to include your address, business hours, phone number, email address, website link. This can be done in the "Information" section of the top menu.
CTA button
A CTA button is a call to action button. Everything is simple here. You need to click "Add button" and select the desired target action: subscribe, call, register, write to WhatsApp or other. nine0003
- upload photos or videos;
- add reviews;
- publish at least 5-10 posts;
- fill in the "Services" section if you provide them;
- create a store in the appropriate section and add product cards if you sell them.
Be sure to read the Advertising Policies before setting up Facebook* ads. There are many important points.
Step 2
Setting up an advertising account
Open the Ads Manager advertising account. If Facebook* asks you to accept any agreement, such as the non-discrimination policy, please read and accept.
Click Add Payment Method.
Enter your country, currency and time zone. Choose a payment method and enter your card details.
Click on "Confirm".
Then on "Continue" in the upper right corner.
Important points in this step:
1. Card data must match the first and last name of the account.
2. The card must belong to the country where you are located. If you try to attach a Russian card from Europe, the advertising account will be blocked.
3. Indicate the country where you are located. If you specify Russia, but you are somewhere in Australia, the advertising account can be disabled.
Step 3
Creating a new campaign
The advertising account has a hierarchical structure that includes three levels:
- Campaign. This is the first stage, which indicates the goal and budget for advertising. It partially determines the settings in the following steps.
- Ad group. At this level, you can set up a schedule, places for displaying ads, and an audience. There can be multiple ad groups in one campaign.
- Announcements. Here they upload pictures or videos, write advertising texts. Each group can have multiple ads.
Follow this link and click the Create button. nine0003
At this point, Facebook* prompts you to enter a goal, the actions you want your users to take. Algorithms will show ads to those who are most likely to reach the selected goal, that is, take the actions you need.
Decide on one of the options:
- Brand awareness to help people remember and recognize the company.
- Reach, if you want your ad to be seen by as many people as possible.
- Traffic to drive people to the right place: website, WhatsApp, Facebook app* or Messenger. nine0072
- Engagement, if likes, reposts or comments on posts are more important. Separately, you can select “Page Likes” or “Invitation Responses” if you are promoting an event.
- Application installations if you want to increase the number of users.
- Video views to serve and optimize video ads.
- Lead generation will help you get people's data through special forms.
You will be able to request a phone number, email and other information. nine0072
- Messages to lead users directly to Facebook* Messenger.
- Conversions, if the main thing is actions on the site: calls, purchases, requests.
- Catalog sales if you want to advertise products. If you select this goal, you must first create a store and catalog in your Page settings.
- Attendance points will help attract offline visitors to a restaurant, store, beauty salon or other local business. Before launching the ad, follow this link and add the addresses of the outlets. nine0072
As of this writing, Facebook* has begun updating the Goals section. Perhaps instead of eleven goals, you have only six displayed - they were combined to make it easier to navigate. But the essence does not change.
Be sure to name your campaigns, ad groups, and ads clearly. Then you will not get confused when the structure becomes many times more complicated. It is important to quickly understand where the campaign is, what settings the ad group has.
For example, I do this:
▪️ In the name of the campaign, I write what I am advertising and indicate the goal. For example: "Promotion arrival by the New Year, coverage."
▪️ In the name of the ad group, I briefly indicate the data of the audience and placements. For example: "Fb, Inst, mzh, 24-35, Moscow time, Drawing."
▪️ Sometimes I also give important information in the ad title: format, image description, call to action, and so on. For convenience, I add abbreviated names of UTM tags.
And you can come up with your own algorithm for creating names. nine0003
In this section, Facebook* offers to use Campaign Budget Optimization. If you're creating more than one ad set, enable this feature.
The algorithm will distribute the budget in favor of more effective groups: well-performing ads will receive more money, poorly performing ones - less.
