How to remove all likes on instagram at once

How to Delete and Remove All Likes on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the most popular and influential social media platforms. People from different walks of life use it for varying purposes. Some use Instagram as a personal account where they can post photos and videos of their adventures, special events, or even simple daily moments. Some users also make use of the platform to run small businesses and even multi-billion-dollar businesses. It provides a perfect avenue for businesses to advertise their products and services to more than a billion Instagram users.

Likes are crucial in boosting one’s popularity and credibility on Instagram. The more likes your posts garner, the more you can gain avid followers.  In fact, “likes” have become so important to the Instagram economy that some users even pay third-party services to produce astroturfed “like” campaigns and give them some (fake) popularity.

However, not every opinion stays the same over time, and there are reasons that an Instagram user might decide that liking a particular post or snap was an error. Both regular users and powerful “influencers” might find themselves needing to remove their likes once in a while.

Unfortunately, if a user wants to remove ALL of their likes (or even just a lot of them), it’s not so easy to accomplish. Unliking is usually a tedious process of going through posts one by one, but there are some apps that can speed it up. This article will give you a walkthrough on how to speed up the unliking process.

How to Delete and Remove All Likes on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t have an “Unlike Everything” button, so we’ll need to take a few extra steps to remove all likes for the entire account. Fortunately, the developers have given us a way to remove all likes. Although this process might be time-consuming if you’ve liked a lot of posts, it is an effective method.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ve used the iOS version of the Instagram app. The steps are pretty much similar on Android, so you shouldn’t have any problems navigating the app.

Here’s how to remove all likes on Instagram:

  1. Launch Instagram and tap on your Profile icon in the lower right corner.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap on Activity.
  4. Tap Interactions.
  5. Tap Likes.
  6. Use the Filters option to narrow down the posts you want to unlike. Or, skip this step if you want to unlike all of them.
  7. Long-press the first post you want to unlike. Then, tap the bubbles on each one.
  8. Tap Unlike # at the bottom.

This method is the safest and most effective way to remove all likes on Instagram. But it can take a lot of time to clear everything. We do have some other solutions too.

What Can You Do on Desktop Instagram?

Instagram is a smartphone app-driven social media, so there are some limitations on what you can do on a desktop. There is no option to preview posts you’ve liked, and you cannot upload pictures. However, what you can do is remove posts from your Saved list.

Saving a post is not exactly the same as liking it, but it wouldn’t hurt to know how to unsave Instagram posts on a desktop.

  1. Go to Instagram
    Access Instagram in your browser and log in.
  2. Select the Profile Icon
    Go to your Instagram profile page by clicking on the profile icon at the top right corner.
  3. Click on the “Saved” tab.
    The Saved tap allows you to preview and unsave the posts on your profile. If you’ve also liked the post, you can click on the “heart” icon to unlike it.
  4. Unsave the Posts
    Browse the saved posts and click on the ribbon under the comments to unsave them. Again, you need to repeat the process for each individual post you wish to remove.

Third-Party Apps to Remove Likes on Instagram

The only way to efficiently delete all your likes (or do many other tasks on Instagram) is to use a third-party app to manage your account. Besides removing all the likes in one go, these apps also offer other features that might be worth your attention. They are essentially designed as social media management tools, so feel free to check them out.

The limitations of third-party apps

Before we get into a full-on discussion of third-party apps, let’s answer a question. Since Instagram publishes an application programming interface (API), meaning that people can write applications that interface directly with the Instagram service, how come there isn’t an instantaneous method to just wipe out all your likes in one swoop?

The answer is that there could be, but nobody could run it. The problem is that Instagram doesn’t mind if you use a third-party app that uses its API to make some things more efficient, but it frowns on users automating their accounts entirely.

They want human users to do human things, not bots running programs, and an app that just cleans out your likes (or anything else in your account) might rub them the wrong way. Running an app that will wipe out your likes all at once is an excellent way to accidentally get yourself banned from the platform altogether.

So the apps we’re going to discuss will let you get rid of your likes but will require you to do it fairly slowly (albeit automatically) so that Instagram won’t flip its wig and ban you for using automation tools. The general consensus in the user community is that you can do about 300 unlikes a day without triggering the algorithms.


FollowingLike is a social media management tool that lets you administer thousands of social media accounts. It’s a must-have for a serious Instagram influencer or anyone running multiple accounts. FollowingLike is a paid app; the one-account version is $97 and runs on both Windows (XP or higher) and Mac OS. FollowingLike has a huge array of features; unliking posts is just one of the many things it can do.

