How to hack whatsapp with barcode
[3 Effective Ways] How to Hack WhatsApp Without QR Code
When it comes to WhatsApp hacking, the most common way is to login into the WhatsApp web of target user. But we all know that this is a hard way because we cannot have the phone to scan the QR code. So some people may wondering about WhatsApp hack without OTP and QR code.
There are indeed some ways to hack someone's WhatsApp without QR code and monitor the data in details. This article will brief you about everything that you need to know to hack someone’s WhatsApp without a QR code.
Why It's Not a Good Way to Hack WhatsApp Using QR Code?
The Common 4 Ways on How to Hack WhatsApp Without QR Code
1. Hack WhatsApp Without Code with Absolute Hidden Running Mode - Monimaster
Download WhatsApp App for Windows or macOS for WhatsApp Web without QR Code
3. How to Hack a WhatsApp Account Using Spoofing Method
4. How to Hack WhatsApp Using Phone Number?
Part 1: Why It's Not a Good Way to Hack WhatsApp Using QR Code?
WhatsApp Web hack is the general method in which you can hack WhatsApp is by getting hold of the QR code and then using the same to launch someone else’s WhatsApp on the web. However, in such a method, you will need to access the target phone physically to know the QR code.
Cons of Hacking WhatsApp with QR Code
Also, if the target phone gets disconnected, you will not get the information being exchanged on the target phone’s WhatsApp.
This process will only work with a stable internet connection.
This is why the need for finding out ways to hack WhatsApp without a QR code has emerged. This article will tell you the different ways in which you can do this.
Part 2: The Common 4 Ways on How to Hack WhatsApp Without QR Code
As you have seen in the above section, there are many disadvantages to hacking WhatsApp via web version. Here are a few ways in which you can hack someone's WhatsApp without the QR code.
1. Hack WhatsApp Without Code with Absolute Hidden Running Mode - MoniMaster
If you want a way in which you stay hidden and still access all the information on someone’s WhatsApp, you must try MoniMaster for Android.
Monimaster is an useful parental control app. It supports Android and iOS devices. Next we introduce Monimaster for Android in detail including its features and installation steps.
If your target one is an iOS user. You can click the "View Demo" button to know more features about iOS Monitoring.
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Features of Monimaster:
Record WhatsApp keystrokes to know everything that is typed on WhatsApp
You can easily track and record all the SMS. You can even recover deleted WhatsApp messages.
Check WhatsApp videos and photos.
Download the WhatsApp documents.
Auto screenshot the WhatsApp screen to know who there are chatting with.
View WhatsApp status without them knowing, even the deleted and expired.
How to Hack WhatsApp Without Code by MoniMaster
Step 1. Create a Monimaster valid account..
Click the button "Sign Up". Use an email address to sign up and create your account. Then, buy a plan to unlock all the features of the MoniMaster. So that you can take advantage on all the features of Monimaster.
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Step 2. Install the MoniMaster Instagram spy app on the target phone to finish the process.
Then, the website will lead you to "My Product" page. Find the plan you just purchased and click "Setup Guide" option to learn how to download and install the app on the devices you want to monitor.
Step 3. Discreetly Monitor all the WhatsApp Activities on the Target Device.
Once you are done installing it on the target device, verify setup at the bottom of the "Setup Guide" page. This is where you are able to check all the activity and messages on WhatsApp and all data types you want to supervise on the Dashboard.
This is the safest and the easiest way to hack into someone else's WhatsApp without the QR code. If you ask the question about I need a hacker to hack whatsApp comments, and this method could help you.
2. Download WhatsApp App for Windows or macOS for WhatsApp Web without QR Code
WhatsApp Web is quite popular. You will be able to access WhatsApp Web on either Windows or Mac computer without the QR code. Here are the steps that you will need to follow.
Step 1. You should first download WhatsApp for macOS or Windows.
Step 2. Now you will have a .exe file on your Windows computer or a .dmg file on the macOS computer.
