How to make a successful fitness instagram

How to Create a Successful Fitness Instagram in 5 Easy Steps

Why should every personal trainer have an Instagram profile? It's a huge platform for reaching current clients and young, prospective clients. It can help you engage better, build your brand, and establish a positive reputation.

Setting up an account is easy and takes just a few minutes. It's a little more difficult to take that basic account and turn it into a successful business tool. We'll take you through the steps, from getting started to adding content, building a brand, and connecting with others.

Why Should I Create a Fitness Instagram?

Whether you coach clients online or only in person, using social media is a smart way to grow your business. Ideally, you will be active in a variety of spaces, but if you only have time to focus on one social media platform, Instagram is a good choice, especially if your target audience trends younger.

You don't strictly need an Instagram account to succeed in personal training, but consider these important reasons to build a page.

Know How to Create a Successful Fitness Instagram to Get Clients

A successful personal training business is measured in clients. Of course, there is more to success than simply having a long list of clients—satisfied clients, meeting client goals, a decent income—but you certainly can't succeed without them.

One of the most obvious reasons to get on Instagram and to build a busy page is to gather Instagram followers that transition into new clients. Your account helps you reach many more people than you can in person. Target locals for in-person training and anyone around the world for virtual coaching.

Improve Engagement with Existing Clients

Adding to your client list is important, but successful trainers also establish strong relationships with those clients. Instagram is another tool for staying in touch, providing feedback, selling new services, and building trust. Not only will clients appreciate this as a point of contact, but most have also come to expect businesses to have an Instagram account. They'll be looking for you.

Harness the Power of Social Media Marketing

Many businesses of all types are already on Instagram, using it for marketing. More than 75 percent of businesses in the U.S. use Instagram and post regular stories on the site. Up to 200 million Instagram users visit at least one Instagram business profile every day, and a third of viewed stories are from businesses. (1)

Don't get left behind while other trainers benefit from the marketing opportunities on this popular platform. Use it to network with other professionals and influencers; point back to your website; sell your own products; and manage your reputation online.

Build Brand Awareness

Modern marketing is all about building a brand to develop a following and customer loyalty. To be successful in a packed industry, you need an identity, a niche, and a target audience. Instagram is a great tool for building brand awareness. It allows you to share stories that personalize your brand and connect with influencers and clients that match it.

Why Instagram?

Again, to build a successful fitness business it helps to have a presence on all the major social media sites. There are only so many hours in the day, so if you need to focus on one for now, there are several reasons to choose Instagram (1):

  • Reach over 500 million daily users.

  • Target a younger audience; 53% of Instagram users are between 18 and 29 years old. The next biggest age group is between 30 and 49.

  • Instagram has more engagement than Facebook.

  • Most Instagram users take some type of action, such as clicking on a website link.

  • Instagram content is visual, which is ideal for selling a fitness brand.

How to Create a Successful Fitness Instagram in 5 Easy Steps

It's not hard to get on Instagram and to build a successful page, but it does require some time and dedication. You can't leave your Instagram feed alone for days at a time or neglect your followers and expect to come out on top. Follow these steps and keep it up; your reward will be a dedicated following.

1. Clarify Your Goals

You're eager to get started and make the page live, but it's better to take some time to map out a plan first. This will help you focus the goals of the page so that you can better target your audience. The most successful accounts have a clear objective, brand, and style. Make a list of what you want to achieve with an Instagram account, beyond metrics like numbers of followers. Here are some goals to consider:

  • Reaching and signing new clients

  • Developing authority in a fitness niche

  • Building a brand that people trust

  • Sharing your personal fitness journey

  • Engaging with existing clients

  • Sharing content for clients

  • Becoming a fitness influencer

Your goals will determine what you do with the page, so clarify these before doing anything else.

2. Set up an Account

Now you're ready to set up an account, which is simple. You probably already have a personal account, but if not, begin by downloading the free app on your phone or use your computer to create a business account. The basic elements you must have in your profile are a professional profile picture, a thoughtful and concise bio, and a link to your website. These are the first things new visitors will see, so take time to perfect them. Look at the Instagram bio of a fitness influencer or trainer you admire for inspiration.

3. Build Content

You can't get followers without content, but you also can't post just any content. With your goals and audience in mind, build a library of content in line with those goals and of value to your audience. For example, if your main goal is to engage with your current nutrition coaching clients, post meal plans, recipes, and your own experiences in the kitchen.