Choose one of the ways to allocate the budget - specify the amount you are willing to spend for one day or the entire period of the advertising campaign. You can try both options and see what is more convenient and more suitable for you. nine0003
Do not bet too much if you have just created an advertising account and are running ads for the first time. This is a guaranteed lock. In new offices, I start with a meager amount of $2-8. Only when the ad passes moderation and shows the first results, I gradually increase the budget to the desired one.
If you have little experience, leave the minimum price in the rates section. Facebook* will set its own bids, trying to get more results for less money. When you feel ready to go further, start reading Facebook*'s guide to bidding strategies. nine0003
If your targeting is actions that you need to respond to quickly (for example, calls), turn on the "Show ads on schedule" feature. Then people will apply only during working hours, you will not miss a single application.
To enable this feature, set a budget for the lifetime of the ad. You can set up a display schedule later - at the ad group level.
If everything is ready at this stage, click the "Next" button in the lower right part of the cabinet. nine0003
Step 4
Create an ad group
In this step, when you select some goals, Facebook* asks you to select a Page to promote.
Target sites
If you selected the Traffic, App Installs, Lead Generation, Messages, or Conversion goals, select where you want to drive people.
For example, this is how the site selection for the "Conversion" goal looks like. You need to specify the location where the target action will occur (for example, a purchase or a visit to a website). nine0003
If you want to direct people to WhatsApp, link it to your Page. Next, select a country and enter the number.
Dynamic creatives
In dynamic creative ads, the algorithm combines different variants of text, buttons, images or videos. Accordingly, you will have to download several variants of each of these elements. Facebook* will analyze which combinations provide the best results and show them instead of ineffective ones.
This function is optional, but worth a try - it can bring good results. nine0003
Optimize for ad delivery
This feature improves ads at the ad group level. If you are just starting out and don't know what is right, pay attention to the recommended option. Facebook* respects the selected campaign objective.
Some options are not marked with this label, but are selected by default. You can read a brief description and, if everything suits you, leave it as it is.
Show scheduling
Set the start time for ads. An expiration date is optional, but it's best to do so. In the future, you can extend the show if necessary.
If you are advertising a temporary promotion, the expiration date is required.
One day I hoped that I would turn off advertising when there were enough sales. I go to the advertising office for this - and my account is blocked. But the ads keep popping up. People call, but the goods are no longer available - everything was quickly sold out. As a result, ads were shown for nothing for more than a day - I just bled the money. Given the time frame, this would not have happened. nine0003
Step 5
Audience settings
For Facebook* targeted ads to work, you need to know who your audience is and what they want from your product, where they live and what they are interested in. Without it, you will only be wasting your money.
How and why to divide the audience into groups
Not all entrepreneurs can clearly name who exactly their audience is. A common answer is “Everyone needs my product.” But this is true only if the product is salt or toilet paper. Most often, the audience is a group of some people. And you need to target them, not everyone in a row. nine0003
One way to define these groups is the Khramatrix model. Sample questions and answers:
What product or service do you provide? English lessons for children from 6 to 11 years old.
Who uses the product or makes the purchase decision? In our case, these are the parents of children aged 6-11.
Why does the consumer need your product? Parents of children aged 6 need preparation for school, parents of children aged 7-11 need help in learning the language or doing homework, filling in gaps in knowledge. nine0003
When is your service needed? In our case, the main flow falls on the period approximately from August to March.
Usually the fifth question is "Where can I find your audience?". But for targeted advertising, it is more useful to answer the question “ What is your audience interested in ?”. Our audience of parents is interested in what is connected with children. For example, education, health, family.
Specify general demographic characteristics: gender and age, where they live, what level of income . Women 26-37 years old, live in Moscow. Above average income.
To what extent is a person ready to buy? Perhaps he is thinking that the child would need to improve his English, but has not yet looked for a teacher. Or already looking for a teacher, reading reviews, studying prices and other conditions.
What influences the choice? What is important to him in the product? When choosing a teacher, it is important that he be delicate, tactful, supportive, able to find an individual approach to the child and explain everything in simple words. They want to see immediate results. nine0003
What action do you expect from a person: a call, subscription, registration, filling out a form or something else? It is necessary that the parent fill out the form, leave his name and phone number - the teacher will call him back. You can also write to WhatsApp or Direct.
