How to get your pictures noticed on instagram

How To Get Noticed On Instagram

Instagram is one of the biggest social networks. But why, as a business, do you need to join and start posting to “the grid”?

For starters, it’s one of the most personal social media networks. Those little square images can convey quite a bit about your brand, making you seem real and trustworthy.

Plus, Instagram is continually growing. Their growth is five times faster than any other social media platform, according to Social Media Today. Over 400 million people use Instagram daily, and over 600 million use it monthly.

It’s a vibrant place to be, and you can and should tap into its popularity and potential. Here are some ideas for how to do it.

Instagram (IG) is a powerful medium to expand your reach – but only if you use it the right way to get noticed.

1. Post Consistently, But Not Too Much

Brands that get noticed on the platform are consistent posters. At the same time, they don’t spam their followers with too many photos.

You need to post regularly if you expect to grow your followers and your reach. After all, nobody will be able to discover your account organically unless you put some content out there.

A good rule of thumb to follow for posting is one photo a day, max.

Post any more frequently, and you’ll get annoying. Any less, and you won’t be taking full advantage of your social media presence.

2. Don’t Pay for Engagement

IG’s algorithm can tell the difference between real users and bots.

“Bots” are automated services that many business accounts use to like posts, follow users, and even comment. It’s easy to see why people crunched for time take advantage, but it’s not a good practice.

For one, it builds inauthenticity, since you’re not actually engaging on a human level. For another, it violates IG’s terms of use, and you’ll get penalized for it. In particular, you’ll get “shadow banned,” which will directly hurt your engagement: Your content will pop up less on user feeds and discovery pages.

Just avoid paying for illegitimate engagement. Instead, work on getting it organically or through platform-based advertising for best results.

3. Post at the Right Times

Posting once a day isn’t the only important factor for getting noticed. You also need to post strategically, at the right times.

To get the highest amount of initial engagement, post when your target audience is most active. This time will vary depending on the demographics of your followers.

However, there are tools you can use to track when people are engaging and when you should post, like Owlmetrics.

This initial spurt of engagement from posting at the right time can help boost your post. This means it will show up higher in people’s feeds, getting more exposure and even more notice.

4. Post Content That’s Significant for Your Target Audience

When thinking about post content, tailor it for your audience. What do they want to see? Give it to them and watch the likes and comments roll in.

Inc. recommends using cultural triggers in your photos to appeal to your specific audience. For instance, if your targets are mostly millennials, you could give a nod to millennial nostalgia and post about a ‘90s trend or touchstone.

Inc. says this immediately forges an emotional connection between you and your followers, and that’s huge for engagement.

5. Include CTAs in Your Captions for Social Media Marketing

Yep, using calls-to-action (CTAs) is a great strategy for IG, too. A good CTA can be inspiring or encouraging enough that your followers will want to comment and like your posts.

For instance, asking questions encourages a flurry of activity in the comments. It can be as simple as inquiring what your followers are up to, or asking for their opinion about a certain topic.

You can also take an impromptu “poll” of your audience – make a relevant statement, then tell them to “like” your post if they agree with you.

6. Host an Instagram Contest

Hosting a contest is a great way to encourage engagement and get noticed on IG.

To start one, usually, you just need some swag. To announce the contest/giveaway, post a photo of it on your account and describe what the goods are.

For lots of engagement, require entrants to complete a number of tasks. They can like the photo, follow your account, and leave a comment, or tag a few friends in the comments. They can even repost the photo. Each task counts as an entry and increases their chances of winning.

For maximum impact, team up with another business account on the contest so you can share followers and engagement.

7. Use a Consistent Filter on Photos

Unsurprisingly, the IG accounts that get the most engagement and notice are consistent in every way. They:

  • Post consistently
  • Post consistent, relevant, interesting photos
  • Use consistent photo filters for a unified look

Yes, even your photo filters can contribute to the notice you get. For a unified brand look, stick to the same one or two filters to improve the look of your photos.

Don’t use a random array of photo edits – when people visit your feed to see what you’re about, your grid will look random, too.

In short, to draw them in, keep things consistent and unified, right down to the look of your photos.

