How to make viber group private

How to Keep Your Viber Chat Private [2022]

Most people worry about their privacy when using messaging apps like Viber, which is understandable considering no one really knows how the personal data they enter on these apps is used. Viber has over the years introduced a number of security options that are meant to protect your privacy while you use the app. Here, we will take a detailed look at these measures.

alt: viber

Part 1. Know Your Viber Privacy Settings

Viber has done something that is unique, they allow users to make their own decisions regarding their privacy. This means that as Viber user, you have a choice when it comes to your own personal data.

This can be done in the app’s settings where you can choose to adjust and control the various aspects of your privacy as you use the app. Just go to More > Settings > Privacy to find these features including hidden chats, personal data management options, message requests, trusted contacts and more.

Part 2. 7 Tricks to Protect Your Privacy on Viber

The following are some of the actions that you can take to further protect your privacy when using Viber;

Viber- Screen Lock on Desktop

This is a good thing to consider, particularly if the desktop computer is used by more than one person and you don’t want others to read your messages.

You have the option to set a password to lock Viber so no one else can read them. To do it, go to More > Set a Viber-Screen Lock.

Who can Add You to Group Chats?

You can also choose who can add you to group chats. This feature can prevent a situation where you find yourself a member of more groups than you can handle.

To use it, go to Settings > Privacy < Control Who can Add you to Groups

Hidden Chats

If you have messages that are extra-private and need an added layer of security, the hidden chats feature is an ideal solution. Once hidden, these messages can only be accessed using a PIN code and will be kept on a different section of the app.

To find this feature, go to Settings > Privacy > Hidden Chats

‘Online’ and ‘Read’ status settings

If you don’t want other users to know if you have read their messages or when you were last online, you can easily change this in the privacy settings.

To do it, go to Settings > Privacy and turn off “‘Online’ status / ‘Seen’ status”

Spam Checker

You can sometimes get messages that contain links, phone numbers and email address that may be harmful. You can use the spam checker on Viber for Desktop to protect yourself from these messages. The spam checker works by scanning messages from unsaved contacts and let you know if they are safe to open or not.

To enable it on Viber Desktop, go to More > Settings > Privacy and Security

On Android, go to Settings > Privacy > Auto Spam Check

This feature is not yet available for iOS

Disappearing Messages

This is the ultimate way to keep your messages private. Disappearing messages is a feature that allows you to set a period after which the messages will self-destruct. It can be after 10 seconds, 1 minute, 1 hour, or even 1 day and you cannot screenshot them. Once they disappear, they are gone for good.

Password Protection- Coming Soon

Your Viber account is protected by a 6-digit PIN code that you will need to enter when registering a new device on Viber. Once it is set, the only way you will be able to register a new device its by entering this PIN code, to ensure that you are only adding new devices to your account.

New Trendings

Learn How to Create Viber Groups for Business

A Viber Group is a great way to simultaneously keep multiple people updated about your products or services, promote discussion and allow you to build relationships quickly. If you want to find out how to create Viber Groups, stick around and we’ll show you!

What is Viber Group?

When Viber introduced Viber Groups in 2012 as a feature of its messaging app, Groups functioned like private chatrooms for multiple people. Initially, Viber Groups’ users primarily consisted of friends and families, but businesses caught on quickly.

What is Viber Group?

Businesses learned to use Viber Groups as a communication channel with their customers. Since Viber Group messages could be read by all participants, it was an efficient way to update customers or answer their questions simultaneously.

This effective method of messaging customers makes Viber Group a useful tool to have in today’s fast-paced world. Let’s take a look at all the advantages of Viber Groups.

Benefits of Viber Group

Viber Group has all the benefits you get from instant messaging, but with multiple people instead of just an individual. Instant messages are more likely to capture your audience’s attention as people read them 600% more often than email.

And because instant messages tend to be more conversational than email, it becomes easier to build trust and relationships with recipients. Casual conversations also encourage quicker feedback or responses.

Unlike phone calls, instant messages don’t require all parties to be present for a conversation. Instant messages are also searchable, which is useful when locating an old message. And if needed, you can still send voice messages or make calls in Viber Groups.

Benefits of Viber Group

As Viber Groups have no restrictions when it comes to content, you can create a group for any purpose. Viber Groups can also be created and accessed on both mobile and desktop app, making it convenient for anybody to use.

While Viber Groups are suitable for long-term use, they are also great for temporary activities where members don’t need to stay in touch after the purpose of the group is over.

For example, you can create groups to update your students or customers about a baking or yoga class, different sessions of a seminar and so on. But before you use Viber Groups for your business, there are some things that you need to know.

