How to hack instagram account free course
How any Instagram account could be hacked in less than 10 minutes
July 15, 2019
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A security researcher has been awarded $30,000 after discovering a serious vulnerability that could potentially have put any Instagram account at risk of being hacked.
Following a recent increase in rewards offered for the discovery of critical account takeover vulnerabilities in Facebook and Instagram, Indian security researcher Laxman Muthiyah chose to take a close look at the photo-sharing service.
As he describes in a blog post, Muthiyah explored whether there might be a vulnerability in how Instagram handled password reset requests for users who have forgotten their login credentials.
Mutiyah found that when users asked for a password reset via Instagram’s web interface, the site would email a reset link to the user’s email account.
After a few minutes of testing Mutiyah couldn’t find any bugs, and so turned his attention instead to how smartphone users recover access to their Instagram accounts.
What Mutiyah found was that Instagram offered the option for users locked out of their accounts to request that a six-digit secret security code be sent to their mobile phone number or email account. If that passcode is entered, a user can regain access to their Instagram account.
In theory, if a hacker could enter the six-digit security code they would be able to break into the Instagram account (and reset the password locking out the legitimate owner.)
Now, that passcode could potentially be stolen if a hacker had somehow managed to gain access to their target’s email account, or had hijacked control of their victim’s mobile phone number via a SIM swap scam. But Mutiyah wondered if there might be another way to break into accounts if neither of those options were available.
Mutiyah realised that all a hacker would need to do was enter the correct six digit code – a code that could be any combination between 000000 and 999999 – within the ten minute window Instagram would accept the code before expiring it.
Up to one million numbers to be entered within ten minutes, in order to change an Instagram account’s password.
Of course, the likes of Facebook and Instagram aren’t going to simply sit quietly as an automated script tries a brute force attack to guess the correct security code. Instead they have rate-limiting in place to detect when multiple attempts have been made to get past the security check and slow down subsequent attempts – meaning the ten minute window of opportunity expires.
In Mutiyah’s tests he discovered that when he cycled through 1000 attempts to guess an Instagram account’s security codes, 250 of them went through and the subsequent 750 requests were rate limited.
However, after a few days of testing the researcher was able to discover that Instagram’s rate limiting mechanism could be bypassed by rotating IP addresses (in other words, not using the same computer to brute force the recovery code) and sending concurrently from different IP addresses:
“Sending concurrent requests using multiple IPs allowed me to send a large number of requests without getting limited.The number of requests we can send is dependent on concurrency of reqs and the number of IPs we use. Also, I realized that the code expires in 10 minutes, it makes the attack even harder, therefore we need 1000s of IPs to perform the attack.”
Mutiyah says that he used 1000 different machines and IPs to achieve easy concurrency, and sent 200,000 requests in his tests. He shared a YouTube video with Facebook and Instagram’s security team to demonstrate the attack in action:
Of course, 200,000 requests isn’t quite the million requests that would be necessary to guarantee the correct recovery passcode would be entered to allow an Instagram account to be hijacked.
Mutiyah’s investigation concludes that in a real attack, 5000 IP addresses would be needed to hack an Instagram account. Although that sounds like a large number, it can actually be easily achieved at a low price (Mutiyah says there would be approximately US $150 cost if a cloud provider like Google or Amazon was used).
All Instagram users should be grateful that Laxman Muthiyah chose to responsibly disclose the security vulnerability to Instagram’s security team rather than monetize his discovery by selling it to online criminals.
It’s easy to imagine that a technique like this would be very attractive to many hackers interested in compromising Instagram accounts, and they might be prepared to pay much more than the $30,000 Muthiyah received in the form of a bug bounty.
All internet users are reminded to better secure their online accounts with strong, unique passwords and to enable two-factor authentication wherever possible.
How to Recover a Hacked Instagram Account 2022
Deep breath. You can recover an account that's been hacked on Instagram. Here's how to do it—and protect your profile from hackers.

There’s a new kind of Instagram takeover these days—and it’s not one that you ever want to try. Since October, the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) has seen a sharp rise in the number of people who were hacked on Instagram and lost control of their accounts. A division within New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness issued a similar warning in late 2021.
While Instagram accounts are sometimes hacked by a person you know IRL (say, an ex), more often the hacker is a cybercriminal. What’s in it for them? “They’ll post a link that they’re hoping your friends click on,” says Samuel Mulder, PhD, an associate research professor at Auburn Cyber Research Center in Alabama. “The link will likely contain malware [malicious software] they use to steal data and sell it.”
