How to add subscribers on facebook

How to Turn on the Subscribe Button on Your Facebook Business Page

By: Amy Porterfield and Phyllis Khare and Andrea Vahl and

Updated: 03-26-2016

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You need to understand some important points about the Subscribe system to market with Facebook, which can be very confusing at first. The word subscribe is the word that Facebook uses to explain a connection. You and your Friends are subscribed to one another. You’re still called Friends, but the function is being subscribed.

After you go through the process of turning on your Subscribe button, you won’t be able to see the Subscribe button on your Timeline. This aspect is the most frustrating part of teaching people how to turn on the button! The button is there; you just can’t see it if you’re logged in as yourself.

The easiest way to turn on your Subscribe button is to go to and click the big green Allow Subscribers button.

Another way to turn on your Subscribe button is to follow these steps:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow at the top-right of any Facebook page and click Account Settings.

  2. In the left sidebar, click Subscribers.

    Now you are on a page with several sections. The top section is called Allow Subscribers.

  3. Select the check box to allow subscribers.

No matter how you turn on your Subscribe button, you need to continue the process and edit your settings for comments and notifications. Here are a few interesting points about the Subscribe button:

  • When subscribers click your Subscribe button, they can choose which types of your public updates they get: Life Events, Status Updates, Photos, Games, Comments and Likes, Music and Videos, and Other Activity.

  • Only people who allow subscribers have a Subscribe button on their Profiles. If you don’t see the button on a person’s personal Timeline, you can’t subscribe to his updates without being his Friend. You see the Add Friend button instead. Sometimes, you see two buttons: Add Friend and Subscribed. When both buttons appear, you know that you’ve subscribed to this person’s Public updates, and can make a Friend request.

How do people subscribe to your updates? After you allow subscribers, a Subscribe button shows up on your Profile. Someone would need to visit your Timeline to click the Subscribe button, or click the Subscribe button if your Profile shows up in the ticker, or if Facebook decides to suggest you in the right column above the ads the Subscribe button is there, too.

Facebook might change these ways, or add to them in the future. Facebook has also created a nice interface where you can see all the people who have turned on their Subscribe button.

Subscribers can see only the things on your personal Profile that you share publicly.

Avoid heavy sales-type marketing techniques in your Public posts. Even though the subscribe system is like having an opt-in newsletter, you still need to remember that Facebook is a social platform.

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10 Ways to Increase Facebook Subscribers and Followers

Have you ever wondered how to increase Facebook subscribers and followers? If yes, then hang out with us for a while.

While some may think that keeping a tab on the number of your followers on Facebook is not very useful, others may disagree.

Even though increasing followers might seem futile at times, it is not. Your followers could help you understand the number of people your brand’s messages are reaching to. In turn, impacting the amount of converts driven by your brand.

Followers on Facebook are the individuals who have decided to “follow” you on Facebook so that they can know about your posting activities actively.

Subscribers are also similar but the catch is that subscribers can only be gained for the accounts that allow subscribers. Subscribing also ensures all the updates of the account reach you from time to time.

The road to more followers is not free of twists and turns. While there might be a plethora of claimed ways to help the cause, only a few prove to be useful.

So hop on as we tell you 10 best ways to increase your Facebook followers.

1. Facebook Ads are Your Ally

Running ads to promote your brand is such a classic yet effective move. If you wish to be easily discoverable to your target audience, then consider running Facebook Ads.

You can create ads that drive the most engagement to see a surge in your brand’s visibility on Facebook.

Since the main idea is to bring in traffic of people onto your page to increase follower base, use content in the form of carousel ads or video ads.

It was found that carousel ads drive ten times more traffic than image ads within the meagre period of three months.

Brilliant, isn’t it?

Another research found that about 47% of the viewers watch video ads mainly on Facebook.

Preferring these two formats of Facebook Ads can garner more attention to your ad and help increase your followers.

Subsequently, this can also aid in driving conversions. The main idea behind this is – whenever an individual likes the content of your ad, they will probably want to engage with your Facebook page.