Limitations of Viber Groups

Because Viber Groups are only accessible using the Viber app, you won’t be able to use Viber Chatbots and third-party messaging platforms to chat on them.

Viber Groups also don’t show previously sent messages to newly added members, meaning you’ll need to update them if they’re unaware of the conversation.

Limitations of Viber Groups

There’s no support for member insights or message statistics, so you can’t track the performance of your messages if you need that information.

Lastly, Viber Groups have a maximum of 250 members, which makes them unsuitable for businesses that need to communicate with large numbers of customers. Instead, you can use Viber Communities or Channels if you have a large audience to connect with.

Viber Group, Community and Channel Differences

If you need to accommodate more users and want stricter controls over the conversation, you’ll need to look beyond Viber Groups. Viber Communities are like Groups but larger, with more moderation tools and visible chat histories.

On the other hand, Viber Channels are similar to Communities, except that communication is one-way. Only admins can send messages in Channels. This makes Channels more suitable for announcements than conversations.

Viber Groups work best for businesses with smaller audiences that don’t require all the bells and whistles that come with Communities or Channels. Next, let’s explore how Viber Groups can improve the way your business communicates with its customers.

Why Use Viber Groups

Viber Groups are an efficient way of communicating with your customers if Viber is popular in your region or the majority of your customers are already on the channel. This allows you to reach out to customers where they spend most of their time.

Broadcasts and groups allow you to mass message customers, with one main difference. Broadcasts are only meant for one-way conversations, while groups allow members to participate in discussions.

This is great for community bonding among members because they can interact and chat with one another. This especially benefits companies in social-oriented verticals like fitness or education.

Why you should use Viber Groups

Viber Groups enable you to answer commonly asked questions with a single message since everyone in the group can read your replies. For example, you can alert customers about new products and answer any questions they might have in the same group.

Viber Groups are free to use along with the Viber app itself. There are also no costs for messaging either as you’ll be sending messages from a personal Viber account instead of a business account.

This is helpful to know, especially when you’re a business that’s just starting out and don’t have a big budget to spend on messaging customers! Now you know the benefits of using a Viber Group, let’s learn how to create one.

How to Create Viber Group

Creating a Viber Group is a process that will be familiar to you if you’ve created groups on other chat apps in the past.

How to create a group in Viber

1. Tap the speech bubble icon.

2. Select New Group or Community.

3. Select the people to invite to your Group.

4. Tap the next arrow.

5. Name your group.

6. Tap the check mark.

You can begin chatting with the group members in your newly created group.

How to Invite People to Viber Groups

Now that we’ve created our group, it’s time to populate it with members. Here’s what you need to do to invite your contacts.

How to invite people to your Viber Group

1. Tap the menu button.

2. Select Add participants.

3. Select the contacts you want to add to the group or select Share group link to get a URL for sharing.

4. Tap the check mark.

The contacts you select will be added to the Viber Group. If you used the Share group link option instead, send the generated link to people you would like to invite to your group.

How to Manage Viber Groups

Admins are the only ones with the privileges to manage a Viber Group, so they can add or remove members from the group, clear chat content and delete the group itself. As it can be difficult to manage a group alone, appoint admins to help you out.

Adding Admins

Appointing a group member as an admin is a quick and easy process, but choose wisely when providing this level of access.

How to add admins to your Viber Group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Select the contact you wish to make an admin.

3. Select Add as admin.

It’s that simple; the next step will cover removing any appointed admins in your Viber Group.

Removing Admins

It’s wise to remove any ex-colleagues from a group to prevent unintended usage of the admin role.

How to remove admins from your Viber Group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Select the admin you wish to remove.

3. Select Remove as admin.

Lastly, we’ll cover how to clear chat content or delete a group.

Clear Chat Content or Leave and Delete the Group

If your Viber Group was created for a temporary occasion that has concluded, follow these steps to delete the group or its contents.

How to clear chat content or delete a group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Tap Clear chat content to erase the chat history of the group or Leave and delete to leave and delete the chat group.

3. Tap Clear or Leave and Delete in the pop-up menu to confirm your decision.

Now you have the information required to run a Viber Group, let’s wrap things up.


Viber Groups are a great way to build customer relationships and stay in touch with them, provided that you or your agents reply to messages in a timely manner.

However, if you’re dealing with a larger group of customers, consider using Viber Communities, which has chatbot support. With a chatbot, you can use a central messaging inbox like to handle your conversations.

When your Viber chatbot is connected to, you’ll gain features like automatically routing and assigning contacts, sending automated messages, internal collaborations with multiple agents and more.

Check out our blog post on Viber Communities for more details. Once you’re ready to connect your chatbot to, sign up for a free trial!