Posts with links to fake bitcoin investments are the latest online scams used by these cyber bad guys, according to ITRC. (They’re up to no good on Facebook too, so learn how to recover a hacked Facebook account. ) It’s way easier to take steps in advance to ensure your online security than it is to deal with the aftermath.
Luckily for you, we’ve got the details on how to safeguard your account and what to do if you’re hacked on Instagram. While you’re at it, learn how to tell if your computer has been hacked and how to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram, plus get the answer to your burning question: Can you see who views your Instagram profile?
Reasons you’ve been hacked on Instagram
A data breach is most often the origin of your Instagram woes. If an online store with less security than Instagram—maybe that cute little shop you bought a gift from over the holidays—is compromised, hackers could get ahold of the email and password you use on that site.
“Since people tend to reuse a password, there’s a strong possibility that the password you used for the online retailer is the same one you have for Instagram,” says Mulder. (And that could be just the tip of the iceberg: Here are more alarming things hackers can do when they have your email address. ) Hackers use programs to plug in the passwords, and just like that, you get hacked on Instagram. Lesson learned: Don’t reuse passwords, and definitely select good passwords to begin with.
Your account may also have been breached when you clicked on a link in a message. Doing so could’ve installed malware on your device or diverted you to a fake Instagram log-in page, where you entered your credentials. Fake ads could even be the source of the problem, so be sure you know the signs an Instagram ad can’t be trusted.
A less likely route: Someone you used to be friends with knows your Instagram password and simply logs in to spy on you. Perhaps you’ve blocked them on Instagram or set up your account as private. If they’re one of your followers, they might want to see what you’re posting only to your close circle of friends.
No matter what caused the hack, you need to act fast.
What are the signs that your Instagram has been hacked?
If a cybercriminal hacks your Instagram, it’ll be obvious. Your first tipoff might be friends texting you about something out of character, like a bitcoin deal, that was posted to your account. Or you might notice something’s wrong when you open your Instagram app and are prompted to enter your password. If your password doesn’t work, a hacker probably changed it, locking you out of your account. In the worst-case scenario, your account might simply vanish because a hacker deleted it.
On the other hand, you may not know something’s up right away if your ex is the perpetrator. In fact, to keep spying on you, the hacker won’t do anything that looks suspicious. You can do some sleuthing, though: Tap the stack of three lines in the upper-right corner of your profile, then tap “Your activity.” From there, you can review data such as time spent on the app, posts you’ve liked, comments you’ve made and links you’ve visited, to be sure nothing is out of the ordinary.
If you’ve enabled notifications from unrecognized logins, Instagram will give you a heads-up that someone has logged into your account from an unexpected place. But don’t panic over every notification: You may receive one if you’re logging in from a different place (say, you’re using the Wi-Fi at your vacation rental) or have a satellite Wi-Fi connection. And on that note, check out these places where you should never use free Wi-Fi.
How to recover your hacked Instagram account
At the first sign you’ve been hacked on Instagram, you’ll need to work fast. You may be tempted to try to locate Instagram’s phone number (it’s 650-543-4800, by the way), but since it’s entirely automated, you’re better off following the plan below instead. If you still have access to your account, change your password immediately, advises Mulder. Locked out? Then follow these steps:
1. Check your email
Be sure to log in to the email account you used when you set up your Instagram way back when. Look for a message from [email protected] It may alert you that someone logged into the account and changed your email address. By selecting “Revert This Change” in the message, you might be able to have the account reset to your original email and login.
Of course, before you click a link like this, make sure you know what phishing is and how to spot a phishing email. The last thing you want is to stumble upon a phony email from Instagram and invite malware onto your computer.
2. Request a login link
If you have no luck with the first step, ask Instagram to email or text you a login link. If you have an Android phone, tap “get help logging in.” On an iPhone, tap “Forgot password?”
Enter the username, email address and phone number associated with your account. Select your email address or phone number and tap “Send login link.” Once you get the link, click on it and follow the instructions.
If you’re not sure of the email address and/or phone number you used for the account, tap “Need more help” and follow the directions.
3. Ask for a security code
If the login link doesn’t do the trick, the next step is to request a security code. Enter the username, email address or phone number associated with your account, then tap on “Need more help?” Select your email address or phone number, then tap “Send security code” and follow the instructions.
4. Verify your identity
For further help, or if a hacker deleted your account entirely, you’ll need to provide some additional info. If your hacked account contains photos of you, you’ll be asked to take a video selfie to confirm you are who you say you are and that you’re a real person.
