How to make someone follow you on instagram

22 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers Right Now

Do you want to know how to get more followers on Instagram in 2020?

Even though there was a reported drop in user growth, Instagram still retains its position as the second most used social networking channel (in the U.S.) behind Facebook.

The Instagram app is the second most popular app for the iPhone (after YouTube).

Out of a billion monthly Instagram users, 63% (about 63 million) log in every day for an average of 28 minutes.

Out of 500 million people viewing Instagram stories every day, a third of those are from businesses.

For a brand wanting to reach or increase engagement with their audience, there’s a lot of users in one place waiting to meet you.

Do you need any more reasons to use Instagram for a business?

But, like all social media, you have to find the right tone of voice.

Or, risk looking like your dad crashing a festival and trying to dance with your friends.

Nobody wants to see that.

So, to get more followers on Instagram and increase engagement here are 22 steps for your brand to succeed.

Hold onto your Instagram stories, posts, feed, bio, and hashtags.

1. Have a Plan & Create a Content Calendar Full of Great Ideas

When we write content, we labor over ideas, delivery, and optimization.

It should be no different when we share photos and videos on a business or brand’s Instagram account.

Take the time to brainstorm clever content ideas that align with seasons, holidays, your business’ upcoming events, and (most importantly) your overall traffic and sales goals.

You can still be flexible and post spontaneously as ideas come to you.

But having a library of ideas and a (tentative) schedule will keep you ahead of the game instead of scrambling for something to post.

Depending on your business, you could potentially post several times a day or several times a week.

Make an Instagram content plan and stick to it.

2. Only Post Well-Composed Images & Videos + Make Sure They’re in Focus

Only use high-quality photos and videos when posting to Instagram.

By high quality, I mean crystal clear, unpixelated shots.

Instagram, above all else, is a visual platform.

There’s no room for blurry photos.

Or images that have part of the image cut off.

OK, it doesn’t need to be to a BBC or National Geographic standard. But it must be in focus.

Low-quality content won’t get any engagement.

It might even cost you some followers.

3. Experiment with Different Filters & Dimensions

Just because you’re a business doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with filters and use different dimensions.

On the contrary, you should use filters on your content.

The more creative, original and captivating your photos are, the more likely people are to share and follow your account.

You can go one step further and download photo editing apps to touch up your photos even more.

As far as dimensions go, don’t feel relegated to the square – make use of the landscape and portrait options, as well.

Test out the dimensions yourself and see what performs best for you.

4. Use Instagram Analytics to Feed Your Persona Research

With an Instagram business account (which is free), you’ll have access to analytics that shows when your audience is most active.

Use that data to optimize your posting schedule.

Instagram also gives you insights into the age, gender, and location breakdown of your audience, which can be a starting point doing persona research.

5. Tag People in Your Photos Who Interact with Your Brand

Another way to be discovered by people who aren’t following you is to tag relevant accounts so that you show up in their tagged feed.

If you own a fitness studio and you take a group shot after a Zumba class, tag every single one of those people in the photo. It will populate into all of their tagged feeds.

Their followers (some of who likely have similar interests) will see the post, and discover your studio.

This strategy also applies to other brand and business accounts.

For example, if you’re a wedding photographer, a best practice is to tag the vendors from a wedding in your photos.

A photo of the reception, for example, could potentially tag a DJ, cake baker, wedding planner, and wedding venue tagged all in the same photo.

It’s good for all the businesses involved: each gets additional exposure, and leads to more discovery as brides-to-be search for vendors – chances are if someone is looking through Instagram for a wedding venue, they are probably also looking for a photographer and a lot of other related vendors.

If you can share the spotlight and tag others, do so.

It’ll circle back to bring you more Instagram followers and leads, as well.

6. Optimize Your Instagram Bio with Branded Hashtags & CTAs

Your bio should be used to feature a call-to-action, branded hashtags, and a link, which is a big deal in the quest for new Instagram users.

It’s this section where users will discover who you or your brand are and whether they will follow you.

Don’t, however, plead, sound desperate, or come across as spammy.

For example, do not include “Follow People Who Follow Me!” in your bio.

You want to let users know who you are and why they should follow you.

Make sure this section is updated when needed.

If you were running a contest, you could mention that piece of information in your Bio.

7. Ask Questions in Your Posts & Include CTAs

At the end of each post, include a clear call-to-action or a question aimed at boosting engagement.

CTAs include things like:

  • Learn more – link in bio!
  • Double-tap if you want to see more videos like this!
  • Follow us so you’ll never miss an update.

You can also post questions.

Let’s say, for example, you own a yoga studio and you post a quick video where a teacher demonstrates how to go into a certain pose.

At the end of your caption, you could write something like “Tell us what poses you’d like to see demonstrated in future videos in the comments!”

This will keep your audience engaged, show that you actually care what your audience wants to see, and give you ideas for what to post in the future.

8. Add a Link to Instagram in Your Website & Email

Make sure existing clients and customers find your Instagram by adding an Instagram icon to your social links, or embedding Instagram content on your site.

You can also link to your brand’s Instagram account from your email signature.

And use a plugin to feed your latest Instagram posts directly to your website.

This can be a great way to promote your new account to people who regularly visit your site, building your following of clients.

9. Cross-Post Your Instagram Content to Facebook & Twitter

Cross-posting Instagram content to Facebook and Twitter can drive users back to your Instagram profile.