Now it's clear who specifically to launch targeted Facebook ads*, what settings to choose in the advertising account and what to convey to the audience. All information is easier to pack in a special table:
Please note that after answering the questions and completing the table, there may be several different groups. In this case, it is better to create individual ads or ad groups to hit the right target.
Life hack: to answer the eighth question “What influences choice? What is important in the product?”, read reviews about competitors - people write what is important for them.
How to create and set up a new audience
Now you can do the settings. Write the name of the city in the field "Search for locations" and select the desired option. nine0003
You can also enter individual streets and metro stations. Or set up a narrower geography for displaying ads through the "Tag" button. It is located at the bottom right of the map.
Select gender and age.
Now specify more precise audience settings - interests, behavioral characteristics and demographics. In the "Detailed targeting" section, find the search bar and click "View". Select a category and find a suitable interest. You can start writing and choose from the options offered. nine0003
For example, in the section “Demographic interests → Parents → All parents”, you can find parents of children of different ages.
How do I target on Facebook* an audience with an above-average income? Think about what characteristics these people have. For example, they often travel, visit prestigious restaurants and other establishments, hold status positions, use Apple technology and expensive smartphones. All these settings can be found in the advertising account.
Pay attention to the right side of the advertising cabinet. Here Facebook* suggests how wide or narrow the audience is. nine0003
Where else can you get an audience for targeted ads
Facebook* can create audiences from people who have already interacted with your company or ad. In the Custom Audience section, click New → Custom Audience.
Hover over each source and read the description. You might want to create an audience with one of these.
If you have a customer base with phone numbers or email addresses, create an audience of these people. Select "Client List" and click "Next". nine0003
Facebook* will tell you what to do: you will download a file with a sample filling, create your own file and upload it back to your account. It is convenient that this file can only contain phone numbers or email - you do not need to enter any other data.
Look for the created audiences in the Custom Audience → Custom Audience section.
How to Create a Lookalike Audience
One of the cool features of Facebook* targeting is finding and collecting audiences that are similar to yours. The tool is called Look-alike and usually gives good results. nine0003
For example, you have a ready-made audience of people who interacted with an Instagram account or ad*. In the Custom Audience section, click New → Lookalike Audience.
Select the source for which you want to build a Lookalike Audience.
Select a percentage from the drop-down list or scale. The lower the percentage, the more the audience is similar to yours, the higher the percentage, the wider the audience. Start with 1-2%, then you can try a higher range.
Click "Create Audience" to finish. If you choose above 1%, Facebook* will create a separate audience for each percentage. Look for these audiences under Custom Audience → Lookalike Audience.
Detailed targeting extension
Meaning: you allow the algorithm to show ads to those who do not fit the selected interests, but are highly likely to respond. It is worth enabling the function - it can improve the result.
The Facebook* Detailed Targeting extension is available for all campaign objectives except Brand Awareness and Reach. nine0003
Select placements
Select Manual Placement Selection.
Advertising account offers four main options:
- Facebook* - placement within the social network: feed, Stories, Right column, search and so on.
- Instagram* - impressions only there: feed, Stories, Reels.
- Audience Network - partner sites and apps.
- Messenger - respectively, advertising in the Facebook messenger *.
Instagram* is excluded as we work with Facebook* targeted advertising. If you still want to run ads on Instagram*, it's best to set them up separately. nine0003
Below you can manually remove or add specific placements.
Under Devices, you can turn off impressions for PCs or smartphones. For example, if you know for sure that for some reason they don’t buy from mobile devices.
Another interesting feature is showing ads only to users of specific devices or operating systems.
Step 6
Create announcements
Now you can work with announcements.
How to create a new ad
In the "Ad settings" section, select "Create ad" from the drop-down list. Available formats:
- Single image or video.
- Ring gallery.