The review process generally takes up to two business days. If you pass the review, you’ll receive a link to reset your password. Don’t worry, the video selfie will never be posted to your Instagram and will be deleted within 30 days.
How to prevent your Instagram account from being hacked
As you can tell, it’s an unnerving and huge hassle to be hacked on Instagram. Fortunately, you can quickly level up your account’s security, so hackers get stymied during a break-in attempt, says Mulder. Take the three steps below to ensure your account is as secure as it can get.
1. Change your password
Not only should you change your password as soon as possible, but you should make it a strong one. Skip any passwords you use on other sites. Instead of a single word, Mulder suggests a phrase or sentence, which is harder to hack. So if you were considering “Swiftie0708,” opt for”Taylorswiftismyjam” instead. Better yet, swap out some letters for numbers and symbols: “[email protected][email protected]”
Make sure it doesn’t appear on this password list or follow a format that makes it easy for hackers to guess, such as using sequential numbers or simple phrases like “qwerty.” Worried you’ll forget a complex login? Mulder suggests installing a password manager, which will hold all your complex passwords and require only a single master password for access.
2. Enable two-factor authentication
When it comes to your online security, it’s crucial you know what two-factor authentication is. This security feature ensures that you need more than a password to access your account.
After you enter your password, Instagram will text you a security code, or you’ll receive one from a third-party authentication app, such as Duo Mobile or Google Authenticator.
3. Don’t share your password with anyone
Suppose you’re at your partner’s house and realize you forgot your phone. You want to check your Instagram, so you ask if they can just plug your info into their phone for the time being. Fast-forward three months, and your partner is now your ex. They know your password and are tempted to use it to keep tabs on you.
Moral of the story: If you ever feel so compelled to give out your password, change it the first chance you have.
Now that you know what to do if you’re hacked on Instagram and ways to make your account more secure, it’s time to educate yourself about other cybersecurity issues, including spyware and doxxing. The more you know, the less your risk of falling prey to Instagram scams.
- Identity Theft Resource Center: “ITRC: Bitcoin Scams Lead to Hacked Instagram Accounts”
- New Jersey Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Cell: “Increase in Reports of Hacked Instagram Accounts”
- Samuel Mulder, PhD, associate research professor at Auburn Cyber Research Center
- Instagram: “Hacked Accounts”
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How to hack someone's Instagram (how to secure your account)
Instagram has been a very successful social network since 2010. She is good in the following areas: communication and chatting, sharing photos. There are many more teenagers on Instagram today than there are on Facebook. In fact, these young people find Facebook more open and intrusive, but on Instagram they want to communicate privately.
There are several good reasons to hack someone's Instagram account. It is even more useful to mention at the outset that hacking a personal account is illegal. This is a violation of someone else's privacy. But for some more compelling and acceptable reasons, here are some tips on how to hack an Instagram account. nine0003
Instagram is one of the most popular social networking applications with over a billion people worldwide. This popularity also attracts criminals and hackers to hack Instagram to steal someone's data. It is always recommended to use all types of social media apps in moderation. You should limit the various details you share on social media to stay away from prying eyes. Check out How to hack and crack someone's Facebook password with a set of ways and how to protect it. nine0003
If you want to track your child's or anyone's Instagram account activity, you can use these methods to hack into their accounts. However, before you learn more about how to hack accounts, here are some details that you should teach your kids and family members how to use Instagram safely.
Simple tips for using Instagram safely
Don't upload photos right away
You should teach your kids not to upload photos to Instagram right away. It's always a good idea to upload your photos a day or two after you take them to protect yourself from hijackers and other threats. You never know if someone is following various details on an Instagram account. nine0003
Do not mark places unless you have to.
You should advise your children not to mark the location of places they are going to visit. You must make sure that your child does not mark the place where he often goes.
Tag only friends
Some kids have a habit of tagging different people in their photos to get likes and interactions. You should teach your kids to use their accounts sparingly and therefore ask them to tag anyone other than their friends and not anyone else unnecessarily. nine0003
Use moderated hashtags
Instagram users tend to use a lot of hashtags to get more likes. Teach your kids to only use relevant hashtags. Also advise them to keep their accounts private. Thus, no one can follow them without their permission.
Do not upload sensitive photos
This is a clear warning. Teach your kids to limit the number of uploads each week and never upload sensitive photos. nine0003
Don't live your life here
There's no reason to be on Instagram if you're not filming an event. You need to make sure your child doesn't live permanently on Instagram.