Use photos, videos, and the live feature on Instagram for variety and interest. Post pictures and video of high quality. If that means taking some time to learn how to take a better photo, it's worth doing so. There is a lot of competition out there, and blurry pictures and shaky videos just won't cut it.

Also take advantage of hashtags in your posts. Use relevant fitness hashtags to reach people who are not yet following you. If you aren't sure which hashtags to use, look at posts for successful trainers, coaches, and influencers with big reach. Follow their lead.

You don't have to become an Instagram fitness influencer to get benefits from an Instagram account, but it doesn't hurt. Check out this ISSA blog to learn more: How to Be a Personal Trainer and Social Media Influencer.

4. Boost Content That Works

You may not get it right at first. Maybe your Instagram story you thought would be engaging just isn't getting interaction. But those five-minute workout videos are blowing up. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't and then boost the kinds of posts people like. If you're stuck and trying to figure out what to use for your next Instagram post, here are some ideas that work well for most fitness influencers:

  • Pictures of what you're eating

  • Videos of your workout

  • Fitness, wellness, and nutrition tips and tricks

  • Before and after photos, if your clients agree to let you use them

  • Your regular, day-to-day activities

  • Instagram live videos

  • Instagram stories and reels

  • Shares from other fitness and nutrition influencers

  • Products you like


Follow and Engage

Once you have built up some strong content, and are continuing to add to it daily, work on engaging with others. Start following other professionals in your industry and relevant influencers. This grows your network and improves credibility. Reach out to existing clients to get more follows.

With followers on your page, it's time to engage. The best Instagram pages are run by people who post valuable content but also engage with people. Social media is a two-way street based on genuine interactions. Like and comment on your client's posts as well as those of influencers you follow. Use the platform to encourage and inspire your clients.

Try these tips for helping your clients find the motivation to stick to their workouts and meet their goals.

Tagging is another way to increase engagement on Instagram. Tag specific clients on posts you think they'll appreciate. It's a quick way to connect and show clients you're thinking about them. Tag influencers for credibility and authority and brands and products that are in line with your own brand and audience.

Instagram is a great way to reach more people and to increase engagement. Whether your main goal is to build a worldwide brand, become an Instagram influencer, or connect better with existing clients, Instagram can help you get there.

Try the ISSA's new Certified Online Coach program to learn how to make your business virtual. Online coaching is a growing industry, and this course will provide the skills and knowledge needed to join the trend.

  • Newberry, C. (2019, October 22). 37 Instagram Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2020. Hootsuite. Retrieved from

Featured Course

The ISSA Online Coaching Certification is the fastest way to transition a fitness coaching business online. This course allows you to pick and choose what you need to learn about so it fits the needs of a new or seasoned trainer. The on-demand information is delivered in bite-sized chunks and it includes everything from how to set up email campaigns and FaceBook ads to positioning and selling your product to prospective clients.

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How to Start a Bomb Fitness Instagram Account (With Examples)

If you’ve been thinking about starting a fitness Instagram account, there are a lot of factors that can contribute to your success and failure.

Famous fitness influencers like Sjana Elise Earp and Simeon Panda have worked hard to perfect their brand, photography skills, and physiques, allowing them to gain millions of Instagram followers over the years.

But even if you’re starting from zero, there’s no time like the present to start building your fitness Instagram account!

Today I’ll be showing you step by step how to start a bomb fitness Instagram account (with examples).

1. What are Your Instagram Goals and Objectives?

Before you start creating content, you’ll need to decide what you want to accomplish with your Instagram account. Go beyond the follower count, and determine the type of impact or incentives you want in the long run.

Think of your Instagram goals like your fitness goals, once you know where you’re going, you’ll be able to find the activities to get you there over time.

Here are some goals you should consider for your fitness Instagram account:

Mission or Purpose: Sharing your fitness journey to inspire and help others can be your main goal. Maybe at one point, weight loss seemed impossible for you, but you started working out and planning your meals. Who knows how many people your story can inspire. Fitness Insta-Mom Christy Gomez’s main goal is to help moms like herself gain confidence back after childbirth through quick and healthy meal plans and workouts.