Users who didn’t know you’re on Instagram and following you on other platforms will then discover that you’re on Instagram, too, since the post will note it was shared from Instagram.

You can adjust your settings for every post to cross-post automatically, or you can do it manually for select posts.

10. Run Contests & Campaigns to Increase Brand Reach

Once you’ve started growing a follower base, you can hold contests and campaigns that can attract more users to your page.

For example, you can drive traffic to your website or sell your product by running an inspiring Instagram contest.

You can either ask users to like, comment, use a specific hashtag, or ask your followers to tag a friend.

When you ask users to tag a friend, it exposes your brand and page to more Instagram users online.

It is an effective way to increase your brand awareness and reach, and a key hack for how to get more Instagram followers.

11. Look At What Your Competitors Are Doing

Another best practice for how to get followers on Instagram is to take a look at what your competitors are doing and learn from it.

Researching their accounts might reveal hashtags you haven’t thought of, influencers you haven’t reached out to, or other strategies that can inform your own.

Also, note which of their posts are performing the best – that can serve as another clue as to what can work on your own account.

12. Interact Across Instagram (Follow, Like & Comment on Other Posts)

Strategically engage with users who will potentially like your profile.

Practically, that means interacting with potential customers and brand allies by liking, following, and thoughtfully commenting on their posts.

Start with your hashtags: click on your frequently used, relevant hashtags to discover others who are posting similar content.

You can also toggle to the Discover section of the Instagram app to find relevant content.

Another good practice is interacting with those who are already following you.

Follow them back and like their content, as well.

The more you engage, the more you’ll show up in others’ feeds and get noticed.

Plus, it shows you’re an authentic, real account who believes in reciprocity!

13. Don’t Use Too Much Text in Your Photos

In general, you want to save the words for your captions.

People go to Instagram for visual content.

It’s outside the norm to post a lot of text in an image.

A short, positive quote or statement is perfectly fine, but don’t attempt to fit an entire product description or long message in the actual image.

If you’re looking for ways to add text to photos, Canva is a free tool that comes in handy.

With professionally designed text formats and templates built for different social networks (including Instagram and more), Canva can help you create clean designs for those times you do want to add text to your photos.

14. Logos & Watermarks Should Never Be Used on Your Images

Stamping your logo onto your Instagram post is disruptive to your content and your users’ experience.

People do not expect to see logos or watermarks on Instagram posts.

It’s like waving a giant flag that says “I’m a business trying to sell you something.”

While it’s not advised to put a logo on your content, you can include branding.

For example, if you’re a B2B company posting a behind-the-scenes shot of your employees, have them wear shirts with your logo.

Or, if you’re a fashion retailer, you could occasionally include a strategically placed bag in a photo that has your store’s name.

Keep it subtle, or you’ll risk being unfollowed.

15. Using the Right Hashtags Will Help You to Capture New Audiences

Using hashtags will get you in front of new audiences who are searching for the type of content you’re posting, whether they’re following you or not.

For example, if you are selling bath supplies, tag a relevant photo with hashtags like #bathsupplies #bathtime and anything that relates to your products like #bubblebath, #bathbomb, etc.

If you have a local business, make sure to include local hashtags, as well.

Take the time to do hashtag research and find the best hashtags for your particular content.

It’s easy to identify which hashtags get the most traction.

When you start typing # and your word, Instagram shows up how many posts have been done around that word. is also a great tool for finding hashtags that are getting a lot of traction.

You can type in your primary hashtag and it will show you its reach as well as related hashtags and their reach, and all the hashtags related to those hashtags, and so on.

How Many Hashtags Should I Add to an Instagram Post?

It’s common practice to stick to five to seven to avoid looking spammy.

But you can add up to 30 hashtags.

Where Should I Add the Hashtags on an Instagram Post?

You can add them directly to the post or in a separate comment immediately after posting – it’s really an aesthetic choice.

Some users prefer to add single periods separated by line breaks after their caption, and then add the hashtags.

Whatever you choose to do is fine, but keep it consistent across posts so you have a streamlined professional look.

16. Using Geotags Will Help You Reach Local Audiences

Another way to get found in by users who aren’t already following you is to geotag your content – but not necessarily with your store location.

Try using your city or a nearby (relevant) landmark that gets a lot of searches.

When people are searching for that nearby location, they can now come across your content.

If your content is doing particularly well, it can even be featured at the top of the search.

Using geotags is also a great way to promote a local business on Instagram.

17. Only Add Links to Your Bio (Links in Posts Are Unclickable)

Any link you include in an Instagram post will not turn into a clickable link – instead, it will just serve as an annoying and bad experience as your audience tries (and fails) to open it.

Rather than including an unclickable link, direct people to click the link in your bio.

They can easily click that and head to your site to check out all you have to offer.

Be sure to put your link in the “link” section when you edit your bio, and mention that in your post.

And, because space is limited, use a link shortener like to save room.

You can even optimize the link further by customizing the link so it’s not a random string of characters, but a meaningful word or two.

18. Tagging Products in Images & Videos Will Help to Drive Conversions

If you’re selling a product, take advantage of Instagram’s tagging feature.

Businesses can tag photos or videos with product links.

To use this feature, you must have a business page on Facebook complete with a product catalog.

It’s a great user experience for users, and it’s a huge win for businesses looking to drive conversions seamlessly.

19. Create a Branded Hashtag for Your Events

Create a branded hashtag for your next event.

Not only will it give your brand exposure, but it will also curate a unique stream of all the content from your event and allow others to connect and engage with your brand and other people at the event.