Step 3. You should open up the file and proceed with completing the installation process.
Step 4. When the installation is complex, you will be able to launch WhatsApp application on the computer. This is where you will see a QR code to set up.
Step 5. You should now launch WhatsApp on the smartphone, visit WhatsApp Web without AR code and proceed with scanning the QR code.
Step 6. Now you will be able to scan the QR code, and you can get WhatsApp to be available on your computer.
Step 7. Whenever you want to send or receive WhatsApp messages, you don't have to open the browser. You can simply do it from the application you have installed on the computer.
3. How to Hack a WhatsApp Account Using Spoofing Method
You can also use the spoofing method to hack someones WhatsApp. Follow the steps given below to know how you can do this.
Step 1. Uninstall WhatsApp from your device and then get the target phone’s Wifi MAC address by going to "Settings", tapping on "About Phone", selecting "Status," and then selecting "Wifi MAC address".
Step 2. From Google Play, install Terminal Emulator, and Busy Box.
Step 3.With the help of these two tools, change the Wifi MAC address on your phone to the Wifi MAC address retrieved from the target phone.
Step 4. Install WhatsApp on your device and enter the target phone's number and login using the verification code which gets sent to the target phone.
Be careful about deleting the verification code on the target device once you have accessed it.
4. How to Hack WhatsApp Using Phone Number?
You can also hack WhatsApp using phone number. This is another straightforward method available for anyone who wishes to gain access to WhatsApp without QR code. Following are the steps that you should follow to get the job done.
Step 1. You will need to own the phone in order to do this. When you have the phone physically with you, you can try to log into the targeted number on WhatsApp.
Step 2. Once you do this, the verification code will be sent to the target phone. Enter this verification code on your phone and begin accessing the target phone’s WhatsApp on your phone.
Although this method may seem easy, the verification code sent on the target phone can be easily detected by its owner, which can come in the way of hacking their WhatsApp.
FAQs about Hack WhatsApp Without QR Code
How to Hack Someone WhatsApp Using Chrome?
If you want to hack the WhatsApp account of someone with Google Chrome, you should do it from WhatsApp web. You will need to visit and you will be asked to scan the QR code. This is where you need to get physical access to the device one time and scan the code. After that you will not need it.
How to Recover or Retrieve Someone's WhatsApp Messages after Deletion?
You will need to check and see whether there is a backup of chats available on Google Drive or not. If there is a backup, you can log into the Google Drive, access the backup, and restore all the deleted messages.
Can a WhatsApp message hack your phone?
No, it is not possible for a WhatsApp message to hack your phone. However, you should not share the verification codes sent by WhatsApp to your phone with anyone else. People you know would ask you to send the verification code and hack you.
Can someone see my WhatsApp messages from another phone?
If your WhatsApp is connected to another phone or a device via WhatsApp computer application or WhatsApp web, it will be possible to see your messages. This is where you should go to the Linked Devices section under WhatsApp and see what devices are linked.
If you want to know how to hack free WhatsApp without QR code, this article can be of great help to you. Instead of trying out the less effective methods, the best way to safely hack into someone’s WhatsApp is by using MoniMaster for Android, which is highly recommended due to its effectiveness.
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[live demo]How a hacker can hack your whatsaap and how to save yourself from such attack in cyberspace?
Whatsaap is the most used messenger in present day. Total number of active whatsaap users are 1.5 billion till 2017 and increasing drastically.Total population of world is 7.6 billion out of which 1.5 billion people use whatsaap as a medium to talk which clearly show that this app has become a part of a life of significant number of users.
Now just imagine a scene where someone hacked your whatsaap and have a live stream of your after midnight chat with your girlfriend or boyfriend in front of your parents.Scary isn't :p, in india this will be a nightmare .
well jokes apart,let's discuss a very serious case with you all.