Endorsement & Sponsorship If you’re an athlete looking for endorsement, you can use your Instagram page to get noticed by top brands. Nike sponsors Ji So-Yun, a female footballer with only 13,000 followers. Imagine what you can do once you start growing your fitness Instagram following.

Clients: As a personal trainer Instagram is a great platform to gain credibility and attract new clients. Fitness influencer Sara Vowell uses her Instagram profile to endorse her meal plans and online training program.

Ecommerce:With Instagram shopping features you can sell fitness products like supplements and athleisure wear with your fitness account.

2. Fill Out Your Instagram Account

Once you’ve created your Instagram profile, it’s time to switch to a business account. This gives you access to features your personal account will lack, like analytics, Instagram ads, and insights to help you to reach your Instagram goals.

Three Things Every Instagram Business Account Should Have

Profile picture: Use a professional logo or head shot for your profile. The ideal Instagram profile picture size is 180 x 180 pixels. But Instagram profile photos must be at least a minimum size of 110 x 110 pixels. Try to avoid making your photo look too filtered.

Bio: Your Instagram bio is like a mini trailer, showing people who you are and what kind of content they can expect from you. Choose your words wisely. For tips on how to create the perfect Instagram bio, check out 10 Tips to Create the Perfect Instagram Bio to Attract a Bigger Audience.

Link: If you have a website or blog, let your followers know by adding it to your profile. If you don’t, you can share content, ebooks, or Youtube videos.

3.Define Your Ideal Followers & Fitness Niche

Think about the type of person you want following you. That’s who were creating content for on a daily basis.

Defining your ideal follower is also known as creating a buyer persona. Not to get too technical, but when you know exactly who you want to attract to your Instagram page, you’ll be able to create specific content that they’ll be sure to love.

For example, if you’re a fitness influencer who wants to help people lose weight from dancing, then your ideal follower is someone who loves dancing and music. Create fitness videos using dance moves to the latest songs.

Once you know who your ideal follower is then you have to decide what your niche in fitness should zone in on Instagram.

Stick to your niche, whether it be yoga, kickboxing, weight training, or even martial arts.

A niche is what brands use to decide if an influencer is perfect for them. For example, Aria Crescendo is a yoga teacher, and mom and her content say it all. It’s no surprise that most of her audience are mom’s who love yoga and her brand sponsor is a yoga clothing line.

4. Use High-Quality Images & Videos

Instagram is a highly visual social media platform. You’ll need to post high-quality fitness images or videos on your page. This could be with a camera or your phone.

Be sure to have your face in the photo, photos with faces get 38% more likes according to Sprout Social, so smile for the camera and increase your engagement.

The key to good photos is quality lighting. At times it can be hard to find good light in the gym but try and find a spot that does you justice. You can also invest in lightboxes, GoPros or a phone ring light, to help you capture images better single-handedly.

5. Master Your Instagram Caption

When it comes to captions, they can either be short and concise or long and detailed, and with Instagram’s word limit of 2,200, you can have a lot to say.

Some people keep captions short and snappy so that people can skim through and quickly enjoy the message. Other fitness influencers opt for longer, ‘mini blog posts’ with more detail broken up by space and a few emojis.

The choice is yours, but be sure to add a clear call to action (CTA), a call to action is a phrase that guides the reader to complete an action. Your CTA can be “click the link in the bio,” or as simple as “comment below.”

CTA’s help to encourage engagement, and the more engagement your post gets, the more people will follow your account.

Here are 25 Proven Call-to-Action Words to Maximize Conversions.

6. Show Off Your Workout Routine on Instagram

One of the biggest mistakes some fitness accounts make: posting more about being fit rather than showing followers how to get fit.

Share your workout routines on Instagram for followers to try. People aren’t just following because of your looks, they want to see the work that goes on behind your success.

Fitness Instagrammer Kayla Itsines has one million followers and she always makes time to post her workout routines and videos. You should be able to find the time as well.

7. Engage With Your Followers

Whether it’s 100 or 10,000 followers, engagement means much more to you than it does for them.

When you engage with followers, it helps to show that you’re active, and you care about what your followers have to say. Plus 44% of people think that a brand’s conversations (including direct messaging or in response to a comment posted) is more persuasive than what the brand has to say in ads.

Guess, what? You never know when you might respond to the right person who will reach out for a partnership. Even if you can’t respond to all the comments, you can like the comments so followers know that you see them.