If you chose "Single image or video", upload your media file, write your ad text and title.
If you plan to lead people to the site, provide a link. Add a call to action that will be on the button.
If you have chosen a gallery, do the same. Add a photo or video, title, description, link for each card. Below, write the main text and select a call to action. nine0003
Activate the item "Automatically show the highest scoring cards first". This will help keep attention on advertising and improve results.
The screenshot shows what a targeted Facebook* ad with a carousel looks like. A person will scroll through all the cards and, if he likes something, will follow the link.
How to promote an existing post
If there is a good post on the Page, you can start promoting it from the ad account. In the "Advertising settings" section, select "Use an existing post" from the drop-down list. nine0003
In the Promotional Creatives section, click the Select Post button.
Find the publication you want to promote in the list and click on it.
Upload images in jpg or png format that are up to 30MB in size. Consider the minimum dimensions, be sure to read the aspect ratio requirements. Stick to them so that the ad looks organic.
Basic requirements for videos and gifs - no more than 4 GB in size, duration from 1 sec. up to 241 min. nine0003
Step 7
Launch ads
To launch targeted Facebook* ads, click the "Publish" button in the lower right part of your account. If something went wrong - for example, you forgot some settings or incorrectly specified the budget - turn off impressions with a special switch. In the same way, you can disable ads at the ad or group level.
It remains to wait until the ad passes moderation - a check for compliance with Facebook* rules. The official note states that most campaigns are moderated within 24 hours. But this does not mean that you will definitely have to wait a day - usually much faster. nine0003
After the launch, the learning phase begins - the algorithm analyzes which audience responds best to the ad in order to show ads to similar people. Don't make any major changes to the ad while the tutorial is running or it will start over again. You can read more about this step in the official Facebook* guide.
Step 8
Analysis of results
To understand whether advertising is effective or not, study the indicators at different levels, taking into account promotion goals. nine0003
Let's say you need leads: applications or orders on the site. Then you need to watch not only reports in the advertising account, but also web analytics data. For example, it is worth tracking how users who have switched from Facebook* targeted ads behave.
- Advertising may not work. Target is not a magic “Loot” button.
There are many factors that affect performance: product quality and price, seasonality and demand, the right choice of audience, the readiness of the Page or site for advertising, the quality of the ad. nine0072
- Target may not give quick results. The client may not buy right now, but remember: take a screenshot of the ad, subscribe to the Page, write down the number. And make a decision later.
Advertising account
Facebook ad results* - to the right of the campaign, ad group or ad name.
Main indicators:
- Reach - how many people saw the advertisement.
- Impressions - how many times the ad was viewed. There are more impressions than reach, as a person can see the same ad two or three times. nine0072
- CPM — cost per 1,000 ad impressions. The lower the score, the better – it’s beneficial to make impressions as cheap as possible.
- Cost per result - the average cost of achieving campaign goals.
- Link clicks — number of times the link in the ad was clicked.
- Click through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. The higher the score, the better — it pays to have as many people as possible click when they see the ads. For starters, you can focus on a minimum of 0.6-0.8%. In general, CTR depends on many factors, including the business area. nine0072
- Cost Per Click (CPC). The lower, the less advertising costs. Click-through rate (CTR) affects the cost of a click.
- Video views at point 25, 50, 75, 95, 100%. The indicator helps track the viewing depth - how long people watch videos. If the score is low, you can try another video.
- Conversions - the number of targeted actions that the user performed. To track conversions on your site, you need to install the Facebook pixel* (more). nine0119
- Conversions, such as placing an order or adding an item to the cart.
- Bounce rate - how many people left the site within 15 seconds. A high score may indicate an irrelevant page that is being landed on from an ad, an incorrect audience choice, or poor site design. nine0072
- View depth - the average number of pages visited by one person. The higher the score, the more the site is interesting to visitors.
- Time on site - how long does one session last on average. The longer a person is on the site, the better for the same SEO.
- Enable A/B testing when creating a campaign.