Leading up to the event you can use your branded hashtag to promote the event, and after the fact, you can use it to post follow-up content.

20. Repost When You Get Tagged to Showcase Positive Reviews

Whenever a user tags your business or brand, make sure to get extra traction from it by reposting it directly to your feed.

Showcasing positive reviews and mentions is a great use of Instagram for business.

Make sure to reach out to the user and thank them for their post, as well as ask if you can have permission to repost it (Instagram’s terms of use note that you should obtain written permission to repost a user’s content).

Most likely, the user will agree.

You can repost manually, or use an app like Repost for Instagram.

Either way, remember to credit the original poster in the caption and tag them in the photo.

21. Instagram Ads Can Put You Directly in Front of Your Audience

Consider devoting ad spend to promoting your Instagram profile.

You can create effective carousel ads through Facebook’s Power Editor and promote your content.

If you’re running a specific contest or marketing campaign, you can use Facebook advertising to push the content in front of more audiences.

Although, be aware of the difference between ad spend on Instagram and Facebook.

With the ability to target your customers based on their interest and behaviors in Power Editor, you can ensure that your posts will be viewed by Instagram users that will be interested in your business.

While some of these strategies may work better than others, find the ones that work well with your business or yourself.

22. Get Your Account Verified (The Blue Tick Shows Trust & Authenticity)

Getting verified on Instagram (or any other social media platform) never hurts your engagement.

The little blue tick gives your brand credibility, trust, and authenticity.

While not everyone will qualify for Instagram verification, it’s something to strive for.

Getting verified is one more way to stand out from your competition and deliver a trust signal that your business is real.

To be considered, your account must be:

  • Authentic (you must prove you are, in fact, the brand or business you claim to be).
  • Unique (only one account per brand can exist).
  • Public.
  • Complete (with a bio, profile photo, and at least one post).
  • Notable (Instagram must deem your brand “well-known” and “highly searched for”).

To Sum Up

As a recap, the 22 tips that will help you to get more follower on Instagram to increase your brand engagement are:

  1. Create a content calendar
  2. Post well-composed images and videos
  3. Experiment with different filters and dimensions
  4. Review your Instagram analytics
  5. Tag people who interact with your brand
  6. Optimize your Instagram bio
  7. Ask questions in your posts and include CTAs
  8. Link to your Instagram account from your website and email
  9. Cross-post your Instagram content to Facebook and Twitter
  10. Contests and campaigns can increase brand reach
  11. Look at what your competitors are doing
  12. Interact across Instagram by following and liking other posts
  13. Don’t use too much text in your images
  14. Don’t add watermarks and logos to your images
  15. Use hashtags to capture new audiences
  16. Use geotags to reach local audiences
  17. Only include links in the bio
  18. Tag products in images and videos
  19. Create branded hashtags for your events
  20. Repost posts that tag you
  21. Try running Instagram ads
  22. Get your account verified

See you on Instagram.

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, May 2020


How do I get followers on Instagram fast?

To get followers on Instagram fast, you need to:

  • Optimize your Instagram bio.
  • Post on Instagram regularly.
  • Post engaging types of content such as polls, videos, contests, etc.
  • Use catchy and amazing images.
  • Don’t use too much text in your images.
  • Use trending hashtags that are relevant to the topic.
  • Use geotags to reach local audiences.
  • Communicate with your audience.

Can you buy Instagram followers?

Yes, you can buy Instagram followers for as little as $0.01 each. However, this is not a recommended way to increase followers because you will only gain either fake or irrelevant accounts that won’t engage with your posts.

Category Instagram

Ways To Make Your Crush Follow You On Instagram (17 Sneaky Ways)

Are you looking for subtle ways to make your crush follow you on Instagram?

Do you feel like they’ll be far more attracted to you if they see your awesome profile and stories?

That’s clever. Indeed, an attractive social media profile can be one of your strongest allies in modern dating. In fact, it’s arguably a must-have in 2021 and beyond.  

But maybe you’re not sure of a smooth way to make them follow you? Perhaps you’ve hardly spoken a word to them in real life? 

Either way, that’s not a problem that can’t be overcome. Below, I’ve published a comprehensive list of clever ways to make your crush follow you on Instagram. 

A tool that could help is this online communications tracker. It can give you information based on what your crush has been doing on his phone.

You’ll find out who he’s messaging, what apps he’s using, and many other data points including his Instagram activity. The tool is 100% discreet, although you’ll need a few of his personal details for it to work.

With that said, let’s explore some ways to get that elusive ‘follow’.


  • 1 17 Ways To Make Your Crush Follow You On Instagram
    • 1. 1 1. Know their interests
    • 1.2 2. Follow them
    • 1.3 3. Alter your contents according to what they like
    • 1.4 4. Acknowledge them physically
    • 1.5 5. Text them
    • 1.6 6. Tag them in your photos
    • 1.7 7. Like and comment on their recently uploaded photos
    • 1.8 8. Check out who they are following
    • 1.9 9. Take advantage of your mutual friends
    • 1.10 10. Know if your crush is single
    • 1.11 11. Exit private mode
    • 1.12 12. Tag your mutual friends
    • 1.13 13. Interact with their Instagram stories or reels
    • 1.14 14. Do not fight under their posts, especially where they are being criticized
    • 1.15 15. Like their older posts
    • 1.16 16. Make your profile appealing
    • 1.17 17. Slide into the DM
  • 2 FAQs
  • 3 In Conclusion

17 Ways To Make Your Crush Follow You On Instagram

1. Know their interests

Instagram’s algorithm is such that it pairs you with people you have similar interests with. So, for instance, you are into cars but your crush is interested in fashion. The chances of him/her popping up on your timeline as suggested followers is almost nil. So get to know what your crush is interested in!