8. Share Easy to Follow Meal Plans & Prep

Naturally, you should add a few meal plans, protein products, and meal prep to encourage your followers to keep a healthy diet along with your fitness tips.

If you don’t want to create the content yourself, you can repost from meal prep or health food pages like:

  • @damn_delicious
  • @fitfoodiefinds
  • @caligirlgetsfit

9. Share Fun Day-to-Day Activities

Give followers a peek of what you do when you’re not working out or at the gym. It adds a human element to your brand and makes you look relatable.

Fitness Influencer Katerina Kountouris shares her day to day as a host a local tv show, going to her favorite food spots, and events she attends as an influencer. This type of content shows that you’re marketable, and you can manage your life outside of fitness.

Try to keep a healthy balance with fitness and personal content. You’ll have to decide at your discretion, but I usually find that a 30:70 ratio (personal to fitness) works well.

10. Go Live on Instagram

Going live on Instagram will make your account stand out. Every time you go on Live, there’s a notification that’s sent to your followers that you’re broadcasting, making them feel FOMO (the fear of missing out) to go check out your account.

Fitness Influencer Taylor Hill goes live during her workouts to show her fans how it’s done.

At the end of your Instagram live, save it to your story and add fitness hashtags, stickers so that Instagram users that follow these hashtags can discover your content.

11. Network With Other Fitness Influencers

Reach out to fitness influencers in your niche and collaborate on content. With your combined audience, you’ll increase the chance of getting more followers for each other.

You can collaborate and post pictures or videos on:

  • Fun workout routines
  • A giveaway
  • Behind the scenes
  • Having fun and trying new things together

Check out calisthenics influencer Gina Marie is known to collaborate with other influencers every week, building a network of calisthenics Instagrammers like Hanna Presence

Here are some things you should keep in mind before reaching out to collaborate:

  • You should look for someone who has great content or a massive following. Likewise, your account should be up to par with the influencer you want to collaborate with on Instagram.

  • Choose someone who compliments your niche, don’t choose someone solely because of their follower count. Ask yourself, does this person’s message align with my own?

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, reach out to multiple fitness influencers, you can never have too many collaborations.

Want to run marketing campaigns that boost your social followers and engagement, but don’t have the time or expertise to make it happen? At Wishpond, we offer a team of marketing experts who can create powerful campaigns for you. Book a demo to learn more.

12. Host a Video Series on IGTV

Each Instagram account can create their own IGTV “channel,” which is where all your IGTV videos will live (separate from your regular Instagram bio + Instagram story highlights).

Treat your IGTV channel like a YouTube channel, because it is, Instagram made IGTV to compete against the video giant. The tips that can help to grow your Youtube channels can be used for your IGTV channel.

Fitness IGTV Example: Morgan Rose and Steve Cook

Here are 18 Powerful Ways to Grow Your YouTube Channel.

13. Host a Contest or Giveaway

Hosting a social media giveaway is a quick way to grow your Instagram followers and brand awareness.

Anyone can host a giveaway, no experience, or 10k followers needed. Once you find a giveaway formula that suits your audience, you can host a giveaway as often as you’d like. Rinse + repeat = grow.

Here are four things you need to host a successful Instagram giveaway:

  1. Choose a prize that fits your niche. The prize you choose should be something your followers are interested in winning. For example, if you’re a yoga fitness instructor, then your prize should reflect that; yoga mats, incense, or a yoga retreat!

  2. Have a start and end date for your giveaway. This gives you time to monitor or promote your giveaway and lets your contestants know how much time they have to enter.

  3. Follow Instagram Giveaway Rules when you’re hosting your giveaway. This protects you from any legal complications down the road.

  4. Write clear guidelines on how to enter. You want to make sure your instructions are foolproof to help increase your giveaway entries.

Need some inspiration for your Instagram Contest. Here are 10 Amazing Instagram Contest Examples (Critiqued)

14. Always Share Your Story

Your fitness journey and personal story speaks volumes about who you are and why your fitness Instagram account differs from the rest. Instagram was initially made to connect with people around the world, so connect.

If you take a look at the most popular fitness influencers on Instagram, there’s always a post dedicated to sharing their fitness story; who they are, and how far they’ve come. It allows you to connect with followers on a deeper level. That’s apart of your brand.