Not only can you witness a surge in followers through this, but you also get more likes. If your goal is to drive sales, running a conversion ad can prove effective.

2. Send an Invite to Get Followers

Another effective means of driving Facebook followers is by inviting people to drop a like on your brand’s page.

To begin with, you can invite your family and friends to like your page. As your brand’s Facebook Ad rolls out, Facebook itself will invite people to like your page.

Facebook would simply do this by dropping a notification to the people who see the ad. Typically, if your ad is meant to drive higher engagement, the chances of people following your page would become higher as well.

But beware when you send invites on your own. If you end up sending too many invites in a limited time frame, Facebook might temporarily block your account.

In case your account is blocked temporarily, Facebook would still show notifications asking you to invite more people. Yet, you could not act on this notification as invite sending would be disabled for some time.

You may have to sit this out for a couple of days before you can send more invites.

In a way, the idea of setting a target follower base is essential here. You must understand who will be interested in your page and who is more likely to become a follower. Based on that, send an invite.

3. Start a Giveaway Contest

Starting giveaways is a good way to get noticed by your target audience base. If you run a giveaway contest, you can easily promote your Facebook page.

This prospect would attract numerous people as they would want to participate to win the goodies. Giveaways hold the key to bringing quick interactions.

As more people interact with the content you post, a higher proportion of people will have your Facebook page show up in their news feed. Subsequently, higher visibility can drive higher engagement.

If you are not sure how to run a contest on Facebook, use a tool. Using such tools, you can readily find templates for contests.

Make sure you also use the option of “refer a friend” to get even greater engagement. If you attach some perks with that option, then your chances of success might just multiply manifolds.

4. Virality is the Key

The norm is that people like what is trending. Creating virality through your content can become a sizable source of attaining more followers and likes on your Facebook page.

At times, sharing memes, funny content, videos and relatable content can help in creating virality.

If something is highly relatable or funny, people might feel inclined to tag their friends in the post, leading to a multiplication of viewers who see it and people who like.

These people might then also become your page’s followers, depending upon their perception of the quality of the content.

Remember, the content that evokes emotions goes viral. You just need to tap into the mentality of your target audience and let out your inner creativity.

5. Prompt Partners to Tag Your Posts

The visibility of your page may rely heavily on how much the content is being shared around. While shares of the content, along with reposts, might help increase the followers on your page, you can also ask the brand partners to tag your page in their posts.

If they also mention your product or service within their content, that can also be helpful. It is better to target partners that have a big enough follower base. Since your partners would likely have an audience similar to your target audience, you can salvage this quite well.

You can also prompt your loyal customers to tag you within their posts featuring your product.

6. Up Your Posting Frequency

How often you post content on your page ensures its relevance to those who already follow or might follow your page.

The pages that do not host a good quantity of content face the risk of becoming outdated. Since nothing is keeping the people on the page, they might just end up unfollowing.

But there is a fine line between posting too frequently and posting just the right number of times. If you post too much content in a short span of time, you would likely run out of quality content to post.

It was also found that pages with less than 10,000 followers might experience a 50% drop in engagement on a post if they posted more than once a day.

While the maximum number should stand at 7 posts per week, the minimum number should be 3 posts per week. But do not post all these 3 posts in 3 consecutive days or successively. Space the time of the posting correctly.

Opting for a social media publishing tool is also a great way to make your life easy. While typically, people manually publish content on their Facebook Page. Even though this practice is commonplace, it is quite time-consuming.

If you opt for a publishing tool, you can simply schedule the date and time of posting, and your post will go live automatically.

7. Show Them Variety

If you are posting the same type of content all the time, then following your page can get monotonous for your followers. This can drive them away.

While relatability in content is essential, diversity is equally important. The more variety your content produces, the better chances you have of attracting more followers and increasing the reach of your Facebook page.

While that is surely an exciting and innovative way of doing things, you can also go for the content formats that typically get more traction on social media.

For instance, video content is generally well-received. At times, the prior engagement on content drives further engagement. Your content marketing strategy should be high on point.

8. Make Your Content Shareable

Most people who come across something they find evocative enough want to share it with their friends and family.