If he/she realizes you like photos related to their interests, their attention may be drawn to you. Or perhaps, you could follow people he or she follows, this will fool the algorithm into thinking that you know each other, and you may pop up constantly on his/her feed. And that is a step in the right direction.

2. Follow them

If you want someone to follow you on Instagram, well, it is only logical that you follow them first. It is quite an obvious rule on that app. That is just how it works! This is practically the first step to get your crush to notice your online presence and interest. So take a chance, and initiate the first step, you may be rewarded.

3. Alter your contents according to what they like

Some content on Instagram can be a total turn-off, including your Instagram name. Everyone loves to see something positive so try altering your feed and timeline into something uplifting, positive, or motivational. Unconsciously, your timeline says a lot about who you are and the vibe you emit. Nobody is into negative vibes so let your Instagram reflect that.

4. Acknowledge them physically

Your crush may not be following you because they may have not noticed you physically. In a world of crazy social media serial killers, it is advisable not to follow anyone who randomly follows you on the internet. I don’t think this is paranoia because some people unintentionally signed their death wishes because they just followed anyone.

However, if there is a chance that you know the person’s face, of course, you would want to follow the person, because “Hey, this is the one who spoke to me in the school canteen the previous week, let me follow back” is bound to run in your crush’s head because you acknowledged them physically.

Or maybe, because you interact with him/her physically, you could mention it in passing that you followed their account one time. It might prompt them to follow you. 

5. Text them

Shoot your shot! I am not saying go and type a long sexual message. It could make you look like a sexual predator! But do not be shy to send that DM. Instagram DMs have helped to spark a certain love interest and there have been numerous accounts of how two people became a couple because one was bold enough to send that dm.

So guys, take a risk and send a message, the worst that can happen is that you get ignored. The most important thing is that you still have life.

6. Tag them in your photos

Being tagged in someone’s photo gives the impression that “Hey you are important in my life, and I want you and the world to see this picture”. So it makes the person tagged feel included. You obviously want your crush to notice you so tag them in your photos, this will definitely draw their attention and if they are not following you, they would.

7. Like and comment on their recently uploaded photos

Instagram is about the likes and comments! Quite obviously, if anyone interacts with your post, you follow them, so as to keep the likes and comments coming. I can’t be the only one in this circle. It is the same way if you comment and keep liking her recently uploaded photos, he/she may be curious and want to find out more about you.

If they like what they see on your account, you are sure to get a follow back. So don’t be stingy with your likes. But, don’t overdo it though, else it may look like stalking and bar the expected results you wanted to have.

8. Check out who they are following

Go through his/her followers list and know who they are following. For instance, if this person follows Billie Ellish, follow them too, so that you can be checking up on him/her so that you see what exactly about Billie Ellish they are into. Is it their way of dressing? Their music preference? Or maybe their classic weirdness? By following that mutual person or celebrity, you get to find out.

There is a chance you both have a mutual friend or follower; that way you have common ground, that is relatable to you both. Use that to find out more information about your crush.

9. Take advantage of your mutual friends

Holler at your mutual friends when you can. So, for instance, a mutual friend posted a picture on the platform or made a comment. Talk about how you need to catch up on the event or compliment that friend extensively, maybe bothering around the lines of flattery. It would give the impression that you two are tight, and even better, your crush is bound to see it.

It looks like a win-win situation to me. You get to score points with your friend and be that mystery guy or lady to your crush. He/she would definitely want to check your account out. Also, post a photo which features your mutual friends, I mean the ones you know so that you can post them. Be assured of a follow then, because his/her notifications would be filled with notifications about you.

Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to.

To see if he actually likes you take this quick free quiz and we'll let you know if it's worth putting any more time into this guy.

10. Know if your crush is single

Perhaps, your crush is ignoring you because he/she is not single, and would not want to make their partner uncomfortable in their relationship. So, try to gather information from their accounts whether they are in a relationship or not. Liking their photos is not enough to change their relationship status. 

 If they are in a relationship, they are bound to post their partners on their Instagram once in a while. It should be quite obvious unless you know personally that they are not from trustworthy sources.

11. Exit private mode

It is an unspoken rule that once you are on that app called Instagram and you need followers, you need to exit private mode if you have set it on private. Nobody would want to follow an account on any social media platform, especially Instagram, where the app users can’t see your photos which shows your face. It makes following quite difficult because they don’t know who they are following.

So why should they request to follow you, Your highness? In my opinion, it is something reserved for some celebrities and brand influencers, but even they don’t lock their accounts forever. So, remove your account from private to enable your crush to follow you.

12. Tag your mutual friends

Instagram has this feature where it notifies your followers and your mutual friends especially when you tag mutual friends in your pictures. So don’t worry. Once your crush sees this notification with your mutual friend(s), that guy or girl is bound to see your lovely face and give you a follow.

13. Interact with their Instagram stories or reels

Interact with your crush's stories or reels. Instagram stories seem more personal than the posts or photos, so interacting with those gives the representation that you are interested in their lives. Reels are basically short videos. Participating in his/her quizzes, questionnaire, or giving an occasional compliment on their videos, is bound to make your crush follow you.