Health Coach Shannon Eng shares her fitness journey in a blog form caption to motivate her followers and clients.

15. Use the Best Fitness Hashtags In Your Post

Hashtags help to make your post more discoverable to people who don’t follow your Instagram account.

You can place hashtags in your Instagram post:

You can place hashtags in your profile bio:

You can place hashtags in your Instagram Story:

You’ll have to pick the most popular fitness hashtags to improve the visibility of your post, here’s a list of the best fitness hashtags for your niche to use for your next post.

Motivation Hashtags:
FitnessGoals, FitnessMotivation, Fitspo, YouCanDoIt GoalSetting, NoExcuses, BodyGoals, GymMotivation WeightLossMotivation, JustDoIt, FindYourStrong, GetFit

Workout and Gym Hashtags:
GymLife, Workout, LegDay, ChestDay, TrainHard, Gains, Toning, Squats, AbWorkout, Cardio, GirlsWhoLift, WeightTraining

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Hashtags:
Health, EatClean, HealthyFood, HealthyEating, HealthyLifestyle, Nutrition, CleanEating, MealPrep, FitFood, Vegan, MuscleFood

Running Hashtags:
Running, RunnersOfInstagram, RunningMotivation, MarathonTraining, SeenOnMyRun, TrailRunning, CrossCountry, InstaRunners, Cardio, RunnerLife, RunningTips

Bodybuilding Hashtags:
bodybuilding, bodybuilder, gains, muscle, shredded, BodybuildingMotivation, BodyTransformation, FitFreak, BodybuilderLifestyle, PowerLifting, SwoleLife, CleanBulk

Yoga Hashtags:
YogaLife, Yogi, Balance, BeginnerYoga, DailyPractice, Namaste, Flexibility, InstaYoga, YogaLifestyle, Asana, Vinyasa

Crossfit Hashtags:
crossfit, crossfitter, CrossfitGames, CrossfitCommunity, CrossTrain, CrossFitFamily, CrossFitLife, HIIT

Sports Hashtags:
Sports, Sportsmanship, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Football, Volleyball, Softball, FieldHockey, Hockey, Team, TeamPlayer, GetInTheGame, JustDoIt


Reach Out Brands For Collaborations

There are thousands of influencers on Instagram who want to be noticed by fitness brands, so you’ll have to take a more active approach.

A rookie mistake is waiting for a brand to reach out to you when expert influencers do quite the opposite. They reach out to brands!

Make a list of your favorite fitness brands (clothing line, equipment, health supplements, locations, or events) and buy their products and create content around them (don’t forget to tag the brand). The more engagement and content you post, the more likely you’ll get recognized by the social media manager of that brand or another.

Check out Hubspot’s guide on How to Get Sponsored on Instagram (Even if You Currently Have 0 Followers).

17. Offer a Discount or Sale

Everyone loves discounts, especially when it’s for a brand that their favorite fitness influencer swears by. Create a buzz with an exclusive discount from your eCommerce store or a brand you’re collaborating with as a fitness influencer.

In your post talk a bit about why you love the brand and slip your discount code at the end, take a look at fitness influencer Ryan Tremaine Klarenbach’s post with his collab with Feel OKI beverages.

18. Network at a Fitness or Challenge Event

Get out of the house or the gym and attend local fitness events or challenges. This will help you to do three things:

  • You can network with your local fitness community, and with find influencers you can work with in the future.
  • Get fresh new content to post on Instagram from the event
  • Connect with gym or brand owners at events for possible sponsorships or to become a brand ambassador.

Abhish Desai posted about himself as well as the group he met at a bear crawl challenge.

Follow the Best Instagram Fitness Accounts

1.Dylan Werner

Handle: @dylanwerneryoga

2.Janis Blums

Handle: @janis_blums


Handle: @pilateswithlottie


Anna Victoria


5.Jeff Cavaliere

Handle: @athleanx

6. Don Saladino

Handle: @donsaladino

7. Emily Skye

Handle: @emilyskyefit

8.Sarahs Day

Handle: @sarahs_day

9. Massy Arias

Handle: @massy.arias


Here are 18 ways to start a bomb fitness Instagram account:

