How to look at close friends on instagram

How to Use Instagram Close Friends

Having thousands or millions of followers on social media is often the goal for many creators and businesses, but that can limit the intimacy of your content. This is where a feature like Instagram’s Close Friends comes in.

Added in 2018, the feature allows you to choose who can see certain Stories you may otherwise not want to share with a larger group on social media. This exclusivity can help forge stronger connections with your followers by giving them deeper access to you and your brand.

Aside from improving the experience of intimacy on the app, Instagram Close Friends can be adopted by small businesses and influencers in different, creative ways. Here’s how to use Instagram Close Friends and some fun ways to implement it in your content strategy.


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What is Close Friends?

Close Friends is a feature on Instagram that allows you to grant a subsection of followers special permission to view private Stories. When you select this feature before posting to Stories, only the accounts on your Close Friends list will be able to see it. And, if you’re wondering, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to how many people you can add to your Close Friends list.

What Instagram Close Friends looks like on the app

Instagram doesn’t choose your Close Friends list. Instead, you have to add and remove people from it manually. If you're on someone's Close Friends list, you'll see their Close Friends Story whenever they post to it, whether in the Stories feed or on their profile. A green circle around their profile picture indicates a Close Friends Story.

You can also get to it by tapping your profile picture. People who are not on your Close Friends list will not be able to see your Close Friends Stories or see the green circle.

You can’t remove yourself from someone’s Close Friends list. However, if you’d prefer not to be included, you can either ask the account owner to remove you from the list, mute their Stories, or block the account. And on the other hand, people are not notified when you add or remove them from your Close Friends list.

The benefits of using Close Friends to connect with your audience

A community encourages its participants to collaborate, share ideas, and discuss interests – and Close Friends can help you achieve that.

  • Increase user engagement through interactive content: Instagram has extensive features that allow users to engage with each other. You can create an avenue for loyal consumers to connect and interact with your brand and team through Close Friends.
  • Gather data: Close Friends can be the first point of contact to understand how your core audience will feel about the content and products you are working on. It also lets you know what they expect from your brand and tailor your approach to their preferences.
  • Inspire user-generated ideas and content: Feedback is not only a way for brands to improve but also an opportunity to gather inspiration. Close Friends can provide opportunities for those who are the most tuned-in to your brand, values, and industry to share their ideas for future development.

To see all the benefits of a community, it’s essential to create an environment where social experiences and content are robust and highly engaging for users. Jump to ‘Four unique ways to use Instagram Close Friends’ for advice on creating this environment through Instagram Close Friends.

How to set up your Instagram Close Friends list

Close Friends is a great way to communicate with a specific group instead of posting to your entire list, and it allows only certain people to have access to your more private photos. Here’s how to create an Instagram Close Friends list.

  • Open Instagram on your phone — at the moment, the Close Friends list can only be adjusted on mobile.
  • Then, click the profile picture icon at the bottom-right of the screen and press the three horizontal lines at the top-right of the page to select ‘Close Friends.’
  • Scroll through your followers and select ‘Add’ to indicate the accounts you wish to include in your Close Friends list. This is also where you can remove accounts if you need to in the future.
How to set up Instagram Close Friends
  • When you’ve created an Instagram Story, select the Close Friends icon at the bottom of the screen to share it to your Close Friends list.

Four unique ways to use Instagram Close Friends

While Close Friends was created to post Stories for your more intimate relationships, there are other creative ways to use this feature. And while we couldn’t find examples of brands implementing these tactics, we would love to know if you tried anything on this list and how it went! You can tag us on Twitter @buffer or @tamioladipo to share.