Instagram is all about the interactions, and once you are giving purpose to their accounts, they will reward you with a follow, and eventually a message from them. So, take a shot at interacting with their posts.

14. Do not fight under their posts, especially where they are being criticized

Everybody knows that in this life, you cannot fully recover from bad publicity, the best you can do is damage control. So save your reputation and branding by not indulging trouble makers on that app, especially under your crush’s posts. While you may think yourself a hero for getting back at his/her haters, you just blew your cover. 

You made it too obvious you have an interest in that person, for all you know it could have been friendly banter. Fighting under your crush’s posts presents you as not having anything worthy to do, so you stalk his/her account and get back at internet bullies. The truth is internet bullies will always exist, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

Now, you look like a stalker, and your crush would not want to follow you. So be gentle, you can fight all their battles for them. Be cool.

15. Like their older posts

Liking their older posts is a message in itself. This should probably be the last approach to get them to notice you. This is a subtle way of letting them know that they are still around. Perhaps, they were not intentionally ignoring you. So, once they receive notification of someone liking their older posts, they are bound to visit your account and follow you.

16. Make your profile appealing

Another way to make your crush follow you on Instagram is to present your profile in an appealing manner. Your crush may not be following you because your account looks so messed up and off-putting. It goes a long way to tell about yourself and he/she may not like what they may be seeing.

So, your ill-managed account may be blocking your chance of ever getting into his/her inbox. It is best if you do something about it. Make your profile appealing and you might just get that DM.

17. Slide into the DM

It takes great courage to give that crush an inbox, even using the front door of being a follower, how much more using the back door called the DM. Instagram is like a house. Once you identify as a stranger, you use the formal front door route until you are considered familiar enough to use the backdoor route.

The DM is reserved for the homies, buddies, and family. So, giving him or her a message without using the proper route is likely to get the door slammed in your face. Or, maybe you will be invited to have a chat, out of curiosity maybe. Nevertheless, your message is one quick way of making your crush check out your account. And if he/she is interested in you, you will get that quick follow, if she doesn’t, well the message is quite clear. They are not interested.


What does it mean if your crush follows you on Instagram?

It could mean a number of things. It could mean that they are interested in being friends with you, or even more. It could also mean that they recognized you from wherever and want to keep up with what is going on with you from a distance. It could also mean that they were on the following spree.

Is it weird to follow your crush on Instagram?

Not at all. You just want to know what is happening in their lives and see pictures of them. Being interested in anyone’s life does not equate to being weird.

How do you make your crush jealous on Instagram?

These ways are bound to make your crush jealous on Instagram: Be flirty with someone else, post thirst traps, act like you don’t care about them, ignore their messages but post on your story, take pictures with cute people, usually of your opposite gender and lastly, talk about all of your outings with the opposite sex.

This will make your crush more aggressive in his pursuit of you. So yeah, stunt on them if you have to.

How do you get your crush's attention on social media?

Comment on their posts and compliment them where possible, send them funny messages, be friendly, be yourself, keep the conversation going, quickly reply where possible to show your interest in the conversation. Also, invest in a phone with good camera quality, so that you can take nice pictures for your social media platforms.

What does it mean if your crush looks at you?

If your crush looks at you more than is expected, it is very possible he likes what he is seeing, and is attracted to you.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, these are some guiding steps to get your crush to follow you on Instagram. Any of these ways prove that you have an interest in your crush’s life. So, they are definitely bound to produce results. Try them and you won’t regret it.

Let me know how it goes, tell me your experiences in the comments. Someone needs this, so don’t forget to share!

Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you?
Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you.

Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz

How to get someone to unfollow you on Instagram (4 ways)


Do you want someone to unfollow you on Instagram? Maybe this someone you don't like is a stranger who is following you and you want to get rid of him. Or maybe you have a personal account, but you accidentally accepted its tracking request.

Anyway, this article contains 4 ways to get them to unfollow you on Instagram.

By the end of this article, you will be able to get rid of your followers that you don't want to follow.

1. Remove them as subscribers.

The best way to get someone to unfollow you on Instagram is to remove them as a follower.

If you don't want to block someone, the best alternative is to remove them from your follower list.

You can force someone to unfollow you on Instagram by removing them as a follower from your follower list. They will not be notified that you have removed them as a follower.

Every time, when you remove a subscriber, they will not be notified .

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove someone from a subscriber:

  • Go to your Instagram profile.
  • Click on your subscriber list.
  • Find the user you want to remove and click Remove.

Alternatively, here is another method you can use to remove someone from your followers:

  • Find the user you want to remove as an Instagram follower.
  • Go to their profile and click on the "triple dots" icon in the top right corner of their profile.
  • Click "Delete" to remove them as subscribers.

Deleting a follower will no longer be able to see your stories and posts in their feed.

That's because they won't follow you anymore. Consequently, your posts and stories will no longer appear on their timeline.

In addition, this person will not know that you have deleted them as a follower, unless they visit your profile on purpose.

If your profile is private, they must request to follow you again; where you can deny.

However, if your profile is public, they may follow you again. So you will have to remove them as subscribers again if they do.

In most cases, the person will not know that you have removed them as a subscriber.

More often than not, they could assume that they unfollowed you by accident.

2. Block them

The second way to get someone to unfollow you on Instagram is to block them.

Every time you block someone on Instagram, they won't be notified.

If you block someone on Instagram, they will be removed from your followers list.