Further Reading

Finally, if you found this post helpful, here are some other articles you might be interested in.

  • Ultimate Guide to Viber for Business
  • Viber Sales: A Comprehensive Guide to Sales With Viber
  • Viber Support: Using Viber As a Customer Support Channel

How to create a closed group in Viber?

How to create a Viber group on phone and PC - step by step guide


  • 3 Creating a group in Viber on a computer
    • 3.1 How a group differs from a community in Viber
  • 4 Working with groups: how to create, find or delete a group in Viber
    • 4. 1 How to work with groups in Viber
    • 4.2 Creating groups and deleting groups
    • 4.3 Create a group in Viber:
    • 4.4 Create a group for PC version:
    • 4.5 Delete chat from PC and mobile phone
  • 5 How to create a closed group in Viber?
  • 6 How to create a private viber group?
  • 7 Groups in viber: adding members, blocking, background
  • 8 What groups are there in viber, how to communicate in them, rules, features, settings
  • 9 How to create a group in viber step by step on a phone, pc, tablet
  • 10 How to name and rename a group in viber - cool, for girls, boys and others
  • 11 How to invite a person to a group in viber
    • 11.1 How to add a person's contact to a group in viber
    • 11.2 How to join a group in viber, including a closed group
    • 11.3 How to join a closed group in viber
  • in a viber group
  • 13 How to turn off notifications in a group in viber
  • 14 How to leave a group in viber, including quietly, remove a person from your community and pc
  • 16 How to change the administrator in your group in viber
  • 17 How to become the administrator of a group in viber
  • 18 How to restore a group in viber after reinstalling or deleting
  • 19 How to unlock a group in viber
  • 20 How to copy a group in viber, clear it chat correspondence, transfer to a new phone
  • 21 How to pin a message in a viber group, see the number of participants, restrictions
  • 22 How to increase and promote a group in viber, business community 9Viber messenger , also called “Viber” in the circles of its users, or even more simply “Viber”, is one of the three most popular instant messengers in the Russian Federation. The application, available for installation both on a phone and on a personal computer, provides free communication via text messages and VoIP calls. In addition, Viber makes it possible to create a separate group or a whole community of people for collective communication, the creation of which will be discussed in this article.

    Creating a group in Viber on the phone

    So, in this section, we will step by step analyze the creation of a Viber user group with the process of adding a new interlocutor to the general chat. To do this, you need to follow a series of simple steps, described below.

    • Launch the messenger on your mobile device and click on the message icon in the lower right corner of the application window.
    • Select the corresponding menu item "New Group".
    • Add users to from the contact list and click the checkmark in the upper right corner of the application window.

    After completing the described steps, a group chat will be created, as evidenced by a message about its security.

    To fully configure the group and add a new member to it, click on the icon with three dots in the upper right corner of the application window.

    Next, in the menu that appears, select the "Information" item.

    In the newly opened section, full tools for setting up the created group will be available, this is the ability to give it the desired name, control the sound when receiving messages, add a new member, add an additional chat administrator, etc.

    Creating a group in Viber on a computer

    Creating a group chat on a computer or laptop is also not difficult. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • Open the Viber application, click on the "Conversation" tab and select the new conversation item in the menu that appears. To speed up the process of creating a new group, the application provides a combination of hot keys "Ctrl + N".
    • Add chat participants from the contact list and give the group a name.
    • Having formed a group, click on the "Start Chat" button.

    This completes the creation of a collective chat in the computer version of Viber. As you can see, the process is not difficult and takes a minimum of time.

    How a group differs from a community in Viber

    When creating a group, you probably noticed an additional menu item "Create Community". Therefore, for complete clarity, let's figure out what is the difference between a group and a community and whether they are critical.

    Firstly, groups in Viber can accommodate a maximum of 250 people, when as a community there are no size restrictions.

    Secondly, cantata data (phone number) of community members are available only if they are present in your phone book contact list.

    Thirdly, the community administrator has more opportunities than the administrator of any group.

    Fourthly, the community allows you to view the entire history of correspondence, while the group is limited in this functionality.

    Working with groups: how to create, find or delete a group in Viber

    How to work with groups in Viber

    There are several ways to create a group in Viber. Groups are such dialogues where several people can communicate at once, or even several dozen. To create a group, you can tap on the dialog box with the user and start a conversation. Then go to the "Conversations" section and click on the "add participants" item, ticking those whom you want to see in the general chat. After that, you should click "ready" and you can start a conversation.

    The second way is to create a community right away. To do this, go to the section where your contacts are visible and find the icon with three men and a + sign at the bottom. After selecting all the necessary participants, you must click "ready" and the group will be displayed in the list of your conversations.