Use Instagram to boost your Social Media Marketing

If you can get noticed on Instagram, you could boost your overall social media marketing results by leaps and bounds.

Cultivating your social presence, however, takes time and effort. You can’t use the easy way out, and you have to be consistent, above all.

IG is huge right now, and if you’re not yet taking advantage, what are you waiting for? There are hundreds of millions of people on the platform right now, and plenty would be ready and willing to follow your brand.

Get noticed the right way, and you could draw followers and grab engagement. Plus, more importantly, you’ll win conversions and customers.

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These 10 Tips Will Help You Get Noticed on Instagram

By Rob Nightingale


If you only have a handful of followers on Instagram and aren't receiving the likes or comments that you want, these tips will definitely help.

Have you been using Instagram for a while with only have a handful of followers to show for it? Do you rarely receive likes and comments on your photos, despite your best efforts?

If so, these tips should help you make a splash and give you a better idea of how to get your Instagram profile noticed.

1. Upload Only Your Best Photos

Take a look at the people that you follow on Instagram. Unless they're friends, celebrities, or more practical Instagram accounts, you're likely following them because you love their photos. Put yourself in your followers' shoes. One way to get noticed on Instagram is to learn from their example and to only share photos with them that you, yourself, love.

When people land on your Instagram account, you'll want them to be blown away with your smartphone photography skills. This will not happen unless you're only posting your best shots to your public profile.

This doesn't mean you must stop posting all those impromptu selfies and less-polished photos. For these photos, you could always create a finsta account or just send them to your Close friends list.

When you post a shot to your Close friends list, it does not appear on your public profile so you don't need to worry about it tainting the rest of your Instagram portfolio.

2. Pick a Niche

If you're trying to get Instagram followers, it's likely you're looking for a certain kind of follower. If you travel a lot, you'll want to appeal to other travelers. If you're a foodie, you want other foodies to tag along on your food adventures. Taking Instagram seriously means always keeping this in mind.

Make sure that each photo you upload will be interesting to your "ideal follower". One of the main reasons people unfollow accounts on Instagram is because the photos being shared simply don't resonate with them, so be careful not to fall into that trap.

3. Have Your Own Aesthetic

People also follow Instagram accounts because they love the aesthetic of that account. They love the style of the photos being uploaded. You can't have this appeal if you're constantly changing the filters that you use, hopping between color and black and white, or playing around with different styles day in, day out.

Spend some time figuring out your own aesthetic. Accidentally Wes Anderson focuses largely on symmetry and pastel colors. Foodstories sticks to beautifully shadowy food and interior styling.

This doesn't mean you're locked into this style forever. You're free to evolve. When it comes to getting people to follow you on Instagram, having a recognizable, largely consistent style can be very helpful.

4. Use Hashtags Wisely

Using hashtags is one of the best ways to get more people to see your photos and videos; Instagram limits the number of hashtags you can use in each post to 30. While there is some debate over how many hashtags you should actually be using, there's no right answer. Using all 30 doesn't appear to bring with it any negative effects, so knock yourself out.

When it comes to picking which hashtags to use, avoid super-popular ones like #love or #instagood. They're too broad. You'll just get lost in the shuffle.

Instead, keep your chosen hashtags highly relevant to your interests. To do this, start typing a hashtag into your caption, and Instagram will suggest alternatives that could perform well for that topic. Don't fall into the trap of using the same hashtags all the time, though. Customize them to the subjects of your photos. You'll reach many more people.

5. Don't Post Too Often

When you don't have any followers, you don't to worry about annoying people by constantly posting too many photos. As soon as your following starts to grow, try not to bother them with too many posts per day. We recommend not posting more than four photos or videos in a 24-hour period.

Read more: What Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

Space them out. Don't upload all your photos at once. You can save posts ready to publish as drafts within Instagram. Preview app is one advanced way to do this and is available on both iOS and Android.

Alternatively, you could use a service such as Buffer to schedule Instagram posts in advance.

Remember, Instagram is a social network, not just a publishing platform. To really succeed, you need to integrate yourself into your Instagram community.