  • Get customer feedback: Close Friends could be a unique and interesting way to collect customer feedback for brands selling consumer products. For example, you could create a Close Friends list of people who recently purchased one of your products and then ask them to share their opinions via an Instagram Stories poll or question sticker. Of course, this is an elaborate strategy, but it could be a great way to get tailored feedback if you have the data available to you.
  • Exclusive content access: Your “Close Friends” list could be an exclusive VIP membership where you share discount codes, behind-the-scenes, and early access to new products and events. You could also tease the list to your entire audience, hinting about exclusive incentives and deals when they buy a certain number of products. The State of Us Podcast implemented this strategy, stating on their Patreon, “We'll also be chatting to you through our Instagram 'Shitetalkers' close friends list, where you'll be able to talk part in Q&As, watch Instagram live videos, etc. "
  • Ambassador and influencer partnerships: Consider using the Close Friends list to communicate exclusively with your brand ambassadors or influencer partners. You can post opportunities for collaborations, share special offers and deals, and give updates on new projects or launches. This method is an excellent way to keep in touch with the people you work the most closely with, and it can reduce the amount of outreach you’ll need to do.
  • Improving internal communications and engagement: You can create a Close Friends list with your staff members if the goal is to strengthen bonds with your internal team. In this case, stories should be interactive and less formal. For example, sharing tips on well-being, entertainment suggestions, happy hour reminders, and using question boxes or polls are some tactics to raise your team’s engagement.

If you’re considering adding Instagram Close Friends to your social media strategy, look for opportunities to enhance your existing relationship and reward your followers.

Find a balance between exclusivity and alienation

Instagram’s Close Friends list might be a great way to take audience engagement one step further and foster intimacy, but it can quickly alienate your larger following.

While creating exclusive access content or connecting with your brand ambassadors, don’t neglect your primary audience. Instead, Close Friends should be treated as bonus content for a certain segment of your followers – the superfans. Want more content that helps you optimize Instagram for your business? Then, check out other articles in our Instagram category!

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Here's How To Find Your Close Friends List On Instagram, Because It's Worth Checking


by Mehak Anwar


It seems like posting photos and videos from your life has become standard practice. As you accrue more followers and share more and more of your world, it makes sense to limit who gets a glimpse into that world. Enter Instagram's Close Friends list, a feature that allows Instagram users to choose who gets to see their Stories. If you're not sure whether you're using this feature, you might be wondering how to find your Close Friends list on Instagram. Well worry not because in just a few steps you can locate, add, and remove people from your Instagram Close Friends list.

Instagram's Close Friends feature began rolling out on Nov. 30, 2018, per an Instagram blog post as a way to let users choose to share certain moments with certain people. Even though it's not a super new feature, you might still have some questions about how it all works.

First, to find people on your Close Friends list, log into your Instagram account and tap your profile picture on the bottom right side of the navigation bar, just to the right of the heart, to get to your main feed. From there, tap the three parallel lines on the top right hand corner, directly to the left of your username and navigate to "Close Friends." From there, you'll have two options — to view "Your List" or to see "Suggestions" for some of the top people Instagram thinks should be on your list. The "Your List" tab should also feature a number in grey for how many people are in your Close Friends circle. From that tab, you can tap "Remove" to get people off the list. From the "Suggestions" tab you can tap "Add" for people you want to let in. It's that easy!

Courtesy of Instagram

The Close Friends feature is great for people who want to limit the kind of content some of their followers see, but it's not mandatory to use. Insta users are not obligated to add anyone to the list, and if you're comfortable with everyone seeing everything you post, there's no need. But I've found that the feature is great for sharing personal details with close friends or family, posting thoughts that have to do with inside jokes, or being a little sillier than I usually would for my at-large Insta community. It's a good way to make your account a little more personal and share details that are a little more intimate.

If you're more interested in hiding certain Stories from certain people as opposed to sharing a specific kind of content with a group, Instagram lets you do that too. To hide your Story from someone, tap the same three parallel lines on the top right hand corner that you tapped to access your Close Friends list, tap the circular settings button, and then navigate to Privacy and Security > Story Controls > Hide Story From. From there you can select people who you'd rather not watch your Story, like your boss, your parents, your siblings, or an arch nemesis. The Close Friends feature is better if you have a small list of people you want to expose to specific content, whereas hiding your Stories from someone altogether is a good option if you don't want them to see anything at all.