  1. What are Your Instagram Goals and Objectives
  2. Fill Out Your Instagram Account
  3. Define Your Ideal Followers & Fitness Niche
  4. Use High-Quality Images & Videos
  5. Master Your Caption
  6. Show Off Your Workout Routine
  7. Engage With Your Followers
  8. Share Easy to Follow Meal Plans & Prep
  9. Share Fun Day-to-Day Activities
  10. Go Live on IG
  11. Network With Other Fitness Influencers
  12. Host a Video Series on IGTV
  13. Host a Contest or Giveaway
  14. Always Share Your Story
  15. Use the Best Fitness Hashtags In Your Post
  16. Reach Out Brands For Collaborations
  17. Offer a Discount or Sale
  18. Network at a Fitness or Challenge Event
    Bonus: Follow the Best Instagram Fitness Accounts

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How to promote a fitness blog on Instagram


Any Instagram blog is built on the charisma of its owner. For some, this is beauty and photogenicity, someone has a great sense of humor, and someone is a super specialist in their field. A fitness blogger needs to at least show the perfect body. And if you can give competent advice and have a sense of humor, then this is the perfect combination for promotion on Instagram.

There are so many fitness blogs now that you won't surprise anyone with the same type of mirror photos and articles copied from the Internet. You need to work on your account, use free and paid promotion methods, post every day, reply to comments, shoot Stories, go live.

Ways to promote a fitness blog on Instagram

Those who want to subscribe to a fitness blog:

  • photos of fitness girls/jocks
  • tips on how to lose weight/build up

You are not expected to write poetry or advice on early feeding, so your blog should not be about your personal life, but first of all about fitness.

In 2021, the most popular blogs shoot first and foremost at the expense of personality. And if your blog is primarily about fitness, this does not mean that it is better to remain silent about your other hobbies. The audience can be increased by introducing new topics that are interesting to a wide range of subscribers. All tips 👉 how to become a blogger on Instagram will work for you.

👉🏻 Ways to promote your account on Instagram 2021

Business account and statistics

The earlier you make a business account or author account, the faster you can track account statistics. With it, you will understand what content subscribers like the most and how best to promote.

Body photos

All athletes are almost always "in mode", the days pass the same way. Sleep-food-hall. Therefore, the photos on Instagram are the same selfies in the locker room or in the hall.

What to do:

  1. Learn how to use simple photo editing software on your phone: VSCO, Snapseed. Take photos in daylight.
  2. Get in good shape and find photographers to collaborate on TFP terms (you get a free photo, the photographer gets a free model). At the exit, you will have, if not super professional photos, but certainly better than selfies.
  3. Take photos while traveling, in different clothes. Later, do not post all the photos at once, but use them gradually.
  4. If you can't choose one of a dozen similar photos, make a post-gallery. At the same time, you can ask subscribers which angle they like best, this will increase the number of comments (engagement).

And most importantly. The shoemaker must be in boots. A trainer not in the default form cannot make a form to the client (in fact, he can, but the client does not believe in it).

Food photography

Learn the basics of food photography. This does not take much time. Photos on the phone will be of sufficient quality for Instagram if they are taken in daylight near the window, food is laid out on a beautiful plate, etc. "Naturalism" - your containers worn out by life and warmed up food - this is all closer to reality, of course, but no one wants to see it in their feed. Cook all the same simple pp-dishes, but photograph them beautifully.

Before/after photos of clients

Client results are the best proof of your professionalism. But most often this is a photo in electric light against the background of curtains (this is even at best, and at worst - against the backdrop of a mess in the apartment). I don't want to see this in my feed. Therefore, ask clients to take pictures during the day, if possible with a plain light background. Or let them make a short video - spin 360 degrees. If you take clients for free, then a prerequisite should be normal photos before and after.


Video remains one of the main Instagram trends in 2021. You can now make 10 minute videos in a row from multiple photos/videos in a post! This is enough time to show your workout, how you ate during the day, etc. The requirements for video are the same as for photos - in daylight, pay attention to the background (make sure that the kitchen is clean, put on good clothes, put on makeup, etc.).

Go Live and upload long fitness workouts to IGTV. Use all available Instagram formats to stay in touch with your followers as much as possible.