    Creating and deleting groups

    If you use the PC version of Viber, you can also create a group through the communication window. To do this, in a dialogue with one of the users, click on the icon of a little man with a plus sign and start entering the name of the friend you want to add to the group. This procedure must be done with all contacts that should be in the community, and at the end press the button " Done ".

    To delete a chat, open the same conversation window, then hold and hold the dialogue with the group until the trash can icon appears at the bottom. Click on the trash and confirm the deletion - this option is included to protect against accidental clicks. After confirming the deletion, the group will disappear, and all correspondence will also be deleted, unless you copied it earlier.

    To delete a group using the PC version, also go to the section with communications, right-click on the dialog and in the drop-down menu, click on the line that appears " Leaveand Delete ". Click the Leave button and the community itself is removed without leaving any traces.

    Create a group in Viber:

    • At the bottom you will see an icon - a schematic representation of several people. You need to click on it;
    • Select those users who should be present in the chat by ticking them or simply adding them by clicking ;

    • After you have marked all the necessary participants, in the upper right corner you must click the "ready" button;
    • If suddenly you added an extra user to the chat - just hold the icon and its image and drag it to the top - the user will be excluded from the group.

    • Open a dialogue with any user you plan to invite to chat;
    • At the top you will see a detail or gear icon - click on it;
    • The menu will open for you. In it, you must select the section "Add users";
    • Mark who you want to see in the chat;
    • Press done and enjoy chatting.

    Create a group for PC version:

    • Follow step 1 of the previous instruction;
    • At the top, instead of a gear, there will be an image of a man with a plus sign;
    • Tap on the little man icon and start typing the name of the user you want to add to the chat;
    • Check off all the necessary interlocutors and click " create ";
    • Keep adding contacts until you have all the people you need.

    Deleting a chat from a PC and a mobile phone

    Deleting an active group in the Viber application on both mobile phones and computers is very similar. In both cases, find and hold the dialog icon until a pop-up menu appears on the screen. In the case of a mobile phone, a basket icon will appear at the bottom of the screen, where you will need to drag the dialog. On the PC version, there will be a "Leaveand Delete" option that will delete the group.

    How to create a closed group in Viber?

    The developers of the Viber messenger have implemented an extremely convenient group chat system. The number of participants can reach 250 people. All functions that are available in regular tête-à-tête correspondence are also present in communities.

    How to create a closed group in viber?

    Open the messenger, go to the chat section.

    Next, click on the "Message" icon to create a new community.

    Activate the "New Group" function.

    After selection, confirm the action.

    Now the task is to invite. Since ordinary users cannot join. We send an invitation to a closed group.

    Click the icon located in the upper right corner of the program interface.

    There will be two methods of invite to choose from :

    1. Creation of a special invite link, when activated, the user will automatically become a new member.
    2. Adding users through the contact list.

    Consider the option with an invite link :

    1. We send it via Viber, contact.
    2. Copying. Thus, you can send the link in different ways to the recipient (SMS, other instant messengers, email, and so on).
    3. Tell about the community.
    4. Disable link. Thus, the link is no longer relevant, and it will not work. Only the administrator has the right to create, disable it.

    It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity as soon as the administrator decides who to invite. Therefore, this is a great option for communicating with people who do not want general data to be seen by unwanted users of the Viber program.

    It is always possible to make the community open, if you wish (Using the function under the third paragraph, everyone who sees this message will be able to become new members.)

    Viber groups: adding members, blocking, background

    Hello! Many users like to communicate with large companies of interest, discussing certain interesting points. When registering in Viber, they do not just write to their friends, but create a group, think about how beautiful to call it, put a background and an avatar, and then take everyone into a conversation. Nevertheless, discussing a novelty in the world of equestrian sports, for example, is much more interesting in a large and noisy company.

    What groups are there in Viber, how to communicate in them, rules, features, settings

    To begin with, let's talk about why a viber group is needed at all and what this term means. In fact, the community is the same dialogue, but more people participate in it. In this case, communication follows the same principle: you type a message in a special window, and it is displayed in the entire chat. To view the history of correspondence, just rewind up.

    In the community you can:

    • Communicate with other people.
    • Put "hearts" to evaluate certain statements.
    • Moderate chat by deleting other people's statements (if you are an admin).
    • Add and remove members.

    Every group has its own rules. And if you do not comply with them, the administrator has every right to simply kick you - throw you out of the general dialogue - or stir up - forbid writing anything.

    There are thousands of variations of the rules of conduct, because each owner may have his own ideas about good manners.