- Setting up your first campaign and ads.
- After posting, Facebook* creates a copy and offers to edit it.
- Next, the algorithm evenly distributes impressions between an equal number of users. nine0072
- Based on the results, you can see which advertisement worked better and use it.
- Track and remember the people who visited the site so that you can show them targeted ads. Or, on the contrary, to exclude from impressions.
- Understand how many conversions you get from ads.
And calculate how effective it is.
- Created an account with real first and last name.
- Information about the company, its address, phone, email and other means of communication.
- Avatar and cover.
- At least 5 publications. nine0573 Photos or videos - the visitor immediately sees what they are selling.
- Customer Reviews.
- Call to action button.
- Attached your card: the name on it matches the name of your Facebook account*.
- Specify the country in which you are located, and the bank card corresponds to it.
- Set a not too big budget.
- Know exactly who your audience is.
- Divided the audience into groups using the Khramatrix model.
- Selected city, gender and age.
- Specified interests or behavioral characteristics.
- Enabled "Detailed targeting extension".
- Manually selected placements, excluded Instagram*.
- Selected specific placements, excluded unnecessary ones.
- Selected the desired devices, operating systems or device models to display ads. nine0072
- Choose a format and upload images or videos that meet Facebook* requirements.
- Wrote the title and text of the ad.
- Added a link if you want to lead people to third-party sites.
- Added a button with a call to action.
- Activated the item "Automatically show the highest scoring cards first".
- Clicked "Publish" - the switch to the left of the ad name turned blue.
Which metrics to pay attention to depends on the goal.
Let's say we need to increase conversions. Then it is worth tracking their number and coefficient (the ratio between the number of conversions and, for example, the number of clicks / transitions). And also the cost of one conversion and the payback of advertising. If it turns out that the costs are higher than acceptable, analyze the site, advertising, product to find the problem.
Additionally, it is worth looking at coverage, impressions and cost per 1,000 impressions, the number of clicks, click-through rate and cost per click. Explore different metrics as you work on ad performance. nine0003
To understand the approximate average values for your industry, it will be useful to ask around in the communities of entrepreneurs, SMM-specialists and targetologists. Perhaps one of the colleagues worked with the same niche and will tell you something.
Sometimes, by default, extra indicators are displayed, but there are no necessary ones. Therefore, it is easiest to customize the columns for yourself. Click the table icon and select Customize Columns.
Check the required metrics and remove unnecessary ones.
Behavior on site
If you bring people to the site, track how they behave here. This will help web analytics, or rather, Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica. You can explore:
One of the Yandex.Metrica tools, Webvisor, allows you to see the site through the user's eyes. Screencasts will visually show how the visitors who were brought by targeted advertising Facebook* behave. nine0003
Behavior on the Page
You can evaluate the growth of new subscribers, the reach of posts, messages in Messenger, as well as engagement - likes, comments, shares.
In general, you can even find out how FB advertising affects offline sales. The options are different: surveys, the use of a special number (call tracking), promotional coding. There is also end-to-end analytics that allows you to more accurately calculate the effectiveness of advertising and ROI (return on investment).
nine0066 A/B testingYou must have seen this feature when creating a new campaign. Useful if you want to test different versions of text and images, audiences and other settings.
The algorithm is as follows:
Test one thing: an image, text, or another parameter. If you change several parameters at once - for example, the text, the image, and the interests of the audience - you will not understand why the ad worked better or worse. And if only the picture was replaced, it is immediately clear how it affected the result.
Facebook Advertising Pixel*
A pixel is a special code that is embedded on a website. With it you can:
For example, an online clothing store might store the details of those who have visited a dress section and then show them ads with new products. Or find potential customers who put items in their shopping cart but didn't buy and offer a personalized discount. nine0003
The Unisender blog has detailed instructions on how to install an FB pixel on a website. This is not necessary to run ads, but is very useful for ad analysis.
Self-check checklist
Page design

Advertising account and payments
Placements and devices
Advertising launch and analysis