If your content does not have a share button, people would likely find that odd. This can negatively impact your follower’s base.

Shareable content can act as an avenue to get more followers on your page as it inflates your reach. While the want to share or the lack thereof would depend highly on the quality of the targeted audience. The quality of content also plays a crucial role.

You should not only focus on discussing topics that your target audience finds interesting, but also make it shareable so that they can put it across others.

9. Increase the Target Audience Interaction

If your page is still taking the initial steps of follower growth, it is good to interact with your audience to show them that you notice them.

Most social media users like to be noticed. You can engage them with your brand by replying to their comments or answering their messages.

This interaction should be consistent as it holds the key to boosting your brand’s engagement. If you forge good relations with your followers, you can also see brand loyalty budding.

10. Start Your Facebook Page Promotion

There are millions of brands out there, and many of them have Facebook pages. A number of them might be doing well on Facebook as far as followers and engagement are concerned.

But it was not always like this; these pages might have been promoted in the initial phase.

You can always work on promoting your Facebook page, here is what you should do:

  • Get a Facebook plugin for your official website.
  • Include CTA to your Facebook page wherever you can.
  • Host giveaways on Facebook, yet promote it on other platforms as well.

If your presence is more extensive on one social media platform as compared to another, salvage that to promote your Facebook page.

In Sum

If you get these 10 tips straight, your follower base on Facebook might just see a stupendous hike.

While some may say you can buy Facebook followers or subscribers, and even though this prospect seems like a good one, it is not.

Buying fake likes and fake followers can damage your brand in the long run.While it is legal, and Facebook would not ban you, it is still a bad move.

And for those of you who wish to be the creme de la creme of Facebook and other social media platforms, go for SocialPilot, for a comprehensive social media management solution.

Don’t think twice before you put the tool to the test.

How to gain followers on Facebook?


  • Benefits of Facebook page promotion
  • Ways to increase your Facebook followers
  • Use hashtags
  • Interact with your audience
  • Create attention-grabbing content
  • Use mutual PR
  • Create viral content
  • Run Facebook Ads
  • Try Facebook Live
  • Place social media links on your website
  • Create video content
  • Use email newsletters
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Submit your application

Facebook is a proven marketing platform for business promotion. Here you can communicate and establish business contacts, increase brand awareness. In addition, every year the developers expand the range of opportunities for promoting and developing the brand image.

Benefits of promoting a page on Facebook

Any brand needs promotion on Facebook, because here everyone will find their target consumer. Despite the fact that the competition on Facebook is great, promotion in this social network has a number of undeniable advantages: A positive brand image is created through the selection of content, unique design and competent communication with the audience.

  • Constant contact with the audience . Facebook makes it very easy to quickly respond to user comments, which increases their brand loyalty.
  • Wide audience reach . The company's Facebook channel reaches more users than traditional marketing channels.
  • Statistics analysis . The social network allows you to track statistics, so it is easier to determine which Facebook ads were effective and which were not.
  • Ways to increase the number of followers on Facebook

    A large number of followers on Facebook indicates the authority of the page. That is why everyone strives to increase Facebook followers and sometimes resort to “black” Facebook follower cheating. Such methods do not give real results, but only create an illusion. Only real subscribers will bring views, comments and reposts, that is, the activity that positively affects promotion in social networks. The surest way to promote is to create high-quality interesting content.

    There are a number of tips to help you grow your Facebook followers in a fair way.

    Use hashtags

    Hashtags are a sure way to grab the attention of a potential audience that can become your most loyal followers in the future.

    But it is important not to overdo it with hashtags, because their overabundance, on the contrary, causes negative.

    Engage with your audience

    One of the easiest ways to get followers on Facebook, all you have to do is respond to user comments in a polite and pleasant manner. In addition to communicating with people, an SMM manager can join Facebook groups with similar topics and participate in discussions.

    Create attention-grabbing content

    Unique content can draw significant attention to a page. Try diversifying your text post feed with images, videos, or GIF animations. Let your creative imagination run wild and people will be happy to share your content.