Although the app will allow you to wipe out all your likes at once, this is a really terrible idea. Doing so will get your Instagram account immediately banned. Instead, you can create a custom unliking schedule that lets you unlike a few posts at a time over a longer period of time, which will get past the Instagram behavior-monitoring algorithms by making it look like you’re really sitting at your computer for 12 hours hitting “unlike” one post at a time. You can let your schedule run on autopilot and take care of all your unliking needs in just a few days.

Cleaner for IG

Unlike FollowingLike, Cleaner for IG (iOS only) is free in the basic package, and you can get an upgraded professional version for a small fee; there is also a cloud upgrade as well. The app has a really nice user interface which makes it easy to use and navigate.  

It allows you to unlike Instagram posts in bulk with a few taps. In addition, you can also block and unfollow users in bulk – very handy Instagram account management features. One caveat – users have reported that Cleaner for IG doesn’t scale well, and if you have an account with tens of thousands of followers, it will become very sluggish and difficult to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to more questions you may have about managing your Instagram account.

Can I mass-unfollow people on Instagram?

Similar to the methods above you can pull up your Following list and tap the Unfollow button next to each person. Or, you can use a third-party service to unfollow everyone. But, if you choose the latter, be sure you aren’t violating Instagram’s Terms of Use.

How do I see my past comments?

If you want to find a comment you’ve posted, follow the steps above to access Your Activity settings. Then, tap Comments. You can use the filter option to narrow down the search results and find the comment that interests you.

No Likes for You

Removing all your past likes can be time-consuming but depending on your goals for your account, it is achievable. Unfortunately, Meta, like most social media platforms, isn’t too fond of people removing all of their previous interactions. But, there are ways to get the job done.

Have you removed all your Likes on Instagram? Let us know how it works for you in the comments below!

how to delete all likes on instagram?


  1. as the best way to delete all likes on Instagram may vary depending on your individual account settings and the app’s functionality.

How to Delete And Remove All Likes on Instagram!

How to Delete And Remove All Likes on Instagram!

Is there a way to unlike everything on Instagram?

Yes, there is a way to unlike everything on Instagram. To unlike everything on Instagram, you need to go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. From there, select “Settings” and then “Account.” Under “Activity Log,” you’ll be able to see every action you’ve taken on Instagram, including unliking posts. To unlike everything, just tap the “X” next to each post.

Can I unlike all posts on Instagram at once?

Yes, you can unlike all posts on Instagram at once. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Then select “Settings” and “Account.” Under “Posts You’ve Liked,” tap “Select All” and then “Unfollow.

Can you mass delete Instagram likes?

Yes, you can mass delete Instagram likes. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Then select “Settings.” Scroll down and tap “Likes.” Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and select “Delete all likes.

How do you remove a like?

To remove a like, hover over the like and click the X that appears.

Can’t Unlike on Instagram?

Yes, you can unlike posts on Instagram. To unlike a post, simply tap the “heart” icon below the post and it will change to a “thumbs down” icon.

How do I manage my likes on Instagram?

Yes, there is a way to unlike everything on Instagram. To unlike everything on Instagram, you need to go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. From there, select “Settings” and then “Account.” Under “Activity Log,” you’ll be able to see every action you’ve taken on Instagram, including unliking posts. To unlike everything, just tap the “X” next to each post.

Can you delete Likes?

Yes, you can delete Likes from your Facebook profile. To do this, go to your profile and click on the “Likes” tab. This will show you a list of all the pages and people that you have liked. To delete a Like, hover over the “Like” and click on the x that appears.

Can you remove someones Likes from your post?

Yes, you can remove someone’s likes from your post. To do this, go to the post and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Remove like.

How do I unlike a page that no longer exists 2021?

If the page you’re trying to unlike no longer exists in 2021, you can’t. Facebook pages are only deleted if they’re requested to be deleted by the page owner or if they violate Facebook’s terms of service.

Why can’t I hide my likes on Instagram?

The app is designed so that other users can see who has liked your posts. This helps to connect people with similar interests and allows users to find new accounts to follow.

Does Instagram save your likes?

Yes, Instagram saves your likes. Likes are saved in your account’s history, and you can view them by going to your profile and tapping “Likes.

How can I see all my likes on Instagram?

There is no way to see all of your likes on Instagram. The app only shows the last 200 likes for each post.

Why can I still see likes on Instagram?

Likes are still visible on Instagram because they are a part of the user interface. They are not a metric that is used to rank posts or measure their success.

Where are the advanced settings on Instagram?

To access advanced settings on Instagram, open the app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will open a menu with a variety of options, including “Settings.” Tap on “Settings” and then select “Account.” Under “Account,” you’ll see an option for “Advanced.” Tap on “Advanced” and you’ll be able to adjust your notification settings, reset your password, and more.