The Close Friends list is a great way to curate your Insta experience with your friends a bit more, and figuring out who to put on it is the first step in the journey. Happy posting!

"Close Friends" list on Instagram Stories

Instagram has introduced a new feature in Stories - the "Close Friends" list. What does this mean, how to make this list and add friends to it, how to see close friends, and why you might not have this feature (android, iPhone) - read on.

What is the "Close Friends" list in Instagram Stories

If you do not have a closed account, then anyone can see all your posts and Instagram Stories, except for blocked accounts. But even those who are blocked can always watch anonymously or through a fake. Posts are most often carefully selected photos. And in the stories - confusion and vacillation. Sometimes you don't really want to see them all in a row. But you can limit the circle of people who will see Stories (including Topical), where you make faces or go to the movies, although that friend over there was told that they were very busy and could not come to the meeting.

To do this, you can create a “Close Friends” list on Instagram and add those followers who will see your Stories.

If you want certain accounts to have priority in your feed and Stories, add them to "Close Friends" too. This is how the new Instagram 2022 algorithm works.

And there is also the Threads application - a messenger for Instagram "Close Friends".

How to make and add "Close Friends" to Instagram Stories

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and click on the three bars in the top right corner. A menu appears on the right or bottom. Click "Close Friends".
  2. See the list of those whom Instagram itself recommends adding to the list - the "Recommendations" tab. Click "Add" next to each account you want to make "Close Friends". If you want to remove it, go to the "Your list" tab and click "Delete".
  3. If the desired Instagram profile is not in the recommended list, then click in the search field and start typing the account name. Click the green "add" button next to the desired account.
  4. When the Close Friends list is ready, click Done in the upper right corner.
  5. Shooting or uploading an Instagram Story. A Close Friends button will appear at the bottom. You press it. A story for the "Close Friends" list only has been added!
  6. Around your avatar in the general Stories feed there will be not a purple circle, as usual, but a green one. This is how your friends will know that they have been added to the "Close Friends" list. If you remove them from the list, they will not receive any notification.

How can I view my Close Friends list?

Same as above. Click the three bars on the top right in the Account, select the item "Close friends". And see your list.

Someone else's "Close Friends" list on Instagram cannot be viewed . But if you are on this list, then you will understand this by the green circle around the user's profile picture. This means that he made History only for his list of close friends and you are on this list.

If there is no “Close Friends” feature on Instagram

Like all Instagram innovations, the “Close Friends” list did not appear for everyone and not immediately.

What can be done?

  • Check if your Instagram is up to date. Go to the AppStore or Play Store and look in the list of installed applications.
  • Check if you have enough space on your phone to download updates. Delete unnecessary apps and photos.
  • Check your internet speed. If the connection is poor, updates may also not be downloaded.
  • Try to log into your Instagram account on another smartphone, sometimes it helps and there will be a list of "Close friends".

Did your best, but the new feature didn't appear? Most likely you need to wait. It may even be that “Close Friends” appeared on one account, but not on the other.

How to see the list of close friends on Instagram

Instagram has quite a lot of functions with which we can have lists of friends or people with whom we have more contact. A good example of this is best friends, a feature we've already covered. In addition, the social network also has a close friends feature, which many of you may find familiar.

Many of you want to be able to see your close friends list on Instagram and also know what it is or how to use this feature in the Android app. Therefore, we are going to tell you all about it below. Since this is something that has not been on the social network for too long and that many still do not know how to use.

So, in addition to learning more about this feature, you will also be able to see this list of close friends on Instagram . Accessing this list is not difficult, but it is important for you to know the steps you need to follow to make it possible. We then leave you all the information you need about this feature on the social network.