Sometimes just a photo of all your body parts is enough for success. You can earn on ads in your account. But in order to earn as a coach and consultant (online and offline clients), you need to show your expertise. Publish descriptions of exercises (with photos and videos, you can post-gallery), training programs, healthy lifestyle principles and paragraphs. But do not copy word for word articles from the Internet. Instagram has slightly different laws for texts. Brevity, simple spoken language is valued. Otherwise, no one will read you.

Don't get carried away, your subscribers don't want university-level physical education and sports knowledge from your blog. Most of the audience is always newbies. Advanced people no longer take information from Instagram blogs and they don’t need a coach. And for beginners, simple tips are always relevant - where to start, how to make a nutrition and training plan for weight loss / muscle gain, etc. Many do not know how to count calories in the simplest salad.

Your blog should not be a closed community for your own, those who are "in the know." Don't make fun of newbies and patiently answer the same questions. Best of all, if you make hashtag navigation, then you can send newbies to specific posts, and not make them scroll through your blog for half an hour in search of what they need.

Remember, your goal is not to comprehensively educate your subscribers about healthy lifestyles. Your goal is to show your expertise, but at the same time not to lull subscribers with abstruse posts. Then they will read you regularly and if you need a coach, they will turn to you.

Content plan for a fitness trainer

Success in any business is easier if you have a plan of action. Same with Instagram account. A content plan will make life easier for you - you don’t need to think about what to publish today, and for your subscribers - they will know when your next column is coming out.

You don't have to make a super-detailed plan, you don't have to think through all the informational posts a month ahead, etc. Just sketch out the skeleton of the content plan, for example:

  • Tuesday and Thursday - marathon
  • Wednesday - post about pp
  • weekend - selfie and invitation to "chat"

One of the conditions for promotion on Instagram is consistency. And with a content plan, it's much easier not to get lost. The more often you appear in the feed, the better they remember you. But don't spam, 1-3 posts per day is enough. And if this is an informational, educational post, then one a day is enough.

You can make posts for the week ahead. Publish them automatically at the right time using delayed posting services.

Use all posting formats:

  • posts with photos/videos
  • Stories (video, photo, text, questions and tests for interactive)
  • IGTV
  • Live
  • Reels

The more formats you use, the more interesting it is for subscribers and the higher the reach and engagement of your account.

Chatting with followers

Do you just post selfies and wait for hundreds of comments? If you are not a star, then this will not happen. All comments will be from spammers — “Cool!”, “Great gallery”, etc. To talk to subscribers, you need to write posts, ask questions, discuss current topics. Respond to all comments, even the most stupid questions. Clean up spam and disrespectful comments. It should be clear that you care about your account and readers.

Contests and marathons

If there are at least 5-10000 live subscribers, you can hold a contest or marathon. The simplest and always relevant topic is weight loss. You offer a nutrition and training plan - and subscribers perform and report in their accounts with a mention of your account. Give feedback, do not leave the participants of the marathon.


Exchange mutual recommendations with similar accounts. But do not do this too often - subscribers are annoyed. If you yourself are not subscribed to this account, but at the same time recommend it, there will definitely be those who will write about it in the comments. Therefore, share sincere recommendations, this is where the SPS works.

Connect with other fitness bloggers, stay open. Follow them, comment.

Advertising on Instagram

You can advertise on Instagram:

  • paid posts from bloggers (check that they are not cheated!)
  • post promotion
  • targeted advertising on Instagram via Facebook

The easiest and fastest way to launch a targeted ad/post promotion. You will control the budget expenditure, the timing of the display of advertising, how the advertising post itself will look like.

With a blogger, it can be a little more difficult - you first need to find him, agree, make sure that he publishes a post at the right time and in the right form. But at the same time, if you find a good blogger with your target audience (with unwound subscribers, high engagement), then the return on such advertising can be better than on targeted ones.

Try to find your "chip". There are many fitness bloggers, all profiles are very similar to each other. Try to understand who your subscribers are and specialize exactly in their needs. If you recently had a baby, talk about fitness during pregnancy and losing weight after. If you are preparing for competitions, arrange a reality show with regular reports, live broadcasts, etc.

Gather an audience of those who also prepare or dream about it. If you have lost 50 kg, show before / after and gather around you girls with a lot of weight. You don't need to come up with something unique. Find your "specialization" and try to become a prominent blogger in this area. After, already relying on the collected audience, it will be easier for you to cover new topics.