    However, the general pattern usually looks like this:

    • Don't swear.
    • Do not insult other chat participants.
    • Do not demand attention.
    • Be polite and correct.
    • Do not flood or spam.

    The community itself can be configured: set administrators and moderators, an avatar and background, configure privacy, and even enable or disable notifications. How to do this, we will tell a little later in the following subheadings.

    Finally, here is a list of the most interesting and popular communities for you:

    • The place of aquarium fish lovers is fishes.
    • Information about cultural events in Russia - cultrf.
    • Reviews of the newest and most interesting films - kinomania.
    • List of good vacancies for young professionals - antirabstvo.
    • Simple and complex recipes for every taste - cooklike.

    How to create a viber group step by step on phone, pc, tablet

    If you want to create your own group chat, follow our instructions. If you are more comfortable with an interactive format for presenting information, then watch the video. It shows the same algorithm.

    Do the following (on a smartphone or iPhone):

    • Go to the dialogs.
    • Click the Groups tab.
    • Click on "create new".
    • By clicking on the contacts below, add the necessary users to the community.
    • Click on the "Finish" button.

    On the computer, the algorithm is as follows:

    • Start a dialogue with some person.
    • Click "Add" in the top right corner.
    • Throw other users there.

    After that, you can set up the community, give it a name or an avatar.

    How to name and rename a group in viber - cool, for girls, boys and others

    First of all, any chat needs to be given a name. Otherwise, you can easily get lost among all these "new 1-2-3" - the name that is given to the chat after creation. To do this is quite simple. Having entered the desired dialog, simply move the screen to the left.

    Click on the current name and enter a new one. After that, save all changes.

    If you don't know how to call a community cool, we have prepared some funny and interesting options for you.

    • Cool friends.
    • Crazy pranksters.
    • Cool guys.
    • Car enthusiasts.
    • Travel and sports.
    • Strength and power.
    • Best news.
    • Girls.
    • 10 best tracks.

    How to invite a person to a group in viber

    If you do not have enough communication and want to subscribe your friends to the community, then just add them. Add a person to the chat can absolutely anyone who is a member of it.

    Just click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen while in a group chat and click on "add". Select the people you want to send the link to from your contact list.

    How to add a person's contact to a group in viber

    Using the above method, you can connect anyone who is registered in the messenger and is in your contact list. However, sometimes you may need to organize a community of those who are not registered in the messenger.

    Just send him a link to the chat through any other means of communication. How to do it, we will tell you a little later.

    How to join a group in viber, including a closed one

    If you found out that your friends have created their own chat, you probably already wanted to enter it. But in order for you to do so, they must send an invitation. Just click on it and you will be automatically added to the general chat.

    There is another way to enter an existing community. Go to the messenger and go to "Public Accounts". Enter the name of the group in the search box at the top. After that, click on the plus sign opposite the desired chat.

    How to join a closed group in viber

    To join a closed community, you will have to use a slightly different algorithm. If we are talking about a regular, and not a public account, you will not be able to get there until you receive the above invitation.

    But to get into the public community, use the algorithm described above. Find a chat in the search and apply to join. After that, wait a bit until you are approved. After that, you will receive a notification on your phone.

    How to make a link to a group in viber, photos and pictures, background

    If you don't want to add all the people manually, and your phone book is full of phone numbers, start using links. To get started, just create it - click on "Add" in the upper right corner of the chat and click on "Send Link". After that, select the people you want from the list.

    To add an avatar picture to a conversation, simply move the screen to the left, as we already said. Click on the current image and select a new one on your device. In the same place, put a beautiful background for the chat.

    How many people can be in a viber group

    Many people are interested in what is the maximum number of people in a public. Such restrictions do not exist everywhere. In the same VKontakte, millions can be in one community.

    But everything is different in the messenger. No more than 250 people can be added here at the same time.

    How to turn off notifications in a group in viber

    If you don't want to constantly read your family conversation, but it would be somehow not polite to leave it, then you can simply turn off notifications. That is, you do not have to read anything, the phone will not constantly beep, but at the same time, no one will ever know about it.

    • Go to the community menu.
    • Click on "Mute".

    Then just close the program.

    How to leave a group in Viber, including discreetly, remove a person from your community

    If there are no friends left in the conference, the discussions are not on a given topic, then the best way out of this situation is to simply unsubscribe. In any case, you will not succeed in teaching others and trying to make them behave differently - you will simply be kicked out.

    To leave the community, just go to its menu and click on the appropriate button. Of course, in the future you will be able to return here again, unless you get banned.

    Alas, but it is impossible to do it imperceptibly. A message will appear on the screen for the rest of the chat participants stating that you have left.