Article subject:

What is and how to set up Instagram best friends

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  • 1 Close friends on Instagram
  • 2 How to use this feature
  • 3 View close friends history list for your close friends 4 Upload 4

Close friends on Instagram

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The list of close friends is that each user in the social network will be able to set up at any time as you wish. This is not a list that is automatically generated, but we have control over it. We can add or remove people from it at any time without their knowledge. So this is a list that can change over time without any issues.

This list was created because we only want certain people will have access to the content that we upload to the social network. That is, when this list is created and someone is added, these people will be able to see what we post. Other people not on this list will not be able to see the content we upload. In addition, it affects both stories and regular Instagram posts. So it's a way to share something with a narrow circle of trusted people.

Of course, everyone must decide for himself who to add to this list of close friends. Also, you will be in control of this list, so whenever you want to see this list of close friends on Instagram, you will be able to do so. When you access it, the social network will allow you to both add new people to it and remove some of them if you want to do so. When you add or remove a person from this list, that person does not know anything. Instagram doesn't give a notification when we add someone to this list of close friends. In addition, only we have access to the list, no one else can see it or know about its existence.

How to use this function

The idea of ​​this function in the social network is to create a circle of close people with whom you can share content . In addition, its use is very simple. Much easier than many might think, since it is something that many people do not yet use on a social network. But if you're curious, now that you know more about what this feature does in the app, you can create your close friends list at any time.

The steps we have to follow if we want to start using this feature on Instagram are as follows:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your Android phone.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. In the menu that opens, click on the "Close Friends" option.
  5. View the people who follow you and click "Add" when the person you want to add appears. Repeat the process until you have created this list, that is, until you have on the platform all the people you want to include in this circle.

When you do this, you will already have this close friends list on Instagram. If you want to upload a story to your account, the social network will let you choose whether you want only people on that list to have access to it. So only they will see it and be able to comment, for example. That's why it's important to choose well who you want to be part of this list on your social media account.

View close friends list

As we mentioned, This is a list that we can see whenever we want. . In addition, it can also be edited at any time. There must be at least one person in the list of close friends if we want to use this feature on Instagram. After some time, we may want to make changes to this list, remove a user from it, or add new ones. Or we just want to see the list we currently have because we're not sure who they are.

If you want to be able to see the list of close friends on Instagram, you can do it in the app itself on Android and iOS in a simple way. Here are the steps you need to follow in your app account:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your Android phone.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. In the menu that opens, click on the "Close Friends" option.
  5. You already have a list on the screen so you can see who is on it.

One of the reasons we might want to see this list of close friends on Instagram. is to amend . As we said earlier, you can add or remove people from this list from time to time. This is something we can do in a simple way, so all the changes we want to apply can be done without too much trouble. Here are the steps we have to follow if we want to modify this list:

  1. Open Instagram on your phone.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. In the menu that opens, click on the "Close Friends" option.
  5. At the top you will see suggestions, people you can add to this list. If there is someone you want to add to this list in the app, click "Add" to make them part of this circle.
  6. Below you see a list of close friends. If there are people you want to remove from this list, click the remove button next to them. Repeat this if there are multiple people you want to remove from this list.

Upload stories for your close friends

One of the standout features when you have people on this close friends list is to upload content that only they can see. This is something we can do, for example, with stories that these people can only see. In addition, only they will be able to interact with the content that we have uploaded and that is visible to them. This is one of the features or options that generate the most interest in the social network. This is one of the reasons why so many people create this list.

We may upload stories to our account that we may only want to see for these people. Therefore, it is important that when publishing the specified content , let's select the right audience. Thus, we perfectly know who can interact with the specified content. The steps to download a story that only these close Instagram friends can see are as follows:

  1. Open Instagram on your Android phone.
  2. Click on the story icon to start recording it or upload the photo or video you want to use in it.
  3. Customize or customize this story to your liking until it's ready.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, click on the option where you can see who can see it.

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