Here is a step by step guide on how to block someone on Instagram:

  • Find the person you want to block on Instagram.
  • Go to their profile and click on the "triple dots" icon in the right corner of his profile.
  • Click "Block" to block them.

Blocking someone on Instagram does a lot of things, here are all of them:

• They will be removed as followers
• You will no longer follow them
• They will no longer be able to find you on Instagram
• Your likes and comments will be removed from their posts
• Their likes and comments will be removed from your messages
• You can no longer write to them
• They can no longer write to you

You should only block someone if you want to get rid of them completely.

Otherwise, a good alternative to get someone to unfollow you on Instagram is to remove them as a follower. If you want to unblock someone, you can do so at any time.

This is what happens when you unblock someone on Instagram:

• They will still be deleted as followers
• You will still not follow them
• They will be able to find you on Instagram again
• Your likes and comments will reappear in their posts
• Their likes and comments will reappear in your messages
• You can text them again
• They can text you again

Every time you block someone on Instagram, that person is removed as a follower. Similarly, you will be excluded from subscribing to them.

So the person must request to follow you again if your account is private, and vice versa.

3. Limit them

If you don't want to block someone or remove them as a follower on Instagram, you can restrict them.

Restriction feature released in 2019 as part of Instagram's efforts to reduce bullying.

If you restrict someone on Instagram, their comments on your posts will be hidden. In addition, this person will not be able to find out if you are online or if you have read their messages.

Instagram Restrict acts as an anti-bullying feature.

If someone comments inappropriate things on your posts, you can restrict them instead of blocking or removing them as followers.

There are many ways to restrict someone on Instagram. You can block someone from direct messages, comments, settings, or profile.

For this example, here is a step by step guide on how you can restrict someone on Instagram from their profile:

  • Find the person you want to restrict on Instagram.
  • Go to their profile and click on the "triple dots" icon in the right corner of his profile.
  • Click Restrict to restrict them.

Note that limiting someone does not remove them as a subscriber. However, this is a good alternative to blocking or removing someone from the subscribers.

This is especially important if the reason you want to unfollow the person is because of their inappropriate comments. If so, then limiting that person would help.

This is what happens when you restrict someone on Instagram:

• They will not know if you are online or if you are reading their messages.
• Their comments will be hidden from others unless you approve.

If you want to remove restrictions for a person, you can do this at any time in your settings.

To do this, just go to your profile > settings > privacy > restricted accounts > limit/unlimit.

As soon as you remove restrictions from someone, their comments on your posts will become visible again. In addition, they will know if you are online or if you have read their messages again.

4. Hide your history

Finally, you can hide your story from someone if you don't want them to see it.

Hiding your story from someone prevents your stories from appearing on someone else's timeline.

If you want to prevent anyone from viewing your stories, you can hide your stories from them. Hiding your stories from someone is less dangerous than blocking them.

This is useful if you don't want someone to look up your stories.

Here is a step by step guide on how to hide your story from someone on Instagram:

  • Find the person you want to hide your story from on Instagram.
  • Go to their profile and click on the "triple dots" icon in the top right corner of their profile.
  • Click "Hide Story" to hide your stories from them.

Hiding your stories is an alternative to having someone unfollow you on Instagram.

If the main reason you want someone to unfollow you is because you don't want them to see your stories, hiding your stories will help.

You should hide your stories from someone because it's less extreme than blocking someone.

However, this does not prevent anyone from seeing your messages.

You can unhide your stories at any time by going to settings > privacy > history > hide history from > deselect.

Once you unhide your stories, they will be able to see your stories again.

They won't be notified when you hide/show them your stories.


How do I get someone to unfollow me on Instagram?

For someone to unfollow you on Instagram, you can either remove them as a follower or block them. Alternatively, if you want a less gruesome measure, you can either limit or hide your stories from them.

How do I get someone to unfollow me on Instagram without blocking them?

You can force someone to unfollow you on Instagram without blocking them by removing them as a follower from your follower list.

How do I get someone to unfollow me on Instagram without unfollowing them?

If you want someone to unfollow you without unfollowing them, you can either remove them as a follower or block them. By removing or blocking any of your followers, they will no longer follow you.

How to remove someone from Instagram followers?

If you want to remove someone from your Instagram followers, go to your followers list, find the user you want to remove and click "delete" to remove them as a follower.

How to block someone on Instagram?

Find the person you want to block, go to their profile, click the "triple dots" icon in the right corner of their profile, and click "block" to block them.

How do I restrict someone on Instagram?

Find the person you want to restrict, go to their profile, click the "triple dots" icon in the right corner of their profile, and click "Restrict" to restrict them.

How to hide your story from someone on Instagram?

Find the person you want to hide your story from, go to their profile, click the triple dots icon in the right corner of their profile, and click Hide Story to hide your stories from them.


In this article, you learned 4 different ways to get someone to unfollow you on Instagram.

As a reminder, if you want someone to unfollow you, you can either remove them as a follower or block them.

However, if you are looking for other alternatives, you can either limit or hide your stories instead.

These alternatives are less drastic than someone else's blocking.

How to make Instagram work for you

Be friends with your followers

Evelina Khromtchenko, top-rated fashion expert in the Russian-speaking world, creator of online publication

Choose your social network. If you are a blogger or an author of an online magazine, then you should feel comfortable in a given format. The format is the house. A person can make even a dry format humorous, or philosophical, or feminine, or feminist. Paint the walls of this house, hang canvases of this or that artist on them. There are people who feel good in nasty places, others in the halls of the times of Louis XIV, someone in very simple, minimalist buildings of the Bauhaus. It is difficult for them to stay in the opposite type of interior for a long time. Therefore, you need to write on the topic in which you yourself are happy.