    On the other hand, if you don't want to leave yourself, but to remove the others, do the following:

    • Go to the list of participants.
    • Click on the desired person.
    • Click on "delete".

    How to forbid adding to a group in viber, close groups on the phone and PC

    Alas, you cannot prohibit adding other users either on an android, or on an iPhone or computer. Therefore, if you do not want your chat to turn into a garbage dump, do not allow unreliable people to sit there and do not send out invitations left and right.

    And you can't make a community hidden or closed either. If you decide to chat, remember that it will be public for all its participants. And this feature is also not available on any of the platforms.

    How to change the administrator in your viber group

    To change the administrator, you must be the direct owner of the group. Also go to the group menu and click on "Add" opposite the inscription "Admins".

    To permanently change the old manager, click on its icon and remove it from the moderators group. If he abused his rights, was rude and cursed at everyone, then you can immediately remove him from the community.

    How to become an administrator of a group in viber

    If you yourself dream of becoming an administrator, then ask the creator of the conference about this opportunity. If we are talking about the dialogue of relatives, then you will certainly be allowed to become a local manager right there.

    But with large public communities, things are not so simple. It is not customary to give such rights to just anyone. However, you can show yourself as an active and inquisitive user. Be polite, show your willingness to work for the benefit of people. And then maybe you'll be lucky!

    How to restore a viber group after reinstallation or deletion

    Many users are faced with the following problem: after you simply relinked the messenger to another device, you no longer have access to absolutely all groups. But - alas - it is no longer possible to return them and read the old correspondence.

    To avoid disaster, always appoint additional admins and put your second pages there. Dialogue with technical support will not lead to anything.

    How to unlock a group in viber

    Since it is impossible to block a group in viber, it is also impossible to remove an impromptu lock from it. If someone asks you to open a group, say that it is already open to everyone.

    The community can only be unavailable to those you choose to permanently block from your contact list. But at the same time, someone else can invite a banned person.

    How to copy a group in viber, clear chat correspondence, transfer to a new phone

    We have already talked about how to save your conversation. You can copy any correspondence history to cloud storage, to your iPhone or computer. But it doesn't work that way with communities.

    As soon as you decide to rebind the device by transferring the program to another smartphone, you will lose access to absolutely all group dialogs.

    Therefore, do not be afraid to delete them - the history will not be saved anyway. To do this, simply click on the three dots in the upper right corner and click on "Clear Chat". But the information will be deleted only from you.

    How to pin a message in a viber group, see the number of participants, limits

    To pin a message, just use our algorithm.

    Do the following step by step:

    • Hold your finger on the desired SMS.
    • Wait until the desired menu appears.
    • Click on "pin".

    To view the list of members and make sure that your parents, for example, are not there, simply click on the name of the community at the very top. There you can see all the necessary information.

    There are practically no restrictions on the creation and operation of a community - only on the number of people. You can create whatever you want.

    How to increase and promote a group in viber, business community

    If you want to become the owner of a popular public and gain a large audience, first invite all your friends and colleagues to it. Explain that you want to start leading your community.

    After that, leave links to the chat in all thematic communities. But do not spam, but explain why it is really interesting to read you. And, if you succeed, you can make your own small business out of it!

    Why can't I see messages in viber in a group

    Sometimes, being in a dialogue, you don't see messages from other users. They can write a bunch of messages, but you won't even see it.

    Unfortunately, this is a known bug with no solution. Just if you suspect that the group chat has stopped updating, just restart the application. This should help anyway!

    Why groups disappeared after viber reinstallation

    If you have a problem like “reinstalled the application and no other group works”, know that this is normal. Unfortunately, even official technical support does not recognize whether this is a bug or everything is so conceived.

    As we already said, access to groups disappears after any new installation. This will have to be dealt with.

    Other errors when creating a group in viber - an overview

    If you are unable to create a community on a tablet or any other device, make sure you follow all the steps correctly and according to the algorithm. The error may mean that one person from the contact list forbade him to be added to the conference.

    Also, you will not be able to invite a person if he added you to the blacklist.

    If you want to chat with a large group of people at once, discussing many interesting points, then create a group. This is much more convenient than writing something for each separately.

    • We can all talk together.
    • This is a meeting of interests.
    • Messenger provides great functionality.
    • What you write there will be seen by everyone.
    • An evil administrator can start kicking everyone.


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    How to create a closed group in Viber

    How to make a closed group in Viber?

    At the moment, full communication of all participants can only be in closed groups of the Viber application. You can add participants to them when creating from your phone book, or at the invitation of one of the participants: a link comes in the message, when you click on it, you get into a private chat. When added to a closed group, a member receives a welcome message. To see information about the group and the chat itself, in which it is now a member, you need to go to the "Chat" tab, select the "Groups" subsection and look.