    Use mutual PR

    When promoting your page, don't forget to ask your colleagues for help. To do this, agree with the owners of other pages about mutual PR. It can be represented as:

    • information posts on partner pages;
    • publications - invitations;
    • any mentions with a link to the partner's account.
    Create Viral Content

    Viral content often reflects the situations we face every day. Think about the problems users face when using your products and try to play it in a funny way. Additionally, you can use viral niche content, but in this case, do not forget to indicate the author.

    Run an ad on Facebook

    If you're wondering how to get followers on Facebook, the first thing that usually comes to mind is running an ad. Facebook offers different types of ads, and if users like the ad content, they will like or follow your page.

    Try Facebook Live

    Facebook Live is a video that users share in real time. For example, if you're selling merchandise and new designs have arrived, you could host a livestream and invite viewers to be the first to check out the new items. Broadcasts have an added bonus: they all appear on the Facebook Live map, and the more viewers you have, the higher you will be on the list.

    Place links to social networks on your site

    Many site owners forget to add links to their own social networks on the resource, thus losing a certain percentage of interested buyers who could subscribe to the Facebook page. Don't make these mistakes and place your social media icons in a way that fits harmoniously into the structure of the site.

    Create video content

    Video is the trend of recent years in all social networks. Therefore, video content on Facebook attracts more attention than posts of other formats. Regularly creating interesting videos will help you attract more subscribers. And the more viewers and likes you get, the higher the chances that new potential subscribers will see your page.

    Use email campaigns

    Try using an existing list of email addresses to attract subscribers. To do this, either include social media icons in emails or send an offer to follow the Facebook page directly. You can also order the "Email Marketing" service on our website.

    Obviously, Facebook is a social network that remains at the peak of popularity, so the question of how to increase followers on Facebook does not lose its relevance. To grow your followers, don't forget to constantly experiment with different ways to attract an audience and look for new growth points for your Facebook pages.

    Still have questions?

    How to activate followers on Facebook ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

    While talking with his friend, he discovered that his Facebook , like other social networks, you can follow and follow other users without necessarily being "friends". Intrigued by this and above all wanting to include the aforementioned features in your profile, you did a little research on the net and ended up here in my tutorial dedicated to this topic.

    What do you say? This is exactly the situation and you would like to understand if I can help you and explain how to activate followers on Facebook ? Of course yes, don't worry! In fact, if you spend a few minutes of your precious free time with me, I can show you in detail how to perform the said operation, both from smartphones and tablets, and from computers. In any case, don't worry, you won't have to do anything particularly difficult.

    Then? Is it possible to know that you are still standing there? Sit comfortably and immediately focus on reading the next one. I am sure that in the end you will be able to say to yourself that you are very pleased and satisfied with the result, and perhaps you will also be able to gain a large number of subscribers. Good luck in everything!

    • 3.1 From mobile
    • 3.2 From PC

    How to activate Facebook followers from your mobile phone

    Let's see first how to activate Facebook followers from your mobile phone (and tablets) using the popular networking app Android e iOS / iPadOS. To do this, you first need to make a mobile phone, unlock it, open the main screen and select facebook app icon (the one with blue background and white "f" ). After the app's main screen is displayed, sign in to your account (if necessary).

    Then press the button with three horizontal lines which is on the right, then in the menu Settings and privacy that you will find below and select product configuration from the last batch. On the new screen that appears, tap the word Public Postings which you will find in Section 9 Correspondence0044 privacy , then select the option Toda in section Who can follow me .

    After completing the above steps, a button should appear on your profile according to the cover image. follow - If you are pushed by other users, this will allow other users to become your followers and receive updates related to your profile, which you choose to publish with a "public" level of privacy.

    To ensure that the procedure activate Facebook followers is on the right track, you can log in to your profile using a different account or you can ask a friend to verify it for you. Alternatively, you can take advantage of a feature offered by Facebook itself that allows you to view your profile as other users see it, as I explained in detail in my guide on the subject.