There is a man who is very much fond of making money,he never ever leave any opportunity to make a good money.One night while he was surfing the internet he got a pop up,saying scan this QR code and we will add u in a whatsaap group of investors where you will get updates about where to invest to generate maximum profit in no time.The man out of excitement scanned the QR code and was waiting to be added in whatsaap group,nothing happened. After couple of minutes he got a text message "We have your all chats give us 500 dollars otherwise we will leak it online"Now that person is a famous personality he cannot afford his personal whatsaap chats getting leaked online ,he is trapped!
Now lets have a look how that person got hacked ,before going in the technical aspect lets have an eye on social aspect of this hack.
1)That person is interested in making money thats why hackers planned this prank with him so that he scan the code out of excitement.
2)As he was from non-technical background he dont know how to check the link of a website whether is fake ,this is the reason Why everyone should know a little about cyber security.
Technical Aspect -live hacking of how this can be done.
First of all let's understand what is QR code and how it works.
Watch this video to understand the working of QR codes
Now let's understand the QR code of whatsaap -
The time for which you are using your whatsaap before disconnecting it, is called a session.
The QR code generated each time is unique, and by scanning it with your phone, you are associating the current WhatsApp Web session with the one on the phone you are logged into WhatsApp from. Your phone reads the QR code and transmits the session ID and other associated information to WhatsApp servers, which then establish the pairing between your phone and the WhatsApp Web session
Let's make it simple with this example,suppose you went in a place where everyone is a stranger and you need to talk 15 minutes with a stranger with the same token number as u got while entering the place,say the number is 4,you found a person with token number 4 have a chat of 15 minutes(or may be more it depends:p) and then you both said bye bye to each other,now here that token number 4 is kind of session ID if you are a phone here then your partner is a lappy ,you both paired according to that ID and after 15 min when you said bye bye to each other your interaction ended same as when you log out from your web. the interaction between your lappy and mobile ended Now i hope above concept is clear .(just a rough example for understanding)
Qrl jacker is a customized framework to hijack services that use QR code Authentication.Apart from whatsaap applications like wechat,weibo,Yandex mail,taobo,taobo trips,ali pay,yandex,yandex passsport,airdroid,my digipass,trustly app, yelophone can also be hacked using this script.
So we are here to hack whatsaap so we select options which direct us towards whatsaap hacking.Select port 80 rather than 1337 because with port 1337 we face a problem which i will tell later in the article.
Now a session is opened at port 80 (in layman's term ports are the channel through which data comes in and goes out of the computer system) ,a fake web.whatsaap has been running on port 80 have a look
The concept of the hack is if the user will scan this QR code ,instead of getting a whatsaap session to his browser,whole chat will open at the hackers browsers.
Now how to make this page public ,this is on a local host.
There is a tool called ngrok.
lets understand how this tool work with this video
For non-tecnical user ngrok is a tool which help us to take our whatsaap hacker QR code to internet .
To use it download it from
How to use it in kali
Unzip the downloaded folder then
You can see ngrok in my downloads folders
And to execute ngrok type ./ngrok http 80
./= is used to initiate a script in linux
ngrok is the tool to convert local host to public
http is a protocol used for data communication in world wide web and 80 is a port number on which our hacker QR is running.
Once ngrok get executed you will see a terminal like this,that web address is a public address now if i will share this link with the victim and if the victim scan it i will get his whatsaap ,that person did while trying to earn more money and got hacked.
Why we didnt use port 1337 because with that ngrok failed to establish a connection
It will look like this ,this is in my host machine ,you can edit the page using simple html. And once i scanned this code with my whatsaap
My hacker machine got my whatsaap.
Never ever scan any QR code on any third party site,scan the codes only on their genuine websites.
Thanks for reading article ,share it and make your friends aware of this so they can remain secure in cyber space
Thank you:)
How to get access to WhatsApp correspondence - how to hack an account, messages
WhatsApp has recently become more popular compared to other instant messengers. Millions of users around the world send messages to each other daily, sharing files, photos and text data. If you want to know how to read someone else's WhatsApp conversation, then you should check out the list of methods.