    The number of participants in a closed chat, unlike an open one, is limited and one group cannot contain more than 199 people. But this is usually enough, because closed groups are created for communication of close people or colleagues, that is, for personal communication, hidden from prying eyes.

    How else do closed chats differ from open ones? It's just that in the search you can find only public - public groups, and closed communities that you are not a member of are almost impossible to find.

    When creating a group chat, you must proceed from the goals: if you need to discuss, especially personal topics of family or work, then you need a private chat, and if you distribute public information and it is not important for you to receive a response from the public, then public is what you need in this situation.

    How to close a group from strangers?

    The Viber application allows you to create open and closed communities of people.

    If necessary, you can close an open group in the program. But it is worth considering that in this case all data will be lost: messages, attachments. Therefore, it is necessary to upload all the information to removable media before that.

    Step-by-step instructions for closing a group:

    • Launch the official Viber application on your smartphone.

    • Go to the tab with a list of all conversations.

    • Select the public community you want to keep private.

    • Click on the three vertical dots to open chat options.

    • Select the group chat information section.

    • Go to the "Send a link to the group" option

    • You must choose that there is one administrator and only he can invite to the group chat. In the invite link, change the parameters so that it becomes inaccessible to users and search.
    • To do this, activate the "Disable link" function.
    • Confirm saving all recent changes.

    How do I open or delete a private group?

    It is impossible to open a group, only delete a closed one and create a public one, since open groups are currently not fully functional: only administrators can send messages.

    But you can delete a group chat from both a mobile device and a personal computer.

    In the first case, you need:

    • Open the program on your smartphone
    • Go to the chat section in the application
    • Select the group chat you want to delete
    • Press and hold on the chat area to highlight
    • A trash can icon will appear below: to delete, you need to click on it and confirm your decision

    Or even easier:

    • Open the Viber application
    • Go to the Chats tab
    • to the group dialog
    • Click on the three vertical lines or dots to call up additional options
    • Click on the "Exit and delete" button

    There will be no special difficulties with the computer either:

    • Open the Viber software
    • Find the necessary private chat
    • Right-click to call options
    • Confirm the manipulation

    Leave and delete".

    Please note that deleting all correspondence and attachments will be irretrievably lost.

    How to create a group in Viber. Group settings, how to invite members

    In Viber, you can chat with friends and acquaintances, send photos, videos. The option will appeal to sociable people who like to have discussions in a large company. Today we will figure out how to create a group in Viber, how to set it up, how to invite new members or delete them.

    Viber group - what is it?

    Group communication is available free of charge. You can create it using your phone and PC. First, Viber needs to be installed on a mobile device or computer. You can create a group chat in a few minutes using the messenger settings. To communicate, you need to invite interlocutors.

    Why you need to create groups in Viber

    The option to create groups in Viber is available for free. With the help of online communication, you can discuss the joint purchase of a gift for the director at work, agree with classmates about going to the cinema, choose a place for a hiking trip. All participants can write messages, send photos and videos.

    A new group can be created free of charge. To do this, you do not need to install any special version of Viber or have certain skills. All settings are available in the menu. It will take no more than 5 minutes of free time to create a joint chat.

    How to create

    You can start group communication on your phone and computer. In both cases, you will need the latest version of the messenger and a network connection.

    Important. Communication is available regardless of the brand of mobile phone and its operating system. You can leave the community through the Viber menu.

    On a smartphone

    The action does not differ from the brand of the phone and is performed in the same way on Android and iPhone.

    How to make a new group in Viber:

    1. Connect your device to the Internet and launch the messenger.
    2. Click on the icon to create a new chat.
    3. In the window that opens, select New Group.
    4. In the window that opens, mark the contacts you want to add to the chat.
    5. Confirm the action by clicking on the checkbox.

    After confirmation, a window will automatically open where you can start chatting. All added subscribers will receive a notification about joining a new group.

    Important. A total of at least 2 and a maximum of 249 participants can be added. You can select subscribers from the contact list, which is automatically synchronized with the phone book.

    On a computer

    The developers have provided the ability to create group chats in Viber for a computer. The installed and activated version of the messenger is automatically synchronized with the phone book of the smartphone. An internet connection is required to create a community. The option is available for free.

    How to create a new group in Viber on a personal computer or laptop. Walkthrough:

    1. Launch the application.
    2. Select a friend from your contact list.
    3. Click the "Add Members" button.
    4. Select participants from the list that appears.

    Immediately after creation, all subscribers will receive a notification.

    You can also create a chat in Windows in another way:

    1. Click on the "Conversation" button, click on the "New Conversation" line.
    2. Select participants from the list that opens.
    3. Confirm the action.