At the very least, this means replying to comments that you receive on your posts, and tagging people and places who are in, or relevant, to your photos. In return, they will receive a notification and might even tag you back. If you're still trying to figure out how to take your Instagram seriously, this is one great place to start.

A simple way to do this is to follow Instagram hashtags that are relevant to your niche. Some photos that are tagged with these hashtags will then appear in your feed. Spend some time leaving valuable comments on these posts and following profiles you admire. This will put you on the radar of other people in your niche.

If you have the time, consider trying out Gary Vaynerchuk's $1.80 strategy. This is where you leave your two cents (Without spamming people!) on the top nine posts of 10 relevant hashtags each day. Before long, you'll become a contributing member of your community. You can learn more about this strategy in the video below.

7. Use Instagram Stories to Get Your Photos Seen

Instagram Stories have quickly become a key part of the platform and can be a great way to build loyalty and engagement in your community. We recommend these tips to make your Instagram Stories more engaging. Don't forget about apps that will make your Stories more awesome!

The thing to note here is that Stories are a great way to share more dynamic, unpolished content that can offer a "behind-the-scenes" look at whatever you're sharing on your main profile.

An additional benefit is that individual Stories can contain links to your website. This is something you really can't do on your main Instagram posts, making it one of the only ways to drive your Instagram followers elsewhere.

8. Post Multiple Images at Once

If you shot a bunch of photos during a shoot, you might want to publish these as a multi-image post rather than as lots of individual posts. Multi-image posts can contain up to 10 images, all sharing a single caption. Users can swipe through them from left to right before continuing to scroll through their feed.

The benefit to this is that you can tell a more comprehensive story within a single post. This could be showing behind-the-scenes snippets to your main image, or several angles to a single location or subject.

This is far better than pepper-spraying your profile with lots of shots that might all look very similar.

9. Include Calls to Action

If you really want more interaction on Instagram, don't be afraid to ask for it. Ask a question in the caption, like adventurer Alastair Humphreys has done in the post below.

Ask people to like the photo if they do, in fact, like it. Start a conversation. Request recommendations. This method works for getting more interaction on blog posts, as well as for Facebook and Twitter interactions, and it works just as well on Instagram.

10. Take Your Editing to the Next Level

If you want to stand out even more, another great way to do so is to edit your photos using a different photo-editing app. Instagram's editing features are all well and good, but there are many better options out there right now.

We've included many of these in our lists of the best photo editing apps for Android and the best photo editing apps for iPhone.

How to Get Attention on Instagram: Become an Instagram Maestro

By implementing some or all of the tips listed here, you'll not only create a far more attractive profile, but you'll also become a real part of your own community on Instagram and could even find yourself making money.

Keep up with all of this, and you'll gradually see your brand solidify and your followers and interaction increase. You'll be able to reach a far greater number of people. Who knows? Maybe you'll even get verified one day.

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About The Author

Rob Nightingale has a degree in Philosophy from the University of York, UK. He has worked as a social media manager and consultant for over eight years, while giving workshops in several countries. After working primarily as a technology writer from 2014 to 2018, Rob now serves as MakeUseOf's Social Media Manager and Newsletter Editor. You'll usually find him traveling the world, and experimenting with photography.

40 tips on how to promote your Instagram

1. Do not forget to put hashtags that will help increase the number of subscribers: #instafollow, #l4l (Like for like), #tagforlikes and #followback.

2. Like as much as possible. For every 100 likes you give to random photos, you will get an average of 6 new followers.

3. Run contest . The easiest way to do this is to post a themed picture and ask people to like it so they can participate.

4. Start promoting profile on your pages in other social networks. Write what your blog is about and why people should read it and invite them to join.

5. Be generous with likes and comments - this is the easiest way to attract new subscribers.

6. Use common hashtags to make your photos visible in the global search. Among the most popular are #love, #instagood, #fashion and #photooftheday.


7. Time matters. Research has shown that the best time to fast is between 2 pm and 5 pm.

8. Follow people who use popular hashtags (#followme, #likeforlike) because many of them will follow you back.

9. Remember, quality is important , not quantity. Monitor your profile and leave only beautiful and high-quality photos. Believe me, no one is interested in flipping through hundreds of photos of salads.