Why do likes disappear on Instagram?

Likes can disappear on Instagram for a variety of reasons. One reason is that the user’s account may have been temporarily suspended for violating Instagram’s terms of service. Another reason is that the user’s account may have been hacked and the hacker has removed the likes from the account.

How to delete all likes quickly and painlessly?

Likes in various social networks are a way of evaluating liked content. Whether it's a photo of a friend, an interesting post, or a video, you can always "Like" it to compliment the author on their efforts.

But sometimes there are situations when you want to remove all the previously set marks. And it is about how to remove all likes in various social networks that will be discussed today. In this article, I will touch on VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook.

Why delete all likes?

The reasons why each of you may need to delete all your likes left under other people's publications may be different.

Sometimes, we mindlessly like everything in a row and do not notice how a bunch of "garbage" accumulates in the "Like" section. Paying attention to this, we begin to look for ways to remove all likes. There are situations when you need to hide information (including what we marked as liked) from another person who has access to the account. And sometimes the cause may simply be a mistakenly pressed heart.

No matter what your reason is, below I will try to give as much useful information as possible and describe all the available ways to clean up your grades.

Are there programs?

The first thing that most users of VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook will think about is: “Is there a special program or script that would help to automatically delete all my likes?”. And indeed, at such moments you want to have a special tool that would allow you to clean everything in just a couple of clicks.

Unfortunately, no such tool exists. Not for VK, not for FB, not for Insta. No matter how much I tried to find a really working program, script, extension, etc., each time the same thing awaited me: either the software did not work, because it was outdated and lost its relevance, or I came across a virus file that I did not miss my antivirus.

Therefore, I will give you one piece of advice:

If you value your personal time or are worried about the security of your computer, do not try to look for programs to delete all outgoing likes at once. Be patient and follow the instructions below.

Instructions for VKontakte

Fortunately for us, the VK developers have created a separate section of the site where all the photos, posts, videos, products, etc. we like are saved. Thanks to its presence, you can easily find and remove all your "Like" marks.

So, how to delete all likes on VKontakte:

  1. Go to the VK website and log in.
  2. Open the news feed.
  3. In the right menu, select the "Like" section.
  4. Next, the feed will display everything that you liked in the order of novelty (from the latest to the first).
  5. To unlike a content, simply click on the heart again to change the color from red to grey.

To remove likes in bulk, use the script. But you need to understand that such actions can lead to penalties if the system identifies them as potentially fraudulent. If that doesn't bother you, follow the link.

Instructions for Instagram

Instagram, like VK, has a separate section where all the posts you like are placed. By entering it, you can delete all your likes manually (not immediately, but one at a time).

The following is a step by step guide:

  1. Open the application
  2. Go to your profile (person icon).
  3. Next, click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.
  4. In the menu that opens, find the "Publications you like" item.
  5. Select a publication.
  6. Click on the red heart to make it grey.

Done! All this of course requires a lot of free time. But there is one service that offers to remove all the hearts at once, although its rating leaves much to be desired. And if that doesn't stop you, follow the link: How to quickly remove likes from photos on Instagram?

Instructions for Facebook

Things are a little different on Facebook. The fact is that in this social network, in the "Like" section, only pages (of people, companies, groups, etc.) are stored, and not materials (photos, videos, news, etc.).

If you want to untag content specifically, you need to find it and click on the "Like" button again so that it is no longer active. But, as you understand, it is impossible to find absolutely all the posts, photos, videos under which you left your like.

To unmark all pages, you need:

  1. Open your profile
  2. Press the "More" button.
  3. In the menu that appears, select the "Like" item.
  4. Next, select the desired page and specify the "Dislike" value for it.

Done! The procedure can be repeated for all unwanted pages.

You may also be interested in: Instructions on how to remove likes in Odnoklassniki.


Today I told you how to delete all likes in VK, FB and Insta. Unfortunately, the only way currently available is to manually clear the relevant section of the site/application. But on the other hand, you can always choose what to delete and what to leave.

Also, it will not be superfluous to learn how to see who liked on YouTube.

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How to Delete and Delete All Likes on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the most popular and influential social media platforms. People from different walks of life use it for different purposes. Some use Instagram as a personal account where they can post photos and videos of their adventures, special events, or even simple everyday moments.

Some users also use the platform to run small and even multi-billion dollar businesses. This is the perfect opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services to over a billion Instagram users.

Since launching in 2010, Instagram has evolved from a photo-sharing app into a vibrant social network and sales channel for many businesses. Indeed, he changed the lives of many people. Not surprisingly, likes on Instagram posts are highly valued by its users.