It is worth remembering that these actions can be regarded as illegal according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
- Method one - through the browser
- Instructions
- Disadvantages
- The second way is to send correspondence by mail
- Instructions
- Disadvantages
- WhatsApp Hacking
- Manual
- How to start a WhatsApp Web session on your phone
- Expert opinion
1 Method one - through the browser
This method is the most effective and simple, since you can read all the subscriber's recent correspondence.
You will need:
- Personal computer with Google Chrome installed on it
- Phone of the desired subscriber
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1.1 Instructions
- Go to in your browser.
- On the phone of the subscriber whose correspondence you are going to read, go to the WhatsApp application
- Go to the "Chats" tab, then go to the "Menu" and click on "WhatsApp Web".
- Point your smartphone at the barcode that appears on the PC monitor.
- A chat window will open and you can read the conversation you need.
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1.2 Disadvantages
- The smartphone must be connected to the network, because if it is not available, the connection cannot be established.
- Any user will be able to track connection activity. If he himself has not done this for a long time, then he will easily guess that his correspondence has been read.
- This method does not work on iOS smartphones and tablets.
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2 The second method is to send correspondence by mail
The method is suitable for all operating systems, which is why it is the most practical.
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2.1 Instructions
- Go to the WhatsApp application and go to "Chats".
- Select the chat you are interested in (on smartphones with iOS, you need to move it to the left and click on the "More" button)
- In the menu that appears, select the "Send by E-mail" or "Send by mail" section, depending on the operating system.
- Next, enter your address and send a correspondence letter to it.
You can send not only messages, but also all files attached to them, but this process can take a long time. It is important to remove the email from sent messages, as it may give the user the idea that someone was trying to read the WhatsApp conversation.
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2.2 Disadvantages
- You will not be able to read new messages from the owner of the smartphone.
- Sending a message can take a long time.
- You will need internet access.
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3 Hacking WhatsApp
The first instruction of this type appeared in March 2014. Then the programmer Bas Boschert published a complete list of actions that make it possible to gain access to a particular account. The method is only suitable for smartphones with the Android system, as it stores the correspondence in clear text.
Later, the creators of the application decided to start encrypting it, but hackers continued to gain access to user chats.
In 2016, Jan Kum reported that the WhatsApp application encrypts data using the end-to-end encryption method, thanks to which messages and calls cannot be intercepted by intruders.
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3.1 Instructions
- You need to access the phone on which the WhatsApp application is installed.
- Open the program and go to WhatsApp Web.
- At the same time, go to the messenger website and start account recovery.
- A QR code will appear on the computer screen to be scanned. It changes every minute, which is why it is impossible to delay.
- After that, all the chats that are in the smartphone will appear on the computer. You can not only read messages, but also send them.
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4 How to start a WhatsApp Web session on your phone
This feature appeared in applications relatively recently. Previously, after scanning the corresponding code, users were redirected to the mobile version.
- You will have to download Whatscan for Whatsweb from PlayMarket or AppStore.
- After launching it, a window for scanning a QR code will appear.
- By scanning the code from the phone of the person whose correspondence you want to read, you will get access to it without a computer.
We do not recommend that you use these types of programs without anti-virus software on your smartphone or computer. As a rule, it is in this software that there are Trojans that can already gain access to your personal information. In order to avoid problems, take care of the correct operation of your antivirus.
5 Expert opinion
“The use of various programs to hack accounts in instant messengers and social networks often causes problems for the hacker himself. It is better to apply technical methods, as they will not cause any harm to your devices. Remember that you yourself may be in the place of your "victim", which is why it is better not to resort to the use of such methods "," writes Internet user Olga.
Expert: Sergey
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How to read someone else's WhatsApp from your phone, knowing the phone number
The reasons for hacking WhatsApp can be both personal and ordinary interest. For example, the most common cause is the jealousy of a wife or husband. Interest also plays an important role. Man is a very inquisitive being, so simple interest is also a private cause. The third reason may be parental control over their child.