Now that you understand the basic protocols for using Instagram securely, I will teach you the different ways to hack someone's account. I urge you not to use these methods for the wrong purposes.
How to hack someone's Instagram
It's actually possible to hack an Instagram account without a password. The most common problem is forgetting the password. Forgetting happens to everyone, how many times have you registered online without actually registering a password? Most users choose one common password for multiple accounts. However, this is the best way to hack. The hacker gets it from a website that has been leaked and then tests it on every website he knows. nine0003
Method 1: Use Spyzie to Hack Instagram Accounts
You can also use Spyzie online to hack an Instagram account. Follow the steps below to start using the website.
First, you need to log in or create a new account on Spyzie by visiting this website.
You need to provide some basic personal information to complete the registration process. You also have the option to upgrade to a paid version of the account during the registration process by paying a small fee. nine0003
Now you need to provide some details about the account you want to hack with this tool. Spyzie asks for information such as the target device's owner name and device owner's age, as well as the operating system on the target device.
Note: To make sure the whole process goes smoothly, you need to access the link from the mobile browser of the person whose account you want to hack. nine0003
By following the above steps, you can download the Spyzie app to the victim's phone using the link on the web page.
After you download and install the application, you will see it in the application list on your device.
You will find a detailed step-by-step guide to the application's interface that will guide you through the rest of the setup process.
To make sure that the application is working properly without the victim knowing about it, you can hide the icons using the application lock. nine0003
You can now track all of a person's Instagram activities using a browser window and Spyzie credentials.
The only thing you need to note here is that you need to have access to the victim's phone for at least 15 minutes for the process to work. Check out the Best Spy Apps for Android and iOS to keep track of all the details.
Method 2: Hack Instagram Account Using is one of the easiest online tools that you can use to hack someone's Instagram account. To hack someone's Instagram account, all you have to do is go to and enter the Instagram username of the person whose account you want to hack. nine0003
Once you've entered your username, you can click the Start Instagram Hack button to start the hack process. To confirm that you want to hack the desired account, click I agree! Continue!
The process may take several minutes. However, if it takes too long, you can refresh your page and enter your username again to start the process everywhere.
The best part about using Instaleak. net services is that it's a web service and you don't need to download any specific application to activate it. In addition, the service is completely free and covers your tracks well. nine0003
You don't need a personal Instagram account to start hacking. Therefore, do not risk any personal account data on this platform.
Special: How to hack and hack whatsapp account and how to protect it.
Method 3: How to hack an Instagram account using xMobi
xMobi is well known in this field for its ability to help its customers access someone else's Instagram account very easily.
This is the best Instagram hack app if you need a little technical help because all you will need to provide to get the information you need is the username of the page and that's all. nine0003
Get xMoby here
On their website you will find that they have a text box where you can enter the username of the page and they will take things from here.
This is a great option if you only have a few minutes but want to get as much information as possible in those few minutes and also need a service that will work hard to keep you anonymous so you don't do it yourself. You don't have to worry about revealing your real identity on a private page. nine0003
Method 4: How to hack Instagram account using Glassagram
With Glassagram, you can easily track and hack a large amount of your Instagram account data and information.
This solution is a great service for worried parents who want to know how to hack someone's Instagram account to track their kids' data, but it's also useful for companies interested in learning more about their competitors and about what they are doing. scenes. nine0003
It is widely regarded as the most trusted Instagram spy tool and user login data access.
Get Glassagram for free
This popular spy app has been around for years and is constantly being updated with additional features and tools. This will give you access to everything that happens on your Instagram account, including photos, clips, contact information, and DMs. You can also crack the password of the target account using a keylogger. nine0003
In addition, an Instagram account can be hacked using Glassagram on iOS and Android devices.
Now that the spy app is running on the target device, all you have to do is relax and keep an eye on the data that appears in the Glassagram dashboard.
In your Glassagram account, you'll see direct messages, search history, and more. Because the app is completely undetectable, no icons or graphics will appear, indicating that the victim's phone has been jailbroken. nine0003
Despite the Instagram-only details, Glassagram is still one of the best ways to hack an Instagram account.
Method 5: How to hack an Instagram account using uMobix
Learning how to hack an Instagram account has never been easier when you use a service like uMobix.
This private Instagram viewer can help you unlock the Instagram profiles you have been restricted from and can track them within minutes. nine0003
It regularly offers discounts to its customers on its cool features, and if you want to see what your ex or your teens are doing on Instagram, it's very easy.