10. Love the Mayfair filter. Track Maven listed this filter on The Fortune 500 Instagram as the best choice for marketers.

11. Check that you have completed the biography section . Complete it with suitable words and hashtags, and also provide a link to your website. But remember: no spam! Otherwise, subscribers will lose interest in the profile.

12. Ask questions to subscribers. This is a great way to connect with your target audience.

13. Post on Sundays . It is on this day that people post photos a little, so your post will be seen by the maximum number of people.


14. Be consistent with . Think about who and why you are doing this. The more clearly you answer these questions, the faster you will attract the right audience.

15. Call people to action. For example, ask them to write their opinion about your photo in the comments.

16. Don't be afraid to post often. It may seem that the more often the photos flash, the more indifferent the subscribers behave. But according to the Union Metrics program, there is no relationship between posting frequency and audience activity. At least negative.

17. Follow suggested users. Go to settings and select "Find and invite friends" and then "Recommended users".

18. Set geolocation . This will be especially useful if you run an Instagram company. So you will have the opportunity to attract new subscribers-neighbors.

19. Schedule publications with the Later program. Consistency never hurt anyone.

20. Agree with popular blogger to advertise your profile or product. So information about you will quickly scatter over the network.

21. Research has shown that blue images get 24% more likes than orange or red images. Post something blue and see for yourself!

22. Let fast on Wednesdays become your obligatory ritual. This is because posts get more attention and likes in the middle of the week.

23. Write the word "comment" more often in posts. This encourages your followers to share their opinions and be more willing to join the discussion.

24. Post photos showing 's face. According to research, such publications are 35% more popular than others.

25. Tag in photos of people. Your post will also be seen by friends of friends.

26. Remember the rule: the more light the better.

27. If you have a business account, create a branded hashtag . So users can specify it when purchasing a product. And it will increase your visibility on Instagram several times over.

28. Share live photos. Show that behind the beautiful picture there are living people .

29. Business trick: share photos of your followers mentioning your brand or product. This pleasant step shows that you value each client. In return, they will definitely share your photos in their feed.

30. Brand yourself : Use your nickname for more than just your profile. A notebook, a case or a branded sticker on a car will surely attract the attention of potential subscribers.


31. Invite friends from Facebook to follow you. To do this, in the profile settings, select "Find friends on Facebook."

32. People love stories. Share your experiences and thoughts, so you will gain their trust and establish contact. Just remember that the post should be emotional and bright, not snot in sugar.

33. Tag people , even in stories, don't be lazy.

34. Do not be shy in your posts to ask for likes . As practice has shown, such publications receive 89% more likes.

35. In advance plan not only time, but also content. Prepare your materials and only then start filling out your feed. For example, write posts for a few days in advance, and then publish them gradually. The Instagram filling schedule will help you stay focused on the main topic of the blog.

36. Post a motivational or inspirational quote .

37. Synchronize phone book with your account. Go to settings and select "Contacts" in the "For Subscriptions" section.

38. Be active on profiles with similar topics. Especially if you run a business profile. Chat in the comments , ask questions and let influencers know about you.

39. Collaborate with other users. Find accounts with the same number of followers and invite their owners to arrange a joint promotion. This will help you and your partners to win an audience and attract the attention of new people.

40. Create a unique hashtag, by which you can organize a challenge for your subscribers.

According to

Tags: Instagram, blog, how to become famous, tips, social networks

How to get into interesting things on Instagram: TOP recommendations 2022 a great free opportunity to promote and build a sales funnel. Instagram algorithms themselves determine the target audience that will see your publications.

Therefore, in the article I will tell you how to get into interesting things on Instagram, what affects it and answer the most common questions.

Where to find interesting things

Initially, Instagram recommendations were compiled from the most popular posts. Only celebrity accounts and major brands were displayed there, and users with a smaller audience did not have a chance to get there. Now everything is different.