    If, despite changing the Facebook settings as above, the subscriber button is still not displayed, to fix this, proceed as follows: press the button with three horizontal lines located on the right side of the application screen, expand the menu Settings and privacy and select the configuration article .

    Then click on the item Privacy settings what you will find under privacy tap the wording Who can send friend requests? and select the option Friends of friends .

    If in doubt, you can deactivate the function that allows set up followers on Facebook by simply touching the button with three horizontal lines is located on the right side of the Facebook screen by going to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Public Messages and selecting the option Friends .

    If necessary, also go to Settings & privacy > Settings > Privacy settings > Who can send you friend requests? and select option Toda .

    How to activate Facebook followers from your PC

    You don't usually log in to Mark Zuckerberg's social network from your mobile phone and would like to know how to activate Facebook followers from your PC ? In this case, to start, open the browser that you regularly use to browse the Internet from your PC (for example, Chrome ) and go to the Facebook homepage. Next, sign in to your account (if necessary).

    After logging in, click the icon with down arrow located at the top right, in the social network panel, and select the configuration item from the menu that opens. On the new page that appears, click on the entry Public Postings that you will find on the left sidebar, then select the option Toda from the drop down menu corresponding to the section Who can follow me located on the right

    After following the steps above, your profile should Finally, a button corresponding to the cover will appear. follow which, when clicked, allows other users to follow you and see updates to your account that you don't want to be visible only to your circle of friends.

    To verify that the Facebook follower activation process was successful, log into your profile with a different account or ask a friend to find you. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the feature provided by the same social network that allows you to view your profile as other users will see it, following the steps I explained in my guide on the subject.

    In case, despite performing the previous steps, the followers button is still not available, you can try to solve this problem by doing the following: click the icon with down arrow is located in the upper right corner of Facebook pages and select configuration item in the menu that appears, then click the wording privacy located in the left sidebar.

    For now, click on item edit what you will find in the correspondence with article Who can send friend requests? is located on the right and select the option Friends of friends from the corresponding drop-down menu. For Guardar your changes, click on item search for .

    If you think about it again, you can turn off the feature that allows you to turn on Facebook Followers at any time by clicking the down arrow icon at the top right of Facebook pages by going to section 9 again0044 Settings > Public messages > Who can follow me and selecting the option Friends . If necessary, also go to Settings > Privacy > Who can send you friend requests? and select option Toda .

    How to view followers on Facebook

    After enabling the feature that allows other users to follow you on Mark Zuckerberg's social network, you would also like to know how to view Facebook followers ? I'll fix it right away! Therefore, below you will find an explanation of how to proceed, how from mobile phone this gives Pc .

    From mobile

    If you want to know how to see your Facebook followers mobile phone (or tablet), after launching the social network application on your device, press the button with three horizontal lines on the right and on the screen shown below, tap Your name is located at the top to access your profile.

    Then find the wording Followers of that you will find under the cover, touch number next, and you can access the full list of users who have decided to follow you. I also inform you that by clicking on nombres people you are interested in, you can view their profiles.

    If you are interested, I inform you that you can also see the subscribers of others. To do this, first of all, you need to go to the profile of the person you are interested in by touching the symbol Magnifier which you will find at the top of the application screen by typing name in the search box that appears and then selecting sentence Relevant.

    At this point, click on the wording View all information about [nome] (instead of [Name] look for the name of the person whose profile you are viewing) and on the next screen, if the user you are interested in has enabled followers for their profile, you can see subscribers in section Followers . To see the full list, tap the text Show all contiguous.

    From PC

    Interested in understanding how to view Facebook followers Pc ? In this case, after you have gone to the home page of the social network with your account, all you have to do is click on Your name is located in the upper right corner and select number What you will find next to the inscription Followers posted in section in short , left.

    On the new page shown to you at this moment, you will find a complete list of your followers, all grouped under the tab Followers of . Optionally, you can also view a particular subscriber's profile by simply clicking on their profile. name .

    As an alternative to what I just indicated, after going to your profile, you can see a list of your followers by clicking tab Friends which you will find under the cover image and on the new page shown in the wording Followers .

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