- How to access Whatsapp if there is no access to the phone?
- We get access to the Watsap on Android without access
- Acts of actions
- We get access to the Watsap messages, without access
- , the method of read any other people's correspondence through the computer
- We get access to the Watsap on Android without access
- overturning
- Forwarding algorithm:
How to access WhatsApp if there is no access to the phone?
We will talk further about several methods that will help to hack the application without access to the phone. Since it is not always possible for a person to pick up a phone and read SMS on WhatsApp.
Dear readers! Please pay attention! If you have additional questions after reading the article, something is not clear to you, then feel free to write comments in the comments. I will deal with each situation, approach you individually, answer your questions.
Getting access to WhatsApp on Android without access
Everyone knows that the most difficult to bypass and hack applications through Android, so you need to download additional applications. They can be found in the Play Market and installed from the official source.
Convenience lies in the fact that basically the program does all the actions for a person. For those who do not understand the device and the functions of applications, it will be much easier to do everything through special programs.
The program that will help in hacking WhatsApp is called Whatscan for WhatsApp . You can download it from the official source on all Android devices.
- Download app
- Scan the code that appears on the screen from a friend's phone.
- After activation, you automatically have access to WhatsApp messages.
Accessing WhatsApp messages on iPhone without having access
Unfortunately, such an application, which was mentioned earlier, is not officially available on the iPhone, but there is another "WhatsApp spy" - mySpy.
Application and work with it is exactly the same as with the past. Therefore, there is no need to write. It must be remembered that the iPhone has a strong security system that can block your actions.
But, despite this risk, some use this method and get access to SMS in a few minutes, and sometimes seconds.
A way to read any other person's WhatsApp correspondence through a computer
The easiest way is to hack whatsapp via pc. You must have internet access to complete the steps.
Action sequence:
- Go to
- Through the phone of the person you want to hack, go to create a chat and open the last option of WhatsApp Web
- After just scan the code, after activation you have the option of read other people's WhatsApp messages .
This method involves partial phone access, but since the phone is only needed at the beginning, it belongs to the “no phone access” methods.
Also, this method can help not only in hacking, but also when it is necessary to transfer data from WhatsApp to a computer.
But, this method has several disadvantages, which we will talk about now:
- This method does not work on iPhone.
- A person can find out that someone is using the application and hacking into correspondence.
- The user will be shown online every time they read other people's posts.
- Here are three ways for each phone to help hack the application.
Forwarding WhatsApp correspondence to email
This method is considered more difficult than others, but even this can be learned. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to know and have e-mail. But the advantage is that this method can be used on both Android and iPhone.
Forward algorithm:
- Go to the WhatsApp messenger in "chats" and select the chat you want to check.
- Shift to the left and select "More"
- Choose to send by E-mail.
- Choose how to read messages with or without media and files.
- Sending. And now the messages are sent from one phone to another.
- But the main thing is to have a normal Internet and e-mail.
How to access correspondence without having access to WhatsApp
Hack the application by creating a copy of the account. But the use of such an occasion is responsible for oneself and for others.
We will not describe this method, since it is illegal. But on the Internet you can find a lot of information.
Linking someone else's phone, where there is WhatsApp to your
To bind someone's phone, you need to have two things, this is a friend's phone number and the phone itself to confirm SMS.
- Downloading the application.
- You need to verify your phone number when you sign in. And log into a friend's account.
- Confirm number.
- Then it is recommended to delete the messages so that the one who was hacked does not think about anything.
- After confirmation, you are logged into your WhatsApp account. That's the whole complex method.
Is it still worth using the services of special hacking services?
There are special services that will help you hack applications, including WhatsApp.
It is not advisable to hire specialists, since you can do everything yourself. We have provided you with three ways that can definitely help you. But on the other hand, it all depends on the specific situation.
There is an article in the criminal code that says that you can not violate personal space and read other people's correspondence. Therefore, such actions may be subject to state sanctions against individuals. And it can also happen that a person will be imprisoned for several years.