To go to the interesting section on Instagram, click on the magnifying glass icon in the application or on the compass in the web version. The homepage offers a feed that is personally generated for you, which includes not only photo content, but also videos, stories, IGTV and products.

You may have noticed that some posts are displayed larger - most often Instagram focuses on videos, gifs and stores.

Above the feed there are buttons with top publications in IGTV (there are also live broadcasts), shops and popular posts in various categories from architecture to sports.

In addition to a separate tab, recommendations are now displayed directly in the feed: when you scroll through it all (which is rare), Instagram will warn you that new posts from your subscriptions have ended, but you can see those that might interest you.

If you are not interested in the recommendations, Instagram allows you to return to the publications you have already viewed.

Formation algorithm

Instagram analyzes the actions of each user and generates individual recommendations in accordance with his interests.

Not everything gets into the interesting, but publications from relevant accounts. If Instagram decides that the account is questionable, contains spam, or contains material that violates the rules (for example, calls for violence), then its posts will not be included in the recommendations.

First, the algorithm selects 500 potentially interesting records for the user, then filters them down to 150 relevant ones. Of these, 50 are selected, 25 of which fall into the interesting.

If the user's interests change (or new ones are added), then the algorithm is rebuilt - this is a continuous process.

By the way, when you open a post from recommendations in the app, the social network shows not the next post from the interesting feed, but similar ones (and, of course, randomly intersperses them with suitable advertising or products).

As an advertisement

- Reasons for the recommendation

Now let's take a closer look at the algorithms, let's figure out how what the social network recommends is formed. Instagram usually directly tells what prompted her to show you this or that publication.

1. Instagram recommendations

This category includes posts that the algorithms have found potentially interesting for you. They may be slightly different from the content you usually interact with and add variety to the feed.

From the social network
2. Based on the accounts you follow

These are usually either accounts similar to your subscriptions or profiles that are followed by those you follow. Such publications are offered to a target audience similar to the target audience of the original blog - the coverage increases accordingly.

By subscription accounts
3. Based on the photos they liked

Everything is simple here: the user likes funny photos with kittens, algorithms read his behavior and offer him new publications with kittens in the recommendations.

Or, if we talk about business, a user, for example, likes the posts of a children's goods store and receives even more children's products from other stores in Interesting.

Based on liked photos
4. Based on saved posts

Here is about the same principle as above with likes. The difference is that Instagram's algorithms value saves much more than likes. They say the latter are often set automatically when scrolling the feed, but the most useful and relevant content for the user gets into the favorites.

By saved posts
5. Based on interactions with similar posts

Interactions in the understanding of Instagram include likes, comments, saves, reposts in stories, and even just browsing. This category has great potential to attract new audiences.

On interaction with similar posts

By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool


There are no specific step-by-step instructions on how to get into recommendations, but I will list the key factors for getting there and give you tips and tools.

1. High-quality and regular content

When filtering, Instagram algorithms consider not so much individual posts as accounts as a whole. What does this mean? Profiles with questionable content or spam have a much lower chance of getting into Interesting than "respectable" ones.

Inappropriate content includes: depiction or promotion of violence, self harm, bullying, nudity, sale or promotion of drugs and firearms. If none of this is on your page (I hope so), then there will be no problems.

Also, publications must be in different formats: photos, videos, carousels, etc. But at the same time, do not spray on topics. This will make it easier for Instagram to understand which audience to offer your posts to.

For example, if your blog is mostly about travel, but you want to do something else, carefully weave in a mention of the main topic. Let's say you wrote about going to the movies with your family, but you mentioned that you were in the city where the movie was filmed.

Services for organizing a content plan and posting will help to simplify the maintenance of a profile.

Service Cost (per month) Free period Functionality
Live Dune From 400 ₽
(promo code “INSCALE” - 30% discount + 7 days of access)
7 days - Autoposting;
- Account analytics;
- Monitoring comments.
SmmBox From 300 ₽ 14 days - Content search;
- Content adaptation;
- Creation of a content plan;
- Image editor;
- Delayed posting.
SMMplanner From 450 ₽ 7 days - Postponed publications;
- Image editor.
Postmypost From 450 ₽ 3 days - Autoposting;
- Account analytics;
- Monitoring comments;
- Delayed posting.