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Likes are crucial for increasing popularity and authority on Instagram. The more likes your posts get, the more active followers you will have.

In fact, "likes" have become so important to the Instagram economy that some users even pay third-party services to create "likes" campaigns and give them some (fake) popularity.

However, not all opinions stay the same over time, and there are reasons why an Instagram user might decide that liking a particular post or snap was a mistake. Both ordinary users and influential "influencers" may delete their likes from time to time.

Unfortunately, if a user wants to delete ALL of their likes (or even many of them), this is not so easy to do. I don't like the usually tedious process of going through messages one by one, but there are some apps that can speed it up. In this article, you will learn how to speed up the process of removing likes.

How to manually delete likes in the Instagram app

In this tutorial, we used the iOS version of the Instagram app. The steps are very similar on Android, so you shouldn't have any problems navigating the app.

  1. Launch the Instagram app.
    Tap the app to open it and tap your profile photo in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Hamburger icon.
    Open the menu by pressing the hamburger icon or the three-line icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Access to settings.
    Press the "Settings" button at the bottom of the menu. This will take you to a whole range of options.
  4. Click on Account.
    Menu "Account" presents all your recent activities and some account settings. Select the posts you like to see everything you liked.
  5. Select messages to
    be different from them. Swipe through the posts you like and contrast each one by tapping the heart icon below the post. This process can take quite a long time. Like all other social media apps, Instagram doesn't have built-in features to remove likes in bulk.
    Tip: select to view all your favorite messages one at a time instead of three. This may speed up the process a bit.

What can you do on the Instagram desktop?

Instagram is a social network operated by smartphone apps, so there are some restrictions on what you can do on a desktop computer. There is no option to preview liked posts and you cannot upload images. However, you can remove messages from the saved list.

Saving a message isn't exactly the same as liking it, but it doesn't hurt to know how to save Instagram messages to your desktop.

  1. Go to Instagram.
    Access Instagram in your browser and log in.
  2. Select a profile icon.
    Go to your Instagram profile page by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click the Saved tab. Tapping
    "Saved" gives you the option to preview and unsave messages on your profile. If you also liked the post, you can click the heart icon to distinguish it.
  4. Unsaving messages
    View saved messages and click the feed below the comments to unsave them. Again, you need to repeat the process for every single message you want to delete.

Limitations of Third Party Applications

Before we get into a detailed discussion of third party applications, let's answer a question. Since Instagram publishes an Application Programming Interface (API), which means people can write apps that interact directly with the Instagram service, why isn't there an instant method to just wipe all your likes in one fell swoop?

The answer is that it could be, but no one could start it. The problem is that Instagram doesn't mind if you use a third party app that uses its API to make some things more efficient, but it frowns on users automating their accounts entirely.

They want human users to perform human actions, not bots that run programs, and an app that simply deletes your likes (or anything else in your account) might not handle them correctly. Running an app that will delete all your likes right away is a great way to accidentally kick yourself out of the platform entirely.

So the apps we are about to discuss will allow you to get rid of your likes, but will require you to do so rather slowly (albeit automatically) so that Instagram doesn't flip your wig and ban you for using automation tools. The general consensus in the user community is that you can do about 300 dislikes per day without triggering the algorithms.

Third Party Apps to Remove Instagram Likes

The only way to effectively remove all your likes (or perform a number of other tasks on Instagram) is to use a third party app to manage your account.

Apart from deleting all likes in one go, these apps also offer other features that might be worth your attention. Basically, they are designed as social media management tools, so feel free to check them out.


FollowLike is a social media management tool that allows you to manage literally thousands of social media accounts. This is a must for a serious Instagram influencer or anyone who has multiple accounts.

FollowLike is a paid app; the single account version is $97 and works on both Windows (XP or higher) and Mac OS. FollowLike has a huge feature set; not liking messages is just one of the many things he can do.

Although the app will let you delete all your likes right away, this is a really terrible idea. Your Instagram account will be banned immediately.

Instead, you can create a custom dislike graph that allows you to feature multiple posts at a time over a longer period of time, allowing you to bypass Instagram's behavior monitoring algorithms, making it look like you're actually sitting at your computer for an extended period of time. 12 hours, hitting "not like" one post at a time.

You can let your schedule run on autopilot and take care of all your annoying needs in just a few days.

Cleaner for IG

Unlike FollowLike, Cleaner for IG (iOS only) is free in the basic package, and you can upgrade to the pro version for a small fee; there is also a cloud update. The app has a really nice user interface that makes it easy to use and navigate.

This allows you to distinguish Instagram posts in just a few clicks. On top of that, you can also block and unfollow users in bulk, very handy Instagram account management features.

Learn more