How to make money on a fitness blog on Instagram

Fitness is a very popular topic for Instagram, so you will have serious competition. But a lot of accounts are inflated, so it’s not so easy for advertisers to find a fitness blog with a good return. And this means that such blogs are highly valued and you can set a price above the average if the advertiser comes to you not for the first time.

Ways to earn money:

  • advertising
  • affiliate programs
  • consultations
  • nutrition programs
  • online and offline training
  • fitness camps
  • online store (sportswear, nutrition)

For your Instagram fitness account to sell, it's not enough just to talk about your services/product and describe its benefits. In the content plan for a fitness blog, you need to add:

  • show your body and lifestyle (corresponding to the product you are selling)
  • posts and stories that show how fitness can change lives
  • customer cases (before and after)
  • reposts from clients (in Stories)
  • answers to possible objections (“I won’t be able to study according to your program” - answer how and why it will work out)
  • rubrics with useful content that shows your expertise
  • Storytelling (in Stories)
  • interactive and communication in comments

Always remind subscribers that you have services/courses. Build a content plan so that the story about your product fits into it natively.

👉 Ways to promote your Instagram account 2021
👉 How to become an Instagram blogger and earn money?
👉 Learn more about making money on Instagram
👉 All programs for Instagram

How to start a fitness blog on Instagram: tips from Amanda Czerny



Amanda Czerny is a famous model, actress, fitness trainer and successful blogger (25. 9 million subscribers). Starting her career with the well-known platform Vine, today she runs her own Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) and a fitness blog on YouTube, which have more than 25 million subscribers from all over the world. On October 4–5, Amanda will arrive in St. Petersburg and will perform for the first time in front of a Russian audience. At one of the largest educational forums in our country, Synergy Global Forum, the famous model will talk about how to create a multi-million dollar business based on a personal brand. On the eve of this event, we will try to understand what helped the girl to promote her own fitness blog and become famous.


As a fitness guru and model, a girl must look just perfect, and Amanda Czerny fully complies with all the canons of modern beauty. Every woman in the world dreams of her figure. But this is not only the result of luck and genetics. In order to achieve this form, Amanda really trains a lot, monitors her diet, appearance and health.



Amanda Czerny is extremely meticulous about her diet, which consists mainly of vegetables and fruits, as the girl adheres to vegetarianism. Her morning necessarily begins with a large plate of fresh fruit, and after that there is always a workout. Many consider a vegetarian diet not the best for athletes due to the lack of protein. Also, most people frankly admit that the absence of meat products in the diet will inevitably lead to weakness and disease. A direct refutation of all these speculations is what physical form Amanda is in today. The girl talks in detail about how to eat right and why vegetarianism is good in her fitness blog.


Amanda is the type of person who is used to working very hard. She visits the hall every day, without exception. Her friends and acquaintances say that even trauma cannot stop the girl. Also amazing is the variety of workouts that she practices herself and teaches her subscribers to do this. This includes cardio, strength training, stretching and endurance exercises, and yoga. A similar workaholism extends to her activities as a blogger. The girl is constantly working on content analysis, its form and presentation, and therefore regularly pleases her subscribers with fresh and interesting videos.


This is perhaps the very quality that distinguishes Amanda Czerny from the mass of bloggers whose accounts are dedicated to sports and a healthy lifestyle. The girl herself admits that after her rise due to the fact that she became a Playboy model, it was easiest to go into show business or settle in the beauty field. But, fortunately for her followers, she chose a different path and allowed herself to remain herself. All her videos are filled with sincerity, spontaneity and an absolutely charming ability to laugh at others and especially at yourself.


Before entering the modeling business and becoming a blogger, the girl received a serious education, graduating with honors from the University of Florida with a degree in international business. Obviously, the knowledge gained at the university helped her a lot in creating her own business. In addition, Amanda is constantly engaged in self-development and does not miss the opportunity to learn something new, she is well versed in SMM, marketing, SEO and more. So the model cannot be called another stupid girl with a pretty face. Obviously, not everyone can create a business that brings in millions of dollars.

Photo of

All this together helped the twenty-four-year-old girl to achieve tremendous success in social media. The complex of those skills and qualities that she possesses and which she purposefully developed in herself helped her to conclude multi-million dollar contracts with such large companies as Paramount Pictures, Tinder, Guess Jeans, Playboy and more.

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