2. Analytics

Analyze your own profile. If you have a business account or an author account, you can do it right in the app's statistics. How to switch to this, and what goodies come from this, read the articles.

Examine the data on your publications: which content gets more response from the audience, which posts get more comments, and which ones get reposts and saves. Look at the reach, and where they appear. So you will understand which type of posts has a high chance of getting into the recommendations.

Also in the profile statistics you will get a basic idea of ​​your target audience and the time of its maximum activity. This will help you post on time. And the more actively they react to the post, the higher it will be displayed in the feed of subscribers. Accordingly, the engagement rate will increase, which means that there is a high probability that the post will be included in the recommendations to subscribers of subscribers.

Study the target audience and focus on it. To draw up a more accurate portrait of the target audience, look at who else your followers subscribe to, whom they actively like and comment on, how often posts are posted on these blogs, etc.

Analysis can be carried out not only manually, but also with the help of services, so I will leave the most popular ones below.

Service Cost Free period Functionality
Livedune From 300 ₽/month 7 days - Autoposting;
- Account analytics;
- Monitoring comments.
Instahero From 99 ₽/analysis (“INSCALE” 30% discount) No - Account analytics;
- Profile rating;
- Monitoring and deleting subscribers;
- Spam protection.
Spam Guard From 99 ₽/analysis (“inscale” discount 20%) 1 check - Account analytics;
- Profile rating;
- Monitoring and deleting subscribers;
- Spam protection.
trendHERO From 742 ₽/month Free plan - Account Analytics;
- Search and check bloggers;
- Advertising monitoring.
Adlover 1500 ₽/month Free plan - Account Analytics;
- Advertising monitoring.

3. Different Ways of Promotion

Getting into the interesting is, of course, a great (and, most importantly, free) way of promotion, but don't ignore the others:

- Mass actions

Mass looking, mass following, mass liking is, of course, a gray area of ​​promotion that is not approved by the Instagram administration. But with careful use, the method will provide significant assistance in promoting your account. In the table below, I have collected reliable services for mass actions.

Service Cost (per month) Free period Promo code
Zengram 1 490 ₽ 3 days "INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on all
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day -
Instaplus. pro 299 ₽ 5 days INSCALE 20% discount
- Cheat

A method for which we do not drown and believe that it is applicable only at the start of an account, since it is difficult to immediately gain decent indicators. In the table I have collected popular services where you can wind up likes, subscriptions, reposts, comments, etc.

By the way, some of them work like exchanges, that is, you can complete simple tasks, for example, put likes, earn on it, and spend points on your own promotion.

Service Cost per action
Likemania $0.15
Prostospec $0.33
TaskPay From 0.2 ₽
SMMlaba From 0.8 ₽
- Targeted advertising

If you don't know what this tool is at all, or you know it only superficially, then we have a whole article about targeting, even a beginner will understand it. And of course, to help catch a list of services for using advertising.

Service Cost (per month) Free period
GetUniq Calculated individually No
Aori From 5 000 ₽ No
eLama 5 000 ₽ Yes

Life hack. Instagram allows you to add alternative text to images, this will positively affect the display of your posts in keyword searches.

4. Interaction with the audience

Do you remember the importance of engagement rate for blog promotion? The best recipe for increasing ER is to create engaging content.

We already have a whole article on this topic, where you will find a bunch of ideas, life hacks and tips on how to engage your audience through publications.

The easiest and most obvious way to interact with subscribers is to communicate with them in the comments. Also, your likes and comments on the posts of subscribers and bloggers with a target audience similar to yours will bring additional benefits.

Also, people love live broadcasts very much, and in the recommendations they are highlighted in a separate category. Broadcasts with answers to questions, streams, joint live broadcasts with other bloggers - you know what to do. In the table I will leave services with tools to increase engagement.