When we talk about full access, we mean this - you can see what they're browsing in their news feed, and you can even see what they're saying in their private messages.
Get uMobix for free
Plus, you don't need to jailbreak your phone, so you can install the app without worrying about knowing anything about technology. nine0003
You will see a bell on their website where you can speak to them directly, just in case you need a fix.
Of course, learning how to hack an Instagram account, now that you know about uMobix, will be simple and straightforward.
Method 6: How to hack Instagram account with eyeZy
While other apps are among the best Instagram spy apps for profile hacking, there is another high quality Instagram spy app that offers monitoring features for Instagram accounts. nine0003
With eyeZy you can view all account activity and hack Instagram just like with Glassagram.
Get EyeZy for free
This robust alternative offers the most comprehensive set of monitoring options for both messaging and social networking apps, with support for most of the most popular social apps.
These various features are just a small part of the full range of services that can be accessed. nine0003
eyeZy's call recording functionality is noteworthy and unique in addition to the services it offers.
Method 7: Hack someone's Instagram by resetting their email address
If you have access to the target person's email, this might be the easiest way to hack Instagram. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Instagram, enter his username and click "Forgot Password".
Step 2: There you can use his email address or username to reset your password. Do not select his mobile phone number, as a password reset request will be sent to his smartphone. Then he will know that someone is trying to get into his account.
Step 3: When the reset request is completed, an email from Instagram will appear. Click on the letter and follow the link to change your password and email address.
Step 4: Then enter the same information into your phone and then log out, if you log out, the Instagram of the person whose account you have hacked will be logged out and they will not be able to use it.
Method 8: Hack someone's Instagram by changing the password
Another great way to hack someone's Instagram is to change their password if you have a chance to get the target device while it's unlocked.
Step 1: Launch Instagram on the target device and tap Settings .
Step 2: press الأمان Then press Password .
Step 3: Enter the current password, then enter the new password.
Step 4: click save in the top right corner. After changing these fields, log out of your Instagram so that he can no longer access it. Use your new email address and password to log into their account from your phone.
How to protect Instagram from hackers
I have now introduced you to the basic protocols for secure use of Instagram and some account hacking methods that will help you keep your account safe. You can use the following tips to protect your account from potential hackers.
Enable phone lock
Using a simple screen lock is the best way to keep your Instagram account and other files on your phone safe. All modern smartphones allow you to lock your phone with a PIN, password, or combination of patterns. If you have a high-end device, you might be able to lock your phone with fingerprint or retina authentication. nine0003
Hide the entire Instagram app from the app drawer
Some apps, such as Apps Lock, allow you to hide apps from the list. You can use the features of this app to hide the Instagram app from your phone list. This way, a hacker won't be able to find an app on your phone to hack into it.
Check security protocols every time
It is recommended that you continue to visit the security page of your Instagram account periodically. It's a good idea to keep the status, profile picture, and last seen hidden and only visible to your contacts. This way, no one but your trusted persons will be able to determine when you last used your account. nine0003
Use a third party app blocking service
Sometimes you need extra protection for your smartphone, usually one level of security is enough. However, if this doesn't suit you, you can lock individual apps using third-party apps like App Lock. Some phones have a feature that allows you to lock individual apps with your fingerprint or iris lock.
Do not accept subscription requests from unknown people
It's not recommended to add people you don't know as friends on Instagram. To keep your kids safe from dangerous people, we advise you to always only add people they know to your account as friends. We always advise them to keep their Instagram accounts private. This way, only your kids' friends will be able to see their account activity with their permission.
Keep your Instagram safe
If you are not very interested in your Instagram chats and want to protect your media instead, you can hide them from the gallery with an app locker. You can also move all media files to a folder called . hidden in your phone's file manager to hide photos. nine0003
Use private mode
I can't stress enough that you should use your Instagram account in private mode for as long as possible. Also, never accept subscription requests from accounts that initially look suspicious or empty. Instagram allows you to change your account name over and over again. Some people use this policy to change their account name to your friend's name. This way they can make you think they are your friends. nine0003
These tips and methods will allow you to hack Instagram and also keep your account from being hacked by a third party. Make sure that if you are hacking an Instagram account, you are not doing it for the wrong reasons. You can hack an account to keep your kids safe from potential threats or make them easier to use. You can now view Some Mistakes You Can Make When Posting Videos to Instagram (and Their Solutions).
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