The audience is not just numbers. Even if a social network is monolithic in terms of age or income, everyone has different interests there. You need to attract those who share your values. The blog is your personal medium.

Online video is 15 seconds. To watch it to the end, make it a clip. But the content is stronger than the format - even a long video can be uploaded to YouTube, and people will watch it if it is very interesting.

It is necessary to comment and answer questions. I love - for those who write like they breathe, this is a great thing. You make a page there, and all sorts of people ask you questions. I got this resource from my son. In general, on my site in the right corner there is a list of links to all the resources with which I work. Today I will play Tumblr, tomorrow I will go to VKontakte, I will linger on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) and Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia), because they are more similar to me. Thus, my total audience on the Internet is 20 million people.

We must broadcast our point of view. You are a representative and spokesman for the audience that your online publication is aimed at. It's like fashion. I get asked all the time how to find my style. I give a banal answer: look in the mirror. Ingenue, Toska from "Girls", dressed as a fatal temptress - this is ridiculous. An actress can reincarnate, but an ordinary person carries through life the same role, the same character. He is a ready-made universe, and his powerful inner manifests itself in the outer. Therefore, you need to understand very well who you are and come to terms with what you see in the mirror. See your strengths and weaknesses and dress up to play your cards. And at the same time, take into account who you will go to in these clothes: your husband, an elderly boss, your worst friend, your best friend. On the network, everything is the same - you need to very carefully combine your inner world and your image on the social network. First, you have to match up with the social network itself. Secondly, find people who see the world through your eyes. Thirdly, so that you yourself would be interested in the information that fasts on your behalf. Then the people you need will share your enthusiasm for what you show and say to them. They will actively communicate with you, join their friends - after all, friends also like an active life on their main pages.

There are two types of blogs: specialized and broad format. Choose the one that is closer to you.

No need to go through celebrity profile and ask to like your page. I get to know my fans anyway. With those who, without subservience, without exaltation, expressed their reaction to what I published. Rimma Ismagilova from Orenburg sends me information about me that she finds on the Internet (Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) has a section called “Recent posts from others”). Now I will work with her as a manager. Yaroslav Fashchevsky, my acquaintance from, became my assistant in the office. Valeria Guseva runs a fan club on VKontakte. Recently, Anton from St. Petersburg disappeared somewhere, who took on the functions of my persistent defender on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia), passionately attacking everyone who, in his opinion, offended my honor. He was very annoying to the visitors of my page, but when he suddenly stopped holding meetings there, they missed him. Like, where is Anton, if something happened.

Don't kill trolls - if you want your blog to live. Those who write nasty things about you are of two types: under nicknames and under their own names. Those under their own names are especially valuable. 10% are always negative in relation to the studied object. If suddenly this is not 10%, but more, you should worry. Without this, it is impossible, just as it is impossible to cook soup without a bay leaf. If swearing, rude - block. Just keep in mind that online the concept of "offensive" is of a different scale than in life - so be less offended.

Create an image for yourself

Alexander Anatolyevich (Belonogov), TV and radio host, one of the first MTV VJs Russia

The Internet is a tool. I have been doing self-promotion for a long time. Now I have several projects: DJ group Menzo DJ's, Jetleg group. I also host the show "Hit" on the TV channel "Russia" and my course at the school of electronic music "A.U.D.I.O." DJ Groove. It is called "Course of image and style", or "Course of Alexander Anatolyevich". And I follow everything that happens around me and my projects. I am aware of what they say, what they publish, and I publish some things myself. I post posts and announcements on the Menzo DJ’s Facebook page (an extremist organization banned in Russia), I run a group on VKontakte, Twitter and Instagram accounts (an extremist organization banned in Russia). I don’t have a special person who would deal with this and report to me (“Everything is fine with us: so many retweets, so many posts ...”), I don’t have. If you want to do well, do it yourself.

Proper PR is when everything is in order and worthy. Incorrect - according to the old Soviet principle "it doesn't matter what they say about you, as long as they talk about you, and if they don't talk about you, then they forgot." Straight Chekhov's story: "So-and-so got hit by a horse" - "You see, they wrote about me in the newspaper! I'm a star!" No, it's not. Why they wrote about you, what they wrote about you is more important than the very fact that they wrote about you.

There are no people who are not interested in what is being said about them. Everyone is interested. It's just that some try to demonstrate deliberate indifference, and some, on the contrary, follow too much. It is impossible to ignore the opinion from the outside. Chase him too. Somewhere in these limits and you need to keep.

Independent compliments are much nicer than likes from friends. Your friends will automatically like you, because for them you are great anyway. Even if you're not great. It can be called corporate friendship.

I'm not going to please everyone. It is important for me to understand the quality of the audience, not the quantity.

I have no illusions. Nothing. I suspect that there are far fewer people on the Internet who have a high intellectual level and are also well-mannered than I would like. Fact.

Internet discussion is monkey business. If a person does it skillfully, it can turn out to be funny. But, as a rule, it doesn’t work out skillfully and the correspondence rolls into “yes, look at yourself” - “yes, you went on your own!”. This is not a discussion.

Vocabulary needs to be replenished, so as not to dump your helpless emotions on the Internet.