Service Cost (per month) Free period Functionality 990 ₽
By promo code "inscale" +5 additional days to use (after payment of any of the tariffs)
No - Chatbot;
- Instagram games;
- Advertising in stories.
SUB.BY From 630 ₽ No - Gamification.
Morecom From 150 ₽ 7 days - Monitoring of comments and mentions;
- Holding lotteries.
Instaways From 399 ₽ Free plan - Giveaway and contest tools.

5. Geotags and hashtags

Don't ignore geotags, even though at first glance they seem to be completely insignificant. Recommendations are formed, including by the location of the user, so for a local business or blogger, geotags are one of the key factors for getting into interesting places.

Now to the hashtags. Do not use a large number, about 10 is enough. Before choosing, check its frequency - it makes no sense to use too general and abstract ones, because your publication will instantly be lost in thousands of others. It is better to add more specific tags that are close to your activity or subject. If you want more details and on the shelves, then go to the article.

I also compiled for you the top parsing services for Instagram, with which you can filter users by geolocation and hashtags.

Service Cost (per month) Free period Promo code
Zengram 1 490 ₽ 3 days "INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on all
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day - 299 ₽ 5 days INSCALE 20% discount

6. Collaboration with brands and influencers

The more you interact with other users, the more you will appear in the recommendations. This can be done both directly and indirectly.

- Direct

As I said above, subscribing to bloggers that your target audience subscribes to will work well - your account will be displayed in interesting as similar.

Tag your brand in your posts: brand sms checks the brand and can like it. And this means that your blog will appear in the recommendations of the brand's followers.

The same principle applies to bloggers-influencers: Kim Kardashian, of course, will not like you back, but a local opinion leader or a blogger with a similar topic will do.

- Indirect

Now about cooperation by agreement. I will not tire of talking about the benefits of mutual PR (and I remind you that it is absolutely free). So you will be included in the recommendations to the subscribers of the partner blogger, and he will be in yours.

And, of course, another option is to buy advertising from bloggers. Below is a table with the best exchanges where you can find partners.

Exchange Commission/Tariffs Number of bloggers Accessible information about bloggers
EpicStars From 4 999 ₽ 500 000 - Number of subscribers;
- Level of engagement;
- Integration cost;
- Advertising review cost;
- Possibility of advertising for barter;
- Extended blogger statistics.
SocialTrade Blogger paying 1500 - Number of subscribers;
- Advertising coverage;
- Advertising cost;
- Blogger statistics.
trendHERO There is a free tariff 80+ million - Number of subscribers;
- Blog theme;
- Demographics of subscribers;
- Statistics per day and CPM for 1,000 impressions;
- Advertising cost;
- Extended blogger statistics (90+ metrics).

Frequently Asked Questions

Now I will answer questions that you may have, at the same time I will tell you about something that may not have been covered in the previous chapter.

- How to turn off Interesting?

You cannot turn it off completely, but you can adjust the content that the algorithm offers you. To do this, open the publication, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “not interested” in the menu.

- Is it possible to get into recommendations by getting likes?

Boosting likes will not work here: the Instagram algorithm will consider it as suspicious activity, and on the contrary, it will have a bad effect on your reputation and reduce the likelihood of your blog getting into interesting ones.

The principle of its formation is the individual selection of content for each user based on his interactions and likes, and if they are cheated by bots and empty accounts, there is no sense in this.

- How do I know if my post has been featured in Interesting?

Firstly, if it gets into the recommendations, the activity on it increases significantly compared to the average. It partially affects other posts, but the main surge occurs on the one that goes viral.

Secondly, if you have a business account, you can see the statistics for each publication: there is an “Impressions” section, it shows the number of impressions of a post from different sources.

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- Can I force a specific post to be recommended?

Unfortunately, it's not you who decides here, but artificial intelligence. Of course, posts with high activity in the first hour after publication are more likely to get featured in Interesting, but in general, the algorithm focuses not on individual, but on the entire account.

- Does the text affect the hit in Interesting?

Absolutely! Add keywords related to your blog topic to your post and write alt text to make it easier for Instagram algorithms to recognize your target audience.

Briefly about the main thing

Getting into recommendations is an effective way to show posts to friends of friends and, accordingly, increase coverage and gain followers on Instagram.

Learn more