    There are two ways to create your own group on your computer. The chat will appear in the mobile version automatically. Messages will be sent to all subscribers. For communication, you can use both a mobile phone and a computer. You can delete or leave a group using the settings on your smartphone.

    Additional settings

    Chat owner can name it, set a picture, set up sound alerts.

    How to set up a group chat in Viber on your phone:

    1. Click on the settings button and select the "Information" line.
    2. In the window that opens, you can set a name, change the background image, and set an avatar.
    3. After making changes, saving is not required. The avatar can be selected from the device gallery.

    In the settings, you can change the number of participants, set up notifications, and create an invitation link in Viber.

    Deleting members

    Creating a Viber group is easy. The developers tried to simplify the settings and made a convenient menu. The owner can add users and remove them. This does not require the permission of the member being removed.

    1. Press the settings button.
    2. Select the "Information" line.
    3. Scroll through the list to the "Participants" block. Select a user.
    4. In the window that opens, click on the "Remove from chat" option.

    Important. The subscriber will not be removed from the contact list. He will not be able to write messages and read correspondence.

    How to invite members

    Now you know how to create a community. It is equally important to know how to invite new members.

    Users can be added using:

    • phonebook;
    • invite links.

    Invitation using the caller list requires constant participation and the saving of user data in the phone book.

    You can create a link so that members can be added to the group themselves. It can be placed on a thematic forum or group.

    Inviting new users through the list of subscribers

    You can create a list of participants not only at the moment of creating a chat. You can add a user at any time. To do this, use a special button in the correspondence window. The newly added subscriber will not see the correspondence that was conducted before his entry.

    How to invite a person in Viber:

    1. Click on the plus sign.
    2. Select a contact from the list that opens.
    3. Confirm the action by clicking on the checkmark.

    Important. All marked people are added instantly and receive a corresponding notification.

    Using an invite link

    You can create a closed group in Viber in a few minutes. You can create a link to add users without going to your contact list. When you click on the link, the Viber subscriber automatically becomes a member.

    How to create a link:

    1. Click on the Information button.
    2. In the menu, find the line "Send a link to the group", click on it.
    3. Viber will automatically create a link.
    4. It can be copied and placed on any resource or sent to Viber users.
    5. To join the group, follow the link.

    Important. You can disable a link at any time. If there are already 249 people, then joining will be suspended.

    How a group chat differs from a community

    Any user can perform such an action as creating a group or community on Viber. Their capabilities are similar, but the community has some differences:

    • the ability to view statistics in the community;
    • the group is limited to 249 people, the community has no such restrictions;
    • you can invite to the community only by the link, in the chat you can add users through the contact list;
    • in a group chat, each member can write messages; in a community, subscribers cannot send SMS.

    A simple step on how to create a group in Viber takes a few minutes. It can be done via mobile phone and computer. The owner can set a background image, change the background, appoint an administrator, invite new users.

    How to create a closed group in Viber?

    The developers of the Viber messenger have implemented an extremely convenient group chat system. The number of participants can reach 250 people. All functions that are available in regular tête-à-tête correspondence are also present in communities.

    How to create a private viber group?

    Open the messenger, go to the chat section.

    Next, click on the "Message" icon to create a new community.

    Activate the "New Group" function.

    After selection, confirm the action.

    Now the task is to invite. Since ordinary users cannot join. We send an invitation to a closed group.

    Click the icon located in the upper right corner of the program interface.

    There will be two methods of invite to choose from :

    1. Creation of a special invite link, when activated, the user will automatically become a new member.
    2. Adding users through the contact list.

    Consider the option with an invite link :

    1. We send it via Viber, contact.
    2. Copying. Thus, you can send the link in different ways to the recipient (SMS, other instant messengers, email, and so on).
    3. Talk about the community.
    4. Disable link. Thus, the link is no longer relevant, and it will not work. Only the administrator has the right to create, disable it.

    It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity as soon as the administrator decides who to invite. Therefore, this is a great option for communicating with people who do not want general data to be seen by unwanted users of the Viber program.

    It is always possible to make the community open, if desired (Using the function under the third paragraph, everyone who sees this message will be able to become new members.)

    How to close a group in Viber

    Group chats that you create in the messenger are by default are closed. That is, none of the outsiders will be able to join it without your knowledge. They can only be entered by a special link, access to which only administrators have. This means that the answer to the question " How to make a group in Viber private? » simply not, because there is no problem. If you want people to lose the opportunity to join your conversation using the invitation link that you or other chat administrators distributed via messenger and social networks, then you just need to use the instructions below.

    Learn more