On the Internet, you have to pay attention to everything. For example, under the video of our group, which I posted, someone writes "He's not the same old idiot." I always answer very politely: "Anyway, thanks for watching and taking the time to write a review." And I just feel how that person’s face changes: “What are you doing, do you read everything? No, it's okay. I just don't listen to that kind of music.

Everything on my wall is neat. I do not allow myself to make mistakes, mistakes in spelling and punctuation. Factual - even more so. Such a habit. I have been working with information for many years, and publication on the wall for me is equal to a full-fledged publication in the press. Mat? God forbid! Few people will read it. I understand that there are people around me and whoever it is, I have no right to hurt their feelings. You can write whatever you want in private messages, but do not make it public.

Before I hit the publish button, I become a reader for a second and think I should understand by looking at this picture. If everything is correct, I will publish.

I always know the answer to the question “Why?”. If you don't know the answer, don't post. The usual acting task: went on stage - tell me why. This does not mean that you can not post photos like "me in shorts on the beach." Post whatever you like. The business of the owner. Just know that everything works for your reputation. Let it be curious and interesting. On which beach? What are you doing over there? With whom? So that everyone understands that here, in Cyprus, there is a stunning beach and everyone (such and such, list by name) has an amazing mood. Don't forget to put tags, and in the evening we add a post about the main event - for example, a concert - and you get a wonderful photo almanac about the trip.

Jetleg can perform a charity event or go to another city for a good fee. Perform at a big concert with other bands or at a small club venue. During any events and rehearsals, I try to take photos. In addition, I take pictures with guests, so that later I can post a picture, sign “My beautiful friend N and I’m happy there, there.” This draws attention to the event, to the institution, to the team, and this is another brick in the big wall of well-being of all of the above.

I respect my audience, whether it's drunk punks or whatever.

Promote yourself

Irena Ponaroshku, TV presenter

I have been on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) for more than seven years . During this time, 2.4 million subscribers came running. Despite the fact that I mercilessly bathe dozens of ill-wishers and spammers every day who advertise flower headbands, eyelash extensions, eyebrows and mustaches.

Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) got very deep into my skin. This is the first social network in which I lingered and became interested in . Before that, I had only a sluggish Twitter account, and Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) still does not exist. But I run a jewelry company blog on VKontakte.

I immediately decided that I would write captions for the photo in both Russian and English as a courtesy to non-Russian-speaking subscribers. Well, it somehow happened right away that the comments began to turn out to be multi-syllabic - I don’t know how to express an idea in one sentence, without participial turns and other speech trinkets. At first I used only Instagram filters (an extremist organization banned in Russia), and now I have a bunch of programs for all occasions: SnapSeed, CameraPlus, InstaSize, iVideo. Although I often hang photos without processing, with the proud #NoFilter hashtag.

What really matters to me is what my subscribers say . Thanks to them, I built a house in a year - they shared advice, contacts, discounts. I am very emotionally involved in my blog: the comment under the photo “No boobs” can really ruin my morning. But such a commentator is immediately sent to an eternal ban, and this act of retribution always greatly cheers me up.

Must make at least three fasts daily . And yes, it takes a lot of time: I'm a perfectionist and a pedant, so I can't hang a photo or text that I'm not particularly happy with.

At the request of the husband of , I do not post photos of my son that show the face of the child . Perhaps this is a superstition. But children are very sensitive to vibrations, the evil eye. We prefer to play it safe. I try not to abuse pictures with my husband - however, this is not difficult, since he, like most men, is cool about photo sessions on the phone.

Putting a bunch of popular hashtags under a photo of borscht is bad manners. It is better to use no more than five hashtags , both popular and author's, reflecting your personality. Among my favorites are #Don't Be a FoolListen to the Guru, #GirlsWorking, #IrenaZhloba, #HairyWomen.

Actively comment on photos of friends, friends of friends and unknown bloggers . This is how your audience will grow. And, of course, the main thing is the content. It should be non-trivial: cats, selfies, photos of legs, photos of food - all this should be in the right proportions. Look for your angle, your view of the world, your style of processing photos and comments.

You can earn money on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) . To do this, you first need to promote your account to at least 10-20 thousand people. Real followers, not bots! You can find your own niche, especially if you are a specialist in some issue: in fitness, cooking, needlework. Although, if you just have a gorgeous photogenic ass, this may be enough, and you don’t need cooking with needlework.

I am subscribed to about 200+ accounts . These are my friends, and celebrities, and little-known characters. I am subscribed to Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak, Masha Tsigal, Nika Belotserkovskaya, Sergey Shnurov, Vlad Lisovets. Of the bloggers unfamiliar to the general public, I like the queen of hashtags @Katyakadavid, the completely alien wife Decl @LiaKiise, the photographer from Vladivostok @YanaKalina, the most beautiful mother of seven children from Irkutsk @Tati_Ilicheva. And I also subscribe to a bunch of showrooms, shops and beauty blogs.

I have been buying everything here for a year now : clothes, cosmetics, household appliances, kitchen countertops, construction bricks, groceries, desserts. It was on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia), for example, that I found the amazing American cosmetics @NazelieSkinCare, with which I cured my problem skin.

I have no competitors . Yes, I have fewer likes than the stars of Doma-2. But I console myself with the thought that my subscribers are people with whom I speak the same language.

How to create an audience from scratch

Katerina Danilkina, 519,000 followers on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia)

Immediately choose a topic for yourself.

Learn more